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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 30, 2023 2:06am-2:35am PST

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>> the manhunt in oakland for a police officer's killer. roads are flooded, trees are toppled and we are not done with the rain. plus -- hear from the guy that wrote out this roadway. maybe hit this and then i hit this. and -- why california cannot kick donald trump off the ballot. >> people think california is a great frustrated that does whatever it wants to do. >> for now, anyway. from kpix, this is late news with sara donchey . on cbs news bay area. >> good evening, i am juliette goodrich in for sarah tonight. the bay area got drenched today and it looks like the rain is starting to come down but we are not done with the storm yet. heavy rain earlier today turned the sonoma county road into a rushing river. station road just outside of windsor was impassable. and up the
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road in cloverdale, a falling tree took out a deck on river road. fortunately nobody was hurt some powerlines also came down. and on the coastline, there is still a risk of powerful waves and choppy serve, parts of santa cruz county under evacuation warnings right now including capitola village where business owners broke out the sandbags tonight. oh yes, waves like these pounded the coastline, flooding the village and causing damage and people are still warned to stay away from the coast. let's get more on our weather forecast into the new year, let's head on over to meteorologist darren peck. one item at a time we will talk more about the high surf because we've got another one. a totally new and separate as well, that is a factor but first, dealing with the initial element of the storm, that is this really well organized cold front that has been marching
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across the bay. since about 5:00 this evening. if you watched the last two hours, you can actually see the cold front, watch that line as a ghost to the santa clara valley into the tri-valley and rights to exit towards the used . so we are through the heaviest and most widespread steady rain, if you look at what is left in terms of a flood advisory, there is one little patch here through santa clara valley. into the san mateo county. and mountain view you are included where we still have a flood advisory there and of course the santa cruz mountains have one as well. so slightly elevated streams there and for mountain view it will be more of the water on the roadways, so a little extra time on the road. then we will change our attention on the storm because we will say goodbye to the widespread steady rain is that moves east. and then look what comes in behind it. you will see isolated pop-up showers
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with occasional downpours, this is what comes into the overnight hours. that is at 2:30, there is 3:00 and there is 4:00. don't be surprised if you hear some thunder overnight as these come through as we get into the morning hours, they will wind down. look how we did today for rainfall totals when we talk about having a flood advisory, the totals were certainly impressive enough in spots to do it because it came on fairly quickly. a lot of places getting close to half an inch of rain, look at the north bay with the number closer to 2 inches and talking about the flooding on mark west, that happened at about the 5:00 hour because most of that rain came through the early time of the day. so okay we shift our focus, we will talk about a high surf warning and then we will see the next system, more rain in the seven day forecast and i will see what that in a
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few minutes. now to oakland where the killing of an undercover police officer has sent shockwaves to the community, police say that 36-year-old tuan le was killed, trying to stop thieves from raiding a cannabis dispensary. it happened early this morning near jacqueline and square, officer le was in plain clothes and driving an unmarked car when he was fatally shot. the shooter is still on the loose tonight. his death is a huge shock to the department which hasn't seen an officer killed on duty within 14 years. talking with community leaders about the legacy that officer le leaves behind. >> reporter: so many people have been impacted by the death of officer tuan le here in oakland and across the bay area, specifically people within the local api community, many telling me, that they knew officer le personally and commended him for his commitment and service to oakland. >> he has always been there for many of us. >> reporter: carl chen is the president of the oakland
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chinatown chamber foundation, working with so many people in the api community over the years, so when he heard the news, that 36-year-old officer tuan le was killed in the line of duty, he was crushed. >> it was upsetting, because at the beginning we didn't know the name but once we found out it was officer le, tuan le. and it was pretty devastating. >> reporter: carl says one of officer lays relative is on the board of the oakland chinatown chamber foundation carl says he actually met officer le a few times at different events in town. >> upbeat and very happy and whenever things happen, he was always really calm. and so that when you are surrounded with him, you will always feel calm and safe. >> reporter: according to oakland pd, officer le was
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born in vietnam before later moving to oakland and he officially became an american citizen on september 11th, 2001 and graduated from the police academy in february of 2020. opd described officer le as a devoted husband to his wife and someone who will be remembered for his kindness, his smile and the positive change that he brought to the lives of those around him. they called him a true hero who dedicated his life to making the community safer. carl told me, that he couldn't agree more. >> we want to send our appreciation to officer le, and also thinking the opd for what they have been doing in supporting our city and community. >> reporter: carl told me that he plans to set up a fund for the family but he also says, they are not only going to support the family financially
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but even more important to them, they plan to for the long haul, support the family emotionally. >> governor gavin newsom issued a statement offering condolences to officer lays family and the entire oakland community. and also hearing from former police chief, armstrong, as they grieve together, they should focus on finding the killers and bringing them to justice. so, the city has been without a permanent police chief, since the mayor fired armstrong in february, and they won't have a new one until march at the earliest. that is the new deadline for the police commission to submit a new list of finalists to the mayor after she rejected the last one. armstrong's name was reportedly on it. also, in oakland, the animal shelter, right here bursting at the seams, taking in nearly a dozen dogs per day. as they look ahead to the new
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year, they are hoping to lead the trend they say in 2023 in the past. >> reporter: it has been a rough year, for them. >> we have many more animals coming into the shelter. we definitely had to make a lot more of an effort in getting them adopted or into foster homes. >> reporter: the volunteer coordinator at the oakland animal services, has been working around the clock, trying to find forever homes, for an unprecedented amount of dogs and cats coming to the door. the shelter has 93 dogs right now, about 25% over capacity. and those numbers are only expected to rise. >> people away on vacation, it's not a good time to adopt when you are going away on a long vacation. >> reporter: shelters across the country are starting 2024 with more port that surrenders and they have seen in years, in 2023, oakland animal services,
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saw 31% increase in dogs. >> as animals left the shelter. it just seemed that more animals would come in, every time there was a kennel space. on the very same day. the space would be taken up by another animal to into the shelter. >> reporter: adoptions went through the roof during the pandemic when a nearly one in five households took in a pet, but as people return to work and eviction moratoriums came to an end, shelters experience an influx of animals. to meet the demand, oakland animal services has been updating its website and pushing more adoption events, just to clear some of the kennels. >> for me, the process of adoption is easy, we put a lot of effort in doing that this year, and i think that will carry over into next year because it is going to be momentum behind it now. >> reporter: bring in the new
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year with dogged determination, to find homes, for all of our furry friends. >> all right if you are unsure about adopting, the shelter also looking for foster families, you can drop by any thursday from noon until 7:00 to learn more. a growing number of states, they are trying to strike donald trump from the ballot, but california cannot , at least not yet. and this a video of a rogue wave is scary enough, i imagine being caught in the middle of it. >> i'm in the green. >> a man caught in the middle of it says that when he saw it coming, it was too late. a scary holiday crash left one family with a car full of gifts, until first responders saved the day with a tried-and-true rescue tactic.
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welcome back. california is keeping donald trump on its primary ballot, despite several other states attempts to drop him. including maine and colorado. secretary of state shirley weber told cnn, while she believes trump committed insurrection on january 6th, her office does not have authority to remove them from the ballot. under california election code, only the courts can.
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>> we have and send that it's the end but we have said that we are looking for ways in which we can and we have been looking. people think california is this great liberal state that does everything that it wants to do but it has strict guidelines. >> weber says she has a team of 18 lawyers looking for a case to take to the courts. in the bay area, san pablo police say an argument over a stolen package ended in murder. blakely charged today in the death of a 60-year-old woman. police say that earlier this month, the victim was walking along broadway avenue when blakely confronted her because she believed the woman had stolen a packet from her house. officers say that blakely then intentionally hit the woman with her car. she died from her injuries, on saturday. what may not look like it but the person san francisco firefighters are hauling up the rope is very lucky. they made it out virtually unscathed after their car skidded off the
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road at glen canyon park wednesday and rolled 150 feet down the embankment and there are actually two people in the car, and both had just minor injuries. three san francisco firefighters were hurt when their trucks collided on the way to a fire, video from a citizen , on the scene near lyon and california, so far no word on what caused the crash, which ultimately damaged three parked cars, we are told that the firefighters injuries are moderate expected to be okay. from the hottest temperatures on record, to the lowest ice levels around the and arc, 2023 was a year of unprecedented climate change impact. in the year-end wrap up of our project earth series , we highlight some of the changemakers coming up with ways to help adapt to our warming planet. >> reporter: our project earth took viewers on quite the tour, and the east bay, a
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startup in fremont produced a new take on it old technology, creating a forever battery to store wind and solar power. >> our battery unlike the lithium ion effectively last forever. >> reporter: and berkeley a group of fifth-graders led by their science teacher showed how planting tiny micro forest can try to curb the impacts of climate change. >> we are basically facing 40% biodiversity loss by the end of the decade we need solutions and it is a very effective and solution. >> when i look at it i feel proud. >> reporter: on the peninsula nurturing a new kind of poplar tree, one that is genetically enhanced to grow faster and soak up and store excess carbon dioxide. >> the feedback has been positive we have got people from 100 countries reaching out to was wanting to buy trees. >> reporter: in the north bay, a brother and sister showed viewers how easy it is to
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compost. as a simple valley farmer took the green waste and turned it into top fertilizer. >> we have been composting green waste, six truckloads a day. >> we have an area assigned to us. >> citizen scientists tracked the awesome power of otters, documenting how these critters are helping critical seagrass drive, capture greenhouse gases and prevent coastal erosion. >> it's a beautiful story of nature back in balance. >> reporter: as for san francisco, leading the way on eliminating climate harming inhaled anesthesia gases. >> the very choices in our practices are contributing to admissions and climate change, but it is affecting the very patient's that we sort of take care of. >> reporter: than an exclusive regarding an iconic landmark is our sea levels continue to rise due to climate change, san
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francisco port officials showed cbs news bay area how engineers plan to raise the building by as much as seven feet. >> the first thing we want to do is get the water out, so we install a temporary coffer. >> reporter: while 2023 was packed with fires, floods and record heat and melting glaciers, here is to 2024, with the help of more solutions and strategies heading our way. look how fast that happens. we first showed it last night, that rogue wave that crashed into a crowd there and then look at that, you can see how quickly the car goes, and look at this darren, the water takes it away. and these people had seconds to react as you can see. >> if that. we will go to the weather now. and when we talk about the rogue wave's, it is almost like curiosity killed the cat.
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we say so many times, don't go near the ocean. and you can hear some people saying, i just want the waves. >> from all of the video that we had here, whether it was santa cruz county, san mateo county. and there is always a crowd of people there. >> i am saying there's another surf advisory tonight. >> we have been forecasting the next swell and surf warning, we just kind of over the last two hours went through the peak of it. and in one's that is good but in the other sense there is a surf warning, let me give you the details and i will show you what i mean when we are at the peak of it right now and why we still have to get through tomorrow morning, where this is not done until about 2:00 in the afternoon tomorrow, technically there is a surf warning and a coastal flood advisory right now. we will bring in the imagery that shows this well and if you have been watching for the past few days maybe you can already pick something out on here. the biggest waves have already worked their way through the
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bay and are now going back down towards conception. as it works down the coast. and i'm going to play this forward and you will watch the energy continue to go south and this will get us into tomorrow. we are not done with some wave energy here, it is still high enough that it's a concern but we are passed the peak of this one and this one is not as big as this one came through on thursday. i couple of things on that. staying in effect until 2:00 in the afternoon, just because it's not as bad, thursdays was really exceptional, you don't have to be that bad to be a concern. and what you really want to know now is when is the next high tide and that is why we have been trying to get better acquainted with looking at these, because it was high tide on thursday that played such a big role especially in that surge. and our own issues here, especially at stetson beach. and on thursday, if you take a look at the next two peaks, we still have tomorrow morning and
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then again into the afternoon and remember it is not until 2:00 before we are out of this current high surf warning. this is the live radar and we are watching the band of rain that has moved out towards the east now in terms of the widespread steady nature of it. the rain itself is not done but the cold front, that really beautifully well-organized defined line of yellow and orange that we were watching across the bay, all evening throughout every one of our newscasts we literally watched it all night long. and we can now finally say, that it is to the east of the bay and it's in the central valley and on the future cast , we will pick up that story where i left off, and in the top of the newscast, when we talk about what comes next. and just to show you how that place through, this is a little bit more exaggerated, the high-resolution forecast model tends to really highlight the potential for these. and it has a track record this winter of
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overdoing it a bit. but the ingredients are still there, so the possibility is still there for isolated showers and scattered thunderstorms from this tomorrow. and then we will get a break, watch what happens to the next storm, you will see it come out of the pacific right there. a little bit of a curveball, that works to keep us grain-free. because they will take that system there and play this into new year's day. that next one, is the focus, we will start turning our attention to, next. as we start to come out of this current storm cycle and take a breather. we will start getting ready for the tuesday and wednesday system and you can see how this one is put together that looks like a pretty good fetch of moisture and there are a couple more after that. and it is an el nino winter after all. we haven't forgotten that. we will take these one at a time. we won't go that far down the road. just because the long-range model shows another
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that it is necessarily coming for us, so stay on top of the forecast with us and we will have more. so if we put it into the seven-day forecast or probably the next concern for so many of us, new year's eve will be fine. and new year's day will also be great and tuesday and wednesday our next system i know it looks like we have more rain on wednesday this will be another one where it will split the difference and come right in between the two, it will be tuesday night into wednesday, that is where the timing stands on that one for now. juliet, back to you. they say that god doesn't play favorites but apparently jesus does, at least when it comes to sports heroes. coming up on the red and gold report, all options are on for ky
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this is the volkswagen, red and gold report. >> the 49ers are double-digit favorites, the commanders though, they lost six straight games and nothing to play for except for a chance to knock the 49ers out of the top spot in the nfc. >> obviously everything gives their best shot when i come to town. mike it's fun to try to earn summary else's season. george gill has a little bit extra to play for, nine yards away from his first 1000 yard season, since 2019. that would put him and brandon i you in an exclusive company. >> a look at my twitter stats, but it is cool when you're on
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a team that has a lot of guys. >> they are said to become the fourth duo in history to each have 1000 yard seasons and the first sense jerry rice and owen's back in 1998. the 49ers secondary will be adjusted regardless of who plays quarterback. they have been rolled out with a knee injury, kyle shanahan exploring all options to replace brown even the hall of fame safety, already in the building. >> anybody who says they are a corner safety, and if those guys go down, i would say a linebacker is a possibility. eventually it will be after that. >> 40 red and gold report, im ryan yamamoto. a monumental tribute for brazilian soccer legend to mark one year since he died at the age of 82. so during a ceremony held at rio de janeiro
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iconic christ the redeemer, organizes predicted the image of a jersey with the name and number 10 on the statue, it all came with a lot of pop and circumstance. so the ceremony also featured a message from pope francis who referred to the lifelong catholic by his nickname, the king of soccer. some firefighters in florida really went above and beyond to save christmas for a family from a terrifying crash, a parent and three kids were on the road when their car crashed into a ditch, fortunately they are all okay. after pulling on the safety, firefighters formed a human chain to save the gifts, still trapped in the wreckage. >> the firefighters and everybody that was there, they were so helpful. >> i just want to thank you guys for doing everything that you do. >> and that is what they do, a
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full-service fire department by the way, not only do they say the presence, they sorted them, dried them and even gave the family a few extras from their own donation pile. good thing nobody had to form a human chain to rescue this gal. we have more examples of why you should stay away from the surf. >> kind of big , and a cleanup that came through. it will knock you on the head.
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all right , darren we had a bit of a glitch earlier but maybe you didn't notice. but we were talking about gilbert's wild ride through the rogue wave in ventura, you were meant to actually hear from him. as promised, here is his side of the story. >> i am in the green. and we have the helmet in the green. i think i got a picture with one of these. i maybe did this and then i for sure hit this. >> here is his side of the story. beep. >> i thought it was all going to be beeped. >> there you go again. considering all of that, he just walked away with some bumps and bruises. sending a total eight people to the hospital, all of them had to be believed.
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this woman only got wet, when the wave crashed over her in montecito. some surfers who actually went out in the water found out the hard way, maybe not such a good idea. >> i got tossed around like a rag doll. that was the worst knock around that i got this year. so that really woke me up. >> i would say. just down the coast, another server actually came back to shore with more boards than he started with. >> i got out there, and a big kind of -- clean up came through, and just knocked me on the head. >> wow. >> dude, that is a surfer story. >> that


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