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tv   The Late News  CBS  January 13, 2024 2:06am-2:35am PST

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first thing that comes to mind. >> and a group of jewish families pulling students out of an east bay school district, they say for their safety. plus, get ready for a stormy saturday. paul is tracking the rain. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey. aren't we glad we made it through such a long week and into the weekend? but if it was something you had to do outside tomorrow that you were looking forward to, we hate to be the bearer of bad news. paul is tracking a storm headed our way. when do we expect it to start? >> we're seeing a few showers already this evening. a lot of this over the past couple of hours on the doppler loop has been evaporating on the day down. but the rain chances really ramp up as the sun comes up tomorrow morning. it will be a generally wet day throughout the day north of the golden gate. good r■ain chances throughout the day. mostly light to moderate rain, but
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then a band of heavy rain moves into the north baby the early evening. you'll be the first ones to dry out later in the evening. around san francisco and oakland, we'll have off and on intermittent showers throughout the day, but it won't be a complete all day washout. the band of heaviest rain will move in around 8:00. so mid-evening for san francisco, oakland, and further to the east into the east bay. we'll see drier conditions south into the santa clara valley is rain is more miss than hit, but it will move in late evening and overnight. so how much rain are we talking about? in general about a half inch to inch is what we're anticipating. we'll outline some boom and bust neighbors, outlining the range of possibilities. we could get a quarter inch on the low end of the spectrum. around san francisco, we have the potential for about an inch of rain the most likely scenario,
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but maybe on a half inch or an inch and a half on the low and max ends. about an inch on a widespread bases. santa clara expecting about an inch and a half of rain. and some spots indicating two inches could fall. we'll fill in the rest of the map and look at it hour by hour in a few minutes. thank you. we've been talking a lot about keith lee this week. he's one of the most popular food reviewers on tiktok. so when he announced he was coming to the bay area, business owners were begging him to come by. one good review from keith could turn business around. but he announced he was cutting his trip short. >> this is the first city where i have over six videos i don't feel comfortable posting because nothing about my experience was constructive, and nothing that i said was constructive. i've always been big on honesty and transparency, but never been big on completely tearing down anybody. i feel like those
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videos are only doing that. i had to go to the hospital because i had an allergic reaction. i specifically asked if they cooked shell fish on the same grill. they said yes, but they'd clean it. i had an allergic reaction right away. >> reaction to that video was swift and sparked a conversation that's gone well beyond burgers and fries. left tweeted in part some of y'all were focused on the food when lee was focused on structural inequality, and fran's gallery said i think he perfectly addressed his trip to the bay in the most respectful way to believe. the internet is just filled with bitter people, and you can't please everyone. bay area food bloggers have all been sharing their hot takes. i spoke to a local influencer, adonis eats, and his theory seems to be keith was going about it the wrong way. >> if you're going to come in
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as a tourist or as a new visitor and not actually have a local foodie who knows the restaurants. especially the type that he specializes. because he really focuses on small businesses, american food. he's look for businesses not really popular yet. he's trying to find the hidden gems. and i think that's difficult, especially in san francisco and oakland. so it wasn't really a surprise. but you really got to get to meet the locals, the people. the people that are behind the restaurants. the real locals that have been around forever. get to know them and find out what they eat. >> so it doesn't look like the bay area is going to get a redo here, but i did have to ask adonis where he would have taken keith if he had the chance. >> off top i would have take him to the bay viewpoint, i would have take him to see my friends frank grizzly, a cali
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mexican restaurant off 3rd and bancroft. i would have taken him to gumbo social, and then probably south city to sub culture deli off top. >> keith since posted a video saying he's just a regular guy. he felt like he didn't need a tour guide, but he's still working on his craft. still, it wasn't all bad news. andrea nakano reports on one of the few bright spots in keith's business that brought a big boost to an oakland restaurant. >> reporter: on the corner of 14th avenue and east 21st street in oakland sits the luxe box. a mom and daughter store that started with them cooking in their home kitchen. >> today is our one-year anniversary. >> reporter: elise calls her 16-year-old daughter the backbone of her business. she worked extremely hard to get to where they are today. now
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they've experienced what a keith lee review can do to their business. >> today all these people are here. it's 5:00, and we're sold out. >> reporter: lee didn't have many great things to say about some of the restaurants he tried in the bay area, but called luxurious cuisine the highlight of the trip leaving a big tip. while she's not complaining about the positive review, she was a bit concerned. she worried she didn't have enough inventory and staff to handle the extra business. >> he came to mom and pop small businesses, the exposure is supposed to bring us business. it's hard to learn how to run a business property and handle large quantities of customers without the practice. >> reporter: lee did highlight some of the issues plaguing the bay area, calling the number of homeless encampments shocking.
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>> i was glad he brought awareness to it so we could grasp the attention of people that can actually help us. >> reporter: one of the luxurious cuisine's loyal customers agrees. ken davis was raised in oakland and wants city leaders to take action. >> it's not safe like it used to be. it's so bad that now pretty soon you'll have to, like, buy a gun and protect your home and family. >> williams says she's been blown away by the response to keith lee's review of her restaurant. she hopes to one day expand into a franchise. coming up, some jewish families say they're so concerned about antisemitism that they're pulling their kids out of an east bay school district. we talked to parents about the choice to uproot their students. a woman swept off her feet and buried in a tahoe avalanche has this man to thank. what he says about the action he took that saved her life. and paul told you we have to deal with rain, but pro football players in other parts of the country might have to deal with some of the most
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extreme weather ever during an nfl game. we asked
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about 30 jewish families say they don't feel safe sending their kids to oakland schools amid a wave of antisemitism, and they've gone so far as to transfer out of ousd. we spoke to some parents about the tough decision. >> reporter: oakland school district parents rebecca and isaac made the decision to transfer their six-year-old son out of the district following a string of moves by the teachers union and the district that they and other jewish families feel was antisemitic. >> i didn't want to have my child around, you know, educators that might not be able to treat him the same way they treat other students. >> reporter: they joined at least 30 other families who have successfully transferred their students out of the district roughly a month after a group of teachers staged a pro-palestinian teach in that was not sanctioned by the district. it also follows a
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controversial statement by the oakland educator's association that's sense been amended that called for a ceasefire and end to the occupation of palestine. >> i just felt there wasn't a path forward for jewish families because i had reached out to ousd and asked them to have a conversation about how they were going to keep jewish families feeling safe and included when there was lesson plans being taught that said draw the zionist bully. i mean, it didn't, it felt like we were honestly beinged targeted and singled out and alienated. >> reporter: it wasn't an easy decision, they say, to move their son, but one they felt was preventative. >> we were worried if our child stayed in ousd, he'd face more and more hostility in the
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school district. >> reporter: and one jewish parent that also works for the district and spoke to cbs on the condition of anonymity fearing retribution says not enough is being done inside the district to keep jewish students safe. >> just asking that makes me want to cry. i feel profoundly hurt. i feel profoundly ostracized. i feel so misunderstood and somehow labeled as a person that is supporting the harm of others when that is so far from how i see myself. and i see so many areas in which they're failing my family. >> reporter: we reached out today to the oakland school district to get their perspective. they declined to give an interview, but said in this time of heightened tensions, we are regularly
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communicating to our community, reminding them of our core values of love and support, so it should be clear that everyone is welcomed and valued in our schools. but for rebecca and isaac, that's not enough to feel their child is safe at school. >> you know, i want to make sure that he continues to love who he is and where he comes from. turning to other headlines tonight, we're hearing from the man who pulled a woman out of feet of snow after a deadly avalanche in tahoe. >> we realized we were the first responders. we were the most capable of helping right then, and it's super time sensitive. >> he say no worry, i got you. i think that's the best thing i ever heard in my life i feel like. >> lauren ennis and ben erskine were swept into the avalanche themselves while skiing thursday, but were able to free themselves once it stopped, something other skiers couldn't do. so they started pulling people up out of the snow. lauren and janet snapped this photo after the ordeal,
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and janet decided to hit the slopes again the next morning, which is pretty incredible considering what happened to her. a near death experience. paul is now focused on another storm headed towards us, and perhaps, i imagine, leading to more snow in the sierra? >> yes, this is going to be another significant snow maker for the sierra. it will be a decent rain maker for the bay area. not compared in either rain or wind in terms of what we saw last year with those atmospheric rivers. some good news there. this is mostly going to be beneficial. we've seen a few showers skirting through the bay area already this evening, but the bulk of the rain is still down the line. looks pretty widespread to start the day on saturday. it will be light to moderate rain, and for areas south of the golden gate, we'll see the rain in an off and on pattern throughout most of the day on saturday. for the north bay, the rain will be pretty steady light to moderate rainfall for most of the day on saturday. occasional breaks here and there. one break around mid-afternoon, and a break
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implies it stops raining entirely. that won't be the case, but the showers will be more sparse mid to late afternoon before the next band of heavy rain moves in from the north. it hits the north bay tomorrow evening. central baby 8:00 or so, and diving into the valleys by the late evening. this will also be accompanied by the gustiest winds associated with the system. the whole thing moves out by the time the sun comes up sunday, and we'll see breaks in the cloud cover mid-morning sunday. how much rain? on the low end, it's possible this forecast model is correct, and we see a quarter inch or less in rain shadow spots. especially the santa clara valley. in general, i think a half inch to inch in the north bay. the purple indicates the potential for an inch and a half of rain, and even maroon along the coast of sonoma county indicating two and a half inches of total rainfall. that will be enough to watch for some localized flooding problems. no
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significant widespread flooding anticipated, but poor drainage in flood prone areas may have issues saturday evening. and winds pick up as well. the rain noticeable by midday, but the strongest winds accompany the band of heavy rain saturday evening. gustsin the 25 to 35 miles per hour range. not strong enough to do significant tree damage, but enough to cause sporadic power outages. if you live somewhere that's prone to that issue, be prepared for that tomorrow evening into tomorrow night. but the winds calm down by sunday morning as the rain which its. this will be snow maker for the sierra. 10 to 15 inches on a widespread basis. travel is strongly discouraged tomorrow and tomorrow night. here's where you can travel to. the east county animal shelter in dublin to look at an adoptable pup. this is chopper. he won't get to spend much time out in the yard, but they have indoor spaces as well if you're in the market for an adoptable pup, check him out.
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we'll be seeing some indoor time tomorrow, but then outdoor weather takes back over sunday and monday. let's look at the seven-day forecast. we'll see the temperatures running fairly steady as we go into the middle of next week. more rain headed our way by wednesday, but normal high temperatures once we dry out. showers on wednesday ushers in a slightly warmer air mass by thursday and friday. high temperatures running five or six degrees above average into the low 60s. >> you know, paul, all that is one thing, but how are you supposed to throw a football in 50 miles per hour winds, and how are you supposed to catch one in sub zero temperatures? paul will come back to tell us. >> i love san francisco. i love the weather here. ahead in sports, quite the week for coaching legends, and could get bigger sunday for [narrator] covered california is a free service
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there are a couple of important nfl games this weekend, but instead of talking about the match ups, we're talking about the weather because in kansas city and buffalo it's going to be, as paul said, stupid cold. >> it's going to be stupid cold. kickoff temperature in kansas city 2 degrees below 0. the wind chill a robust 20 to 30 degrees below 0. it won't be that cold in buffalo, however, lake effect snow. 18 to 24 inches of snow around orchard park over the course of the weekend into early next week. about 4 to 8 inches could fall during the bills game
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right here on cbs. >> yes! whiteout game! >> they tweeted asking for shovelers to come. >> yeah, because they want people to shovel out the stands and pile it up on the side of the field and try to get out and clear the hash marks and yard lines as much as you can. >> there's no amount. >> lake effect snow is fickle, so there's a significant bust potential if the band shifts two miles away from the stadium, and we're just watching going i guess it's just football. >> but it's still cold. >> and still windy. 50 miles per hour. >> how do you throw in that? >> i mean, josh allen can do that? >> tv guru, paul, how can throw in snow? >> really hard. you know what's as cold as a buffalo playoff game? the golden state warriors. entered friday with a two-game losing streak. home fans even booed the dubs a few nights ago. so a win tonight in chicago,
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paramount. steve kerr and his 1996 championship team inducted into the bulls ring of honor. that ceremony came after chicago lit up golden state in the second quarter. bulls shot 18 of 23. they scored 45 points in the quarter and led 75-62 at the break. it's the third straight game the dubs have allowed 70 or more in the first half. but the warriors came out on fire in the second half. especially klay thompson as golden state started the third on a 25 to 9 run, took the lead. kuminga made his first eight shots off the bench, including the tough bucket to make it 100-92. he finished with 24 points. klay finished the game with 30. warriors out scored chicago 48-20 in the third and had a 15 point lead. but the bulls cut the deficit to six in the fourth. but then steph curry closes the door. he knocked down three straight threes to put the game away
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like only steph can. he had 27 on the night. golden state, good start to the road trip. 140-131 the final. it's been a heck of a week for legendary coaches. the likes of nick saban, pete carroll, and bill belichick ending their historic careers. but there's another on the horizon. close to coach k's record. they had a shot to win, and stanford hangs on 66-64. vandervere can tie coach k's record sunday in the nfl. in the nfl, and it's not cold, it's quite hot in san francisco because the 49ers were represented on the league's all pro team with a
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league high five players named to the first team led by mccaffrey and warner. kittle and williams were also first teamers. nfc playoffs start sunday. nfl playoffs start tomorrow. the lowest seed will play the niners next week. so it will be the bucks, eagles, rams, or packers. niners might have to wait until monday to figure that one out. all right,
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tonight they're kicking off the martin luther king holiday weekend in san francisco with music, including a performance
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by some bay area grammy nominees. >> jump, dance for this country, basically being rammed by this country. >> they're up for best spoken word poetry album. the event was sponsored by the sf civil rights foundation. there's always a lot of frustration on capitol hill, but this time it's ufos giving law makers a headache. plus, you might think these figures were a child's art project, but they actually caused a forensic investigation into possible alien life. we'll show you coming up.
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that music has something to do with the next few stories. they are, as she says, out of this world. she made sure i'd say that pun. lawmakers had a classified closed door briefing about ufos today. it only seemed to make them more frustrated at a lack of information. many said they left the briefing with even more questions. >> of course i can't discuss
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anything classified, but i will say this. i and i think many of my colleagues left with more questions, and we need further answers. i think the person briefing us was good, but there are still unanswered issues and we need further briefings. and this story sounds like a joke, but apparently isn't. a pair of alien mummies that turned up at an airport in peru last year are actually from here on earth. >> oh, you're kidding! >> they were found in a cardboard box dressed in traditional attire. there was speck lake they had alien origins. but a team of scientists say they're not aliens. they're made from animal bones and glue. a mysterious three fingered hand was also found with the dolls, but it was a poorly built hand created with human bones. >> oh, no! >> yeah!
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>> i laughed too early. >> you did! it's okay, matt. it's okay. i know. prosecutors say they didn't know where the bones came from. >> if aliens attack and they're this big, i feel way more confident. >> i don't know, i don't know. >> they'll just be super strong. >> a billion of them just running around. [ laughter ] >> how could you laugh at such a thing? >> yes, how dare you. >> thank you for watching. the late show with stephen colbert is next. have a great weekend. stay dry tomorrow.


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