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tv   The Late News  CBS  February 1, 2024 1:37am-2:12am PST

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. now at 11:00. better him than us. it was a bad day to be outside in the bay. we are not done with the atmospheric rivers just yet. >> 3, 2, 1. and they say it is bad to release balloons into the sky. these people are doing it in the name of science. plus, the chief super bowl party prop that 9ers fans will be itching to get their hands on. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hi, i'm sara donchey, it was not the prettiest day to be outside in the bay area. it rained, sometimes pouring, you saw a lot of wind. for most of us that was all. for some it caused problems. many of the issues in the north bay. this road looked like a muddy river. some drivers tried it any way,
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though. a few trees fell today, too. this one blocked highway 1 and took downpour lines with it and they went to check out a choppy bodega bay and showed us how windy it got in. >> oh, it is pretty windy. [ laughter ] it was raining so hard up north near sea branch it looked like the downpours were moving uphill. paul heggen has been busy all day tracking the storm for us, paul, i know this atmospheric river situation is not one and done, right? >> the terms in volleyball terms this one is the set and the one over the weekend is the spike with more rain, more wind sunday into monday. let's focus in on what is out there right now. heavy rain falling across much of the bay area. the back edge of the heavy rain now made
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its way onshore in the north bay and san francisco. let's zoom in for a closer look. checking in on the advisory. down the 101 corridor, watch out if you are traveling out and about or even into tomorrow morning. the heaviest rain is moving to the east and napa counties the white haded areas, any number of those, those are advisories, western, contra costa and alameda counties one of those. san francisco at this hour continuing down the peninsula into san mateo county. crossing over the bay and about to move into fremont with heavier rain throughout alameda county towards discovery bay and more rain continues to fall in the santa cruz mountains, it has not tapered off yet. this is the loop over the past six hours. you can see that band of heavy rain has been very persistent, stubborn, now, we will get into an off and on shower pattern heading through the rest of tonight. not completely dry for
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the morning commute, the showers become fewer and farther between. more breaks in between and the showers should not exacerbate any existing problems. we will talk about the next system headed our way coming up in a few minutes. >> a break sounds good right about now. paul, thank you. >> a lot of people worried about more of the same issues, they usually do when it gets like this outside. andrea nakano shows us what they got actually today in sonoma county.. >> reporter: here in sonoma county it has been raining all not. we have not had the heavy downpour and gusty winds. many here are relieved the storm is not too bad so far. >> reporter: as the rain soaked the north bay, bryan from santa rosa was busy filling up sandbags >> it was not easy. i mean, i thought heart surgery was worse. i should not be doing this kind of stuff. >> reporter: he filled 10 bags
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for himself and his neighbors to make sure the alley to their homes is drivable. >> the city does not maintain it. so, i filled in the potholes with it. >> reporter: not too many flooded streets but drivers ran into this. chp officers were kept busy with numerous accidents. this elderly driver drove off of the road twice in a span of roughly half an hour. the national weather service issued a flood advisory for low-lying areas. lagoona, santa rosa, commonly floods during severe storms, it flowed fairly swiftly but water levels stayed low. to prepare for the storms, several fire agencies pooled their resources together to staff additional engines and deploy three swift water rescue teams. they relied on the same technology that they use to gauge fire danger to see how potent this storm would be. >> reporter: we truly are looking at things differently, trying to use technology in our
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advantage. then, it helps us better respond and prepare for whatever incidents we need to go to and whatever time of the year. >> reporter: while this wave of rain did not quite deliver the total some expected this storm is not over yet, another is expected at the end of the weekend. he hopes he has enough sandbags to get through this week. >> go home and fill in the holes. >> and hopefully you will get some rest? >> yeah. >> reporter: as the rain continues to fall there have been more accidents throughout the night. drivers are being urged to slow down and avoid flooded streets.. all right, now to nonweather-related headlines, a man was shot and injured by one of their officers may have been armed with a knife. the officer was called out late this afternoon to deal with a man walking on the freeway. chp says there was some sort of a struggle and the officer fired. the man is in the hospital tonight but is expected to survive. officers say they recovered a knife that they
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think he was carrying. we talked so much about businesses that are packing up and leaving oakland because of crime, particularly along haggenberger road, now another one is leaving, denny's is closing after 54 years t is the only location in the city. denny's said closing a restaurant location is never an easy decision, the safety of team members and valued guests is our top priority. in the past week in-n-out was closing its store, and the dining room as raising cane has been closed for months because of car break ins. most scientists say releasing balloons in the sky are bad for the environment. they are are releasing balloons in the skies. >> the weather balloons we are able to gather a lot of information. >> how they can help us get
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better information about extreme weather. more super bowl preview. and it sure has helped the 49ers to have the best running back in the league. and for one of the younger players on the team, he sayses it is like playing with a childhood hero. if you love, love, love, love latin music, the ultimate trifecta took the stage here in the bay area tonight.
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. when you think of storm chasers you probably think of people running down twisters in their pick up trucks. that is hard to do on the ground. hard enough. so, how do you chase a storm thousands of miles up in the sky? spending the day with researchers sending up balloons to ride the rapids of atmospheric rivers. >> reporter: it may sound a little simplistic. maybe even inflated but jerry wilcox and taking it to new heights. for days, they have been coming to this little hilltop near bodega bay to release huge balloons
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from the same spot every three hours. field researchers from the scripts institution of oceanography, they are storm chasers that investigate a weather phenomenal called atmospheric rivers. >> the weather balloons we are able to gather a lot of information about what is going on in the atmosphere during these atmospheric rivers. >> reporter: known as ars they are rivers in the sky that can stretch more than 1,000 miles and can cause intense flooding. last year, they ended california's drought. but, also, created billions of dollars in damages. these balloons are attached to a device called a radio sond. >> we are dissecting the storm from the surface all of the way to the upper atmosphere. >> reporter: chad is a meteorologist with the scripps
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institution of technology. he says these atmospheric rivers are expected to get stronger as climate change intensifies >> where you live in a place like california where it is sunny, water turns into this, it is the new gold, right? we have to operate the reservoirs as best as possible and prediction of the weather is at the forefront of that. >> reporter: for them it is about getting the most accurate data possible. >> we have multitude of different instruments. the radio sonds the balloons are the only ones in realtime. >> reporter: using a balloon >> 3, 2, 1. >> reporter: to make forecasting a breeze >> there you go. >> i would be out there popping it. i know that is not what you are supposed to do snow that is not the idea. no, not exactly. it would make a satisfying sound. >> that is the thing that i was thinking about the whole time. for us today, sloppy, ugly. it
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was rain boot weather, umbrellas, blowing away in the wind. >> exactly. >> i picked the worst shoes for today. >> not great. let's take a look at what we have in store for us through the next several days, things will get interesting again heading into the weekend. let's take a look at the big picture pattern here. looking at the monitor here. this is the loop. you can see the heavy rain now pushing finally farther and farther to the east. it is going to take awhile for the back edge of the heavier rain. then light off and on showers continuing through the rest of this evening and into tonight. my map seems to be stuck. i am going to disappear from view, sorry about that. and i will walk all of the way over here to make sure i hit the right button. >> oh, no, paul, you are fired. >> we will find out. this is the problem when the wrong window is activated. here we go, we will switch over to future cast and track it as we go and just as awkwardly i will
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reappear in view and track the rain. there it goes and here i come. virtual reality is fun. we are down to off and on showers heading into tomorrow morning. still enough to impact the morning commute. i think the greater impact will be from left over flooding problems from the rest of tonight. then, we stay in the off and on shower pattern heading through the next couple of days, and enough to add up to rain on top of what is already fallen and really it is the next few hours that we will continue to accumulate that additional rainfall. let's take a look at the amounts that we have accumulated so far and, they are getting more substantial, close to two thirds of an inch of rain. over an inch of rain for los gatos already. just over 1/10th of an inch in livermore. it is still coming down and adding up. concord picking up half an inch of rain. over an inch and a half of rain in san francisco. a lot of that fell in the course of two to three hours, in the north bay, the heaviest amount that is where they added up, over two inches of rain already in santa rosa. in the coastal
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ranges of sonoma county and the mountains, 3-4 inches of rain added up. the problem s we have more in store for us as we head through the week end >> the good news is, the winds are dying down. not a factor tomorrow. noticeable. the winds will be more typical to what we associate with early february with the strongest gusts in the 20 mile-an-hour range. the snow is not done adding up. by the time everything is said and done, there continues through 4:00 a.m. on saturday. 6-12 inches of snow at lake level, higher maybes, a foot, foot and a half of higher snow. and then the next wave is going to come in. that is going to be a more efficient snow maker because the levels will be lower. it is going to pileup. a couple feet at lake level. several feet of snow accumulation as we go up in elevation. the second wave is going to be the tricky part of the forecast to pin down. this is the storm system, causing the current at most foric river directing that towards the bay area. it will go around. there is another one
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out west, moving towards us and kind of joining forces. that is going to send more rain and more wind across the region as with we head into sunday and monday. the more conservative forecast models are saying an inch to two inches of additional rain on top of saturated soils and the wind gusts potentially up to 60 miles an hour. saturated soils that would cause problems with tree damage and additional power outages and we will go through the next couple of days, scattered shower activity. saturday, the drier day, even then, a chance of showers, then, rain and wind in the forecast. sunday and monday with lingering showers continuing beyond that into tuesday and wednesday. it is an active seven-day forecast. we will be here to keep you updated. >> unless the maps thing happens again and then you are out of here, paul. a bay area party store is stocking up to make chiefs piniatas, it makes sense if you
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think about it. the 49ers are back in the super bowl and the odds makers love it. so does the best back in the league. initials cmc. plus f golf is your thing and you know who you are, the clam bake is back
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. a live look at allegiant stadium where 49ers and chiefs will face off in 10 days >> when i was there in august i did not think, well, maybe, maybe february i will be back. >> you did not think that? >> no, no, i mean, preseason. you don't know. you can hope. >> we had guesses. >> you could have that. you know, there are guys that played a lifetime, a career in the league and never been to the super bowl. we will talk about a guy who is there after waiting a long time. all right, it is the eve of the 49ers first super bowl prep practice. the players have been off since clinching the conference on sunday. now is the time to go hard through saturday before
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boarding a plane to the super bowl lviii site. vegas slightly favored the 49ers. mccaffrey will be on the loose, the league's leader, looks forward to his first, ever, super bowl. two touchdowns and his truck guys and 5 yards a carry in both playoff wins, impressing fans and teammates, even younger ones who watched them rolling while in high school. cornerback lanor. >> when you have steph curry you are never out of a basketball game. it feels like when you have mccaffrey you are not out of a football game. what is it like watching him? >> i have been watching him since i was 14. my first time i ever seen him playing against usc. i told him this story, i was sitting in the front row. he code. he different, like, and then, turns out we go to
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the ambre and he is our honorary coach, i told him that, too. he was like wow, you just made me feel old. so then, come here to actually play with him t. is kind of crazy. >> nba takes us to portland, return of lillard back as a buck. fans love him, why not? they are used to seeing him do stuff like this. pulling milwaukee within one. this one, personal for the blazers, too. simons, knocks it down with 20 seconds to go. portland won it 119-116. the bucks are 0-2 under new coach doc rivers. west coast conference college basketball, saint mary's, hosting santa clara. head coach hoping for a break. it was not going to happen. here is alex with two minutes left. puts them up by 11. saint mary's hung on and won continue. the
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gales, remain undefeated in conference play. won 14 of the last 15 games. >> the 9ers will be gone by sunday but golf pro amlingers through sunday. new forplat, no music and entertainment celebrities. it is all up to an 80-player field to brave the monterey peninsula elements. high winds and rain expected all week. oh, tony finau hit the driver to the par 37 hold. normally his driver is 300 yards, the elements swayed his judgment, 150. and then a three iron, green side, number 18. directly into the wind. it is going to be hard to score in those conditions. sara, that does not look like a lot of fun. i don't mind missing out on that one.
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>> i bet not, vern. i know you are headed to vegas next week. >> wheels up 9:30 in the morning >> covering the super bowl, hopefully the weather will be more cooperative. maybe you will run into this guy. a vegas-based member of the faithful with an iguana named mayor, he claims mayor is psychic and knows the final score. >> oh, the psychic says it is going to be 9ers, he said 31-14. 9ers bring it home faithful. we have been waiting for that number 6, quest for 6, red and gold until i am dead and cold. >> i almost said psychedelic iguana. >> when a bay area team wins all of the bay area wins, all of the businesses we get busy. it is good for the community, good for our store. >> the store is expecting
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orders for chiefs pinata so people can smash them.
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. the rain did not stop people from enjoying a night out with ricky martin, and more performing in vegas [music] >> fans, some fans could not resist dressing up like mr. worldwide wearing their finest ball cap, sun glasses and goatees. victoria mone, spending most of her career behind-the-scenes. >> reporter: she emerged and
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she is up for seven grammy awards including best new artist and record of the year. it is the beginning. i am not saying that to discredit all of the previous work and blood, sweat and tears people encountered and people supporting me through that chapter. but i think this is the beginning. >> the record of the year nomination is for the hit song "on my mama" she wrote it after an emergency c-section left her with postpartum depression. >> i don't feel fly, i don't feel like i look good right now. speak things into existence. i did not feel it when i wrote it. >> reporter: the record is about feeling great, both on the inside and out. and the roles moms play in passing that expertise on to their daughters. it is a skill the
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grammy nominee says she got from her mama latonya and one she hopes to pass on to her own daughter, hazel. mom dancing and hazel showing us the next star in the family. >> you can catch the grammys right here on kpix and streaming on paramount plus sunday at 5:00. elmo asked a question and the
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. when someone asks you how are you? what do you say? >> okay. >> still vertical. >> most say fine or good, that is what elmo wanted to find out but it started out with a tweet. elmo asked how is everybody doing? well, the responses were dark. one person commented they can not wait to go to sleep every morning and can not wait for friday to come while someone else wrote elmo we are tired. a lot of responses like this. steven tweeted out the world is burning around us, elmo. domino's pizza, uk weighed in, totally fine with a picture of dumpster fire pizza disaster. it was so concerning that it got the president's attention, biden saying we all have to be there for each other. someone
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else wrote no free health care just a little red monster. people said suffering, i am at my lowest, thanks for asking. i got laid off. >> oh, no. >> depressed and broke. i mean, you know. >> wow. i always wonder the people who are like i am great. are you really? are you really? >> are you projecting that into the world and hoping to manifest it? >> i asked a guy in the elevator >> how are you doing? >> girlfriend dumped me. >> got quiet in that elevator. >> that is the truth. can't we relate to that? >> sorry. >> i mean, you know. >> there are other problems. [ laughter
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(upbeat music) - hi everyone, and welcome to legal help center.


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