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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  February 15, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PST

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21 others were injured. kansas city's mercy children's hospital says it's treating 12 children, ranging from 6 to 15 years old, including nine for gunshot wounds. all 12 were expected to recover. three people are detained as the investigation into the shooting is now under way. kansas city police have asked the public for any video of the incident. in a statement, president biden said the tragedy cuts deep into the american soul and called for stricter gun control measures. for more, download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. i'm shanelle kau it's it's thursday, february 15th, 2024. this is "cbs news mornings." celebration turned tragedy. a barrage of gunfire rings out
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at the chiefs' super bowl parade sending people running for cover. >> people around us were diving to the ground. it was very scary. >> i'm so tired of guns. >> the chaos and the calls for change, and the investigation into what happened. good morning, and good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. the kansas city chiefs' victory parade took tragic turn when gunshots erupted just as the event was ending. one person was killed. the victim, lisa lopez galvin, a kansas city radio deejay. 21 people were wounded, nearly half of them children, and some of the injuries are said to be life threatening. police have detained three suspects. cbs' charlie de mar has the latest. >> reporter: a day of celebration in kansas city turned into tragedy. fans who gathered to celebrate the chiefs' super bowl victory ran for their lives when gunfire erupted near union station.
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>> i heard a pop, and then you just heard screaming. and everybody in front of me just started running. >> reporter: at least 21 people were injured, several of them children. kansas city radio station kkfi says one of its deejays, lisa lopez galvin, a mother of two, was kill. >> we're part of a statistic of too many americans. those who have experienced or been part of or connected to a mass shooting. >> reporter: video showed law enforcement springing into action in the moments following the shooting. kansas city police say three people have been taken into custody, and at least one firearm recovered. authorities are searching for a motive, though a law enforcement source tells cbs news the shooting may have been sparked by an argument and did not initially appear to be the result of terrorism or extremism. >> it anyone has information, as a witness or has any kind of video that may provide us, in there's anybody else that was involved in this. >> reporter: the kansas city
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chiefs put out a statement thanking first responders and saying "our hearts go out to the victims, their families, and all of kansas city." the team's star quarterback, patrick mahomes, posted on x, "praying for kansas city." charlie de mar, cbs news, kansas city, missouri. president biden released a statement last night saying, quote, jill and i pray for those killed and injured in kansas city and for our country to find the resolve to end this senseless epidemic of gun violence tearing us at the seams." yesterday's shooting is just the latest example of violence erupting during championship celebrations. last year after the denver nuggets' nba championship parade two were injured in a downtown shooting. police said they did not think the incident was connected to the celebration. in 2021, two shootings left three people wounded in downtown milwaukee the night the bucks won the nba title. and in 2019, four people were shot and wounded during a downtown rally after the raptors won the nba championship.
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the kansas city parade shooting comes six years to the day after the mass shooting in parkland, florida, that killed 17 people. some of those touched by that tragedy expressed their thoughts about the latest shooting. fred guttenberg, whose daughter jaime was killed, wrote "just got home from the cemetery where i spent valentine's day with my daughter. coming home to this news is crushing. we do not need to accept this as the price for living in america." and florida congressman jared moskowitz who represents parkland wrote, "after parkland i helped lead the strongest gun violence prevention school safety bill in florida's history. we need a congress that can get lifesaving legislation like this done rather than one focused on partisan stunts." ahead on "cbs mornings," the kansas city mayor will join us for an update, and we'll hear from one of the victims who was there with his wife and child. turning now to other news. fears of a serious new threat to
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u.s. national security. cbs news has learned the u.s. has informed congress of new intelligence about russian plans to put a nuclear-capable weapon in space that could threaten american satellites. cbs' ed o'keefe reports from the white house. >> reporter: cbs news has learned that what's described as a serious national security threat is related to the launch of a russian rocket last week carrying a top-secret military payload that is now in orbit. the u.s. has been tracking russian attempts to develop a nuclear-capable weapon that could take down u.s. satellites, knocking out the ability to communicate. national security adviser jake sullivan provided no detail but didn't deny a threat exists. >> it is impossible to answer with a straight yes, right, because americans understand that there are a range of threats and challenges in the world that we're dealing with every day. >> reporter: house intelligence committee chairman mike turner of ohio first revealed the existence of a threat and called on president biden to declassify all information relating to it.
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other lawmakers familiar with the detail say there's no cause for concern. >> there's no need to panic. this is not an immediate crisis. >> reporter: word of the threat came as the white house continues calling on congress to stand up to russia and approve billions in aid to ukraine. >> supporting this bill is standing up to putin. >> reporter: the war there rages on. ukraine said it used high-tech naval drones to sink a russian ship in the black sea. but many house republicans have soured on funding the war, and speaker mike johnson said he would block the aid because it doesn't address u.s.-mexico border security. >> we're going to continue to demand that before we take care of issues all around the world we take care of our own first. >> reporter: but it was republicans pushed by donald trump who fought to strip out border security changes from the original aid package. even the head of nato called on dong quickly act and approve the aid. as for that serious national security threat, a u.s. official tells cbs news it is, quote, serious, but it's not imminent. ed o'keefe, cbs news, the white house.
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former president donald trump is expected to return to a new york city courtroom this morning for a hearing in the hush-money case where he faces criminal charges. and there's another hearing taking place in georgia on a separate matter. naomi ruchim is joining us now with the details. a little bit of an explanation. hard to keep track of these court cases. good morning. >> reporter: anne-marie, a lot going on, and it's all hands on deck for trump's legal team this morning as separate hearings could set the tone and timing in two of the criminal cases against him. the hearings are crucial for the former president because any further delays would lessen the chance of a trial before the november election. former president donald trump is battling dual fronts at once today as major hearings take place in two of the four criminal cases against him across two different states. the gop presidential frontrunner is taking the morning off from campaigning and is expected back in a new york city courtroom where a judge could decide
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whether the hush-money criminal trial against him will go on next month as scheduled. trump has pleaded not guilty to dozens of felony charges of falsification of business records filed against him last april. but at a campaign stop last night in south carolina, the former president was more focused on re-election than the charges he's facing. >> america, we're stronger, richer, safer, and more confident than ever when i was sitting behind that beautiful resolute desk in the oval office. >> reporter: in georgia a fulton county superior court judge will move forward with a hearing to consider disqualifying district attorney fani willis from prosecuting the 2020 election interference case against trump. the motion to dismiss stems around accusations of an improper relationship between willis and special prosecutor nathan wade. a state senate panel is also investigating. >> this is not any type of
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political witch hunt. this is a quest for the truth. >> reporter: in addition to georgia and new york, trump also faces criminal charges in florida and washington, d.c. in the washington, d.c., criminal case, a special counsel is asking the supreme court to let trump's 2020 election interference case go to trial without delay. the former president's lawyers are attempting to pause the proceedings while the courts decide whether trump is immune from prosecution for official acts in the white house. two lower courts have already rejected that argument. anne-marie? >> all right, naomi ruchim in new york. thank you so much. overseas now, the ongoing cease-fire talks between israel and hamas suffered a bit of a setback. according to israeli media, prime minister netanyahu recalled israel's delegation from negotiations in cairo saying demands made by hamas are, quote, delusional. in southern gaza, meantime, israeli forces fired into a main hospital there killing at least
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one patient. that's according to medics. hundreds of palestinians are evacuating the complex where they had been sheltering on orders from israel. the idf says hamas is using the facility for terrorist activities. and there are new tensions on israel's northern border about lebanon after a hezbollah rocket strike killed an israeli soldier. israel responded with its biggest air strike on lebanon since the war began. the families of israeli hostages flew to the hague to file a 1,000-page brief urging the international criminal court to investigate hamas and its leaders for war crimes, including allegations of genocide, sexual violence, and crimes against humanity. coming up now, a times square beating suspect is arrested again. find out why he was picked up this week. and launching into history, the new journey to the moon. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief
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go spacex -- >> a spacex "falcon 9" rocket carrying a privately built moon lander blasted off overnight for florida. if all goes well it will be the first u.s. spacecraft to land on the moon in more than half a century. it's due to arrive on the moon next thursday carrying science and technology instruments. a migrant accused in a times square beating was arrested again, and a shooting at a school in atlanta. those are some of the headlines on the "morning newsstand." "the atlanta journal-constitution" reports four students were shot and wounded outside a high school. officials say shots were fired from an unknown vehicle shortly after classes at benjamin e. mays high school let out yesterday striking four students in the parking lot. their injuries are not life threatening. three people were detained for questioning. "the washington post" says three police officers in washington, d.c., were shot and a suspect is in custody after a 13-hour standoff.
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police say the officers were trying to serve an arrest warrant for animal cruelty yesterday morning, but the suspect refused to leave the home. when the officers tried to get in, a person opened fire. the shooter remained barricaded inside the house before being taken into custody last night. the officers were not seriously injured. and "cbs new york" says a suspect in the times square assault on police officers was arrested again for allegedly shoplifting after being released. 19-year-old darwin andres gomez-izquiel was taken into custody yesterday. he was allegedly part of a group that shoplifted at a macy's store on tuesday and assaulted an employee. he's one of seven migrants indicted for allegedly assaulting two cops last month and released on bail. still to come, the case of the pilfered painting. how a historic portrait of president george washington disappeared. lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment.
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forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ the fbi is joining the search for a stolen pointing being called a national treasure. investigators say a 200-year-old portrait of george washington was taken from a storage facility in englewood, colorado. they believe it happened the night of january 10th during a break-in. how elton john is opening his home to the public, and more legal trouble for the tech world. here's shanelle kaul with today's cbs "money watch." >> reporter: stocks rebounded wednesday as investors hope for interest rate cuts in the spring. the dow gained 151 points. the nasdaq was up by 203, and the s&p 500 gained 47 points. new york city is suing tech
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giants alleging social media is fueling a youth mental health crisis. the suit was filed by the city, its schools, and the public hospital system and blames the companies behind facebook, instagram, tiktok, snapchat, and youtube for harming children, disrupting learning, and draining resources. the tech companies responded to the suit saying they have and are continuing to develop policies that will make the app safer for youth. and more legal trouble in the tech industry. a new class-action lawsuit has been filed against dating apps tinder, hinge, and match. the suit claims the apps encourage compulsive use through intentional designs with game-like features that lock users into a perpetual pay-to-play loop. the company behind the apps has not commented on the suit. and here's your chance to see and buy music history. sir elton john is auctioning off more than 900 pieces from his former atlanta home. the sale includes everything from stage wardrobes to cars and
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even photos he's collected over the years. the items have been set up as an exhibit at christie's auction house in new york. it's free and open to the public starting february 21st. that's your cbs "money watch" report for this thursday morning. i'm shanelle kaul, cbs news, new york. up next, a radio station changes its tune on beyonce. how fans of the superstar got a country music station to revise its playlist. i'm getting vaccinated... ...with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, ...but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions... asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease,... ...or are 65 or older, you are at increased... ...risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults... help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria... ...that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe... ...allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients.
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bayh hive. here's a look at forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ ♪ this ain't texas ain't no hold 'em ♪ an oklahoma-based radio station is changing its tune after coming under fire for refusing to play beyonce's new country songs. a fan posted that someone at kyck told them the station does not play beyonce because it's a country station. that sent the beyhive into a frenzy. hours later the station posted an image of its schedule with beyonce's "texas hold 'em" on it. iowa hawkeyes superstar caitlin clark could break the ncaa's all-time women's scoring record tonight. clark needs eight more points to pass kelsey plum's record.
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the hawkeyes will be playing michigan in front of a soldout home arena tonight. and tickets for the game on the secondary market are soaring to the highest levels ever for a women's basketball game, pro or college. prince harry and meghan markle spent valentine's day at the invictus games' training camp in vancouver, canada. the duke and duchess of sussex met with athletes and staff in whistler. harry even went for a ride on a sit-ski which will make its debut at the invictus games in vancouver next year. coming up on "cbs mornings," actor danielle pinnock from the hit series "ghosts" tells us about tonight's season premiere. sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. for moderate to severe crohn's disease
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and who needs it right? thank you for joining us this morning. it's thursday, february 15th. >> and there's a lot going on already this morning. so let's get started. >> i heard a pop. and then you just heard screaming and everybody in front of me just started running. >> panic in kansas city for what was supposed to be a day of celebration for the chiefs and their fans. but a victory parade takes a sad and shocking turn.


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