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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  February 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. tense moments in oakland. protesters interrupt the mayor as she announces new efforts to keep the city safe. the race for california senate heats up. we talked one of the candidates vying for the open seat. why the stakes are so high for the bay area. they are co elizabeth cook. the mayor of oakland faced a hostile crowd as she unveiled a plan to help keep the city safe. today, mayor sheng thao held a news conference to announce a $3.5 million grant . the money will be used to put more safety ambassadors on city streets. a
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group of demonstrators supporting the mayor recall effort showed up and interrupted her. >> oakland is aggressively pursuing a comprehensive -- >> [ bleep ] >> community safety strategy. >> the funding expands on oakland safety ambassador and mediator program. 60 ambassadors will be deployed in downtown and in chinatown. a community in the south bay is on edge after a 3-year-old boy was killed. happened at the riley square apartments in santa clara yesterday morning. police tell us 24-year-old sergio gomez, who lives with his groping at the complex, had shot her 3-year-old son. paramedics did everything they could but the little boy did not make it. that suspect was arrested. in a few minutes, president joe biden will land at sfo. he is scheduled to attend fundraisers in san francisco .
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earlier today, the president was in los angeles county where he announced he is canceling an additional $1.2 billion worth of student loan debt. those who qualify should check their inboxes. a live look outside across the bay area. crews are taking advantage of this break in the rain to clean up the mess left behind from the recent storms including this very large tree that fell. the tree also took down a power pole and some lines on washington street. pg&e crews were called into deenergize the line so crews can work on clearing the road. let's get a check on the forecast now. take a look at how today is playing out for us at this point. it has been a pretty day for cloud watching. you can see that from our time-lapse on top of the mark hopkins hotel. we are almost done with this storm but not completely. when we look at first alert doppler, you can see there is isolated showers here. we have a few that have been working through napa county. they are very
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short-lived. there is even some light snow falling in the sierra. futurecast does a beautiful job of picking up on these leftovers. you can see they linger until sunset. once we get past sunset, we are done. no more widespread rain from this. tomorrow, that is fog building into the northbay valley. this will be one of those mornings, a classic morning where the fog will come back in force. we will likely develop our own radiation fog here as well. as we watch futurecast, you can see the showers dissipating. a couple of housekeeping items. the main one to focus on is the fact that there is a flood warning for parts of sonoma county. you are looking at that over here. when we look at the communities, a lot of this is the runoff from creeks. that
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water follows the drainage and gets over toward the west side. that is where you have more vulnerability to the creeks overflowing the banks. that has been getting reported consistently through certain areas. there is our fog tomorrow. we are watching the high resolution futurecast. notice the patch enis. through much of the petaluma valley and also up into the wine country, we could see a little more of this tri-valley. there is a dense fog advisory out there in the central valley. the national weather service has not yet issued one for the bay area but we will watch that. just start thinking ahead for extra time on the road. we are about to get a break in the rain but there is another storm out here that we need to watch for the potential of more coming back by very late this coming weekend and more likely on monday of next week. watch what this storm
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will do. it will spin it self up and get caught up in the jet stream and then it will sit there and wonder. we have seen our fair share of those. watch how it went backwards. we call that retro grading when it moves back from east to west. that is what we have to do because it will take a while before it comes on shore. we lost some resolution there to go long-range. saturday, this is our weekend. late sunday into monday, it does come on shore. should the forecast cold with that lineup -- we have been watching this closely and this model has come in different every day. we will give this one a little more time to play out. we could look at rainfall totals but we will hold off for now. you are going to broadbrush that system
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late sunday. if you want to get through the number, maybe a quarter inch. this does not appear to be a big soaker. this is fairly light rain in comparison to what we have been going through. back to you. let's give you a live look at sfo where air force one is just touching down. president biden visiting the bay area today where he will attend fundraising events in san francisco and another one in los altos. we will have on the president's visit coming up. california voters will head to the polls for the march 5 primary. one of the more consequential races is the one held by dianne feinstein for over the past 30 years. a new poll shows unexpected
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candidates climbing the rankings among voters. according to emerson college bowling, democrat adam schiff continues to take a front runner with 28% of registered voters but former baseball star and republican steve garvey is not far behind with 22%. whoever wins the senate seat will have some big shoes to fill. donna crane is a political science professor at san jose university. before going into academia, she was a longtime lobbyist in washington, d.c., often working with senators from california, including feinstein. >> she was fermentable. she brought a tremendous amount of gravitas to that job. filling those roles will be nearly impossible for anybody. >> whoever wins the seat will have to bring their own style of leadership to washington. >> we have the chance to continue to play a big role in
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the senate but it will look different. >> frontrunners adam schiff and katie porter are already known on a national state. schiff for his involvement in the impeachment proceedings of donald trump -- >> we must say enough. he has betrayed our national security and he will do so again. he has compromised our elections and he will do so again. >> and, katie porter for her whiteboard breakdowns. >> costs $763 per pill. >> did the drug get substantially more effective in that time? to cancer patients need fewer pills? >> justify this price increase. >> longtime house representative barbara lee from oakland is having a more difficult time gaining traction statewide. >> she is probably suffering from the fact that she is not quite as skilled as raising
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money because she has represented oakland and berkeley. >> a major concern for bob jackson at church in oakland. >> she understands the plight of the inner-city and what is going on and people who are less fortunate than others. having that understanding goes a long way. >> i look at politics and public service as being able to not tinker around the edges but dismantling the systems that are barriers for equal opportunities for everyone. >> bishop bob has worked with barbara lee many times over the years and worries the state won't be fully representative both of the state senators are from southern california. >> barbara lee does not have the kind of money backing her but she is from northern california. where will we be if all of these southern california people begin to win the senate race and become senators for california . will
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we be represented? will we have a voice? >> according to crane, that has been a long-standing issue in the senate since there are only two for the entire state, a lesson she is teaching to her u.s. politics class. >> we have just started talking about this race in my classroom. there is no state as big and diverse as california is have a special challenge in finding somebody who can equally represent both regions, the north and the south. >> california's primaries are somewhat unique. the top two vote getters will move on to the general election regardless of their political party. that means we could see two democrats facing off in november. >> coming up, we will speak to oakland congresswoman barbara lee on her stance on race as she continues to trail behind. one of the biggest celebrations in the bay area. we will give you a sneak peek
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at some of the floats that will be rolling down san francisco. it looks like an abandoned building but don't be fooled. this bakery is serving a popular treat that has people lining up and coming back for more. here is a live look outside before we head to break. a - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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the first time i tried to quit vaping, i told myself that it was like a mountain that i had to climb over and once i got to the other side, it would be clear, but i couldn't make it over. what really got me to quit was my little sister. i saw her vaping so i was back in the mountain, but this time she was up there with me. it's weird what you can do for others that you won't do for yourself.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. a debate in the battle for
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california is open senate seat. last night, the top contenders took to the stage in a critical face-off right before the march primary. >> thousands of dollars from people in the oil industry. >> the truth is that the ad running against me by a dark, shady super pac has been rated false . i know the 20 million people who are living one paycheck away from poverty. i see you. i want to work for you and the united states senate. >> joining me now is oakland congresswoman barbara lee. let's begin with that debate. it was a chance for you to sway undecided voters who could help continue who would move forward in the november election. do you believe you got the message across? >> thank you for having me. it is really important that voters get a chance to see all of the candidates, evaluate them and make some decisions before they go to the polls . also, there
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is still quite a few undecided. i think our debate went very well. i believe that many people got a chance to compare my record, who i am, my background and experience, being able to deliver to californians. i think it went well and i think i was able to sway some voters, especially many latino voters who i know have some distressed of the democratic party but i hope that everyone made their case to latino voters because they are very important not only in voting population but the issues that are so important to the latino community in terms of education, housing, immigration and healthcare. these are issues i have championed for many, many years in the california legislature and the united states congress.
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>> the latest emerson poll shows you trailing behind the other contenders. do you feel you made up enough ground with that last debate to get into the final two of the election? >> of course. the debates give us a chance to communicate who we are and what our agenda is and what our experience is. being in the top two is very important. polls are snapshots of what that poll is taken on. we are working very hard with our grassroots organization. we have a people powered campaign. we are the working families party . we have reproductive justice and reproductive rights organizations. we have so many groups supporting us and so many democratic clubs. this is how we are going to win and get into the top two, from our phone banks and our targeted
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voters. most of them are not even called during polls. the best poll is the poll on voting day and hopefully people get in their ballots early. there is a special election and the primary on the same day. we are asking voters to vote for barbara lee twice. once for special, once for the primary. i am trying to get the word out about what i stand for and what i intend to do to represent california in the united states senate. >> we know the economy and inflation is a big concern for voters. we all live in one of the most expensive regions in the country. do you plan on tackling this issue? >> we've got to reduce the cost of living, first of all. that means we have to make sure we fight to get more affordable housing in california. i have been doing that and want to expand our efforts for the housing tax credit initiatives.
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we have the housing trust fund. we have to make sure that our unsheltered population has decent, safe housing including mental health services. housing is a big issue that we have to invest in. housing affordability is the big driver of the cost of living in california. we need to invest more in childcare. i talked about my experience of having to take my children to class with me because i could not afford childcare. this experience has turned into public policy. the cost of living, the affordability crisis and the wage gap. inequality is growing in california. people are working two or three jobs. we got to bring down the cost of living. -- corporate greed is rampant. california needs somebody in the senate who knows how to fight from day one to help fix these problems. >> always good to have a conversation with you. thank you very much for joining us. >> my pleasure.
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we reached out an interview with democrats adam schiff, katie porter and republican steve garvey. we are working to line up with something -- line-up something with them for this year's
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san francisco lunar new year parade is right around the
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corner. we saw floats decked out in glitter. decorators were busy painting away and putting 10 solon more than a dozen floats. >> we were able to do a lot with color and environment that were more fantasy based and a little more pushing our creativity in ways we don't get to do with a chicken or a rooster. >> the float company says it is working on 18 floats for this year's parade. started working on the design process in october and started building in december. the parade is this saturday. if you head to chinatown anita pick me up, the golden gate bakery on grand avenue always draws a crowd but most people don't know if and when the business is open. this year, the golden gate bakery and its elusive egg custard begins with the fact that if you walk by it, it looks like an abandoned building. >> here you go. >> on random days of the week ,
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you will find virginia will poking in and out of a single door while commanding quite the audience. the audiences outside the bakery on grant avenue full of people hoping to snag one of san francisco chinatown's most coveted treats. >> i know this is the best egg custard tart in san francisco. >> those egg tarts considered more than just the best but some of the hardest to get. no one seems to know when the bakery is open. >> sometimes they just go on vacation whenever they want because they could. then, they just open up. >> it adds to the mystery of the place. >> just the idea of the flavors. >> tim delgado gives food tours in san francisco's chinatown. he wanted to find out the allure of the golden gate
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bakery. >> it says open 1:00 p.m. >> on this day, we were first in line but if you did not know the bakery existed, you could easily mistake it for an abandoned building. >> it is all boarded up and then it has the gate in front. it has graffiti. then, you just see a little door that is open, almost like a little kiosk in oh way. >> during the pandemic when several businesses were forced to shutter, many believed the golden gate bakery had fallen the same fate. as chinatown and other small mom and pops dealt with the rise of break-ins and vandalism, virginia popped her head out to explain why they still operate behind what looks like the barricade. >> why the gates? >> to prevent -- they break my
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windows. costs more to fix it than what they could take. >> as for the inconsistent hours, a longtime facebook page gives frequent updates on when they are open. >> i think they are beautiful and they are still warm too. >> the question for customers -- it felt like i was going to an underground club. >> is it worth the wait? >> wow. look at how eggy that is with the custard. so good. it is not too sweet. it is really nice. >> a dreamy treat and no surprise for virginia will who guarantees the quality of golden gate bakery's egg tart. >> top-quality. the best. >> cheers. >> one of the best in
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chinatown, if you can figure out if they are open. >> they are really good. a thrilling show filled with
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still
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can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. finally, cirque du soleil's kooza is
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entertaining audiences in san francisco with highflying acrobatics. performers move along a rope that is 18 feet above the ground. artists are from all over the world and being part of the circus is like a family business. >> i am the third generation. >> kooza runs through march 17 at oracle park and then shifts to santa clara county fairgrounds in april. the cbs evening news is next. is such a needed service for so many people these days. >> jerry mcgee was one of almost 50 san leandro residents to sign


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