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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  March 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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o chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. - it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.
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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. the intense snowstorm in the sierra keeps building in strength. we are tracking the dangerous blizzard conditions on this first alert weather day. star trek the cameras were rolling but the crooks did not care. the damage left behind after several oakland businesses were ransacked. with not enough affordable housing, we will dig deeper into a ballot measure aimed at building thousands of units and why some say this is not the answer. thank you for joining us. it has become a life-threatening situation in the sierra and the worst is yet to come. we could see up to 5 inches of snow per hour at the peak of this blizzard with winds well above 100 miles per hour. let's get over to chief
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meteorologist paul heggen. >> we have already recorded 145 miles per hour wind gusts at the peak of the winds last night. i had a camera full screen here and the caltrans camera decided to minimize itself. this is the view of donner summit. this is a little bit of traffic trying to sneak through. we are seeing the snow become more intense. you can see there is more heavy snow making its way up i-80 as we speak and it will continue like this through this evening and into tonight. futurecast with the snowball accumulation announce -- amounts on top of it shows that between now and 11:00 this evening, we could be adding up to a foot of snow in the highest elevations with close to a foot of snow at lake level just over the course of the next eight hours and then there is more on top of that. most intense snowball will be from now until tomorrow morning but there will be plenty more snow adding up through the day on saturday. finally, starting to taper off a little bit by
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sunday morning but the blizzard warning does not expire until 10:00 a.m. on sunday. we will have an additional 7 feet of snow at donner summit and lake level, another 3.5 feet of snow on top of what has accumulated. we have our own winter storm warning closer to home. this is in effect through 10:00 a.m. on saturday. clear lake, 1500 feet, up to 4 inches of snow. that is enough to mess up traffic. wind gust will be up to or even above 50 miles per hour. we have some gusty winds right now above the bay area. so far, almost 2 inches of snow -- i've got snow on the brain. almost 2 inches of rain in the santa cruz mountains. the most intense rainfall is going to be shaping up over the next 12 hours or so. first alert doppler shows pockets of heavier rain including santa
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rosa over into northern napa county. some of the most intense rainfall is happening right now through marin county, about to move in through san rafael. another band will be moving and just as we hit the peak of the afternoon rush. some rain to move through the santa clara valley is pushing into the foothills to the east of san jose. as we switch over to futurecast, we will see a band of more intense rain headed through. that is associated with the cold front that will drive across the bay area this evening but the heaviest downpours are not going to last long enough to make any significant flooding threat. once we see them through, off and on showers through the day on saturday. today, it will not rain everywhere all the time but it will be a generally wet day. even sunday, we will start the day with some lingering showers. they will become fewer and further in between but keep the umbrella handy. futurecast estimates anywhere from 1 inch
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to 2 inches in a general basis. this will continue with more off and on showers through sunday morning but the ground can handle that because it will be coming at us in waves. additional rain chances are in the forecast late monday into tuesday, possibly even lingering into wednesday. we will have this unsettled weather sticking around until next week. the wind energy has been picking up this afternoon. it will move you around on the roads. we do have some 40 miles per hour gusts. a wind advisory is in effect through tomorrow. the winds will ps strong but definitely noticeable. there is some light at the end of the tunnel. we have wet weather that will carry us through the middle of next week. then, a couple of days of drier, sunnier weather in store for thursday and friday with temperatures returning to close to average by next week. that light at the end of the tunnel, it is a pretty long tunnel between now and then.
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>> we could almost see the light from where we are standing. we know it is at the end. let s take a live look at sierra at tahoe. the resort is closed today. it is just too dangerous right now. palisades, alpine and sugar bowl are all also closed. heavenly ski resort, that was back open. we saw some steady streams of skiers and snowboarders earlier today. by midday, only a third of the lifts were open. here is a taste of the driving conditions in the sierra today. as we have been saying, it is too dangerous, white out. don't risk it . it is impossible to drive there right now. there are periods of white out conditions with zero visibility. >> wind can pick up unannounced. can make the roadways literally disappear in front of your eyes. >> check out this video. the snow water equivalent is now
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nearly 102% median. snowfall is and 90% of median to date and they are still heading into the heaviest part of this storm. yosemite national park is closed because of this storm. it is not expected to reopen until sunday at noon at the earliest. here in the bay area, the wet and windy conditions have prompted shutdowns including pinelake park in san francisco's sunset district. nearby stern grove remains closed from a previous concern. strong winds could topple trees and branches and localized siding -- flooding is possible. throughout the storm, stay with us for the updated forecasts and closures. you can head to or download the free cbs news app. let's get you caught up on today's headlines with anne makovec. >> it has become all too common in oakland, thieves ransacking
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local businesses. in this case, the cameras were rolling, catching it all in progress. groups of shops and oaklands shopping allie become the latest to fall victim to smash and grabs overnight. the thieves smashed windows and they were caught on camera as they store merchandise. isaac star says his girlfriend's business clothing shop was among those broken into. >> i don't know what they will be able to resell, a bunch of vintage close, unless they know where to go to sell the kind of stuff. it is hurting the business owners. >> the incident adds to simmering crime frustrations in the city. we will bring you more about these break-ins on the news at 6:00 tonight. in african, someone was hit and killed by a caltrain this morning. the agency is not sure why the person was on the tracks. no passengers on board were hurt. structure people living in makeshift shelters along the waterways of san jose will soon have to move. state mandate is requiring san jose to clear encampments along the city's rivers and creeks. the mayor said the encampment --
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finding housing for those people is both an environmental and humanitarian crisis. the city will consider exactly how they will get this done in their upcoming budget discussions for the next fiscal year. >> thank you so much. we are just four days away from the primary election and the senate race is getting interesting. a new poll from uc berkeley shows a statistical tie at the top between democratic congressman adam schiff and republican newcomer steve garvey. while the polling suggests schiff would enjoy a strong lead over garvey in a two-way matchup, tuesday's expected low turnout is giving the conservative candidate a boost, putting him on track to become one of the general election candidates. democrat is congresswoman katie porter is trailing in third. then, there is the issue of
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housing in san francisco. supporters of prop a say it is a key piece of the puzzle to building thousands of new units but critics say this is not the answer. max darrow heard from both sides. >> san francisco is in need of more housing. it is under a state mandate to build 82,000 units over the next eight years, more than half of them affordable units. when it comes to going about getting that done, mayor london breed believes prop a is a key piece of the puzzle. >> proposition a is an extremely important opportunity for us to have more dollars coming into the affordable housing department in order to not only build new but preservation of existing affordable housing units. >> san francisco resident larry marsh doesn't. >> this is our plebiscite to say no and say to build an outrages amount of new housing. >> voters pass prop eight, the
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city will have to borrow up to $300 million to be used for affordable housing i issuing general obligation bonds. >> it is not asking for new taxes. as we retire old debt, we want to take on a new opportunity to invest in affordable housing and that is what opposition a is. >> proponents say this will help bring much-needed funding for housing that will benefit first responders, nurses, teachers and others who make the city run. marsh calls prop a a bad use of money. he says he is not opposed to general obligation bonds as they play an important role in critical infrastructure. however, affordable housing is not infrastructure. it is something that we have to build by corralling private sector investment. >> for san francisco to build affordable housing , first of all, we need to rebuild the san francisco economy. >> furthermore, he believes proposition a supports this program to dramatically
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increase san francisco density. >> marsh authored the official opposition argument to prop a in the voter information guide. >> this is directly quoting here. there plan changes the character of every neighborhood, bulldozers the west side and brings property, drugs, crime, and homelessness to a street corner near you. what you respond? >> i 100% disagree with that statement because it is making the assumption that all people who, unfortunately, live in poverty are somehow associated with crime. >> according to 2023 figures, a single earner making more than $104,000 or less a year is considered low income in san francisco. >> san francisco is on the hook for another 46,000 affordable housing units by 2031. say voters don't pass this. >> if voters don't pass this, then we are definitely probably
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not going to meet that goal. >> prop a needs to get two thirds of the vote in order to pass. >> supporters of prop a include the united educators of san francisco, the san francisco labor council, senior and disability action and the sf bay area planning and urban research association. also in support is the council of community housing organizations . coming up, we talk live with them about why they say it is so important and their - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now.
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what do i see in peter dixon? it's that real. i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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has life■s circumstances derailed your destiny? cindy and darius johnston reveal how surrender changed the direction of their lives and gave them new purpose.
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a live picture from sierra at tahoe as the snow continues to fly. the winds are really whipping around as well and that is why this is a blizzard warning instead of a winter storm warning. it is the snowy and windy conditions resulting in those whiteout conditions. a look at first alert doppler, the loop over the last few hours shows the moisture running uphill and squeezing out copious amounts of snow. we have had off and on rain around the bay area. you can see that the rain is beginning to intensify, about to move into san francisco just in time for the early commuters. we have an updated look at futurecast coming up just before the bottom of the hour.
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with california's primary election just four days away, we are focusing on a major ballot measure regarding housing in san francisco. now to recap, if voters pass prop a, the city would be able to borrow up to $300 million to be used for affordable housing by issuing general obligation bonds. san francisco is under a state mandate to build 82,000 units over the next eight years . more than half of them need to be affordable units. joining me now is charlie seamus, the policy director for the council of community housing organizations. >> why is it important for voters to pass this proposition? >> housing affordability and economic recovery is on the hearts and minds of so many of us in the bay area. too many of us have experienced housing and security. they are limited by the housing options we have. that is why proposition a is so
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important. even our policymakers and legislators have affirmed that as a huge priority in terms of the mandate for the 46,000 new or additional units. most of the housing has been developed over the past few years and has been largely unaffordable to everyday san franciscans. what that means is our local workers, primarily those with the lowest incomes are unable to afford market rents. it means that the next generation coming up in the city can imagine a future in their own hometown. it means our educators are not able to live in the communities where they teach. prop a is really part of that solution. it is our ability to make a long-term investment in order to stabilize our local economy and our local workforce and allow us to get close to achieving our affordable housing goals.
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there is three areas of investments within prop a. the lion's share will go toward new 100% affordable developments that can serve working san franciscans of the lower incomes as well as low income elders. there is another push for the investments that will go toward the city's housing preservation program. that is a program that can help stabilize housing for tenants that are at risk of displacement and multi family buildings by converting those properties into long-term affordable homes. >> additionally, prop a will also serve low income women, particularly those that are experiencing trauma as opposed to their result with experiences being unhoused. that is a multifaceted approach through prop a and we are building off of the success of the previous affordable housing bond that was passed in 2019, overwhelmingly by 70% of the voters and the proof is in the pudding. they were able to
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develop over 1000 units of public housing. those are projects that we see throughout the city and those are projects that will be able to leverage community development projects. more than 100 homes for working families. also, affordable childcare and new public spaces next to the plaza. a project in the mission district next to the new environmental justice hub with ground for community spaces all built with union labor. these are important investments that can really sustain our local economy at this time. prop a is not making any demands on our taxes. it will not raise our rent. the city has a long-standing policy to only issue new general obligation bonds in previous bond debt has been retired. prop a will have
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no impact on tax rates at all. the legislators, the policymakers have really done the hard work of coming together and uniting to create a measure with broad-based support. now it is up to making our case to the voters. >> your opponents say prop a is not the answer. they say san francisco is a very dense city. does it need any more housing, anymore construction? does san francisco need to look to its own economy? what is your response to that? >> affordable housing development is part of our local economy. it is part of stabilizing our local workforce so that folks are able to afford to live in the communities where they are working. as i said, it is for the next generation. it is also the mixture that vulnerable elders are able to live affordably in their hometown. part of creating the san francisco that will serve all of us and allow all of us to be
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able to live and help to contribute to the local economy. >> thank you so much for joining us. good luck on tuesday. we did reach out to opponent larry marceau for a one-on-one interview as well but did not hear back. cbs news bay area will have full coverage of the california primary on tuesday. we will bring you the results all night long on air on and streaming on the free cbs news app. still ahead, the storm is keeping a lot of people away from the mountains at least democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost
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to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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look at all that snow. whiteout conditions in the mountains. that whole village area is emptier than normal on this friday as the winter storm makes for dangerous travel conditions throughout the sierra. not too many people walking around the business district as the snow continues to pile up. some bay area skiers are hoping they can get to the mountains once the warnings and road closures are lifted. businesses here are hoping for a blizzard boost. a california ski company in berkeley says it is expecting a
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lot of sales and rentals this weekend. >> we have been getting calls and emails. people are trying to come in and buy the widest skis we have to get to the deeper snow. this is what we have been waiting for. taking another live look outside right now, gray skies here near san francisco. paul is back with a final look at the first alert weather day, next. you can watch us anytime, anywhere on our streaming service, cbs
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a wet and windy first alert weather day. current low guests on the end of the spectrum. we had a 48 miles per hour gust recorded at the top of the hour. that is the strongest on the map at the moment. the roads are going to be wet for the evening commute. widespread rain, some heavier downpours and more lining up offshore. that will move through the rest of the afternoon and into this evening. this evening, it will bring the most intense rainfall associated with the cold front that is driving across the bay area. that will give way to lighter showers but saturday still looks generally wet . more showers possible monday, tuesday and wednesday. another update coming up at 5:00. a creative solution to
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managing stormwater. see what a bay area school is doing to keep it from causing problems and benefit neighborhoods instead. that story and much more with ryan yamamoto and myself coming up tonight at 5:00. the cbs evening news is next right here on kpix. local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. i will see you at 5:00 . ♪ ♪ >> it's tremendously lucky that it didn't go over. >> norah: tonight, the daring rescue. >> we are willing to list a lot today save a lot. >> norah: a semitruck dangling off a bridge. however rescuers brought a driver to safety. >> saw these were serious hero steadier. they were able to get her back up here to safety. >> norah: the "cbs evening news" starts right now.


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