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tv   The Late News  CBS  March 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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need more time with "48 hours," go deep behind every episode with firsthad accounts. >> were you at all prepared with what happened in this case? >> shock is the word that comes to mind. >> get in from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. >> blizzard warnings in the sierra, interstate # 0 shut down. even a tornado warning in the south bay. darren peck with the latest on an el nino winter that just won't quit. >> there's no reason to go anywhere until the storm's over. you know, hopefully you knew it was coming and you prepared, but it's -- this is just the middle of it. >> and when it rained it poured in the bay area. almost five inches in three days in the santa cruz mountains. and more rain is on the way. >> we realize this is difficult
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to hear. we must have fewer schools than we do now. >> maybe not surprising but still upsetting. >> more schools on the chopping block in the bay area. the reason elementary, not enough student, not enough money. and with 30,000 palestinians now killed by israel protesters come out by the thousands to protest. and a few mixed it up with the police. at 11:00 on this saturday night, it is blowing a bliz nard the sierra and still dumping rain in the bay as this massive winter storm continues for a third straight night. five feet of snow have fallen in the sierra so far, shutting down interstate 80 for more than 24 hours as the national weather service characterized the conditions as impossible to travel in. kelsi thorud drove up to truckee before the snow started coming down. now she's among the thousands stuck on the mountain but with nothing to do but wait it out. >> reporter: well, the snow is continuing to come down here in
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this sierra. it's been like this pretty much all day. the road conditions terrible at this point. you can see, for example, right here next to us two cars spun out, stuck in the middle of the road. we've been seeing stuff like that all day. this big pile of snow right here, this is just the snow that the plows pushed off the road earlier and there's already inches of snow back on the road. today is the day where officials were telling people don't go out on the roads, stay home. thankfully, most of the people here in truckee did that. we talked to a lot of people earlier this afternoon that were out shovelling and really just doing their best to keep up with all this snow. thousands of people in the sierra woke up saturday morning to find their front doors and cars buried under feet of snow. >> i had to get my shovel out of the car, which is interesting because it's up to your waist. and i had to dig
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out my -- my door to even get the shovel out. >> look at my car. >> other my god. >> reporter: cody richardson didn't even attempt to shovel out his car. he's only in town visiting and wasn't expecting this. >> i'm from saint thomas, so this -- what's happening right now? >> reporter: the storm dumped snow overnight and continued to pummel the area throughout the day, forcing people to do all they could just to keep up. >> yeah, this is once in a lifetime for us to be in this blizzard. it's kind of crazy. >> reporter: spencer payne spent the morning shovelling out his car, but in the end the snow was just too much. >> we're pretty bummed because our friends, shout-out to them, we were supposed to go to their wedding today. and we're snowed in. >> reporter: the people that were able to get out didn't even attempt to drive. max marlowe strapped on his skis to get to his job at a local
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brewery. >> my car's got really low clearance. i figured skiing might be the easiest way to do it. >> reporter: but for the most part, people just stayed home, clearing off their drives every once an in a while to make getting around easier but then going back inside to wait out this storm from the comfort and safety of their homes. >> there's no reason to go anywhere until the storm is over. you know, hopefully you knew it was coming and you prepared, but it's -- this is just the middle of it. >> reporter: and he's right, you know, we really are just in the middle of this storm. we're expecting what could be a few more feet overnight into tomorrow depending on what elevation you're at. and you know, we showed you all those people scooping up the snow around their cars earlier, well, here's what the cars look like here tonight that. just shows you how much snow has continued to fall throughout the day, even since the afternoon when those folks were shovelling all that snow. to give you a little more perspective, we're in one of
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the plowed out parking spots right here. this area is an area that has not been plowed. i'm about 5'8". this is how high the snow is. so we're talking about five feet of snow just here in the truckee area. so everyone here really hunkering down, bracing for what could be a few more days of this here in the sierra. >> in fact, there's so much of it that some of that snow even made it to the bay area. more of it, though, fell as rain. and darren peck says more yet will fall, darren? >> this really hasn't let up much at all, brian. if all of the imagery and stories we've been sharing haven't driven that point home yet, look at first alert doppler. it is still snowing just as intensely right now as it has been all day. we'll talk more about that coming up in the complete first alert forecast. for right now here's what we have at home. it was a really exciting day as we got into like early in the 6:00 hour towards 7:00, there was a severe thunderstorm that caused the national
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weather service to issue a tornado warning on it. no confirm tornado on the ground, but it says a lot about the intensity of the thunderstorms. i'll show you what it looked like on radar, because i've got a saved replay on it. but here's what we've got now. isolated showers coming onshore, and the possibility from now through tomorrow that you're going to get one of these pretty good little sxrourns over your part of the bay. there'll be plenty of time where it's not raining on your part of the bay, just like as you've gone today you've gotten plenty of breaks where you've gotten outside and didn't have to deal with it. as you can see from the futurecast here, all the way into sunday we're still gop going to watch the possibility for that. we've got to get through one more day under first alert status because of this. i'll be back in a couple of minutes. a lot more detail on this and what comes next. >> it hasn't just been rain in the bay area. lick observatory saw a nice dusting today. not many people make the trip up the mountain to enjoy the rare
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snowfall, snow that did not stick around for long, but the tourists did. >> we don't usually go to snow a lot. >> i feels like a lot of fun and like an opportunity to me. just like to have fun and just, just like it's just a lot of fun. it's a privilege. >> yeah, i think it's a treat. it's always nice to see the snow in the mountains, like this time of year. >> it's bad enough driving that up road in dry weather, much less in ice and snow. stay with us for the latest on the storm in the bay area and in the area on and the cbs news app. other news tonight, san francisco unified school district is facing a massive $421 million budget deficit on top of declining student enrollment. so the district wants to close down some schools which they say will let them use the capital they have more efficiently. da lin is out tonight talking with parents and student who is say that
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they are worried despite the rosy picture administrators are painting. >> reporter: the district is avoiding the word closure, instead they're calling it resource alignment. they're painting this narrative that fewer schools will benefit the students. the question is will the students and parents buy that. san francisco parent meredith dodson and her kids love their public elementary school. the two kids say that's because their teachers are amazing. >> i come from a family of teachers. i went through the public school system. husband went through sfusd. >> reporter: meredith and said that san francisco unified has faced challenges in recent years. that's why they founded the san francisco parent coalition after the pandemic to give parents a bigger voice. and now on this latest proposal to shut down schools. >> maybe not surprising but still upsetting. >> reporter: the district announced late last year it was
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facing a $421 million budget deficit. the district say it's lost nearly 10 toushgz students in recent years. some families have gone to private school, and many have moved out of the city due to the high cost of living. the district announced this weekend their plan to close down school, calling it resource alignment initiative. >> it's concerning. it's emotional. of course, like you don't want your own school to close. you don't want it to impact kids who are already being underserved by the district. >> reporter: the district declined our request for an interview on saturday. instead they provided this four-minute video that was produced for the public. >> we must have fewer schools than we do now. we realize this is difficult to hear. no one wants to think about their school or any school closing its doors, us included. but by having fewer school, we can concentrate our resources and enhance programs, teacher support, and student services. >> reporter: superintendent matt says right now they don't know how many and which schools
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would close. that will come later. >> our plan includes multiple phases of community engagement to ensure your voice is heard. we've also included external equity checks to ensure no community or student group is disproportionately affected. >> reporter: the district has roughly 49,000 students with 112 schools. as the district works to identify which schools to close, meredith and other parents are demanding transparency and making sure the plan will help students thrive. >> hearing parent questions, hearing parent concerns, and making sure the district is responsive to that. >> reporter: the superintendent plans to announce the affected schools in september so the school board can vote on it in december. if the board approves it, those schools would close in the fall of 2025. >> oakland unified was in the same boat two years ago. they had planned to close and consolidate 11 schools. but protests and hunger strikes led to the closing of just three schools and the board then
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voted to stop any remaining closures. well, if at first you don't succeed then you can try and try again to clean up streets and make them safer and cleaner. this time yet another new plan will quite literally keep an eye on roads in oakland and try to get homeless off the streets. 300 new security cameras will be install aid long busy streets like international boulevard as part of the new project and also work to clean up the streets with crews for removing graffiti and maintaining landscape. final goal is to remove encampments on oakland highways coordinating with city staff to shelt ter homeless people who are there. out on the peninsula, sacramento has given waymo the green light to expand on the peninsula, but politicians there are putting on the brakes. >> looks like we're bringing the san francisco circus to town, right? so -- at higher speeds. so my greatest worry is
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you take highway 101 and you use it as your science project. >> for its part, waymo has not said when it plans to roll out the service on the peninsula. sad news to pass along. san francisco photograph fer and activist david johnson died tonight at his home in marin county. the world war ii vet rose to prominence late in life for his pictures of the fillmore district jazz scene. these pictures of just some of his work from the harvey milk photo center. some of his work permanently on display at sfo or san francisco general hospital. a student and photographer an sell adams, david johnson was 97 years old. still ahead tonight at 11:00, details on the clash between a group of demonstrators and the san francisco police during today's pro-palestinian demonstration. and we'll check back in with darren peck as we prepare for more rain and more snow on sunday and more news after the
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. new video tonight appears to show an sf police officer using pepper spray at a confrontation in protesters outside the israeli consulate downtown. the arab resource and organizing center says that sfpd assaulted a number of people. you can see police
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swinging their batons in the video. also shared by aroc. the police said the protesters became violent and a few officers suffered injuries along with a protester. that incident took place after thousands gathered in san francisco for a rally and march in solidarity with palestinians. organizers and demonstrators demanding an immediate ceasefire in gaza. this comes just two days after more than 100 palestinians were killed while gathering around an aid truck. back to top news in the bay area. i mean, the snow and the rain, in a way we're used to it by now. >> you got a text message from your dad right before 7:00. >> i did indeed. he said, we got a tornado warning, is this my last communication to you? it turned out okay, but it was unusual. >> it would be concerning for anyone in that situation. you hear of tornado and think of the worst devastation. we
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didn't have one, but radar was depicting there was rotation in one of those thunderstorms, and any time the national weather service sees that, that's always your first sign to get ahead of it. so they put out the tornado warning -- >> this is in san baa dino county. >> heading towards morgan hill. let me show you what that looked like. i'm going to show you where this was that we're talking about. that's live. there's a good little line of thunderstorms right now that's moved into the central valley. pretty good organization and plenty of lightning with it. that's a perfect example of what we still have for the rest of the night. we're not anticipating any severe thunderstorms, but thunderstorms. good, brief little downpours. that's one example. there could be more that develop like that behind it over the course of tonight, but let's go back. that's right now. the time stamp's going to change. it's going to say 5:45. we're going back to that storm. you can see how much more impressive that looked. this moved across monterey bay. as it started to come onshore, there was likely a waterspout out over the water, and then that developed
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into, perhaps, everyone a funnel cloud that was at the base of this storm. you can see the intensity of this, look at the lightening in there. when we're looking for a rotation, one of the tools we use on radar is to go to the reds and greens. you might have gotten a little more familiar with looking at this. but when we get tornados here in northern california, they are often so weak it's very difficult to pick out where the kigture might be. you look for greens and reds together because it's reading in and out in terms of wind speed. is it going in towards the radar or out, away. they're supposed to be going the same way, but if you get two that are going in different directions, that is where you can see there's rotation, the thunderstorm is rotating. that's what the national weather service saw. there's plenty of lightning with it. thankfully, no tornado. but it was exciting and in that late 6:00 hour tonight. this is what we looked like right before the sun went down. high resolution satellite. you can see where we are. i wanted you to see this because that's tomorrow. all this stuff out here has to move
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through the bay. we're not done with this. the mixed bag of thunderstorms and breaks of blue sky. you will get plenty of breaks of blue sky tomorrow. when they happen, they're going to look real pretty. but they won't last long, because the next little wave will move in behind it. we looked at this at the top of the newscast, just to show you again, here's tonight. so any one of these could really get its act together. there's an example after midnight, perhaps, doesn't happen exactly there at exactly that time. but the ingredients are still persistently there in this system. and the models have done a great job on this one in terms of the ability for isolated thunderstorms through probably early tomorrow morning. and then once we get to tomorrow afternoon, the character of this system will change. and sunday will be quieter. we're not done. there's still going to be a chance for showers through sunday, but at least they're going to start to wind down in number and intensity by the second half of the day tomorrow. meantime, the sierra still an issue. if you take a look at the wording on this,
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winter storm severity index. and look at the deep shades of purple here. that was today. extreme for much of the sierra, that's much we already know. the weather prediction center puts these out. it's their way of visualizing the messaging on this. you notice the color code changed. it's less extreme, but it's still major. you look at the areas in red on here going right across i-80. major is still hazardous driving. road closures may be needed. today it was just they're closed. tomorrow it's, yeah, we're probably going to have to close i-80 at a time, but maybe the situation by the middle of the day improves a bit tomorrow. but look how much snow is still coming. that's just from right now going forward for the next day and a half. so there's still another two feet of snow coming. so the blizzard warning stays in effect until 10:00 a.m. one way of messaging the concerns in the sierra. but that 10:00 a.m. is a good kind of cutoff timeframe to know when things begin to lighten up, even though it's not going to turn
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off. the wind will have lessened, so the danger from travel from that perspective will get a little bit better. so we got to get all the way through tomorrow in the sierra. and then by monday doesn't stop but it quiets down, calms down a lot. by the way, there's the next storm. nothing like this one. but when we look at the seven-day forecast after we're done with this current one moving through, you can see monday is kind of a break but tuesday and wednesday we had to put rain back in the forecast. it's like 0.25 an inch of rain. nothing significant. no atmospheric rivers. no intense thunderstorms from that one but some garden variety rain for tuesday and wednesday. brian, back to you. >> thanks, darren. coming up in sports, the niners are already gearing up for next season "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle
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endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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welcome back. saint mary's had a chance tonight to do something they had never done before, entering the night on a 16-game winning streak. they hosted archrival gonzaga to go 16-0 in conference play for the first time in school history, except that they didn't. senior dan always an emotional night. but as for the game, gonzaga looked in mid-march form. ten minutes to go, ryan set himself up for a good looking three. and knocks down the shot to put gonzaga ahead right there by 14. few minutes later, driving, completes the behind the back pass to graham, who finishes for two. gonzaga went on to win. saint mary's still the west coast conference regular season champs, but they finish the year 15-1 in conference play. over to football now. the niners took their sweet time naming a replacement for
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defensive coordinator steve wilks, but they finally got their guy. they're promoting from within, defensive assistant nick sorensen will take over as coordinator. and that's not the only coaching news. team's also expected to bring in former chargers head coach brandon staley as assistant head coach. staley was in los angeles for three years before he was let go at the end of last season. went 24-24 with the chargers. staley was defensive coordinator for the rams before taking the head coaching job. and coming up on the other side, more sports. a local high school basketball team has one of the most talented rosters it has ever had. and it's looking to make hi
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. - it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.
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- [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level,
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but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+. welcome back. we are deep in the basketball brackets, not for march madness, archbishop just punched its ticket tonight, and with one of the most talented rosters in school history they're looking to go even further. matt lively has got that story. >> reporter: they may just be high schoolers, but the reardon boy's basketball team doesn't play like it. >> it's unexpected far high school, for a regular high
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school team. >> reporter: this junior is referring to the amount of talent the crusaders employ, something college coaches have clearly noticed. >> they've always said you're right up there, like you now, you're at the top, either 1a, 1b, 1c, you know, but that's pretty cool to hear. >> reporter: head coach joey curtain says they have seven players who have either committed to d1 programs or have offers. one is saint mary's commit zion, who returned from prolific prep for his senior year. >> i was here my freshman year, and it was an amazing experience, you know. had a lot of good talent that year. i wanted to come back to the reardon family and be able to play high school basketball again. >> reporter: stacked is an understatement for their talent. one star is andrew hillman, from cameroon. >> my favorite part is maybe the school and in-n-out maybe, yeah. >> in-n-out? >> in-n-out, yeah. >> what's your order? >> every time, double double, animal fries, and a shake. >> reporter: hillman is still
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getting accustomed to america, but he already has seven d1 offers, and he's got his priorities in order. >> everybody saying we want to win state, so i want it too for the gold and purple. >> reporter: reardon hasn't won a state title since 2002. yunior john jr. knows a thing or two about that. his dad played for the team. >> being at reardon just means a lot, and also putting up another state championship up on the walls just means a lot. >> reporter: talent and family is a driving factor, but so is the past. curtain graduated from reardon in 2001. he lost in a state title game and missed the winning team by a year. >> been a long time coming. i've been coaching here for 17 years. it's a high school experience that you're never going to forget. >> reporter: there are no prima donnas on this team, despite the college pedigree. they know this opportunity is rare. >> i'm definitely living in the moment, and i will deal with that stuff over the
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summer, because i got a lot to -- got a lot of decisions to make, and yeah. but right now i'm focused on the main goal, which is the state championship. and we're two games away. >> every kid's got a dream in high school to win a state championship and kind of make history. so you know, we haven't won it since 2002, so you know, it would be a big time win for us and a big time moment. and coming up after the break, one last look at the weather before you head off to bed this saturday night. i'm going to i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer
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quickly, because it's been so complicated, nutshell. >> you've got to get through tomorrow. >> okay. >> it'll be isolated showers through tomorrow. but like it's really tonight with the possibility for more thunderstorms that's the headline. >> okay, but we don't -- we still got to be somewhat wet off and on through tuesday? >> but it's a separate storm. that's where it gets confusing. this one is done on sunday. there's a break on monday. and there's a very weak, don't get excited about it, maybe 0.25 an inch for
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tuesday and wednesday. >> when you look at these patterns we've had do you think, el nino at work? >> this year, yes. >> so it did work out. >> we'll show the patterns, they ma has life■s circumstances derailed your destiny? cindy and darius johnston reveal how surrender changed the direction of their lives and gave them new purpose.
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♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ male announcer: "in touch," the teaching ministry of dr. charles stanley, reaching the world with the gospel of jesus christ. next on "in touch," "when we feel frustrated."


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