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tv   The Late News  CBS  March 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the evening addition. rain, wind, and cooler temperatures return to the bay. for how long? a local laundromat employee scared to go back to work after she said police let her alleged attackers walk with nothing more but a ticket. >> that is not considered a misdemeanor.
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>> i was very afraid. and i'm still afraid. more controversy surrounding the city. some california billionaires are trying to build in -- they say they are tricking people into supporting the project. oakland may have a new police chief lined up, but the issues facing the town are waiting for him. people do not feel safe to walk down certain streets or even go to work. this laundromat worker who was attacked by two customers, all caught on surveillance cameras. she says neither of her alleged attackers were taken to jail. da lin has more. >> reporter: surveillance footage shows two people harassing, tacking, and threatening a worker for 8 minutes. ruth, better known as ruthie, says it was the longest
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eight minutes of her life. >> i was very afraid. and i'm still afraid. >> it happened last saturday just after 7:00 p.m. at the laundromat near lake mary. ruthie told the two women they close at 8:00 p.m. and last washes at 6:30. she pointed to the sign on the wall. surveillance footage shows they left with the clothes. they returned about 40 minutes later. she says they started harassing her, saying their closer missing. she kept telling them that she doesn't have a close. again, here is video of the women earlier taking their clothes and leaving the laundromat. surveillance footage shows the woman in the black hat grabbing ruthie by her neck area, driving her around, shoving her to the ground multiple times, and punching her 3-4 times. >> they punched me again, hard enough that my nose was bleeding. i saw stars. i saw lights because they hit me so
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hard. >> reporter: another punch landed right on her face . she says her mouth still hurts a week later. >> i was afraid that they were going to kill me. you know? our -- my head in the dryer. >> reporter: the footage shows the limits threatening to hurt the few customers who intervened. ruthie called 911. oakland police told us that they cited the women in the black hat and police released both women. >> it is a misdemeanor that they can't do anything about. >> reporter: how do you feel about that? >> very angry. very angry at the system. >> that kind of assault is not considered a misdemeanor. >> reporter: one of the laundromat owners believes it is also elder abuse. she weighs 80 pounds. >> everyone knows ruthie, they love ruthie. no one ever had a problem with her. our regulars love her. >> reporter: she has worked here for 27 years, but hasn't come back to work since the
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attack. >> i am afraid they will come back into me in. >> reporter: open police say the woman who was side it was given a date to appear in front of a judge. the suspect will get away with simply paying a fine. light rain all day across the bay area. this is what it looks like driving through oak and earlier today. thankfully, nothing too heavy. no reports of any serious damage. during a brief break in the rain this afternoon, we were treated to scenes like this. what an amazing looking rainbow. and let's send it over to darren peck for details on what to expect them all. >> same storm with us tomorrow, but less intense. look at this going over oakland today. we just got to let this play little bit. a perfect example of what a day like this can be like we forecast
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on-again off-again showers. then the rainbow goes away. this is after clearing comes in. you will see a brief little bit right there. it goes over right there. this scene played out . on-again, off-again showers. this is what it looks like. if you put it onto the radar, this is exactly the same thing. only right now, that scene is playing out. you can see there is a cluster of them right here. yeah, like andrea said. that ended up in the central valley today. at least intense thunderstorms. we didn't have any warnings from this, but we certainly had our share of lightning. here at home, we watched the showers progress for the rest of the evening. this complex is going to slowly work its way south along with the rest of the system as a whole. we are
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selling to this tomorrow morning. we will still see a few scattered showers. it will start to change into tomorrow afternoon. i will show you what that looks like and then we will look ahead. there were two storms this coming week in the forecast. andrea, back to you. we walk together in anger. >> we walk together in anger. >> it is too much to bear alone. >> hundreds of people came out for an interfaith pilgrimage in solidarity with palestinians today. they marched from oakland and into alameda. 22 miles, which is the length of gaza. >> it is a long way. it is a long way, and it is a big task. people are willing. >> on top of the cease-fire and free entry of the pilgrimage, they demand the release of all hostages held by hamas, and the thousands of palestinians in israeli jails. they also
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demand an end to the -- as the only end to lasting peace. the affordable care act or obamacare. to mark the occasion, former house speaker gathered -- to celebrate what she called the gloria step further for the health and financial security of america's families. >> today, we are celebrating 14 years. not only saving it, but under president biden, improving get. the different packs of subsidies, and other things. >> pelosi says republicans are continuing to get the policy and suggest that this november's election will impact the future of the aca. richmond is home to the world war ii homefront national historic park. that is where we sent john ramose to check out a special ceremony today, honoring a group of rosie's.
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>> it took a world war for this country to stop underestimating half of the population. when they were finished, they had not only won the war, they change the nation. one by one, they entered the auditorium. eight in all. the women who are in living connection to a time when the entire nation was at war fighting for its very survival. >> a tank can war, a ship can float. thousands upon men and women must work. >> the so-called rosie role called featured women now in their 90s and beyond who answered uncle sam's call for homefront workers. it's been more than 80 years since she was a young woman selling shirts for the navy in greeting troop trains. but it feels like only yesterday. >> i can picture myself all over again meeting at trains
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and sewing. >> it stays with you for the rest of your life. >> yeah, oh yeah. i still think about it. >> it is something none of them will ever forget. america was forced to give up the limitations that have put on its women. in the process, the women themselves found the strength and confidence they didn't even know they had. >> yeah, it strengthened my backbone. you know? i became stronger mentally. a stronger woman. knowing that we can do these things. >> elizabeth tate learned to be straightest and a streetcar operator . >> if i want to come i can do anything i want to do. just put your mind on what you are doing. it happens a lot in life. >> when the war ended, there was an attempt to send people back to their traditional roles, but that ship had sailed. there was no going back for them. >> everybody was asked to come
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in and help with the war effort. and when they did, they didn't want to go home. they didn't want to go back to being housewives, to being cleaners on nannies. that was really the start of what changed our history in terms of the workplace. >> it is a history that echoes still today. not just for women, but for people of color, as well. will lemay thomas is a former rosie who these days inspires young black students with her details from the richmond shipyard. >> i tell them all the time, one of these days you will read about it. when you are at home. >> in this time of great division, it is hard to imagine the country working together for common goal. will lemay says it is needed as much now as it was back then. >> it meant that we had to fight for our country. and we had to work together and keep this country. and now more than ever. we've got to keep this democracy going. and all of that brings it back, we had to
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remember how that was. because i remember how it was then. it was a scary time. but we had to know, it's got to be all right. >> at the time, none of these women imagined what they were capable of doing. once they did it, it opened doors for the generations to come. >> today, rosie's local role called was a national observance of the day that happened around the country on march 21st. still ahead, white people in fairfield including the mayor says a group behind the newly proposed city are using deceptive tactics to gain support. and later, a breakdown of all the action from today's march madness games including a double ot thriller. ♪ ♪
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next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job?
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next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. new developments in the ongoing controversy surrounding the new city a group of california billionaires want to build near the travis air force base. to be able to do that, voters would need to allow builders to bypass protections that prevent agriculture lantern being turned into urban space, which
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means collecting thousands of signatures. they are being accused of tricking people into giving them their signatures. >> i said, this isn't right. he goes, well i love you anyway. >> -- left the fairfield target last week when she says she was almost tricked into signing something she doesn't support. >> oh, well do you want to sign these petitions? i say, what are they? they say, oh it is for better roads. >> reporter: she asked to see it herself, but could tell it was actually part of california for evers signature gathering campaign needed to get on the november ballot. >> you said, is this california forever and he said no? >> basically. he did not say this is california forever. >> and she is not the only one. mayor catherine -- of fairfield tells me she has fielded one dozen calls in three days by those who tell us
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they were deceived. >> they didn't mean for that to be what they were signing. >> it is why the registrar of voters sent out this alert, sang if anyone feels fooled by california forever, they could have their signature removed. >> they are being disingenuous or flat out lying. >> the community has been outspoken in its mistrust of the project. in a series of community meetings, they try to change that. >> you are not going to answer that question because telling the truth is not in your nature. >> they bought thousands of acres of land in secret over six years , then revealing they want to build a new city there. now they need more than 13,000 signatures to bypass locals rezoning red tape and get the issue right to voters in november. >> they need to ensure that their people working for them are doing things legally.
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>> california forever responded to the acquisitions, sang a small group of opponents are trying to create confusion around the issue and prevent solano county voters from deciding the issue for themselves. we will bring darren back in. more rain. >> a little more to go through tonight. like the first part of sunday, you will get much more blue sky than today. technically, we got a little rain . it would not be like today. a couple of storms coming after this one, which we will have to discuss. we are still watching this. we were doing this when we were on at 10:00 tonight and we were watching the south bay. going into mountain view, san jose, but you guys are still dealing with that? if you want to get a handle on how this goes, we will put it back into the future cas. at this point, it does not resolve those individual sales are individually. it does give us
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a notion of scattered showers, pretty much like they are right now through the remainder of tonight. we see a few more around the coast around sunrise. then you see a different view. these are actually breaks in the clouds. you will get more blue skies, maybe a few afternoon showers. there is not going to be as much rain tomorrow as today. and if we look forward to what we can do tomorrow, we maybe about a 10th, or 2/10 of rain. it is still going to snow overnight. most of what we see will fall between down about 8:00 tomorrow morning. just to show you another foot, or at least close to it. between now and 8:00 a.m., there is still a winter storm warning in the sierra. that will expire in the morning. let's look ahead. monday and tuesday, no rain. next week, things look
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interesting. that is the first system. you can see that branch of it on the very southern edge at this point. we will get some rain on wednesday. the one after that looks more impressive . that is the one for friday. that one kind of gets spun up. it is early. saturday night right now. we are looking at a forecast for friday, and we cannot go that far out with this model, or any model. there is still time to go and adjust. there has been consistency . two separate systems. first run around wednesday, second one coming in. it is fairly busy once we get to that wednesday time frame. there is our sunday shower on there. wednesday, we get some rain. it wouldn't be much. and then the next system comes in. that it's friday going into saturday. andrea, back to you.
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after four years in storage, the statue of -- is back outside the park. while that still sits opposite the ballpark in its namesake, it's been most slightly over to the new park. the giant ceo said earlier in the week that it was tough to have it in storage for so long. but is happy it is back where it belongs, overlooking. matt? >> feeling a little bit crazy? i know i have been. madness is still upon us! ncaa tournament rolls on. one cinder
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powering possibilities. have you checked the calendar? still march. still
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madness. our collective brackets, probably still trash. we start with the darling of the tournament. and no, they aren't from the east bay. a lot of confusion there. looking to take down nc state. five minutes to play. he played three years at stanford. he knocks down to three. that gives nc state a five-point lead. he gets left open, his the three, makes it a one-point game. he finishes with six threes. this one went to overtime. in the end, too much will. it is a party in raleigh. nc state wins, the 11th seeded wolfpack are headed to the sweet 16. give me puddles! the best mascot in -- yeah, i said it. less than 15 seconds to play. blue jays, down two. the floater, got it!
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we are tied at 62. they can't get it to go. we are headed to overtime. down three. it looks as sloppy as can be. the three! mercy. double ot. they built a three-point lead. zigzagging around, misses. jason greene is there for the put back. 86-73, the final. the blue jays are headed back to the sweet 16. mark view and gonzaga, facing kansas in a battle of bluebloods. all in the final 20 minutes. antoine watson throws it down. now 15 point lead. hey, do not leave been open. barry's the three. they outscored kansas 46-24 in the second half. they win big. bulldogs going to
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their ninth. yes, you heard it right. 19th straight sweet 16. >> the second half, they are up 33-39. let's try again. johnson, watch your head! throws it down on the reverse. seven minutes left, 12 point lead. jaden bradley, start the buses. arizona is moving around. 6-2 so far in the tournament. really a shame we are getting rid of the conference of champions. coming up on the other side, giants continued spring-training play as we are almost to the regular season. the newest women's soccer team just suffered their first heartbreak. we will show you what happened. - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore...
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ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now.
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it is the inaugural season for bay fc and the nwsl league. taking on the washington spirit. we pick things up in the 11th minute. scoreboard looking bleak. dorian bailey
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is going to change that. she lights it up on the breakaway goal and puts bay fc 10 . -- 1-0. heartbreaker for the bay. the walk-off game-winner. washington wins 2-1. the home opener will be against houston next saturday. in the mls, hosting the seattle sounders, tied at two in the final minute. he put the team on his back , go ahead goal in the 82nd minute. they go on to win, 3-2. in spring training, on the book for the giants and scottsdale. bases loaded, he crushes want to center. that will clear the -- 3 1/3 innings. they go on to win 11-5. that is the last of san
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francisco's gangs. one in oakland, one in san francisco. i'm so excited. baseball is almost back. i'm giddy about it. >> baseball will just hit us, right? >> i am waiting for baseball season. i'm ready. >> me, too. after the break, we will head to chase sender. some special kids got to know what it is
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ]
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for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. you're looking at some real jack in the box haters. yeah, they exist. they have no idea they're about to try my new smashed jack. this is good. it's very fresh. i like the sauce. i'm a saucy woman. probably not the best.
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not the best... she came in a white sedan. tow it. almost like a flavor bomb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade. -it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box! we are following breaking news. you can see what appears to be the flames and smoke from our camera on top of the mark hopkins hotel. that is quite a bit of action there. this is a developing story. fire officials say they are on scene of a structure fire.
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stay with kpix online for any updates. not like we need a reason to show cute dogs on tv, but today we have one. it is national puppy day. trying to help some of these little guys find their forever homes. shelters around the bay every a heavy -- bay area have been struggling to find homes since the pandemic. ever want to know what it is like to be like steph curry for a day? these lucky kids got a chance. vance ages 7-15 got to dribble pass and shoot on warriors ground. >> my daughter is very shy. she would be hiding somewhere far away. to see her out there, just doing in between the legs, dribbling. unlike, wow! she just going for it. throwing the ball up with no fear, making
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new friends. it's awesome. >> what a great experience to be able to do that. >> by the way, i was pretty bitter on friday night. they carried the dogs you can about into the center. thanks to credentialing me for that game. i would have loved to be there.
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♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ male announcer: "in touch," the teaching ministry of dr. charles stanley, reaching the world with the gospel of jesus christ.


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