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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  March 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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st... she came in a white sedan. tow it. almost like a flavor bomb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade. -it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box!
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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. an historic visit to the bay. the u.s. navy ship harvey milk entering our waters. the vessel named after a gay and civil rights pioneer. >> harvey was a visionary. >> harvey spent a good portion of his life as a champion for everyone, everywhere. >> today, we look at the significance of this ship not only to the military but also a symbol of how far the military has come. >> this is a military that has gone -- gone from it is illegal to be gay, period, and now we are naming one of our naval
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ships after harvey milk. >> all the work that folks have done, whether they were out or not out at the time, that is not discounted. it is recognized and appreciated. >> it is an exponential difference is what it is. we need a positive direction. >> thank you for joining us. i'm ryan yamamoto in for elizabeth cook. we know harvey milk is one of the bay area's best-known civil and gay rights leaders. the navy ship just arrived for an historic visit and over the next half hour, we will check in with our group live on the water for more on the ship itself which is now crossing underneath the bay bridge. the significance of this trip to the bay but first, let's get a look at today's news headlines. tonight could be the a's final home opener in oakland. they will take on the cleveland guardians inside the coliseum but most of the fans could be outside in the parking lot, staging a boycott. many fans hoping that by not buying
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tickets for the game, they will send a message to a's owner john fischer that they want the team to stay in oakland rather than moving to las vegas. the fan group save oakland sports is behind the tailgate party. organizers are planning not to go to any games at all this season. they are calling foul on a move by the a's to keep the lot closed until just two hours before the first pitch. the a's gained league approval for the vegas movement back in november. their lease at the coliseum ends after this season and the new stadium has not been built yet so the team is still working out where it will be playing for the next few seasons. a federal judge has sentenced ftx founder and bay area native sam bankman-fried to 25 years in prison for his role in the collapse of the digital currency exchange. he was convicted of fraud and conspiracy last november or siphoning off people's deposits. prosecutors recommended up to 50 years in prison while bankman-fried's attorney requested 6 1/2 years. >> the prosecution is able to
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show multiple times where sam had the opportunity to do the right thing to come clean and he chose not to do so. >> the judge also said bankman-fried lied during his trial testimony and attempted witness tampering. the judge ordered him to forfeit $11 billion . is attorneys are expected to appeal the sentence. the vallejo police department is looking for a new deputy chief. joseph gomez calling it quits just nine months after starting the job. in a statement, the police department thanked deputy chief gomez for his service and wished him the best of luck in all future endeavors. in baltimore, the search for survivors has been called off. authorities recovered the bodies of two construction workers but four others are still missing and presumed dead. federal investigators are analyzing evidence recovered from the cargo ship that crashed into the francis scott key bridge two days ago. the ntsb says it's investigation and final report could take one to two years. in the meantime, the navy is assisting in the effort to clear the wreckage. thank you. now, first alert weather. we are getting our
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mostly dry thursday but the next round of rain is not far off. we have our virtual view studio with much more. >> today is the day where we are in between weather systems but we are so close that we are not getting a completely dry break. most of the day will be dry. a good chunk will have some sunshine and there will be some isolated showers, even downpours. we saw a number of them this morning and that chance will continue into the afternoon. tomorrow, we are going to be wet. we will also be windy. there is a wind advisory in effect for the coastal range, santa cruz mountains and in and around the tri-valley in the east bay hills. we can see wind gusts in excess of 40 miles per hour. most of you don't live there, they live in some of our bigger towns and they will get windy as well. san francisco, oakland, santa rosa, 35 miles per hour wind gust late in the day tomorrow and still breezy, 20 to 30 miles per hour coming up on saturday. it will feel stormy outside once we hit
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friday morning. storm number one, your rain last night, showers this morning. store number two will move slower. it will parallel the coastline . once the rain gets here, it will be problematic to get rid of. throughout the afternoon today, some sunshine, a good amount of clouds. there will be some scattered showers. let's go into the overnight hours where the clouds really thicken. as soon as 6:00 friday morning is when the rain begins. watch the rain overspread northern california and the bay area and now it will get more intense as that storm gets closer. that is when the wind picks up friday afternoon. it will be a sloppy friday drive home if you are working for good friday. rainfall totals, friday and saturday together, an inch and a half of rain for petaluma, nearly 2 inches for stinson beach. more than an inch for san francisco and more than an intro calistoga. that may be enough for some minor flooding issues because of the rainbow that we will get over a two day period. today, a bit of a break before the storm arrives
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tomorrow. 62 in redwood city. 61 in san jose and los gatos. half moon bay, 57 degrees. upper 50s for san francisco. north bay, novato, upper 50s. we are mainly dry today but not completely dry. there could be a few showers. 7-day outlook, we are soggy tomorrow, wet and windy . we are soggy still on saturday. the biggest change to the extended forecast is sunday. sunday is now looking drive for easter. as we head toward next week, monday and tuesday, dry. some of you in the and will make it into the low 70s. it is an historic day in the bay, the first u.s. navy ship named for an openly gay person, harvey milk, just arrived in our waters. it traveled under the golden gate bridge in the past hour. take a look at the scope of this ship. it is 746 feet. the ship is one
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of 20 oilers used to move fuel and cargo. the u.s. navy carrier strike groups and other surface forces, this one will be headed to the middle east and gaza. let's give you a live look right now and it is still on the move and eventually will be docked at peers 30 and 32 along the embarcadero. you can see it right here but it did just pass underneath the bay bridge. let's go live now to the very unique view of the ship as it is coming in. you got two views of two bridges and that ship now traveling underneath the bay bridge. is a going out there? >> reporter: it is going good. we hitched a ride on you sfd. we have been following this ship all the way into the city. we started out all the way out in the ocean, watched it come under the golden gate bridge, which was a sight to see. we
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have been following it in. it just passed under the bay bridge. it will actually be docking over near here soon so we are very close to its final destination but this ship, just being this close on this journey into the city here today has been an amazing thing. as you said, this is a ship that goes around the world and it helps fuel other ships. it also gives supplies to other ships and countries around the world and this ship, of course, means so much to the city because of its namesake, harvey milk. this is the first ship that has been named after an openly gay person and harvey milk was an icon to this city in the world. when it comes to naming ships, that is not a small honor . this is a huge honor for the legacy of harvey milk. we talked to a local professor about naming this ship. >> it goes to show that there is a permanence to that and
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that all the work that folks have done, whether they were out or not out at the time, that is not discounted. it is recognized and appreciated and they are a big part of not just the military community but the united states as a whole. this is an exciting time for folks that want that commemoration to happen and it is good to see that it has finally occurred. you can see the ship here still coming in. we are getting very close to where it is about to dock. it is too bad there is not a giants game today because i can see oracle park from where i am at. you would have a pretty good view if you are up in the nosebleeds. the weather has been perfect. the water has been perfect. we are watching the last little leg of the ship coming in to dock. >> just for the viewers at home, what was that moment like as it was traveling underneath the golden gate?
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>> reporter: you know, it was magical. it was just pure magic, watching this massive ship come under the golden gate bridge. that is an iconic bridge. it is what san francisco is known for. to see a ship named after a person who really shaped the city, it was amazing. rick and i both watched as it went under. like i said, the weather has been amazing. the sun is out. it is beautiful. the ship looks great in the sun. you can see the city behind the ship right now. the whole experience has been great. we have been on this boat now for a couple of hours and we will be on it for a couple more. we will wait until this ship officially docs here and we will make our way back in and we will eventually come back down to where this pier is and we will interview some of the people involved with the ship. we are excited. it has been a fun day for us for sure. >> i am jealous. you and photographer rick have the best
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view right now of the usns harvey milk coming into port. we will check back in with you later on in the show but for those of you who want to see the usns harvey milk, it will be docked at peers 31 and 32 along the a broken arrow. we look at how the u.s. navy ship harvey milk is highlighting progress and inclusion after what, for some, was some painful memories during service. >> i was kicked out for being gay. we should all be treated with respect and dignity. that is what it is about. >> how this military ship is now a symbol of change.
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♪ history in the san francisco bay today. the navy ship harvey milk is in our waters, making its way under the bay bridge , now trying to
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park itself parallel at peers 30 and 32 . the best view of this will be at the embarcadero. this ship is a nod to civil rights and gay rights milk himself. he served during the korean war. the naming of the ship after harvey milk is one sign of a very different u.s. military , more than the one that a lot of lgbtq veterans did experience in their lifetime and our max darrow spoke with one army veteran who reflected on his painful exit from service and some redemption. >> mementos from a major part of michael higgins life are in this box. photos bring back memories of his time in high school at military academy. >> that is me. >> then, memories of his time serving the country. >> that was the brigade band. >> the u.s. army veteran was stationed in berlin in 1988 and he was proud to be there.
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>> i loved it. >> that chapter of his life came to an abrupt halt after a year and a half when he received a general discharge under honorable conditions, punctuated by these words. >> admission of homosexuality/bisexuality . >> on his dd 214. >> i was kicked out for being gay. >> at that point in history, military policy extensively banned gay people from serving. >> i was actually read my miranda rights in berlin, germany for being gay. think about that. i was getting death threats from the guys who were willing to save my life the day before they found out i was getting kicked out for being gay. >> higgins was not the first and was not the last service member to have this experience. three years later , president bill clinton announced a don't
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ask, don't tell, hoping to find compromise in the fight over the military's ban on gay and lesbians. >> it is not a perfect solution. it is not identical with some of my own goals and it certainly will not please everyone, perhaps not anyone. >> that, it didn't. >> it was met with protests and legal challenges from the get go. james diaz is an associate professor of history from the university of san francisco. >> the whole point of don't ask, don't tell is we will not ask you but if you volunteer that information or if you are caught, you are in trouble and it created this whole culture of stigma, taboo, and fear and that is why it was very controversial then and now. >> it was the country's policy for 17 years. >> our people sacrificed a lot for their country. >> until, 2010 when the senate
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repealed it. >> none of them should have to sacrifice their integrity as well and president barack obama inked it. allowing gay, lesbian, and bisexual troops to serve openly. >> when the appeal occurred, it was a big sigh of relief after generations of trying to move the needle, especially in the military, an institution that is arguably much more conservative than others. >> in 2021, president biden overturned the trump administration's banned on transgender people from serving in the military. >> everyone is qualified to serve their country. >> now, you have the commander-in-chief recognizing people who identify as transgender. >> this is for real. >> a lot has changed since higgins' duty came to a sudden and unceremonious end. >> it is an exponential difference is what it is. this is a military that has gone from it is illegal to be gay , period and now we are naming one of our naval ships after
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harvey milk. >> the change of tides has allowed him to rewrite a part of his history. in 2022, higgins received new discharge papers, inked with the word honorable. >> i was happy. that is the way it should be. i did serve this country honorably. i did not do anything wrong. >> big picture, he says more can still be done. >> there is always room for improvement, right? >> that is going to be through education. we've got to educate and we should all be treated with respect and dignity and that is really what it is about. >> he is grateful to see how much has changed since his days as a young man in uniform. what makes harvey milk such an iconic figure right here in the bay area and u.s. history? we look at his mission toward equality and how he became such a champion
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well, welcome back. you are looking live at the u.s. navy ship harvey milk that just made its way under the golden gate bridge and the san
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francisco bay bridge, getting ready to park. our kelsi thorud is live. you have the best view in the house now following its journey from out on the water. where are you headed now? >> reporter: i am not going to lie, today has been a fun one for sure. we are watching, like you said, we are watching the harvey milk being parked right now. it is almost there. i would say it is within a few feet now from pier 30 and 32. if you remember back at fleet week, this is where the uss john bertha was parked as well. it is right in between the bay bridge and oracle park. if you are walking down the embarcadero, you can't miss it. it is a giant ship that is just about to dock. we have been following this ship all the way under the golden gate bridge, under the bay bridge, to its parking lot here under
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the pier. the main reason we are focused on this ship is, of course, the fact that it is named after harvey milk. this man is an icon to the city. he has become a world icon when it comes to his fight for lgbtq rights as well as civil rights. he has had such an impact on the san francisco and the rest of the world when it comes to those two issues. to have a naval ship named after him, he was actually in the military as a younger man but this is just a huge occasion for him. this ship was christian back in 2021 and when that happened, there were people from across the city, icons of the city both political and community, talking about what this meant, including nancy pelosi. here is some of what she said at the time. >> harvey was a visionary. he
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saw this all early and he knew it had to be a movement to be effective. >> of course, we all know that harvey milk's life was cut short back when he was assassinated here in the city. we all remember that iconic moment when the late diane feinstein came out and made that announcement. >> both mayor miss coney and supervisor harvey milk have been shot and killed. the suspect is supervisor dan white. >> reporter: you know, ryan, just to go from that moment, such a dark time in our city's history, to now, this moment of
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having this massive naval ship named after such an icon to the city, it is just remarkable. seems like so long ago that happened. now, decades later, you heard dianne feinstein there , another icon of the city now gone and nancy pelosi, of course, an icon of the city. all of these people coming together, making such an impact on the city. harvey milk is a huge part of that. to have that ship now parked here in our city is just amazing and we have gotten a front - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time.
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we leave you with another live look now at the u.s. navy ship harvey milk which just arrived in the bay. we want to thank you for joining us as we follow this histor visit. the cb >> norah: tonight, we are 1200 f the baltimore bridge collapse. >> thermal images like this one are a force multiplier. >> norah: why the search for the missing is so difficult for her to oh, wow, so that's a vehicle appeared to be one and on the water, what it will take to reopen the vital port. >> it will take an enormous amount of work. >> norah: plus the details


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