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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  April 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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-or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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thousands of fast bring back a starry sky to their town. hi there, thanks for joining us this afternoon, i'm elizabeth cook. let's take a look at your news headlines today. the giants are backtracking after ripping out memorial tiles at mccovey coves. fans bought those tiles decades ago. in many cases,
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they had inscriptions. the tiles removed were a part of a construction project at that park. families were told the memorial messages will be displayed on additional kiosks. fans complained and now the team says it will find a new place for those tiles. the city of oakland is extending an opportunity for the a's to stay in the town for another five years. the mayor's office says they are asking the team to pay $75 million extension fee. both sides are suppose to meet tomorrow to discuss the deal as a part of that deal, oakland leaders want major league baseball to
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concerned about confusing passengers. drivers are being urged to avoid highway 1 near big sur after a section of the coastal route collapse during the weekend storms. this is near rocky creek bridge south of monterey. caltrans says an emergency escort is leading drivers through that area. landslides in the big sur area shut down the same road for
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several months last year. and rideshare drivers are demanding better pay and working conditions. they stage a slow caravan in san francisco. lyft says it is always improving the driver ther short stint of rain over the weekend. first alert meteorologist jessica burch has your forecast. >> reporter: it's another dry day in the bay area. high pressure sitting just offshore, keeping our temperatures nice and above average. mostly clear skies throughout the bay area. later into the evening hours tonight, some coastal clouds moving along areas in pacifica, bodega bay. but other than that, it is going to stay clear for us today and tomorrow with partly cloudy skies rolling in for wednesday, and rainy skies moving in heading into thursday
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and friday. i'll show you the reason why that's happening in just a second. but for now, high pressure is keeping us nice and dry and those temperatures sitting in the 70s today. 60s along the coast. but this cold front is moving their way to the north. this area of low pressure cooler, not only this weekend, but into early next week. the climate prediction center is showing our temperatures below normal as we head into this weekend. but that is not the case for us today. actually today we're sitting above average. we are talking about 60s and 70s, all throughout the bay area. it's a beautiful day to get out there with some fresh air. 70s out to the east bay. similar trends down into the santa clara valley. doesn't this feel like easter sunday? i mean we just had the forecast yesterday. we'll get a nice repeat of it today. so taking a look at the next seven days, seeing sunshine today and tomorrow.
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remember that cold front moves in though and that will happen late thursday night and early sunday. and they will start to clear up. watch what happens as we move along the bay of the shoreline, so areas like san francisco, up until novato over into oakland and berkeley too. fast food workers across california will earn $20 an hour. that's a bump from the minimum wage of $16 per hour. the hike stems from a state law passed last year. that'll apply to chains with more than
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60 national locations. this new law is posing questions about how it could impact the fast food industry. joining melike is michael burnett. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> this is a big jump, right? $16 to $20 an hour. that's $4 more. how will this impact the cost of food at various schemes improve wages to career ladders, other skill upgrading of low wage workers. nearly all of them have modest or no affect. so this is an approach to improve wages directly. and these other impacts. >> yeah, i can imagine. i mean is it going to put pressure on other industries that will employee a large amount of minimum wage workers to increase their pay raise? their pay hikes? >> yeah, a number of
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interesting dynamics going on. and one is a lot of employers who will pay workers now less than $20 an hour in direct here in long-term care and care for the disabled and retail are concerned that their workers will now move to fast food workers, which will pay more. how much of that, we'll have to see. and the converse is how much is increasing in fast food wages will increase wages and other low wage jobs. so they could have either of these impacts. and it could have the future, additional impacts of perhaps accelerating the automation that's already going on in our fast food industry. >> yeah, i mean some franchise owners have said this increase will cost almost half a million dollars a year. with the price
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of food still very high. is there a concern that the increase could lead to potentially job losses? >> yeah, we'll have to see. there is no question, no sugar coating it. it will have a positive affect of increasing these workers directly, and perhaps increasing wages for other low wage workers, but also increase cost. >> i want to look at the bigger picture, which is job growth here in california. unemployment at 5.3% nationwide. it's a 3.9%. do you think this will have a greater impact on unemployment in this state? >> well, i think in terms of the job creation, there's a couple of potential impacts, but we don't know. this is the first time we have had such a law that increases or sets a wage floor above the state minimum wage, which is now $16 an hour. so we will see in terms of, again, how much it
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will drive automation within this particular sector. how much it will lead low wage workers to move to fast food. how much it might increase wages and the other low wage sectors. this is the first time that we have seen that, a minimum wage for a particular center. >> all right, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. still ahead, bringing back the stars, what a small town is doing to fight light pollution. plus, we'll introduce you to a south bay rescue program taking in vulnerable animals.
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well the city of brisbane may be a small community on the peninsula. but as max darrow shows us, they are trying to make a big impact when it comes to reducing light pollution. >> reporter: appreciating the
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view from her back porch. and whennighttime arrives, they say something is missing. >> oh yeah. it is all sky glow three stars, i think. but every one of those stars is still there. they are just hidden. >> reporter: for the past several years, they will work to create a plan to change that. they came up with the dark sky ordinance. >> light pollution has skyrocketed. >> and after a january 18 city council vote, the city of brisbane is implementing it, which means the clock starts for residents to modify their outdoor lighting. >> we'll put this one in a couple months ago. we used to have a very nice fixture, completely open and the bulb was completely exposed. >> one of the things we'll look for is to put a ruler across the bottom of the fixture. the lightbulb should be higher than that, so it is tucked up inside the fixture. >> we have as much usable light as we used to. it is being
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directed with the warmer color temperatures. >> you can see the difference over the years. there has been an increase to people's homes. >> reporter: new outdoor lightbulbs must might other standards. commercial property owners have five years to modify their outdoor lighting where they will have ten years and the city has 15 years for street lights and facilities. as for enforcement. >> we have an administrative citation process. so there is definitely a warning. we have a code enforcement officer that will work with the residential community. >> reporter: brisbane is nestled in a hillside next door to san francisco, one of the largest culprits of bay area light pollution. even though they won't make a major dent in reducing regional light pollution, there is always
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somebody out there making a bigger mess than you and that is not any reason to clean up your own house. i'm hoping other cities will suit and that in den years, we will have dark skies in the bay area and they will have a better quality of life. >> reporter: and they still have work to do. >> so it will cast lights out and needed, and that is considered light pollution. >> and you can bet that she would have it done much sooner than that. well still ahead here at 3:00, helping the animals no one else wanted. we'll show you a special south bay animal rescue operation.
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a ranch in the south bay is taking care of animals that no
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one wants. inside the rancho rescue program. >> hello, ladies. come on, everybody. come and get it. >> on the ranch of the east foothills, he goes through his daily routine. the enclosure includes the two ponies, three alpacas, 60, 70 hens, 30 ducks. nothing would make me happier than to truly say i've got that. we have the pear tree. just let me know.
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>> the other five pigs literally sleep on top of each other as they say pigs in a blanket. what makes this unique, there is your car, that they will prefer taking disabled animals. >> we want to take care eyed alpaca, the blind horse. >> for you and for you. >> we have a dog in a wheelchair and he'll use those front legs. so this way he doesn't scrape up his knee, but he does just fine. >> reporter: and it is not just a temporary shelter. >> they would say nope, this is my family and my forever home. >> he manages the 12-acre ranch with his wife, emily. a pediatric dog. >> you want carrots? >> it is all quite a change. >> yeah. >> who spent 25 years in the circus. to become a kilt wearing animal rescue man on the 12-acre farm downtown san jose. >> a fun fact. i wore pants like a normal human being until about three, four years ago. >> that's when he took up the bag pipes. >> and jasper, a much loved cat that had to be given up because of their owner who became ill. since he had not seen jasper in
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months, with some video in the care facility of the cat and bat. >> emotional. as long as it doesn't frighten the horses and even if it does. >> that doesn't make you smile, you want to go there right now, right? well today is april fool's day. while many people will be extra cautious about falling for pranks in person or online, some experts
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say it may be good for your health to laugh and just be silly. she's the psychologist with the cleveland clinic. a prank or joke may be just what you need to relieve a little bit of stress and connect with others. >> we love a good laugh. it will help us bond with the people in our lives, but they also have benefits to our body when we laugh. it releases chemicals, when we would all join in a good laugh. >> who doesn't need a good laugh? albers says be prepared and aware of any pranks and remind yourself it's all in good fun. pranksters should leave the room to make sure that joke is appropriate. always good advice. still ahead, it may be april fool's day, but we're not fooling around when it comes to the crunchy staple. why it's a big day for sourdough. and remember you can watch
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us any time, anywhere on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. catch all of the live newscast and plus news and weather updates throughout the day. you can find us on the free news app or on pluto tv. - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere.
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let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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coming up, flood, hail, possible tornado. we're tracking the severe storm that is set to hit 95 million americans. the forecast ahead and much more coming up tonight on the cbs evening news. coming up tonight here at 5:00, a san francisco walgreens, another one hit by thieves. at a time the city continues to make a real effort to address retail theft in the city. we'll have the exclusive video. that story and much more with ryan yamamoto and myself
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coming up tonight at 5:00. and tonight's power ball jackpot is up to a billion dollars. that's right, a billion dollars. this will come after no one matched all six numbers on saturday night and if no one hits that jackpot tonight, it's expected to climb to $1.9 billion. there hasn't been a big power ball winner since new year's day. speaking of dough, it is national sourdough bread day as you know it is a san francisco staple, of course. the foggy climate will make a perfect ground. and that is how it really gets the unique flavor where it is recognized as one of the oldest breads and the main bread made during the california gold rush. i didn't know that. interesting. well cbs evening news is next on kpix. local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. have a great rest of your day. i'll see you at 5:00. ♪ ♪
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>> norah: severe weather threat. >> this is a multi-day threats with tornadoes, hail, and damaging winds being our concerns. to be on the intense spring court and storm that stormed on california moves against. americans in the path of thunderstorms and flash flooding. "cbs evening news" starts now. ♪ ♪ good evening, i'm norah o'donnell, and thank you for being with


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