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tv   The Late News  CBS  April 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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scloo are a mysterious illness turns fatal followed by a surprising toxicology report. >> the medical examiner found tetrahydrozoline in lynn her system. >> how much does her caregiver know? >> i didn't give her anything. >> "48 hours" saturday on cbs from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. >> now at 11:00, iran strikes back. tonight hundreds of missiles were fired at israel in retaliation for their deadly attack earlier this month. tonight the world holds its breath to see what netanyahu will do now.
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>> i think possibility of escalation is very, very high. >> so i think they're smart enough to know not to turn this into world war iii. >> then why state attorney general rob banta decided not to file sexual assault charges against a former north bay mayor. the response from his accusers and the court cases still on the horizon. and after a day of stop and start showers across the bay area, we will see if they are ever going to just stop. good evening, i'm brian hackney. and i'm andrea nakano. the world remains on edge tonight after iran launched a retaliatory attack against israel. >> apparently, iran launched over 200 drones, crews, and ballistic missiles toward israel late saturday local time. this is what it looked like over the skies of tel-aviv, jerusalem, and bethlehem tonight. vast majority of incoming weapons were intercept bid the country's elaborate missile defense system. much of it
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funded by the u.s. >> iran also seized a container ship near the crucial shipping lane through the strait of hormuz . >> reporter: iranian revolutionary guards boarded the vessel from a helicopter from the strait of hormuz. iran has threatened to shut down this crucial shipping route this. morning the israeli defense force struck a hezbollah military post in southern lebanon after the iranian-backed group fired a barrage of missiles over northern israel last night. most of the missiles were intercepted. there were no injuries. we've been preparing for an attack from iran for year, prime minister benjamin netanyahu said earlier, we are ready for any scenario. the big
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fear now is that this could significantly escalate the conflict. former officials told us -- >> this is the most worried. on both sides, israel and iran, and you know, at the end of the day no one wants a full scale regional war. >> reporter: not even the threat of an attack by iran could keep israelis off the streets of tel-aviv earlier tonight. tens of thousands turned out to protest against prime minister benjamin netanyahu. many demonstrators believe he will do anything to stay in power, including prolonging the war in gaza and escalating a confrontation with iran. >> i think he failed. he should go home. >> lawmakers here in the u.s. are now focused on what comes next. congressman john garamendi told us tonight that he is concerned about how israel will respond to the
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attack. >> i am very, very worried. it is a very, very significant escalation in every conceivable way. is it over? i doubt it. so we're looking at a situation that is right now spiralling not out of control but certainly it's escalatory. >> the attacks will have ramifications not in the middle east in the wider region but across the world, including here in the bay area. and amanda hari has that story. >> reporter: tensions are growing again in the middle east. >> i was a little bit surprised when i heard that it was a swarm of drones and potentially missiles that were headed towards israel because these are fairly slow moving. >> reporter: san jose state university political science professor says she was surprised iran gave israel so
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much warning. >> when i thought about it in more strategic terms, it became clear that these were intended to send a signal to iran's own domestic population and also to fulfill a promise that the iranian leaders had made to their people. and they weren't really intended to inflict military damage. >> reporter: she says these waves of strikes appear to be in retaliation for the bombing of the iranian embassy in syria. >> the fact that it chose this one is in some ways a hopeful sign, but it doesn't mean that the danger has passed, because the option remains for iran to escalate further if it chooses to. and it also depends on how israel reacts and how the rest of the world reacts to today's incidents. >> reporter: including the arab and jewish communities in the bay area. tyler gregory with the jewish community relations council says they're hoping for de-escalation efforts.
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>> so i think they're smart enough to know not to turn this into world war iii. that's what all of us are hoping and praying for. >> reporter: and laura with the arab resource and organizing center says she also wants to see the violence end and the u.s. to offer less support to israel. >> in the same countries and places the united states is arming, in the same countries where these wars are taking place. and what it means for those people, including myself who have family and loved ones who are now at the receiving end. >> reporter: as we head into the election season, she says president biden is likely feeling an unprecedented amount of pressure to properly handle this conflict. >> so this issue is, of course, an international relations issue, but it has important ramifications for his campaign because within his constituency is young people, muslim american, arab american, people of color, biden has to keep all
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of them satisfied while at the same time fulfilling his only gases to longstanding ally israel. >> reporter: she says many people are being impacted by the conflict right here in the bay area. she recommends keeping that in consideration and being kind to one another. >> despite callous threats, this is this first time iran has launched an attack directly against israel. while, of course, israel's attacks in gaza have now claimed 33,000 live, most of them women is and children. you can stay up to date on the very latest on our free streaming channel cbs 24/7, the cbs news app, or at other news tonight, some of the women accusing former windsor mayor dominic foppoli of sexual assault spoke out today after state attorney general rob bonta said he would not be filing charges against foppoli, saying there wasn't enough evidence to move forward. as you can expect, his
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alleged victims were disappointed and angry at the decision. da lin has more. >> reporter: attorneys say 15 women have accused dominic foppoli of sexual assault. four of them attended saturday's press conference. the other women say they're dealing with different stages of healing and are still uncomfortable to appear on camera with their stories. futhing back tears and raw emotions, farrah abraham questions the attorney general's decision to not file criminal charges against dominic foppoli. >> i want to just start off with a question, this has been so hard, how many rape victims does it take to get a rapist criminally charged? >> reporter: the florida social media influencer and reality tv star says foppoli drugged and raped her in 2021. >> reporting my rape will forever be one of the best decisions of my entire life,
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and if it prevents one other woman, child, man from being raped, this press conference will make all the difference in the world. >>reporter: miss abraham says she initially experienced a lot of internal anguish and self-blame. >> overcoming panic attack, chronic body pain, completely going to rock bottom, depression, suicide. i am really sad that i had to experience this and it affected all of my core beliefs. >> reporter: she met three other women at the press conference who also accuse the former windsor mayor of sexual assault. one of the women spoke briefly. >> we are shocked that even with the large number of women from all over the globe that have come forward that this is still not considered enough for a criminal conviction. we are horrified at the prospect of waiting for the next victim who may or may not have the courage to come forward. >> the money was never the focus. the focus was always getting a predator behind bars for the safety of others. but
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when the criminal justice fails, we find justice where we with get it. >> reporter: attorney tracy is representing seven women in a civil case against foppoli. there are a total of three civil cases going after him. the former windsor mayor resigned in 2021. he has always denied the allegations. he now lives in italy, but after the attorney general's decision, he said in a media report he may come back to the north bay. >> it is not surprising to me that mr. foppoli thinks that he can come back and lead the same life that he was leading. in response to that, i hope he's watching, because i hope he does come back. because i'd love to talk to him. >> reporter: miss abraham says she's still in therapy but wants to speak up and encourage other victims to come forward. >> the one thing that i did was i took myself out of the world for 28 days and i was put at a trauma center. and that's what
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helped me get back to where i'm at to continue on to even be able to be around men again. i did a 12-step program for relationships and i'm lucky to have a very supportive partner at this time in my life. >> reporter: attorneys say two of the civil cases are going to trial next year. >> as da mentioned, dominic foppoli now lives in italy. we reached out the him to get a response, but have not heard back yet. both b.a.r.t. and muni are trying to get more riders on board. at the same time, they're trying to kick more nonpaying riders off. b.a.r.t. is trying to tackle the problem with these new gates they say will make it harder for people to jump the turnstiles. so far they have only been installed at the west oakland station. and of course, muni can't put gates on their buses. but what can they do, though, to get more people to get on board and to pay? kelsi thorud went out to find out.
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>> reporter: fare evasion is not a new problem for sfmta but executive director jeffrey tumlin says they've seen a significant spike in people not paying to ride muni since the pandemic. >> when we stopped charging fares, stopped inspecting fares during covid, it's taken us a while to get our fare collection rate back to where it should be. so what we've seen is about an eight percentage point increase in fare evasion. >> reporter: to try and crack down on evader, sfmta will be adding dozens of additional fare inspectors. tumlin says the inspectors will rotate there every muni line in the city. >> we tried to make sure that the distribution is random. we also want to make sure that if you're a low-income resident that you're no more likely to get inspected than if you're living in a wealthy neighborhood. so we make sure the distribution across the city is pretty even. >> reporter: tumlin says only
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about 20% of sfmta's revenue comes from fares, but with ridership still well below pre-pandemic level, every dollar counts. still, he says it's a delicate balance between hiring more inspectors and getting fare revenue up. >> it costs more to get to 100% than you make with fare revenue. the cost of each new fare inspector is more than paid for through an increase in fare compliance and fare revenue. >> reporter: tumlin says his goal is to make every muni passenger feel like they're all contributing their fair share for the use of public transit. he says passengers can expect to see the new inspectors on buses and trains very soon. coming up next, the
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executor of oerj simpson's estate says he will do everything he can to make sure none of the money goes to nicole brown. and we've got your complete first alert forecast to let you know if anymore rain is on your way
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nearly 30 years after the so-called trial of the century, the death of o.j. simpson this week is prompting new questions
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about his life and estate. elise preston has the details from los angeles. >> james simpson not guilty of the crime of murder. >> reporter: after a majority black jury acquitted o.j. simpson of murder 1995, a majority white jury would find him liable in the wrongful death civil trial two years later. he was ordered to pay the goldman and brown families more than $33 million. the lion's share of that sum has never been paid, and goldman's attorneys now say the amount owed with interest is more than $100 million. the executor of simpson's estate told the las vegas review journal, it's my hope that the goldmans get zero, nothing. after simpson's death, the goldman family posting this, the hope for true accountability has ended. it's very much unclear if simpson had any assets. this as the memories continue to swirl of
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that unprecedented cultural spectacle, the people versus o.j. simpson. >> it had issues with race. it had issues of domestic violence. >> reporter: eight months before her murder, nicole brown simpson called 911. >> what does he look like? >> he's o.j. simpson, i think you know his record. can you send somebody over here? >> can you stay on the line? >> i don't want to stay on the line. he's going to beat the [ bleep ] out of me. >> simpson's attorney says they are still tallying his assets and aren't exactly sure yet how much his estate is worth. now switching gears to the weather and after some beautiful days last week, we got rain today and hopefully beautiful days are ahead, brian? >> well, we just must compose ourselves in patience, because it's going to take a few days. we've still got this to deal with offshore, and in fact, a few little lightning bolts there off the big sur coastline. so thunderstorms are possible, more than a possibility, they're happening.
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most of them are out over the coastal waters. as this works its way inland, though, you can see the peninsula over highway 1, santa cruz mountains getting ready perhaps to move into the south bay. a chance of showers coming in tonight as you can see on the high def doppler. in terms of numbers right now, it's chilly. temperatures today were 15 to 30 degrees cooler than they should be for this time of year. it's been unusually cool and unusually wet as far as the numbers go. the low pressure offshore will head south and the showers ease up tomorrow. in concord 0.33 of an inch. in the east bay not quite so much, but livermore did all right with 0.029. morgan hill about 0.33 of an inch. it's not completely done. we'll get showers overnight. helped out the reservoirs, which are still above average. so the showers begin to ease up as that low
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heads east and high pressure builds in. we'll get increasing sunshine. it'll be warmer monday. in fact, we'll be in the mid-80s by the time we get to wednesday. tomorrow's still on the cool side with san jose topping out in the low 60s. santa rosa tomorrow only in the 50s and still lingering showers a distinct possibility. but by the time we get to tomorrow night, we should pretty much be drying it out. to sum it up, it remains unsettled. we could get a thunderstorm or two tonight, especially in the santa cruz mountains. increasing sunshine, warmer monday and tuesday. low 80s inland by wednesday and thursday. and actually next weekend looks as if it'll be dry and warm, which will buck the trend of most weekends being wet. overnight tonight we'll be in the 40s, and daytime highs tomorrow finds redwood city with clouds and a few showers and 60 degrees. showers for campbell and 62. east bay, not so much, numbers in the low 60s. in the north bay, temperatures in the upper 50s and mid-50s for ukiah,
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lakeport, and clear lake. extended forecast, we'll all be warming it up by the time we get to wednesday. first we've got a few little showers to dispense with through tomorrow. not as much as we had today. that'll hold true for the north bay. numbers warm up to the upper 70s by wednesday. near 80 degrees for inland east bay. and after we dispense with the showers tomorrow it locks as though we'll be high and dry for the rest of the week. and i know that that's exactly the kind of forecast that andrea likes. >> that is for sure. thanks, brian. coming up in sports, several cal alums going into the final day hoping to become champs. the power's back on up and town the (upbeat music) - this is the new pix+ with the only 8:00 and 9:00 pm news, the primetime edition: weeknights on the new pix+. 44 cable 12. (bell chiming)
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the giants came into saturday homerless in their last seven games but they woke up their bats in tampa today. this little giants fan had to love what he saw from the offense and from logan webb. he allowed just one run in seven innings and got some help from his defense. in the fourth inning mike yastrzemski makes the running catch and crashes into the wall. webb loved that one. and he also got plenty of run support, which sometimes is hard to come by. san francisco up 2-1 in the fifth. lamonte wade jr. hits the ball just over the right center wall for his first home run of the year. that made it 4-1. now 7-1, giants, in the seventh. no doubt about this one. jorge soler crushes one 446 feet to sen for for a solo shot. his third home run in orange and black. three batters later, estrada with his second long ball of the day. he went 3 for 4. san francisco hit five homers in the game to cruise to
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an 11-2 win. san doolittle back in town as a member of the nationals coaching staff. washington starter mackenzie gore tossed five shutout innings and tied a career high with 11 strikeouts. he struck out the last five batters he faced. and then top of the sixth inning, the nats up 1-0, luis garcia with a big two-out hit to bring home their second run. and washington wins 3-1. but the a's still have a chance to take their third straight series with a win tomorrow. to golf, third round of the masters from augusta national. tiger woods made the cut for a masters record 24th time but really struggled on saturday, shooting a ten over 82, the highest score in a major in woods' career. former cal bear kyle morikawa birdied four of hi first eight holes and briefly had sole possession of the lead. another bear in contention, max homa started the day tied for the lead.
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saves par on 13. homa shot a one over 73 with seven pars. and world number one golfer scottie scheffler was two back after a double bogey on ten but on 13 gets it all back. that's an eagle putt and scheffler ended the day atop the leaderboard. bryson dechambeau came in to the day tied for the lead but struggled on the back nine. that is until the final hole. the approach shot there from 77 yards out for a birdie. pulls the clovis native within four shots of the lead. scheffler leads morikawa by one with homa two shots back. one thing that could stop scheffler from winning it all is his wife meredith. she is nine months pregnant, and scheffler has a plan in case he gets the call. >> i definitely have a way to get home pretty quickly. and yeah, we have somebody here that has access to their
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cellphone, if that's all right. and yes, i'll be available to go home when, you know, whenever i need to. >> think she'll call? >> she better call. well, still to come, we'll check in with the sharks on the ice and the warriors may rest their stars for the final game of the season. the strategy steve kerr hopes - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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the warriors go into sunday's regular season finale sitting tenth in the western conference with a chance to move up if they beat the jazz and either the lakers or the kings lose. but golden state may prioritize resting over playing in the seeding. steph curry, draymond green, klay thompson, chris paul, and jonathan kuminga are all listed as questionable for tomorrow. and based off what steve kerr said friday night, this shouldn't come as a surprise. >> could you be resting some guys on sunday? >> oh, hell yeah. it's not the worst thing in the world considering we played a hectic schedule this past month with a lot of travel so. it wouldn't be the worst thing.
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>> it's a gauntlet, right? you've got to play two play-in games. if you can win those two, game one 48 hours after that. the sharks hosting the wild in their final game at the tank this season. final minute of the period, scores to make it 5-2, minnesota. he scored twice in the last minute of the period. san jose finishes their season with two games on the road, brian. i can't believe we're in the postseason. >> believe it, andrea.. >> it goes too
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despite the wet weather, thousands of people came out
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for an annual cherry blossom festival in japantown today. if you weren't able to make it, no fear, the festival continues tomorrow and it also picks back up next weekend with a grand parade next weekend. >> and apparently the weather people are saying it'll be sunny next weekend. >> really? the weather people are saying that, we'll hold you to it. >> thanks for watching, see you tomorrow night. >> good night.
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