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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  April 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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this is into with elizabeth cook. years after a man died in their custody. how much time they could spend behind bars. cannabis business is working to grow their custome3 base. they say wee week is giving them a boost. ading into this weekend but a big che into late next week.a i want to time that out for you coming up in your first alert forecast. thank you for joinius on this friday. i'm elizabeth n today's news headlines. students from across the bay area gathered at embarcadero
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plazasan francisco to take a stand against what they see as injustice in the world.this was a jointprotest against climate change and the war in gaza. >> protesters say these global d they say it is up to themo speak up about their future. >> we know that our future is in danger in the future of our children in thesedifferen through genocide war. we - aalso fighting for their future. ãcommunity members rallied outside the troubled women's prison indublin. the prison is set to close and all 600 inmates are exp to be moved to other facilities. demonstrators are protesting the transfer and they are calling for the prisoners to be has been nicknamed the rape club due to allegations of rampant abuse. it is not clear if the closure is temporaryr perman. federal officials are pushing back which could
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delay the planned shutdown. another twist, yet another one, in the extremely tight congressional seat. we know a recount was called after the first vote tally resulted in an ct time for second place. únow repng the discovery of about 20 ballotsxcluded from the originalunt. those votes could be pivotal in deciding who advancinto the general election with former san jose mayor sam liccardo , either evan lowell or santa clara unty supervisor joe simitian. the san franciscoo will soon be home to giant pandas. the news cog as mayor london breed continues her trip in china. no word yet on when the pandas could arrive. the san francisco zoo last hosted giant pandas in the mid-1980s. today was another beautifu one. let's get to our first alert weather on this friday. it was a bit cooler today but ú condit. meteorologist
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jessica burch is in our virtual view studios looking at the kend with another chance of showers. >> as we head into our weekend forecastwe will continue to warm up and dry up . high prsure continuing to move its way in. as you have noticed, we have not had any rain in the forecast for the last seven days. the nex system ridges its way in but we will see cooler weather after monday. we are warming up until monday. we will see sunny skies in the inland areas. san jose, i am picking on you guys. 80s into front approaches, potentially d bringing a light chance of wers. as of now, still of showing barry tracamounts. there is a light chance of showers. we continue to keep a close eye on that heading into next week. we are warming up into the
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60s from safrancisco acss the beautiful bay dge into oakland. we are expecting 70s into the east bay, upper 60s in the heart of redwood city. we havebeen above average all week long. light winds wl continue to know -- wants to move in from the north. daytime highs, san jose sitting in the äs. it will be a thing of the past by tomorrow. it will last into this weekend and here we go intnext week. another thing i want to mention too as we head into this weekend, we ave a weather special. we will talking about atmospheric rivers and the impacts it left us in the bay area. through the rest of this week, we have a treat because we have dry wther to get out there and take adtage of all of that lush greenery. now that the green has moved throu the bay aa, we have daytime highs in the 60s. an opportunity to hike, go on a trail.
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>> thank you. a couple of hours from no3 at scout park in alameda to r - remember mario gonzalwho died while in police custody it happened three years ago and his death is prompting protests nakano has the new charges that could land three officers in the case behind bars. >> this appened in april 2021. ocers were looking into the case of a possible theft in the area as they td to question mario gonzalez. iled to a scuffle in the 26-year-olan he ground. family membe to their loved one. amily membe >> they did not need to detain him, let alonkill him. they took a calm situation and made it fatal. it fatalhe three officers now f involuntary manslaughter
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charges that could face a sentence of four years in state prison. >> this is not a great day for the city of alameda, for the county of alameda or for the family of mr. gonzalez. >> price says the charges came about after her public accountability unit had a second look at the case. she would not say what they found to warrant these charges being filthree years after galez's death. >> i can't comment on that. i can't comment on that. the matter is pendibefore the court. the details how they came to this decision, predecessor did. >> eric mckinley who represented gonzalez 's now 7-year-old son won a settlement against the city of alameda. he could not do an on camera irview but told us these are haddad added that he handed over his case in a bow that had
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the evidence needed to pursue criminal charges. while da he said she had nothing to with the decision to prosecute the officers and will cont case, another matter she could notelaborate on. >> it was a decision i made. it was a technical matter and i am >> two of the officers remain on paid administive leave with the alameda police department. the third officer has left for another agency. all of themare scheduled to be arraigned next month. thcannabis industry getting crowded herein the bay area. some businesses are using weed week try to stand out from the rest. we take you to a central valley where a crucial canal hat is set
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tomorrow is 4/20 but don't expect to see sceneike this at hippie hill in golden gate park. unlike years t, there will not be an official 4/20 cbration. organizers said they could not get the my to put on the event but that does not mean that cannabis
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enthusiasts are not celebrating. this weekend wraps up the first-ever san francisco weed week. our shawn chitni spoke to business owners who hoped to grow their customer base and industry. >>joseph snow says it is an exciting time for a new cannabis businesslike is to showcase their products an help developheir brand during san francisco weed week. >> there is a lot osaturation but because we bet on quality and we did not bet on quantity when it came to our production, it has not affected us quite the same. >> joseph says his company snowtill is able to create a higher-quality cannabis grown indoors by using a better soil . >> it is very competitive and cutthroat but sometimes in those environments, some of the best product stand out. >> will many peo are used to seeing the large crowds inside ear the event ' weed week hopes to give vent ' cannabis lovers and the cit a chance to see what else the industry has to offer with events all week long, including
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on 4/20 like this artist exhibit made up of cannabis have never had before. we are excited to see how this gndswell of public support and people understanding how powerful this plant is is literally transforming t world. momentum toward legalization and new advances in how they usee plant are only adding financial hallenges is not just afting hippie hill, the intry as a whole has its struggles in the economy. >> everyday is a battl for us. ãare in the middle of a market direction. by the end of this year, you will see a lot of brands disappear and a lot of brands really establish mselves. really establish >> weed week hopes to be a boost to neighborhoods like soma to bring more people out during the day to meet growers and other industry professionals and in the
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evening for cannabis parties. >> 4/20 is on in san francisco. there was more places to go than ever before. >> lower prices and higher qualiproducts are the omise of those who love the plant. naftaan expensive fix for a serious problem. land is king so fast in the central they just built to replace it is sinking too. we are talking about the friant-kern canal in tulare county which runs along the east side of the san joaquin valley.his is a nd communities there. the úsyst lake, north of fresno. from yst there, it runs 152 miles to the south, powered entirely by grty. but, gravity means going downhill and that has gotten complicated. decades of groundwater pumping has caused the valley forward to seeing anthe canal with it. >> to convey this water south through the section, we have lost over 60% of the carrying
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capacity. > we first show you t solution back in august 2022. it is a new canal built right alongside the old one, only it is higher so the water can still flow downhill. well, that new canal wll go into service in the next couple of weeks and as our wilson walker shows us, it already faces the very same challenge as the last one. >> here in the forround, you are looking at the old canal and over that dirt pile there is the new canal. this is typically an image that people hat kind of problem have out here? this is it. lem >> stretchinout tulare county is a megaproject that is just about finished. it is the new friant-kern canal. >> it is about 12 feet higher than the old. >> the old canal built in the 1940s with a califoa water disaster in slow motion,3 sinking with the vallelower
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since the time it was built. it as continued. with capacity cut by more th60%, the only option was a new canal but it faces the same problem. >> i've got some posterboard for you, wilson. it will blow your mind. >> johnny amal is chief operating officer of the friant water authority and about to celebrathe opening of this water line for farmland and pple. >> now, wehave encountered a new area between avenue 136 and the tule river that is cting tricky financing and on day one, we are facing a 400 cfs capacity problem. >> that is new sinking threatening the very project that was supposed to keep the water moving.
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>> it is not rocket science what t cause is. it is overdraft of groundwr. >we grow grass that feeds the cows that makes the milk that makes land o lakes butter. coming into put in orchards and vineyards and the next thing deep, deep wells where my wells were 400 foot, they are drilling 1800 feet, drawing the deepest water. >> it is a touchy subject because we are talking about neighbors, friends, people that or many, many years. >> for the water authority, the sinking canal is forcing the issue and they are askithe se for a kind of emergency intervent on groundwater usage. >> i hear that quite a bit. why
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you picking a fight with why farmers? my respse is, what are we suppo to do? this is the most important infrastructure facility on the east side of the san joaquin valley and it is being harmed >> the challenges are, in a sense, pitting farmer against farmein a way because is pointifingers at who? the chenges are deep. >> deep enough to cut into the capacity of this recent emergency fix before even ore that california does not have a plan to reach oes not groundwatesustainlity until the year 2040. >> our problem is that it's got to be addressed really soon because in order to realze the full capacity will move water to the new canal, this capacity immediately. o be addressed - >> the new canal was built with future in mind, the giant
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stipends that pulwater beneath the roadways. that woulallow them to raise this canal in the future without havingto lift all of the bridges like they had to do back in the 70s. the landscae sinking, everything out here subsiding, it really forces you use your imagination when you tnking about the state's water challenges. this massive projt will open to a number water landscape changes in more ways than one. >> the ribbon-cutting and the flooding of the new cl will come the nex couple of weeks or so but they have expected to hold a hearing on the groundwater issue in the water basin september. >> this weekend, cities all over the bay will be celebrag the planet in honor of earth day. tomorrow, there crafts and more. for oakland, the hir ground neighborhood development corp. is planting
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es and you can enjoy planting entertainment at oxford commons for earth day napa 2024. you can head to our website, www.kpixm, to find out more about theevents. on monday, cbs news bay area presents earth day, a special look at how bay area are working together to protect the planet. our earth day streaming special airs on, the free cbs news apand on pluto tv. tomorrow, we bring back to back specials. first, at 7:00 p.m., the first rt weather team takes a look back at this past winter, another year of wild weatherthat wi leave a lasting impact around 3 the bay area and beyond. then, at 7:30, a cbs news claimant watches special.we take a look at the species wten by a changing planet and how scientists are protecting life on earth. giving youth the tools to ach their peers and help
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prevent suicide. >> i hope that this campaign lets people know that they don't have to struggle on their ow >> the new california effort pointing young people to the resources and help they may need. you can watch us anytime, anywhere on our streaming sece, cbs news bay area. catch all of our life newscasts plus news
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> it is a serious public conn that has health departments across thecountry looking for solutions. suicide continues to be a leading cause ofdeath for youpeople here inthe u.s. and here in california, suicide was the second leading cause of death among kids ages 10 to 25 years old between 2018 and 202 and from 2019 to 2020. these ages ur sister station in sacramento shows us a new prevention campaign created with the in of dozens of teens themselves.
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>> i hope that this campaign lets people know that they don't have to struggle on their own. >> stephen knows suicide is a huge problem. when he heard about the number of balder ampaign -- >> i was all in from the second i heard about it. >> he is one of more than 40 young calinians that shared their thoughts, feelingsand perspective giv-- perspectives. >> we had a say in how the campaign looked and the messaging, even down to simple things like the colors on the website or how the website even blows. to give them the equipment and the resources and they wi help create those message >> the sierra health fdation, one of the anizations involved says the campaign will be pushed out via media nd even useommunity al outreach strategiese big focusll be on populations
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they say are disproportiotely impacted by suicide. >> that is the beautifupart about this campaign. these centers providig a meeting and people where they are at. >> there have been a loof times when i was younger when i did not know what to do. i did not know wh resources to point them toward and this ampaign is vital because it allows people to gateway to resour. >> hope is that this sends yo a message that there is hope out there, that they deserve it, and where to find it. >> if you or someone you know is in emotional distress or in a crisis, you can reach the 988 suicide and crisis lifeline or by calling or texting 988. a chance to look back into a bygone era. the kickoff to a new exhibit showcasing china is bronze age right he
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5:00a deeper dive into the annual celebration of birthday. find out how it all started with a california catastrophe. exhibition that features more than 1chinese artifacts that daback more than 2000 years.
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>> it all kickback with a ceremony featuring dancing and musical performance. the pieces and textiles wo ancient chinese kingdoms. a representative from china's significance. abouhe - >> today's exhibition offers a rare and immersive opportunity for the american people from over 2000 years ago3 >> this exhibit runs through july. the cbs evening news is >> margaret: a horrifying scene in downtown manhattan. >> it takes one can, dumps the can on himself, takes another can, dumps the second can on himself. >> margaret: a man set himself on fire just outside the


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