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tv   The Late News  CBS  May 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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f0 now at 11:00, what if the best tasting cheese in the area isn't cheese at all? >> you couldn't just let vegans have this thing. >> i was going to food trucks and ordering a cheese quesadilla. so he decided to change it himself. >> the week i opened the food truck, i had $40 to my name.
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>> how his next move changed the food truck scene. and it looked like a revival of the boston tea party on the giants bus in boston. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey. on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey. so it seems like every day there is a new plant-based food product on the shelves, and if you aren't vegan but try these foods every now and then to shake things up, it might seem like some of these foods have gone a long way. and then there's cheese. dairy eaters who try vegan cheese seem to be less sold on it. some say it's rubbery or too melty or nutty, but one company in berkeley seems to have the vegan cheese thing down, so much so that they may have out performed the dairy-based cheeses until they were disqualified. climax foods
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is the company in question, and stephen colbert had a lot of fun with that. >> the vegan blue is a product of a company called climax foods. why? that is the most unnecessarily sexualized food company name since kyle's money shot hoagies. >> even though it was a punch line, he decided to see what was so special about the cheese. >> i like it. you can really taste the foot. >> after seeing his reaction, we sent our andrea nakano to take a bite herself alongside a world famous chef, and while she did, she got the company's side of the story about the cheese causing a big stink in the dairy industry. >> reporter: with cheese being one of the toughest foods to make plant-based, it was a huge deal for these bleu cheese to be considered one of the best,
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but this competition had had more holes than swiss cheese. climax foods in berkeley works to create a tastier, healthier, and kinder cheese. this bleu cheese was about to take home the gold. >> i got an e-mail in january that we were not just finalists, but winners. >> reporter: but then came a technicality that the climax founder and ceo didn't even know about. >> a week ago or two weeks ago they changed their website to say oh, now it also has to be grass certified. and then we were excluded just a week or two before the competition. which is a little bit, i guess, confusing is maybe one way to put it. >> reporter: grass certified translates to generally regarded as safe by the fda. the ingredient that became the center of the controversy is cocoa butter that comes from
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the seeds of a cocum tree and isn't grass certified. >> we could have given them another version of the cheese that uses cocoa butter, which we have. >> reporter: stephen colbert brought much needed humor to a difficult situation. >> i loved his way of describing the bleu cheese. it tastes like foot. >> reporter: although this cheese is not available for retail yet, it is being used in one of san francisco's finest restaurants, atelier cren. the chef and owner says she grew up on bleu cheese just like this one in france. >> i knew it was going to win because i, i literally if i was blind and you give it to me i would say it's amazing bleu cheese. >> reporter: with her vote of confidence, i put my taste buds to the test. i don't know how
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you did it, but you have the green kind of marbling inside. >> the mold grows the same way. >> reporter: yeah, it really does hit you in the back of the nose when you have it just like a regular bleu cheese. climax foods is always working to come up with the perfect scientific recipe to create the next best cheese. the goal is to create a product that tastes just as good as dairy cheese at an affordable price. oliver zahn doesn't want to fight with the dairy industry, just coexist. >> whatever happens, you were disqualified, i don't want to blame anybody, i just want to offer consumers an alternative. >> reporter: the cheese is in restaurants right now, but the goal is having them available for retail early next year. >> i imagine you have to be into bleu cheese to like it, but curious to try. by the way, we did reach out to the good food awards if were their comment on why it shook out this way, but we have not heard
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back. on college campuses across the country, police have been flattening encampments and clashing with pro-palestinian protesters. >> get back, get back! >> things have been busy at ucla. now riot police are firing you have rubber bullets. they arrested over 200 protesters after a nearly nine-hour stand off. hours later the encampment looked like this, broken down. protesters were still defiant when a reporter was on campus. the crowd rushed towards her and people started setting off their own flash bangs. >> reporter: some of the clashes are very loud. hearing loud flash bangs. you can see some of these um, protesters moving into the street trying to create some obstruction. >> back here in the bay area, some people are worried about tensions reaching a boiling point on the uc berkeley campus
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after this fight broke out at their encampment. until now things have stayed relatively peaceful. >> reporter: video of the moment a fight broke out on the uc berkeley campus. the woman who shot the video, who wants to remain anonymous, said in a statement to cbs news bay area, that she was with a group of pro-israel students standing across from the plaza with an israeli flag. she says someone grabbed their flag, and it led to this fight. she said the incident was terrifying, and that some protesters followed their group until they reached the police station. this student with the uc berkeley divest coalition was there. he said the interaction was small, and the person that grabbed the flag was not from the protest. >> we mostly didn't engage. we had one person who i've never seen at the camp, none of us knew, who disappeared
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immediately after. we're not sure who this person is who just grabbed a flag. >> reporter: he says the injuries that happened in the scuffle are small compared to what's happening in gaza. >> a bloody nose and one of our protesters got punched in the eye. 40,000 people have been killed. we're seeing on our phones people with limbs gone. so again, like i want to re-emphasize this is not about us. >> reporter: he says with finals and summer break looming, there's no timeline for how long the camp will stay at the plaza, and that they're taking things day by day. they say they're going to continue to demand that uc berkeley divest from israel, but uc put out a statement that the university system as a whole will not do that. >> so a university spokesperson told us they're urging everyone to avoid pointless provocation and physical conflicts. they gave us a statement saying they were stepping up security on campus and they've started an escort
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service. they're calling that way finder. it's available to anyone that feels unsafe walking through that part of campus, they said. still ahead, one south bay police department is about to do something that was banned in their city for more than 30 years. and this man wanted nothing but to eat mexican food, but his religion stopped him from enjoying it. the south bay is famous for this cuisine, so he decided to take a gamble himself. >> i looked at my crew and was like all right, i don't know how i'm going to pay you, but we're going to get out here and do our best. >> how that bet really paid off. nice weather across the bay area again today. we did see the return of a little bit of fog. this is the time lapse looking toward the coast as the sun went down this evening. the fog hanging out along the coast. one more nice day, then saturday is much different. details coming up. all right, this might not be for everyone. the cruise for people on the adventurous side who really don't want to carry much luggage at all.
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san jose police seem to be changing their tune on a cinco de may orchestra -- tradition in the south bay. this year they'll be cruising with low riders. last year they closed the onramps making it hard for people to take part in the
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festivities. this year they'll take part with their own low rider, a far cry from the city's decades long ban on low riding just lifted last year. 300 vehicles are expected to participate in this weekend's low rider parade. growing up, this man's first job was at a san jose taco shop serving up cuisine that the south bay is known for and loved all over the place. but his religion makes a lot of food off limits. as our len ramirez reports, he bet his savings on a dream that changed the food scene. >> you can see here we're making real barbacoa wrapped in banana leaves. >> reporter: his he's restaurant is a melting pot of foods, flavors, and car length -- and cultures. >> my favorite culture to be immersed in was the mexican culture. >> reporter: he grew up on san
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jose's east side loving mexican food. >> my first job was in a taco shop as a prep cook. >> reporter: he then went to culinary school and worked in a few more mexican restaurants. there was just one problem, as he became closer to his muslim faith, he couldn't eat many mexican dishes anymore because it wasn't permissible. >> i was going to food trucks and ordering a cheese quesadilla, it was terrible. >> reporter: so he started cooking mexican without lard or pork and used only ethically raised and slaughtered beef. >> i did a lot of my cooking at home to fill that void. a lot of my friends were saying you're really good at this. >> reporter: when covid hit and he was thrown out of work, he gambled his savings to start a food truck. in four years, his food became so popular, it escaped from the street and came indoors to a brick and
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mortar in the willow glen district. >> getting to a brick and mortar was phase one of battling chipotle. >> reporter: it is a success story that came during a chaotic time for san jose businesses. while some never survived the pandemic, many have found a way to come back strong says the san jose mayor. >> the pandemic was a challenging time for small businesses in san jose, but when we look over the last ten years, we've seen net growth in small businesses. san jose is an incredibly diverse and entrepreneurial city. we have thousands of small businesses. we've seen a lot of them hang on and start to thrive coming out of the pandemic. >> reporter: san jose mayor matt mahan says the last decade has seen the greatest number of businesses launch in san jose. a third are micro businesses with just two to nine employees. >> i credit a lot of that first and fore foremost to the incredible entrepreneurs we have in san jose and the people
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that support them. but also we've prioritized making the city safe and clean as we get back to basics. >> reporter: the city also offers grants and tax breaks for businesses that move into vacant store fronts, and they launched a small business advisory committee. >> it's important for the city to hear our needs. >> reporter: christina is the advisory committee vice chair and owner of love me not, a small bridal and dress stop. >> there are so many programs businesses can use to help with marketing, social media, and just how to become a better business. >> reporter: back at el halal amigos, they've found partners to help with the expenses. the rest is up to him and a core group of employees that have stayed with him. >> the week we opened our food truck, i had $40 to my name. i looked at my crew and was like
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i don't know how i'll pay you, but we'll get out here and do our best. cook from your heart and the clients will come. >> reporter: and he's exposing his dishes to new customers every day. >> i feel like as a muslim it gives me a chance to try a good variety of mexican food, but also not feeling guilty i'm not having halal meat. >> reporter: he's proving that taking a risk, doing the hard work, and having great partners are the keys to making it during hard times. and of course it helps to have a protect that appeals to food lovers of any faith. >> the restaurant is planning a big celebration for cinco de mayo with discounted food, music, and dancers all day long. obviously a lot of people looking forward to that. that's sunday. so that's good because sunday it's not supposed to rain, paul, but saturday sounds like we'll have interesting weather. yes, we keep moving the holiday comparison up in the year. i started off by saying that cinco de mayo weekend will feel more like st. patrick's
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day weekend, then i said maybe president's day weekend. now it looks like saturday will feel more like the middle of january. martin luther king jr. day. so we have one more mild day tomorrow away from the coast. we'll see a wave of rain, wind, and colder air moving in saturday. but the forecast dries out sunday. it will still be cool, but at least day for half the weekend. then we warm up as we head through next week. by the end of next week, temperatures back up to above average. right now seeing a little fog trying to develop in the distance as we look out at san jose from the santa clara valley. fog pretty sparse to start the day tomorrow, but there will be some of it. temperatures in the 50s to low 60s at the moment. 64 the warmest spot on the mop in concord. we'll end up as a mix of upper 40s and 50s. everyone within a few degrees of average friday morning. the fog won't take long to dissipate, and temperatures warm back up. up into the mid-70s tomorrow afternoon in san jose. about four degrees above average. most of the
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temperatures running about three or four degrees above normal. 80 in antioch. one of the warmer locations. low 70s from fremont and redwood city. 60 for half moon bay. fell just short the past couple of days. one more chance to get there tomorrow as the sunshine breaks through for a few hours. mid-60s in san francisco, and mid to upper 70s for the north bay. santa rosa at 81 for a high temperature today. i think you fall a little short of that for the high temperature on friday. but still, not bad at all for this time of year. the winds are going to pick up tomorrow, but they're really going to get gusty on saturday. the on shore breeze kicks in late in the day. so wind gusts from 5:00 friday through 5:00 saturday. you can see the winds picking up as the cold front comes through saturday morning, and again behind the cold front. some 35ish mile an hour gusts through saturday afternoon and evening. so let's talk about the rain. we get through the day tomorrow with sunshine. the morning fog doesn't last long. the clouds don't move in until around sunset. then the rain starts to approach. showers hitting the
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ground in the north bay before the sun comes up saturday morning. the most widespread rain will fall in about a six hour window from sunrise through midday. pockets of heavier rain, but they don't last too long in a particular location. and the rain moves out towards the early afternoon. just a few lingering showers for the rest of the day. but also with the cold temperatures and gusty winds. how much rain are we talking about? forecast models estimates on a widespread basis about a half inch or so of rain. some spots at higher elevations or closer to the coast may overachieve and pick up closer to three quarters of an inch of rain. some rain shadow spots in the quarter inch range. so there will be a variety, but this is pretty impressive for a may system moving through bringing basically all of may's average rainfall in the course of that six-hour window. this is going to be a snow maker for the sierra. winter weather advisory from midday saturday through sunday morning. in general, four to eight inches of snow. there's going to be more than that on the peaks. the sierra snow lab is expecting 9 to 18 inches of snow. it's not
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enough to stop traffic, but is enough to significantly slow things down on both i-80 and u.s. 50. one of these days is not like the other, and that day is saturday. rainy, cold, windy, and then we start to warm um. we'll be back to near average temperatures by tuesday. back to above average temperatures by wednesday and thursday. that means upper 70s and low 80s by the middle of next week for inland parts of the bay area while around the bay temperatures will be back into the low 70s by wednesday and thursday after just cold weather across the board on saturday. it's not going to be a lot warmer sunday. but again, the good news is we get to salvage the dry second half of the weekend even though it will still be chilly sunday. then we have the warmer temperatures in sight. so there's light at the end of a very short tunnel. >> yeah, that's not bad. we've had such nice weather lately, we'll take it. paul, thank you. tonight the stars of the quirky investigative show elsbeth were on the red carpet
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to celebrate the primetime line up. star carrie preston says this is her dream role. >> oh gosh, i don't think i'd do well on television! >> i'm not so sure. >> it's a dream come true, you know? i started playing this character 14 years ago and never dreamt i'd get to be the center of a show. i was happy being just a side dish. so working with these two has been dreamy beyond dreamy. i love them with a deep, deep passion. we're having a good time. >> you can catch elsbeth here thursdays at 10:00 p.m. or stream it on paramount plus. still ahead, the giants really embraced the boston tea party vibe at fenway. and they made this kid really happy in the process. some decisive game sixes in the nba playoffs, plus the giants closing out the series
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in fenway in the win column. stick and.
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welcome back. i haven't seen you in awhile. i know you've been working. >> yes, but it's been awhile since he was together. >> it has. the giants just played in pittsburgh, and our reporter saw something weird when the players were boarding
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their bus. >> that's great! >> yeah, that's luke jackson dressed up like someone straight out of the revolutionary war. maybe he's trying to look like paul revere? >> i don't know if there are any british baseball players he's warning the others of. >> i don't know, we asked why. we don't know the answer to that. but i guess the answer is because he can. the giants also did something really nice for this boy. he was celebrating his 11th birthday at the park. he had a list, a checklist. skip school, check. writing sorry ms. m. he also wanted to go to fenway, iconic ball park. attend his first giants game. catch a baseball, grab a photo with player number 5. >> that's awesome. do you know who player number 5 is? >> no. >> that's mike yestryski. mike before the game had a special visitor in the clubhouse. it was his grandpa, hall of famer
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carl. the great. his mom and grandma were there all three days, and mike gave them something to cheer about in the third. emulating his grandpa. solo big fly into the bull pen. second career homer at fenway. he's just 235 behind carl. maybe one day. lee got his introduction to fe nway. two batters later, he redeems himself. full extension. laid out and saved the run. kyle harrison approved. 1-1 in the seventh. giants strung together three straight hits, took the lead thanks to estrada with the key hit. giants beat the sox 3-1, avoided the sweep, and the road trip continues tomorrow night in philadelphia. pivot to the nba. remember this guy, niners fans? big dom
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in the building. philly looking to force a game 7. tied. josh hart knocks down a huge three that new york fans will remember for a long time. knicks win the series 4-2. so who will they face in the next round? that's the winner of the pacers and bucks series. dame will get a long summer break because the pacers were buck hunting. love the outfits of these fans. looking to close out milwaukee at home in game 6. end of the third quarter, mcconnell puts the pacers up big. they win 120-98 to take their first playoff series in a decade. then late in the game, bucks guard pat beverly throws a ball at a fan in frustration. nothing new from pat bev. tough look for a team that was the
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favorite to win the title earlier this season. had they known they'd lose in six to the pacers, dame, you trashed coachella, i don't know, better than losing in six. >> you know, it's obviously the dubs are out, lakers are out. but you like to cheer for the fan bases that have waited a long time. i know the knicks fans have waited a long time. >> yeah, the boston celtics are a depraved fan base. and how about the indiana pacers? nothing to root about there. >> all right, matt, thank you. the cruise for people on the more adventurous side, but this might be
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>> one person gets sick. >> yeah, are you? >> now i'm thinking about neurovirus. >> yes, more often than not we hear about people getting sick on board. but if you love cruises, and there are a lot of people who do, you don't want to bring a lot of clothes to this one. >> no! >> oh no. >> the big nude boat. >> the demographic you want to be on that boat is not on that boat. >> generally the rule of thumb. >> bare necessities, a company known as a nudist cruise travel specialist. >> that's a thing. >> you know, there's a job for everyone. paul? are you looking? they're teaming up with norwegian cruise lines -- >> not yet. >> the 11-day adventure will take passengers to quote back to baradise, and you can be nude on board as the name
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suggests. >> okay. >> but do you have to put something down when you sit? >> you'd hope! there's a dining room! >> our producer says there's rules. destinations include the bahamas and puerto rico. so you can't be nude always. the rules are you can't be naked in the dining room, thank god. you have to sit on a towel in other areas, thank god. including the state room. you also can't be nude on the deck in front of other ships in port. >> children still exist. >> children still exist, y ! i feel >> donald trump in court again and i think he fell asleep again. >> mr. trump leaned back, closed his eyes, and didn't move much, seemingly sleeping through much of the morning. >> do you have trouble falling asleep? then reach for magatonin. here's how it works.


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