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tv   The Late News  CBS  June 6, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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now at 11:00, firefighters pull off a big save in almost
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unbearable conditions, how they stopped a fast moving wildfire from burning out of control and why it almost felt like a case of deja vu. plus no caps and gowns for protesters at an elite bay area university. and a hollywood actor played a villain on screen but never imagined he'd play the role of hero in real life, how he saved a family during a terrifying home invasion. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hi, i'm sara donchey. if you did not have ac today or you were outside, you were probably very grateful to cool off tonight finally, relief. >> this was the peak. it's going to get a lot better tomorrow. many of us are 10 to 15 degrees below where we were. we still have a heat advisory tomorrow and some parts of the bay have to be concerned about an elevated heat risk, but this pulsating center of hot air has
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shifted just enough to the west we'll get the benefits of it. you can see the big improvements towards the weekend, but first tomorrow. this is the heat risk map specific to thursday and it already looks better. there's way less orange over the bay tomorrow and orange is where we get into the degree of concern over heat-related health impacts. we still have some tomorrow. look at antioch and brentwood. you guys are shading into the moderate level. you still have an elevated awareness for going real easy on yourself if you have to work outside in the middle of the day. for the rest of us, here are tomorrow's daytime highs, big improvement coming your way. you'll see the numbers that were well into the 90s today in the santa clara valley are going to be in the mid-80s tomorrow. you'll be in the mid-90s in livermore, still hot and we were seeing that moderate level of heat-related health concern, you've still got temperatures climbing into the low 90s for many of the inland locations through inland contra costa county today, but san francisco, we're getting you out of the 80s and north bay valleys, you're climbing
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back or at least slinking down out of that near 100-degree range and you've got temperatures in the mid-80s by tomorrow. so big improvements coming your way there. just a quick look ahead to what comes next after this, even though tomorrow's the bigger jump down, this is the look ahead to the friday heat risk map and you can see the pattern. all of the worst of it gets pushed to the east. i'll be back with the full forecast in a few minutes because we get some relief for the weekend. it's going to warm up again next week. for now back to you. >> thank you. all that heat made for a dangerous firefight in the napa valley where four firefighters went to the hospital after attacking a 60-acre wildfire, the first big one of the year in the north bay. this fire broke out northeast of st. helena this afternoon and is now about 50% contained. the flames got dangerously close to some buildings, completely surrounding this one before firefighters saved it. where the fire broke out made residents afraid they could see a repeat of a catastrophic fire that forced thousands of people
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from their homes, but as andrea nakano reports, there was something very different this time around. >> reporter: calfire says the fire started down here and the wind pushed it up the hill and over the ridge. there are several homes in this area and it's truly remarkable that every home was saved. this was a familiar scene for residents in the area, air tankers dropping fire retardant, helicopters dowsing dousing water and firefighters climbing up the rocky hillsides to fight the flames. this hillside fire started almost in the same area as the glass fire in 2020. >> lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place. how is this possible? >> reporter: this time firefighters were able to save everything except for one outbuilding. this building surrounded by charred land and smoke on a winery's property had two for not features, fire-resistant construction and defensible space.
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>> the structures that were in the area did have their defensible space. so we talked about ready for wildfire all the time and making sure you do what you can do to help us and that worked out today. >> reporter: assistant chief mike wink says since the fire is in the glass fire burn scar, there wasn't a lot of heavy brush, but tall dry grass started the blaze. this fire season is the expected to be severe. >> the fact that we're having a fire like this in june is not a sign that it's going to be a bad fire season. >> i don't believe it's a sign. >> reporter: several firefighters were injured battling the blaze in the 101-degree heat. calfires they are okay. residents are thankful to all of them for saving their homes once again. >> i'm just beyond grateful. i sat on the other side of the silverado trail with the dogs inside the car watching wondering if we were going to have a home to come home to, so
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very grateful and thank you to everyone who helped. >> reporter: there are still several hotspots in this area. firefighters will be here throughout the night and through tomorrow to make sure that this fire remains contained. with wildfire season just beginning, nasa researchers are working on some new drone technology to help keep people safe. >> seen lots of family members have to evacuate or sometimes had to pack up the car and get ready to head out myself because the fire was moving closer. >> u.s. forest service is already using drones to identify, keep an eye on, and capture images of specific wildfires in realtime, but researchers at nasa are trying to up the ante. their ultimate goal is to fight wildfires with drone fire hawk-style helicopters flying them at night and in heavy smoke in conditions that are usually unsafe for helicopters to fly in. across the bay in oakland a group fighting to oust mayor sheng thao just filed a recall
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petition with more than 40,000 signatures. if they are verified, it could force the mayor into a recall election less than two years after she took office. tonight the mayor said she will continue to fight for the city and not be distracted by the politics of out of town billionaires she says. today mayor thao was there to greet vice president harris when she arrived, but so were a lot of other people less than happy to see the vice president. more than 100 protesters chanted outside kamala harris' campaign event in the mission district today. they were demanding a ceasefire in the war between israel and hamas. kenny choi spoke with some of the demonstrators as they tried to drown out harris' supporters inside. >> not another nickel not another dime. >> reporter: from the streets of oakland protesting the vice
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president's visit to our hometown, to san francisco's mission district, just a stone's throw away from where vice president harris held a fundraising event, pro palestinian protesters tried to send a loud and clear message. laura helped spearhead the protest. >> all these people coming to fundraise for vice president harris would be better suited and better served if they spent their time advocating for this administration to stop funding an army of genocide. >> reporter: hours before harris' arrival in san francisco, democratic fundraisers lined valencia street to get into the chapel, a music venue turned political hotspot. >> everybody should do everything they can to try and elect joe biden because the alternative is just too dangerous. >> we cannot anticipate to have the divide which trump created and the chaos and all the kinds of bans and racism and hate which he incited. >> reporter: harris' stop
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comes a day before donald trump arrives for his mega fundraiser with some of silicon valley's billionaires. david mccuan is a political science professor at sonoma state. >> republicans see this as a real opportunity to close the fundraising gap and raise record amounts of money while we are rolling forward into a long, hot summer of protests where democrats are underperforming in key demographics that delivered the presidency to them in 2020. >> reporter: kuswami stood behind police barricades demanding answers. >> why haven't you followed the lead of the majority of people in this country and around the world who are demanding a permanent ceasefire and demanding we stop aiding israel? what is it that is stopping you and how do you sleep at night? >> former president trump will also be in the bay area tomorrow for a campaign fundraiser hosted by local tech billionaires in san francisco. 13 protesters were arrested after they rushed into a
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building at stanford this morning and the university says it all ended with a safety officer hurt and the building damaged. a university spokesperson said pro palestinian protesters shoved the officer to the ground. a student and alumni group calling itself liberate stanford claimed online they barricaded themselves inside stanford's president's office this morning. in response the school said arrested students would be immediately suspended and that seniors would not be allowed to graduate. aim a huge tornado descends on people in the last place you'd want to be during that. plus a big shakeup for the shake alert system. and a hollywood actor has played a villain on the big screen, but he's a hero in real life, how he saved a family during a very scary home invasion.
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we have this just into the newsroom tonight out of the south bay. san jose police say a mountain lion was spotted in a south san jose neighborhood tonight. the cougar was spotted in the area of ella drive and admiral way. police warn anyone who lives there to stay inside with their pets and to call 911 if they see the mountain lion roaming around. and take a look at this. the driver caught the moment a powerful tornado started moving into a city in maryland with winds whipping and nearly blowing cars off the road. this is in montgomery county. debris was flying around almost hitting people trying to get out of the way. this is just one of multiple tornadoes that swept across maryland today. here's a look from one of the residents' backyards. the
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video shows the twister getting closer, sweeping through and in michigan the roof of a gas station collapsed on top of cars after a tornado touched down. the national weather service says the tornado was on the ground for nine minutes and traveled more than five miles. obviously this is the time of year where other parts of the country get this kind of severe weather. for us the focus has been the heatwave which has been national news because it's not just us feeling hot, right, darren? it's not. this covers pretty much the entire west. we're about to get a break, sara. we saw the worst of the heat today. we've got one more day tomorrow to be on guard and the challenging thing about tomorrow, if you look at our coastline, you'd never know it because during a heatwave it would be the last thing you're thinking of, but there was a storm in the pacific about four days ago which has since been throwing a lot of wave energy our way and sure enough, tomorrow we've got a beach hazard statement that's put in place for pretty much the entire coastline. look at the
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forecast imagery. the bright band of blue shows you through tomorrow, we get to midnight tomorrow and then things become safer in the surf and close to the surf line, but the problem is this is happening at the same time if you're inland, you've got a heat advisory. so a lot of people would have the plan, rightfully so, we'll get over to the beach and avoid the worst of the heat. if that is your plan tomorrow with the last day of the heat advisory and if you're lucky enough to have thursday free to go to the beach, it's not a bad idea, but you just have to be very aware of the surf. don't turn your back on the waves. sneaker waves are common and can run much further up the beach than expected and then we have rip currents, which is a really bad combination. what's up with that heat advisory? we'll be about 10 degrees cooler tomorrow. i think one thing i want to drive home on this is you are going to get a noticeable improvement on temperatures tomorrow. we're not going back to where we were
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three days ago, but we're going to take about 10 degrees off today's daytime highs. i'll show you the daytime highs in a second, but i first wanted you to see how much cooler you'll be tomorrow, 11 degrees cooler in oakland tomorrow, 13 degrees cooler in concord. these are differences you will notice, not to say it's going to be cool because it's still going to be a hot day. in fact, let's switch this up now and take away the math which shows you how much cooler you'll be. here's the number that really matters. i think it's just important to see this for your part of the bay. this is our one more day with the heat advisory on. saturday will be even cooler than this, but tomorrow is the biggest drop in terms of getting these numbers down. you really notice the biggest change coming your way from today into tomorrow. so we'll leave behind the heat advisory. now this is going to be enjoyable to watch. this is the big bubble of warm air in the mid levels of the atmosphere which has been doing this to us. we'll watch the next three days. you can see it
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migrate. it's getting pushed away. cool air comes in from the pacific and now that thing has been pushed off to the east. look at the desert southwest. they're breaking records. we didn't break records today here, but across most of the inner mountain west they have been, temperatures getting up to 110. at home you see a pattern for us, still hot in the central valley, but the onshore influence has taken a big bite out of that warmth. this is tomorrow's forecast. san francisco is back down to 69 tomorrow, but that cool influence is extending farther inland and they'll even reap the benefits of the onshore flow tomorrow in sacramento, but not in the intermountain west. this is the forecast for that six to ten-day period. where the seven-day leaves off and you go out a couple more days from there, that heat dome is parked. the intermountain west isn't going to get much of a break. we will. on the big
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picture we're one fortunate little branch of what this heatwave has looked like. here's the most important seven-day. let's take the wide view. these are the inland valleys, north bay, inland east bay. from santa rosa around like down to livermore, the numbers are virtually the same. you're back down to the upper 80s tomorrow for the most part. there is a little warm-up for tuesday back here, but it's not significant. just know after you get a really nice weekend there's more heat coming. instead of just broad brushing the bay, i think we need to highlight san jose because you do not fall in with the forecast that i'm going to show you next in general for the bay. you kind of split the difference from right around 90 inland, san jose will be mid-80s tomorrow. it's close, but just enough difference it's worth taking a look. now we will do what we do so often here, which is the forecast in general for the bay. doesn't this look great? mid-70s for most locations right near and along the bayshore and near the
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golden gate. sara, back to you. >> thanks. a lot of people who live outside california say the idea of an earthquake terrifies them more than the idea of a hurricane or a tornado because there is no warning. researchers are getting better at detecting quakes early using the shake alert system. it isn't perfect. in october people across the bay area were woken up at 3:00 a.m. when a shake alert test was sent out at the wrong time and a lot of people shared their frustration online. we've seen complaints from people not getting shake alert notifications in their area or getting them for earthquakes that seem to hit much farther away. as marlee ginter shows us, the shake alert system got a new upgrade with the goal of detecting quakes faster and more accurately. >> reporter: when an earthquake hits california, the state's myshake app is designed to instantly send out a warning, giving people up to several seconds to take cover before the strong seismic waves hit. >> it absolutely is a success. >> reporter: robert de groot
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with the u.s. geological survey says the shake all right system has been active since 2019. now shake alert is using new technology to make earthquake warnings more accurate. the system previously relied on the network of ground-based seismometers, but now it's also using gps sensors. those can measure the strength of the quake from space-based satellites. >> instead of measuring how fast the ground is moving is what seismometers do, we are now measuring how far the ground moved, up, down, sideways. what that translates into potentially is getting alerts to people faster. >> reporter: he says the new data can more accurately determine the magnitude of larger earthquakes, like the loma prieta quake that struck san francisco in 1989. >> we need that extra information to give us a more accurate and potentially faster characterization of how big
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that earthquake is getting. >> reporter: the early warning also provides time to automatically stop trains, open doors at fire stations, and shut down pipelines, actions that can help save lives. >> the farther you're away, the more warning time you'll get. even a couple of seconds matters. the weather we've had makes it feel like we're in the middle of summer, but what better to visit the county fair and this one in the peninsula is celebrating a special arrival. coming up in sports, there is one red hot bat in the giants' lineup. hopefully it's contagious as san francisco tries to get back to .500. plus baseball contracts are bigger than football contracts, right? maybe that's why a 9ers star was in the outfield on wednesday.
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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you can get the corn dogs, the carnival rides, and the games on the peninsula this week. the san mateo county fair is back for its 90th season. it's being held at the county event center on saratoga drive in san mateo. the fair runs through this sunday. you can see everything from live performances to hog racing. it isn't a county fair without a petting zoo with donkeys, alpacas, and goats. speaking of the goats, the owner of the petting zoo says one of them just became a first time mom right at the fair. >> these little guys were born here yesterday in san mateo county fair. we had two little females. we're still looking at names for them. so if anybody has any suggestions, we'd be willing to hear them.
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they're nigerian dwarfs, so they're miniature goats and they're really friendly. they love a lot of attention, as you can see. >> matt lively is normally on the sports beat for us, but if you had a name for these, they look pretty good for 1 day old. >> i'd say what do you name them? montana and young. >> i knew it was going to be sports names. >> sara and peck, get you and darren in there. >> mine would be a donkey because of my last name. >> yes. we did go over this the other night. >> very creative. we knew it was going to be sports-related, but speaking of. man, the giants are really confusing. >> you could really like rack up the laundry list of complaints that you probably have about this team over the last week. bob melvin is well aware of this. he called their tuesday night loss, which was their sixth straight, a terrible game. he's trying to send a big message to his guys
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and i'm sure that melvin was not talking about heliot ramos. if there has been a red hot hitter in this lineup, it's the 24-year-old right fielder. he hit his third home run of the month in arizona. he's reached base in all six plate appearances on wednesday. as the giants manage their roster, ramos is here to stay. he's earned it with his plus .400 batting average in the last five games. one bad they need to get hot is wilmer flores. he had a sixth career grand slam, helping them win 9-3. he's led san francisco in batting average and home runs this year. this year he's hitting just .211. we'll see if he stays hot versus bruce bochy and the rangers in texas friday. it is nice to see that some people are still dressing up at the ballpark. that's proper decorum. oakland starter joey estes was dealing. he took a perfect game into the seventh. he struck on the five, allowed just one hit in 6 1/3 shutout
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innings. a's won 2-1, their second twin in the last seven games. across town the ballers hosting their second game at raimondi park, bottom of the eighth oakland leading the yolo high wheelers 2-1. trevor halcima with his third home run of the year, oakland winning 4-1, their first ever win at home. the 49ers wrapped up their offseason workout program this week without brandon aiyuk, who is off training for another sport. >> play ball! >> well, the if the sandlot kid showed up to the field today, they would have seen brandon aiyuk. he was running routes on a little league field. aiyuk,
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sad to see justin jefferson, jaylen waddle and amon-ra st. brown get huge extensions as he waits for what he is thinking will be his huge extension. at the very least, he could work on his swing and home for a shohei ohtani contract. one takeaway from actual 9ers camp, all pro safety hufanga plans to get back on the field week one. it's crazy we're talking about the 9ers, but now these guys are taking a vacation and we won't talk about them till training camp again. >> i'm waiting for my shohei contract. >> let's hope we win the lottery five times over. >> yeah. breaking news. thank you, matt. a hollywood actor slips into a role he usually never plays on camera to help a family in trouble.
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i think this is what is fun about the job, but actors get to pretend to be all kinds of people, good, bad, everything in between. jonathan tucker, though he may not be a household name, has played a man who takes a family hostage on screen in the 2005 film "hostage." ironically almost 20 years later he would play a real life hero to an l.a.
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family stuck inside their home terrified after an unstable man barged in. >> what you doing down here? >> reporter: this was the moment caught on ring video when a man came to the door of this hancock park home seeming to talk to himself. he then opens the door and walks in with three little girls and their mom inside. >> she saw him and asked him what are you doing here and the man kept walking towards her. that's when she yelled for my kids to get out. >> reporter: the homeowner who wants to stay anonymous said a neighbor had texted him there was a man at the house and said he got home just as the stranger was going inside. the homeowner said he ran in to grab his baby. you can hear the chaos inside. actor jonathan tucker seen here barefoot barging in was also responding. >> yeah. tucker's great. he's block security. he patrols. he makes sure everything's under control. i think he was tracking him for an hour, hour and a half. he had called the
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police earlier before i did. >> reporter: this security camera shows another neighbor running to help. another angle has tucker carrying one of the girls out. the actor known for his work on kingdom and west world through his manager declined an interview. neighbors say this is his voice. >> thank you, lapd. we appreciate you guys very much. >> reporter: applauding lapd when they came out with the suspect after a brief standoff, all this happening just after 6:30 sunday night. meanwhile this neighbor who is shaken but not stunned says her family has lived in this citrus avenue neighborhood for almost 100 years, but she will likely be the last. >> yeah. it would make me sad to leave the neighborhood, but, you know, it's just not safe anymore. >> reporter: the victims who own a mental health facility say the suspect appeared unstable. they've offered to house him at their facility, even as they asked the city to do more to keep them safe. >> we got to crack down and let people know when you commit a crime, you'll go to jail. you won't be let out two hours later. our home is that i guess in the long term is the city
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will get funding to help these people with their needs, mental health needs, get them in the right institutions where they can get the proper health and integrate them back into the community in a safe way. >> darren asked a good question we really didn't get the answer to in that story which is why was he barefoot? we had some theories coming from the gym. >> he's the barefoot crusader. >> our producer said maybe he drives barefoot because she does that. >> he's the hero in the story. so we're not too concerned about it and we're just glad he was there. where were the shoes? >> i don't know. we'll find out. >> he doesn't need them to fight crime. >> he didn't need them.
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