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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  June 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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>>people say, well, there's not that. much. support for trump. in the bay area. area, right? it's blue blue blue. well, we ain't blue. and we are true. >>true. and willing to travel. across. the bay area are welcoming the former president here. as he beefs >>up >>his work. >>california is the atm of american politics and that works for both democrats and republicans >>today we >>look >>at the >>trump >>conviction >>will make >>a difference. november >>have no quorum spring. bringing up the fact that a jury of his peers found him guilty. american principle that no 1 is above the law. reaffirmed. is going to be november. 5th by the people.
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thanks so much for joining us today. in famously live san francisco could be considered enemy territory. but tonight former president and convicted felon donald trump is making a stop here. welcomed by a wealthy tech investor trying to get him back into the white house. price tag for a ticket. up to 0.5 million million, but and today we're with trump supporters ahead of his big arrival and we'll also talk to political experts about why the bay area makes such a big difference. in his campaign will have that. conversation in just a few minutes, but 1st a look at your news headlines the state supreme court ruled today that uc berkeley can build student housing at people's park. the long legal battle led to years of protests and arrested the historic berkeley landmark that has become a sanctuary and symbol of free speech. activists sued to try to stop the housing project. today, the court ruled that construction can proceed. we are waiting these sentencing today in the deadly shooting of a home depot loss prevention
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officer banishing apps recently reached a plea deal. along with an alleged accomplice. prosecutors say naps kill blake mo's in pleasanton last year after he confronted her about shoplifting. naps, faces 19 years to prison to into life in prison. as a small brush fire broke out today in contra costa county has sparked this morning along pacheco boulevard. in pacheco. thankfully, it only burned about an acre. and meantime, crews have managed to contain 75. of the crystal fire. in 1 country that fire broke out yesterday afternoon near the site of the 22. glass fire the blaze northeast of st helena sent 4 firefight. to the hospital. they helped have all been treated and released. and today, the moffett field museum is hosting a special exhibit. it commemorates 80 years since d day and celebrates the bravery and sacrifice of the soldiers who stormed the beaches of normandy. the exhibit runs through through saturday. the pink triangles returning to twin peaks this weekend today, volunteers started getting all the
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supplies. ready. the pink triangle has been part of pride. celebrations for nearly 3 decades, the symbol was originally used by the nazis. to persecute the queer community, but has since become a symbol of resistance. and pride. on the 1st alert weather now some relief in parts of the bay area where the heat is backed off a little bit, but others are still sweating it out. meteorologist jessica birch is in our virtual view studio tracking our temperatures for us. hey, jess. for the past couple days, we've been dealing with daytime highs in the upper 90s and triple digits throughout our inland areas. today we're starting to see a big change is that heat wave moves away getting replaced with some cooler weather into the next couple days and some cloudier skies. is right around the corner. i know we missed it so much right from that may gray we had earlier last week. now as we take a look at regional daytime highs, it is hot out there anywhere from the central valley. down coastal las vegas and barstow. they're all experiencing triple digits. just like what we had yesterday afternoon, but even warmer goodness gracious death valley
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topping off 120. degrees today. now. yesterday, yes, we did hit 100 degrees near concord and walnut creek. but look at today 80s in the forecast for us a lot more variable compared to what we just had the past few days and we're going to continue to cool down into this weekend forecast, too. however, half moon bay yesterday we were sitting at 60 degrees. we only cool down 1 degree today. that's due to that coastal influence that breeze that comes in from offshore giving us a lot more mild conditions. and a lot cloudier skies along our coastline. to here we go down into the santa clara valley upper 80s and lower 90s for us this afternoon, but watch what has happens as we head into the next 7 days will continue to cool down into the 70s with plenty of sunshine tomorrow, actually, as we head into our friday forecast, and then we average out into the low 80s on saturday and sunday with that june gloom returning in the forecast throughout our inland areas. in the morning, to now, once we head over to the coast, or at least the bay. to notice notice that cool down lasting into this weekend 60s, returning as early as tomorrow, lasting into saturday. we see some 70s returning into the
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forecast. for sunday and monday with a nice warm up into early next week. the bay area has a reputation. for being pretty much as blue as it gets. but tonight, a part of san francisco we painted republic. red as former president donald trump pays a rare visit here to raise money for his campaign treasure chest. he's coming here as a convicted felon on the heels of his so called hush money trial. trump supporters. started gathering in oakland hours before his big arrival they held a small rally. before then hitting the road and then heading to the site of trump's big fundraiser with some tech billionaires. this evening. his supporters. also gathered in redwood city. where crowds brought signs and flags showed their support for the former president. and same thing at marina green in san francisco, where another group of supporters gathered in a parking lot. just hours ahead of trump's visit. they tell us they expect the crowds to keep growing as we get closer to his arrival. i so i believe it's going to be overwhelming. people will come and more and more people are waking up in
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san francisco. a lot of support. and here is a live look at marina green in san francisco. or lauren toms. is there this afternoon talking to trump supporters ahead of his arrival? >>yeah. here in the marina, a few 100 trump supporters have gathered to welcome the former president to san francisco. ahead of his fundraiser. this evening now, most of the supporters have caravan din from across the bay area. down in san mateo county across the bay in oakland and alameda county. far and as far north as santa rosa. now these supporters don't have a permit today, so they've had to shift their plans slightly. to abide by local law enforcement rules. but nothing is stopping them from outwardly displaying their excitement for the former president. its arrival. have also spoken with members of this group about his recent felony conviction. most people i have spoken with >>6 >>convictions either don't change their support for him. even boosted. their support >>for him >>rally today has been met with some booze in opposition from
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passersby. but it's also been met with honks and chants from supporters driving along this road, his event tonight is at 6 and he is expected to arrive in the bay area and the 4:00 hour. has it. the former president might even give this group a drive by on his way to that fundraiser in the pacific heights neighborhood. >>and mr trump will apparently be also greeted again by 33 ft. tall inflatable chicken. with a gold hairdo. demonstrators are sailing it across the san francisco bay now they've done it before. a couple of times, but until now it's been collecting dust in a warehouse. we talked to political expert david mcewan about why california is such an important campaign stop for candidates on both sides of the aisle. california is the atm of american politics and that works for both democrats and republicans, but donald trump is doing something a little different. what he's doing is raising money all over. he's going into the belly of the democratic beast that would be california. he's going to go down and talk to those
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libertarians and silicon valley raise a lot of money because they're interested in less government regulation they're interested in crypto. they're interested in somebody who does something different and as a business person that is going to challenge the biden people moving forward and therefore so far. we haven't seen much. movement in terms of polling, but where we have seen movement is the number of republicans who believe that that he received a fair trial. and versus the number of democrats that received the day believe he received them unfair trial. that number is important only on the margins combined with this money, which means we have a heck of a race moving forward the next 180. days. palestinian protest. vice president kamala harris helped fundraising events in san francisco and oakland yesterday. we asked professor mcewan about the democrats strategy as well. democrats are do something a little differently. they spend their money up and down the ballot. they spend it on the farm team. if you will they try to to retake the house. they try to hold onto the senate. so the money that that biden and harris are raising is kind of going out to the team as your
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viewers know the money that donald trump is raising is going to well, donald trump. it's not going to others and that's a little bit different. that's where kevin mccarthy is is gone. he was a fundraising juggernaut raised 3 quarters of $1 billion. for republicans. over his time in washington, dc mcconnell raised a lot of money gives it to senators and potential senators. he's not the fundraising juggernaut he used to be, but all the money that's going for republicans is going overwhelmingly. 90 plus percent to donald trump little bit different than how democrats do it as well. meanwhile, president joe biden was last here in the bay area about a month ago for reelection. campaign events in portola valley and palo alto and 1st lady jill biden spoke at a fundraiser in kent field. still ahead. we talked with cbs. chief election. correspondent robert cost about where the presidential campaigns go. in the weeks and months to come. and how will president trump's conviction impact his chances of getting back in the white house? how his team and his opponent? are? handling the matter on the
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campaign trail? yeah. never
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welcome back well
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as we move towards the presidential election. in november. we're keeping an eye on whether president trump's historic conviction in new york will have a big impact on his campaign. and whether democrats will try to keep trumps legal troubles in the conversation. reporter julia ben brooke looks at how both sides are handling it so far. >>during an off camera fundraiser. earlier this week, president joe biden called out former president donald trump is a convicted felon. this comes as some democrats pressed for a more robust political attack following trump's guilty verdict. >>do believe that if it was in reverse that dot trump would would campaign. campaign on that. i think that's going to be a decision on the president. his campaign team, but i for 1, have no quorum. bringing up the fact that that jury of his peers found him guilty. >>part. the president has straight away from talking about trump's legal woes. but biden did speak on it briefly from the podium after the conviction. >>american principle that no 1 is above the law was
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reaffirmed. >>meanwhile, the trump team is speaking about it loudly and often. pointing toward the election almost immediately after the verdict was handed down. >>there going to be november, 5th. by the people. >>the former president's team says they brought in big numbers 53. 0 online in the 24 hours after his conviction. trump whom a jury found guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records. has repeatedly and falsely accused biden of engineering. his criminal. prosecution. in new york while republicans have rallied around trump since his conviction. remains remains unclear how the verdict will go down and swing states. where the shift in a few 1000 votes could decide. november's election. joining me now is robert costa, the chief cbs news election and campaign. correspondent. thanks so much for being with us, robert >>great to be with you only wish i could be out there on the west coast. >>to are you were in the courtroom as the conviction of
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donald trump was announced. can you describe that experience? not only as a journalist, but just as a human being. being in that courtroom not only as the trial is going on, but at that moment of conviction. what was that, like? >>yeah. was a surreal experience not only as a reporter for cbs news news but as an american to see a former president sitting in this grim courthouse in lower manhattan. and being told 34 times he was being found guilty by a jury of his peers for falsifying. business records, which notable though is that trump did not seem stunned by the news he was silent. even reached for his son, eric trump's hand. and it was a bit of a sombra. moment, but once he left that court room. he began to go off. about the prosecutors. about the case. and really invented about his grievances. about that case >>interest. because at this it seems like the conviction hasn't really significantly impacted his campaign. do you
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see that continuing to be the case moving on into the summer? and up to the election? >>inside the trump campaign. my sources tell me that there is not a real concern that this new york case has been a drag on his popularity with his own supporters inside the republican party. had many republican come down to the courthouse. i spoke to the speaker of the house, mike johnson. when he came to new york to show solid with trump and so many questions about former president trump's character in the view of the trump campaign, are already baked in to the polling. most people already have their own views on trump and his conduct over the years. for this case and what it talks about with payments. to an adult film star. this student surprise anyone, even if it was unseemly and unhelpful for trump to be off the campaign trail for the biden campaign, my sources tell me they don't want to really run on this, but they will talk about trump as a convicted felon to see if voters have any pause about putting him back in the white house, and they're trying to tie this case to the broader theme they're making
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against trump, and he's a threat to american democracy, saying you can't have a president who has this kind of behavior. >>so he has a big benefit here in the bay area overall. california and especially here in the bay area very dark. blue. majority democratic but as we're seeing here today with his upcoming appearance and elsewhere there certainly is a fierce support for donald trump. even with the conviction over legal troubles and other controversies. what do you think it is about? mr trump? it has it a strong hold on voters? >>and he has a stronghold. not only on his core voters, but on many donors, including those in northern california and in silicon valley ahead of this fundraiser, i've been on the phone talking to sources and they say someone like ohio republican senator j. d. vance, who's flying out to california. with trump. he's really whispered in the ears of many business leaders in california, saying, look if you want lower taxes if you want those trump tax cuts from 2017 to remain in place in 2025. even if you don't love the trial, even if
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you don't love trump. he's a better economic choice for you for silicon valley for the business community. van president biden now president biden and vice president harris as we know. and you've covered it well at your station. have been out to california nearly constantly over the past few years, raising money solidifying their financial base in california. but that doesn't mean they have it owned and that's why trump's there. >>i know you have been covering this extensively. for the next 6 months. anything you're looking forward to in the next few months in terms of either campaigns, both biden and trump >>really keep an eye on the central valley of california. house speaker kevin mccarthy, who was thrown out of office by his own republican members, as we all know. he really kept that republican delegation especially in the central valley. solid for many years while he was in power. he's now out of power that new speaker mike johnson is in there. so there's a real fear among some of my sources close to california republicans. at the house. delegation could be at risk. some of the republic
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republican members could be at risk if they don't have kevin mccarthy. financial and political machine behind them, so i'm really keeping an eye on california and the gop, can they hold on in a tough year? >>all right, robert costa cbs news chief. election and campaign correspondent. thanks so much. >>thank you. still ahead, who will be alongside? donald trump will be running alongside him. a look at the potential contenders to be his running mate and reminder you can watch tomorrow night's game between the oakland ballers and the high wheelers on our sister. station pix plus 44 cable 12 that starts at 630. we'll bring you all the friday night home games to the end of august. mhm. this is picks plus more of what you want. more often. in the morning. and the prime time edition. at 9:00 pm news devon
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feely. elizabeth cook. juliette goodrich. and sara donchey groundbreaking original storytelling from the kpix. newsroom. newsroom plus bear politics project earth and weather like you've never seen the prime time edition.
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this afternoon. we're focused on the cam. of former prez. donald trump ahead of his fundraising. appearance. here in the bay area tonight. and we're getting some new information about his search for a running mate. we're learning some of the contenders. have received vetting materials. according to sources close to the matter. the list includes north dakota governor doug burgum. senator marco rubio. senator j. d. vance. senator tim scott. representative. at least stefanik. representative byron donald's and former housing and urban development secretary. dr ben carson. now many of these potential candidates have spent recent weeks making public demonstrations. of their loyalty. including appearing with trump at court for his new york criminal hush money trial and even defending him on television. trump said in an interview last month. he may announce his running mate at the republican national convention in milwaukee. which is slated to take place july 15th. to the 18th. meanwhile, other republicans seem to be distancing themselves from trump after his conviction. so
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we asked political expert david mcewan about what to watch out for within the gop in the coming, weeks and months. silicon valley, and its politics are kind of a mishmash of republicanism at some level of liberty. and kind of social liberal components as well and the folks down there obviously the folks that donald trump is going to be talking to aren't millionaires or billionaires. they're zillionaires. and so they're going to give a ton of money if you look at what's happened down ballot, and this is where i think it's key there about 6 competitive races. that both the national democrats and national republicans have targeted in california. and those candidates with a few extra options have remained largely silent about donald trump. he is hugely popular among republicans, even in california. he's not popular amongst the california electorate, and certainly amongst california. democrats, so that's something to watch. and i say, 1 place to watch that would be with steve garvey and what steve garvey does. does he close to trump not close to trump. how does he distance himself? what happens over the next couple of days?
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because trump isn't here just as a flash in the pan? he's here because he goes to southern california goes to newport beach. he goes to beverly hills. he's here until saturday. which is a big deal, and then they'll hit another fundraising run. here in a couple of weeks. before the former president makes his stop here in the bay area this evening, he's wrapping up in arizona, which is his 1st campaign. in trips since he was convicted of 34 felonies last week. today's event featured some high profile republicans as well like failed arizona. gubernatorial candidate terry lake coming up this evening and vibe will have full coverage of his appearances here in the bay and we'll be right back.
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yeah. coming up tonight on the cbs evening. news. are reporting from normandy. france. on the 80th anniversary of d day. where dozens of world leaders gathered to honor the sacrifice and bravery >>of those who turn >>the tides of world war 2. plus our interview with a 101. year old veteran who >>rarely >>spoke about surviving >>that >>historic day until now, that's tonight on the cbs evening >>news. >>and coming up tonight at 5. she's is blazing a trail for the oakland ballers and for their entire league meet the pioneer leagues. first female.
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opener. who is about to take the male out tonight. that awesome story. and more with ryan nemoto and myself coming up tonight at 5. well, thanks so much for joining us for today's conversation about former president donald trump's bay area visit. and the campaign picture moving into november. we'd love to hear what you think. i'm sure you have an opinion on it. post your thoughts online. using the hashtag. kpx cbs. evening news is next. local news continues in our streaming service, cbs news bay area lcu at 5. ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight, world leaders and world war ii veterans mark 80 years since d-day. speaking just steps from where allied troops stormed the beaches of normandy, president biden warns against threats to democracy.


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