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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  June 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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breaking news at 3. the feds raid the home. of oak. mayor. sheng thao. thanks for joining us this afternoon. i'm ann makovec in for liz, and that raid was 1 in a series of raids across the city, federal agents serving warrants at the mayor's home on maiden lane that is in the lincoln heights neighborhood. and it happened at around 530 this morning. are lauren toms joins us now from outside of the mayor's home, lauren. what do we know about this investigation? so far? i know a lot of questions. yeah. hey, and this activity today is sending shockwaves through the political and business circles
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here in oakland outside the home of mayor sheng thao. there's been little activity since fbi agents left the property just after 10 a.m.. but early this morning around 530 neighbors reported waking up too loud banging when nearby when federal agents carried out a search warrant here at the mayor's house, about a dozen fbi agents working for hours inside of the house, roughly 5 hours later, our cameras caught those agents leaving the home with at least 10 boxes of material. and several bags from inside the home of mayor sheng thao. it's not clear if the mayor was inside the home at the time of their arrival. she was not at city hall when we checked her office so far, she has not released any kind of statement about what has happened. at her home. she was also absent. from a planned event earlier today now the fbi has rated several other locations, including the home of andy do ..., whose family is connected to california waste solution. that company has a
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very large contract with both the city of oakland and the city of san jose. i they're also connected to the offices of the vietnamese. american business. association. where we have also seen federal activity today. the group sponsored a trip to vietnam. earlier this year that towel and other alameda county officials participated. in but today's activity is rattling. not only this community, but all of oakland as tower is facing calls. to resign and a recall effort that was certified just days ago enforcement sources we've spoken to today. tell us that for a search warrant to be carried out in this public manner on an elected official agents would have to be very confident in this information. yeah. that is a bold move because it says a couple of things number 1, it says they have enough probable cause to actually go in the house, but it also says that they were unable to secure the sort of cooperation that 1 would expect from an elected mayor. now
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since federal agents left the home this morning. we've seen a little activity here at the home of mayor sheng thao, including a pizza delivery that was unsuccessful. but we do know 1 individual remains inside of the home. we've also seen a male who we believe to be connected to the mayor. come and go from the home several times, but he refuses to speak to reporters so far, neighbors have so far been quiet today, and there's still a lot we don't know about this activity. including the nature of the search warrant, and how the mayor, may be involved. now this activity is particularly jarring as the mayor faces more and more pressure to step down from her position. but and will continue to bring you all of the developments as they come in. but at this, it looks like the feds have cleared the area. any indication that they might be back. correct and federal federal agents did clear this. this location earlier this morning around 10 a.m.. we have
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not seen any kind of activity from them since then. we are working on getting our hands on that search warrant to give us a little bit more of an understanding of just why they were here this morning. all right, lauren toms live for us in oakland. thanks for that. a little background here that wang's family business california waste solutions handles curbside recycling in oakland and san jose. it was formed after the dwan family fled from vietnam in 1970. their father under recycling company and the biggest paper mill in south vietnam, but their empire vanished in 1975. when north vietnamese soldiers seized all of their properties now california waste solutions is a multimillion dollar company. this afternoon afterward. word of the raids organizers of the recall effort against mayor thao called on her to resign. critics explained her for the a's leaving oakland as well as crime in the city. recalls recall vote but likely happened in november and we just got this statement from former oakland police chief and city
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council candidate laurent armstrong. mayor tower fired him last year, he said. oakland is a city in crisis crime violence shootings uncontrolled homelessness on me. encampments. the budget deficit. and more. the biggest obstacle to overcoming these crises. fail. of leadership in city hall well, joining me now is former fbi special agent jeff harp. thanks for being here. i know you didn't have anything to do with this particular. operation. and there are a lot of questions out there, but with your background. what would today's events in oakland? indicate to you about what's going on there? well, a couple things really important that were previously mentioned. obviously serving a search warrant takes a high level of trust takes a high threshold to get across and you know, judge has to sign off on that and feel comfortable that the evidence that presenting is going to take them. you know, there's not going to be any recourse. so i think that we know that there was probably substantial. evidence to support to support this search warrant. fbi takes
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these kind of cases. supersede seriously. not that they don't take any other case seriously. but these have sort of nuances behind them that are very complicated. they're an elected official they're supposed to be in a position of trust and confidence. so they want to make certain that everything is absolutely all the eyes darted. and all the tees crossed. okay, so that homework likely done ahead of time and again. we don't know what if any, connection this might have with the investigation against the duang family and the recycling company. oh, what sorts of documents might they have been looking for? that could have tied this all together. we saw the campame out with seral boxes. yeah, and that's not uncommon anytime. the fbi serves the search 1 they include on that search warrant. sort of what they think that they're going to find that they're looking for and most times when you're coming out with boxes like that we're talking about documents. you know, with handwritten notes, no pads and things like that, obviously, any kind of media computers cell phones and that sort of data. that will be
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collected and analyzed. very closely. okay, and the way they came in, you know, before dawn 530. in the morning. making a large production around the mayor's house. what is that indicates well when the fbi shows up at 530 in the morning is always a large production, so, um, they make sure that they're doing everything they can to keep everybody safe to, including the person they're investing. my guess is they've probably talked to the mayor at some. they jt may have not done been done in a vacuum. although it could have there's probably cooperating witnesses. and my guess is there's probably title 3 or a cell phone. or some other sort of title three information they were able to obtain. so they've been listening and watching. and pulling surveillance and this just didn't happen overnight. this was probably a drawn out investigation that took some time to put together. coordinated with fbi headquarters. and my guess is postal service. and i r s
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everybody that's involved. they've all been working. together because most times you put stuff in the mail you do stuff on your taxes. and you violated something. a multitude of the federal crimes. how easy is it for the fbi to go in and find these things? you have a large house you have a person who presumably had some sort of heads up that they were under investigation. and i would think that you would get rid of some of those things that might be evidentiary. how do they come up with and know where to find all of the stuff that they brought out and all these boxes yeah, that's a great question and you know more times than not, they'll have they do surveillance either before during the raid, so they know that the person is there. they know that they're not destroying evidence. they hope their now destroying. evidence. they talked to him. they try to cooperate. they have cooperating witnesses. they find this stuff to collect it. and there's always a chance that something isn't you know, isn't found or doesn't turn up. but having been on a number of
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these searches you turn the place upside down and you pretty much look everywhere. all right. what do the next few days look like in this investigation? obviously, everybody is waiting to hear from the mayor. herself. but absent of that, what kind of activity you think we'll see here? well, i think you're going to find a number of things 1 you're going to probably get a statement from the mayor. i would hope that you would get a statement from the mayor to there's obviously an opposition against church. her trying to get her to resign. i think we'll probably hear from them 3. you're going to hear from the other people that were involved in the number of addresses that were searched. it wasn't just her place, so there's more than 1 person involved in this in this operation. and whatever they're going to call it. so you're going to hear from a more than 1 source? my guess is you'll get a press release from the fbi. later today or early tomorrow. will also get a chance to review that search warrant and see what it says. of course, we've covered a lot of federal cases over the years and normally the feds are pretty tight lipped. well, they
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are, but they're going to have to come out with an announcement. this is a public official. they're not just going to walk around and not let anybody know they need the public's trust. behind him as well. so they're going to come out. they'll make a statement and you'll be able to find out more information in shortcomings. i'm sure we are looking forward to it and really appreciate your inside view on that former special agent jeff harp, thanks so much thanks. comes of course. after a chaotic night in oakland near lake merritt. where police say 15 people were shot. city leaders have been touting progress in the fight against crime. but many residents say they are now seeing it. coming up next. we're going to speak live with the bay area professor about politics. and public. perception. around
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yeah. for me. it looking at some of today's other news. headlines. now the doctor accused of intentionally driving off double slide with his family inside the car. last year. is not going to serve any jail time. a judge ruled that dar mesh patel is eligible for a mental health diversion program. meeting he'll receive monitored treatment rather than jail time. attorneys have approved argued rather that
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patel suffered a psychotic break before the incident. san jose police announcing arrests after people climbed on top of and damaged a patrol car. near santana row. police say they were responding to a sideshow saturday when a spectator was hit by a car and they say an officer tried to help. but the unruly crowd stopped him. two of those men were arrested, both of from san juan batista. they face charges of inciting a riot and felony vandalism. the state supreme court has sided with governor newsome and removed a measure from the november ballot that would have made it more difficult. to raise taxes. and measure would have required voters to approve any tax increase passed by the state legislature. the biggest impact though, was that the measure threatened to retroactively. reversed most tax increases approved since 2022. and this evening's giants game is going to be steeped in history. being homage to the leg legacy. of the new grow leagues and all time baseball great willie mays, who died on tuesday. the giants are going to be taking on the state louis
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cardinals at rick woodfield in birmingham. alabama. that same field. once served as a home for the birmingham black there. the negro league team that gave willie mays his start 75 years ago as part of the commemorations yesterday. birmingham's mayor, unbuilt a mural. of the say, hey, kid in the cities. downtown. all right time for a 1st alert weather now today. it is officially summer. the 1st day, but in typical day bay area fashion, you probably still might need to wear a sweater in some areas. meteorologists, jess. burch and our virtual view studio with your forecast. it's the 1st day of summer and it's a breezy 1 at that to we've been dealing with that marine layer, especially in the morning hours throughout the bay area continue to see partly cloudy skies throughout the afternoon hours today, i want to focus on the winds, though just around dinner time as we're all wrapping up work. we're going to see about 20. 225 mile per hour wind gust in areas like san francisco along the peninsula. even gusty all the way north long areas like bodega bay into the evening hours tonight and that onshore breeze continues to push its
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way inland. throughout the overnight hours to so keep that in mind. it's a gusty day for us today, but at least temperatures are right where they should be, for the most part throughout the bay area, concord sitting in exactly average, in 85 this afternoon, holding on tight to the 60s across the bay bridge in either either directions from san francisco all the way over in oakland and taking a look at the whole state goodness gracious. this looks like summer like weather if you ask me triple digits down south closer to areas like palm springs, death valley today, hitting 112 degrees my home city las vegas at 104. but take a look at this going to drop the monitor. going to head over to where i live. now. san francisco 63 degrees today for our daytime highs there were holding on tight to the 60s, all throughout the bay shoreline. we warm up just a hair more along 1 on 1 down in areas like redwood city with 70s inside this afternoon. 80s off into the east bay today, we have 70s up in wine country, take a look at the santa clara valley 79 this afternoon near san jose. we have 80s just near los gatto's now as we head into the next 7 days, it will feel more summer like in our inland areas, watch this. we take
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those 80s and we replaced them with nineties. high pressure starting to move its way in and dries us up. it warms us up, and we'll definitely notice status we had in our friday and saturday forecast 95 degrees by saturday. not that bad. and then we jumped 10 degrees in the negative direction by sunday, and we kind of average out into the 80s to head into next week. that's our inland forecast. watch what happens as we head over to the bay. a lot cooler, a lot cloudier. we've been talking about this all week that marine layer just wants to stick around. its june gloom, and it's definitely noticeable in the morning hours, actually warm up into the upper 70s by saturday. kind of averaging out into the low 70s upper 60s heading in early next week, which is right where we should be for this time of year. of what you want. more. often. more local needs in the morning and the prime time edition. at 9:00 pm news with devon feely elizabeth cook, juliette goodrich and sara donchey.
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groundbreaking. original storytelling from the kpx. newsroom plus bear politics project earth and weather like you've never seen the prime time edition.
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i just a few minutes ago oakland police chief. provided an update on last night. shoot. near lake merritt. he said a total of 15 people were hit by gunfire. this happened during a juneteenth celebration. we're about 5000 people showed up, police say some sort of fight broke out. at an illegal side show near the event and that escalated into a gun fight. no arrests have been made in connection with that shooting. police did make 1 arrest, though for assault of a police officer. from crime to homelessness. and now today's raids all of that weighing on people who live in oakland and that as we continue to follow that breaking news out of the city of oakland, the feds rating the home of mayor sheng thao, leaving the home with multiple boxes. a lot of in the air right now, a lot of questions, but we can confirm to you that the agents were at her home on maiden lane very early. this morning, and we also know the fbi. also did
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some investigating at a home belonging to a man named andy long he is related to a family that owns oakland, cal waste solutions. the fed also raided a building that houses both the cal waste offices. and the vietnamese american business association business in or building rather in oakland. so we don't know who exactly they were targeting their or exactly what they were looking for. we've reached out, of course to the mayor's office. for comment. multiple times. i have not yet heard back. this story is obviously still developing. we've got reporters on the ground working leads all across oakland. so stay with us for the very latest on this breaking news. the fbi, rating. oakland mayor sheng tells home early this morning. we're going to keep you updated on air on our website jp i and streaming on the free cbs news app. we'll be right back.
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from crime to homelessness. and now, today's right in oakland, all of of that weighing on people. who live in the communities they're joining me live now to talk about all this cal state east bay professor of ethnic studies. dr jenn tram. thanks for being here we know that oakland has had itshare of challenges. we're getting 1 message from city leaders right now, about progress being made crime rates being down. but a lot of people who live there are not buying it. that's
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right. i mean, at this at this moment. you can't make up what's happening in oakland and all eyes are on oakland for the wrong reason. yeah. ok, so what is really going on in the city? i mean, we see the headlines were talking about him, um but is it unsafe? is there a sense of lawlessness going on? yes, i mean to your points. the purpose of of pr. and communications. is to also stabilize our sense. our communities and our sense of safety and despite what the reports are saying, you know, we can see from last night with the shootings at lake merritt and juneteenth that safety is not something that is being made up. despite what our politicians are saying, and and that bill. everyday people are not just feeling unsafe. but being injured and we can't get a break from that, and we wake
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up to this and so it's really emblematic of the erosion of trust that we are experiencing right now in the city of oakland from our leadership that is that can be felt from the local level. the city all the way to our federal um, officeholders at the moment. because despite how much we pay in taxes, our quality of life continues to be stifled and at a time where we can actually focus and address issues such as homelessness. books, who are exposed to extremities. extremities and living with immense mental health. challenges, providing housing and set up focusing on on how is it that we're going to make sure that our communities. are able to feel safe walking outside. we are blue. to the phone. looking looking looking at what's happening, you know, with our leadership right now who's on this list? instead of 1 of the solutions? and how long do we have to wait? it is a lot of distraction. and, of course, while we're still looking into the details of
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toy's events we have the recall. that was just announced. officially, yesterday that it is likely going to be on the ballot. when it comes to trust in in leaders in the long term and the short term when you see something like the raids this morning it's important that when this happens that that our leaders step up instead of hiding to into the shadows extremely important. this is not the only recall that's happening. we have a recall for jpm price right now, and we have a number of exposes happening with latif assignment in terms of the track record their decisions, how they justifying these decisions are impacting everyday people's lives and then backtracking and saying that they didn't have anything to do with that. this is an inconsistency, a more inconsistency. that's costing our everyday voters and taxpayers and really families. children youth. immigrants, folks of color small businesses. it's important to name that that erosion of trust
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is really difficult to repair. and this is what led to the recall that we're seeing right now. and that is still evolving, of course. we're going to be following it as the election season goes on, and as this investigation continues, dr jenn tran with cal state soh f joinis this y mh for afternoon, and of course, this whole story is still developing. you can stay with us for the very latest on this breaking news. the fbi rating. oakland mayor sheng thao is home early this morning. well, thanks for joining us today, a lot going on cbs evening news is coming up next year on kpi x and your local news continues. on our streaming service. cbs. news bay area we will see it this evening at 5:00 pm pm for the very latest. >> 916. >> norah: tonight, chilling never of us aren't seen video of the nation's capital shot before the deadliest terror attacks on u.s. soil.


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