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tv   The Late News  CBS  June 30, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. now at 11:00, a sea of rainbows filling downtown san francisco today to pride month. the first extended heat wave this year will scorch the bay area this week, leaving people scrambling for cheap and effective ways to keep cool.
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>> it's getting more difficult with the cost of everything. some major democratic leaders in the bay area on damage control after last week's presidential debate. good evening, i'm brian hackney. >> after what was a beautiful warm sunday across the bay area, things are about to get hot. the national weather service has issued an excessive heat watch for later this week. >> you can see why on our 3-d map at a lot of places expected to get well into triple digits this week, just in time for the fourth of july holiday. let's bring in meteorologist darren peck, who will tell us how hot it went. >> right to the headline, it's the number right back there. 111 for concord was the poster child, to really hopefully get everyone's attention. this is tuesday's daytime highs . tomorrow it will be more like 100 there. but it's a big jump, from monday to tuesday, tuesday and wednesday are the
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peak. i will use some of the forecast imagery for a second of or behind my shoulder. the excessive heat watch is now an excessive heat warning. we will come back to those numbers in detail. i want to show you your part of the bay. not just tuesday and wednesday, but for the next seven days, because this is a long-duration event. the headline is the excessive heat sticking around, tuesday through friday. noticed that it doesn't include the immediate bayshore, because there is a lower grade heat message for that. you have a heat advisory. daytime highs will be is high and overnight lows will be is warm either. so you are getting a bit of a break in between which will be crucially important. there is a lot to go over on this, and when we get back together again in the
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forecast, i will give you the specifics. we will break down the seven day into different microclimates so that you can be ready for this. tuesday and wednesday right now are the two first alert weather days, but it could go for a while. we are not really going to drop down near average, at least not for the next seven days. >> warm at the beach, too? >> 70s. >> there's some relief. >> hessman beas on the map at 70. this is not one of those heat waves were even they get the heat. >> thank you, darren. when it gets this hot, it is important to prepare and make sure your family and pets are all safe. >> amanda spent the day in livermore, where temperatures are already in the 90s today. >> reporter: we are expecting a modest bump in heat on wednesday, but the national weather service says it is the perfect day to prepare for the week. it's always good to have water on hand and plan activities you can stay cool at, like this fountain. >> wednesday is supposed to be 108. >> reporter: temperatures have only been in the 90s on sunday, but people in livermore were already finding ways to beat the heat and brace for even
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warmer temperatures. >> it has been so hot, and she has been begging to go, so we decided to bring her out. >> reporter: amanda perkins and lyle monger took a trip to the lindsay oliver fountain in downtown livermore, so their 3-year-old daughter, scarlett, could play. monger says it can be difficult to find economical ways to deal with the heat. >> this time around it's getting more difficult because of the cost of everything. this is probably the best bet . a nice shaded area , plenty of space. >> reporter: meteorologist with the national weather service , joe merchant, explains that the heat will build over the weekend the overnight lows will not provide enough time for recovery. the fourth of july holiday adds another layer of concern. >> people tend to want to use fireworks. really, fireworks should not be used at all at this point, because we are critically dry with grass fuels. any fire that does start
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has a chance to rapidly spread. >> reporter: near the coast, there will also be the potential for king tides and rip tides. back inland, people in livermore are also trying to keep their furry friends safe. evan carlo got his dog special socks for walking on hot pavement. >> during the summer, he still needs to walk, but i am worried about his paws burning, so i got these about a month ago. that way i can still take him out in the summer when it's really hot. >> reporter: some people choose to beat the heat by staying indoors, >> they just want to stay home and play video games. the ac is running, so they are happy. >> reporter: tickling breaks while you're out in the sun, and it's also important to check on family and neighbors who need help. >> you can stay up-to-date with
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the upcoming heat wave, go to our website,, streaming on cbs news bay area, and the free cbs news app. thankfully, hot temperatures held off long enough for people to be able to enjoy the 54th annual san francisco pride parade today. people lined market street to cap off the month of celebrations. more than 200 groups marched in what is one of the largest pride parades in the world. we saw hundreds of vibrant floats and thousands of people marching alongside them, representing the spectrum of lgbtq+ community. not to mention the countless side stages, venues, and businesses. people from all walks of life across multiple generations came out to share in the positivity. >> i hope that we can just normalize straight not being the norm. binary not being the norm. >> is a time to celebrate. we are unifying and i think that is so important. >> the parade ended in front of city hall. celebration shifted
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to the castro. >> of the pride parade made its way down market street, about 1000 pro-palestinian demonstrators held a protest near 14th and market. they walked with signs demanding an end to the killing in gaza . they wanted people to boycott the city's official event, because some of the corporate sponsors have ties to the israeli government. the protest was led by the group , jewish voices for peace, bay area. >> former speaker nancy pelosi and vice president kamala harris's husband attended a pride event this morning doing damage control after thursday's presidential debate. it has been more than three days after the debate and there are still questions about biden's ability to run. >> they made a pitch for voters to stick with the president. >> reporter: in front of roughly 600 democrats, former house speaker nancy pelosi admits there is no way to sugar coat it. joe biden had a bad debate on thursday night. some
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say the 81-year-old sounded like he belongs in a retirement home, not another four years in the white house. >> if -- we finally beat medicare. >> we had a difficult time. the other day was not a plus for us. we have to be honest about that. but on the other hand, what we saw on one side of the screen is integrity , concern for people, answers to questions. what we saw on the other side was dishonesty, misrepresentation , and new concern for people. >> pelosi and the second gentleman, doug imhoff held a democratic club breakfast on sunday morning. >> we are going to win this election , because nothing has changed. nothing has changed. donald trump is still unfit to ever return to the white house.
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>> reporter: both pelosi and imhoff tried to pull the fractured party back together. they were speaking to skeptical democrats who questioned biden's ability. >> i am definitely concerned. behind a candidate, it's the charisma, right? the energy you bring. >> reporter: she is a young democrat and trustee at city hall in san francisco. she and others question if biden can win in swing states. >> i do wish we had more options, but these are the cards we are dealt. >> we have to make this race more exciting for some people, because people are sitting out, thinking both are losers. >> reporter: some democrats say biden is willing to step aside, they would like to see a younger party nominee, like gavin newsom. >> i think there needs to be an age limit to the presidency. >> reporter: they believe a younger candidate would energize undecided voters in swing states and give their party a better chance to stay
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in the white house. >> i am a little panicky right now. we might need plan b. >> reporter: instead of focusing on biden, pelosi reminded people that trump nominated conservative justices who overturned roe v wade. >> they are trying to divide us and put us in our corners, so we are at each other. don't let them do it. don't let them divide us. >> reporter: some democrats agree, saying they support biden 100%. >> i am not concerned. >> this is not a beauty contest, this is about substance, and joe biden is a substantive man. >> reporter: that is something undecided voters can agree with. >> my hope is for those people in swing states, that they remember how trump what was. >> reporter: democrats hope voters will forget about biden's poor performance by them, but some wonder if he should move forward with that second and final debate in september. a new cbs news poll conducted after the debate shows a 46% of registered
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voters think that biden should not run. next this week is lining up to be one of the busiest travel weeks in years. we will let you know the best days to avoid the crowds. there is a new shop in town, but the shops owners in concord say they are not getting the warmest welcome from local law enforcement.
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welcome back . fourth of july holiday travel period is officially underway. nearly 72 million americans are expected to be on the road this week, and by air, adding to what has already been a very busy year for travel. tsa says six of their busiest days in history have been in june alone. overall, air travel is up 7% from last fourth of july, probably thanks to ticket prices being down by 18% over the same period . aaa forecast that close to 90% of americans will hit the road, and it is no surprise that it will cost you more in california than anywhere else , with gas at an average of $4.80 per gallon. aaa expect another rush at the end of the holiday as millions of americans go back to work. >> it will be a toasty july 4th week, and we are going to go back over to darren peck with more details. >> we transitioned now. it's
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an excessive heat warning that starts tomorrow. i want to start off with that because the wording gets you so much. excessive heat watch for the last several days. what's the difference? why are we now under an excessive heat warning? the only thing that changed is that we are now much closer to the event and there is certainty to it. a few days before hand, national weather service called an excessive heat watch. now that this is imminent, there is a higher degree of certainty and they change the wording to drive the point home. the warning is, all right, this is here now. take action in terms of going easy on yourself and have a plan to limit your exposure to some of the worst of this. the excessive heat warning goes through tuesday through friday. it includes most of the bay area. it does not include the bay, that is where we have a heat advisory. the difference has to do with the fact that in the immediate bay, we are still getting some influence from the
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marine air. there is no fog in that. you can see the humidity, the missed, the sea spray is still there and on a timeline. if you can speeded up you can really see what it is doing bickett is blowing inland. we are getting some help from the marine layer. that is going to help locations that are right in the immediate vicinity of that. let's put some numbers on this. we started out looking at tuesday, when brian and andria were out here. i want to walk it back and what we will do first is take a look at tomorrow . these are tomorrow's daytime highs, and you are already going up about 3 to 6 degrees tomorrow from where you were today. concord should be at 99 tomorrow. we will go into the upper 70s in oakland, low 70s in san francisco, all right, that's monday, we got to move on, because the headlines on tuesday and wednesday , when we go back to tuesday's numbers, santa rosa at 106, sentences go at 85. it will be in the 90s for oakland. have already seen the poster child for this heatwave, 111 in concord, but
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livermore, you're not far behind that at 106, 98 in san jose, let's come back for the difference, let's keep redwood city in view and concord in view as well. these are the daytime highs on tuesday. wednesday the numbers are almost identical. in between there is an important number, wednesday mornings low. this is where some of this significance comes in, in terms of why there is a higher degree of health impacts for concord and antioch. granted, your afternoon daytime highs are much hotter. that is a part of it but another part of it is the fact that you don't cool off as much in the overnight hours. redwood city going down to 65. it won't be frigid, but you are getting 10 more degrees of helpful cooling. antioch goes to 75. this makes a difference. you get more of a break here, one of the other reasons for the advisory and
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excessive heat warning. the duration is also a problem. let's go straight to the seven day forecast, we will try to get in as many as we can. we talked about the 111 for concord. what happens next? 110 on wednesday. look at what happens by the weekend. isn't that better? 103? yes and no. it is better, but it's still going to be hot and we are still going to have to be thinking about ways to kind of avoid the afternoon heat and go easy on ourselves. santa rosa, 106 on tuesday, still at 101 by the time we get to next weekend. let's come back to the bay. san jose, technically in the forecast not cracking the century mark. you do get to 98 on wednesday. 103 is the record, and you are staying in the mid-90s going all the way through this period . let's do oakland here, 90s for tuesday and wednesday , then you'll get back down to the mid-80s, and not to be left out, san francisco, our representative spot for the coolest but you are still in the mid-80s, you will feel it there. guys, back to you. >> thank you, darren.
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up next, the owner of a new boba shop in concord says he is not getting the warmest welcome from local law enforcement. straightahead, game day back with a half-hour of sports. klay thompson walked in the warriors doors at 2011. is he really gone in free agency at 2024? >> the giants didn't just bounce back, they bit back at the dodgers to close the weekend. cal running back jake not has some unfinished college football business to take care of , first. >> it's time to get paid. >> reporter: those stories and more on game day after the newscast. ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way.
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get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. welcome back on sunday night. the opening of a new boba tea shop on concord raised fears about the size of the crowd that might show up. >> the store's owner says he was threatened by police for inviting car enthusiast to join the festivities. john ramos has the story. >> you would think the city of concord would be happy about the grand opening of its newest small business. >> reporter: instead, the police have warned the owner not to have too many customers show up today.
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>> reporter: it was opening day for the milk tea lab in concord. is a first-time business owner, ion he knew he had to do something to get the word out. >> we are not a huge corporation. in order for us to get our name out there, we have to advertise. now with today's technology, social media is key, it's crucial. i have a bunch of buddies that i network with, and they spread the word. >> reporter: one of those buddies posted this invite on a site called bay area car meets, inviting car owners to support the opening. but it caught the attention of concord police, and he says eight lieutenant threatened him with fines and ticketing if he tried to hold a, quote, unpermitted event. >> she came to my business to let me know that this would not happen. i said, you know what? this is my grand opening. i have my attorney stating that we can still have our grand opening, but people are more
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than welcome to join us at any time. >> reporter: the tea lab is next to a long shuttered kmart. a week ago, the entire parking lot had been cordoned off with caution tape. >> i don't know who put it up, but most likely it would be the police department in concord. in their own words, no unpermitted event. >> reporter: so in the end, the car meat that was not a carmi began with a lot of expensive vehicles arriving and young passengers filling the shop with grand opening customers. back outside, the car enthusiast didn't seem very surprised that they drew the suspicions of law enforcement. >> i think everyone is suspicious of something they don't understand. i think if you're a part of the car scene there is nothing to be suspicious about. just like-minded people hanging out, no different than a baseball team or a bowling league. it's the same thing. >> reporter: you think this was
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an overreaction? >> absolutely. i don't think there is anything to reacts to. >> just a park and chill. this isn't rocket science but you can look to see what kind of car meat it is going to be. these never turn into sideshows. >> reporter: never trying to pick a fight, he just did what he could to make his first day a success. in a shopping center which has been pretty quiet for a long time. >> i just want them to know that this will be a good turnaround, and at the end of the day, everything will be fine. >> everything was fine. lots of new customers, even though none of them had a permit to be there. several new laws go into effect , including a first of its kind in the nation commitment to protect you on a night out. we will explain after the break.
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we go to the toll plaza at the golden gate bridge, the subject of this . when the cost of the golden gate bridge was presented to voters, a long time ago, back in the 30s, part of the sales pitch was that it would be free to cross when the bonds for the bridge would be paid off by 1970. nobody who made those promises are around to discuss why the ever increasing price to cross the bridge is increasing yet again . starting tomorrow, it is $0.50 mort across the span.
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fasttrack, cycles, everything. you have an alternative . you can swim. several new laws go into effect tomorrow, including one to protect people on a night out. >> bars and nightclubs across california will be required to have testing kits for sexual assault drugs . the idea is to have testing strips available for customers who test their drinks. the law applies to the roughly 2400 businesses that only sell alcohol in california. in addition to testing kits, they are also required to post signage notifying patrons of the kits. >> we definitely hear about it, and it is good that there is a law . safety for patrons is the name of the game. >> i feel like it is necessary for bars to have it because of those suspicions. hopefully no one ever does get drugged drinks, but if they do and they don't know what the feeling is and they are confused at least they know they can find out what is going on.
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>> this is the first law of its kind to be enacted in the country. >> a few other laws going into effect. ab 12 says that any new rental contract signed after july 1st can only require one month's rent for the security deposit. one month's rent. another, ab 28, imposes an 11% tax on the sale of firearms and ammunition in california. money raised will fund violence prevention and school safety programs. sb 44, the right to repair act requires manufacturers to provide consumers and repair shops with the parts, tools, and documents needed to service or repair devices yourself. the second weekend of stern grove is in the books. we have all the highlights and a look ahead
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chicano batman took the stage at fern grove , and fans agree they make their own kind of music. >> over the years, i have come to the conclusion that chicano batman is a genre. there's no rules, there's no -- it's limitless. we just like to morph into wherever our spirit takes us, musically, it is what it is every album we are proud of. >> we will be bringing you concerts from stern grove all summer long on our sister station, pix plus 44 table 12. ok y'all we got ten orders coming in.. big orders! starting a business is never easy,
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it's game day for june 30. last one of the month and it's a big one. after almost 14 years, 11 seasons, 793 games, the show seems over for klay thompson as the golden state warrior, wow. >> whatever happens, it's great. i can't complain. >> trey watch continues as we wait to with the magic, clippers, lakers. even got a phone call


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