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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  July 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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>my worry is can he make it through the next 4? question? about president >biden? needs to really consider the consequences. if if he is unable to campaign effectively. going louder. >think he will continue to make his case to the american people? do you think he is the 1 who will decide? but so is the support. >so what? they're fighting. demonstrated. that he can't remember things. not a crook. the other guy is proven option we have that has beaten donald trump and that has delivered for the american people. is the biden harris ticket. yeah. >liz>from capitol hill to the entertainment capital. president joe biden is feeling the pressure to drop out. he
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just lost more support from democratic lawmakers who just aren't convinced he is strong enough to win another term. now the president has maintained he's in it to win it and many others in his party are doubling down on their support as well. today will ask a bay area political expert about what to expect between now and november. and what president biden needs to do to win back support. we'll have that conversation. in just a few minutes, but 1st a look at your news headlines. in alameda, a memorial on board the uss hornet for an oakland firefighter. who died nearly 2 weeks ago. 25 year old caden laughin was in san diego, where he apparently drowned at the beach in the middle of the night. he was a 5 year veteran of the oakland fire department and a 3rd generation firefighter. as i suspected killer is in custody in san jose police believe this man, pierre plascencia. shot 2 people on liska. lane on the 4th of july before their car crashed into a garage and caught fire. the driver died. the passengers survived. the
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parent company of turbotax, intuit is cutting 1800 jobs that's about 10%. of its workforce mountain view based company says it's reorganizing things to focus on a i into it says it plans to hire about as many workers next year. state officials say they have new tools and their arsenal as they brace for a busy wildfire season. governor newsom touted new cal fire air tankers and the network of a i powered wildfire cameras so far this year, more than 207,000. 1000 acres have burned statewide. that's compared to just 10,000 acres this time last year. and extreme heat is back here in the bay area. it is yet another 1st alert. weather day, chief meteorologist paul hagen is cheered, tracking the potentially dangerous conditions out there today. >paul>paul temperatures already flirting with triple digits for inland parts of the bay area, so let's get into what you need to know. and another 1st alert. weather day the extreme heat is going to peak tomorrow. it's still going to be hot. on
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friday, the triple digit temperatures inland are going to be widespread tomorrow, backing down a bit friday. and then we'll be seeing the return of near normal temperatures over the weekend, but also some passing clouds. and maybe even some of that smoke, especially from the lake fire burning in santa barbara county drifting up at least into the elevated layers of the atmosphere over the bay area. i don't think much of it is going to settle down towards ground level, but that's something we'll continue to evaluate as we head into the weekend switching perspectives looking outside from the mark hopkins hotel, little fog in the distance, but it is very compressed marine layer temperature right now is 100. degrees in livermore. it's close to that 95 degrees in concord with 91 degrees in san jose and santa rosa. around the bay. mid 60s in san francisco. what heat upper 70s right now in oakland, but there's temperatures are going to climb even for san francisco and oakland as we head through tomorrow. the fog is not going to be widespread. they're going to be some of it that heat dome overhead hasn't completely eliminated it, but it's going to be very sparse as we begin the day on thursday, and it won't take long to dissipate backing away from the coast as we head towards late morning which means along the coast
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where you're not going to warm up very much. you are going to see more sunshine again thursday afternoon. temperatures tonight dropping down to the 50s where temperatures haven't warmed up as much today, but we're the heat has really settled in in limit the east bay and the santa clara valley. that's where temperatures will only drop down to the mid to upper 60s by early tomorrow morning, and then they will heat back up except along the coast mid 60s there but low to mid 90s down the peninsula 90s to low 1 hundreds inland in the santa clara valley up to 105. degrees around morgan hill. that's not even the hot spot for the region. widespread triple digit temperatures inland in the east bay, the tri valley around 105. closer to 110 degrees from fairfield to pittsburgh antioch in brentwood. brentwood and then you get closer to the bay. it will breach the 70s in san francisco, likely into the 80s. around oakland, which is warm but nowhere close to the kind of heat that we have farther inland. temperatures in the north bay warming up as you go farther north up to above 100 degrees instead of rosa over 110. degrees. 12 specifically around ukiah. that will be the hot spot around the region. so, ma to high heat risk tomorrow.
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it does start to back off a tiny bit on friday, but friday still going to be hot inland, but watch the change. it happens from friday to saturday. that high heat risk largely disappears from the map. returning to closer to normal temperatures. as we head into the weekend. let's take a look at the 7 day forecast, and we will start within the parts of the bay area where temperatures will retreat to that. normal range slightly above normal on saturday, but then into the upper 80s, which is typical for the middle of july. finished the weekend and head into next week. around the bay another day in the 80s for the most part tomorrow and then backing down quickly. low to mid 70s from sunday through the middle of next week, with temperatures coast side staying in the middle portion of the 60s for a couple more days back to familiar territory in the low 60s by next week with a lot more cloud cover overhead as well, liz >liz>paul, thanks so much. and you can also stay up to date with our heat wave on and streaming on the free cbs news. ap
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running short for day. to decide. who could beat donald trump president biden is losing support by the day even from members of his own party and makovec joins me now to get us up to speed on what the very latest on this is >anne>an and despite everybody talking behind his back and of course, right out in the open. president biden trying to keep his nose to the grindstone, today, he had a busy day in washington, dc, talking with some of his key supporters. labor leaders calling himself the most pro union president in american history, and then a full meat day of meetings with world leaders. attending. the nato summit. his supporters in the democratic party or standing by the president. >had 100 media outlets asking the same question. amply answered my support for the president and support i saw on the ground was demonstrable. and that's where i am and right? scan job. biden as the democratic nominee has my support. he has a lot of broad support. throughout the country. he's working.
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vigorously to try to quell the concerns. there have have been raised. >anne>former house speaker nancy pelosi when asked whether mr biden has her support to lead the ticket deferred to mr biden, saying that it's up to the president. and that leaders are quote encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. 7 house democrats have publicly called for joe biden to exit the presidential race. others have expressed that view privately and at the george clooney, who headlined a big fundraiser that raised a record amount of money for the president, also called on biden to step aside. in a new york times op ed. he said the biden who showed up at the fundraiser was the same man. we all witnessed. at the debate. >it's not a very party now wants him to throw in the towel and surrender the presidency after a single 19. minutes performance. >anne>yeah. have former president trump capitalizing on president biden struggles as he returned to the campaign trail. joining him. florida senator marco rubio, 1 of the names on his potential vp shortlist. the
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other potential top contenders, north dakota governor doug burgum. and ohio senator j. d. vance. mr trump says he is pretty well set. and who he would like to pick. but he says he's not going to be announcing that until closer to next week's republican national convention in milwaukee. and looking at the latest polls viewed cbs news you gov. polling shows trump ahead. in some key battleground states among likely voters last month. 50% biden 49%. trump, now 48% biden 51%. trump. there's also some concern amongst some democrats that the lack of enthusiasm for president biden could dribble down the ticket if voters decided to sit this 1 out affecting their ability to control congress. so there is certainly a lot at stake >liz>here list. yes, there is. it's not just about the presidential race. it's about all the other races that could be impacted by this right. an thanks so much. alright, coming up, we'll ask a bay area political expert do democrats need to make a change now and
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if not joe biden, then who could beat donald trump? we'll be right back. >trickle >>down what was that? nothing. ahh! gorilla super glue.
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to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much... or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. >liz>one person has been very close. to president joe biden. campaign is our very own. governor. gavin news. today he reaffirmed his support for the president. he also reiterated that he would not run against kamala harris in a presidential campaign. and while some
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political observers here in the bay area, say they believe in vp harris, they also tell our da lin biden is a democrats best bet. >handy. to the lgbtq. community. it's not just democrats, even some moderate republicans believe joe biden would help his own party by ending his presidential campaign. >disappointed with the choices, it seems we're left with a choice between irrationality and infirmity, so i hope things improve in the next 4 months. fitzgerald says. he's a registered republican who refuses to vote for donald trump. but he doesn't think biden is a good fit, either. my worry is can he make it through the next 4 many people question violence, mental sharpness. they say the 81 year old san joaquin belongs in a retirement home. not another term in the white house. >excuse me with dealing with everything we have to do with, uh, what if yeah. we finally
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beat medicare. so what if biden there's demonstrated. he's an old man, so what they're biting. biden demonstrated that he can't remember things? he's is not a crook, the other guy >is >>former san francisco mayor willie brown turned 90 years old earlier this year. he believes age is just a number. joe biden won the presidency. he has served. impeccable. in the presidency and age. should not be the factor that determines whether you're doing you >don't >>some democrats want to pivot to vice president kamala harris? brown has known harris for decades. and he fully supports her. but brown was animated and firm that biden should stay the course. despite some mega donors, vowing to withhold campaign donations. resent anyone who thinks money runs politics. money does not run politics. congresswoman barbara lee is also a big harris supporter. but she too,
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believes biden gives the party their best shot to win. the only proven option we have that has beaten donald trump and that has delivered for the american people is the biden harris. ticket. yeah. for 1. believe that this president will move forward and he will be able to win. disagrees he says biden lacks the energy and charisma to win over undecided voters and moderate republicans like him. this is america we can do a lot better in terms of our choices. in both parties, political experts say. with the november election being just 4 months away, any kind of change to the democratic nomination would have to happen very fast. >liz>and joining me now live is sonoma state political science professor david mcewan. thanks so much for being with us, sir. >live>well, happy. happy. almost i guess convention >liz>day. i know. to all of all those who celebrate next week. all right, let's get into it. the calls for biden to step aside seems to be growing louder. every day. even nancy pelosi, 1 of his fiercest
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allies, signaled today that there's a possibility that he may not be on the ticket that he has to make a decision. any chance biden can convince his own party that he's the right candidate to defeat donald trump. >live>well, look, i mean the age question is going to dog him the rest of the campaign if he stays in, we have to pay attention to what's going on with those likely voters in swing states. there are news reports. that campaign donations particularly from elite donor slowed down. yeah. money is absolutely critical. there was a fundraising advantage for the democrats and joe biden and tell the debate if it is created or falling off a cliff. it's further evidence of the loss of mojo. the lot the buzz around. joe biden has gone away. we're seeing that in terms of voter impressions, it's not making a big difference is an had in her piece there in terms of national >liz>polling. >>but in swing state polling it is making a difference. and that's something to watch together with. what >liz>are >>and whether the money will be
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there. while the team biden tries to string outdraw out this to make it inevitable. that he would be the candidate, so the calls are not going to go away anytime soon. and certainly george clooney's new york times piece is going to add further kind of fuel to >liz>those flames question, right? hypothetically speaking, if he would to step off the ticket. kamala harris, probably the most likely option to replace him at the top of that ticket. but talk about the challenges and maybe some advantages of the campaign may have and switching candidates this late in the game. >live>right, so they dnc dnc and the democrats would have to identify the money that is joe biden's the money that is for the campaign. versus the party, and that which is could be used for general. independent. expenditures, some of that money would flow to kamala harris. a lot of it, but some of the joe biden could keep some of it can be used for party building activities. it gets quite technical, but that would be important. joe biden, if you were to leave the race would want to pledge his delegates he'd want to move his delegates and have them vote their >liz>conscience.
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>>harris is not. it's not that she would secure the nomination. she would just be that the facto favorite everything would run through her she'd have money should have some momentum should have huge support. from some key. congressional black caucus and and black political leaders in the united states. that's absolutely critical. she does draw out certain voter segments, particularly emerging voters and younger voters around issues related to gaza. but that's problematic. because she's part of the biden administration. she also does drive out >liz>can >>some to watch particularly in battleground states how she doesn't states like pennsylvania. michigan and wisconsin. would be important if she were to become the nominee. the other element to this is look things are going to change once the republicans meet next monday, once donald trump announces his vice presidential candidate. in milwaukee. and that doesn't leave democrats a lot of time either. there they've lost the mojo. they've lost some momentum, and they have to find their way that makes tomorrow's >liz>on >>press conference that joe
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biden is going to run that makes it hugely important as well for his political future. >liz>we're all waiting on that. all right before we go to the next break. trump campaign obviously capitalizing on the uncertainty going on >live>with the >liz>biden camp. the rnc is next week next tuesday, and he sort of teasing the media and when he's going to announce his choice for vp who who do you think he's going to pick? >live>all right, so the candidates that we know right marco rubio, doug burgum and j. d. vance. you know, those are kind of establishment politics. fired out there and what i mean by that is, i think there's a player to be named later hills. and that 4th choice could be a family member. it could be someone very close to donald trump. i think there's still a bit of a wild card element that donald trump wants to tease if he goes, conventional and picks 1 of those 3 fellas that spectrum news live at 5. maybe it helps them in florida a little bit, but he could tease it even longer, unless joe biden decides that he's out of the race if he's out of the race then the former president trump pushes up his announcement. and the big,
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splashy way too hijack the news cycle. rather than to drag it out to say monday or tuesday. because his candidate to join him on the ticket makes that there speech before the convention and the nation next wednesday night, so i do think there's an element of surprise her that donald trump wants to keep going beyond just these 3 that he's already >liz>vetted. he understands how to put on a show that's for sure. all right. we'll have more to come with sonoma state professor david mcewan after the break and we'll talk about project. 2025. you may have heard about that lately. we're going to talk about what it exactly is and why democrats are selling the alarm. stay with us. >hmm. >>yeah. yeah.
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>liz>questions are swirling over. the future president biden reelection campaign. with just for months until voters head to the polls, joining me once again is sonoma state political science professor david mcewan. thanks for staying with us. i want to talk about project 2020. the
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presidential transition. project, as it's >live>called >>it's basically a plan to reshape the government to promote a more conservative agenda. it's important to note trump and his team have tried to distance themselves from this project. but democrats say that project 25 2025 will literally destroy america. what do you may of it? and maybe you can explain a little bit more in depth of what it is? >live>all right. so you go to project 25. 2025. uh, that republicans heritage institution. together with the heritage foundation together with some other groups have put together this kind of blueprint around policy. personnel and training. republicans have had archetypes like this for some time not only for new administration presidential administrations but also for state legislatures through there. alec program. many years ago leadership programs that develop if you all a mindset and thinking in a set of policy. priorities. for what? what you do once you're elected. yeah. handbook. if you
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will for leadership. what's different about project 2025? is it really is something that is much more far reaching and so democrats have raised them who the specter of you know the boogeyman here. around project 2025. it is extreme. it does do some things. across multiple departments. in and reorganizes. what trump often calls the deep state so what democrats should do what divine team should do is be taking the paragraph out of project >liz>wanted. >>hmm. every paragraph on every page and making a campaign commercial about it each week it talks about things like lowering military benefits, lowering military disabled. benefits about doing things related to changes for visas and for college education. that's important because we have a lot of researchers that do a lot of important things, and they do amazing work that help benefit us a lot of different ways. that's what democrats could do republic it serves as a blueprint also down ballot. but moving forward.
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it's a little bit difficult. to really believe donald trump when he says he doesn't know what's in there. he doesn't know about some of these issues because the people who wrote it are people, many of the people who inspired or were part of his administration last time, and in that sense, it's a very interesting piece to read, i'd say required reading for us political junkies, so we know what the heck is going on and what their priorities >liz>are a lot of concern >live>about >>that right now. all right, professor david mcewen thank you so much. >live>thank >>you. area events calendar. brought to you by broadway. san jose. what's happening in the bay area this >weekend? >>romesco street fair returns to oakland with live music, great food and shopping on telegraph avenue between 40th >and >>50th >>1st >>and san francisco's frank. al gallery is celebrating >its 40. anniversary with film festival. benefiting the historic roxy. theater. musical is broadway's you for. seller. reserve. the best seat. to 6. now, when you become a
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season subscriber to broadway, san jose with the purchase
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coming up tonight on the cbs evening news. fresh calls for president. biden to step aside. from hollywood to the hill. plus the house minority leader's plan to share democrats. concerns about a biden renomination. directly. to the president. that more headlines tonight on the cbs evening news. >liz>well, thank you so much for joining us for today's conversation about the road to
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the november election. and question a question. about president biden's bid to return to the white house. we'd love to hear what you think. do you think he should bow out are donald trump's chance? it is moving forward. poster thoughts online using the hashtag kpi x cbs evening news is next. local news continues on our streaming service. cbs news bay area lcu at 5. >> norah: president biden phases new pressure to end his campaign, including from oscar-winner george clooney, calling on the 81-year-old to step aside. tonight, democrats worry about the future of the presidency. >> i am deeply concerned about joe biden winning this november. because it is an accidental threat to the country of donald trump wins. >> norah: our new reporting as theou


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