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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  July 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm PDT

10:00 pm
[all yelling indistinctly] ♪ ♪ mama! - oh! - love you. mama. she shouldn't be here. - oh, emmett, she loves you. [cell phone ringing] hey, why don't you tell me more about the circus? do you have a favorite animal? - the camry rowan carjacked from the diner. - did someone see him? - state troopers have him in sight. the rest of my team is joining the pursuit now. [sirens wailing] [dramatic music] ♪ ♪
10:01 pm
- [mutters indistinctly] - there he is. [tires screeching] - hang on. ♪ ♪ hey! hey! which way did he go? - he went over there. - over there. - arms out! - okay. - let me see your hands. - okay. - all right. stay here till i say.
10:02 pm
- fbi. give yourself up, rowan! - all right. you're clear. ♪ ♪ i got nobody, ray. - me neither. - barnes! barnes! stop the semi! both: hey! - stop the truck! i said, "stop the truck!" stop the truck! shut off the engine. - stop right there! - gun. ♪ ♪ - [grunts] [cuffs clinking]
10:03 pm
- this is not the end of your journey, but the beginning. you're on this journey to meet your lord and savior, jesus christ. - so god will save me? - have you accepted him in your heart? - i have. - then god will save you. - i need you to change into these, emmett. - diapers. [laughs] what are these for? i don't have to go to the bathroom. - it's just something they make you do... [cell phone chimes] emmett, okay? we'll give you your privacy. - barnes, tell me you have him. - we do, but he's asked for a lawyer. - the execution is happening. - he does not care. - jab a swab down his throat and get his dna to the lab right away. - ert's on their way with a kit. they're minutes away. - we don't have minutes. they're about to walk him into the death chamber. - we're doing the best we can, remy. [siren wails] wait a second. i see them.
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they're pulling in now. - tell them to hurry. [tense music] ♪ ♪ - [breathing heavily] i thought you said god would save me. - it's okay, emmett. have faith. - [gasping] what are you doing? ow. ow! - god is calling you home, son. - i'm going to try the other arm. - uh, that hurts. you're hurting me. - remember what we talked about? that bible verse? - the--the lord is my shepherd. i shall-- both: want not. - he restores my soul. he leads me through paths of righteousness. ow!
10:05 pm
- i can't find a vein. - [sighs] try the foot. close the curtain. - yea, yea, though i walk... - though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil. ow! ow! ow! i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ( ♪♪ )
10:06 pm
sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪
10:07 pm
(♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) start your day with nature made. and try new zero sugar gummies. it's time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino resort. start your day with nature made. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much... or as little as you want.
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make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. ok, 500 deluxe garden gnomes. wow. i only meant to order five. there's not enough money in my account for these. i'm gonna get charged. two things i just can't deal with. overdraft charges. and garden gnomes. but your bmo smart advantage checking account gives you an extra day to avoid an overdraft fee. nice to see a bank cutting people some slack. mistakes happen. and we give you time to correct them. so, you don't like gnomes huh? what about that one? that one i like. a lot.
10:09 pm
♪ bmo ♪ [tense music] ♪ ♪ - it's been 47 minutes. why aren't they opening the curtain? - something's wrong. they can't do this to my boy. it's not right. - [sharply] it's called justice. after what he did to my sister, i hope it takes forever. let him feel the pain.
10:10 pm
door buzzes, clicks] - anything? - ert has rowan's dna typed. they're waiting for the lab to match it against the foreign dna in question. what's happening here? - i'm not sure. oh, warden, what is happening? - we can't find a vein. i've asked for a cutdown. - what? - it's a simple medical procedure. - no, that is not true. it is not. - [sighs] step back, please. - wait, you're gonna cut him open? - it's protocol, agent scott. - is he gonna have an anesthetic? - please, just take a seat in the gallery. all right? the fight is over. - no, it's not. - i've got to do my job. ♪ ♪ - aah! - where's curt's stuff? - he took it all with him to new york. - well, if you moved it, that's an obstruction of justice. - i want you all out of my house.
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get your damn dna from him, and--and leave me out of it. - you wear a prosthesis? - i lost my arm in a car accident. drunk driver took it from me. - anything? - not yet. - you? - no. ♪ ♪
10:12 pm
- what's this photo you sent me? - it's a prosthetic foot, sir. it belonged to ashley evans. - one of my agents just found it in rowan's bedroom. - what are you talking about? - these are ashley evans' medical records. here is the serial number of her prosthesis. - it's a match to the serial number in the photo we sent you. - i see that, yes. but this guy could have found that prosthetic at any time. - or he could have kept it as a souvenir after he killed ashley. not uncommon for people who have a fetish called acrotomophilia. - which is when an individual is sexually aroused by amputees. - are you making a medical diagnosis here? - i can't believe that we are fighting for a man's life over a computer screen. but, governor, please, if you hear anything in your life, please hear this. rowan told his lawyer where ashley's body was. he kept her prosthetic as a trophy of his kill. and we just got confirmation that his dna is a 100% match to the unidentified dna in tina adams' body. rowan killed those girls.
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not emmett allen. - ashley and tina were innocent victims. please just don't let another innocent person die. - i have to admit, uh, i'm no longer fully convinced of emmett allen's guilt. let me speak with warden nesbit. halt the execution. - are you sure, sir? - we'll explore clemency in later hearings. i'm sure emmett's lawyer will waste no time filing a motion. - uh, yes, sir. and thank you. - get him up. bring in that microphone. get ready to open the curtain. [triumphant music] the governor has granted clemency. the execution is off. - [laughs tearfully] - see? ♪ ♪
10:14 pm
- oh, my god! [laughs] [crying] thank you, god, for my baby's life. oh, and you too, of course. of course. - i love you, mama. - oh, i love you, too, my baby boy. ♪ ♪ - hi. so i'm--i'm the window. - oh, yeah, sure. um-- - i'll just--yeah. - oh. - ooh, sorry. - oh. it's okay. - you okay? - yeah. sorry.
10:15 pm
air marshal? - yeah. i saw you on the manifest too. you must be gibson, h., fbi. - i'm hana. - ethan. nice to meet you. - nice to meet you. - sparkling water or champagne? - oh, water. please. - champagne, definitely. - of course. - i'm off duty. i was out here visiting my mom. don't judge me if i drink the whole bottle. it's been a long week. - no judgment. [laughs] oh, i wasn't, uh, snooping. - no, it's okay. this is--it's milo. it's my renaissance dog. - renaissance dog? - yeah. he's athletic, he's smart, and he's got great taste in music. anytime i put on bob seger, he comes running from the other room and starts howling along. - oh, wow. i-i love bob seger. - yeah? what's your favorite album? - oh, you know, it's--it's hard to pick. uh-- - yeah. and, see, you don't really listen to bob seger. - n-no. not really. - not really. no. it's okay. you're too young. i get it. - [laughs]
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- i'll--i'll make you a playlist. it'll change your life. - [laughs] that's a lot of pressure to put on a playlist. - i can handle it. it's kinda what i do. i live alone. i didn't meant that in, like, a super sad way. - no, i-i get it. i-i live alone too. - yeah? - yeah. - i'm gonna shut up now. - [laughs] uh, excuse me, sir. i will take a glass of champagne. thanks. - mm-hmm. - oh, thank you. - cheers. - yes, ma'am. - how long have we been up? - 36 long, devastatingly beautiful hours. [laughter] - thank you. you know, for everything you did for emmett. you and your team saved his life. - we all did. - mm, you did. [soft music]
10:17 pm
okay. well, uh, thank you. have a good night. get home safe. - thanks. [door beeps] ♪ ♪ [car door shuts] when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks.
10:18 pm
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10:19 pm
it's got to be tide. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. my secret? i'm the sweatiest person on the rugby team. but you smell fresh as a swiss spa. i know right?! it's secret outlast. it gives you 72-hours of odor protection. secret outlast. official deodorant of team usa. i told you it lasted a long time.
10:20 pm
good evening. i'm devon feely. your stories. tonight with special coverage. from the republican now. convention. here in the prime time edition. >>i'm here tonight. because
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we have a country to save. >devin>and endorsement of republican unity. former president trump's last challenger for the gop nomination. endorses him. >>really hoping that somebody will recognize them whether it's a friend, family employer. anybody who's seen him. >devin>plus police in san francisco search for this man they say he beat a victim. nearly to death after filming him blocking a waymo. >reporter>i new developments will review of dozens of death penalty cases in alameda county. the announcement tonight from pamela price >darren>and by friday, some parts of the bay are going to be 25. degrees. warmer than you were today. we're going to spotlight how many of us have to do that? but we're going to start with tomorrow. first, we'll talk about the marine layer and tomorrow some of us are already like 10 degrees warmer. forecast on all that coming up. >reporter>a rehab center in the south bay ranked one of the best medical centers in the country. we're going to hear
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from one patient about the level of care that has turned his life around after a devastating motorcycle accident. >devin>yeah. it's plus. good. evening. i'm devon feely. the are tonight's primetime headlines. it is day two of the republican national convention in milwaukee. were prominent republicans, including house speaker mike johnson and former presidential candidates. nikki haley and governor ron desantis spoke in front of their party to endorse former president donald trump as the party's official candidate. we're going to have much more on this later in the evening. ceo elon musk says he's moving the headquarters of the social media company action spacex. checks to texas in response to governor gavin newsom signing a law that keeps schools from notifying parents. if a child identifies as transgender. must set on x that the social media company's new headquarters will move to austin space access new hq will be in starbase. the longtime new jersey democratic
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senator was convicted on all 16 federal counts against him, including bribery, extortion. fraud and obstruction of justice. bob mendez, allegedly received gold bars hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash. mercedes benz convertible and other bribes to benefit the governments of egypt and qatar. menendez, who is running for re election as an independent, says that he will appeal the verdict. taking a live look outside. at san jose this evening. let's go and get a check of our first alert forecast with meteorologist >darren>darren devin today was the bottom and by that i mean, this was the coolest day it is uphill from here. we're going to talk about the warmup. the first thing i want you to see is the marine layer tomorrow, so that's good. that's how widespread it will be by about 5 a.m. tomorrow and then by about 10 a.m.. it's going to melt back. to just the immediate coastline. let me show you tomorrow's daytime highs on the one hand. you'll look at these numbers and you think? oh, all right. those are pretty typical daytime highs. going into this time of year
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will be looking at numbers in the low to mid eighties and it doesn't really stand out all that much but perspective is everything i'm going to remove the like two o'clock. expression. of where the marine layer is going to be, and i'm going to switch the sets of numbers because i don't think this does. service to showing you what the real story with tomorrow is. we'll say goodbye to the actual highs. and i want you to see what the difference is how much warmer is it going to be in your part of the bay tomorrow for some of us? not all that much. but come look at santa rosa will get a close up. look here. san francisco, your numbers going up like a degree. you get no change tomorrow. but santa rosa is going to be 13. degrees warmer tomorrow. you will notice that and this is just the start. let's go over to concord for a second because you're kind of also going to do the same thing. concord, your numbers also going up 13 degrees, and we'll just walk it down to livermore before i send you back to devon. friday. some of these are going to be 25 degrees warmer than you were today. more on that coming up in a bit for now, devon back to you. >devin>all right. thank you. darren police in san francisco
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are looking for someone who blocked a driverless. waymo for minutes and then attack the person who filmed them doing it. police released this video showing the incident. the victim in this case. is left fighting for their life. jose martinez has the latest on the case. >reporter>take a look at this video shared by sfpd. this tuesday. something. showing a man blocking away move vehicle on the 23rd 100 block of buchanan street early in the morning of july, 5th. what you don't see? is what happened after about 10 minutes into it. the person who has taken the videos the victim in this case. walked up to the person blocking the vehicle. and said, hey, maybe you should just let the cargo the suspect who was standing in front of the waymo vehicle, then lunged at the victim kind of did a little fake out lunge at him a couple
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of times. and caused the victim to fall. opinion. sfpd inspector sgt brett grenell, who is the lead investigator in this case, says the person shooting that video ended up with the fracture scold and other life threatening. injuries. that victim hasn't been identified. but sgt grenell says they were transported to a local hospital. he also tells me they are looking for this suspect once again. pay attention to the video you can see the suspect shouting and blocking the way move vehicle, which had an identified passenger. a side very clear pictures of his face, and i'm really hoping that somebody will recognize him. whether it's a friend family employer. anybody who's seen him, sgt griner tells me that even though the department has seen an increase in incidents related to way more vehicles, they are working together to keep passengers safe as possible. especially since the service became available to the general public almost three weeks ago. the good thing is that waymo all of their vehicles are equipped
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with cameras. so we've been able to have some pretty good success. arresting the people that have been involved in these incidents. like in the case of a man who was arrested. in charge that that he allegedly vandalized more than a dozen waymo cars in san francisco last month. prosecutors said cbs contributor in share explains that incidents like this might become more common with the rise of autonomous. vehicles services. what's going to be interesting? is seeing how the how these things expand, right? it's a lot easier to do test cases with a limited number of people, and i know it's not like san francisco is a small city here, but as these things grow and as the number of people using it grow we're going to see a lot of different things happening. that's why ian says you should be prepared. to move has an entire section dedicated to safety. look at this if you're writing women and find yourself in a situation like this can either
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call 911 or use a support option on the passenger screen. or in your app. and the investigation is ongoing. officers are telling me they're asking for anyone. with information to conquer them. as soon as possible. >devin>and moving to the east bay. now we have an update from the alameda county d. a s office district attorney, pamela price announced today that three death row inmates have been re sentenced. jules >reporter>devin, this is all part of an ongoing review from pamela prices ossoff 35. death penalty cases over possible misconduct from former prosecutors. one of the cases includes earnest ..., which triggered the investigation. price says he will be released next year with two years of probation. he was on death row for the murder of a nine year old boy and attempted murder of his grandmother in 1990. it was revealed in his case. prosecutors had excluded black and jewish people from the jury. process. or courts discriminate injury. jury
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selection. it is well settled in our laws that not only are you violating the rights of the defendant but you are violating the rights of victims. to a fair trial. you're violating the rights of jurors and community members. to participate in our jury system. as for the other two cases, keith thomas will receive 23 years to life in prison but will be up for parole. he was sentenced to death in 1997. and gregory tate will receive a life sentence without parole. he was sentenced in 1993 devin. >devin>thanks, jules convicted murderer scott peterson appeared virtually in a cemetery. mateo county courtroom. he's fighting for a brand new trial and one piece of evidence has been the focal point of this hearing, but his medicine cavey reports his defense team wants access to hundreds. more. >reporter>petersons latest case for a trial has his defense team, the los angeles innocence project. and prosecutors. split on what needs to happen next.
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this is exculpatory evidence that defense was not provided the jury heard nothing about it. let's start with peterson's case and the case that his attorneys are making over the last two days they're asking for hundreds of pieces of evidence. from the modesto police department. the data as far back as 2002. and they're wanting the judge, too. grant access to those things whether they were used in his original trial. or not. in court today, right now, there going line by line. through of 400 or more page document in their motion as they argue why they should have each of these individual pieces of evidence. prosecutors are also getting a chance to respond. their take on this is that the defense is out on a fishing expedition. and what they're requesting either doesn't exist or it's already been discussed their theories of what happened are not new, the prosecutors say, and we've been here before. n


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