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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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. i am here today because of her. >> she was a strong person. we find out what steps need to be taken before harris or anyone else can officially be the new democratic presidential nominee. good evening for the first time since johnson dropped out as incumbent in 1968 the sitting president announced he will not seek re-election. >> no other american president quit the race this far into the election cycle. it comes after his disastrous debate. natalie brand is live at capitol hill with the very latest on what caused biden to make the decision, natalie. >> reporter: andrea, brian, it comes after weeks of growing
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pressure by top lawmakers. the president began to come to this decision last night after reflecting on the path forward and new this hour we also learned that vice president harris had a number of calls with the president before he made this historic announcement on social media. >> reporter: president ends his bid for re-election four months before the november vote. it has been my intention to seek re-election i believe it is in the best interest of my party and country for me to step down and focus on being president for the remainder of my term. one of his closest allies called it a very difficult decision. >> the challenge of seeing this moment and recognizing what was in the best interest of the nation was a significant challenge. i still believe he
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could have beaten donald trump. >> reporter: the president's change of heart comes a month before the democratic national convention in chicago. >> this president, joe biden, has been a transformational president. he has been a great leader. >> reporter: president biden offered his full support and endorsement of vice president harris in a statement she says she is honored and it is her intention to earn and win the nomination. >> reporter: both clintons and many members of congress are backing her. >> kamala harris is going to prosecute it for democracy and freedom. >> reporter: across the country voters reacting from wisconsin. >> biden dropping out now really kind of changes a lot of what i was thinking as well, having to learn about a new candidate. >> reporter: to the nation's capitol, some supporters gather to express their admiration for
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the president including david kiva who has worked for him. >> i am here to celebrate his legacy and all he accomplished on so many issues including the one that i work on which is climate. >> reporter: dnc says the party will undertake a ordly process to move forward as a -- ordererly move forward to move united as a democratic party. >> the rules commit is expected to talk about all of this and to hold a role call vote to cement the nominee before the convention later next month. andrea. >> the sheer support, is there anyone who has not thrown their hat behind her? >> senate majority leader and
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over in the house, minority leader jeffries stopped short at this point of endorsing vice president harris. perhaps to appear neutral right now. in a statement former president barack obama also stopped short of endorsing harris at this point. again, perhaps it is to appear neutral. what we do know is the vice president spent more than 10 hours today working the phones, reaching out to various members of congress, labor leaders, key democratic groups and her campaign says that she has hundreds of elected officials behind her at this point, ranging from lawmakers to governs and other elective leaders across the nation. the question now is, does someone else come forward to challenge her? that really remains to be seen in the coming days since obviously time is of the essence here. >> that is right. all right, natalie, thank you very much for your report.
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shortly after president biden made the announcement, the vice president released her own statement saying quote i will do everything in my power to unite the democratic party and unite our nation to defeat donald trump and his extreme project 2025 agenda. we have 107 days until election day together we will fight and together we will win. for his part, trump texted this message to cbs news about harris being the front-runner saying quote, kamala harris owns the entire left wing policy record of joe biden. the only difference is she is more liberal and less competent person than joe, which is really saying something.. >> so with her in contention of becoming the most powerful person in the world we wanted to learn more of her roots. she has a long list of history
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first, first woman, african american and south asian woman to be elected vice president. only second african american woman ever elected to the u.s. senate. she also served as the district attorney for alameda and san francisco counties as well as the attorney general of california. with her deep history in the bay area we ask people in walnut creek about what they thought of her potential nomination. >> i am excited for kamala, sad for biden. i think he did a great job. he gave five decades of his life >> good for kamala in terms of having the first female president >> tell give incentive to the general population but also especially to the women of the country. to come out in favor of her over trump >> we should let her have a chance because there never has been a female president.
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>> for more on harris'backgroun d we talked to one of her former bosses and former employee. in 1998, kamala harris was the assistant district attorney here in san francisco that is when she caught the attention of city attorney. the first female city attorney in san francisco history.. >> yes, it was late '90s early 2000s. i found her very personallable. she was easy to get along with, she was a strong person. >> reporter: she was kamala harris'direct supervisor working close with her in the early 2000s. harris represented the city and county in all family children matters including foster care, adoptions and child abuse. >> when she was in the city attorney's office you were not dealing with rich people, you were dealing with poor people and families and children and
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stressful circumstances. so you could see at firsthand what is going on in real life. and i think that is important for anybody in politics at a high decision level to really have that kind of a brood understanding. and, kamala has that kind of brood understanding. >> reporter: going from supervising harris to endorsing her over the years through her political career and endorsing her was and is san francisco district 1 supervisor connie chan, her aid from 2007-2011. >> i am who i am today because of her. she inspired me to run for office but most importantly she inspired me to dedicate my work to public service. >> reporter: she describes her former boss as being thoughtful, hard working and analytical. >> she hears everybody out about what the problem is and then she on the spot and says
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so what is our solution today? she will not let people walk out of the room until we propose a solution to the problems that we just stated there is someone that will bring us together to problem solve. >> reporter: chan joined the long list of democrats endorsing harris shortly after president biden dropped out of the race and gave his support to the vice president. harris'former boss is waiting for the process to play out >> if the democrats select kamala harris to be the standard bearer for the party absolutely. and will i campaign on her behalf? absolutely. i have relatives all over the country. i have people i know all over the country. i would travel on the campaign trail if need be. >> reporter: she says her experience with harris shows she is both straightforward and
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determined. but, politics aside, she says what she remembers the most about harris is her warmest of heart and empathy. >> one of the other people thought to be in the running to replace biden, newsom, thrown his support behind harris calling her tough, fearless and saying with our democracy at stake and future on the line nobody is better suited to prosecute the case against donald trump's vision for the country. mayor london breed was quick to throw her support behind harris saying the democrats will need to come together now if they want a chance to win in november >> we can not mess around with this opportunity. there is so much at stake and all i could think is, i wish i could travel to battleground states and just go across the country and help elect kamala harris. >> if harris does, in fact, get her party's nomination the next big question is who will replace her? only a partial
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list of some of the names floated around that is just one of many questions that still need to be answered as all of this plays out. we are joined live by political science professor james taylor from u sf. first, professor do you think the decision has been made? it seems like it has and if it has do you have a best guess for a runningmate? >> harris is clearly the lead in this process but as other leading democrats have made clear they want a clear and fair and transparent process. so far joe manchin stepped up and inquired as to what it would take for him to be qualified to run against harris. so, he might challenge, williamson and rfk jr there are other challengers on the scene. in terms of the nomination process, kamala harris is clearly the front-runner. >> how difficult will it be for
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her to transition from the presidential campaign? >> she understands the moment in history that has called her. she has been a sharp voice on a lot of the issues that have been in play in terms of both parties. she can prosecute trump's personality and person. and his record and i think, again, people constantly underestimated kamala harris and under evaluated her as they do women and black woman in general but she is the vice president of the united states and on the verge of becoming president of the united states. if she can get the party to unite behind her and so far hillary clinton, bill clinton, you have had celebrities, number of big name people come out and governor newsom in the
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state of california, she has all of momentum in the world, nobody else does, access to $200 million that nobody else can access because she is part of the biden ticket. biden can not turn his 14 million votes over to her. the sentiment is there when he endorsed her, the party is behind her. it is unique that will be inspired to provide energy, younger people, people of color, women, policy focused individuals will line up behind harris if she is the nominee. >> okay. at the moment she is polling even with former president trump. she got his work cut out for her. >> that is james taylor. professor, appreciate it, thank you. >> thank you. more on biden's decision to drop out of the raisin race
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including what happens next. today was pretty nice, wasn't it? temperatures on the mark for this time of the year. that will start changing tomorrow. we will watch the marine layer fill back in again. i will have the latest on the forecast, coming up
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. let's take a quick break and check on the weather >> it is going to get hot tomorrow. 20 degrees warmer tomorrow than it was today. one of those real dramatic turnarounds. i will use the virtual set. not only to give you the view of what that is going to be like for the bay. we will not all be 20 degrees warmer but i want to go into a little bit of an explanation. what is changing. come on over here to the golden gate. showing you how the winds move across the bay. these are weaker than they were today. picking up speeds we are seeing the shade into like yellow, orange, red, and really rushing through the gate that is what it was doing today. that is tomorrow afternoon. this is far weaker. a couple things to look at here. let's go back to the wide view on the bay. the first thing that i want to slow you is first of all, the difference in tomorrow. we will look at just the math, how much warmer
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it will be. come over to the tri-valley, that says 19. look at concord. that says 19. it will be 20 degrees warmer. san -- san jose, going up 10, san francisco going up, that is a big jump. let's show you what the numbers will be. a lot more numbers this time. i will populate the math with enough locations so that we are not just going to do what i call representative spots we will get in as many of you that we can to see what it means for your part of the bay. north bay, santa rosa, your temperatures back up to the middle 90s. you don't have a heat warning up there. it will not be hot enough for that. you do have a heat warning over here. that 101 for concord, you got it. and, the 110 for livermore. you have got it. and, san jose, showed you a moment ago, going up 10 degrees
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tomorrow. that places you in the lower 90s. that gets you in the heat advisory. showing the forecast imagery quickly. just kind of part out the details. here is your heat advisory, north bay/south bay. a donut hole that is where we bring in the excessive heat warning, monday, tuesday, wednesday, let me show what you it looks like in the seven-day forecast. there is really good news at the end of this. take, first of all, withy have to point out what are the most important numbers over here. this part, we know. look back here. look at where we are going. going back to the lower 80s for day time highs, that gets you back to average. if you want perspective that is what it was today. anything outside today, especially the east bay valleys. it is nice. you are getting that back. first, you got to go through intense heat for the next few days, all right, guys, back over to you.
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>> thanks, coming up after the break. much more on president biden's decision to drop out of the race including calls within his own party to just resign from office completely. . another young star was born for the giants. an all-star mvp of yester year. >> the baskets are great. >> a local skateboard star is looking to navigate banks at the olympic games. >> it is great. they gave me a group hug. >> all
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. can't say anyone else is in better shape. >> optimism coming from the democratic party following the news that president biden is exiting the race and endorsing kamala harris to replace him as democratic candidate. harris locked up a number of key party endorsements, meantime republican insiders expressing plenty of confidence that a harris ticket will not fair better than bind's campaign >> the -- biden's campaign. >> the country wants something else right now that is what americans are afraid for
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security and their pocketbooks are framing towards. this does not help them. >> there are some calling on biden to go further than just dropping out of the race. >> they want him to drop out of the white house entirely and now. mike speaker johnson summed it up for his resignation in a social media post saying if joe biden is not fit to run for president he is not fit to serve as president. he must resign the office immediately. former san francisco mayor willie brown agrees that biden should step down but for different reasons. >> i would hope that he would understand her chances go up if he would, at this moment say not only am i no longer the candidate i am no longer the president and she is. >> during that press conference brown also threw his full support behind her candidacy and suggests whitmor should run with her. breaking down the next
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. welcome back. it has been more than 12 hours since president biden announced his decision to exit the 2024 race. many democrats are rallying behind harris. it is not a done deal. like former president barack obama who called his former vice president patriot of the highest order but did
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not endorse a new nominee. nancy pelosi saying president biden is a patriotic american who always put our country first. his legacy of vision, values and leadership make him one of the most congress congress consiquenchel in our history. >> later this month they will hold a virtual meeting ahead of the convention in chicago. they can take a vote then. they can wait to take a floor vote at the actual d nc and then who knows what will happen. so far harris looks like the front-runner, obviously >> she has to clear the field of other potential contenders and it looks like that is happening today. she has to pick her own runningmate, she has got to smooth the feathers of donors and united party and hopefully from her point of
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view ride, surf the wave into the convention in a month. >> some of her presumed challenging like newsom and pennsylvania governor josh shapiro endorsed her already. michigan governor whitmer said she would not run if biden dropped out. one person that jumped into the race, marian williamson and ran against biden and robert f kennedy jr is a candidate. >> according to multiple reports, senator joe manchin who left the democratic party less than two months
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ok, 500 deluxe garden gnomes. wow. i only meant to order five. there's not enough money in my account for these. i'm gonna get charged. two things i just can't deal with. overdraft charges. and garden gnomes. but your bmo smart advantage checking account gives you an extra day to avoid an overdraft fee. nice to see a bank cutting people some slack. mistakes happen. and we give you time to correct them.
11:35 pm
so, you don't like gnomes huh? what about that one? that one i like. a lot. ♪ bmo ♪ this is game day on kpix and cbs news bay area. game day for july 21. what was rick barry doing in town? my friends at sonoma raceway are about to ramp up again. several bay area athletes are setting up for french before the election later this month. but we begin today with the giants. another star born in the getaway. and let the two nights of frustrations fly and it was tossed and walked


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