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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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now at 11:00, hitting the ground running, the key support that kamala harris just clinched on the first full day of her campaign for president. plus, we ask locals if they think the bay area-born vp has a shot. >> i was exhilarated. >> i'm a little bit worried. >> if kamala harris picks up these three states and nothing out of the question happens, she'll win. >> and why some experts say the bay area could take center stage in the upcoming election
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for better or for worse. >> trump will try to focus on what's wrong with san francisco. plus, a bay area uber driver desperate to track down a passenger who he says saved his life. and try being stuck at the airport for four days. >> this is our third or fourth attempt trying to get out. >> the airline trying to unravel a nightmare for passengers here in the bay. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hi, i'm sara donchey. whiplash, whirlwind, earth shattering, those are the kinds of words that have been thrown around to describe this absolute shake-up that has happened in the 2024 race for the presidency. president joe biden shocked a lot of people when he suddenly dropped out over to weekend relatively quietly. as of now, bay area-born kamala harris has apparently secured enough delegates to become the democratic nominee for president. cbs news estimates a
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wave of endorsements from state delegations pushed her over the threshold, and from her home state california, more than 490 delegates have pledged support to her. harris talked about what the past several hours have been like for her. >> and i know it's been a roller coaster, and we're all filled with so many mixed emotions about this, so over the next 106 days we are going to take our case to the american people and we are going to win. >> so earlier today san francisco democrat, including mayor london breed, were pretty quick to show their support for harris in front of city hall. we sent our kelsi thorud to speak to voters at manny's in the mission, and some of them told her they still have their doubts. >> reporter: you can see this countdown clock behind me, just over 100 days until the general election. that is why the owner of manny's here in the mission brought together a last-minute group of democratic voters to talk about a potential president kamala harris and what it would mean to have a
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bay area local win the election in november. dan rink was one of a few dozen with a front row seat to the conversation. >> there's a tremendous amount of momentum among the people who are already inclined. that momentum has got to expand to others far beyond the local tribe. >> reporter: those in the room talked about everything from their initial reas to president biden dropping out to his endorsement of vice president kamala harris to their thoughts on who she should pick as her vp. >> i honestly can't think of a time in my quick researching have come across a time that has had so many shifts in such a compact, short amount of time. >> reporter: overall, the room was excited about the possibility of a president harris. many people said her
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candidacy has reenergized voter who is had grown concerned about biden. >> i'm a little bit worried about a san francisco liberal carrying the battleground states. and we have the opportunity to to that, but it's going to take a lot of on-the-ground work to do that. >> reporter: the owner and discussion moderator, manny, told participants that groundwork is starting now. this wasn't just a place for conversation about harris' candidacy, it will now become a grassroots campaign base for those looking to help her get elected. >> four prongs. one, we're going to do tons of programming to keep people excited and informed. the second, fundraising. three, the arena thing. and four, i want to do big mobilizations in the city
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to get san francisco excited about this election. debate watch party, election watch party, maybe a big watch party with the future president kamala harris. >> reporter: those are all things dan says he's excited to be a part of. >> it's not enough to be strong and motivated, we also have to be strategic. >> reporter: and that reno thing is his plan to make several trips busing people from here in san francisco all the way out to reno to door knock for harris' campaign. he says that is one of the things they are doing to help this campaign outside of california. >> so you heard from some voters, but this thing is about money too, and the harris campaign says it has raised $81 million in the first 24 hours. that is a lot of money. wilson walker talked with a political consultant about her chances of actually winning the most important job in the world. >> but the fact of the matter is the primary knock on joe
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biden in the undecided electorate was is he up to the job now and will he be up to the job for the next four years. that question's off the table. >> reporter: watch the news break by the hour in his san francisco office, political and communications consultant alex clemens, he has known vice president harris for years, and he say, yes, she absolutely improves democrats' chances come november. >> without a doubt it improves the odds. she is immune to the age incompetence question. >> and transparency and trust. >> reporter: harris, of course, faces her own questions. her 2020 campaign failed to gain traction. she is widely disliked among republicans, and her favorability ratings are very comparable to president biden's. >> if you can name me a national figure currently in office who's got a popularity rating that's on the sunny side of things, i'd love to hear who it is. there are lots
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of people in our extremely divided political world who are somewhere around 50/50. >> reporter: what's more important, he says, is that harris appears to have a better shot at reaching the right voters in the right places. >> this has been the holy grail of political statisticians since time immemorial, a few hundred thousand voters in three or four or five states are going to decide this election. pennsylvania, georgia, wisconsin, if kamala harris picks up these three states and nothing out of the question happens, she'll win. >> reporter: clemens says it will take a few days for good polling on how the public feels about harris as the potential nominee, and while he does think she can win -- >> there's no sure thing in this election, but whether harris wins or trump wins, the united states of america will be changed one way or the other in perpetuity. >> the next big unknown and the question that everybody seems to be asking right now is who
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harris will put on her ticket. now, here's a look at some potential running mates for vp. a lot of them are governors in swing states m. political analysts say those are the voters that harris has to keep in mind when choosing a vp, but another california democrat has been making waves on a national stage. and that is gavin newsom. he has announced his support for harris already, but usf professor of politics james taylor says newsom running with harris as her vp is kind of a long shot. >> i think it's politically impossible unless one of the two declares out of california state hood. every one does, then we know gavin newsom is the vice president nominee apparent. if none of that happens in the next three to four weeks, then we could probably read from that that kamala harris is not going to select gavin newsom, because, again, constitutionally, you can't have two people on the ticket from the same state. >> all right, not to mention
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the politics of that decision and appealing to a large breadth of voters, but what james says that you should expect to see, attack ads from the right with san francisco and harris' bay area ties as a big target. >> trump will try and people around him will try to focus on what's wrong with san francisco. the problem with that is san francisco is still mostly great. it's not mostly negative. and its negatives are no different than l.a.'s negatives or new york's negatives or anywhere else's negatives. >> and speaking of being from the bay, kamala harris' ties here run deep. she's an east bay native, born in oakland in 1964. her mother, from south india, came to uc berkeley as a grad student, and that is where she met fellow grad student, donald harris, from jamaica. they got married and have two children, kamala and maya. this is a picture of kamala outside her mother's berkeley apartment. her parents got divorced in the 1970s, and her mother moved kamala and her sister to canada at that point.
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she did end up studying political science at howard university, and in 1989 she graduated from the uc college of law in san francisco. harris went on to serve as deputy district attorney in alameda county before going to the san francisco d.a.'s office and moving up the ranks. and from 2004 to 2010 she served as the city's district attorney, the first woman and person of color to hold that position. we spoke to some voters in berkeley today to see how they feel about having a home grown candidate in the race. >> i was exhilarated because i was really hoping that president biden would, you know, rise to the occasion and be a statesman and allow a younger generation, you know, to take over. or to compete to take over. >> i'll be voting before -- two weeks after i know who's running, you know, that's not the way i would like to vote for a president. >> so harris is scheduled to campaign in milwaukee tomorrow. later this week she is expected
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to meet with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. all right, hot weather was back in the bay area today depending on where you were. we saw people in san jose taking a dip in the fountains to cool off. not everybody was hot, though, paul, as it tends to be in our area of microclimates, but when will temperatures go down for a wide number of people? >> later this week. the next couple of days are hot inland. heat advisories and excessive heat warnings for most inland parts of the bay area. the hottest locations line up with that excessive heat warning. that's everywhere east of the oakland hills where temperatures have the best chance of topping 100 degrees on a widespread basis tomorrow and maybe even threatening 100 degrees on wednesday. temperatures today did top 100 in livermore. got up to 101. mostly 90s inland. low 90s in santa rosa and san jose. san francisco and half moon bay in
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the 60s. a 40-difference. tomorrow that difference widening out more. temperatures will be five to ten degrees above average around the bay in san francisco and oakland, but 90s and low 100s inland. a good 15 degrees above normal. still hot wednesday, but then we start to back down. and then friday over the weekend it's going to feel entirely different. we will take a look at all the ups and downs in the seven-day forecast in just a few minutes. >> all right, paul, thank you. the search for a suspect in a fight to contain the flames. what firefighters are blaming for this wildfire that destroyed multiple houses. and a bay area uber driver is desperately trying to find a passier who was riding in his car at the very right time why he says she saved his life. and the olympic cardboard beds are back. a diver shows
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illegal fireworks are to blame for starting a wildfire in socal that's already done a lot of damage. the fire has burned about 520 acres in riverside county, but look at that video. it has already destroyed six homes and djed seven more. tonight it's about 40% contained. the mayor has vowed to find and prosecute the person responsible for lighting off those fireworks. tonight a bay area uber driver says he might have died if it wasn't for his passenger. the problem is he can't get ahold of her to thank her, and when our juliette goodrich saw his social media post looking for christine, she wanted to share his story. >> reporter: christopher hunt is an uber driver with a special delivery. >> in case she happened to be here, we wanted to give some
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flowers to her. just to say thank you. >> reporter: thank you to a passenger he was giving a ride to until -- >> i started just twitching violently, was unable to speak really. she knew something was wrong. >> reporter: he was driving along hop yard road in pleasanton when he had a seizure. >> i'm losing it fast, you know. so instead i just hit the brake. and then she comes up through the middle here. once the car stops, she comes up and puts it into park for me. >> reporter: he says things got foggy from there. >> the last thing i remember is her on the phone calling people. and then i blacked out. the next thing i remember i was being -- i was strapped to a gurney rolling into the er. >> reporter: christopher's mother drove him to our interview, since he needs a doctor's release the drive again. >> see, it's blocked because you have to get a physician to clear it out. >> reporter: in an attempt to find christine, christopher posted this on pleasanton's facebook page as a way to track her down. >> i just want to thank her.
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>> reporter: but his mom has this message to the mystery woman. >> you are a blessing from god, and because of something nice that you took the time to do, my son is okay. and i just hope god pays you back fully for everything you did for us. >> reporter: christopher's hoping one day he can personally thank her and hand deliver some of these. >> christine, these are for you. we'll get you more if i ever meet you again. >> reporter: possibly some time down the road. >> the uber driver also told juliette that christine told him her car was stolen the night before and that is why she called an uber. while some airlines are getting back to normal after that massive global software outage, that's really not the case for delta airlines. they are struggling. they're still feeling the ripple effects because they grounded nearly 3,000 flights over the weekend and canceled 700 flights today. and as expected, that leaves tens of thousands of passengers stranded at airports where they absolutely don't want to be. we saw long lines today at
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delta check-in at sfo. a lot of people said they have been trying to get home for days now. >> we tried to get out on saturday. this is our third or fourth attempt trying to get out and get back to milwaukee. so we're hoping to get to salt lake city and by tomorrow get home. >> at last check, 25 delta flights were canceled today at sfo. for people who are coming to the bay area or who live here, we are dealing with some pretty nice weather. i know, paul, this time of year we're relatively grateful. it's been very hot, so like cooler, nice temperatures, we can get behind that. >> especially for the last weekend in july we can -- especially inland to a little stretch of below normal high temperatures. relief from the heat that is not going to be here yet tomorrow or wednesday. the inland heat continues until midweek and even thursday's going to be toasty, just not quite as hot. it's comfortable at the coast. your temperatures aren't going to climb a whole lot. passing clouds overhead thanks to monsoonal moisture
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that did spark thunderstorms in the sierra today. the cooling trend later this week will carry us through the weekend and likely through the end of the month. maybe even into early august. dozens if not hundreds of lightning strikes again today. new fires in plumas county. the mill fire, now the complex fire, really exploded in size. these aren't entirely dry thunderstorms, but the rain that they have been dropping has not been enough to really quench any of the fires that have gotten going. and unfortunately, we're likely to see more of that tomorrow and again on wednesday. now, the smoke those fires are producing likely going to be directed away from the bay area. some of the smoke from southern california is drifting into our skies. it's been visible with some haze on the horizon. that's likely what we're going to see tomorrow and wednesday. not much settling down to where we have to breathe it. our air quality's going to reach the moderate category at worst. there is the fog rolling through golden
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gate. that is a shallow marine layer. the heat dome building on top of us, squishing that marine layer down to ground level. barely below 80 in livermore. upper 70s in concord. mid-60s in santa rosa is more reasonable. temperatures around the bay just fine. later on tonight temperatures are going to even out, and the fog is going to try to push across the bay. it's just not going to have very much success. the fog shows up in bright white on futurecast. there's very little of it. that duller shade of gray is that monsoonal cloud cover rolling through. it'll back away from the coast as we head towards late morning. sunshine along the coast, even if you're not going to warm up a whole lot. temperatures tonight falling to the 60s, a little above average. closer to the bay and around the coast, bitter chance of getting into the 50s. our temperatures tomorrow heat up quickly. that means we are having a higher jumping off point for temperatures to take off once the sun comes up. temperatures
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up into the mid-90s in san jose. 100 degrees for a high in los fwa toes and mor fwan hill and at or above 100 degrees east of the hills. into the 90s for fremont and redwood city. only 60s at half moon bay. that nearly 40-degree temperature difference across the bay. low 70s in san francisco with low 80s for oakland. in terms of the heat risk, it's going to be in the high category tomorrow for the hottest spots inland and the east bay and in the santa clara valley, but that starts to shrink a little bit as we head into wednesday. it'll still be hot, not as dangerously hot. moderate heat risk that. dips into the low category by thursday. and then the real relief from the heat arrives. let's not make you wait for it. here's the seven-day forecast. talk about a drop, from 101 degrees or 100 degrees ish, really already on
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friday the temperatures are going to drop into the low 80s. we are talking about a 20-degree drop of inland highs. closer to a 10 to 12-degree drop around the bay. upper 60s by friday, saturday, and sunday. and about a six of seven-degree drop along the coast from the mid to upper 60s tomorrow and wednesday with more sunshine to familiar gray skies overhead along the coast with highs by the end of the week and over the weekend just barely cracking 60 degrees if that, sara? >> paul, thank you. still ahead, something very interesting was saved from being dumped in the trash and now it might be auctioned off for over $1 million. vern? >> straight ahead in sport, usa men's basketball is set to take flight. and how many times have we seen
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already, the legendary kobe bryant used this locker for years, and it was saved from actually being destroyed, and now it's expected to be auctioned off by sotheby's for about $1 million, perhaps more.
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the basketball star used the locker at staples from 2003 to 2016. it was almost trashed during renovations of the lakers locker room in 2018, but a maintenance worker saved it. after years in storage, a collector who already owned kobe's original locker name plate snatched it up. a portion of the proceeds will go towards a youth foundation. obviously, a kobe fan, any sort of kobe memorabilia doesn't belong in the trash. >> can you imagine? that's not any locker. >> that's not any bryant, that's kobe bryant. >> absolutely. still with l.a., we got the giants and the dodgers. couple of mistakes tonight cost them from closing the deal. some pregame feels. dodgers tribute to willie mays. his son michael flanked by bob melvin and dave roberts. san francisco got a
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strong start from blake snell. in the fourth teoscar hernandez got him deep and the game was tied. snell allowed two runs in six innings. l.a. up 2-1 in the seventh. tyler fitzgerald swung on, gone. no doubt. he's homered in four straight games. brandon bell did this in 2018. still tied, bottom of the eighth, kiké hernandez, fly ball to left, i got it, i got it. nobody got it between montos and ramos. that misplay came back to bite them. drove in all three dodgers runs. l.a. won it 3-2. giants record, 1-3 coming out of the all star break. this is me and sara when the show's over. yeah. a's hosted the astros. 2-0, oakland, bottom of the third. j.j. bleday went to the wall.
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miguel andujar scored. bleday was 3 for 4 in the game. oakland starter harris, look at this nasty pitch. struck out yordan alvarez in the sixth. harris tied a career high. a's won it 4-0. they are 25-26 at home, 3-1 since returning from the all star break. basketball. the paris olympic games tip off later this week, the usa men got a close call against south sudan this weekend, but today tested again. head coach steve kerr let the boys run with germany. the game was in london. last of the games that don't count. third quarter, steph curry looked right at home. 13 points in 25 minutes for steph. america's up one late. age is is just a number for 39-year-old lebron james. a clutch three late as he put the team on his back again. james scored the usa's final 11
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points to finish off germany, 92-86. the u.s. finished 5-0 in this exhibition tour. they start pool play this sunday against serbia, and sara, let the games begin. >> i'm so excited. usa basketball, i know they had that close call with south sudan -- >> that might be what they need. >> yeah, that might be what they need, but south sudan played very well, and some players did postgame interview where is they said we don't have access to indoor basketball courts -- >> yeah, the balls are different, the rules are different, the referees aren't nba referees. >> but they played the best we have and they did really well. i bet that was a proud moment for all of them. and for us that was really cool. i just love olympic basketball. i just love this team, anthony edwards jamming it. >> let's go to her house, pop some popcorn, and watch. >> i'm going to some party situation. >> watch party. >> something like that. all right, these cardboard beds are making an olympic
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comeback. an athlete tests them out to show us if they'll actually hold up under their weight. ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. ok, 500 deluxe garden gnomes. wow.
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♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. i am so excited i can't stop talking about the olympics. i know we're not supposed to, i think it's on another channel. >> that means they don't exist. >> the olympics aren't happening. but if they were happening, i'm so excited. every year there seem to be these stories that come out of the olympics. >> something weird. >> about the accommodations or weird rule, something that goes wrong. it's not just about what's happening on the track or in the pool. people are curious what goes on inside olympic village. during the tokyo games, athletes slept on
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beds made of cardboard. that was a rumor that had to do with covid. it was a way to keep athletes apart. no reports of collapsing beds then, but they're back this year, and they're being billed as an ecofriendly option to cut down on waste from the olympics. some people are wondering if the beds would break with a lot of vigorous movement. well, british spring board diver tom daly tested it out. >> this is cardboard, as you can see the it's like a box. then you've got the mattress. and then these cardboard boxes here like so with the mattress on top and a mattress topper. and then we get our own little paris '24. and as you can see, they're pretty sturdy. >> okay. i know there's always some talk about cutting corners financially -- >> mm-hmm. >> -- but you would think that a bed would be important. >> i interviewed kate courtney, an olympian from marin, about
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that from the last olympic games, and she said, you know what, it's not that bad. it's sturdier than you think. and he's showing it. >> i mean, clearly a little bit sturdy, but like is that comfortable, that mattress and the mattress topper weren't very thick either. >> well, i mean, if it wasn't comfortable, it can be used as an excuse for performance. >> we'll be hearing a lot about these for somebody who totally botches the dive or whatever. >> a lot of people earn the right to sleep on those cardboard mattresses. >> that's true. i mean, given caliber, you would think they would be just more robust. >> substantial. >> yes. thank you so much for watc ng. the late inside the democratic party. >> i just don't quite know what the actual reaction is beyond the washington bubble. >> what will happen. >> president joe biden dropping


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