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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  July 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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why do couples choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that. can it help us sleep better and better? please? sleep number does that. 94 percent of smart sleepers report better sleep. save 40% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus free home delivery on select smart beds when you add an adjustable base. shop now
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doors kicked in, shattered glass covering the floor, >a terrorized we live in a place where, you know people just feel like they can get away with crime and >>and, you know, it's sad. 16 small businesses ransacked in a troubled oakland neighborhood >just >>moving. so you >stay >>here. >>her >>how some in the community are committed to turning things around the >they are here
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>>the city of oakland has been touting a drop in crime, but many in the community say it's never been this bad today, more than a dozen small businesses are cleaning up after a burglary blitz over the weekend. so what can the city do to keep crime in check? we'll have that conversation in just a few minutes. but first, a look at your news headlines. san francisco could offer drug users a $100 a week to stay sober. the new program is dubbed cash, not drugs. it would give a cash bonus to benefit recipients if they test negative for illegal drugs. it would be a three year pilot program if the board of supervisors approves it. hayward police are investigating a shooting that killed a 15 year old girl. it happened yesterday morning in the harder tennyson neighborhood. the motive is unclear. no word on any arrests. more delays for bart today after a small fire broke out near the tracks in concord and redline. service is down again right now, meaning no
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direct service between millbrae and richmond. this all comes after a weekend of disruptions caused by a fire and power outage at a station in oakland new faregates are up at the civic center bart station. they have taller swing barriers, making it harder to push through or jump over. the agency hopes it cracks down on fare evaders. the civic center is the second station after west oakland to have the gates installed. republican vice presidential nominee j.d. vance is returning to the bay area tonight to host a campaign fundraiser in palo alto. he's hoping to use his silicon valley connections to dig deep into the pockets of some of the wealthiest tech titans. tickets range from just over $3,000 to 50 grand, and in just a matter of days, the park fire has become one of the largest wildfires in state history. it's burned more than 560mib2. that's more than three times the size of san jose it's it
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has destroyed more than 100 structures and is forcing thousands of people across four counties to evacuate. it's just 12% contained today. all right. on a first alert weather. now, smoke from that park fire has triggered an air quality alert from the bay for the entire bay area meteorologist zoe mintz is in our virtual view studio with more on that. hey, zoe, i hope everybody enjoyed an absolutely gorgeous weekend of weather behind us and happy monday! we're also looking at these mild conditions sticking around at least throughout the next couple of days. really great news for any outdoor activities you want to get done we aren't going to have to deal with the heat or the wildfire smoke that a lot of places in northern california are dealing with terrible air quality because of those fires ongoing. but you notice the wind direction is coming in from the onshore direction. so it's going to continue to drag all of that smoke, bring it away from the bay area. great news again for any outdoor activities you want to get done. the bigger issue is going to be the fog that's sticking around our coastal communities. and maybe even a
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little bit of drizzle throughout the earlier afternoon hours. again, most of us across the south bay areas and even san francisco are going to be socked in by that fog. basically all afternoon long. but it's what we expect this time of year. it's that where's the sky? july or no sky july? i've gotten mixed signals as we step out today, and that fog only going to continue to play that dance back and forth, back and forth from daytime to nighttime. that's what we expect again, we're going to continue to see that trend over the next couple of days with this onshore flow continuing however, it's not going to stay comfortable forever as the high pressure system is going to begin to build across the west coast of the united states by the later parts of the upcoming week. and that's going to allow a gradual warming trend over the coming days. so that's something that we're going to keep our eyes on. but today again, really not too many weather issues to worry about. get out and enjoy yourself. enjoy the 60s along our coastal communities, 70 across our north bay communities. the further inland you go, the warmer it gets. and that's what we're seeing as well. mid 80s, though, is something that we can handle for this time of year, mid 80s compared to the
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triple digits. no record breaking heat today, tomorrow or really for the rest of the week. not expecting to break any records, not expecting to be excessively hot. it is going to be a lot more comfortable. but by later this week and into the weekend, that's when things get a little bit iffy as that heat dome begins to build another ridge of high pressure temperatures. getting back into the 90s, potentially even upper 90s. by the time that we step out saturday and into sunday. so those are all things that we're going to be keeping our eyes on. but once again, if you want to beat the heat, head on over to the coast where you're going to be seeing plenty of foggy conditions, high temperatures only in the mid to lower 60s. it's going to be really lovely. it's going to be a taste of what we expect for this time of year. >anne>all right, zoe, thank you. thieves ransacked an office building in east oakland, kicking in doors, breaking windows and stealing money and laptops it's in the troubled hegenberger corridor the businesses were in an office building on collins drive, right behind the denny's restaurant on hegenberger road. that shut down earlier this year, citing crime. da lin
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spoke to some of the business owners who are discouraged and just fed up surveillance footage capture thieves kicking down a door as people searched through the business. you can hear more burglars kicking down other doors in the background. it's unclear how many thieves were inside building co-owner ken houston says the thieves cut through two layers of fencing to get into the property around 230 saturday morning, >and you can see the fresh cut marks on here. the fresh cut burglars first broke into the new podcast studio in a shipping container. >they used a crowbar right here. they busted the window here and they stole all our our computer tops laptops, mics cameras. that was just the beginning. after they cleaned out the podcast studio, thieves broke a back door to go into the office building. look at this dock ... look at
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this >right here you can see where they kicked it in. the burglars kicked down almost every single door to ransack all the businesses. and they kicked this one open. and this tenant just moved in here you can see her boxes. she's just moving in so you think she's going to want to stay here with this happening to her? i don't think so. ken says 16 businesses in this two story building most of them black owned and a few hispanic businesses. the businesses range from construction to a barber shop. born and raised in oakland. more disappointment because seeing how the city used to be. and now you have to stay on alert. you got to remain vigilant, barber chris prater discovered the break in when he opened his shop at 9:00 in the morning. he called 911a lot of loyal, good people come and say, support local businesses but how long can it last? when you have constant crime as small minority businesses, when things happen like this, it's
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just a big setback we live in a place where, you know, people just feel like they can get away with crime and and, you know, it's sad, you know, real sad they took my laptop with my all my business information on it bank accounts, everything. so now i have to call the bank and cancel everything. the thieves left with cash, tools, laptops and other valuables. the break in happened just a few days after the mayor, police chief and other department heads came to visit the office building and this dead end street, because of ongoing crime concerns related to the homeless encampment, the rv dwellers moved in after danny shut down and now workers and customers have to drive past the encampment to get to the office building. we need help to keep this city alive because if they leave, what's going to happen with this area? if they leave, what's going to happen? look what's right there. the only reason why it's not down here is because of the activity. the positive activity we have out here and the blocks that was placed here to stop them from
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blocking and parking. and on the sidewalk. if this if we weren't here, this it would be a rap dog. it would be a rap. the business owners say the thieves may not be connected to the encampment, but it highlights the many challenges they face. ken says it's so hard for businesses to survive i'm a son of oakland, da. i feel like leaving. i feel so down right now, the building owner says. they were in the process of setting up surveillance cameras, so there's limited surveillance footage on this incident. the cops did come to take a police report, but the owners not very optimistic. the thieves will be caught >anne>so incredibly frustrating. well, this follows a number of closures in the area. most recently, the hilton airport hotel, which plans to shut down next month after five decades in business. they didn't provide a reason why other businesses include in and out, two, starbucks, denny's and a subway. now these break-ins come less than a week after burglaries in the city's grand
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lake neighborhood. this is surveillance video from a piano bar. you can see the thieves ripping the cash register from the wall. they also took an atm. this is the second time the bar has been hit in two years. oakland police say they responded to four burglaries in the area just that night now the business owners are frustrated and threatening to leave. so what can the city do to curb crime? after the break, i'll be talking with oakland city council member noel gayo about how to make the streets of oakland safer and in oakland, pastor says mentors kept him from trouble. how he's trying to pay it forward in east oakland
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now we'll have that conversation with councilman gayo in just a few minutes. but first, a pastor in oakland is providing a path away from crime. pastor andrew park founded the nonprofit oakland tribe sharon chin has her story >mr.. really fast. andrew park helps give away food to nearly 200 families on this day but he also nourishes the neighborhood's spirit through his tribe of hope and belonging >just as a a small nuclear family is complex. and then you multiply that times 100. that's that's the work of tribe a child of immigrant parents. andrew himself struggled growing up in east oakland he
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was headed in the wrong direction. >folks know it starts in like fourth, fifth grade. you start fighting a bunch, you get into middle school and this middle school that that's when you start roaming the hallways. and as i started doing that, that's when a few folks grabbed, grabbed ahold of me because of those critical mentorships, andrew now walks on a brighter path. he's a pastor who leads oakland >tribe, >>the nonprofit he founded in 2007 to tackle the pain and poverty among east oakland's young people. >some of them have already experienced harder, harsher type of things, have already gone to juvenile hall, have already gotten shot unfortunately, i see them carrying that trauma and that violence and they don't know how to process. i'll get these. thank you so andrew and his nonprofit served the youth and their families in a multitude of ways from its outdoor center at san antonio >park. >>oakland tribe, not only partners with food banks to give away food, it also offers free services like early childhood playgroups, afternoon
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clubs at local schools, mentorships, paid internships, college visits, summer camps and community gatherings to build character confidence and connection. tribes 100 plus volunteers and 30 staff members serve 50,000 people a year like april nunez, who's grateful that the tribe cares for her whole family. >it's a big difference, they are here in the community and you can probably the kids can probably ask for help. in fact, tribe ambassadors are out in the community every day to clean up trash and graffiti, serve neighbors and build relationships that lead to mentorships and changed lives. >these are zucchini. as the tribe expands chief operating officer lisa lambarene cruz says it's growing a new generation of changemakers. >andrew has a really unique way of leading, his way of leading is allowing others to lead what keeps you going in this work really, it's my faith that
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keeps me going. >i >>feel called to this work. so for building the oakland tribe community to help east oakland thrive this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to andrew park >anne>oakland tribe also reaches out to those touched by neighborhood violence, so-called violence interrupters show up at shootings and crime scenes to support families. and they're funded by government grants. you can nominate your local hero for a jefferson award online at slash hero and we'll be right back
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including your memory. getting a new restaurant up and running here in the bay area could easily cost around half $1 million, but in contra costa county, the process just became
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a lot easier and cheaper. our max darrow introduces us to a couple whose dream was to open a pizza restaurant, and they're able to do it from their own home >let's check that temperature, patience, precision, and passion >for 15 are all a part of kelly joe's pizza making process >going up. those traits have helped her find success operating numerous pizza ventures in contra costa county with her wife vanda, since 2009. like chicks in love and queen of crusts. but now her patience, precision and passion are about to really pay off. >i get really emotional right because it's it's like a dream. dream come true. kelly and vanda became the first people in contra costa county to obtain a microenterprise home kitchen operation permit, or amico permit. what this means they can legally run a restaurant out of their home >i've been dreaming about
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this since 2009. after a trip to thailand and i found out that a lot of people have restaurants in their homes. california greenlit the idea back in 2018, and several bay area municipalities jumped on board shortly thereafter. but to kelly's dismay then contra costa county didn't get cooking on a plan right away. >we were going to move to pacifica. she's glad they didn't make that decision, thanks to the county's decision to move forward with this. kelly believes her operational costs will go down and profits will go up as she no longer will have to rent space from a commercial >kitchen. it was my largest expense prior to the decision christian lucas, the county director of environmental health, says unless someone had a cottage permit cooking and selling food from a home wasn't allowed, and this essentially provided a pathway forward for folks that wanted to prepare foods within their own home and sell it. a microenterprise home kitchen can do much more than what a cottage food operation can do in terms of the types of foods that they can >sell, >>his department is now busy
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fielding more and more applications for meco permits. as the community continues to learn about it. we're fielding questions daily and we're looking forward to those applications continuing to roll >in >>kelly and vanda plan to make the most of their tranquil backyard oasis. >we're a little extra we want to make each table and each seating area a special place. members only supper club where people will be able to come in and dine in all this and they plan to have a takeout option >too. it's going to be great. the excitement about sharing my home and this backyard with our communities, being able to do my pizza magic in my own home, and having that freedom and flexibility passion already proving to be a key ingredient of her new recipe for success. >anne>well other places that
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make the process a little easier include alameda, san mateo, santa clara and solano counties and the city of berkeley this is pix plus more of what you want more often more local news in the morning and the prime time edition. the only eight and 9 p.m. news with devin feeley, elizabeth cook, juliette goodrich and sara donchey. groundbreaking original storytelling from the kpix newsroom plus beer, politics, project earth and weather like you've never seen the prime time edition weeknights
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coming up tonight on the cbs evening news, children with a family history of substance abuse are more likely to become addicted themselves. for our eye on america, we go to one summer camp that's helping kids break the cycle that in more headlines tonight on the cbs evening news. >anne>and coming up tonight at five, our new rules making it too easy for criminals to
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misuse california's mental health diversion courts we'll take a look at the legal debate and a cbs news investigation. that story and much more with ryan yamamoto and myself coming up tonight at five and just into the newsroom, the man accused of starting the park fire in northern california has just been charged with arson. this is his third felony if convicted. if convicted he could face 25 years to life in prison. all right, let's get one last check of your forecast with meteorologist zoe mintz. we're looking at a beautiful day across the bay area, especially if you love the fog. it is going to continue to hold us in nicely. like a hug throughout the afternoon, especially along our coast. by late tonight, you'll be seeing that fog building back into our bay area communities once again. but you might notice it's not a super thick layer of fog. it's going to be kind of pooling up next to the mountains. you might also notice in the upper levels of the atmosphere that wildfire smoke and that wildfire haze. and let's take a look at this really cool time lapse at our black mountain camera. you see the fog rolling in early this
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morning. the fog quickly lifted into this afternoon. but again, there is that layer of haze that is going to continue across the sky. that's all brought to us by the wildfires that are ongoing across northern california, in places like oregon that are again, bringing us very, very bad air quality. but it's not us that is dealing with it. you notice the bay area looking at this onshore flow that is only going to continue to push off those winds. i'll break down the details on how the air quality is going to look over the next couple of days coming up in my full forecast. >anne>all right, zoe thanks. well, it's that time of year again. bay area families are already gearing up for back to school a backpack distribution was held this morning by sunnyvale community services. kids were welcomed into a space which normally serves as storage for the nonprofit. the area was converted into a shopping day experience. >well, i think it has an impact of them being able to have that joy of picking something out as if they were in a store but it also gives the parents the dignity of having their child and themselves be able to select something, and that often is
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not the case where you have to get whatever is handed out or whatever is left over >>more than 2500 backpacks were collected this year, and organizers say they were handed out with care and dignity for families the event was made possible with sponsors like pg and e! well, thank you so much for joining us for today's conversation. what do you think should be done to curb crime in oakland? we'd love to hear what you think. post your thoughts online using the hashtag kpix. the cbs evening news is next local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news, bay area i'll see you at five. >> norah: tonight the new details were just learning about the assassination attempt of donald trump. the shifting timeline.
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