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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  July 31, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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they're designed to treat diabetes, but caused a weight loss craze. >hey guys i'm doing my first manjaro shot. it was definitely that i wanted to lose weight. now those who need them may not find >them. i actually went about three weeks without having my medication at all because i couldn't get it. how scammers are taking advantage. >there's the risk of patients who are getting it, maybe from a wrong source. plus the potential dangers of >the drug. each one of these complications could be serious enough that it could be life threatening >liz>ozempic wegovy you've
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heard of them and they're being used more and more these days to help people lose weight. in fact, they're so popular, some patients are having trouble filling their prescriptions today we're asking a doctor, is this trend here to stay? and what do we know about the long term side effects? we'll have that conversation in just a few minutes. but first, a look at your news headlines. san francisco is ramping up its sweeps of homeless encampments today crews cleared out camps on ellis street this follows governor newsom's executive order last week to remove tents on city streets across the state. that order came after the supreme court ruling, which gave cities more power to crack down on encampments. flames ripped through a pair of empty commercial buildings in berkeley. the fire broke out at seventh street and haines avenue just before 3:00 this morning. no injuries were reported. the cause is under investigation near chico are returning to their homes, but many are
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finding nothing left. it's the first time there's been allowed back. they've been allowed back in their neighborhoods since the park fire swept through. the fire has burned more than 600mib2 so far. that's more than three times the surface area of lake tahoe. it's destroyed nearly 300 buildings, and it's only 18% contained. the chico animal shelter enlisted the help of the berkeley humane society to make room for pets displaced by the park fire. berkeley humane took in all the animals up for adoption in chico the goal is for chico to temporarily house displaced pets that will hopefully be reunited with their families all right, on to first alert weather. now the bay area is under an air quality advisory due to all that smoke from yet another wildfire. meteorologist darren peck is tracking things from a virtual view studio. >darren>hey, darren, we're going to look at that list. there's a chance for some more smoke coming from the southern sierra this time. actually, not from the park fire, but from the other direction i'll show you the smoke forecast in one second. let's talk about
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temperatures first. we don't have the official daytime highs in yet. that will come in about the next hour and a half. but here's where things are so far on daytime highs, and we should look at this as a reference point for what the next seven days is going to feel like. we're not going to change a whole lot, might get a little warmer over the next 24 hours, but in general, the numbers are pretty much going to sit right around here. low 90s, maybe a few degrees warmer than what you're seeing here as we go through the seven day. and for reference if you look at where we should be, technically this is warmer than average. a lot of those warmest inland valleys, 88 would be the average daytime high. we're going to be doing a little bit more than that. case in point, here's tomorrow. there's a lot more low 90s on there. concord, livermore. you'll go to low 90s santa rosa, you'll be in the upper 80s. you'll be in the mid 80s for san jose, and we'll be in the low 70s. there's one other item to discuss in the weather also in the sierra, and it's not necessarily because we're looking at the isolated thunderstorms it's a it's because of the smoke which could drift our way. by the time we get towards the middle of the week, you can see what
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happens to the marine layer here. tomorrow we get a little bit of it. so here at home, we're kind of oblivious to any real changes happening across the state. it's marine layer morning, more blue sky in the afternoon and temperatures a little above average. all the while taking a look out towards the desert southwest that complex of thunderstorms out there, that's the desert southwest and the and the seasonal monsoon, which is getting an assist you see how you've got this little counterclockwise spin right here that is going to pull all that moisture towards us. there's a lot to work with. and over the next few days, not only do we pull the ingredients our way, but if we just look at it another way and watch the actual high resolution depiction, watch this kind of outflow from the clouds and the thunderstorms get pulled into the sierra. and by the time we get to friday, there will be a few isolated thunderstorms here at home. locally, we can watch that again on the high resolution futurecast, and you'll see a few of them show up throughout the day. on friday this becomes a fire weather concern because these likely do have some lightning with them they'll also have
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some rain so there will be at least a positive aspect to this where you get some wetting rain on the landscape. but any lightning this time of year, especially as we get later in the summer now and the higher terrain starts to dry out. so we're not just talking about the grass fires anymore. we're now getting to that time of fire season, as we've seen from the park fire. but even the park fire is relatively low elevations compared to the terrain in the high sierra that will be exposed to lightning strikes through friday, and that will be a part of the state to watch. there's already smoke coming from down there. watch the plume coming from the southern sierra kind of get pulled our way. and as we get into tomorrow, look at the time frame up there. this is a friday, actually friday afternoon where we'll see a little more elevated smoke drift overhead. so that air quality advisory will likely stay in place but the majority of what we're experiencing here in the bay is more of an onshore influence. thankfully, as we saw from the marine layer, and it is helping to keep the air quality from getting too bad. let me show
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you what this looks like in the seven day forecast, but there's not really a lot of change on here. we're going to stay in the low to mid 90s. might be a little up, might be a little down, but there really isn't anything showing up here that would make a headline. we're not going back into any real significant spike in heat, but we are going to stay above average. so really the eyes will be on the sierra and we'll watch for the lightning strikes over there and hopefully not have to do much more in the way of forecasting plumes of smoke heading for the bay. but that's certainly what we'll watch going forward, likely over the next several weeks. all right liz, back to you >liz>daryn. thank you so much. now to our conversation on weight loss drugs like ozempic and wegovy. the fda says there's a shortage due to increased demand. the uc health system says millions of americans are taking these drugs, and it is approved for people who are obese or overweight with health problems. doctors say they can help folks lose about 15% of their body weight but the drugs have exploded in popularity and they are in short supply for
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others who need them to treat diabetes. not only that, the fda has issued a warning about patients being hospitalized after giving themselves doses that are just too big and the popularity of these drugs means that there are scammers trying to sell them on social media to people without prescriptions cbs news got access to new research that reveals just how dangerous these scams can be, and come check this. look at some of the videos researchers found. scammers, they say flashing stacks of weight loss drugs supposedly selling those popular drugs at a low cost without a prescription sometimes using people's testimonials. >hey, guys, i'm doing my first manjaro shot along with before and after photos showing fabulous results. one video featuring a supposed customer's comment. great product, fast shipping and i lost 16 pounds already, but the researchers say all of those videos were actually scams to lure in vulnerable buyers the
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digital citizens alliance is tom galvin. >as we searched for them over time because of tiktok's algorithm they begin to search for us. >so it was not hard to find several dozen operators offering ozempic in every case that we found, they have been scams galvin says. he had dozens of online chats with sellers, some claiming to be legitimate pharmacies offering to ship ozempic manjaro and wegovy. the alleged scammers accepted payments through online services like zelle, paypal and venmo but the researchers say they never received any products. tiktok told us in response. it has removed accounts in the report that violated its guidelines. the company says it proactively identifies 95% of the content it removes for violating its rules against drugs and scams in the u.s., but galvin says consumers who are duped by ads can be harmed in a number of ways. >one is that you'll be defrauded. two is that you'll get drugs and they'll be counterfeit and be harmful and
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three is you'll actually get ozempic but not using ozempic under a doctor's care can be dangerous. in all, three of those things are very bad outcomes for americans. >liz>a tiktok spokesperson said the study has limitations because it only found a handful of problem accounts, and that prescription drug scams can be found on other social media channels, as well not just tiktok. now the maker of ozempic and wegovy told us their products have varying dosages and should not be used without a medical professionals care and advice. now, the high demand for these drugs could be having an economic side effect. coming up, how the craze could be cutting the bottom line of grocery stores. plus, weight loss isn't the only benefit. the other surprising side effects and the potential risks and we'll be talking with the head of ucsf's weight management clinic about what we know about the long term effects of taking these drugs, and if they're changing the way
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>>well ozempic and wegovy are known to help with weight loss. the drugs may also be beneficial in other ways as well. and makovec is here to break it all >live>down for us. yeah, like you've been talking about, liz. these things have exploded in popularity. they've been described 40 million times here in the u.s. just in the past year alone. and there could be some extra benefits from them that doctors are now researching, though there are still warnings about those
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risks we've been talking about. but yeah, let's talk about potentially some of the benefits when it comes to lowering the risk of certain cancers that is, according to a study published in the journal jama network open, it revealed people with type two diabetes using drugs like ozempic and wegovy were less likely to be diagnosed with obesity associated cancers than people who were taking insulin. the study also found that drugs like ozempic and wegovy cut the risk of obesity ten, or the risk the cut the risk rather from ten. obesity associated cancers. now, some of these drugs may show promise for helping people quit smoking as well according to a study published in the journal annals of internal medicine, people who use them were a lot less likely to seek doctors help quitting smoking, like prescription drugs or counseling. but the study's authors did note that that could just suggest that they became maybe less willing to seek help. while weight loss drugs are soaring in popularity doctors are warning they can
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lead to a risk of severe stomach problems. a study from the journal of the american medical association found that for every thousand patients who used the drug, some suffered moderate to severe stomach problems, including pancreatic pancreatitis and stomach paralysis. doctors say patients outside of the drug's target audience are at higher risk for exhibiting some of those rare side effects >the american psyche is give me a pill or a medicine to fix a problem. each one of these complications could be serious enough that it could be life threatening. >live>now the drug's manufacturer, novo nordisk, responded to the findings, saying it stands behind the safety and efficacy of all of our medicines when used consistently with the product labeling and approved indications and the studies come as a lot of drug companies are working to make alternates, making generics, which could make them more available to a wide range of people lists. all right. >liz>so who should really be taking these drugs? and what do we know about the long term
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side effects. joining me now is doctor diana tierra, the medical director of the us ucsf weight management clinic. thank you so much for being with us. we're hearing about all the benefits of taking these weight loss drugs, preventing cancer, helping folks stop smoking a whole host of other issues. is it the weight loss exclusively that's helping these conditions, or is there a component to the drugs that's also providing these added health benefits >live>thanks for having me today. and i think it's a super interesting question, and it depends on what we're seeing. so that reduction in cancer risk really is related to the prevention or treatment of obesity. so obesity is a major modifiable risk factor for a handful of cancers a lot of digestive cancers as well as other reproductive cancers. so the weight loss associated with these medications can reduce the risk for cancer. when it comes to other things like tobacco cessation or decreased
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alcohol use disorder, opiate use disorder that is probably more related to how the medications work. they work in the brain, the stomach, the pancreas, the liver. and so it's thought that the part of the brain that the medication is working on that helps decrease, decrease cravings for food is also helping decrease cravings for other things like tobacco alcohol and opiates. >liz>now we know folks with diabetes are meant to take these drugs for the rest of their lives. but what about folks who are using it exclusively for weight loss? is this something that people should be taking long term >live>obesity is a chronic disease. just like something like diabetes or hypertension. and so when we think about how to treat obesity, it really also requires a same long term outlook. and so we know from the studies that were done for semaglutide that when people came off the medications, when they were using them for obesity management, they
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regained two thirds of their weight within one year of discontinuation discontinuing the medication and so what we know is if we stop the treatment, it is very likely that weight will come back on. and so people need to be engaged in long term chronic treatment for their obesity. and if they want to try and come off medications, it should be done under the guidance of their provider also, with the open mindset that they likely will need to re-initiate or restart a medication later on in life if they start to gain the weight >liz>back. now, is there some concern though that, you know, these drugs have been used to treat other conditions and just recently we've been learning about how they can treat obesity. but is there some concern that the folks who don't have diabetes, who are taking these drugs long term, that there could be other side effects, that we don't even know about yet that have yet to be discovered as more and more people take these for longer amounts of time, >live>well glp one receptor agonist, which is the class of medications that things like wegovy and ozempic fall into, are not new.
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so the first glp one receptor agonist that came on board for diabetes, it was in the early 2000 and the first glp that came on board for obesity treatment was saxenda, and that was in the mid 20 tens. so even though they feel new to the mainstream, they're not really new in terms of people in the obesity medicine space. having used them for over a decade. so we're fairly confident in understanding the safety profile at that 20 year mark, which is a pretty long time. but it's true that the newer agents, things like zip bound and newer classes of drugs, we don't have that same long term safety profile. understanding >liz>yes. speaking of safety, what do you make of these over the counter sort of dupes of ozempic that you can get at the health fair, health store, even online that claim to have the same, same impact as these drugs. but you don't need a prescription >live>highly concerning. they're not regulated. we don't actually know what's in them and these medications, when
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they're prescribed and fda regulated have side effects. and so what is going on when someone is buying it over the counter? we have no idea. we also don't know what is going on with the person taking the medication. so we get labs. we're monitoring our patients to make sure these medications are safe and effective. but if someone is able to do this on their own, both with a drug that we don't know what's inside of it, and also we don't know what's going on with the patient as a baseline, it can be a recipe for big problems down the line. >liz>doctor diana sierra, thank you so much. >live>thank you for having me. >liz>well, coming up, while more people are losing weight, are grocery stores losing money? we'll have that coming up
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>the bay area events calendar brought to you by broadway san jose. here's what's happening in the bay area this weekend children's musical theater san jose rocks out to rent at the montgomery theater with a special pride night on friday and hang 20 at the world dog surfing championship. the competition is a little rough at pacifica state beach and help support local animal charities the highly anticipated sequel spider-man across the spider-verse will be screening with a live orchestra. download the broadway san jose app now to access the pre-sale code. tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10 a.m. at broadway san jose.
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy >liz>a top executive at walmart says drugs like ozempic could end up slimming grocery store sales. carter evans reports on the correlation between cutting calories and possible cuts to the bottom line >oh, how's it turns out? popular drugs used to suppress appetite like ozempic and wegovy may have an economic side >effect. >>people who take them appear
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to be buying less food at walmart, where today lady nicholas got her prescriptions and her groceries. >yeah, absolutely. i believe that i'm buying less she started taking ozempic after having two heart attacks and she's lost 36 pounds since >may, has it changed what you eat? 100%. the sweet stuff it just literally turns my stomach my shopping cart used to be overflowed because i'd have all the junk and the sodas and all that. now it's it's half or less than half of what it used to be. walmart has one of the most sophisticated systems for collecting data on its shoppers, and u.s. ceo john furner told bloomberg they've seen smaller checkouts from people taking these medications we do see a slight pullback in overall basket less units, slightly less calories. >does it surprise you? the walmart's looking at this sort of data i think every you know large retailer is looking at this sort of data. they have the data through their loyalty programs leo feller is chief economist at numerator a
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company that analyzes shopping receipts from millions of people. >and then we use that data to help inform retailers to help inform food manufacturers health care providers wrote more than 9 million prescriptions for drugs used for weight loss in the last three months of 2022, and morgan stanley estimates 7% of the us population will be taking these medications by 2035 >over the course of the next ten years. this will likely change the way that consumers shop and what consumers are buying for led. nicholas and her husband. that's already happened. >i buy the groceries, so it's also helping him to eat healthy. now, as more people start taking these medications, an analysis by jefferies financial group suggests that snack makers like hershey's, kellogg and hostess could be affected, but even airlines could benefit with lower fuel costs as customers lose weight. walmart did not respond to our inquiries
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coming up tonight on the cbs evening news, our network exclusive with the missouri man who's long fight for freedom is over after 34 years in prison.
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the murder conviction of christopher dunn is now overturned. what he tells cbs news about the attorney general's efforts to keep him behind bars. that's tonight on the cbs evening news. >liz>and coming up tonight right here at 5:00, new video of a confrontation with police in san francisco that ended in gunfire. why? the police chief says they had no choice but to shoot that story and more tonight at five. and thank you so much for joining us for this conversation about the benefits and potential risks of these weight loss drugs. we'd love to hear what you think. post your thoughts online using the hashtag kpix cbs evening news is next. local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news, bay are >> norah: tonight, donald trump questions the race of kamala harris. >> i didn't know she was black. until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black. so i don't know, is she indian or is she


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