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tv   The Late News  CBS  July 31, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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now at 11:00. >> to have such a close rivalry and to be able to go at each other but in a friendly way. >> a bittersweet moment for fans in a decades long bay area rivalry, the series that quite literally started with the earth moving. >> second base, the oakland
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a's take it. plus an emotional return after an escape from the flames. then things get heated on stage with donald trump. >> i think it's a very nasty question. she happened to turn black. >> how the vice president is responding after trump made comments about her race. and you've heard the term one bad apple spoils the bunch. how a bunch of fruit left one south bay woman with a jail sentence. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> good evening. i'm juliette goodrich in for sara tonight. it was a bittersweet night for bay area baseball fans in a legendary hometown rivalry. tonight oracle park played host to the bay bridge series between the giants and the a's for the last time. there are a few more rivalry games lined up at the coliseum, but it was a curtain call for the series in san francisco before the a's
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start playing in sacramento. so the term bay bridge series was first used during the 1989 world series, game three, october 17th , 1989, was the first time the a's and giants met since both teams moved to the bay. it's also a day that changed the bay area forever. >> the san francisco giants play host to game three of the series tonight. couldn't ask for a better day, sunny. >> what a day. kpix news was live on location at candlestick park. the game started with a recorded season recap. then at 5:04 p.m. the shaking started and this is what millions of viewers saw. >> and he fails to get dave parker at second base. so the oakland a's take -- take -- >> tell you what. we're having an -- >> mom, let's go! >> that is when the devastating
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magnitude 6.9 loma prieta earthquake hit. the stadium was built on rock, but there was still damage. >> there's the breaks there in the wall. there's like a foot difference where they were shaking right there, a foot difference. it was shaking that bad. >> a 50-foot section of the bay bridge collapsed. we saw that earlier. it was a 50-foot section. no word on any injuries, but cars are said to be trapped under the portion that collapsed. >> that was the late dave mcelhatton. cars were crushed and one person was killed when part of the bay bridge came crashing down, but some experts have suggested the world series game actually saved lives by keeping people off the bridge. that is because people living on both sides of the bay had left work early or were at home to watch the game. >> it's miller who will collect the first giant hit in
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the year 2000 on opening day. >> by 2000 the giants left candlestick for at&t park, a new venue for the bay bridge series. >> oakland, san francisco teams playing in whatever sport, baseball, football, it's exciting. >> now the 3-2 pitch is swung on and missed and the a's have beaten the giants. >> at&t park is a house divided between the green collar and the orange and black. >> our kelsi thorud went to tonight's game at oracle park where she meant two friends who bond over their dueling devotions to teams across the bay. >> reporter: well, this game marks the last time the a's will play here at oracle park as the oakland a's. it's a bitter ending to what has been a decades long rivalry for some fans. we actually spoke with two die hard fans who have been going to the bay bridge series since the '70s.
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pat normoil and bob woods are good friends, but when it comes to baseball and the bay bridge series, their loyalties lie on different sides of the bay. >> it's always been terrific just to have such a close rivalry and to be able to go at each other, but in a friendly way. so always been a lot of fun. >> reporter: bob grew up a dodgers fan, but when he moved to the bay as a kid, he knew he had to pick a team here. >> luckily the a's came along. >> reporter: pat's always been a giants fan. he lives in the south bay and has made a point to come to at least a few games every season. >> we were san jose giants then. we go back every year for a game or two, still enjoy that coming up here. >> reporter: over the years these two have been to hundreds
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of games together, most of them the a's versus the giants. that's why it was so important to them to be at this game, the final game between their two teams at oracle park before the a's leave oakland. >> the end of an era and it's been a big deal, bay bridge series forever seems like, going away and sad. >> reporter: of course, the a's will still play the giants when they move to sacramento, but bob says it just won't feel the same. >> you lose all of that, you know, bay bridge series kind of thing, you know, the geographic rivalry right across the bay and now it's gone. so i don't think you can replace it. >> reporter: now bob is making the choice he couldn't face as a kid, moving his loyalty to the team he once rooted against because they are at least staying in the bay. >> sort of like with oakland
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gone i'm kind of begrudgingly become a 49er fan. i'm going to probably have to do the same thing. i'm already transitioning to becoming a giants fan. >> reporter: the good news for bob is he won't have to get rid of that green athletics hoodie just yet. the a's and the giants will play one more time this season. those games will be at the coliseum on august 17th and 18th. >> love that. stick around for vern glenn's play-by-play recap of what happened on the field. tonight a mayor's promise and public work crews and police following through with that promise to aggressively clear encampments. they swept sidewalks. they dismantled tents. our lauren toms spoke with one homeless man who was about to be cleared in a few hours and he said he's not optimistic about the city's ability to help. >> i'm nervous, scared, like i don't want to go to jail over doing something like there.
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i'm just trying to live. >> reporter: in less than a day simon's encampment beneath the intersection of 101 and 280 in san francisco is going to be removed for the street to be cleaned. his encampments have been swept too many times for him to count, but he says for the first time he received an early warning to pack up his belongings. >> i'm using the day to kind of connect on or look out, see what i can do. >> reporter: simon has been unhoused the last night years. he's tried repeatedly to get housing but with no success. >> it was literally i lost my car and then my place and then my job and they weren't all at the same time, but one after the other, but pretty closely stacked and from there i never was able to get back on my feet enough to take a breath to get above water. so i would not choose this for anything. it's not a fun lifestyle. it's not a fun existence. it's literally you have to sleep with one eye open. >> reporter: as the city ramps up sweeps of encampments, officials must give proper
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notice of a planned clearing and offer resources to those unhoused. as i drove around the area wednesday morning, i noticed two signs like this in the nine-block radius. simon says if he was offered housing, he would accept it on the spot, but he doesn't believe that those resources will even be available. >> i would like to be here and wait around and see if they have like something for me because that would be great, but it seems more often than not they just kind of don't have anything. >> reporter: this area bordering the city's design district is scheduled to be cleared and cleaned on the morning of august 1st. shop owners like daniel killar say it's a good sign the city is taking action, but it's not without concern for those being removed. >> it's a little bittersweet for me because i have a lot of empathy for the people that don't have homes. i mean, you know, having said that at times i've had the business for 11 years. it's impacted my business. >> reporter: but a key question
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he has is where do the unhoused go after they've been cleared out? according to memos posted in the area, the step says it will provide shelter. as of wednesday afternoon, the city's shelter bed wait list stands at 148 people long. another nearby shop owner says he's seen the city try and fail too many times to improve this area to believe that change is coming. >> you are more likely to hear about a cure for cancer tomorrow than to see anything good come out of this, you know. this is an empty gesture. god bless them for cleaning up, but it will be the same in a day or two. >> reporter: simon is just as skeptical that the city will deliver on its promises. >> definitely nervous, scared, frightened and not looking forward to seeing what happens after tomorrow. >> reporter: he's already packing up his belongings to clear out before the sweeps. >> so one area that's been at the center of many complaints, willow street, a small alley between van ness and polk with
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a troubled history. our crews have been there numerous times. this video is from last year. you can see the alley lined with tents and the ground just littered with trash. we were there today when the sweep started and we saw many people move their belongings away a block or two in different directions. by early afternoon, though, the tents returned and so did the city and warned people that if they didn't leave again, they would be cited for illegal camping. there are more sweeps and they are planned for the rest of the week. still ahead, one family's emotional return home after fleeing from one of the largest wildfires in state history. a lot of people did not think it was appropriate for you to be here today. >> it is the fallout from a panel with the former president that quickly turned combative. the fog has definitely rolled back in. temperatures today took a step upward, especially inland ranging from the mid-80s to the mid-90s.
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along the coast temperatures were still in the 60s and that onshore breeze is still going to be with us for the next couple days. we'll look at the weekend forecast coming up. later in sports, juliette has a horse, but not like the one the giants had tonight. final bay bridge series ever at oracle park tonight and this sacramento kid was sensational. plus, why one south bay woman was slapped with a jail sentence over some fruit. ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer.
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♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. tonight the wildfire burning across four california counties has almost grown to 400,000 acres, almost half the
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size of rhode island. calfire's upped containment on the park fire to 18% and now some people are returning home to take stock of the damage. our kevin ko was there when one couple saw what's left of their home in forest hill for the first time. >> i'm being honest. i'm pretty destroyed right now. yeah, pretty destroyed. i held out hope hoping that something would be still here. >> reporter: this is mike wittenberg's first time seeing his home. mike is kneeling in what's left of his 4-year-old daughter's room looking for anything he can salvage for her. >> we found something. there's nothing left of it. >> reporter: everything is gone or burnt beyond recognition. mike and his family of five
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live in forest ranch where an evacuation order was in place due to the park fire. >> we knew the fire was coming. i didn't think it was actually going to take our house. my fiancee's grabbing pictures off the walls and keepsakes. first i didn't understand why. i just wanted her to get the family out and now i get it now that it's all gone. >> reporter: mike is thankful everyone in his family made it out safely, including his fiancee, who saw their home the first type since evacuating. >> andrea. that's my fiancee. it's her first time seeing it. come here. be careful.
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i know. come here. >> reporter: so far the park fire has destroyed about 200 buildings, including homes. tens of others have been damaged as well. 42-year-old ronnie dean stout is accused of starting the wildfire. >> i want him to see what he did. i want him to see the lives that he destroyed. he destroyed my family's life. i hope he lives forever. i hope they put that guy away for a very long time. >> hard to believe, arson. so mike tells us he is very grateful to the firefighters, first responders, his family, and church members that have been helping them out and we thank them for letting us in during that emotional time. we're talking about 18% containment. we'll go to paul heggen now and it's as we keep saying, it's inching along,
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these firefighters tirelessly doing their jobs. >> yeah. even once containment is reached, containment doesn't mean it's extinguished. it's still going to be smoldering in spots still producing smoke. that's what we have to worry about in the bay area is how much of that smoke blows towards us. today the answer was not very much. we had good air quality pretty much across the board. there's a chance we could see enough smoke in the atmosphere for maybe our air quality to dip into the moderate category for the north bay, inland in the east bay and santa clara valley. another air quality advisory has been issued for tomorrow, don't think it's going to be that bad, but friday there's a chance maybe another wave of more substantial smoke will head towards us. we'll monitor this day by day as things evolve. the heat will continue to build. the heat dome building overhead, hazy sunshine after modern morning fog, the pattern each
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and every day. there will be the chance for some thunderstorms for mostly other parts of california. mainly that threat is focused in the sierra, not a lot of activity tomorrow, but more monsoonal moisture arriving friday. that's when we start to see things light up more on the radar simulation. these are mostly dry thunderstorms. even if they produce some rain, it's not going to be enough to address the fire threat. there's an outside chance that maybe a storm or two would fire up in the bay area, but the odds are very low. now also low, the base of those clouds just hanging out and swallowing up downtown san francisco and the tops of the towers of the bay bridge as well. temperature ranged from the mid-50s to near 70 degrees, but we'll see the fog spreading pretty far across the bay through of the rest of tonight making a pretty good push into the inland valleys by early tomorrow morning. while the fog is present even in the inland valleys to begin the day, the weight of the atmosphere compresses that
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marine layer and the shallow layer of fog does not take long to dissipate inland which means temperatures warm up quickly once the fog backs out of the inland valleys back to the coast by late morning. tonight's temperatures drop down pretty much to normal for this time of year, in the santa clara valley upper 50s and low 60s, inland in the east bay a few upper 50s and a lot of lower 60s. pretty much everybody is within a degree or two of normal for the first morning of august tomorrow, mid-50s along the coast and in san francisco as well. a few cooler readings in the north bay. temperatures will start off maybe in the lower 50s early in the day tomorrow and then we start to warm up, temperatures tomorrow reaching back up into the 90s inland in the east bay. everybody east of the oakland hills will climb into the 90s, 80s in the santa clara valley and north bay as well, 60s and 70s around the bay. these numbers within 5 degrees of average. the heat
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risk, which is the threat of overexertion, is moderate for the warmest locations over the next few days. the good news is even as temperatures heat up saturday, i don't think we'll see high risk values anytime soon. low to mid-90s and 80s for inland parts of the bay area, but triple digits are not likely on a widespread basis. at least we're starting off august without the crazy heat of early july. around the bay temperatures mostly running in the low to mid-70s, morning fog giving way to afternoon sunshine. along the coast temperatures don't change much, staying in the low 60s and low cloud cover and fog, a gray seven-day stretch along the coast with patches of drizzle making it damp as well. >> thank you. former president donald trump rallied in harrisburg, pennsylvania, today, his first time returning to the state since the assassination attempt against him in the city of
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butler. trump said he would return to butler again for another rally, but an appearance he made hours earlier is making headlines tonight. he attended a panel in chicago and right out the gate things got heated. a controversial invitation by the national association of black journalists or nabj. >> a lot of people did not think it was appropriate for you to be here today. >> the group faced backlash from its own members ahead of trump's appearance. >> you attacked black journalists calling them a loser saying the questions they ask are "stupid and racist." >> it started with former president trump defending his right to be there. >> and i think it's disgraceful that i came here in good spirits. >> what was supposed to be a conversation to woo black voters -- >> i have been the best president for the black population since abraham
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lincoln. >> -- quickly devolved into sharp verbal clashes with the moderator and personal attacks on vice president kamala harris' multiracial identity. >> she was only promoting indian heritage. i didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black. >> a comment condemned by the white house. >> is repulsive. it's insulting and no one has any right to tell someone who they are. >> he did define a harshly criticized phrase he coined at his first presidential debate. >> what exactly is a black job, sir? >> a black job is anybody that has a job. >> vice president harris is the daughter of a jamaican father and indian mother. she attended a historically black college and addressed trump's comments before a historically black sorority in houston. >> the divisiveness and the disrespect and let me just say
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the american people deserve better. >> cbs news has learned harris is interviewing possible vice president contenders this week. she's expected to announce a running mate by monday before hitting the road with her vp pick in several key battleground states. straight ahead in sports, why is it the end of the bay bridge series at oracle park? because the a's are moving to logan webb's hometown of sacramento for 2025 and webb, who grew up an a's fan, gave quite a show tonight. ok y'all we got ten orders coming in.. big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy.
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sports up next. i don't like good-byes. i don't like endings of things and i saw some of our producers. they had gone to the game tonight and they said a lot of the fans stayed and hung out because it was the last of the last. >> jules, don't be sad that it's over. be glad that it happened. >> that it happened, okay. >> and it 20 quick. one hour 55
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minutes tonight, almost 39,000 saw it. not too often this month has a team kept the hard hitting a's silent, but logan webb, he needed a game like tonight. webb had allowed 15 runs in his last three starts, but he was dealing tonight, struck out six against the red hot oakland offense. whoa, now a's starter and former giant ross stripling matched zeros with webb until the fifth, but with runners in the corners brett wisely flew out to center and it was deep enough to score mike yastrzemski for the game's first and only run. 1-0 with webb still on the mound in the ninth and he closed it with a tying run at first. seth brown rounded out for webb's second career complete game shutout. his missing change-up was back, just under two hours giants won the final bay bridge
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series game at oracle park 1-0 and split the two-game series. the teams play a final time this season in oakland in mid-august. 49ers fullback kyle juszczyk is entering his 12th nfl season. earlier this week he experienced something in practice for the first time. >> reporter: is it true yesterday was your first veterans day off ever? >> it was my first one. it only took 12 years. >> reporter: is it strange? >> a little bit, yeah. i had to ask christian for tips. he's well versed in them. >> juice may have gotten the star treatment in camp, but this offseason the team gave new deals to christian mccaffery and jauan jennings. the front office asked juice to take a pay cut of nearly $2 million which he did keep to keep the team together. big financial ask for the greater good. >> i wasn't too happy when i
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was first presented with that. my ego took some shots, but at the end of the day, i want to be on a team that all these superstars are getting paid, you know, more money because that means they did something pretty good the year before and i feel part of that. so all in all, i'm just happy to be on this team and have another opportunity to go win a super bowl. >> that's a team, jules. >> he means that, too. you can tell. >> they're penciled in to be the nfc rep again in new orleans next february at the super bowl. if you want to win at that level, sometimes you have to check your ego and your bank account at the door. >> at the door. that's quite a check at the door. >> big ask. >> vern, thank you. tennessee animal rescue is showing off a pretty rare find. meet audio, the kitten, why that name? take a closer look. audio has a rare genetic mutation that causes him to
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have four ears. the group true rescue says that shouldn't cause any problems and audio is a perfectly healthy kitten. the rescue group says audio is simply earresistible and they hope to find him a forever home soon. up next, is a case of the illegal fruit that left one south
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choice hotels has a stay for any you. stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you book direct at gotta get the corners. so you've heard the saying one bad apple spoils the bunch. you heard that? >> many, many times. >> jackson 5 made a hit out of it in the '70s. >> but for one bay area woman it was a fruit called langsat that is landing her in story. the d.a. handed down a three-month jail sentence to the 43-year-old for illegally importing the tropical fruit from vietnam. turns out the fruit was infested with flies that could wreak havoc on our state's agriculture. you might be thinking three months in
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jail for some fruit? the d.a.'s office says there is much more to this story. in 2022 the woman who owned tracy's gift shop in san jose actually imported the same fruit from vietnam. the d.a. said it was falsely labeled shipments of it as dried fish and coffee and she was caught. so law enforcement warned her to stop, knock it off. the d.a. said she continued to post online that she was selling the fruit. after she was found out again the fruit was tested and that is when investigators found the so-called destructive fly larvae. >> sounds like a fun inspection. >> i'm sorry for leaving you with that. >> sounds like a bad screen play for >> president biden is losing young voters, so hollywood vets and biden alums have launched a new pac called "won't pac down" to shore up the youth vote. >> the "the late show" has received a preview of hollywood's first


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