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tv   The Late News  CBS  August 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition.
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a deadline to leave but nowhere to go. families living in rvs asking where to next. >> my stomach is in nerves. the am just waiting. >> we are just trying to live out here. >> a quick stop in the bay area for vice president harris. why protesters say he is no better than republicans. for the second year in a row a body has been found in golden gate park on the final day of the festival. police say they were alerted to a man laying unresponsive inside of a porta potty at 1:00 in the afternoon. paramedics were called and he was declared dead at the scene. police have not said how he may have died or if he was actually attending the festival but they are asking anyone who may have seen anything to get in touch with police. confusion in san francisco over the city's order camping
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in rvs to move. >> this is what it looked like after today. almost completely cleared out. the question now is where will they go this time and how long before they are uprooted again? >> reporter: every rv parked here on the zoo road has this notice that states tonight is the deadline for them to leave or be towed away. however there is also street signs that indicate street wide enforcement start on the 14th. people here know they are running out of time but how much time they have left, they are unsure. sean lives in his trailer with his low wife on zoo road. >> i am stuck into i can get my friend to help me move it.
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>> aced on the most recent notice he got from the city sean is under the impression his trailer could be towed at any moment. >> i am afraid to go to work because i am afraid they will tow my camper with my wife in the camper. it is not fair. it is traumatizing. we are just trying to survive. >> many of the people living in rvs on the road our families like this father who lives with his wife and two daughters. so he is packing up just in case they are forced to leave soon. something that has become too familiar with to the people that recently moved to the road. after the city started enforcing parking restrictions on winston street at the getting of the month. cbs news bay area spoke with joyce nine
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days ago. she told us she felt safe and secure in her spot on zoo road. after two years she also got a notice to leave. >> the stomach is in nerves. just waiting. >> reporter: joyce is living under the impression she hasn't through wednesday but many neighbors already left so they would not be towed. we reached out to the city multiple times in recent days to get clarification on when they would start the enforcement but have not heard back. as those still here figure out their next steps, this resident named nancy stopped by to place sunflowers on the rvs. >> this is from my garden, i do not have any way to support these people but i cannot
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ignore it. >> everybody we spoke to here says they have been applying for housing but have not had any luck. if they do have to leave people here say they will try to find another quiet place nearby to buy more time. vice president harris is back in dc after a weeklong blitz of battleground states capped off with a brief visit to the bay area. >> she picked up millions from billionaire techies and other rich democrats. also there her longtime political allies mayor breed nancy pelosi and gavin newsom. >> in that time it is estimated she pulled in another 12 million for the campaign. >> we were there talking with her supporters. >> reporter: supporters call this a homecoming for harris, her first trip back after securing the nomination. the
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tractors say this was is also a trip to the atm machine. her visits are mostly fundraisers to collect money to spend in battleground states. it was a event of who's who at the fairmont hotel. a lot of tech billionaires, ceos and politicians. from governor newsom to nancy skinner two people running for congress. >> it is inspiring to those of us that have known harris for a long time. it is a reunion and homecoming. >> reporter: old friend steve has known harris for 25 years and supported her in the district attorney race and the attorney general's seat. >> we have not seen each other in years. in this context it was moving.
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>> he says it is a sense of pride for him and many friends to see her running for the presidency. >> the room was full and enthusiastic. this is home turf. >> 700 people attended the fundraiser. ticket prices started from 3300 to half 1 million. >> you are telling me you do not have a half 1 million to go inside? >> i wish i did. i just want a glimpse of her to show i am supporting her. >> >> we have the red bracelet on. >> it is worth not going on vacation. >> her campaign confirmed no running mate after the two went on a link campaign tour in battleground states. organizers say harris talked to supporters for 30 minutes. >> nancy pelosi introduced her
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and then she recognized gavin newsom and she spoke from her personal roots that they were elected together in san francisco 20 years ago and also they were behind the change in rights that started here and speaking to help that is under attack. >> she covered weight, economics, domestic issues. >> supporters and old friends say harris has reenergized the democratic party. steve believes she will inspire young people to turn out in swing states. >> i am optimistic it will propel her into the lighthouse. >> reporter: organizers say harris raised 12 million at the fundraiser. the question is not if but how many more times she will return to the bay area before the election. while harris and her supporters were at the fairmont her detractors were at union square demanding she do more to
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push for a cease-fire in gaza. for many of them it is the only issue informing their choice in november and given her previous statements and actions surrounding gaza and the palestinian people protesters tell us they cannot support more of the same. >> we need to send a message to the democrats we are not going to support you. you cannot just say the other guy is worse. >> it is a mistake for the democrats to ignore the consistent and clear calls of young people and people of conscious around the country calling for justice in palestine. >> many said they would vote for a third party instead while admitting doing so in california will not have a affect on the race but mostly there were there to keep the war in gaza front and center. while people to her left are criticizing her over gaza people to the right are
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attacking her over immigration. >> trumps running mate was on face the nation this morning and tried to blame her for the state of the economy. >> trump delivered rising wages and a secure border while harris delivered a open border and falling wages. >> this weekend harris promised tougher immigration policies hoping to undercut republican attacks. stay up to date with everything including the upcoming democratic national convention on and the cbs news application. still to come, a early look at a first in the nation fleet of electric school buses launching this week in the bay area. a complete guide on how and where to enjoy tonight's meteor shower. how much of it will you be able to see ? the fog continues to roll in. how thick it will be and how much it will less down tomorrow coming up in just
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the camera to pick it up. most of the shooting stars you will see tonight are faint. you have to have clear skies. dark skies and no fog. two out of three is not bad. anytime you see a streak of light it is actually a tiny space rock and speaking of that we begin at a rock shop. >> reporter: meet garcia. >> when i purchased the shop i named it after my wife. >> inside quite the collection. >> this right here is a fossil. this is floor right. >> that you know about rocks before getting the shop? >> no. >> he has owned it for three years. >> beautiful, i love the color. >> all of these are rocks that formed in the earth. >> this is my personal
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favorite. >> reporter: there are also rocks that fell from the sky. >> a meteor right survives its plunge from space to earth sometimes with a bang but most of the time they burn up in the sky. they make for a great light show like this weekends your shower. >> it is one of the best showers in the year. >> astronomer scott explains what the earth is running into over the weekend is debris left behind by a comet, no bigger than grains of sand slamming into earth at 130 thousand miles per hour. >> as they do that they heat up the air and it glows and what we see is a streak of light across the sky. the best thing to do is look after midnight when the sky will be as dark as
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possible. you could see as many as 100 per hour which is almost 2-3 per minute. >> you do not want binoculars or a telescope this is a democratic phenomenon. everybody can enjoy it. >> you still come out and take a look yourself? >> absolutely i will grab neighbors whether they want to or not. >> these are amazing remnants of the beginning of the solar system. it is one of the reasons why astronomers still get excited. if you can find a meteor right you are holding a piece of the history of the solar system. >> i do want to get a meteor right one of these days. >> that will cost you some money. >> the rock shop, his wife wanted to get him out of the house. it is the business he does on the side. he is a smart man. >> that is one way to do it.
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>> despite the fact we are approaching the peak of the meteor shower you do not have encouraging news. >> nobody in san francisco will see it. it is so foggy we can barely see the bridge behind us. if you want to take a drive i suggest you do so. i will take a drive, it is the most active meteor shower of the year. if you have never seen a shooting star and you want to go on top of a mountain. go someplace like black mountain. a beautiful sunset tonight, the colors were spectacular. it did not take long for the fog to fill in the valley. on top of the valley locations and further inland you will see clear skies. there is upper-level cloud coverage. there will be more sporadic and that is our best chance to see some sort of meteor action. it
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will not be the greatest night for it in the bay area but it will not be terrible. it could be worse. temperatures in the 50s across the bay area. better conditions after 11:30 pm. after the moon sets. get away from the city lights. let's look at what it will be like outside at 2:00 in the morning. we will see the clouds continuing to make their way into the area and fill into the santa clara valley. we are already seeing the clouds fill in and continuing to remain thick. your best case scenario, i think i will go further north. on the top of maybe mount tam your head could be above the clouds and you could see clear conditions. if you want to guarantee you will see some activity head further inland. away from the clouds and the influence of the onshore flow and you will see more of the comfortable heat.
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temperatures will be in the 60s further inland. upper 50s thanks to the cloud coverage acting like a jacket. we also continue to see the area of low pressure that brought us a cooldown today. the low pressure system is picking up wind along the coastal communities. bringing temperatures 5-10 degrees cooler. it will stick around before the pictures moderate out by the latter parts. this pattern will continue over the next 6-10 days. parts of the u.s. will be dealing with a heat wave, on the west coast we will be lucky when it comes to the heat. look at the bull's-eye of blue. we will see cooler than average conditions. good news for anybody that wants to get out and about, enjoy a little more comfortable heat. temperatures in the mid to lower 80s. 70s
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down into the santa clara valley. low 80s at morgan hill but it depends on where you are located. anyway the next seven days makes my job easier. there is not much transitioning. low 80s tomorrow, very seasonable. even along the bay area communities. not much changes. we will be in the 60s tomorrow afternoon and 70s the next day. over all not shabby weather for anybody that wants to get out and about. will not be the greatest weather for stargazing unless you want to head further inland and take a drive maybe. >> i did that when i was a kid. >> it is way past his bedtime. >> i am such a science geek and i have my telescope ready to go
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at home. >> take some video and i will use it. san francisco is launching a ambitious plan to make the streets safer. the huge roadblock standing in the way when we come back. a reason to stick around for game day bottom of the hour. the tight end george. the linebacker fred warner. giants great madison. sit back, enjoy us
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san francisco transit killed plans to install a bike lane in chinatown because of objections from the community. >> it was part of a 10 year goal to make the streets safer and connected four more alternative modes of transportation. a survey found 75% of residents use bicycles or scooters daily. 80% said they would take alternate forms if streets were safer. chinatown streets are uniquely
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challenging due to the trucks that unload on the street and more people are on the sidewalks than any other neighborhood in the city. >> that is our goal, to make everybody believe they can reasonably get around with family without driving. >> while many merchants would love to see safer sidewalks, others want assurances before plans are put into place. >> a bike lane to chinatown would be a plus. it relieves some of the congestion. >> officials will host a listening tour for each district across the city. for a list of times and locations of
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the meetings we created a link on our website. the mta put off a decision on whether or not to ban right turns at red lights this evening. supporters say it reduced the number of pedestrians hit in those areas. the school bus has not changed much in our lifetime but now oakland unified is a gripping
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get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. students in the oakland unified district go back to class tomorrow. if you are commuting, pay extra close attention. >> hundreds of students will be going to school with new backpacks , shoes and even haircuts. everybody wants to look their best on the first day back and it is all thanks to the annual backpack giveaway. oakland officially launches the nation's first fleet of electric school buses. they are not just greener than the diesel buses, it also allows parents and the school to see where the bus is. after the break, highlights
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san francisco's premier music festival is all over until next year. outside lands wrapped up a hour ago. 225,000 came out to enjoy over 100 live performances and what turned out to be a foggy golden gate park this weekend. jazz legend herbie hancock at 85 performing in front of thousands tonight. the collective opened the show and we caught them backstage. >> herbie is a legend, he has been with everybody. to share the stage with him is something special. we get to soak up all
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of his experience. >> it continues next week and comes to a close next weekend. we have everything you need to know at go north or inland to see the meteor shower. have a good week ahead and we will see you next weekend.
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♪♪ when your bedroom has everything you need... it's okay to give everything else a rest. welcome to the goodnight club. find your dream bedroom at ikea. game day for august 11, whoa, what a weekend. we've got a jam packed show. 49ers recap, george kittle in a moment. later, madison bumgarner. cooking it off with the former team, the giants. fully dropping four out of the last 16 games. in the mix for this playoff push. the sweep was on the line today with the


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