tv The Late News CBS August 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT
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11:01 pm
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and significantly drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won't let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. ok, 500 deluxe garden gnomes. wow. i only meant to order five. there's not enough money in my account for these. i'm gonna get charged. two things i just can't deal with. overdraft charges. and garden gnomes. but your bmo smart advantage checking account gives you an extra day to avoid an overdraft fee. nice to see a bank cutting people some slack. mistakes happen.
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[siren wails in distance] [program trills] [blips] ooh-hoo! -it's a bit late now. -come on, partner! take the win! look, we have confirmation tommy was part of the natureland heist. except he's on doc's autopsy table with a hole in his head, so not a lot of use in finding out who the others are. uh-uh. disagree. look. whoever shot tommy knew your fancy gait tech was gonna ping him as one of the thieves. they knew we'd bring tommy in. -so they got him first. -so? so that means someone else from the depot was in on it. [claps] we just need to find out who. [woman speaks german] [heavy trance music plays on headphones]
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[mackey] is this really necessary? yeah, she's using lee's music to get into his vibe. -just let her do her thing. -oh, i am, believe me. they're permanent markers. right. [chuckles] -[trance music continues] -blue? -oh! sorry. hi. um... -got anything? no, not really. um... [sighs] i'm thinking these are dates written in american format with the month first. -they could be shipping dates. -that's a lot of shipments. i mean, there's no way they're exporting that many animals. maybe it's not just animals. maybe it's not just exports. what if this is bigger than we're imagining? chief rennie said they lost a lot of stuff. what if they're skimming on the imports too? [doc roy] here you go - 6.8mm round fired from a military-style assault rifle. you didn't hear it. most likely, it was suppressed. -6.8mm? that one of yours? -[mackey] maybe. marine special ops have been trialing them for the last few months. and in any case, if this bullet didn't get him first, the heart attack would've come a close second.
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old tommy's arteries were absolutely shot. clogged up like the harbour tunnel on a long weekend. can you please stop talking? just... how much did he weigh again? 135 kilograms. big lump of a lad. he would've made a great prop, you know? -it's weights. -[doc roy] huh? it's weights. it's... 134.1. 135.5. 135.7. 134.9. you average out all these numbers and what do you get? you get a fail in high school maths. you get 135-kilo tommy latu driving a truck. it's simple. it's all... oh, gross, tare - it's all here. it's plus or minus either side of 135. -here. -oop! ooh! [blue] okay, the goods come off the ship at the port into the truck where it's weighed and logged. instead of going to the depot, tommy makes a detour via the community hall where he offloads 135 kilos of navy gear. but now the truck is underweight so when he gets to the depot,
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he just sits in the truck while it's being weighed, bringing the total back up to square. it's the simplest scam of all. they are stealing gear based on tommy's body weight. we need to figure out who the other two bottom-feeders are, 'cause if we solve natureland, we solve the lot. feel like asking a man about a gun? well, that depends - are you driving? [engine revs, tires squeal] [breathes heavily] might catch a bus next time. [car locks beep] [rennie] back already, agency mackey? how can i miss you if you never go away? last time, i promise. what you're suggesting just isn't possible. too many checks and balances. you'd hope so given the type of material they store here. [jd] like guns, for instance. got any of them in stock? we're a trans-shipment hub for the entire us asia-pacific fleet. of course we have guns. oh, anything that fires a 6.8mm round? if it's us marine issue, we'd have it. i think my colleague, in his roundabout aussie way, is asking to see them, chief.
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[deshawn] all right, robber number one. bit slow on the uptake, d. we've already found him, remember? i know, but it got me thinking, what's the first thing a thief does before he robs somewhere? flunks school and has a string of unfulfilling relationships? mn-mn. he cases the joint. you think someone saw him at natureland? maybe, and if so, maybe he can id his buddies too. see? not just a pretty face, huh? not even. [evie] come on, princess. so you had a little run-in with a snake. pfft, little? top 10 most venomous animal on the entire planet. and you lived to tell the tale. good for you. yeah, i could've been a statistic. oh, please! what is it with you foreigners and your obsession about australian wildlife? i don't know a single person who's ever been bitten by a snake. -really? -yeah. it's all hype. never even seen one. okay, makes me feel a little better, i guess.
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oh, there you go. now, your white-tail, on the other hand... -white-tail? -hm? common house spider, all over sydney. they'll crawl into your washing, your bed, clothing... especially your undies. huh! please tell me you're kidding. wish i was. ex-boyfriend got bitten down there. downstairs? became necrotic. doctors had to... [makes guttural noise] i mean, that was it as far as our relationship was concerned. ask yourself why most aussie guys go commando. [woman on video] welcome to natureland... oh, and now you're gonna tell me i have to worry about kangaroos too, right? look, i'm telling you, i draw the line there. you know, kangaroos are cute. they got little babies. no! you guys got birds the size of dinosaurs. [jd] how many assault rifles you have in stock currently? [lock blips, gate opens] -i'll have to check. -[jd] oh, we can wait. and while you're at it, let me know
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how much one weighs with a suppressor. [gate slams] we currently have 50 rifles on site according to this. and each weighs 4.9kg suppressed, give or take. so 135 divided by 4.9? 27.5. hm, 28. what's 28? that's how many guns you're missing. [scoffs] [tense music] i don't understand. we're gonna need to see footage from your most recent delivery. [clears throat] now show me last tuesday, 10:32am.
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any idea why the driver's still in the truck if you're weighing the load? be a sport, punch in on the driver, would you? that's, um... i'll have to follow that up. or you could assume, like we have, that tommy's been ripping off the navy by skimming his body weight in goods. [mackey] whose job is it to assess the weighing of the trucks? -floor manager frank lupo. -and who's his direct report? -let me check. -[jd] thanks. [dramatic music] [grunts] oh! [jd] where's lupo? and where are the 28 assault rifles he's stolen? okay, okay! natureland. the deal's going down. it's happening as we speak. [jd] evie and d are walking right into it. [tense music]
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[deshawn] wait a minute. what? look like the van from the cctv footage of the robbery? [deshawn] mm. the tread's a match to the tire tracks at the community hall too. someone's packing up to leave. what the hell? -[device trills] -what... -what the... -[phone buzzes] -[click] -[woman] don't answer that. at typical insurance, you're just another senior.
11:13 pm
that's the third health insurance commercial with seniors at a farmers market. right? don't get me wrong i love a fresh heirloom, but it's like those companies think we're all the same. that's why i chose humana. before i signed up, i spoke to someone who actually listened to what i needed. she told me about benefits that were right for me, like vision and dental... all in my budget. i finally feel in control. what are you doing? taking control. humana. a more human way to healthcare. whoa! how'd you get your teeth so white? you gotta use the right toothpaste! dr. c?! ♪♪ not all toothpastes whiten the same. crest 3d white removes 100% more stains for a noticeably whiter smile. new personal best. crest. it ain't my dad's razor, dad. ay watch it! it's from gillettelabs.
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this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face... gamechanga! ...while the flexdisc contours to it. so the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke. for the ultimate gillette shaving experience. the best a man can get is gillettelabs. ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in? -you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go! hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪
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oh, hello, sunshine. [gun clatters] what? no gun? really? and you call yourself a cop, hey? don't even start. play it smart. you're only making things worse. [grunts] i never done smart. just ask my sixth-grade teacher. oh, you made it that far? go, you. ugh! [sighs] [siren wails] we need urgent backup at 36 black mountain road... [tires screech, engine revs] car, not chopper, yeah? [tires screech] we need to get out of here. we can be on a plane before anybody knows what happened. and then what? they're ncis. they know who we are. they may know who you are, but they got no idea about us.
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and how long do you reckon that's gonna last for, genius? depends what happens next. [siren wails] [engine revs] [honks horn] [tires squeal] -left, left! -[horn blares] [hisses] what do you think they're saying? i don't think they're swapping falafel recipes. it's gonna work, it's gonna work. trust me, it will. do you want me to do it? [woman speaks indistinctly] bring the van around the front. go. now. you guys, go. i got this. -let's go. on your feet. -[deshawn] we're good here.
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come again? oh! oh, you think i'm gonna make it easy for you? you know, head outside so you can shoot us in the back? you wanna shoot me, you look me in the eyes while you do it. [chuckles] tough guy, are ya? no, not at all, but i've been to war so i know what it takes. see, i don't think you do. lee mitchell would have a thing or two to say about that. really? so you locked him in a crawl space with a snake? couldn't look him in the eye either, could you? nah, i had no problem killing him. i just hate snakes, is all. [woman] frank? what you waiting for? -load it up! -it's gonna be tricky. hey, frank. us again. get back!
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it's over, frank! we got the place surrounded! hands on your head! face down on the floor now! [rapid gunfire] hate to point out the obvious, but it looks like you guys are outgunned here, mate. come on. give me the gun. give me the damn gun. it doesn't seem fair, does it? [gasps] [hisses] -oh! -don't even think about it! put it down! now! down! [gun clatters] -[exhales] -[deshawn] you good? -yeah. -all right. [footsteps approach] [jd] still at it?
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yeah, i, uh...i need to call sergeant mitchell's mom. i'm just waiting for the timezone to kick in more favorably on her end. never a good time to be getting the news you're about to give her, huh? that's the gig. are you moving in? oh, no. just, um, housey stuff. um, excuse the wrapping. come join us when you're done, macka. why don't we just stick with 'mackey'? oh, bugger. no one told you, did they? told me what? see, when aussies like someone, we become incapable of using their real names. -why is that? -i don't know. it's part of our natural charm, i guess. uh-huh. [jd] hm. so, uh, what do i do with 'jd', then? you'll figure something out.
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[sighs] [bats screech] [deshawn] check it out. sydney's turning it on. damn! this country is something else. well, sounds like we've got a fan there. he's like a little american paddington bear. you know he's personally making sure every one of those animals gets rehomed at a sanctuary up north? now who's drinking the kool-aid, huh? -oh, whatever! -yeah. i'm still not wearing a cap, though. -[scoffs] yeah. -oh, do me a favor. find out if he's wearing undies. you told him the white-tail story. -didn't you? -[chuckles] [doc roy] okay, fella, what do you reckon? scissors, paper, rock for the next round? up for it? [deshawn] ooh-hoo! come on. i'll take some of that action. -come on. here we go. -right. ha-ha! taser beats scissors. yeah? nah, mate. the old double taser beats everything, son. -double taser? -the old double taser. i think these aussies got your number, d. there she is. mackey on deck.
11:23 pm
[doc roy] here you go. [galah squawks] mackey dumb-ass. [all laugh] [laughs] [laughter continues] incoming dishes. —ahhh! —duck! dawn powerwash flies through 99% of grease and grime in half the time. yeah, it absorbs grease five times faster. even replaces multiple cleaning products. ooh, those suds got game. dawn powerwash. the better grease getter.
11:24 pm
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now at 11:00, an opening night surprise at the dnc. >> this is going to be a great week. >> electrifying, i had no idea she was going to be coming out. >> we catch up with those from the bay area who traveled out to chicago to support kamala harris. >> in the words of the great steph curry, we can tell donald trump, night, night. plus, another meltdown on b.a.r.t. that had passengers ditching their train. >> i pulled the lever and opened the emergency doors and i jumped out. >> what this means for tomorrow morning's commute. and what's up with the moon tonight? the rare double event that may have you do a
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double take. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> good evening, i'm juliette goodrich, in for sara tonight. we're on late because of the dnc. colbert's coming up right after our newscast. all right, night one of the democratic national convention in chicago now in the books with a newly reenergized party coming together to hype up its presidential nominee, kamala harris. there were some surprises. harris herself briefly took the stage to thank president biden for his service. and today's theme for the people featuring big name speakers including hillary clinton, california senator laphonza butler, and california lieutenant governor. and this man who needs no introduction in the bay area, steve kerr. and the night wrapped up with
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president biden delivering the keynote speech. cbs' skyler henry gives us a look. >> reporter: vice president kamala harris briefly took the stage on night one of the dnc to greet almost 5,000 delegates and tens of thousands of party faithful as a democratic party nominee. >> this is going to be a great week. and i want to kick us off by celebrating our incredible president joe biden. >> reporter: the day one themed for the people ealso belonged to president biden, who delivered the keynote address after stepping aside in his bid for a second term. >> are you ready to vote for freedom? are we ready to vote for democracy and for america? >> reporter: former secretary of state hillary clinton gave an emotional address, imploring
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democrats to keep fighting. >> the future is here, it's in our grasp, let's go win it. >> reporter: first lady jill biden also spoke. >> kamala and tim, you will win. >> reporter: this is the 12th time chicago has hosted the convention, including 1968, when the dnc brought violent protests which overshadowed much of what was happening on the stage. >> how many kids do you kill today? >> reporter: police made a handful of arrests after some pushed through a first level of fencing. >> the whole world's watching. >> hello, democrats. >> reporter: the four day event will feature speeches from barack obama and bill clinton. harris will be back thursday to formally accept the party's nomination for president. >> harris grew up in berkeley, and those bay area roots were highlighted today at the dnc. our ryan yamamoto heard from one local delegate who lived just a few blocks away from her and is now hoping to see harris
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take the white house. hello, ryan. >> reporter: hey, jules, how you doing? well, tonight was supposed to be about president joe biden officially passing the torch to kamala harris and also for the party to say thank you to the president. and while that all did happen, the biggest surprise and the biggest moment of the night was a special appearance by kamala harris. call it a shock. call it a surprise. it was the moment of day one at the democratic national convention. >> this november we will come together and declare with one voice, as one people we are moving forward. >> reporter: kamala harris making a surprise appearance as the delegates on the floor at the united center literally lost their minds. including san francisco native and california state controller malia cohen. >> electrifying. i had no idea she was going to be coming out.
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so it was so amazing to come out, and i think it speaks to who she is, right? opening up the ceremony, opening up this entire week saying thank you to joe, this is joe biden's night, and to have her come out, i mean, just a classy lady, a classy move. >> reporter: longtime delegate and volunteer kath delaney from the east bay and who lives only ten minutes from where kamala grew up in the bay area, it was a treat to see the vice president. >> it was thrilling. i mean, i -- did you hear the hall? i mean, i'd never heard anything like it. i mean, there's so much joy and excitement and momentum and purpose. and people are very, very focused to go home and work. >> reporter: but while kamala harris' appearance was the shock of day one, the night still belonged to joe biden. a moment of gratitude from the party to the president.
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>> i think what he did was a heroic effort just stepping aside and recognizing that the time is calling for a different leader and being humble enough to do that. >> so an early appearance by kamala harris, but of course, the big night will happen on thursday when she officially accepts the party's nomination. but i'll tell you what, jules, we had no idea kamala harris was going to take the stage. in fact, we were wrapping up our live shots at 6:00 when all of a sudden we heard this roar coming from united center. we look out, and there she was, mic in hand, addressing the crowd. and this crowd was going absolutely nuts. >> i bet. you read my thoughts, because we just finished up a live shot with you at 6:00, and then minutes later, i heard a producer tell me in my ear, kamala harris is taking the stage. and i thought, wait a second, doesn't that come on thursday? so huge surprise to the media also, who usually has a little hint of what the schedule will be. >> reporter: absolutely no one knew. >> yeah. >> reporter: it was amazing.
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>> well, we'll keep our heads up for tuesday and wednesday as well. so ryan, i'm glad it's quiet now, but get ready for another day and appreciate your reporting. thank you so much. all right, fresh off the paris olympic, warriors head coach steve kerr also spoke tonight, vowing his support for the harris/walz ticket. >> and i cannot think of a better metaphor for what this country is all about than the way team usa came together at the olympics. players who have shed tears trying to beat one another throughout their careers joining forces to wear the red, white, and blue. >> and with harris' bay area background, there was a lot of curiosity about the dnc at home. manny's in san francisco hosted a watch party tonight. our kelsi thorud caught up with one voter. >> reporter: well, it was just about a month ago here at manny's the day after president biden announced that he was dropping out of the race
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for the white house. now we are back, this time for night one of the dnc, a night filled with excitement for the presidential candidate and bay area native kamala harris. huddled around tables, eyes glued to the tv, excited san francisco democrats watched on as the woman who first made her name here in the bay area took her place as the democratic nominee for president at day one of the democratic national convention. >> i'm glad that she spoke right away. >> reporter: tina martin was taking notes during the night's speeches. she told me she was pleasantly surprised at how engaging the speakers were. >> i was afraid they were going to wait until the fourth night to have a lot of great speakers, but they started off this way. i think that was really important. >> reporter: several high profile people spoke during night one from former presidential nominee hillary
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clinton to first lady jill biden. butina told us she was most curious to hear president biden's speech and said he didn't disappoint. >> i mean, this is his moment in history, so i'm glad that he -- >> reporter: now tina's curious what the rest of the week will bring. she says she's planning to watch it all and can't wait to hear harris' message to the country when she takes the stage on thursday. >> i do believe kamala harris and tim walz are going to win. i really do believe that. i think the people are going to wake up. >> kelsi, thank you. protesters in chicago rallied today just outside the dnc. they were marching against israel's war in gaza, starting in union park then ending outside the union center. so you can hear the protesters just chanting shut down the dnc. chicago police say they are expecting this to be the scene there
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