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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  August 20, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

10:00 pm
- where? - in his living room. - somebody's targeting retired traffic enforcement cops. and we think you could be next. so it's time to cut the crap, mullins. what the hell is going on here? [tense music] - okay. okay. come here. ♪ ♪ the three of us worked for the department's counterterrorism bureau. - that's why mike's son was so proud. - why would mike and eduardo lie about that to their wives? - we were part of something in ctb called the ghost squad. it was a team formed after 9/11. we were tasked with administrative dispositions. - there is no such thing. - cops outside of ctb weren't in the loop. we specialized in breaking down terrorists. - what does that mean?
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- interrogations using physical, psychological torture? - [scoffs] torture. you call it what you want, all right? our city was attacked. and there was a war going on. we saved more american lives than you could possibly imagine. you know, and--all right, here, i-i'm guessing that you, you worked at 26 fed, november 2008, yeah? - i was just starting out. - yeah, you're welcome. one year later, game six of the world series, yankee stadium, you're welcome too. the only bombs going off that night were from matsui. - okay, so help us out here. who did the ghost squad break down that might be looking for revenge? - we went balls to the walls with a-- with a couple dozen pretty bad actors. i mean, i don't know. - all right, mullins. - i-i don't know. - make a list and send us whatever intel you can get your hands on. - yeah. all right. um, it's been a long time and, uh,
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might ruffle some feathers. - good. i like to ruffle. it's my thing. especially when i'm chasing a cold-blooded killer. - i grabbed this from a doorbell cam on eduardo alvarez's street right after the bomb exploded. - so that's the toyota from the rec center. still can't see the plates. [computer chimes] - mm, same car, two retired cops. hey, i think we have a serial bomber on our hands. - i got analytics from tedac. the o'hearn bomb payload was c4. components are polyimide tape and flux core solder. - run that through our known bomber database. - no hits. - the county bomb tech said that the circuit board components could be of european design, so maybe we want to check with interpol. - here's one. jeyla osman, 26-year-old turkish national. she emigrated to the uk with her mom when she was seven years old. - any relatives, associates?
10:03 pm
- no. that's it. she was top of her class at imperial college in london with a degree in chemical engineering. she was suspected of building the bomb that killed seven commuters on the london tube three years ago. - wait, all right, look, jeyla was a kid when ghost squad was operating, so what's the connection? - how did she go from science whiz to a suspected terrorist? [sighs] all right, it's been a long day. why don't you go home and get some rest and figure out how we're gonna find this woman. i'll stay here in case anything pops. - good night. - who are you, jeyla osman? what the hell do you want? ♪ ♪ - there. that must be him. be careful, father. remember, he has a gun too. - not one of these. ♪ ♪
10:04 pm
- i need a hot chocolate as well. - you got it. - all right, thank you. ooh. what's up, little man? you got your homework and your lunch? - homework is turned in by email, grandpa. - oh, grandpa? wow. shots fired. [laughs] - i can't thank you enough for doing this. - it's no problem. i'm just glad work didn't get in the way. hey, you want a coffee for the road? - i'm good. if i have any more caffeine, i could fly to lau. - well, good luck today. - okay. - good luck, mom. - don't tell your mom, all right, that i bought you hot chocolate, okay? - thanks. ♪ ♪
10:05 pm
- so i'm a grandpa now, huh? - yeah, i guess. - y-yeah, you guess? with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling. it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®.
10:06 pm
( ♪♪ ) with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah the truth about diy is you never really do it all by yourself. because this setup took 2 videos, and a quick demo. you can change your color here. and all of this, started here, detoured here, and ended...
10:07 pm
down here. and this pizza wasn't delivery. this was. i wonder if they have... they do have it! we do. so whenever you start a project... don't worry. you're not alone. we can do this together. so what are you working on? (♪♪) people call it the biggest smalltown festival in minnesota. and we came up with the idea of creating a community s'mores table. the hershey company got wind of this and sent 40,000 candy bars. made my day a hundred times better. i love s'mores so much. ok limu! you set it, and as i spike it, i'll tell them how liberty mutual customizes car insurance, so they only pay for what they need. got it? [squawks] did you get that? only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty,♪ ♪liberty, liberty.♪
10:08 pm
♪liberty, liberty,♪ - some bad news to start the day. eduardo alvarez died last night. - damn, that's rough. any progress on jeyla? - no. there's no record of her entry into the u.s. in the last year. i mean, if she came from london, she's traveling on phony papers. - what about her accomplice? - mullins sent over this list of ghost squad detainees from the past 15 years. 27 names in all. - all right, work backwards. deep dive into anything that seems promising. [computer chimes] - our flag on the toyota may have paid off. from new jersey state police, a gold avalon was reported stolen in paterson, new jersey. - paterson's not far. bolo that plate. have barnes and ray meet me there. - the avalon's registered to a gerti mae crowder.
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she told local pd it was taken from her garage. [tense music] - we got bomb components. - heads up, this place could be wired. ♪ ♪ [tv playing indistinctly] tv's on in the living room. fbi! open up! who else is here, mrs. crowder? - nobody but me. - clear. - clear. - why is there electrical wiring in your trash? - i don't know. and why are you being so mean to me? - i'm not. that's just my face. - nobody likes a wiseass. listen, it's my car that was stolen. i reported it in.
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and as far as the trash, it's probably from my tenant. - what tenant? - jeyla, the british girl that rented the apartment out back. - rented--so she moved out? - three days ago. - the same day your car went missing? - yeah, well, i didn't even notice it was gone until this morning. well, you don't think she had-- - is this jeyla? - yes. wait, and there was an older man who spent a lot of time with her. i was not happy about that. - we need to see that apartment. - okay. let's go. [suspenseful music] - dresser drawers are empty. - same in the kitchen. ♪ ♪ - empty burner phone boxes. imei numbers have been torn off so they can't be tracked. - six phones? that means more bombs.
10:11 pm
- sure does. damn it. - how much longer? - it's almost ready. are you? - what do you mean? - why didn't you shoot? because the boy was there? - the boy was not the problem. - i'm certain that was the right building. the other two addresses were spot-on. - the man was too young to have been in new orleans. - are you sure? - yes. we're doing this for a reason. i'm not interested in harming innocent people. - you've gone soft after all these years, father. - and you've grown harder, child. - i stopped being a child when the americans came for me in antalya. - animals. - close this up. i'll find us the proper address.
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- owner of the toyota is a 77-year-old lady who rented out her basement apartment to jeyla. - there were boxes of six more burner phones and corroboration that jeyla was working with an older male accomplice. - how old? - i don't know. we're thinking it's somebody that the ghost squad was after. you get any leads? - maybe. kamal berk was one of the administrative dispositions in '03. he was seized by customs as a stowaway on a liberian freighter that was pulling into the port of new orleans, and at some point, made his way to new york city. - he did 18 years at sing sing on state charges for possession of a chemical weapon. he admitted that he and his accomplices were targeting the city's water supply. he was released and deported two years ago. - timing's right. - yeah, i mean, most of the other detainees are either dead or in prison. - i'm sure he has his reasons for wanting payback. - does he have any connection to jeyla? - we're still working on that, but interesting fact, after customs grabbed him, they handed him over to the fbi field office in new orleans for questioning.
10:13 pm
the assigned agent's name is ray cannon. - what they mean is ray cannon sr., my father. ♪ ♪ new mr. clean ultra foamy magic eraser? it's more magic than ever. with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here... disappear... and watch how sprays can leave grime like that with up to 10 times the cleaning power, foamy melts it on contact. magic. it makes this ring a thing of the past. it makes you forgetti about baked on spaghetti. new ultra foamy magic eraser. clean with more magic than ever. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option.
10:14 pm
one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with you. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. have you tried these new febreze car vent clips? the new intensity dial gives you total control. i can turn it up... that smells good! or turn it down... hmm. nice and light. enjoy 40 days of freshness, your way. ♪ lalalalala ♪
10:15 pm
ok, 500 deluxe garden gnomes. wow. i only meant to order five. there's not enough money in my account for these. i'm gonna get charged. two things i just can't deal with. overdraft charges. and garden gnomes. but your bmo smart advantage checking account gives you an extra day to avoid an overdraft fee. nice to see a bank cutting people some slack. mistakes happen. and we give you time to correct them. so, you don't like gnomes huh? what about that one? that one i like. a lot.
10:16 pm
♪ bmo ♪ this is a classic, “got-up-too-fast-from- tying-your-shoes” back injury. not to be confused with the “you-threw-your-back-out- sneezing-back-injury”. lucky for you, an amazon one medical provider can help. and if it comes down to needing meds? amazon pharmacy will deliver them to your door. of course, you have to get to the door. ♪♪
10:17 pm
of course, you have to get to the door. - pops moved out here about a month and a half ago for a head of security job at hartsdale financial. he says he's too young to retire. - it's nice that he's closer to you now. - yeah. - hey. that was fast. how's it going, son? - i'm good, pops. how you doing? - all right, all right. hey, listen, how's that young lady doing you were telling me about, huh--cora, right? - uh, uh, this is not the time, all right? this is, uh-- this is my boss, remy scott, and my colleague, sheryll barnes. - sheryll, how are you? hi. the roommate, right? - uh, no. that would be hana. she's at 26 fed right now, working. - oh, okay, i see i'm batting a thousand. [laughter] listen, nice to meet you folks. come on in. - thank you. - so, guys, what's this big emergency? - does the name kamal berk mean anything to you? - oh, boy. - what's up, pop? - i don't know if i want to go there, son.
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still having nightmares from that one. - this is important, mr. cannon. - did you deal with berk in 2003? [apprehensive music] - why don't we all take a seat, hmm? please. ♪ ♪ i caught the berk case after customs had found him stowed away on a freighter. and the man was traveling with just the clothes on his back, $4,000 in his pocket, and a notebook with a bunch of new york addresses and phone numbers. - no papers? - nah. no papers, no id, no passport. i traced one of the phone numbers back to a chemical supply house in new jersey. then i traced one of the addresses to a mosque in brooklyn. huge red flags in '03. all right, so i decided to call the joint terrorism task force, and they insisted on sending over a couple of guys from nypd to interview him. - let me guess, o'hearn and alvarez.
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- how'd you know that? - they were killed with bombs this week. - oh, man. - what happened at your field office? - well, berk wasn't telling them much. so they got desperate, and they started doing things to him that made me uncomfortable. - like what? - ah, corporal punishment, sleep deprivation-- - they tortured him. - well, it pains me to say it, but it was a different world back then. - everyone was living in fear of another terrorist attack. - yeah. yeah, they kept at him for a few days, and he still wasn't talking. so then that's when they decided to tell him that back in turkey, the cia had picked up his five-year-old daughter, um, jeyla. jeyla was her name. and to prove it, they played an audiotape for him. then they left. i mean, they left in a hurry.
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matter of fact, they left in such a hurry, they forgot to grab the tape. i think i still got it. i brought it back from new orleans with me. i'll get it for you. here, come with me. ♪ ♪ - ugh. this coffee tastes like what they gave us in prison. jeyla. - what's wrong? - i cannot go back to that hellhole. we should go home while we still have the chance. - we aren't finished. - we made our point. maybe that's enough. - it's not enough for me. - [whispering] the police are closing in. i can feel it. - we're smarter than they are. we've covered our tracks. - you do not know them like i do.
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they will not stop. - we will not stop until they pay for what they did to us. every single one of them. [screaming] baba! baba! [sobbing] baba! baba! - [sighs] now, i don't know if this tape is real or if it's something they fabricated. but berk believed it. so he thought they had his daughter, and it destroyed him. the next day, o'hearn, alvarez, and berk, they were all gone. you know, they told me that berk had been transferred into nypd custody. - no extradition? how's that work? - i have no idea. couple of days later, i tried to contact o'hearn and alvarez, you know, just to get an update, and i was told that there were no detectives
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by that name at the jttf. - welcome to the ghost squad. - and there was no kamal berk in the system. and when i called them out on that, i got this captain on the phone who basically read me the riot act. gave me this big lecture about 9/11, the twin towers, and staying in my lane. so i gave up. and every once in a while, i can still hear that little girl screaming for her father. [phone rings] - hey, nina, what's up? - got a hit on our bolo. an officer in jersey spotted our stolen toyota outside a motel in parsippany. - all right, you and hana meet us there. tell pd to keep their distance. ray, you should stay with your father. - all right. - hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. i don't need a babysitter. - are you sure? - yeah. you go get your fugitive. - let's get it. - get out of here. [tense music] ♪ ♪ - i've been sitting on your vehicle for 35 minutes.
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- good work. - you see anyone coming or going from the motel? - no, sir. - just spoke with the clerk at the front desk. she said a woman fitting jeyla's description checked into room 120 two days ago, and she has a man with her. - they still there now? - as far as she knows. - i talked with the warden at sing sing. he was monitoring berk's correspondence while he was inside. this is a copy of a letter that jeyla sent seven years ago. - "now that i'm 18, i have made a decision about my future "to be strong, father, knowing that i will "walk in your footsteps, practice jihad, "and avenge what we have both endured at the hands of the americans." - jeyla definitely kept her word. - all right, nina and i will scope out the room. you two cover the ends. ray, follow us, and, uh, give that car a once-over. don't forget the undercarriage. - yeah. ♪ ♪
10:24 pm
- housekeeping. housekeeping. - i'll breach. you cover. - let's wait for the bomb robot. - that's an hour we won't get back. fbi! - no personal effects. - son of a bitches baited us. - look, i don't think that they'd leave on foot. i mean, any one of these cars would be easy pickings for someone with jeyla's skill set. - oh, they're still here, with a gun to somebody's head. ♪ ♪ - fbi. - fbi. - fbi, open up. come on, we know you're in there.
10:25 pm
- hi, what's going on? - just checking you're safe. - we're fine, thanks. - how about your vehicles? - yeah, it's right-- oh, no, my truck's gone. - it was stolen by the people we're looking for. i need a description and plate numbers. - okay, uh, yeah, a green jeep cherokee. - okay. - uh, jersey plates. byx 3345. - i need to talk to you privately. - now's not a good time. - it's really important. can you leave us alone for a second? - where am i gonna go? - you've got five seconds. - okay, okay. lookit. a few weeks ago, i hid a tracker in his jeep. - are you kidding me? - to see if you were cheating on me. - okay, open the app now. - what the hell? stacy. - i know you're seeing somebody else. - yeah, that's right, my wife. - so why'd you go to the city friday? that's what i thought. - they're heading east on the tappan zee bridge to new york. wait, they just turned off route 9 south. - that's five minutes from my dad's house in dobbs ferry.
10:26 pm
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10:27 pm
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10:28 pm
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10:29 pm
to care for all that is you. ok, 500 deluxe garden gnomes. wow. i only meant to order five. there's not enough money in my account for these. i'm gonna get charged. two things i just can't deal with. overdraft charges. and garden gnomes. but your bmo smart advantage checking account gives you an extra day to avoid an overdraft fee. nice to see a bank cutting people some slack. mistakes happen. and we give you time to correct them. so, you don't like gnomes huh? what about that one? that one i like. a lot. ♪ bmo ♪
10:30 pm
- [sighs] it's going straight to voicemail. - he have a landline? - i talked him out of it. - they've got a 15-minute jump on us. it's more like 10 now. - barnes, let's have pd intercept. - copy. [tense music] ♪ ♪ - you okay? - not really. pick up the phone, pops. all right, pick up the damn phone. - switch it off silent mode. ♪ ♪ and lay these on top of the device
10:31 pm
so the flower stems don't sever the connections. carefully. - lovely. - hana, where the hell are they? - in dobbs ferry. they just turned onto ray's father's street. wait. they stopped. ♪ ♪ - flowers for mr. cannon.
10:32 pm
- there's the green jeep. brake lights are on, so one of them must be in the driver's seat. - the other one could be inside. - flowers for me, kamal? - i think you know it's a bomb. - back up slowly. slowly. - nina, let's box them in. ♪ ♪ fbi! show me your hands! - detonator!
10:33 pm
- she's got a gun. - got a gun. gun! - that would be the fbi. they are coming to put a stop to all of this. - don't get your hopes up. if my daughter hears the gunshot in this house, she sends both of us to paradise. - i'm going in. - no, you're not, ray. berk's got a bomb in there. - and my pop. - ray, this is suicide. - she is not gonna trigger that bomb with her father inside. i just need to talk to him. - understood. cover your ass. ♪ ♪ [door opens] - ray. get out of here. he has a bomb in the flowers. - i know that, pop. we're gonna take a deep breath, then we'll talk this out.
10:34 pm
- ah. you're the son. - you can put down the flowers, kamal. - nah. i came a long way for this. miles and years. i suggest you listen to your father now. - or you could let him go. and i could stay. - i'm not going anywhere, ray. - if i wanted to kill you, i could have done that at the coffee truck in brooklyn. that's right. i walked right by you and the boy with a gun in my hand. - but you didn't pull the trigger. right, so there's something honorable about you. let's just go outside and talk. - so you can do what they did to me in new orleans? - you're making us jumpy with that detonator in your hand, jeyla.
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why don't you put it down and talk with us? listen, i know and i understand why you're angry. i heard what happened in turkey when you were kidnapped as a kid. i can't imagine what that was like. - i couldn't fight back then. but i can fight back now. - i know. i know you can. i'm gonna holster my weapon. times have changed. things are different now. i like to believe that both sides have learned some lessons. - read the news. both sides have learned nothing. - but let's start. right here, right now. - these men never paid a price. - so, what? you kill us, our children kill you, your children kill them. it's time to put a stop to this cycle
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of retribution and retaliation, jeyla. listen to me. vengeance is not the answer. - vengeance is my oxygen. ♪ ♪ - i am sorry about what happened in new orleans. but you got to believe me that i did not know that they were gonna play you a tape of your little girl. - what would you do if the voice on that tape had been your five-year-old son? - i don't know, kamal. i can't-- - if you'd had 18 years in a cage to contemplate the damage that would do to him? [soft dramatic music]
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♪ ♪ - our tactics were immoral. and our leaders made choices for us that were indefensible. and here we are 20 years later, and we're dragging our own children into the mess that we made. ♪ ♪ kamal. kamal. - hey, hey, hey. - berk's coming out alone.
10:38 pm
- should we take him down? - not yet. everybody, stand down. - jeyla. - easy, jeyla. go real easy. - [panting] father, what's going on? - i've made my peace. it's over for me now. you decide. ♪ ♪
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- let's go. - everybody good? - yeah, we're good. ♪ ♪ why didn't you tell me about any of this? - i wanted you to be proud of me. - ah, come on, you know i'm proud of you, pop. - but i wasn't proud of me. - it wasn't you that mistreated them. - well, maybe i couldn't stop it, but i could have done something. you know, i could have-- i could have quit. i could have blown the whistle. - yeah, dad, i get it. all right? it was complicated. you were one of the first black agents in new orleans. - with a family to support. but i couldn't find the courage to stand up for what i believed.
10:40 pm
- you gotta stop beating yourself up about this. [pensive music] all right, maybe some of the things you did back then were wrong, but you did them for the right reason, all right? - i guess so, son. but you know, you got to try to live your life with no regrets. and i'm not just talking about the job, son. that young lady you've been seeing-- - ah, here we go. - all right, hear me out. you know, if you really think she's the one, do not let her slip through your hands. - love you, pop. - damn it, i guess i got to love you back. [laughter] - oh, man. you ain't changed. i gotta say, you--you were pretty badass back then. - yeah, well, and where do you think you got it from, huh?
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- i know where i got it from. - ka-pow. [phone rings] - oh, one second. hey, what's up? that's what i'm talking about. hell yeah, doctor. no, no, hey, let's-- nah, we going out. we gonna celebrate. yes. bring--bring caleb. we about to--we about to, uh-- there's somebody i want you to meet, okay? - come on. come on. whoo! see that, mr. cannon? - not bad, not bad. but you got another ball, all right? so let's see if you can clear the deck. - ah, man. - come on with it. - hey, sounds like you two had quite the day. - yeah, i knew she would kill it. never a doubt. - good for you. - you're up, mr. cannon. - ah, okey-dokey. - so you know that thing i couldn't talk about a few days ago? - yeah. - i didn't want to lead you on
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while my whole life was up in the air. - mm. - but i can finally take a deep breath and see things clearly now that i'm actually getting my degree. - mm. - so i'm all in if you are. - of course i am. - yeah? - yeah. - you're up, ray. - yeah? already? all right, all right, all right, all right. - your dad got a strike. - of course he did. i taught him everything he knows, all right? now, look... - yeah, sure. - it is all about the release, okay? [hopeful music] ♪ ♪ - whoo! - man. let's go, baby! that's what i'm talking about. - whoo! - hey, there we go. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma.
10:43 pm
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10:44 pm
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10:45 pm
10:46 pm
ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. good evening, and welcome to a special post-convention broadcast of the primetime edition. i'm devin fehely, and these are your dnc headlines. democrats held a lengthy ceremonial roll call vote to reaffirm vice president kamala harris and governor tim walz as the party's nominees for the race for the white house. each state delegation had music specific to their state wrapping up with harris's home state of california. harris addressed the convention from a rally with waltz in the swing state of wisconsin. the headline speaker of the night former president barack obama, was introduced by former first lady michelle obama. the former president called on the nation to embrace the newly nominated candidate, arguing quote, america is ready for a president kamala harris. the obamas also ripped into the republican nominee, former president donald trump, outside the dnc pro-palestinian
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protesters clashed with police outside a chicago's israeli consulate. some demonstrators set fire to an american flag in the street in a tense confrontations with officers. started just it was a big night spotlighting some of the brightest stars that the democratic party has to offer >reporter>well, definitely party here on night two of the dnc for many of them, the thought of having a woman and a woman of color. >>just >>one step from the white house as delegates. bay area, including the city of oakland pitching themselves. >>i >>caught up to one woman who told me and shared to me why it's so important for her and for so many others to have someone who looks like them. the president of >>the united
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>reporter>to see and hear from kamala harris on day one of the dnc. >>yeah, for >reporter>shay franco clawson, it was an emotional experience. i was crying. i was grabbing everyone because it's like it's very emotional and very personal to me. my grandmother, my great grandmother and my great grandmother were slaves to see that there's a black woman that's going to be the president of the united states is the reason i'm here. is there legacy work? i'm here because of their legacy >>to think about, to turn the table, about, to turn >reporter>the moment music to the ears for this oakland native to see another oakland native on the biggest of political stages. >>so that's what oakland means to me. i think it's the mecca and the center of blackness. and in a unity that brings in every culture i got my intuition. >reporter>shay is a dj by night, but during the day she trades her mixer for a keyboard >>where >>since 2008, she's been a
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volunteer for the democratic party. a two time delegate organizing and advocating for the lgbtq community and women of color. >>black women can do anything and there's no one that can tell us that we can't we >reporter>already prophesizing kamala harris's rise to the white house. shay booking her flight and hotel to watch the inauguration in january as a gift to herself >>and for my birthday, i would love to be there to see the first black woman you know, step into this position as the, you know, president of the united states. >reporter>but for shay's prediction to come true, she knows the real work will begin after kamala harris officially accepts the nomination on thursday. >>just remembering that we're democrats, we can get this done together >reporter>coming together to will the momentum from chicago to the rest of the nation until
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november >reporter>as ratchet, you saw her on her ones and twos at home while along with being a delegate from alameda county, she will also deejay during some of the late night after parties here at the dnc. i think she's doing one tonight and we are missing that party right now because we're doing live shots for san francisco. >devin>all right, well, ryan, this is the point where i say, but wait there's more. ryan, you're going to be with us in just a few minutes on the late news at 11. can you give us a little tease of what we can expect to see >reporter>definitely. i'll give you a little bit of a tease. we are in chicago, illinois, but at least here the united center. tonight, it felt like a california takeover. so we'll talk about that coming up tonight at 11. >devin>all right ryan, thank you. so much. and you can watch all of ryan's reports from chicago all week long. and remember, you can watch full coverage of the dnc right here streaming on the free cbs news app. well, earlier today, carra saint-cyr went to the elementary school that kamala harris attended in berkeley,
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where the history of tonight's moment was not lost on her supporters. >reporter>vice president kamala harris is taking her first official steps as the democratic presidential nominee tonight, as delegates cast their votes but before she stepped into the role of nominee for vice president or even california attorney general she walked the halls of thousand oaks elementary as a student. i mean, it's very, very exciting to have our alumni go on and give back to the community. it kind of embodies our mission statement, which is to engage and inspire the principal, gabriel friedman says harris's legacy is etched into the school's history. the vp attended thousand oaks in 1970 as part of a bussing program meant to integrate schools in the bay. during her time here, she learned under mrs. francis wilson, a first grade teacher. she still credits for her growth as a person to this day. my first grade teacher, mrs. frances wilson, god rest her soul attended my law school graduation and she instilled in me a deep belief in the importance and significance of
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public education that i carry with me to this day. though she hasn't attended the school in more than 50 years, connor schweitzer sees the vp's accomplishments as a plus for his kids, who are current students. there's a lot of talk in school now about kamala harris and who she is, and just another mentor for kids to look up to. so i think having that be directly in their footsteps is a powerful thing for them. he says her rise through the ranks is a woman and a person of color is inspiring for his children, regardless of politics. it feels analogous to us that a school that is breeding so much community brett, a leader that hopefully will do the same for our country. the schweitzer family is eager to keep up with the vp and her official nomination tonight and he's not the only one. carol brownstein and elena seplow live near the school and both are pretty familiar with the vp's legacy in both berkeley and oakland. brownstein says she's excited to see harris accept the nomination. i think it's so exciting because i know that i followed her from, you know, when she first ran for district attorney in san francisco and then attorney
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general, and just how impressive she is and from where she came from. the vice president is currently in wisconsin boosting support for her campaign and an entire community in berkeley is rallying behind her >devin>and ahead on the prime time edition >paul>we've got a check of your forecast temperatures warmed up a little bit today. had some 90s on the map, but nothing out of control for the middle of august and some big changes ahead with a little taste of autumn in the air. details coming up in the first alert forecast
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>devin>and taking a live look outside at san francisco. you can see the ferris wheel a little bit there. let's go and
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get a check of our first alert forecast with chief meteorologist paul >paul>haig. devin, change is in the air as we head through the rest of this week. we had slightly above average temperatures. today. we're going to step back a little bit from that tomorrow but still close to normal. and then bigger changes as we head towards the end of the workweek. so let's take a look at the floor map here and what is shaping up for us. another autumn like storm is headed our way. it's going to be dropping down the pacific coast. really. it's going to be sending most of its energy, most of its moisture, into the pacific northwest towards washington and oregon. having a fantastic impact on the fire season in those two states. it's going to be close enough to us to impact our weather. it's going to bring in more cloud cover stronger onshore breeze, cooler temperatures and the temperatures are going to be running 5 to 10 degrees below average. it's also going to be close enough to send a chance for some coastal drizzle and even a few rain showers into the bay area. so let's talk about that with a look at futurecast. we'll wind the clock forward here from this evening through the next couple of days. we can really zoom in for a closer look here as we head into friday. as the chance of showers is going to be moving into the north bay by
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about midday on friday. now, this is one version of one forecast model. there's others that are a little bit more aggressive in bringing the shower activity farther to the south. there are others that keep it way up to our north. things could go either way, but it does look like we're looking at a decent chance for some light passing showers. it's not going to be much more than a trace of rainfall. not likely to be more than a few hundredths of an inch, but even that much in the month of august is something remarkable. so something we'll keep you updated on as we get closer and closer to the end of the workweek. it is also going to have a big impact on our temperatures, specifically for thursday, friday and saturday. so let's bring in the ten day temperature outlook for livermore. and i'm kind of standing behind the climb. that's going to happen as we head into next week. but here's the bottom of the roller coaster thursday friday and saturday. temperatures in livermore are supposed to be around the upper 80s this time of year. instead, they're only going to be in the 70s, thursday and friday, barely above 80 on saturday. and then we climb near triple digit temperatures inland by monday, tuesday, and wednesday, i'll have the seven day forecast for all parts of the bay area coming up at 11:00.
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>devin>all right. thank you paul. well students at uc berkeley started moving into their dorms today ahead of the new school year more than 8700 students are settling in this week, and we caught up with some of those students who say they're pretty excited to be back on campus >>it's super exciting, really nerve wracking. but, overall, i just feel like this is the start of my new life. i'm going to have a really good time. i'm pretty excited, this is kind of the first time, like, seeing all my classmates here and my roommates in person. so this is overall really exciting for me. >devin>the first day of school for uc berkeley is next wednesday. thank you so much for watching tonight. the late news starts in two minutes right here on kpix
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air wick. every year millions of noses are ghosted by their plug-ins. new air wick advanced. our ground-breaking plug-in that pulses scent for staying power, up to 60 days. plus a fragrance boost button. our noses won't be ignored again. >reporter>now at 11 >>from >>digs at the former presid now at 11:00. d


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