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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  August 21, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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somebody's got to eat it. >> she's freaking eating my charcuterie stuff. how annoying. ♪ >> i don't mind sharing, but it was awarded to me. >> oh, my god. >> oh -- these are good. >> i love it! >> brooklyn, she did not ask me. >> barrata is my favorite. >> aww -- dude, the brie. >> that is delish. >> and those cheeses and meats do stay good for two to three weeks. they don't go bad in a week. h, it just pisses me off. ♪[ music ]♪
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>> hey, everybody, it's time to pick play for the veto comp. >> oh! >> i really don't want chels tie get picked. i know she's working with brooklyn and cam and quinn, so i don't want her playing in this veto comp and potentially ruining my game plan. >> as hoh, i will pick .... >> i really to want play in this veto to ensure my safety, but don't get it twisted. i don't think i'm going to use the veto on any of my numbers. i love them and i have their back, however, i'm in self- preservation mode right now. and i need to stay on tucker's good side. he's winning everything. >> makensy. let's go! >> i'm ecstatic to play in this veto and since tucker as wild
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card, i need to win so i can ensure my own safety. ♪ tsa. >> tucker. >> whoa! >> oh! >> funniest option. >> i choose joseph. [ applause ] >> "big brother" will inform us when the competition is to begin good luck. ♪ [applause] >> ♪ >> you want to quickly check. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> i don't know if tucker is telling the truth or quinn is telling the truth, but regardless, i need to have another conversation with tucker so i can get to the bottom of what his actual game plan is. >> quinn last night he kind of looked at me and he's like, so who is the target?
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and i'm like, i mean, i think it's you. and he said, well, i -- it's you. >> quinn! >>. >> you're an idiot, dude. you couldn't keep your mouth shut for a couple of days and i was going to save you -- and that's fine if i tell him, hey, you're not the target this week. i get that. >> yeah. >> but it also messes with my head. >> it's been pretty apparent who i want out of this house, who i can't stand. >> and now brooklyn is throwing quinn under the bus to save her life, but it says about her and her character when playing this game. >> brooklyn and quinn are snakes, and i don't know what i'm going to do with this, but i'm gunning for the veto, so i have all the powers. i'm not coming after you. there's bigger fish to fry. >> i'm going to try to win, because obviously, i feel like i
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♪liberty, liberty,♪ ♪liberty, liberty.♪ a. >> who is the start in this
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house? >> i'm also in the show. [cheering and applause] n-go veto. oh, my god. >> oh, my goodness, it's hid-n- go veto. this is a classic "big brother" competition we haven't seen in years. >> iconic. >> yes. hide-n-go veto! ninety-two ready for some chaos because this house is going to be a mess. >> ya'll are going to destroy this house! >> welcome to the b and b pool party! [ cheering and applause ] >> ainsle wants to see which one of you is the best at hiding your digital footprint.
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so she's providing a classic big brother competition hide-n-go veto. here's how it works. each of you has a memory card. your job is to hide it in the house where no one else can find it. one at a time, you'll enter the house and have two and a half minutes to hide your memory card. once all of the veto memory cards have been hidden, you will take turns tearing the house up, searching for the other house guests memory cards. but keep in mind that all -- that all of the memory cards look exactly the same on the outside. so you won't know which house guests have the memory card you are bringing back. once the memory card is found, it will be placed on the result bar. anyone whose search history has been discovered will be eliminated from the game. the one house guest whose memory et card is not found will win the golden power of veto!
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[ cheering and applause ] >> who is ready to play hide-n- go veto? [ cheering and applause ] >> joe of, you are up first. [ buzzedzer ] -- [ buzzer] >> let's go, joseph! >[cheering and applause] >> ♪ >> where the hell am i going to hide this? i don't care if i win. i don't care if i win this veto. winning these competitions is for chumps. i might have to get blood on my hands, and it gives a weak perception i have been accumulating. i want it to be so obvious. look at what i'm getting next. tucker is telling me that i'm just a pawn this week, but who else telling cam and quinn that
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they're pawns. this is a do or die situation. so i get go to the unicorn room. no one ever comes in our room. >> i decide to hide mine, the memory card nquinn's dirty laundry bag. the guy has got great style but nobody wants to rumage through dirty clothes. >> what's on the line right now? everything, dude! >> because tucker has told me that i'm just a pawn. >> no, there's not a zipper back there. >> but he's also told brooklyn that she's a pawn, so i have no clue who his actual target is. we only have two minutes and 30 seconds to hide these memory cards, so you have to be quick. but i cannot find a place to hide this memory card. everywhere i go it's like -- ugg
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ugg. just screw it. let's just unzip the car beginning bag and put it in there with my nice hot maroon suit. and decide it's a terrible spot. let's just pray that no one looks in there -- decides to look in there because that's my only option at this point. ♪ >> tucker saying quinn as target, but i don't trust anyone's words in here. i know if my butt is on that block, the house could flip on me and i could be out of here just like cedric. so i'm not going to let this happen. i need this veto to get my butt off this block. i'm looking for a real firm pillow -- pillow so i can mask the 34e78 re -- memory card in there, put a blanket behind there to keep the fluffyness together the et.
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>> i'm i want to win this, because i'm going to have all the power, and i can do whatever i want and that's going to scare a lot of people. i want to hide my memory card in a spot that people will be too busy running past to even think about it. >> of. >> i slide my memory card in a way where you have stew open up drawers, instead of opening one, so i am thinking this is going to work. somebody is putting there in there -- i know. >> i want to win this veto comp because one, i need to ensure my safety. and two, i need to make sure tucker stucker is not adding a tally to his long lists of conquests. i think everybody is going to run right to the bedroom to look, so i'm -- i want to hide my memory card right in the planters behind the door.
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so i just hope it's a good enough spot. >> now, it's time to find your opponent search history. joe of, you're up first. [ cheering and applause ] >>. >> you have two minutes to search for your opponent search history. >> all right. you've got to be quick in this competition, because you only have two minutes to search for somebody else's memory card and bring it outside. i'm not going to be throwing people's clothes and garbage and anything like that and have people be pissed at me. >>. >>ie my strategy is to make it as -- my strategy is to make it as diaz possible for anyone else to find my memory card. like the big brother legend breath himself said, defense wins championships, baby! >> the only one who wins national championships is defense. get it away from mine.
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>> oh. >>. >> this is called defense! sorry. ♪ >> i know that people love to hide these things in the bedroom, because that's where i plan on spending the bulk of my time. >> oh -- i burst into the side bedroom. i see my did you feel -- duffle bag, and something is a little different. the dirty clothes, instead of spilling out over the side are nicely compact in there, zipped up with a pretty little bow. i would never do that. so i look inside, and what do you know? there's a memory card! >> what are we talking about, dude. >> oh, hey, what's up, guys?
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>> congratulations, quinn, you founding the memory card. >> nice. [ applause ] >> ♪ >> omg. i run into the front bedroom and everything is ransacked. i come up across this gar meant -- gar meant bag that's in the middle of the walkway and i feel inth memory card and i'm like, i got it. ♪ [applause] >> whew! congratulations, cam, you found the memory card. >> thanks, chelsie. >> tucker, you're up next. [ buzzer ] ♪ >> right when i go up there, i slide the door open, looking under the steps and i look to my left and left, and oh! >> i was really good at easter egg hunts. got ya. keep it going! >> i just missed that.
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>> oh, no, daddy knew where to look. congratulations, tucker, you found the memory card. >> wow! >> oh, my gosh, mine is definitely gone. okay, okay, i'm not going to go in there. >> i'm hoping i can find quinn's memory card, because he needs to stay on the block. he put me up last week, and it time for some payback. >> oh, mylanta! >> the house as wreck! ooh, i'm so sorry! i feel so bad right now. >> guess which room is the worst? mine. it's disgusting! ♪ >> where? >> i am furious that i am on the block this week and that i have to try to win this veto.
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i'm frustrated and i'm about to get my frustration out on these closets. >> where tucker, where tucker. >> oh, tucker, you like your clothes all nice and neat? too bad! sorry, and not sayeré sorry. t'kor, your croche stuff? it's gone! >> now, that i'm done taking my frustration out on the people did that me dirty this week,é week, i should probably find a memory card. ya think you're slick? not today! >> two memory cards remaining. >> there there's only two memory cards left in that house, and i'm hoping one of them is mine and minch does not get found. [ buzzer] >> four of the memory cards have already been found, so i'm tearing through this house, and making a point to leap over all the couches! ♪ ♪ >> i'm not waste might time,
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making unnecessary messes like clearly others have. i'm trying to find me another mem card. >> damn! >> holy --. >> who is the prick, huh? hoover wasted their time grabbing my stuff out of the drawer and throwing it on the ground? you are a scumbag, man. you guys trashed that place. >> you trashed that. >> tucker looks really pissed. >> i know, i know, he does. >> okay, every time i go into the house, it's just more and more chaos. there's clothes everywhere, trash everywhere, pillows are on the floor. this is not fun 5e7. this is my worst nightmare. >> everything is everywhere! >> no!
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♪ i run into the house and there's garbage everywhere in the kitchen. everything is out of place. is it really necessary to dump the garbage on the floor? can you just reach in there and see if there's a big hunk of veto in there? ♪ ♪ >> help me. okay, now. >> four of the memory cards have already been found, so i'm just tearing through this house. ♪ ♪ >> after looking everywhere, there's just one more place i realize that i haven't checked. >> oh! >> oh, my gosh! [applause] >> congratulations, cam, you found -- quinn, you found the final memory card of the game. >> let's go! >> i'm hoping this one is
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tucker's, because he is a wild card! i need to get myself off the block. i need it more than he does. >> put this list of restaurants on a map. or when you couldn't ask it this? can you teach me how to play mahjong? no problem. huh! remember when your new phone couldn't really do anything new? until it could. (♪♪) save on the all-new google pixel 9 pro phones at
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okay, ideas. where we going? —i got one. —i got one! ♪ ("do you wanna dance?" by the ramones) ♪ what about a comedy show? i've swiped on you, no. [multiple speakers] tacos! definitely tacos. find your vibe in the all-new, all-hybrid camry. toyota. let's go places. (vo) for over 50 years purina cat chow has been helping cats feel at home. find your vibe in the all-new, all-hybrid camry. with trusted nutrition, no wonder it's the number one dry cat food in america. come home to cat chow. if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection,
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an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ farxiga ♪ you told mom to send her prescription to amazon pharmacy. she didn't. (over speaker) price check in pharmacy. all mom had to do was use amazon pharmacy. and her meds would get delivered right to her door.
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this is a “got-up-too- fast-from-tying-your-shoes” back injury. lucky for you, amazon one medical can help. they're great for “sneeze-related” back injuries, too. ♪♪ >> you. >>
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>> five of the memory cards have been found. >> yeah! [ cheering and applause ] >> let's see who they are and who will win the golden power veto. >> yeah! >> the only option today is to win the power veto, put the fake of my fate in my own hands because i don't have a clue what
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tucker is going to do. >> my game is literally in shambles. i'm sitting next to my alliance members. i have to win this for me. >> quinn, you found the next memory card and carter -- -- the memory card belongs to whom? >> to brooklyn! >> he may be the target and if he's on the block, it's better for me. >> cam, you found the second memory card, and card two belongs to -- quinn! >> oh! [applause] >> sorry, quinn, you have been eliminated. >> tucker, you found the third memory card, and the name inside is ... makensy. >> sorry, makensy, you've been eliminated. it's down to cam, joseph and
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tucker. brooklyn, you found the fourth memory card, and the name inside is ... cam. sorry, cam, you've been eliminated. it's down to joe of and tucker. whoever hid that memory card better will win the golden power of veto. >> it's down to to me and joseph. joe of has been laying low and playing a great game, but i want this. >> i hid my memory card in the most obvious place imaginable and inexplicably, those identify yauts haven't found it. >> the memory card you found belongs to ... joseph. since your memory card has been found, you have been eliminated. tucker, your memory card was
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never found. >> let's go! >> congratulations, tucker, you have won the golden power of veto! >> thank you! >> six, baby! >> yeah, i got it! >> come on. >> don't you i don't know where to hide stuff? i'm the youngest of three brothers. i always know where to hide stuff. >> i know that quinn made the mess -- i'm so pissed! what can't he do? i'm going against against like the foster -- poster boy for excellency, and i'm losing. obviously! i cannot believe you put in that a sweety towel in there. >> tucker wins another competition u.i have never been more annoyed to see someone win something. now, go inside and clean up that
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mess! ♪ ♪ the mess, i did that mess. that's it. >> it could -- it could be worse. are you going to show us? >> wait till you get to your bedrooms. >> okay, never mind. >> well, someone was close. >> no way. >> yeah, empty drawer. >> wow! wow! >> how do you do it? i mean, don't. >> i mean, i'm just going to pick up my cloves because i don't want to step on them. i'm sorry. >> look at all of the damage that was done. whoever pulled all the close, unnecessary, quinn. >> all right, all rightdon't put that evil on me. >> why? >> why the clothes? >> some of whoever did it just fess up to it.
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>> all my clothes. >> all of mine, too. all of mine on the floor. >> stepping all over it. >> everyone knows that i really like my cloves. >> one suspect ... quinn, i'm coming for his ass. dirty little rat. >> bro. >> dirty little rats. you know what italians do to rats? >> i can't help but thinking he was being petty and wanted to mess with some of my stuff. i can't stand this right now. >> did he admit to it? >> don't put that all on me e.but but the nail -- put the nail in your own coffin. again. >> thanks for throwing all of my cloves everywhere, quinn. >> bro, stop accusing me of that! >> bro, you didn't even step in the room when i was cleaning up the room. >> wrong, dude, i didn't even step on anybody's clothes. >> quit, crying, everyone's
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stuff is on the floor. >> you're up. >> cool. i offered to save him, so i hope it wasn't him, because that's going to keep him on the block. >> aww! >> have fun out there. the battle for your life and -- in the arena but i'm still coming after you. >> okay. ♪ so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. at panera, we think the best things in life are free. like our new toasted italiano. that's right. get a free half sandwich or salad at panera and choose from any of our mouthwatering sandwiches or craveable salads.
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hurry into panera because this offer won't last. did you know, sweat from stress or craveable salads. is actually smellier than other kinds of sweat? that's why i use secret clinical antiperspirant. it works on sweat from: stress, heat and activity. it provides 3x stress sweat protection. secret works. [♪♪]
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i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy.
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the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses.
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>> i three all of the cloves. >> yes, it was me. i threw the clothes all over the place. >> and i was like -- [ laughs ] ninety-two and i'm not sorry. sue me. >> and now he thinks that quinn did the cloves. that's smart of you.
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he is like lived. he is like coming after quinn right now, because he is really pissed at quinn ninety-two tucker thinks it is quinn, so that's perfect for me. let's his target get bigger while mine gets smaller so i can stay this week. ♪ >> can i meet with you and then i know that -- whatever, we can go up there. >> okay, okay. >> my game has consisted of lies, deception, name-calling on eviction night, and that's got me in the gutter. so i need to pivot for some radical honesty, because maybe tucker will respect it and i can make it out of this week alive. >> do you have anything to say first? >> yeah, i know that i insinuated with brooklyn. >> he told me i was a pawn. >> who is the target, me? >> yeah. >> she told me everything.
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>> i'm not going to lie. that kind of hurts. >> finding out brooklyn snitched sucks, because i was really looking out for her, but i guess all i have to look out for is myself. >> she's a really good talker. she's ratting on a lot of people >> i know that quinn and i have had a ton of beef, but he did come clean about telling me the truth about brooklyn, so i can respect that. >> and i will remember that. >> i wanted to ask you one more time, did you throw my clothes? >> no, i did not. >> when he first brought it up, i thought that you were -- with me. but no, i did not. >> i appreciate you, but it does not help me with my twist with you anymore. >> i understand that you don't like that i am a bit of a schemer. yeah. >> it's well aware now that there was a majority alliance. the collective. >> yeah, i know all about it.
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>> i never actually did anything with the collective. is that the name? >> yeah, i'm going to destroy it >> yes, -- i do not want to be part of the majority alliance. >> i appreciate you admitting it. >> yeah. >> i mean, you -- bro, but you at least admitted it, but there's that. >> quinn has messed up a few times, but he is confirming a lot of juicy info for me right now. >> each little bit islike a stick of dynamite. >> now i have myself for big old bundle and i can blow this whole game up on everybody. >> you are a lot when you have the power. >> yeah. >> which everyone will hear tomorrow. ♪
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♪ >> hey, everyone, it's time for the veto meeting. ♪ ♪ >> this is the veto meeting. cameron, brooklyn, and quinn have been nominated for eviction, but i have the power to veto one of the nominations. before i do that, i hope everybody is comfortably seated, because it's about to get really uncomfortable in here for a lot of people. ♪ >> oh, tucker, tucker, tucker. i know he's going to do something crazy. it's not a tucker moment unless everything gets blown up. >> what in the hell is about to go down? ♪
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snow. give damaged hair deep repair. everpure bond repair from l'oreal paris. our system with bonding care complex repairs weak inner hair bonds and strengthens hair in just one use. prevents breakage as well as a $90 routine. everpure from l'oreal paris. you're worth it. [clock bong] what's for dinner? ♪♪ what's for dinner? ♪♪ what's for dinner? [ding] what's for dinner?!! stouffer's. (vo) you've got your sunday obsession and we got you what's for dinner?!! now with verizon, get nfl sunday ticket from youtube tv on us... and a great deal on galaxy z fold6... for a total value of twelve hundred and fifty dollars. only on verizon.
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enjoy the go, with charmin. >> i hope everybody is comfortably seethed because it's about to get really uncomfortable here for a lot of people. so i know all about the collective, all of the eight people. brooklyn, t'kor, chelsie, joseph kimo, cedric was in it.
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quinn is in it. and i know you all were going to king kick me out last week if i was out there on the block, and i know that there's even a tight knit group within the collective that is chelsie, quinn -- it was cedric, broob lin and cam, and you know, you guys have a really good game, and i believe that it is. brooklyn and chelsie are the main ones in charge of that whole collective and that tighter knit group, so, yeah, there's a lot of lies and a lot of snakes here, so with all with all of that said, you know, i have decided ... ♪ to use the power of veto on quinn. ♪ ♪ since i have just vetoed one of the nominations for eviction, i
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will have to name a new house guest as a replacement nominee. and my replacement is chelsie. this ♪ ♪ >> this veto meeting is ad adjourned. ♪ ♪ >> i saved quinn, because i'm not threatened by him. there's bigger threats out there, and better social players. i poison the well, no one in there is going to be able to trust nobody! people are probably going ooh gun for me the even harder, more than they've been gunning for me for weeks, and i'm still here. so bring it on ♪[ music ]♪ >> whew! >> oh, my god, we are so back! now that i'm safe, i can dive back into my lying lifestyle.
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i'm going to build the facade that hey, tucker, you saved me and i will prove my loyalty, man, but at the first chance, i'm whipping him out of this game. now, that everybody's game has blown up, now everybody is starting from scratch. i'm not going to let this chaos distract me. i'm focusing on one thing and one thing only, and that's winning this ai arena. >> how did this game flip like this? what am i missing and who do i slap? right now we're about to lose our second pentagon member in two weeks and it's not about to be me. >> now that veto is around quinn's neck, it's clear -- quinn clearly told tucker about the pentagon and now tucker is out for pentagon blood, and i knew not to trust quinn. i have clawed my way out of impossible situations before. this is no different, because when my back is against the wall, i have nothing to lose, and you should be scared of me.
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>> who will win safety in the ai arena? cam, brooklyn or chelsie? and who will be the next evicted from the house? find out tomorrow night at 8:00/7:00 central, live on "big brother"! ♪[ music ]♪
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w . welcome back. i'm devin fehely these are your prime time headlines, taylor swift just wrapped up her eras tour. it marked her 8th show during the tour which is the most ever played by a solo artist in a single tour. michael jackson held the previous one performing seven times in 1988. today was first day back for students in campbell school district. teachers and staff were greeting kids with pompoms and a red carpet two tons of
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meth was found in what look like watermelons. they seized more than $5 million worth of the drugs. they say among the real watermelons were 1200 watermelon-like packages. and taking a live look outside at san francisco, let's get a check of our first alert forecast with meteorologist darren peck >> it will be deja vu all over again. if anybody remembers what happened at the end of the last week it was kind of weird to use a catchword that caught on lately. for our weather it was. rain at the end of last week. i will get to the other side of this northern hemisphere, that rain came to us from a system that pretty much dive bombed straight out of the gulf of alaska. and it came down here to give us light rain and really cool us down and we don't often this time of of the year have to take in the big picture to understand how our weather will change over the next few days, today,
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we do. saying good-bye to the hemisphere right now. i want to go to the big imagery, what is currently spilling out of the gulf of alaska. look at the area of low pressure. visualize it. let's do it another way. a big pool of cool air in there. that cool air will, first of all, it will bring our day time highs down to the lower to middle 70s. you will 10 degrees cooler tomorrow inland than you were today. so, in one sense you notice probably the most noticeable impact from this tomorrow. when our inland valleys are only in the lower to middle 70s. it is so friday when the second potentially more aspect holds through. light rain to end this week. most of the rain is going into the far northwest part of northern california, the trailing southern edge will get dragged through sonoma county. not a lot on here. now we are
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looking at friday night, saturday morning. it seemed to have passed through without any chance of rain. that is most likely the way it goes. when we get to the seven-day forecast i don't have rain in the forecast from this. i did not have rain in the forecast either. we got a little rain and most of that was persistent mist. it hung around long enough that it was able to dampen up the ground. we could see a scenario like that again friday. friday and perhaps a lingering shot of that going into saturday as well. so, let's put it in a seven-day forecast there is one other item on here that needs to be discussed. we talked about the cool down for the next couple of days. lower 70s. inland numbers, you were in the middle 80s. when we are done with this we start to warm up. then, overdrive. tuesday next week, you are back to 100. it will be like weather whiplash. classic to what you typically do when you get into fall. we are not
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in fall yet. the north pacific is thinking we are. it is trying to throw us two fall-like weather systems. >> back to you. >> all right, thank you, darren. court workers rallied outside of city hall. they blame dozens of cases for getting tossed out. we have more on the conditions that they say are standing in the way of justice. >> reporter: benjamin's workload is overflowing. he is a clerk at the san francisco supreme court in the criminal decision, he is logging overtime hours >> what used to take until 4:00, 4:30, now i logged in overtime here upon until about 6:00 or 7:30. >> reporter: he is not alone. several court workers represented by local 1021 rallied on the steps of hall of justice asking for better
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working conditions. >> reporter: thompson says filling the positions is a good place to start. >> we need more people because the level of work that we are doing and the way that the court, the tools that the court has given us to do that work just create more work for us. >> reporter: court workers like thompson were not surprised when 70 court cases involving domestic abuse and misdemeanors were were toss out. >> you might have to wait for your case, you know, there are certain things that like preliminary hearings and jury trials they might be pushed off because of lack of a courtroom. >> reporter: the courtroom clerk says they are asking for more staff, better vacation, transparency and more training. thompson said people would have fewer flaws if they had better idea of their tasks. city workers are expected to sit down with magment to see how to
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move forward. they hope this demonstration will not fall on deaf ears. >> you know, we just want answers, we want to know what steps are taken by management to be more efficient. >> don't go anywhere, there is much more ahead on the prime time edition, robbed of his eyesight but he was given the gift of music for those struggling in his community. his story, coming up
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>devin>a . a man says music can make a difference in people's lives. he is legally blind but he has played music since he was very young. he shares his talents. we have his story. ♪
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. >> i came over with my two friends and began playing. and, people seemed to like it. i just kept coming back with them. >> reporter: from the florals to the grown greenery, a site of hope and healing outside of the hospital. the man behind the music you might hear as you stroll through this peaceful place has a story himself. >> when i lost my vision it became, it was a -- it was a difficult time. but i had a wonderful teacher told me don't let this stop you. because you can't read music does not mean you can't play >> neil proves with each and every cord he strikes can be unifying and healing >> it is very gratifying. i feel blessed to have the
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opportunity to share that with them. >> a musician since the age of 11, he started to lose his vision in his 30s and is now legally blind. but, he comes out to the healing gardens outside of the hospital's cancer treatment center every thursday morning to provide a sense of peace. >> classical, sometimes jazz, sometimes it is whatever. >> reporter: he initially started playing in the cancer center itself when his wife would come for her treatments. he knows firsthand the difficulties that come with watching a loved one's cancer battle >> they got their own path. and i just want, if i can make it easier for them that is what i want to do. >> reporter: he is here each week to provide support and music and melodies to those who might need it the most >> if it can make their experience for that day a little better. that is wonderful. a teenager from texas
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completed a cross country mission to raise awareness for social security reform. natalie brand has his story. >> so, there is day one. 1600 miles on foot over 40 days through five states. he finished strong arriving at the nation's capitol on wednesday with staffers, cheers and a candy bar. >> your almond joy you have been wanting. >> reporter: the 17-year-old started on july 12th in his hometown of texas to raise awareness facing his grandmother and elderly neighbors struggling to get by on social security. >> checks late or just not enough. so, i decided to do something about it. >> reporter: earlier this year he started his own nonprofit to help any way he could. he says his walk helped raise more than $20,000. >> what was the hardest part of your journey? >> definitely being away from
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my family, i think. the heat. >> reporter: carrying only a single backpack full of supplies he slept on public benches at times and the kindness of strangers kept him going. >> along the way nice people let me stay in their house and a church. the nation is pretty unified and everyone is lovely. >> reporter: while in d.c. he met with staff from his texas congressman's office to talk about what can be done to address issues with social security. he will fly back home just in time to start his senior year of high school. >> i will . >> reporter: and will continue to push for change. thank you very much for watching the late news, the late news on kpix has the latest local stories that is toni
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