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tv   The Late News  CBS  August 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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. now at 11:00. shining a light on the overdose crisis. the ongoing efforts being made north of the border. how they compare to what is being done in the bay. >> i walk outside of the center there is not a sidewalk lined
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with, you know, drug use. i am employable now, i am back to being a father, a friend. and, i have my family back in my life. >> then. >> now $900 it is $2100. how do i pay that? >> homeowners in high fire risk areas at their wits end as a major home insurance rate hike gets the go ahead and more could be on the way. [ cheers and applause ] plus, skin in the game. how fans of the oakland ballers are putting their money where their mouth is to help keep baseball in the town. >> i have a lot of pride in that. i think it is cool? i like to tell my friends, say, you know, look at what i did. it is kind of, it is cool. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. good evening i'm juliette goodrich in for sara tonight, all week we have been talking about the drug crisis in san
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francisco and seeing what we can learn from vancouver, british columbia. the city had been taking the opposite approach to san francisco's recent reescalation of the war on drugs. but, it also started walking back its decriminalization of public drug use. so, tonight, we are looking at the next step in every approach to the drug and overdose crisis. trying to get people struggling with addiction moving towards some kind of help. >> joshua and dominic, 16 and 15 years old. >> joshua is a little over a year into his recovery from heroin addiction through programs offered by the san francisco salvation army. he says a big factor in getting and staying clean is being able to get away from environments where drugs are so readily available. but, how do cities
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steer people away from these areas? like everything with this issue, that question is fueling intense debate in both cities. wilson walker continues our coverage from vancouver. once you get into these five blocks by two block radius you have everything you need to maintain an addiction without having to do much >> if it is the streets and alleys in vancouver's east side or those in san francisco's tender loin, one obstacle to pulling away from the crisis is that the drugs are everywhere. it is something that we have heard before in san francisco >> do you know anybody who has gotten clean out here? >> yeah. >> how did they do it? >> get away from here. >> reporter: it is a parallel challenge in vancouver, he has tried the treatment program offered at the downtown safe youth site. >> i know that one, it has not worked for me. maybe i was not
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ready or maybe i just, maybe the environment down in the middle of the hood was too much of an overload for me. >> reporter: that is one reason help here often comes from outside of town. >> this is a place your mom and kids can come and visit and feel safe and comfortable but it is also, it helped us create this community here. our neighbors love us. we take care of the lawns. >> 30 minutes from downtown you will find the last door recovery society just one of the organizations based in new westminster. now known as canada's recovery capital. >> we have become a voice for recovery in canada. and there is some responsibility with that. negativity with that. and, everyone has an opinion. >> like about 90% of the staff here is in recovery himself and he thinks recovery and that is stressing a path away from addiction has been overshadowed
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by efforts to reduce the risk posed by the drugs. >> yes, there is a home for harm reduction, a place for harm reduction, what is next, you know? i will save your life today with a shot that is great but we need to do more than that. >> for anyone who followed san francisco's conversation about how to respond to this emergency, this recovery versus harm reduction argument will sound familiar. >> like i keep saying, harm reduction does not enable people to continue in their addiction it enables people to continue living >> guy, he spent years battling addiction on hastings street. he says recovery requires survivalling and getting someone receptive to treatment requires patience. >> it is not built on like corporations where we want to see immediate, we need to see the immediate result, these results are going to take time. you have to build the relationships with people. that is why harm reduction is so important. >> harm reduction until people are ready to ask for help or
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lean into recovery, maybe push people towards treatment. this divide over what help should look like driven debate in both of these cities for years now, despite the different approaches we have shown you. it is important to note that this is more than a philosophical argument. >> there is a lot of infighting going on. most of it is for dollars, grant money, health canada, supporting money from the harm reduction model. >> recovery. works. >> the same story is unfolding in san francisco as the recovery community pushes for a share of dollars and sober housing. both cities are having a debate over where the money should go and, how to best get people into treatment. >> it detox will not help anybody unless it is when they need it at the time they need it. right then and there. you can not tell a person to wait six weeks to come to detox. the
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next day might be the day he kills himself >> that is one point where even those that disagree on philosophy find common ground. the idea that there needs to be far more options for help available on demand, if that be recovery in a sober environment or something else. >> scale them all out to support people who struggle with substance use, addiction, all of it. >> and i truly believe that there should be many pathways to recovery and let people decide where they want to go. >> and if you or anyone you know is struggling with addiction you can call the national help line at 1-800-662-help. it is free. it is confidential, and available 24/7. now, to oakland, prosecutors dismissed all charges against one of the suspects connected to the deadly shooting of oakland police officer. the alleged lookout in the burglary that led up to the shooting. he was
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only facing charges for that. while three other men from that alleged burglary have been charged with murder and are expected to stand trial. the officer was killed back in september while responding to a burglary in a cannabis business. working undercover in an unmarked car at the time. oakland police officers association responded to the decision to drop charges against cooper saying perpetrators of violent crimes must face consequences and it undermining public safety. and emboldens those with the peace and securities of our neighborhood. >> some people living in the mission are suing the city over what they say is a failure to address prostitution in their neighborhood. they say the city's resistance to they want the city to move enforcement
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along with the prostitutions. >> the sex workers, told one of our neighbors they would call their pimps and they would just shoot all of us. so, seeing that firsthand, i got to be scared. >> reporter: the city is proposing adding barriers and public safety cameras on shotwell as well as what they call dear john letters targeting the owners of cars seen cruising in the area. >> on to a live look at the state capitol. today, the assembly voted to pass sb-1047 also known as the artificial intelligence safety bill. now this bill introduced by san francisco state senator scott wiener requires cutches with $100 million to come up with safety measures to make sure the technology does not cause any serious harm to society. also, this bill has long been
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villaified by london breed and pelosi and wealthiest names in silicone valley who say it will stimy invasion in the budding industry. on the other hand, other big names like elon musk come out in support of this bill. governor newsom has not said if he will sign it. another ongoing battle just wrapped up today as well as allstate just got the green light to raise its home insurance rates by an average of 34%. that is effecting an estimated 350,000 people across the state. beginning with their bill after november 7th. >> this comes as state farm, the largest insurer in the state is asking regulators for their own 30% rate hike. that 30% would only be for homeowners while renters would see their rate go up by 50%. also, condwould see a 36% hike and this is less than a year after state regulators approved a 20% hike for home
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and condo owners last december. it is leaving many homeowners we spoke to feeling like regulators are putting these company's profits ahead of them. >> because of the fires around here they say my home is in the fire zone so they added $1200 to it. so, now instead of $900 it is $2100. how do i pay that? >> it is not necessarily across the board. if you are in a high risk area you will see a higher percentage. >> according to the latest information provided by the governor's office. california seeing an average of 7,000 wildfires each year. consuming an average of more than two million acres over the past several years. still ahead tonight on the late news, the a's may be leaving but the bees are hoping to be in oakland for the long run. >> the -- b's are hoping to number oakland for the long run >> fans getting a chance to be
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part of a one of a kind ownership model in professional baseball. a beautiful slot here. capturing the fog rolling across the bay. deeper marine layer will spread it farther inland later on tonight. we will talk about what it means as we get closer to labor day weekend coming up on the first alert weather. >> and then, a court ruling in the north bay. how it can effect people getting their water across the state and its impact on the environment. plus, a bay area family is hopping mad after someone took off with their daughter's bunny rabbit named snowy.
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is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability.
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and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? -your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month. plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today!
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. a lot of people tried to drill their own ground wells and the county was happy to let them as they tried to safe as much surface water as they could. now, a superior judge told them to pump the brakes on any new wells. after environmental groups sued sonoma county saying all of the new wells were starting to impact water levels and in danger of drying out smaller tributaries, the judge agreed saying the county failed to uphold the legal duty to uphold these public vital resources >> no oversight whatsoever. they were really just handing them out without any analysis whatsoever. >> it is unclear what this ruling will mean for other
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counties. they could not comment on the ruling. they were still studying it. they have 40,000 ground water wells among the highest in the state with 23,000 properties relying on ground water as the primary water supply. meantime, down in san jose, a family is having to find somewhere else to stay after a grass fire burned their home. you can see it right off of 101. you can see how close it came to other homes. three adults and two children were forced out of the, out of their homes by the fire. thankfully no one was hurt. fire officials are still figuring out what sparked it. all right, from that, we will go to our weather where it certainly is nice temperatures, there is still that threat of fire danger. >> yes, this time of the year the vegetation is dry. the showers that we had last weekend, not nearly. >> not enough to have the fire threat it is something we have to continue watching even with
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the temperatures coast down a little bit. >> okay. let's take a look at what to expect. getting closer to labor day weekend. the big picture pattern, closer to what is normal for this time of the year. let's go to the map on the floor and take a look at the various features, why are we cooling off? the heat dome, releasing the grip on the pay area, shifting farther off to the east, reducing the weight of the atmosphere on top of us and allows the marine layer to get deeper. stronger. all of the factors help the temperatures take a step down today, another one tomorrow, then, friday, back to what is basically normal for this time of the year. looking outside right now from sales force tower, we are seeing fog in the distance, occasionally fog swirling around. not at the moment getting a good view of the bay bridge. temperatures backed down to the 90s that we had earlier into the 60s. 58 degrees in san francisco and santa rosa. your temperature in santa rosa made it up to 93
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degrees today. dropping off rapidly. 35 degrees dropped since this afternoon. the fog is going to continue to make progress across the bay and move farther into the inland valleys. it will not take long to back up out of the inland valleys, lasting longer in the north bay. improving visibility within 9:00 and 10:00. the fog going back. not pulling away from the coast but you are going to see glimmers of sunshine over the course of the next few days, talking about the temperatures, we will start with the north bay. temperatures topping out, cooler than other inland parts of the bay area. the fog hangs on longer, puts the break on the warm up, 80s, upper 70s. topping out in the upper 70s. the hot spots, no surprise, east of the oakland hills lower 90s tomorrow afternoon. a slight step down from where we were today. only 3-4 degrees above average. pretty much the case across the board. almost exactly to normal. still 80s
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for fremont and redwood city one of the warmer spots around the region. again, retreating to normal temperatures by the end of the workweek and the end of holiday weekend. it takes us a third of the way through september at this point. it shows a strong signal towards warmer than normal conditions for most of the western u.s. including us here in the bay area. september is definitely still a summertime month. it will feel every bit of it beginning by tuesday of next week. starting off with the abbreviated post workweek. going to the 80s inland, back in the upper half of the 90s by tuesday and wednesday, plenty of spots will be flirting, making eye contact across the room, 100 degree high temperatures of wednesday next week. around the bay, not that warm, 70 over the weekend. back in the 80s by tuesday and wednesday. the temperatures
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along the coast it is a modest warm up, it is noticeable from the 60s with plenty of fog and drizzle this weekend to more sunshine and temperatures into the lower 70s by tuesday and wednesday. we will keep an eye on it and see if the temperatures bump up more. any off shore breeze coastal parts of bay area could get close to 80 >> the weather is flirting and making eye contact across the room. >> i never heard you say that before. that was great. all right, thank you. while the a's are getting ready to say good-bye to oakland, baseball fans are banking on the team across town to be a big success in putting their money where their mouth is boy literally buying into the team in a way that never has been done before in professional sports. tj jones has joined 1600 other fans to become a
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shareholder in the oakland ballers. >> i have a lot of pride in that. it is cool. i like to tell my friends, you know, say hey, you know, look at what i did. it is cool. >> tj sits behind home plate to cheer on her team. by many her heart was broken by the a's to move to sin city. >> when you love a team since you were 12 it is, you know, that is a big deal. had all of the baseball cards and all of that. yeah. so, it is, it is, it is sad. >> the ballers have seen just how much people love the game just a week into their rout funding campaign. they raised nearly 1.1 million. >> what this overwhelming support shows, fans want another team to be here and a team committed to being here. >> it is unlike the public ownership of the packers which is a nonprofit. fans will have a chance to cash in on the baller's success and they will have a fan representative on
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the board of directors >> we are giving fans a right to vote on certain important things directly. should the team move? can we change the logo. giving the fans a seat at the table which is where we think they deserve to be. >> new concept for the fans that road the decade's long saga with the a's. ramandi park is a place they can call home and be invested in a team that is committed to the town. >> you know, i will move on and, you know, keep having fun in oakland. ballers making a playoff push, too. straight ahead in sports, the 49ers were back on the practice field today. where was number 11? and the giants can not afford any slip ups. each one more magnified than the last. how do we explain the fifth inning tonight in milwaukee?
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i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses.
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is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? -your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month. plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today!
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. all right, let's cut to the chase. number 11 has been cleared. >> cleared to play. he can show up. play. now, the roster is at 53 now, we are starting to cost him a little bit. $35,000 a day. can you imagine? >> no. [ laughter ] >> i don't want to imagine. all right, 49ers, this is what we are talking about. returning to practice for the first time since setting their 53-man roster. not all 53 checked in. krrk u the running soap opera where the star is wide-out brandon eiyuk. now, we saw him before the niners and raiders game. he was not spotted during
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the open practice today that could be considered in an unexcused absence because he has been medically cleared to return. this is what we are talking about. kyle shanahan and john lynch took turns answering questions about their missing receiver. >> to your knowledge will he be out there? >> no. >> if he refuses to practice would you discipline him? >> i will deal with that when that happens, if that happens. >> i have seen these things look dire before and they can quickly turn, that gives you hope. >> what is the expectation that you will be available to play week one? >> no explanation, that is what i am hoping for. >> let's talk about baseball tonight, giants, in milwaukee. harrison, nearly flawless, two outs in the fifth, down 1-0, a pitch he would like to have back against perkips, off of the wall got away from michael,
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adding two more runs, brewers kept going. next pitch, clearing the bases when he went yard. harrison and a five-run inning, brewers won the game 5-3. guy ants can win the series tomorrow. but, the braves won again tonight, that is the team they are chasing. now, the cubs and the mets are ahead of them for post season. all right, now, in cincinnati, you know what i like about the a's? if it is close they are swinging. downtown seth brown, just cleared the fence for a three-run homer. gave the a's an eighth inning, 8-6 lead. for the second night in a row that meant it was miller time. mass onmiller got strike three on a check swing -- mason miller got a strike three on it. now, hosting media day at chase center next month and then it will be off to hawaii for the
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first week of training camp capped with a pre-season game against the clippers. as for l.a.'s other team the lakers, another on the roster. lebron and his son bronny will be teammates and dad established ground rules. >> he can not call me dad in the workplace. once we leave out of the facility i can be dad again. at home i can be dad. no, he got to call me 23 or bron or g.o.a.t if he want to. up to him. it is up to him [ laughter ] >> we can not be running down the court and he be dad, dad, i am open, dad, dad! [ laughter ] >> jules, can you imagine us working with our kids? >> back to you, mom. [ laughter ] >> that would be crazy. >> back to you, dad. >> i would kind of like that. >> i never thought i would see
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father and son be teammates on an nba team. it is happening >> it is awesome. >> all right, thank you, vern. not okay to take a bunny. >> who steals from a little girl? tonight, a family is hoping you can help reunite them with their hippity hoppity best friend their bunny named snowy
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after someone stole their floppy eared friend. take a look at this video. ben says he decided to check his security cameras after neighbors warned him about break ins nearby. so they capture these two people walking around his property early on monday morning. check out the guy in the back there, he did not think they took anything until he checked the camera, facing the hutch, he leans down and grabs the daughter's pet bunny. that is when he saw one of the thieves taking off with snowy. his daughter's bunny's best friend. two bunnies he took snowy. >> a little moment when she came over and i went and got some stuff to secure the backyard a little better. from the hardware store, she came over and i miss snowy. remi said when she found out that she is like at least they did not take me. just really sweet to hear and a good perspective,
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right? >> all right. but, still. where is snowy. >> why just the one? >> petaluma police . >> because they scratch. >> 10 burglaries around the same time in the neighborhoods, okay. first of all, take the car, take the stuff in the shed, do not take snowy the bunny. >> don't take anyone's pets. don't take pets >> that is just wrong. >> don't take stuff that is not yours, first of all. >> yeah, first of all. hopefully we can find snowy, in this hot weather those bunnies need to be indoors, they need hey, carrots, tlc >> scratches behind the ears >> bring snowy home. take the car. thanks for watching. late slow is up next. let us ow >> the kamala harris campaign is embracing the memes. >> harris is getting a boost


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