tv CBS News Roundup CBS September 3, 2024 2:42am-3:30am PDT
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>> i will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which i am about to enter. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. >> as the first black female on the supreme court, what kind of pressure does that come with? >> i think there is a fair amount of attention that comes with being the first. and when eyes are on you, you really do want to perform well. >> reporter: and this first is determined she won't be the last. >> i'm still just so floored from being in this building. >> reporter: she details her journey to the highest court in her memoir, out tuesday. >> the title, "lovely one." >> yes. >> that's what your name means. >> it is. it is. so my aunt was in the peace corps in africa when i was born. and my parents really wanted to honor our heritage and asked her to send them a list of african names. and they picked that one, lovely
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one, ketanji onyika, which is my given middle name. >> reporter: her parents, john and ellery brown, grew up in the segregated south but this middle-class miami couple had high hopes for their daughter. >> i was born within five years of the civil rights act, the voting rights act. so they were like here's our opportunity to make sure that our daughter can do all the things that we didn't get to do. my parents had raised me to believe that i could do anything i wanted to do. that was my way of thinking about myself. >> reporter: and that's exactly what she did. by high school ketanji brown was a national speech and debate champion, with even bigger ambition. >> people recognized that i had said i wanted to have a judicial appointment. and i had forgotten all about that. wanting to have a judicial appointment. but there it is in my high school yearbook. >> wow.
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>> reporter: no surprise, harvard came next. more unexpected was the young man in lecture hall. this is the classroom where you met. >> this is the classroom where we met. so i would sit i want to say it was like maybe here. >> yeah. >> with one of my friends. >> that's right. i would always try to sit right behind you just to get your attention. >> in the row behind me. >> and then he would lean over and, you know, tap me on the shoulder. >> reporter: in 1996 she married patrick jackson. he was the young surgeon. she was the harvard law grad aiming even higher. jackson clerked for supreme court justice stephen breyer and later worked as a federal public defender. but at home she admits she was struggling. a young mother, two daughters, one eventually diagnosed as autistic. >> i think i was probably harder on myself and harder perhaps on my daughter than i should have been. it's like i didn't really
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believe that there could have been some sort of neurological issue and therefore kind of pushed both herself and me. >> reporter: in 2013 the long-sought federal judgeship did come. years later a surprise announcement from presidential candidate joe biden. >> i'm looking forward to making sure there's a black woman on the supreme court, to make sure we in fact get every representation -- >> dr. jackson, what did you think when you heard him say that? >> i have always thought ketanji would be doing this job. when i interviewed to come to georgetown, the chair at the time said why do you want to come to georgetown? and i said because we need to be in d.c. because my wife is going to be a supreme court justice. so i -- >> he always knew. he always knew. i of course was like, yeah, right. >> my admiration and love for ketanji is palpable.
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it -- it's like -- it's uncontrollable. this is not a voluntary thing. i wish it was controllable. but it is not. >> so it wasn't a surprise when you heard joe biden say i'm going to nominate a black woman to the supreme court? >> no. i thought he said i'm going to nominate ketanji. >> that's what you heard in your mind. >> that's what i heard. >> then in 2022 it happened. >> i'd like you to go to the supreme court. how about that? >> sir, i would be so honored. >> at 51 ketanji brown jackson became the newest member of the supreme court. >> since you joined the court two years ago you immediately became the most prolific questioner among the justices. no one else is even close to you. why do you laugh? >> because i was the most prolific questioner as a district court judge as well. because i have a lot of
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questions. i think it's harder obviously when you're one of nine than when you're all alone. and there's an adjustment period that i think had to happen from my perspective. i wasn't doing anything different. and maybe i should have been. but i have questions. and we have a very complicated legal system. and these issues are hard. >> reporter: one of the hardest issues the supreme court tackled this year involved donald trump. the question, could the former president face criminal charges for his efforts to undo his 2020 election defeat to joe biden? in july the court ruled 6-3 along ideological lines that trump was entitled to immunity for official acts as president. jackson dissented. >> you were concerned about broad immunity.
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>> i was concerned about a system that appeared to provide immunity for one individual under one set of circumstances when we have a criminal justice system that had ordinarily treated everyone the same. >> are you prepared that this election could end up before the supreme court? >> as prepared as anyone can be. let me ask you, are you prepared for all of the news cycles that you're getting as a result of this election? >> no. >> no. exactly. i think there are legal issues that arise out of the political process. and so the supreme court has to be prepared to respond if that should be necessary. >> reporter: today fewer than half of americans say they have a favorable view of the supreme court. pick your reason. the partisan confirmation battles, the overturning of roe vs. wade, or undisclosed trips and gifts given to justices, including samuel alito and
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clarence thomas. >> by one analysis justice thomas has accepted around $4 million in trips, travel and gifts over the past two decades. is that inappropriate? >> oh, i'm not going to comment on other justices' interpretations of the rules or what they're doing. >> what's your personal code of ethics? >> well, i follow the rules. whatever they are. with respect to ethical obligations. and it's important in my view to do so. it really boils down to impartiality. that's what the rules are about. people are entitled to know if you're accepting gifts as a judge so that they can evaluate whether or not your opinions are impartial. >> the president wants a binding code for the supreme court that would enforce gift disclosures and recusals. do you see a problem with that? >> so a binding code of ethics
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is pretty standard for judges. and so i guess the question is is the supreme court any different? and i guess i have not seen a persuasive reason as to why the court is different than the other courts. >> are you considering supreme courting an enforcement mechanism? >> i am considering supporting it as a general matter. i'm not going to get into commenting on particular policy proposals. but from my perspective i don't have any problem with an enforceable code. >> this is justice thurgood marshall's mantle clock. >> reporter: justice ketanji brown jackson will likely be on the court for decades. but she's already been sewn into history. >> it was handmade by a woman from texas. and i have it right across from my desk. >> reporter: and the opinions
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from her desk will shape the nation, just as she hopes her story will. >> your family went from segregation to the supreme court. >> yes. in one generation. >> yeah. it is the story of the promise of america. >> i think so. >> is it also still a story of exception? >> i think less and less every day, which is really what progress means. when you go from never having seen or done this thing to seeing someone do it and then it's happening more often and then you feel like we've progressed.
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at his best...ds to be he needs protection that goes beyond. dove men with 72-h protection and 1/4 moisturizer. so he can forget his underarms and focus on being unforgettable. dove men. forgettable underarms, unforgettable you. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. (♪♪) when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief.
2:53 am
after cooking a delicious knorr chicken cheddar broccoli recipe you will want to close your delivery apps. because nothing beats a perfect combo of sweet tomatoes, and smooth silky zucchini. make your own knorr taste combo. it's not fast food, but it's so good. [cough] honey... honey. nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey, [comedian] i was like put a pin in it, we're done! [audience laughing] oh no! she's gonna make me pee my pants! you and me both! ever laugh so hard you leak? well always discreet keeps me worry free all set long, by holding even my biggest gushes. with up to zero leaks, wet feel, and odor. so you're not just dry, you're laugh until you cry dry. everyday protection for every level of leak. we've got you, always.
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always discreet. in europe a bird on the brink of extinction is making a surprising comeback thanks to some very dedicated adoptive parents. tina kraus explains. >> reporter: researchers have rolled out a unique flight school in germany's countryside. for feathered students who've been preparing for the mission since birth. >> we get the chicks when they are four to seven days old, and from that day on they only see me and my colleague, the other foster mother. >> reporter: these bird moms form a unique bond with rare northern bald ibises, creatures known for getting lost and dying while trying to migrate. >> we feed them. we clean them. we clean their nests. we take good care of them. but also we interact with them. also social interaction is a big
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part of parenthood. >> reporter: scientist johannes fritz says it's all about building trust for the journey ahead. >> then we train them to follow the foster parents. >> reporter: follow them on a flight path across europe designed to save them. bird moms shout from the ground and in the sky, encouraging their kids to stay on course. >> because we feel a special bond to them and we know that we are responsible for them because we are their mothers. >> reporter: mothers who are seeing their hard work pay off. the number of northern bald ibises in central europe has grown from zero to nearly 300 since the project first launched 20 years ago. tina zimmerman: five years ago, i reconnected with my estranged father, and that's just something i never ever thought could happen. but when he became a believer, he just had this insatiable appetite to learn the bible, and he began to watch dr. stanley.
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more than a million electric bicycles, or e-bikes, are sold every year in the united states. and up until now there's been little regulation about just how and where they can be ridden. that may soon change. at least in new york city. bradley blackburn reports. >> reporter: if you think of the dangers from e-bikes, this might flash to mind. a hot burning battery fire. but warnings about charging the bikes may have overshadowed some more fundamental threats. with weighty batteries and robust frames e-bikes can zip through traffic and it doesn't take a degree in physics to know getting into an accident with a
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heavier and faster bike creates far more force than the classic pedal-powered bicycle. according to the consumer products safety commission, e-bike and e-scooter accidents led to nearly a quarter of a million emergency room visits from riders from 2017 to 2022. in that time there were also 215 deaths. >> be prepared for the quick acceleration of e-bikes. and for the not so quick braking. >> reporter: in new york city officials recently rolled out a campaign to educate e-bike riders about road safety. assemblywoman jennifer roger kumar wants to go further. she's introduced legislation to require insurance, registration and inspections for e-bikes and scooters. >> we are not against e-bikes and scooters. we just need some common sense regulations to keep the streets safe. that's what this is about. >> reporter: long-time cyclist john campo says it's overdue. >> plain and simple, it's a motor vehicle and you're putting it in the hands of people that really aren't competent. >> reporter: riding in new york city last summer an e-scooter
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collided with campo, then fled the scene. he was left with road rash, broken ribs and other injuries. >> you say things have to change. >> absolutely. it's really tragic to the people that are losing their livelihoods and their lives. >> reporter: a growing argument to put the brakes on an unregulated e-bike boom. bradley blackburn, cbs news, new york. >> certainly got to be careful out there. and that's today's "cbs news roundup." for some of you the news continues. for others tune in later for "cbs mornings" and follow us online anytime at reporting from the cbs news broadcast center in new york city, i'm carissa lawson.
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hello and thanks for staying up with us. i'm carissa lawson in new york. here are the top stories on "cbs news roundup." continued protests in israel demanding a gaza cease-fire brings the nation to a halt. on a campaign stop alongside president biden vice president kamala harris insists u.s. steel should remain an american-owned company. and travel chaos as the long labor day weekend comes to an end. israel remains in turmoil as protests continue against prime minister benjamin netanyahu over his handling of the gaza hostage crisis. a nationwide strike on monday saw israel's main airport impacted as the nation came to a virtual halt. public anger has exploded since the bodies of six hostages including one israeli-american were found inside gaza over the
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weekend. all of them were executed. cbs's imtiaz tyab reports from israel. >> reporter: thousands gathered at a jerusalem cemetery to say their last goodbyes to berkeley-born israeli-american hersh goldberg-polin, including the 23-year-old's parents, rachel and jon. >> hersh, we failed you. we all failed you. >> reporter: the goldberg-polins are among the most high-profile hostage families, who took the plight of those held by hamas to the global stage, including the democratic party convention. >> bring them home! >> as you go now on your journey i hope it's as good as the trips you dreamed about because finally, my sweet boy, finally, finally, finally, finally you're free! >> reporter: hersh goldbe goldberg-polin's body was found in a gaza tunnel alongside the remains of ori danino, alex lobanov, almog sarusi, carmel
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gat and eden yerushalmi. according to initial autopsy reports all were shot in the head between 48 and 72 hours before they were found by israeli soldiers. their killings have triggered a second night of furious protests as thousands of israelis continue to demand prime minister benjamin netanyahu agree to a cease-fire and hostage release deal with hamas. the fury here is on a scale not seen before, with protesters blaming the killings of the six hostages squarely on netanyahu. >> my government is -- the people who are supposed to keep us safe, they just don't do their jobs. >> reporter: in an address to the nation netanyahu appealed for forgiveness. for not bringing the six hostages back alive and said hamas will, quote, pay a heavy price. but protesters accuse him of stalling months now. the u.s.-brokered hostage release talks for his own political gain.
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and until an agreement is reached the violence in gaza rages on. over the past 24 hours, 48 palestinians have been killed in israeli strikes according to health officials. even as the u.n. attempts to vaccinate 640,000 palestinian children in the hopes of preventing a major outbreak of polio in the devastated territory. now, based on the framework of a multiphase deal, israel and hamas agreed to back in july, three of the six hostages who were killed would have been released as part of the first phase of any eventual cease-fire agreement. but hersh goldberg-polin would have been one of them. imtiaz tyab, cbs news, tel aviv. the democratic presidential ticket spent this labor day speaking to union members. president biden joined vice president kamala harris as she blasted a potential sale of manufacturing giant u.s. steel
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to japan. cbs's skyler henry reports from the white house. >> reporter: president f president biden and vice president kamala harris are together again, campaigning at a union hall in pittsburgh. it's their first campaign event together since harris was elevated on the democratic ticket as the presidential nominee. >> i promise you if you elect kamala harris as president it will be the best decision you will have ever made. >> reporter: earlier harris was in the battleground state of michigan including workers in the union stronghold of detroit. >> when i am president, we will pass the pro act and end union busting once and for all. >> reporter: her running mate, minnesota governor tim walz, met with labor leaders in his state before speaking at a labor day event in milwaukee. >> vice president harris is a protector of democracy. when we win this election, we'll have your back just like you've had our back. >> reporter: the campaign says the biden-harris administration is the most pro-labor in history and claims the trump administration was anti-worker and anti-union.
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union members are an important base of support in this year's election. >> it's very important for democrats, a key part of the biden 2020 coalition that harris is looking to replicate this time around. >> give it up for president donald j. trump. >> reporter: the republican nominee took a break from campaigning this holiday weekend, criticizing the current administration's immigration policies at an event friday night. >> many of these people are criminals. many of these people are coming out of the roughest countries in the world. >> reporter: the campaigns are intensifying, with a little more than two months to go until election day. skyler henry, cbs news, the white house. tens of millions of americans headed home on monday, hitting the roads and the airports at the end of the labor day holiday weekend. long lines at the airport and heavy traffic were expected but bad weather and a labor strike added to the travel woes. cbs's errol barnett reports. >> reporter: stormy weather
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sweeping through dallas set off some of the worst airport delays nationwide as a surge of travelers head home from long weekend getaways. on the road to new york's laguardia airport leaving early was a winning play for tennis pro mackenzie mcdonald, returning to orlando after playing in the u.s. open. >> labor day and this weekend a busy time to travel. are you worried about that? >> actually, it's been easier getting out of manhattan was a lot easier this morning. i was actually very lucky. it was only a 20-minute car ride. >> reporter: but there were some unlucky hotel guests sunday when approximately 10,000 hotel workers walked off the job at 25 hotels across the country including marriott, hyatt, and hilton properties in nine cities stretching from honolulu to boston. members of the unite here union, representing hospitality workers like housekeepers and front desk staff, are seeking higher wages and a reversal of pandemic-era job cuts. >> i won't have to work two
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jobs. i won't have to get three hours of sleep. so that's how important it is. >> reporter: the union expects the strike to last up to three days, hitting when the busy summer travel season comes to an end. errol barnett, cbs news, new york. venezuela has issued an arrest warrant for the former opposition presidential candidate edmundo gonzalez. it comes one month after venezuelan election officials declared he lost to president nicolas maduro. the u.s. and its allies will not recognize the result, citing overwhelming evidence that maduro did not win. when "cbs news roundup" continues, dangerous stifling heat having a deadly effect on student athletes. straight ahead, what's being done to protect them.
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latoya: while serving in iraq, our vehicle was hit and it was bad. back home, i had to learn to live with the scars both visible and invisible. having someone on your side means everything. announcer: dav helps veterans like latoya get the benefits they've earned. they help more than a million veterans every year. latoya: my victory is overcoming my wounds so i can help other veterans. announcer: support more victories for veterans. go to this is "cbs news roundup."
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i'm carissa lawson in new york. the stifling heat in much of the country has some school districts sending students home early and canceling after-school activities. that includes football practice. some young players have already died this season. and the temperature is not the only danger. carter evans reports. ♪ how great you are ♪ >> reporter: it's a high school gathering no one wanted to see. a memorial for 15-year-old robert gilhen. the florida teen died from possible cardiac arrest the morning after he complained of chest pain at football practice. he's one of at least seven teenage football players who've died just this month. >> this is one of those things you thought would never happen. >> reporter: ryan craddock's 13-year-old son cohen was rushed to the hospital in west virginia after hitting his head during practice last friday. >> just a standard play. there was nothing any different about it. >> reporter: cohen was wearing a helmet but the injury caused his brain to swell, and he died the next day.
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16-year-old caden tellier also died after a severe head injury during a game at his school in alabama. >> please be advisedt the football field had a heatstroke. >> reporter: leslie noble also 16 collapsed on the field in baltimore and died after a possible heatstroke. >> if you look at the main cause of catastrophic problems in kids, we talk about heat, we talk about hearts, and we talk about heads. >> what can parents do? >> talking to the coaching, knowing who's supervising and making sure those people are trained and have the necessary equipment if there's a problem. >> reporter: cohen craddock's dad is already taking action, urging schools to attach padded head protectors called guardian caps to football helmets. >> i don't want to waste time. that's the reason i'm trying to push to get guardian caps for these kids now. >> even before your son's funeral. >> yes, sir. i do not want to see this happen to anybody else. >> reporter: now, in addition to extra padding for helmets, parents should ask coaches two important questions right now.
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after cooking a delicious knorr chicken cheddar broccoli recipe you will want to close your delivery apps. because nothing beats a perfect combo of sweet tomatoes, and smooth silky zucchini. make your own knorr taste combo. it's not fast food, but it's so good. i thought i was sleeping ok... but i was waking up so tired. then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four—point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. did you know your skin barrier is more receptive to skincare at night? olay super serum night repair.
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delivers five benefits in one. visibly renewing surface skin cells while you sleep. you'll see visible results in 7 nights. olay. some best-selling authors and major publishing houses are going to court. they're suing the state of florida over a controversial law that led to the banning of hundreds of books from schools and public libraries. cristian benavides explains. >> reporter: on 16-year-old's doug case's bookshelf you'll find books that may not be available in some florida classrooms. >> slaughterhouse five. >> reporter: his mother judy said the florida law restricting certain books in school libraries is hurting jack's ability to learn. >> we're not talking about "playboy" magazine. you know, we're talking about anna ka rennina. >> reporter: the hays are part
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of a lawsuit filed by penguin randomhouse and several other companies that argues the law violates the first amendment and created a regime of strict censorship in schools. right now any county resident can challenge books over their sexual content. that book must be removed within five school days and remain unavailable until the objection is resolved. classics that have been pulled include maya angelou's "i know why the caged bird sings" and ernest hemingway's "for whom the bell tolls." >> it is not protecting children. >> reporter: author laurie house anderson's book "speak" about sexual assault was removed. >> parents can say no, i don't want my child to read that. that's their choice for their kid. but what they don't have the right to do is to decide for other people's children. >> reporter: the lawsuit means the florida board of education is a defendant. they called it a stunt. not named is florida governor ron desantis, who championed the law. >> they tried to say that this is, quote, banning books. but what you have in a school,
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you have to make judgments about what's appropriate or not. >> reporter: jack hayes said politics should not play a role in his education. >> if a student wants to read, they should be able to read that book. >> reporter: a florida department of education spokesperson said there are no books banned in florida. but pan america, a free speech organization, said that between 2021 and 2023 there have been over 3,000 challenges to books across 11 school districts in florida. that's more than anywhere else in the country. >> that was cristian benavides reporting. no matter which books are in the school library, many young students have a difficult time reading. only about a third of elementary school students are reading at grade level. and that's got some districts rethinking the curriculum. brook silva-braga has the story. >> i pine i. oh oh oh. >> reporter: this is what a reading lesson now sounds like
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in a new york city first grade. >> now i'm adding e to it. >> reporter: melissa jones diaz going letter by letter teaching the mysterious code of the english language. >> it makes that letter o, that vowel, say its own name. >> reporter: do kids really need to be explicitly taught all these rules? >> it makes the a say its own name. >> reporter: for decades most schools said no. give kids time with books they like and they'll mostly figure it out themselves. not now. specific detailed instruction is taking over. >> it was a big shift in my teaching, in my understanding of how students learn to read. >> i did notice when i walked in there's this decoding strategies poster up there. was that poster up here a year ago? >> no. this year now that's more based upon the science of reading. >> reporter: the science of reading isn't so much a curriculum as a grassroots movement, best known for arguing that phonics, the relationship between letters and their sounds, is key to learning to
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read. it's powered by parents who believe the old system left their kids behind, and it's quickly transforming how reading is taught. 39 states and the district of columbia have passed new laws or made new rules requiring schools to follow the science of reading approach. that generally means new books and new teacher training with a focus on phonics. >> what we were doing was not working for a large number of our students. over half. >> reporter: jason borges is overseeing new york city's new reading program after a partial rollout last year it's in every classroom this fall. >> very good. >> reporter: and old approaches like getting kids to look at the pictures to guess the word, so-called cuing, are being pushed to the past. >> so cuing is out. >> teachers cannot do it anymore. >> they should not be doing it. >> reporter: instead, when brielle rosario flips through cinderella.
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>> the king's son was to give a ball. >> reporter: she's taught to ignore the pictures and focus on the letter groups. >> o. >> reporter: the class has spent hours drilling on. >> a welded sound. >> what is a welded sound? >> like o and d -- >> reporter: research is showing this method does help, but somewhat modestly. a recent stanford study found two years of the approach was like getting an extra quarter year of learning. implementing the changes can be hard. and knowing just how far to push those changes is still being sorted out. >> there has been obviously this giant swing across the country. we've seen it in state after state after state. i wonder how you think about the possibility of the pendulum swinging too far. >> it is a concern, particularly for me. it's not just about phonics. right? there's so much more to teaching reading that i worry that things will be not only too reductive being just phonics but also that things do get taken a bit too
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far. >> reporter: the nation's largest school system is now attempting that balance. the test results will be eagerly awaited. >> name. >> good job. >> good job. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical whi prh and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. i think it's a great product. he needs protection that goes beyond.
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dove men with 72-h protection and 1/4 moisturizer. so he can forget his underarms and focus on being unforgettable. dove men. forgettable underarms, unforgettable you. [audience laughing] worried you'll laugh so hard you'll leak? well always discreet can hold your biggest gushes with up to zero leaks and odor. so you're not just dry. you're laugh until you cry dry. we've got you, always. always discreet. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. millions of american homes have solar panels on their roofs. owners say it saves them money. and it's good for the environment. well, now some are turning to a new way to heat and cool their homes, and it comes from the
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earth. astrid martinez reports. >> reporter: the next step in ecofriendly energy could look like this. the long pipes being drilled into the ground will help heat and cool this home using geothermal energy. the process takes advantage of temperatures underground, which tend to stay around 55 degrees year-round. in the winter fluid is sent through the warm ground, then enters a pump that heats it even more and distributes hot air into the house. >> the goal is to take advantage of the fact that the soil has a lot of heat capacity, a lot of availability of heat. >> reporter: in the summer the system is reversed. hot air is pulled out of the home and sent through the ground to cool. residential geothermal makes up just 1% of the u.s. heating and cooling market. but now there are new incentives. >> there's an amazing policy landscape helping homeowners afford this technology. >> reporter: kathy hanun is the
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co-founder of the company geothermal dandelion and says like solar the government is offering tax breaks. >> on the federal level we have the investment tax credit where the federal government just pays for 30% of the system. >> reporter: that would mean a homeowner buying a $30,000 system would pay $21,000. and many states have their own tax credits, which can bring the price down even more. >> nobody else, our neighbors and friends have done this, so they're all looking up to us to see how the performance is going to be. >> reporter: homeowners using geothermal energy can save anywhere from 30% to 70% on heating and cooling costs depending on where they live. people in places with cold winters and hot summers see the la
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