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tv   12 News  NBC  August 13, 2016 5:00pm-5:31pm MST

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that will force the setr to away. >> france is goingo challee. >> a cllenge coming. >> christensonikes this serv inde out. it a tgh one for a lot o receivs to hand. you ser from about sevee inside the rht hash mark and yowork back to the small se of thecour >>all grennikov, matt anderson, all waiting. tillie has held his teamith two chalnges. that's good forwo points. >> put that on the sta sheet. >> what would the score bender theld syst?
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>> holtain. combination. not ther ngapeth gets the ball up agai back to aaron russe out of the ba row. >> he's not happy with the way he'spled. 's attked the bl pretty well wh 14 kills t his overall game is notsood as it h been and he sethe b awfully high. hu wet spot fm earvin ngapeth so courtttendants comi out making suret'sdry. here's the service story for the unitedtates. thre es, ten errors for fran, 13 erro, 4aces back row combinaonnd that
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ngapeth and rouzier tiedor the team leaor fnce with 17 kills. shoji not a gd ss. at w a relivy ey st and tn a stuff bloc. >> that aowed him to g ther that's a big right hand in the se. >> remember thscario the united states goout to 0-2 start. eye now 1-2 aerhe ance is 2- at's a gt a that ball drifts out of bounds. 's a must-winsituation. unitedtatehas toinhis matc >> nothing and. after the brazil tc nothing had chaed becse of the0-2 start. itas great. it was excitingfoue a u.s. fan or u.s. cching staff member or pler. it didn't change athing abo the predicament you put yrself in. >> missed sve by holt.
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>> u.s. needs a couple bloc. need t side out consistently. like i mentiedo you, kevin, ten stuffed blo in the first two setsnd non sinc tter oense by frce? bter oense and betr passing with few portunitie we've se the unitestates so be out of position aew mes anus miss plang missed opportunities to block a ball. >> 40 inches and nded all that hang time to get hand on that ball. 12-1 unitedtates leadintwoets to one. an off thelo a out of boun. uted stat has two of its
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maxolt ssed. matt anderson skippedt off the ta. france breathes si o relief. >> wh thi jump flt, united statesut toak it overhand. >> russel what a dig by tillie. and saved. get back on t urt, uzr. and agn wit the dig. >> shas of 20. t tse two highlights side by si. at aeffort. filling the stat set on one play. overhand pass io davidlee. du by tillie agai
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it wasoloud. net violatio called against ngapeth and france but they're gog tohallengehe ca. given fran'srack rerd, just give it to them right now. they'v been really good o chalnges so f in this set. >> they is a good way to deribet. excellent wato talkboutit. there's a net. it was ngapeth' hand. >> ty have to communite whethethey didr in this casearvin ngathay have numb hdecause it was in the t. aaro russell back to serv you're just joinius, the united states a stunni comeback in the oning set. they won it 25-22. also on the secd set by the same ore. frce came back. drlethe americans 25-14 i the thir amerans out to a 6-1 lead but
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>> brazil's favitelaye at e line. >> le roux. ngapeth. d he stuffed. finay atuff block for the unit states. >> talked toevin earlier. >> easy servingight now for the united states. good pla by lee. >> rouzier through a seam in the blk and do.
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>> a lot ofum floats from france rig now. tit set. taylor sder off the p. what a swingy matt derson. wow. talk about taking o the >> i'm watching this and watching the transition blo of france a with vin le roux out there i would go set to middle. would exploit tha matchup in transition. leoux is takg o way early. eas serve ain gobbled up. over the top and ripped. e united stas serng has
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americs toet out o thi match wh a winn four sa thatointn ce you end up in a tiesituation. u wanto haveaxum points onoursi. three points for a win i three or fo. two for a win in fi. >> ngapeth with a serve io the net. we don't lik the system. it's fine for a lonlub pressional season over 30 or 40atches b not in a tourment. it is what it is. it's the same for all the tes. 16-15. e united states got toet ba on track rvg. franceas been superb receiving nce the firstset. back t uzier. down the line again. >> with the delivery. ge pssure on the bloc that's abouts far as you can back a ball in this gam toda all the way fromhe opposite sideline. the american block notble t get ere.
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>> here's kevin le roux inconstent fm the service line. you never know what to expect. th's the same as aceiver. serd the ball out o bounds. >> don think kevin lroux is your thiing man volleyball player. i instinual guy. forfrance. >>ith france's passing capability, you ve t remain aggressive erics have g i errors so they are getting a bit timid. i thoug the one hit by micah christenson was aood one and frce hdled itel enough. >>ied at 17. ht. there's max holt unloading out of the midd. u cald it, kevin.
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>> misse tt serve well out of bods. w. >> earfu from johnperaw on >> tt ball drifts out o bounds. france going with a lot of jump oats exceptrom ngapeth and rouzier and now matt anderso will go back to the ne. if someone cld put together a serving streak, thell win ts set. t united states does, they'll win t match. if fnce does, we'll be playing five >> look athat pass. good tch o of the mile.
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inside and france's block is do and now amecans wit a twpoint vante. >> this tim it'sle goff pushinoff. watch his body position. way offhe net fing t the left side. that a trible w toblock. anderson takes adntage. >> time-out caed by frce. thenitestates lding 20-18 in the fourt hello. hi. lce. thiss thchevy mali. "most dependable midze car" by j. we it looks great. by j. we wow! what is happening? oh my sh, it's going u but the mabu's not the on vehicle that s awded. is is mind bwing. e chevy cama, equinox,nd silverado hd were arded mt depeable as well. this is extremely impresve. equinox,nd silverado hd thers so my! doing it once, ye great job,
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>> andern served 18 times. only o ace. at doesn't tel the story. he put a lot of pressure on france. can he withstandhereur nowoming out of the time-out excellt serve. to apeth. at dig by shoji. taylor sander cannot imrsonation and get at ball. play. ngeth es over the top perfect ting >> le goff. another jumfloat serve. to themiddle. no. combination ay. noood timing. micah christenso what a play i told you he was a former basketball player. that was two-handed slam nk. >>e hits right or left handed.
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you cldt g bigger. >> tha was huge ay. thatas an aolutely marvels stinive pl. >> tim and time again micah chstenson has proved himself smt beyond h years,ce water in his veins. love the way hcompetes. >> ptty goodserve. on t overpasshristenson again comingn to see. united stateleadg it 22-19. they ld t sets to one. last group match will be two daysrom now again mexico for the united states ereafrance has to te onbrazil and that ball served out of
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for numb 9. rphy troy out of st. lou and usc. aaronussell will come back . another jumploat serve. shld united ates recvers move up farther? >> tytruggled in ts rotation >> pfect psy shoji. derson down the line. >> matt anderson plad in big tches in his care. cond te in the olympics. multipleime winne of chamons league. he's not feeling the essure. he simply in t groove. matt anderson had 24 kls agnst brazil. having another big match here late in the afrnoon. ngapeth off the bck and o of bounds anders's nber, 13 of 31. hitting just under .300.
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thiss a very dangerouserver inarvinngaph. coming to derson. ouide to tayr sanr for the kill wh a swing by sande down the ne. and now three mat points for the united ates. the united states has gten off the deck aft being swept by canada to matchoint number one. and micah christenson missest into the top othetape. and i isevin l rou gng ck to rve. we sawhem strugglegainst braz. >>ime-outalled by the united states.
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>> if the.s. tak ts viory,t wl be because ery player on the court contrited. the ll from tlor sander ere. erik shoji fightinoff aomb aserve. the cluh anderson. the bcking of e middles. anher teeam fort. >> i w a teamffortn that ddle. 20 people cming in. here's le roux. ssell with t pa. here comes anderson. france a chance to get whin one. out bound the uted ates has won! they are now 2- in gup play and theyave put themselves
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al michaels. >> and o that note, thas t endf our daytime coverage. olymc prime time with bob cost coming up. michael phelps makin his final olpic im live in the medley lay. you don't nt to miss it. our whole crewown here at the
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. 12 news starts now. the first week of the games wraps up, it has been history making, stunning, bittersweet and at times disappoints. every step of the way memorable. and welcome to 12 news at 5:00. we are your home for olympics. day 8 as some sports wrap up others are just starting. ky not believe this. tonight michael phelps will race for the last time. more details in a moment. >> right now us with what is happening there. >> vanessa? >> gang, happy saturday. can you guys believe this. it is over week one in the books. and the weekend is here as i said. you know when you walk around the parked here you can feel the flavor of the, people are pumped and rooting for their teams. they are brimming with pride and all of the fans brought together by their love of sports.
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here we shot here. it is of a group of fans celebrating how well their national team is doing right now. people have been chanting songs and displaying flags and cheering on their favorite countries. it has been amazing to watch the different nationalities in one place and have everyone so far participate and have a lot of fun. again these were the fans that we caught as they were celebrating. they were kind of going nuts. it was great sod far the fans genuinely seem happy to be here and celebrate the games. we were able to catch up with a group of americans -- group of americans who were visiting here for the first time. this is what they told us. >> getting to come to rio and to the olympics is like checking two things off my list. this is one of the most beautiful cities. >> eye' representing for the u.s.a. and for rio and so, you have to
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then i have -- i'm a u.s.a. girl. >> respect in each other's countries cheering for each other and enjoying it, u.s.a.! [ laughter ] >> well, you know you saw how the fans there kind of came up behind of the interview and started chanting u.s.a., those were the brazillian fans, that's what we have been seeing here in the park. a don't get me wrong. things are tense when the score is tight. but at the end of the day as i mentioned. and we see them celebrating. wouldn't that be great if the world got along pretty much the rest of the time like the people here at the games, too. >> that's like the olympic village, that would be wonderful, i want to ask you i know that yesterday you caught up with the lesley jones now down there in rio.
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stalking her? >> she has been busy going to the events she has been tweeting and snapchatting up a storm. i hope to cattedch up with her later this week, however i will stay that my new target is matthew mcconahauey, i support this. >> target is the right wo choice there. watch out. >> thank as lot. >> all right, all right, all right. track and field underway. eight athletes with ties on the team broke and the favorite devon miller will be the favorite. a quest for gold on monday but first who is ready to see the mastest man. bolted, fresh off that hamstring injury. he looks good. he is looking to be the first
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after a sluggish start he cruised with a time of 10.07 and justin gatlin to the semis. >> lot to look forward to. it is the rocket science of track and field. we're talking about pole vaulting. >> one of the most dynamic. they are not in it for the money they are in it to ply to a maximum height. >> we spoke to a young man who may one day soar to a gold medal, to be a pole vaulter have to be a little crazy. >> and are you running down as fast as can you go. planting a pole that is made of fiberglass into a small box that's 8 inches deep. bending and get up and down so you can be a sling shot. >> for alex bishop. this is life. >> we didn't like it as first. i was recruited to do it. it grew on me.
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gymnastics background. at 25 he came close to making the games, we do a lot of sprint stuff. a lot of lifting and a lot of positioning. to an outside observer like me that looks easy enough. >> all in the mind. >> the first dry. second. >> then i called it a day. >> did i make any error. >> the most amount of adrenaline and focus that you can have. you're in fueling the desire to make the next height more than 15 feet in the air, dangerous, intense. >> no matter the weather, no matter what, you know, waxable external factors are out there, it is all on you. i love it. i love it. the united states dominates in pole vault. >> that's true. our country won 21 golds.
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>> for 16 days the spirit shows us peace and solidarity. we heard van seas talk about that. >> we were able to see the images of the countries and fans coming together. like the athletes we come together from different parts of the world to celebrate. >> and ryan cody found a house that embodies the best of human nature and what they are about. >> ryan. >> we are here at a house countries all over the world. we have students from 10 different countries thinning out at this point but still excited. we had an ice cream social earlier on today. everyone getting a chance to watch some of the games we just watched the united states defeat france on 12 news like i know everyone else did. even though there were not rivalries going on between the
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watch themselves now. we didn't have that but if we did the loves would come off. >> it is the best country ever. i don't have to say anything. everyone knows. >> we're better. get out of here. just kidding. >> i'll say something in my native language maybe >> my host family would not know what it means. >> like your basketball team the best in the world my country not so good. i love it. viva italy. >> so he know was is going on there. and the united states leading the medals. we said there were ten represented, one of them the united states for sure. we have a couple of u.s. supporters here.
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the medal, you know thing right now. just saying. >> are you cool with that? >> nice there. >> very cool that's mind- boggling. >> and we're trying to keep it. trying to keep it loose here watching the us that's right. live in gi ten languages, all in one room. >> yes. >> his socks though, nicely done. >> representing. >> on the tennis court no american will win a singles title. madison keys lost in the match today. >> but there is hope in mixed doubles, right, there give an american team will win the silver and gold. and advancing to the mixed
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rahm tomorrow at 9:30. >> that's exciting. we have the chance to medal a lot of people think the individuals and that's where it ends for them but the mixed doubles you forget, and especially with venus williams. >> she doesn't play them. it is good to see here alive and hopely one ofs williams will bring home a medal. she picked up her game. ahead on the news at 5:00 a look what to watch tonight from
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