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tv   12 News Today  NBC  September 16, 2016 5:00am-5:30am MST

5:00 am
the incoming phoenix police chief...about to start her new job - and they payday she's going to get?it's a big one... she's at it again... megan rapinoe.. taking a knee in protest during the national anthem.but that move... isn't sitting well with her bosses... donald trump's campaign... says their candidate isn't a 'birther'.but trump himself? he's not saying anything.... and that has a lof of people talking... ???adlib welcome ???adlib & toss jimmy
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traffic tense moments this morning along the loop 202... as d-p-s went after a wrong way driver. team 12's bryan west... live right now with how this thing
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taking a look at hot headlines around the state this morning - the suspect from a deadly hit and run in phoenix has turned himself in. authorities
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now faces charges for killing javier gonzalez. gonzalez was trying to fix his broken down car on the side of the road, along i-17 -- when he was struck and killed. the new phoenix police chief is about to bring in some serious money. jeri williams will earn about 300- thousand dollars a year from taxpayers when she takes control of the department next month. the city of phoenix tells us that williams will make 197-thousand dollars a year, the same salary as retiring chief joe yahner. she is already collecting a thousand dollars a year on her previous service with the department. part of arizona's history is gone this morning. former governor rose mofford... the first female governor of arizona.. has passed away at age 94. she died yesterday morning at a hospice she had been in since she was hurt in a fall last month. mofford, a democrat, served as governor from 1988 to 1991. she was secretary of state when she took over for republican gov. evan mecham, who was
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?? toss to morning juice ?? u-s-a women's soccer player megan rapinoe is making headlines again this morning. at last night's "friendly" match against thailand -- she took a knee during the national anthem. she's done it before... but this was the first time while in a team u-s-a uniform. and her protest didn't go over very well with her bosses. u-s soccer released a statement saying... "we have an expectation that honor our flag, while the national anthem is played." the gesture was started by 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick... to protest
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hello...mcfly?!?!88 miles per hour??that's the exact speed at which doc brown sent his delorian back in back to the's also the exact speed at which 55 year old nigel mills of essex, england was caught speeding in his delorian.he swears he wasn't trying to break the time-space continuum.he was just trying to get to work on time.uh huh.... sure... time for your around 15-hundred people hurt themselves with's something we all's something that most us would not consider dangerous.our producers are not sure if this comes with a warning label.
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what is this? the first blair witch project - scary enough.but this latest version?even more frightening...we're going to leave the preview...and ?review to jay taylor .. donald trump's campaign wants to put the birther issue behind them...but donald helping the democrats keep it alive.we'll talk about that in 10 minutes... ####break####
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####break#### ####break#### can the blair witch scare up a big box office number this weekend?a sequel to the 1999 horror classic... is in theaters right now... there is something for
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than anyone we know.let's start with blair let's start know.let's start with blair witch... it's been a long witch... it's been a long time since the original.//// you also
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time since the original. long witch... it's been a long time since the original.//// you also original.time since the been a long time since the original. //// you also have "bridget jones's baby." this is the third film in the "bridget jones" series... the last one
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//// the intriguing one could be "snowden"just about anything directed by oliver stone could raise a oliver
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could raise a few eyebrows ?? traffic ?? ???adlib traffic???adlib ?? traffic ??
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?? traffic ?? ???adlib traffic
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robots in robots in walmart. it's not a joke.we're talking about when...and ?why it could happen... the dreaded data five minutes... tips on how you can avoid it...and help cut down on your ever
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new in politics this morning: donald trump's campaign says trumot president obama was born outside the united states. but trump's actions say something different. for more on that and the latest in decision 2016, we go live to tracie potts in washington.
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?????? ad lib intro ??? ad lib intro ??? ?????? ad lib intro ??? ad lib clinton clinton clinton
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clinton tells reporters she's not worried about her recent slide in the polls because what matters is who turns out to vote. i'm tracie potts in washington, now back to you. q: trump mentioned we're losing auto jobs to mexico - is that true? a: tba a: tba a: tba
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a report by attom data solutions says a total of nearly 51-thousand-500 single family home and condo sales were completed flips from april through june. that's up three percent from a year ago and a six-year high. nationwide - those homes sold for an average of 189-thousand dollars. that's 62- thousand dollars more than the average purchase price of $127- thousand. attention walmart shoppers.... robotic shopping carts could be in your future. the nation's largest retailer has been granted a patent for customers would be able to use a handheld device to summon an empty cart for their shopping needs. a customer's location would be determined by optical sensors in the device which would receive information from smart l-e-d's in the store. the cart could even return itself once a customer is done using it. if you've got skyrocketing phone bills... chances are your data plan may be to blame.there are ways to cut down on it though... you can upload pics and other
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you can also change the settings on most of your social media account apps from media account apps from auto-play to wi-fi only. that stops those videos on facebook and twitter from automatically starting when you scroll. you can also turn off cloud services over your cell phone network-- to stop automatically uploading pics and videos to the cloud. speaking of data....the nfl... on twitter...the league kicked off the first of its 10 games on the social media site...but was it a success?that's at 5:40.... and we're also looking into a story that will make every dog lover very happy.krystle..
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a wrong way loop 202...causing a big problem for dps...the details
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that in a live dps...the loop 202... a wrong way loop 202...causing a big problem for dps...the details on that in a live report... they've counted...and re- we could finally learn who won that tight cd-5 race.... it was one of the most offensive ads in recent the owners of that mattress store are trying to say they are sorry...and its cost a lot of people their jobs... ???adlib welcome ???adlib & toss jimmy
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???adlib weather ???adlib weather???adlib jimmy???adlib & toss welcome???adlib ???adlib welcome ???adlib & toss jimmy


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