tv 12 News Today NBC September 27, 2016 4:30am-5:00am MST
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donald trump and donald donald trump and donald hillary clinton face first time..there a clear winner? we break it down for plus.. we're serving up sunshine this serving up sunshine this morning.. team 12's bryan west is live at they add to their all-day breakfast menu. and saturday night live's leslie jones live-tweets the presidential debate. we have her "t-v appropriate" comments -- in your morning juice. ???adlib welcome welcome???adlib juice.your morning juice. ???adlib welcome ???toss welcome ???toss weather ???adlib weather one person hit and killed one person weather
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checking your hot headlines.. police have now identified the man shot and killed yesterday near mcclintock and mckellips. emergency crews were unable to save 35-year-old justin gaston. officers later found a car that matched a description given by witnesses -- but so far.. no one has been arrested. the san bernardino county sheriff's office says a man is dead after diving into lake havasu. friends of 29-year-old steven cornejo say the wind blew his hat in the water.. and he his hat in the the wind blew cornejo say steven 29-year-old steven cornejo say the wind blew his hat in the water.. and he jumped in to get it but never
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this morning.. glendale police are looking for a man accused of sexually assaulting a woman at gunpoint. it happened sunday morning near 91st avenue and bethany home road. investigators say the suspect drove by the woman several times before he approached her with a gun.. grabbed her by the hair and pulled her under the bridge to assault her. the woman told police.. he was driving a newer model.. red.. four-door sedan. phoenix police are investigating online threats made against several high schools yesterday. -- but did not cancel classes. authorities have not given any specific details on the threats.. but extra police were on campus as a precaution. no word on what measures are planned for today. several people were arrested for blocking the mill avenue bridge mill avenue yesterday.. yesterday..mill avenue bridge yesterday.. jarrett maupin and dozens of jarrett maupin and dozens of other protesters stopped traffic in tempe.. the demonstrationresponse to the fatal shooting of 19-year-old
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percent. libertarian candidate gary johnson is seeing a boost -- he's received nine percent of the vote. meanwhile.. 11-percent of arizona voters remain undecided. looking looking ahead to the next debate.. that's actually the ?vice? presidential debate. it's next tuesday.. october fourth in virginia. the second presidential debate is friday the ninth at washington university in saint louis. it'll be a town-meeting format. and the last face-to-face before election day will be the university of nevada in las vegas -- on october 19th. arizona's food prices are down 10-pefr according to a survey by the arizona farm bureau federation. the survey shows the total cost of 16 basic grocery items was $48-dollars and 72- cents. price drops were seen in boneless chicken breast.. vegetable oil.. sirloin roast and bread. meanwhile -- egg.. milk and shredded cheese were among the items that saw price hikes. big changes this week for people who love breakfast. mcdonalds has added mcgriddle
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vacations to theme parks. they said they were able to pass the stones.. only after being jostled around on roller coasters. so the doctor built a model of a kidney and tested the theory. he found sitting in the back of the coasters worked best -- with a 60-percent success rate. by the time you blow out 40 birthday candles.. your hair loses some of it's shine and bounce. by 50.. will notice a wider part and thinning hairs. on this turn back the clock tuesday.. we have some tips -- but it depends on the cause. dermatologists tell allure magazine.. it comes down to genetics.. stress.. crash diets.. inflammation and hormonal changes. if it's genetics -- a product that has minoxidil product that has minoxidil could be a big help. for hairloss caused by stress.. diet or some other trauma -- you could try zinc supplements. for
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needed. also low- energy-laser home gadgets may help. and for hormonal changes -- a birth control switcheroo might be your fix. see your doctor to find out what the best treatment is for you. ???toss morning juice some are saying donald trump got a taste of his own medicine last night.. the case of the sniffles and the internet just couldn't let it go.. here's a super-cut for you enjoyment... so as you can imagine.. a lot of people are poking fun on twitter.. suggesting he has
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become talking point this election.. and while we're on the topic of twitter -- did you know last night's debate was the most tweeted debate ever? so of course.. when there's something to tweet about -- saturday night live's leslie jones is all over it. and like usual.. most of them are not suitable for t-v.. but we found a few that
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incredible video this morning out of san antonio.. a driver being rescued the top of his car.. after he got stranded in high water. the san antonio fire department says they responded to 40-rescues yesterday when the city was under a flash- flooding watch. thankfully -- it's expected to clear up today.
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just apply a protein loss. just apply a quarter size dollop to your hair.. comb it.. then pile it into a loose bun. put a soft towel over your pillow or sleep in a shower cap. and then in the morning.. shampoo as usual with a gentle shampoo. still ahead on 12 today.. halloween is just around the corner -- and we're talking about this year's most popular costumes.. in the morning mix. unrest continues in charlottan latest demonstration -- that's planned for today.. we're back in two minutes with another check of your hot headlines...
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###break### a march will a march will be held today for a man killed by tulsa police two weeks ago. reverend al sharpton and the national action network will lead the march for 40-year-old terrence crutcher. crur betty shelby -- who's been charged with manslaughter. nine people were shot when a man opened fire in a houston shopping center yesterday. police say mulitple officers exchanged gunfire with the suspect.. killing him. investigators found two more guns.. along with about 26-hundred rounds of live ammunition.. in the suspect's car. one of the victims is in critical condition -- but all are expected to survive. the shooter has not been identified yet. the senate will meet today over homeland security. the department head -- jeh
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in attendance. 200 firefighters are battling a fast-growing wildfire burning in northern california. the "loma fire" is about 500-acres. officials say at least 300 structures are threatened by the fire.. and at least one has already been destroyed. hundreds of people have been evacuated from the what does it cost to look like a princess? we breakdown the dollar signs fashion statements.. that's coming up in juice.
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