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tv   12 News at 5pm  NBC  November 9, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm MST

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greatest honors of my life. >> well now begins the trance -based the transition of power. president. obama is preparing to hand things over to president-elect trump. he has invited donald trump to the white house tomorrow and he and the nation are rooting for comes success.>> we all want what is best for this country. that's what i heard it must comes remarks last night. that is what i did when to him. and i was heartened by that. i hope that he maintains that spirit out this transition. and i certainly hope that is how his presidency has a chance to begin.>> this election teacher two very polarizing candidates and this morning america of course woke up to a brand-new president-elect. what kind of president do people think donald trump will be?
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>> well i like a lot of economic policy. i am not a huge fan of obama care so i hope that gets repealed quickly.>> anything that comes to his mind that is what he talks about. i don't think he has any experience.>> he is a billionaire so he knows how to manage money. hopefully that will help the general populace. >> the concept of making america great again is wonderful but we are not ever going to do that to bullying and sexism and r >> there is a lot of people that did not vote for him that now have to accept that he needs to lead them and consider everybody and everybody's needs to bring our country together. >> the big concern among those here in the valley is whether donald trump will be swift to act on his promise to deport undocumented immigrants. local immigration attorney looked to calm some worries today. >> this is not the time to make
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do not sell your home. do not make huge economic choices. do not make choices in terms of leaving are fleeing the united states based on what could happen. this country has survived and prospered because of our diversity and we want to give this a chance. >> immigration experts are warning people that scammers may be looking to take it vantage of people by threatening to deport them unless they send the money. >> high school is from several phoenix high school marched on the state capital today. the group voicing their anger overcomes win. it is the second day that students have held demonstrations related to the election. that there have been plenty of mixed emotions here in the valley -- pretty much everywhere . this morning another group of students held their own walkout. but this group was actually looking to celebrate all of
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and i lost it all.>> this muslim immigrant from kenya is so disappointed in donald trump's win. she says he makes her feel like she does not even belong in this country. >> but as she she realizes the work that she and her fellow high school students have done over the last four years has made an impact say goodbye to sheriff joe arpaio. we a really glad he is gone because we work from wants to get rid of him.>> paul penzone taking his place that sheriff. we registered between 38,030 6000 people to vote. muslim and latino voters to be more specific working to increase voter engagement. it is a lot of work to be done starting with making immigrants
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see that people leave their countries and families and their lies behind to come here for a better america. >> which for some means fighting for this country no matter where they were born. >> i plan on joining the army when i get over. i plan on serving for a couple years and maybe go into the police academy. hoping to make a difference in a great but imperfect country after trance win.>> i guess we have to respect him now. >> sheriff arpaio released a statement saying it has been an extreme honor and privilege to serve the people as a sheriff avenue, merricopa county . the people have spoken and while ava and i are disappointed in the results we respect their decision. we want to congratulate paul penzone on his victory and look forward to working with him for
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a chance to speak with him and his wife veronica earlier this afternoon. i asked them how family has played such an important role in this successful campaign.>> running for office is a considerable challenge. not only are you on attack but your family as well. supporters of your opponent and parts where people want to tear at you said they can break you in some extent. spent to be honest it was hard when the attack and came out. it was very hard and it is just such a mess because people really was just as terrible as four years ago. so that part was really hard. >> i also asked paul penzone what we can expect from him and his first 100 days as sheriff and you will see that up ahead at 6 pm and then the complete interview with paul penzone and his wife tonight at 10 pm. one of the big initiatives
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206. it will eventually increase the state's minimum ways to $12 an hour. this means big impact for workers and businesses. t12 william pitts takes a closer look at what we can expect. >> as far as the economy goes no one really knows but the more people consider how this will impact and be more unintended consequences keep coming up. >> the people that voted meant to do something good. the problem is that not control how much we get paid. the taxpayer is going to have to foot the bill. her company provides in-home services for the elderly and disabled. by law she cannot raise your prices. we don't have the ability to adjust our rates. we can't pass the increase on to the elderly people that we support. home healthcare is paid for by
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businesses. access is trying to figure out how to pay for a raise for all those workers. >> we are trying to work at how big this cost will be. we are talking $50 million? see that critics of plot 206 said prices will go up and businesses have to pay their employees more. >> there is no will answer on prices but we do know wages have not risen in then there are schools. anyone who makes minimum wage, janitors, plus classroom raise even get a raise also. >> we don't want to make any cuts. generally the unified school district plan to head. to have extra money. >> we had this on the horizon as a possibility. the impact was about $225,000. by 2020 it will cost of more
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other districts are not as lucky. >> one more aspect to this. morale -- once the wage hike goes up -- people taking care of the sick and elderly could be making as much as a kid at the mall. vote counting is still underway in arizona. merricopa county office reports they have almost 500 the sick much as a kid at the mall. vote counting is still underway in arizona. merricopa county office reports they have almost 500,000 uncounted votes. those votes could sway the final results in the race for merricopa county reporter. no word on how long the ballots county will take. you could get preliminary results on 12 >> police said daniel erickson shot an officer yesterday and then took a 15-year-old girl hostage. erickson was killed
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officer darren reed who lost his life in the line of duty. we are in sholo with the story. >> reporter: a memorial outside the sholo police department continues to grow tonight in the hours after officer darren reed lost his life in the line of duty. this afternoon hundreds lined the main street of sholo in a powerful display of support for the fallen officer. he was a 10 year veteran and served with the navajo coun officer was planning for his retirement in february and was considered the go to guy who is always willing to help and always had a smile on his face. said he was like a walking phone book, agger >>, personnel book. you could talk to darren about anything that you could say darren, do you remember this guy and he could pop off with a name and name off their brothers and sisters and their in-laws and everybody else they
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is how in touch with the community.he was. >> a candlelight vigil is scheduled for 6 pm tonight and team 12 will be there. officer read these behind a wife, son and daughter.i'm sholo -- i'm charlie at the. >> tempe police are looking for a man seen following an approaching kids that errors in them mall. -- at the arizona mall. this man wa several stores on saturday night . if you have information about him call tempe police. an inmate who managed to escape the merricopa county deputies is back in custody. michael hoffman kicked out a window of the transport van and ran off. it happened near 35 avenue in lower buckeye in phoenix. coppin was arrested a few hours later in avondale. a man wanted for a hit-and-
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the crash happened in june 2015. on monday he turned himself into authorities. also coming up to 5 pm after starting the season at the top the cardinals are now the other dogs of the division. plus it is weight loss wednesday. how you can make it to the holiday rush without packing on
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it can be difficult to lose weight this time of year. [ laughter ] why are you laughing? >> we had an inexperienced driver today. we have tips for you to keep track so you do not put on weight but the highway. number one set yourself up for excess sass -- up for success. clean out your refrigerator, get rid of things you know you should not be eating.
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foods that will help you lose weight to come up with a list of meals that is based primarily on a healthy range of food. third develop a healthy mindset for dealing with the holidays. dates like thanksgiving and christmas we know mean a lot of food. so it is important to think about what is worth enjoying and what you might actually need to skip. and finally finds support in get encouragement. losing weight is hard work during this time of the year find some support from people you can reach out to. >> am i going to get the teleprompters. >> that's right. you got one of these. >> mine is a little bigger. and it runs a teleprompter. >> that is what i have been told. >> all right. so i don't need a teleprompter. i am going to go ahead and get to the weather. let's talk about the almanac
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hot. or i should say the afternoon high was hot but because the morning was so warm. take a look at that. 55 is how cool we should be but this morning we were 68 degrees . unusually warm for us. our high today was unusually warm -- 85 . we came in about 6 degrees above the normal. it has been very gusty out there today. 11 in ahwatukee. 17 in tempe. we had stronger us across th we have an area of low pressure down to our south and east. staying in that general area here for the next couple days it was the more of those pieces tomorrow. and then we are going to see a drop in temperatures. that should be nice for us here as we head to with the weekend. take a look at temperatures tonight. 61 degrees. 27 tonight in in flagstaff 32. tomorrow press that you are at 69 degrees. oh 80s along the colorado river.
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casagrande. keeping temperatures cooler here over the next couple days. looks nice for veterans day. we can looks outstanding. temperatures warming up just a bit to the 80s monday and tuesday. that is your weather. now we will go to sports.>> a lot. cardinals back to work. but giving the old guys a break. right coach? >> that time of the year their age they need rest. but don't tell them i said that.>> all right coach. moms is the word. carlson palmer finally taking time to kick back and enjoyed rest and relaxation. most of the players during their bye week once considered legitimate super bowl contenders the cardinals find themselves longshots or underdogs to make it to the big show but that is okay.
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as far as a team goes -- as most important thing -- not everybody else is the underdog. i think it is great thing and we will continue to move forward. >> this season is not over until it is over. we take it one day at a time and one game at a time.>> it is time to show that confidence comes sunday and part of that confidence will have to be expressed in new starting left tackle bowler jerad though there is likely done for the year. this will be his first significant full-time starting role.>> i'm excited for the opportunity and i want to focus on doing what i can and help the team with gains. >> it is a great opportunity for him to get out there and we are excited for him.>> of really don't think he will be one of those guys that has a deer in the headlights look.
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speak speaking of palmer our weekly quarterback speaker coming up. coming up i will tell you my supersecret strategy that you just might and help up at this week's fantasy football matchup but we will have to come back after the break to find out
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you love all-day breakfast. i love all-day breakfast. but you don't love that you can't get all your favorites all day. i don't love that. but now you're gonna love that you can get more all day. like mcgriddles. i love mcgriddles... so you'll have to find something else to not love. hey buddy! like exploding fist bumps. pggggggghew! or forgetting what you're about to do. wait...what was i about to do? or when people who say you look like... james lipton. oh's uncanny.
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maybe it is time to start thinking about how you can improve your team for the stretch run with only four weeks remaining. while there may be very little out there on the waiver wires it may be good strategy to look at layers may be eligible to return from the ir injured reserve list. at the top of the list could be buffalo bills semi walk-ins. out since week 2 eligible to begin practicing this week. if he is cleared medically he november 27. watson was a second-round.. and if healthy could be a man landless return to the practice field october 27. lewis they be cleared to play as soon as sunday against the seahawks. lewis has yet another passing weapon we always exposed
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the week. the one harris who has taken advantage of the injury to start off carlos hyde. last sunday against the saints harris rushed for 59 yards and had 83 receiving yards and a touchdown. dominating until carlos hyde returns.>> up at 6 pm -- is that a dog at the end of this police officers alisha? no. find out what kind of exotic animal was walking the streets of glenda. >>
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guess what else rules? cash and cars. win cash, free slot play or a new 2-door bmw 230i during strive to drive sundays- only at casino arizona!
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the election is over. we are taking a look at what donald trump will be doing the first 100 days in the white house.>> people united online to find this arizona man. see what happens when he learns that complete stranger to rally together to raise thousands of dollars for him. bastinado 10 pm. and finally our omg you of the
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officer responded to an unusual call. it turned out that someone said they found a kangaroo in the streets of glendale. it was not a kangaroo at all. it turns out that this is what they call a patagonian marra.>> anybody knows that. the officer got to safety. the owner came up to pickup olivia and take her back home.>> wow. vanessa has been fired. [ laughter thank goodness i have this memorize . thanks for watching 12 news at 5 p.m.
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tonight, shock waves across america and around the world as donald trump defies the polls and the pend its again. the dramatic triumph as the brash billionaire turned reality star is elected the 45th president of the >> i say it is time for us to come together as one united people. >> for hillary clinton, one of the most stunning defeats in american political history. >> last night i congratulated donald trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. >> the candidate and her campaign, so confident victory was in their grasp. what happened? we have exclusive details inside trump's planning. plus the immediate


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