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tv   12 News Today  NBC  November 11, 2016 5:00am-5:30am MST

5:00 am
captivated...two eagles...stuck in a storm on top of the other...that story in the morning juice... ? from the 12 news studios in downtown phoenix, here's what's coming your way on 12 today... ???adlib welcome 3 welcome ???adlib welcome 3 ???adlib & toss jimmy
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weather with nascar in town.. we are talking about drivers in our 12 today poll question. we want to know.. who drives better?-women-menor jimmy q. grab your grab your phone and go over to 12 news dot com.. slash your voice to vote. we will be results all morning long.
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morning..and it took a couple of days...but the associated press is saying donald trump has officially won arizona -- and its 11 electoral votes.on election night... the president-elect had a solid lead over hillary clinton, but he was not declared winner because there were so many uncounted votes. funeral services are scheduled for monday afternoon... for the show low police officer killed in the line of duty earlier this week. officer darrin reed was shot to death after responding to a call. he had been with the department for 10 years wife and two children. and a silver alert to tell you about this morning...police are searching for 87 year old herbert bernet.his wife said he was working in his garage in sun city around noon, and hasn't been seen since.he drives a 2006 silver pontiac montana with a wisconsin license plate...if you see him call the maricopa county sheriff's office. a huge celebration today as we celebrate veterans day. it''s the annual phoenix
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santos with all the details. this particular parade started back in 19-97 .... and has grown every starts here along central avenue ?just south of bethany home road.ending at 7th street and indian school the parade route is about two and half miles long.tens of thousands of spectators are expected to be out there.the parade begins at 11 a-m. besides this parade. there will be ceremonies and other events in tempe chandler scottsdale mesa apache the west valley avondalegoodyear has a 'salute our troops run'
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the celebrations.businesses around the country and in arizona are honoring our men and women who serve with veterans day deals freebies and deals veterans day serve with women who honoring our country and in around the celebrations.also getting in k peoria with a 5-displays pearl harbor glendale with troops run'goodyear has avondalein the west mesa apache chandler tempe events in and other ceremonies parade. besides this m.begins at 11 be out are expected thousands of tens of and half miles parade route so the road.indian school ending at 7th road.south of avenue ?just along central it starts here every starts here along central south of road.street and road. so the is about two long. thousands of are expected the parade m.parade. ceremonies and other tempe chandler scottsdale mesa apache the west valley avondalegoodyear has a 'salute our troops run' glendale with pearl harbor displayspeoria with a 5-sun city is also getting in on the celebrations.businesses around the arizona are honoring our men and women who serve with deals freebies and discounts. for a complete list of celebrations. l 3 3 3 3 3 3
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plenty of people out there doing the mannequin know...that thing you've seen online where people stand still - like they are mannequins.everyone seems to be getting in on the act... the denver broncs put together one of the best we've seen... they gathered in their locker room and delivered a "mannequin challenge",... there are guys getting dressed,.. checking their phones... even pouring hot sauce on their lunch... impressive stuff....but as good as this one was....the cleveland cavaliers just might have found a way to top it.... well check this out-- the reigning nba champions, the cleveland cavaliers, did their own version of the mannequin challenge-- while visiting with the president and first lady at the white house yesterday. lebron james and the gang posed with mrs. obama-- and said they wanted
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great is that???? ad lib ??? two bald eagles are free this morning after getting trapped inside a storm drain. ...the incident going viral with people all over the globe watching the rescue online. rescue workers with florida fish and wildlife worked to free the birds as a crowd of spectators gathered around. at one point one of the the other fell deeper into the drain. it's now being treated for its injuries. experts believe the eagles ended up in the drain after a fight over territory. time for your juicy question of the morning...
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realizing it. doesn't matter whether he is at home or at work what is this? the alien invasion... is no joke.a look at the new movie
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carry a concealed weapon in arizona?the answer... at 5:20...
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that's a scene from the new movie 'arrival' is a story about mysterious spacecraft touching down across the globe...and an elite team led by expert linguist louise banks - played by amy adams - are brought together to investigate. // excited to see 'arrival'?//
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modern day 'close encounters'? ------// 'almost christmas' -- the story of a guy who just wants his family
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???adlib & toss jimmy ???adlib weather 3 weather
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how do you get a concealed carry weapon permit in arizona? if you weren't sure... you'll
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president-elect donald trump... spent his day in washington, and visited the white house.but ?what was said between the president... and the president-elect.. that has people talking. 3
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here on 12 today... we have 30 life today... we have l needs to know to make life a little easier. there are nearly 300-thousand active concealed carry permits in arizonathis morning... the experts at shooters world in phoenix show us how to get one with their help.jen wahl has
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for a complete look at each life changer we deliver just head on over to 12 news dot com. thanksgiving is right around the corner so that means it's time for turkey tuesday. all month long, bashas' and food city stores
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at their registers. all of the donations benefit st. vincent de paul to help make sure every arizona family enjoys thanksgiving. for more on the fun and team competitions visit 12 news dot com slash turkey tuesday. with nascar in town.. we are talking about drivers in our 12 today poll question. we want to know.. who drives better?-women-men-women-menor jimmy q. grab your phone and go over to 12 news dot com.. slash your voice to vote. we will be updating the results all morning long. results all morning long. they are the they are the men and women... soldiers,
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who serve and have served our country...and today... is their day.we are wishing everyone who has ever put on the uniform... a happy veterans day. these things... are number one on team 12's bryan west's wish list.we're talking ... spectacles..snapchat spectacles.what are they?find out at 5:10.
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switch to centurylink and get up to 40 megs of high-speed internet for just $20 a month. that's the speed you need to stream... right now on 12 today...right ...connect on social media... learn, shop and more with fast in-home wifi. so call 844-565-link. get up to 40 megs of high-speed internet for just $20 a month for one year when bundled with a qualifying home phone plan.
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president elect donald trump - spent his day in washington.. meeting with president obama and other washington leaders... as they prepare for transition.--------road rage in scottsdale...what went down when one driver took things into his own hands.-----and if you just can't get enough snapchat....we've got the thing for you....bryan
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???adlib & toss jimmy


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