tv Mad Money NBC November 15, 2016 3:00am-4:00am MST
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trump until then. yesterday, the global times published an article that called donald trump naive if he started a trade war with china. i got to say that if they want to avoid a trade war, saying trump is naive is a really dumb way to do it. what would a trade war look like? what could the chinese do to us? here's the rhetoric the paper used. a batch of boeing orders will be replaced by airbus, end quote, a european competitor to the american aerospace giant. then, quote, u.s. auto and iphone sales in soybean and maze imports will be halted, end quote. those are truly fighting words that a typical u.s. president might blanch at, the kind who has ties to big business or who believes that you can't get too tough on the chinese because many of our american companies need their markets in order to thrive. china has 1.4 billion consumers and without them, many of our international companies based here will see their earnings get slammed. that's why most modern presidents have feared the loss of those markets, and their advisors have suggested that clamping down on the chinese
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because the chinese have too much power to retaliate. but trump is no ordinary president. for as long as i've known him, and i've interviewed him many times over the years, trump has argued the chinese have gotten the best of our country on almost all of our trade deals. he said the chinese take our jobs away while dumping goods on us. but he hasn't said much at all about how many of our companies need their markets. i would describe his view as they need us more than we need them. in other words, he thinks they're blustering. they're doing the bluffing. and even if they don't, we might be fine anyway. he said to me many times our nation doesn't know how to negotiate and loses when it makes these deals. he has said to me that if he ever a chance, the u.s. would start winning. he's getting it. of course candidate trump may be more fiery than president trump and maybe he'll be more concerned about hurting our companies' markets once he gets into office. but maybe not. perhaps president trump will follow through on all of candidate trump's rhetoric. we know that one of his closest
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former ceo of nucor. he also believes the chinese have been getter the better of us for ages. he's been telling trump to be more concerned about how chinese trading chicanery impacts workers than about whether we lose their shampoo and soda markets . in other words, a trade battle might really be in the cards if you want to level the playing field with the chinese. maybe that's how you have to do it. that's certainly what the stock market was saying today. consider the dramatic decline in the stock of apple, which is one of the two companies the chinese singled out by name. apple's vulnerable for certain. worse, trump has stated apple might be caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. at least for me, i know the chinese picked the wrong day to single out apple. as most of you know, i've been endlessly beating the drum that apple should buy harman international, the automobile infotainment brains of the auto company that has so much exposure to the connected car, the last frontier of mobility. and today samsung bought harman for $112, a 28% premium to where it was on friday. we'll learn more as harman's ceo
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that apple is dragging the rest of tech down with it again because china is regarded as such a strong market for technology. maybe too strong. it was another tough day for fang, my acronym for facebook, amazon, netflix and google, now alphabet. some of this reaction seems like needless spillover. netflix hasn't been able to get traction in china yet. alphabet has zero chinese business. free speech concerns. no matter, they all got hurt. next, general motors, which has fabulous business in china, saw its stock get nicked. g.m. was a big winner last week, perhaps because it has some higher interest rates make pension expense less onerous since they mean the company get a better return for workers by investing in bonds. we've seen some consumer packaged goods companies coming down too. they need the chinese market to expand although the declines were more muted as the day went on. before we get too carried away with the negativity, it's important to point out that boeing, the other company mentioned by name by the chinese paper, its stock actually rallied nicely today. caterpillar, which was not named but could have been when it comes to a trade war, saw its stock go to a 52-week high. fedex needs strong asian
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same with disney. the chinese could have easily called out shanghai disney, right? so maybe this is chinese bluster versus american bluster. still i think it's worth pointing out after today we got a newfound risk to this market. one that can only be described as the big downside of helping to keep jobs here in america. the companies that have exported jobs overseas need overseas markets to make their profits. if trump were to tweet, to hell with the chinese, i think the part of the market that's rallying might not make up for the part that would get hammered. it's a new risk that got short shrift in the enthusiasm of last week these international companies had a pretty good run under president obama. they might have had one under hillary clinton. but with trump, not so fast, not so clear. he owes them nothing, a fact that seemed to endear him to much of the electorate. here's the bottom line. if trump is sticking with his campaign promises on trade, we're going to find ourselves in a brave new world, perhaps too brave for many investors used to owning placid, higher-yielding international stocks while avoiding the stocks of retailers, airlines, rails, and banks, which have had so many problems but are now reveling in the hope of a brand-new
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jerry in michigan, jerry. >> caller: jim, your program last tuesday, election day, provided some great historical perspective about where the dow was in world war ii and other times. very, very well done. >> oh, thanks a lot. i know last week was a good group of shows. i hope i can continue to deliver this week. what's happening? >> caller: well, it was probably one of your best programs ever, but i think your best was when you were here at the university of michigan in april 2006. >> that was a great show. we did it inside the basketball. we should have filled the big house in retrospect. >> caller: anyway, my jim from last tuesday's program is about your emphasis on infrastructure stocks during the trump presidency. do you see waste management experiencing any infrastructure pin action, and how much more upside do you see given the stock has doubled in five years? >> this is a tough one. you're absolutely right. it's a great infrastructure play. but david steiner is departing. he's been our guy.
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with the new guy. why? there's been some situations i've been in where new ceos came in, didn't know them, kept recommending the stock, and it was a mistake. let's go to joe in my home state of new jersey, joe. >> caller: hello, cramer. >> yeah. >> caller: i enjoy watching your show every day. >> thank you. >> caller: you make a difference. >> thank you. >> caller: okay. my question is on deere and company. i'm in construction, and i own a lot of their equipment. i wanted to know with their slow sales of farm equipment, are they going to improve with the trump administration in? >> i would think that the answer is yes because they do have some infrastructure exposure but also because i think the farm cycle is really long in the tooth. the farmers have not upgraded. i think they have to. i think that's why the stock has been good. it's why we like it. let's go to rick in illinois, rick. >> caller: jim, how are you today?
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>> caller: i'm doing great, thanks. jim, i'm a happy subscriber to action alerts. >> thank you. >> caller: i want to thank you for your hard work. >> thank you. >> caller: my question today is about nxpi. does the street foresee problems with the qualcomm takeover? if not, why is nxpi trading so far below the 110 buyout price? >> well, that's a great question because jack moore and i have gone over and over that. that is a huge holding fraction alerts for our charitable trust. we think there are people who are going to challenge it. we think it will survive any challenge, and therefore we have not sold the stock and suggest that you don't either. all right. the market is continuing to digest president-elect donald trump. and while many stocks may win under revised rules of his administration, serious risk could arise for others. on "mad money" tonight, it's the company giving the technology in your car a major tune-up. can it do the same for samsung? with the stock up 25% today, i'm sitting down with the ceo of harman after today's big acquisition announcement.
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then after being a major winner for years, side effects of owning cvs health shares include motion sickness and depression. after this year's declines, is it time to sell the stock? and the internet of things is making us more connected, but it's also increasing our risk of cyberattack. the threat is real, but i'll see if cyberark can still help keep you secure. so stick with cramer. >> announcer: don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on twitter. have a question? send jim an e-mail to or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc. miss something?
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possibly serious. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take invokana? if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. using invokana? with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. it's time to turn things around. lower your blood sugar with invokana?. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana?.
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we know that the connected car is the next big thing in technology. for years i've been saying that if an electronics company wanted to own this business, it had to buy harman international industries, which is the number one maker of automobile infotainment systems that integrate everything from navigation, safety solutions, smartphone connectivity, as well as making high-end audio
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it looks like somebody finally took my advice. today we found out that samsung, the south korean electronics titan, is acquiring harman for $112 per share or $8 billion. that's nearly a 28% premium versus where it was trading on friday. even if samsung didn't have this exploding phone problem, this would be a very smart takeover. that's why we wanted to check in with dinesh paliwal, the chairman and ceo of harman international industries, to find out more about the future of the company as a special independent samsung subsidiary, mr. paliwal,we thank you for your early communication this morning, which was so exciting. we're going to put together a wall of fame of the people who have just made us money. this was remarkable. why did you do the deal now? so much was going right. people want to know why this is was the right time to sell. >> well, jim, we've been talking about that. the technology transformation in the automotive industry has been really at rapid pace. the scale matters now. i think at harman, we have really maximized and we will
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but we've been saying that a partnership with either google, microsoft, intel, we've been doing that. >> right. >> and when the samsung opportunity during the summer came up and we started talking, we found so many similarities of complementary technology. they're into high-end display. they're into processor. they're into connectivity. they're investing in artificial intelligence. totally complementary. put it all together, we can have a proof of concept which is ready to go in l3, l4 connected autonomous driving experience. >> i know you probably got tired of me saying i thought that apple should buy you. you mentioned a lot of companies. were there people who were interested and then samsung just came out the highest? i know you're not allowed to reveal which names, but were there other companies that wanted very much to buy harman? >> you called out two years ago, and here we are. do you have a crystal ball? frankly, we see the integration of these two companies, when we put it together, this is really dynamite because it's so complementary.
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you know what they also said? really to give confidence, so the r&d engines of the united states, germany, they said we keep the headquarters. we keep the management team. i'm actually super excited to run this company with all the synergies from the deep r&d, which will actually accelerate the r&d innovation we've been driving. >> let's talk about the r&d. last year you came on and talked about hacking the autonomous vehicle. and i remember people e-mailing me or tweeting me saying, what is he talking about? they're a speaker company for heaven's sake. bought a company that would probably be worth three or four times what it's worth then. how did you see this stuff coming? >> well, jim, i'm so glad you asked because this cyberattack, the threat is in your home, is in your car, is in your personal devices. >> right. >> and we're in the cars. for crying out loud, this is life or death. so we bought this company. this so we want to double down in cybersecurity. i will share with you nhtsa,
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world. we're delighted, and we continue to invest and double down. so adding that and the update and the software we have, i feel very excited about the future not just in automotive but connected car audio systems, individual sound zone. homes are going also connected home with all iot. so this is another synergy, with all the television, the display technology of samsung and our auto technology and our brand. >> let's talk about the professional in terms of the real car aficionado. even since we've seen each other, some of these cars costs of hundreds of thousands and dollars and they're using your systems. >> we've seen an incredible differentiation our companies are using.
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for their ultra-high luxury car. same thing we see in audi. they use bang and ol af son. >> that was a brilliant acquisition. >> that led to almost a billion dollar order from ford. that will really lift the ford car differentiation. so we're delighted at this. we're now in 80% of the luxury i come from asia. the iconic american brands ask what differentiating. they look at the brand. it's a big deal. >> it's important to mention you have two plants in china. >> we have very original approach. we make in america for america. in your, we make in hungary and china. that's for a reason. it is all about close to
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we have r&d close to customer. >> i was trying to tell people your plant is right in the middle of all the fancy car plants. it's not like they have to build their cars and send them to you. you are part of their just in time supply chain. >> there you go. ca receipt tow is becoming one of the top notch technology park. i was recently there visiting. >> isn't it great? >> we have bmw approach, toyota, audi, daimler, ford, all of the it is actually consistently same quality that we make in germany, united states, mexico, china, or hungary. >> last question. we know there's talk because of a change in our presidential -- obvious this is an election year -- trade war. from your perspective, because you are a globalist, is it possible that the u.s. could trigger a trade war with some of our long-standing partners? >> jim, i hope not. you know, businesses are global.
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know? you do not want to have this quid pro quo. it will hurt the global economy, and we do not want that. it's like the example we just started out. the samsung/harman, which by the way created unbelievable great premium, a 37% premium over a 30-day average. it's a great integration. realize where we will take the auto industry, the home industry, the professional industry to a whole new level. but if you had protesm all of these things will not be where we want them to see. >> i want to again congratulate you and shareholders. dinesh paliwal saw a lot of things coming and got a lot of things right. "mad money" is back after the break. >> announcer: coming up, it's a hyperconnected world. online security is more important than ever before. so what is cyberark doing to keep your data safe? >> they're targeting the regular user back at home but also enterprises, which is what we protect.
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can a toothpaste do everything well? this clean was like pow! it added this other level of clean to it. 6x cleaning* my teeth are glowing. they are so white. 6x whitening** i actually really like the 2 steps. step 1, cleans. step 2, whitens. every time i used this together, it felt like leaving the dentist office. crest hd. 6x cleaning*, 6x whitening** i would switch to crest hd over what i was using before. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours?
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what the heck has happened to the stock of cvs? for years cvs health was renowned as one of the most consistent companies on earth. it was a great operator, and its stock was a fabulous performer from 2011 through 2014. it absolutely trounced the averages. and it started flat lining. then in recent months, the darn thing has been crushed. including a brutal ten-point decline just last tuesday after the company reported and management slashed its forecast. what exactly is ailing cvs health? what's gone wrong here, and is this merely a broken stock or perhaps we're dealing with a broken company. let me give you some background. you may think of cvs as a drugstore chain but it's
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it's the number two player in the u.s., about 20% market share. on top of that, they're also a pharmacy benefit manager, helps insurance companies get better deals on drug pricing. pbms get rebates from pharmaceutical companies. they also get major discounts on generics. then they make their money by pocketing some of the savings. cvs got into this line of business when they bought caremark for $21 billion back in 2006 and after a bumpy start, it began to seem like this combination of pharmacy and pharmacy benefit manager could be incredibly lucrative for shareholders. look, for years that's exactly what happened. if you owned shares in cvs, you made a killing as the stock tripled from the summer of 2011 through the summer of 2015. it went from 33 bucks up to $112. but since then, the stock has gone into freefall. tumbling to $76 as of today, a
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that's a terrifying move when you consider that this is an $81 billion drugstore chain. stocks like cvs aren't supposed to experience such wild gyrations. before we can get our heads around the recent decline, though, you have to understand why cvs was such a terrific outperformer until about a year and a half out. the company was firing on all cylinders. the real standout here was indeed their pharmacy benefit manager, which consistently put up some excellent double-digit growth. at the same time, cvs spent years optimizing the drugstore business. for example, in 2013 they signed a ten-year deal with cardinal health, creating a 50/50 joint venture that became the largest purveyor of generic drugs in the u.s. this was a popular move at the time. earlier in the year, walgreens did the same with amerisourcebergen. however, it was really the pharmacy benefit management division, the old caremark, that set cvs apart from its drugstore
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walgreens got into a huge spat with express scripts in 2012. for about six months, people couldn't get the prescription filled at walgreens. you had to go somewhere else if you wanted the insurers to cover the cost. that gave cvs a boost. right before cvs stock seemed to run out of gas, they raid two acquisitions that were wildly praised by analyst. the company announced it was buying omni care. that was a $12.7 billion deal. then a month later, cvs snapped up target store within a store pharmacies for $1.9 billion. in another transaction that was viewed positively. but from the summer of last year through this past may, the stock drifted gradually lower. six months ago, cvs reported a strong quarter, and the stock surged back up to $106. ever since then, though, the company has been put through the meat grinder, and its stock has
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first and foremost, cvs's pharmacy benefit manager has become a real problem child of late. for years cvs had been the pbm of choice for california public employees retirement system, but at the end of may they lost that business to optumrx. this is when analysts reported we're seeing competition in the space. as we know, competition is anthema to profits. really puts that omni care acquisition in new perspecti they doubled down business right when it appears it was peaking. when cvs reported in august, they were mixed, but management raised their full-year guidance. they also told us the pbm business had a good selling season. later in august we learned that walgreens was partnering with prime therapeutics, another pbm to better compete against companies like cvs.
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means they're not exposed to the same pressures as cvs. a little while ago, they got ousted from the department that runs the department of defense. walgreens took their place. maybe it shouldn't have been such a price when cvs reported last tuesday and slashed its guidance. slashed. i got to admit, i thought it was pretty confusing given that management had just raised numbers three months before. it made them seem clueless to the results themselves weren't too terrible. however, the guidance was horrific. cvs guided fully 10% below what the analysts were looking for. no wonder the stock plummeted nearly ten points, a 12% decline in a single day. what's the real problem here? cvs expects to lose 40 million prescriptions next year. the culprit? competition.
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now, cvs outlined some issues to offset the damage, increasing their buy back by $15 billion. but none of these fixes -- well, the core issue here, the competition, it's eating cvs' lunch. in the wake of these hideous number cuts, the company's once steady growth looks more uncertain. there are industry wide problems that make things more difficult. a coalition of 30 of americas largest employers recently joined together as the hea transformation alliance in an attempt to get more bang for their buck on health care spending. these companies want to save money by rewriting their pbm contracts. that could be i a huge problem for cvs. assuming president trump can repeal obamacare, doesn't that mean people are losing their health insurance and unable to afford their prescriptions? it's cvs that is really
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i feel like they've lost a step. here's the bottom line. cvs, long one of my favorites as gone from being a market darling to a total dog. the company loses share to its rivals. maybe they can turn things around, but for now, cvs remains in the penalty box until we see them take concrete steps to lessen their dependence on what was once the golden goose and now looks like a turkey headed ron in new jersey, ron. >> caller: good evening. just wanted to discuss opko health. i've owned this over a long period of time. i've ridden it up. i've ridden it down. i'm a fan of phil frost. can you tell me what your opinion is? >> that stock was up 10% today. i am not going to cut phil frost. the stock had a big run.
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let's go to wayne in florida, wayne. >> caller: hello, jim. my question is in regards to edwards lifesciences, ew. they had a recent good quarter, and yet their stock went down over 10% for no apparent reason that i know of. and i was expecting a rebound shortly, but it hasn't happened. >> no. they got a new -- there was a note that came out today from risk in less sick patients, so this thing has been hit by a son of negative news. ew, i still think it's good, but i recognize the pressure in the health care sector is so great that i've been trying to stay away from it. witness the fact i couldn't get behind intuitive surgical last week. you got to let this selloff take its -- let's say run through everything before you can buy more ew even though i know it's a great company and i've liked it for forever.
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>> caller: good afternoon, jim. thanks for having me. >> absolutely. >> caller: i would like your opinion on the american marijuana industry in regards to the recreational and medicinal bills that were passed this last november. currently most of these companies are otc. what american companies do you think are poised to take advantage and become huge players like gwph? >> remember, gwph is a british company. this is important, okay? it is still -- it's still illegal -- i know s to make marijuana and sell it. that's a united kingdom company that does a lot of its work here. i happen to like gw pharma because i believe what they've got in terms of pills can really be life saving. there's a group of people who benefit from this and i feel like gw pharma is a winner. stock is up on a spike with health care coming down, so let's not be too aggressive. okay.
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depressant. until it changes, i think there's very little reason to be excited about the stock. much more "mad money" ahead. after a very rough start to 2016, shares of cybersecurity expert cyberark are back in the black. can the company keep its recent rally going? i'm talking with the ceo. then do you believe in signs? you should when it comes to buying of the bank shares. i'll tell you what signals jpmorgan's jamie dimon was sending. and all your calls rapid fire on
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whoa, this is awful, try it. oh no, that looks gross what is that? you gotta try it, it's terrible. i don't wanna try it if it's terrible. it's like mango chutney and burnt hair. no thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. just try it! guys, i think we should hurry up. if you taste something bad, you want someone else to try it. it's what you do. i can't get the taste out of my mouth! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. shhh! dog, dog, dog. mom's got this cold. hashtag stuffy nose. hashtag no sleep. hashtag mouthbreather. just put on a breathe right strip. it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers.
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(coughs) cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. what are these? what is it? duck lips. quack quack. plastic surgery duck! uh huh! you are a backwards duck. instead of quack, he says- no, kcauq. kcauq. kcauqqq. kcauuuu. ? ? pringles! you wanna see something intense? pantene expert gives you the most beautiful hair ever, with our strongest pro-v formula ever. strong is beautiful. ugh. heartburn. sorry ma'am. no burning here. try alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they don't taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try? she doesn't have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies.
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the show, the israeli cybersecurity company that helps companies protect administrator accounts or privileged accounts. these are one of the most common targets for hackers because if you can login to a network as an administrator, you have the keys to the kingdom. higher than expected revenues, grew 37% clip year-over-year and strong guidance. the stock jumped from under $45 to up to $47.80. >> since then it's continued to climb. so can cyberark keep roaring, that's take a closer look with udi mokady to find out more about how his company is doing and where it's headed. mr. mokady, welcome back to "mad money." have a seat. >> thank you. >> all we ever heard was server, server, server, but it's finally starting to dawn on people that your server is just -- unless you have protection, everybody is going to see what you wrote.
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>> anything that's connected to the internet can be hackable. do you know that we had harman industries, which just sold, and he was talking about the notion of the driverless car can be hacked easily without the right stuff? >> absolutely. just the matter of the amount attempts. >> one of the things you've mentioned, you said it's proven that attackers need administrative credentials. how does an attacker get administrative credentials when it's so hard to get credentials when you work for a company? >> so they land on the inside. from there they progress and steal. they start with a regular user and they look for footprints of an administrator that touched the system. from them, they large on to those administrative credentials to jump to another computer with more privileges, to another server with more privileges. it's just look a pac-man looking at trails and it doesn't matter where you start. >> it seems like when they hire you, they're presuming they're being hacked.
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everybody is just presuming they're being hacked right now? >> that's the new approach. we've seen a change. it's called a post-reach proactive security measure. we're coming in ahead of time to help secure against these attacks. but we're seeing that the modern day customer is thinking, okay, we will be breached. let's make sure it's contained. >> what percent of the big enterprise companies do you think have not addressed this issue? >> we have 2,800 customers around the world. we're looking for the top when we land an account, we check did they have anything in place? sometimes they had something just for compliance sake. >> that's what i was getting at. maybe something has happened in the new york state department of financial services is saying it's not up to you anymore. that's what happened, right? >> compliance is a driver, but being complaint doesn't mean you're secure. security has to be based on risk approach, a risk-based approach and looking at how are the attackers thinking?
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thinking. >> the u.s. department of defense. >> we don't comment on certain customers, but we're very pleased with the federal business. >> you introduced the term ransomware, ever since then when i talk to law enforcement, they actual me how could you not know about ransomware? this is still state of the art. this is at >> definitely. one of every three malwares these days is ransomware because it's worth money to the attackers. there's been reports they're on track to collect ransom of $1 billion in 2016. so it's a very fruitful means of attack, and they're targeting the regular user back at home but also enterprises, which is what we protect. >> when i looked at the quarter, something that dawned on me that i realized i thought was not the case. you actually point blank say that cloud cannot -- i don't want to say you say it's not
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security risk, cloud. a lot of people come on and tell us not to worry about cloud security. that's not true, is it? >> the cloud basically expands the attack surface. it's much harder to set up 100 servers when you have to buy the hardware pieces versus set them up in the flick of a switch on a cloud provider. we're really securing the plumbing behind the cloud services. the servers, applications, everything that's expanding into the cloud. >> there does seem to be a differentiation now in the cybersecurity companies. at one point it was kind of like cybersecurity, that's hot. it became this e-mail and getting into the e-mail. was that just because of the scandals we heard, or is it just -- is it the most crackable? why do we know that the company -- the two companies are involved in just e-mail have had stronger results than all the other companies in the segment? >> because, again, e-mail is a great way to get in. we talk about the aattacker has to get in and then set a footprint. the companies that are trying to
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we actually work very well with those companies. >> we're always trying to figure out who's doing it. could you just give me a -- we hear russia. we hear china. how often is it state actor versus plain old bad guy? >> a lot of it is plain old bad guy. when it's after monetary reasons, i think the well famous things had to do with nation states. cyberark is not in the business of attributing, but we're seeing customers are worried about all of the above and they brief their boards about all of the above. >> with a new administration in the united states, do you think there will be a new approach to cyber warfare. >> we've seen both candidates talk about the need for cybersecurity, but the president-elect definitely emphasized a need to revamp cybersecurity in the federal government. >> more business for cyberark. >> potentially. we think it's a green field just like it was before. >> absolutely. >> and we're going after it. >> you said you were going to
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he's the founder, chairman, and ceo of cyberark. you know this has been our favorite. "mad money" is back after the break. i should take a closer look at geico... geico has a long history of great savings and great service. over seventy-five years. wait. seventy-five years? that is great. speaking of great, check out these hot riffs. you like smash mouth? uh, yeah i have an early day tomorrow so... wait. almost there. goodnight, bruce. (humming) take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more. when it's time to potty train... it's time for training underwear! new pampers easy ups. has an all-around stretchy waistband. and superior protection. so you'll see fewer leaks. and they'll see their first underwear.
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>> it is time! it is time for the lightning round! that's where i take your calls rapid fire. you tell me the stock. i tell you to buy, buy, buy or sell, sell, sell. we'll play this sound -- [ buzzer ] -- and then the lightning round is over. are you ready, skee-daddy? it's time for the lightning round on cramer's "mad money." let's start with sean in delaware, sean. >> caller: booyah to you, mr. cramer. >> thank you. >> caller: american tower. is it oversold here? >> there was a piece out today that sprint might merge with t-mobile. my thinking is when you get this kind of move, you got to wait till tomorrow midday because
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let's go to james in kentucky, james. >> caller: jim, this is the other jim from kentucky. >> there you go. >> caller: with a big blue booyah. >> i'll take it. louisville should be in the bcs. go ahead. >> caller: i've followed you for years. >> thank you. >> caller: i've also followed this company. i know you like it right now. amsurg, amsg. >> this group is under pressure, sir. everything is so in flux in health care because of the new president that we just have to be on the sidelines. it's tough because it looks so inexpensive, but sidelines is where we have to be. steve in tennessee, steve. >> caller: booyah to you, mr. jim, from tennessee. >> all right. >> caller: my wife has worked for kroger company for several years and we've accumulated quite a bit of stock with that. i noticed lately that it's kind of fallen off just a touch and wanted to know.
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should i keep it? >> kroger bottomed at the low 30s. it's a buy. i think it's terrific now. it went through its issues. it has recovered, and it's fine. max in washington, max. >> caller: booyah, jim. max from the nation's capital. i own a fair share of arrow electronics stock. do you think it's a safe bet to keep investing money in them or no? >> i'm sorry. which one? arrow? i like them. i think they're doing a very good job. i like tech data more, though, just to be clear. i think tech data got a very good deal. let's go to matt in connecticut, matty. >> caller: jim, booyah from fairfield, connecticut. >> hi. >> what are your thoughts on dunkin' brands? i took a position in 2013. >> i think it's fine. i think it's fine. the last couple of quarters have just been okay. i'm not going to go against it.
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how about one more? let's go to richard in california, richard. >> caller: yeah, jim. i heard last week that you had this g.i. on who was talking about kmi. my question is i hope you haven't turned sour on enterprise products. >> no. i know they spent a lot of money doing crackers that aren't that good, but i think epd is very good. and that, ladies and gentlemen, is c [ buzzer ] >> announcer: the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade. i laugh, i sneeze... there goes my sensitive bladder. sound familiar? then you'll love this. incredible protection in a pad this thin. i didn't think it would work, but it does. it's called always discreet watch this. this super absorbent core turns liquid to gel,
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always discreet for bladder leaks i love my shop, but my back pain was making it hard to sleep and open up on time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. now i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. what are these? what is it? duck lips. quack quack. plastic surgery duck! uh huh! you are a backwards duck. ? ? pringles! when heartburn hits, fight back fast
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and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ? tum -tum -tum -tum ? smoothies! only from tums don't ever accuse the banks of not giving the buy signal. do you recall on february 11th with the banks at the exact low for the year, jamie dimon, the ceo of jpmorgan chase bought 500,000 shares in the open market at $53.18 for a total cost of $26.6 billion. you got to look at the chart. you won't believe it. it's the and exact bottom.
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$40 million. now, looking back, we could argue it was a called shot, one of those amazing home runs that dimon said would happen. but it really wasn't like that at all. what dimon said when he bought the stock in february was it was too cheap relative to the fundamentals. it sure was. of course every ceo thinks his stock is cheap but when you see that kind of insider buying, that's not some sort of paint the tape couple of thousand share purchase that people talk about. that's real money. what we used to call it on the buy. the statement being enough is enough. jpmorgan stock is a safe place to invest. it's too low. every some fed official says there's no ability to raise rates since the economy is too weak. now, though, with interest rates really moving up, banks can start making a ton of money on mortgages and regular lending, and the fed has the cover to
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the market itself is moving long term rates. it's gotten to the point when you see a slate of fed heads like you have this week, you actually hope they're hawkish to keep this move going. banks are part of a massive underowned portion of this market, along with the transports. the industrials, and the broad line retailers. they just cause too much disappointment to own. if you thought that hillary clinton was going to be president, this group would have been absolutely toxic. think about the strikes against the banks. first there was gridlock. web when we loved gridlock wouldn't do anything, couldn't spend much? now our builder in chief, president-elect trump, gets tap add someone who will bust the budget and that's driving rates up. second, with republicans controlling not just the presidency but both houses of congress, the financials won't have to suffer through multiple years of democratic hectoring from the likes of senator elizabeth warren from massachusetts. third, the legal and compliance spending has been so horrendous, horrific, that it routinely impacted earnings per share.
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won't need as many workers in their compliance departments. they won't need to spend so much money on outside lawyers. remember, deutsche bank is also in big trouble with the justice department over some outstanding mortgage issues. trump has a great relationship with deutsche bank. what would happen if he calls angela merkel and agrees if they pay a reasonable fine? a win for everybody? finally even though interest rates are low, many people don't actually get a loan from a bank. with lower taxes, that changes too. more take-home pay means for lending, especially second house lending, which has really been shut down the last few years. did jamie dimon know something we didn't? only that his stock had gotten ridiculously low no matter who won for president. but if you go over bank and america, you could say as well they should have done a ton of insider buying.
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bought. looking back, it seems easy. at the time, you needed faith. you needed belief, and he had both in spades. stick with cramer. "why are you checking your credit score?" "i think we can finally get a bigger place." "hey!" "hey!" "ahhhh." "charades?" "yeah, let me check my score too." "try credit karma. it's free." "check out credit karma today." "credit karma. give yourself some credit." i had frequent heartburn, doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 straight years, and it's still recommended today.
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rotations. for instance, last week we obviously had the banks going. we had the retailers going. we had the transports going. but after the close, warren buffett disclosed some key positions in the airlines. i think they get the mantle. they get the baton next. but there on the other side, we saw a big selloff in technology. can that last? i happen to think that the technology away from fang is getting a little cheap, so you might not want to get rid of those.
4:00 am
i like to say there's always a bull market somewhere. i promise to try to find it just for you right here on "mad . new new details this morning surrounding president-elect donald trump's transition team and potential cabinet members that is making more than a few people very nervous. people very nervous. president obama opens up to settle nerves ahead of his final european trip. will enough jobs return to the u.s. to satisfy those who elected trump in the first place? >> what happens when politics turns ugly over accusations of a kremlin connection. saying good-bye to a trail blazing journalist of the highest quality, "early today" starts right now. >> good morning, everyone, i'm
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