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tv   12 News Today  NBC  November 21, 2016 5:30am-6:00am MST

5:30 am
storms. good morning. it is looking good out here so far. here is a look at the big picture traffic. slowdowns on the broadway curve and 10 is already starting to back up into phoenix. out here we are on the 10 heading westbound at 91st avenue. i mentioned a disabled vehicle a few minutes ago, you can see there are emergency lights here. vehicles are taking it slow around his -- this. we are also going to take it slow as we passed this on the right. you can see a lot of lights here. over to the left you can see police vehicles continuing to work on the situation.
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we will can about in the west valley to bring you your traffic report. it looks like the evening commute will be nice and dry tonight. let's get a quick check of the hot headlines. the overpass karen bell road over grand avenue is set to reopen tomorrow. the new interchange will reduce traffic since april. arizona snowball is finally open for the season after unusually high temperatures kept it close tight -- closed longer than expected. the governor plans to help distribute holiday food baskets to needy families at a food
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morning at st. mary's food bank. the cardinals lost yesterday and it is raining this morning, but there is one good thing happening today, adele is back. we are live the talking stick arena. i would like to send my love to someone like you.>> reporter: adele is sending her love down here to phoenix. she will be here tonight. she is doing a makeup concert. back in august she was here for two nights and perform the first night and pushed a little bit too hard and had to cancel her second concert. she made this facebook video immediately after that on august 17 saying she had to cancel due to sickness. unfortunately, she is just like this, she has to call in sick every once in a while. in rehearsals that morning she
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really happening and is she performed she would not be very good. anyone with tickets that they will be honored tonight. if you cannot make it, you can get a refund. i just checked ticket master, if you click to submit even for one ticket, is says no tickets were found. i'm -- i tried all morning to get a ticket for the concert tonight. let's get some morning juice now. less than one month until star wars fans have a slice of heaven. the latest tv spot is out this morning. check it out. or just watch me dance. we will skip that.
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the 2016 american music awards proved once again to be one of entertainments biggest nice. selena gomez took home the award for favorite female pop art is a talked about body image in her speech. ariana grande a one artist of the year. -- won artis of the year. -- artist of the year. here is your women are 80% more likely to do this before a man. what is this? survey show half of us have done this. >> give birth. >> what about your first purchase, a car or something big. >> waste money. >> wrap a christmas gift.
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some paper. >> i stick it in the back from the store a came from. >> in my family, my dad was the one who wrapped the presence. >> my dad spends a lot of time doing the same thing. he will be meticulous. >> i love the care that good rapper. -- at wrapping. it meant so much. my husband is great added. -- at it. >> i never cut in the paper. there is always a gap. >> just put on the back and take over it. >> -- tape over.
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question. the majority of people will give these two things up after trying them just once. what are they? >> someone on facebook said chopsticks and sushi. >> i was going to say dip. maybe smoking. >> it is the great thanksgiving the bay, how to prepare stuffing. inside or outside the bird. >> we want to hear from you. you can vote on our website. right now the majority say they could get outside. 60% say it does not matter, just feed me.
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bird. i want to know the trick to that. >> it's a good thing you asked. >> we have three valley chefs in the studio right now from the foundry hotel. they are here to answer your thanksgiving day questions. it smelled so good. we are on facebook life. send us your questions. you can also twitter. >> someone asked about snacks. we will talk about that coming up in a minute. plus, donald trump is trying to fill out his cabinet.
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? think of your fellow man. ? ? lend him a helping hand. ? ? put a little love in your heart. ? ? take a good look around... ? ? ...and if you're lookin' down, ? ? put a little love in your heart. ? ?put a little love in your heart.? ? in your heart. ?
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good morning. welcome back. here is a look at the capitol building in washington dc. 37 degrees with the wind chill 28. makes it seem pretty warm here in phoenix as we sit at 62. we are getting a good idea of who is being considered for the top position in the donald trump administration.>> reporter: we know that 21 people came to bedminster over the weekend to talk to donald trump about positions in this administration.
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rick perry to come in and talk about one of three possible jobs. secretary of defense, energy or veterans affairs. in terms of who he is considering for secretary of state, mitt romney appears to be a leading candidate. so is former new york mayor rudy giuliani. some of those decisions still be made. a name to remember, retired donald trump likes a lot. he had some differences of opinion with the obama administration as central command as now is being considered as secretary of defense. we are waiting for the official announcements. there is still questions out there about how donald trump could avoid business conflicts.
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with some business partners that are in conflict with what he said he would do bike putting his company in a blind trust.>> reporter: real estate partners, but was that about business or the government and the country or something in between. we also saw a vodka trump -- ivanka in a meeting with a japanese prime minister. critics say this will have to be dealt with and he has to make it clear that he is not going to run the business while running the country. let's take a look outside for your real-time on the road traffic. >> we are turning around to show you where the rain is falling out of the west valley.
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we are yellow right now. 10 eastbound. read around 59th avenue and 10 eastbound. 17 southbound starting to back up around northern. east valley looking pretty good. no major crashes. there is a disabled vehicle on 10 westbound at 91st avenue. also the on ramp at 34th avenue is experiencing a crash. we are te we got stopped at a light. let's show you the wet roadways. vehicles entering 10 heading westbound. a lot of traffic this morning. folks getting out the door early. it looks like it will be wet for parts of the valley. rain in the north ballets and
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let's move ahead to friday. we have a freeze warning for these counties. it will be pretty cold out towards the north. it will be chilly after the storm moves through. right now we have clouds lingering over the city. showers on and off. they just developed in the past half hour. 68. almost 2 inches below average -- . it will be cool. rainfall scattered across the region. we are checking out some of the storms as they continue to move across the area. west valley more showers out
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valley. east valley pretty quiet. showers now making their way over the downtown area. remember there is water on the rain -- roadways. it can be pretty slick. more showers towards the north. flagstaff more rainfall and down towards the south some showers ond there is always the potential for lightning with this one. snowfall at about 8000 feet. 41 degrees flagstaff. prescott 48. 70s from parker towards bullhead city. mainly in the 60s for daytime temperatures. stormy weather.
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interesting way to start on monday. >> reporter: tuesday 69. thanksgiving day 76 degrees. beautiful. now i want to know how to cook my stuffing. there are too many cooks in the kitchen. but we love that. we are getting you ready for thanksgiving. we have the chefs from the foundry hotel. now. keep your questions coming. tell us what you have got going on for thanksgiving. >> our concept is that we are taking a local twist on everything. we describe ourselves as global textures, flavors and colors with arizona ingredients. our goal is to be fully sustainable and keep dollars here in arizona. we wanted to go through the
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ingredients. we currently support 82 local farmers and growers. we have a wine collection that is local. we have breads, tomato products. even down . we get a lot of vegetables from different farmers. >> we want to talk about winding -- brining. >> you do that because you need
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think about the turkey as a sponge. it attracts moisture. the turkey will pull out things every track and pull in that flavor. you are internally seasoning. you increase the moisture by about 20%. you get turkey. you do it overnight. 12 hours. it depends on how much salt is in there. this recipe will be on the website. you do a 12 hour brine which means you let it soak in that. we are using a local [
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weight on the top. of and 425 degrees for the first 20 minutes, lower the temperature to 300. this is something you can bring to a party. you can showcase our recipe. the recipe is on the website. >> you have to brine. so amazing. another question, i have always found it difficult to remove the meat from the next. >> for me that is where the flavor is. it is all about the gravy with drippings.
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slowly -- breeze -- braise it slowly. >> we have more questions coming up in the next half hour. keep them coming on facebook live and also on twitter. we are dealing with some rain here, but back east it is a different story, snow. we will check in on where this
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5:53 am
? ? ? ? ? i want a hippopotamus for christmas ? ? only a hippopotamus will do ? ? no crocodiles ? will like m too ? -- we deliver more online purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. and more hippopotamuses, too. ? i only like hippopotamuses ? ? ? ? ? so whatever your holiday priority,
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good morning. welcome back. take a look at this. syracuse new york. lake effect snow is falling there. when it comes, it dumps a lot of snow. they are getting 1 to 3 in./h
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the day. they are used to that. checking the hot headlines. protesters clashing with law enforcement's once again at the dakota access pipeline. firefighters sprayed them with a water cannon according to the protesters. a spokesperson said they are using hose and dash they are putting out fires. deadly shooting of a san antonio officer saturday afternoon. he stopped a vehicle and was writing a terrific in his patrol car when the suspect pulled up and got up and walked into the passenger window and fired twice and then fled. the detective was pronounced dead at a hospital. rochester new york was slammed with lake effect snow
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wind gusts are more than 40 miles per hour. snow and ice covered roads with poor visibility is a recipe for disaster. we know thanksgiving is a couple of days away, but it is time to think about your christmas trees. >> ahead, we will let you know where you can get your trees straight from mother nature. rumor singer is back in the valley. we're talking about adele coming up in a few minutes. plus, rain on our tracker cam. we will break down your drive times coming up in a couple of minutes. we are just one day away from >> reporter: tuesday. we urge you to help us feed families around arizona by donating at our annual turkey tuesday drive.
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or on gilbert road in chandler. >> if you cannot make it out, you can still help. donate at food city across the state. they are collecting money at the registered or you can donate online on our website.
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more is on the way. garrity for wet commute out there. she is back and ready to perform after months of waiting. thousands of arizonans are ready for the adele concert. to carson palmer just throw away the playoff chances? the season goes from bad to worse. [music]


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