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tv   12 News Today  NBC  November 30, 2016 6:00am-7:00am MST

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right now on 12 today - police release new video of a suspect they believe.. shot and right now on 12 today - police release new video of a suspect they believe.. shot and killed a man at the light rail. john mccain and
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didn't agree much on the campaign trail.. but they may agree on flag burning. and what does 100-million dollars look like? floyd mayweather would be happy to show you. that story.. coming up.. in your morning juice.
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adlib weather adlib traffic new this morning
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video just released by police shows what may be the suspect in a fatal shooting at the light rail. team 12's brandon hamiltion is live at -
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police shows what may be the suspect in a fatal shooting at the light rail. team 12's brandon hamiltion is live at 24th street and jefferson with the latest..
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was run over by a pickup near his home. phoenix police say a neighbor. backing up his truck hit the toddler in a driveway at the mobile home park where they both lived. that driver told the boys parents who then rushed him to hospital in critical condition. police found the family on the way - and then firefighters took over - frantically trying to save the child. despite their efforts the one year old later died at the year old later died at the
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gas pipeline exploded near kansas city. firefighters have "finally" managed to put out the flames this morning. the explosion happened last night and firefighters say the pipeline carries ethane and propane. no injuries have been reported. at least three people have been killed in wildfires burning in east tennessee. more than 150 structures were either destroyed or badly damaged as winds of up to 87-miles per hour fueled the flames near the resort towns of gatlinburg and pigeon forge. the high win night. more than 14- thousand residents and tourists were forced to evacuate. the national park service says the fires have burned an estimated 15- thousand acres so far. all of that comes-- as we remember the 19 arizona firefighters who died battling the yarnell hill fire 3 years ago. a new memorial park is opening where the granite mountain hotshots lost their lives... the 3-mile trail takes visitors to where they took their final breaths. team 12's william pitts has more on
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flag burning - the latest topic donald trump has sparked a debate over.. and it's one the the latest topic donald trump has sparked a debate over.. and it's one the president-elect flag burning - the latest topic donald trump has sparked a debate over.. and it's one the president-elect and senator john mccain may agree on. team 12's bryan west is live from the newsroom with the details.. flag burning - the latest topic donald trump has
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over.. and it's one the president-elect and senator john mccain may agree on. team 12's bryan west is live from the newsroom with the details.. they both agree there should be some sort of punishment when it comes to burning the american flag... saying it's unpatriotic and offensive. they both agree there should be some sort of punishment when it comes to burning the american flag... saying it's unpatriotic and offensive. this debate resurfaced when the president elect tweeted... nobody should be allowed to burn the american flag, if they do, there must be consequence - perhaps loss of citizenship or a year in jail. the supreme court has ruled on this issue twice - both in 1989 and 1990. in both cases, the highest court in the land ruled that burning a flag is a quote "act of
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they claim it's the type of action that the first amendment was designed to protect. even one of the most conservative justices, antonin scalia, had a key vote in both - saying while he doesn't approve of it... it is fundamentally protected. reporters on the hill asked senator john mccain about the issue... here's what he said. politicians have continued to introduce legislation for the past few decades as well as proposed constitutional amendments... but a large majority of those have failed due to the first amendment decision. so now we want to hear from you.. go to 12-news- dot-com-slash- your-voice.. and tell us "do you think people american flag?" we'll update you with live results throughout the show. still ahead on 12 today - do you play tennis? why you may want to pick up and racquet and learn. plus, have you ever seen what 100-million dollars looks so now we want to hear from you.. go to 12-news- dot-com-slash- your-voice.. and tell us "do you
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burning the american flag?" we'll update you with live results throughout the show. still ahead on 12 today - do you play tennis? why you may want to pick up and racquet and learn. plus, have you ever seen what 100-million dollars looks like? thanks to floyd mayweatehr.. we're about to who you. wait until you see what the man they call "money" posted on his instagram
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toss morning juice quick question
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check for 100-
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you ever seen a check for 100- million dollars? okay well, they don't call him floyd 'money' mayweather for nothing. floyd living up to his nickname on instagram yesterday.. posting this photo of a handwritten check for $100 million. part of the caption reads... "this is just one of my many checks, a cool $100,000,000.00 that i still have every dime of." the check, from mayweather's promotion boxer himself, is dated may 2, 2015. that's the date he defeated another boxing legend, manny pacquiao. mayweather claimed he made more than ... 220 million dollars from that fight... which had nearly 5-million pay per view buys and raked in 600 million in total revenue. both floyd and manny were guaranteed a 100-million purse going into that
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sound bite a funny moment last night from the nba will have a few old dudes at the ymca smiling.. 18 year nba veteran paul pierce showed his age in their game against the brooklyn nets. missing a wide open dunk on the paul. so in good fun, chris goes to check on paul and even pretends to give him cpr. everyone got a good laugh.. including the 39 year pierce who's nickname is the truth. he's already accepted his truth.. he's too old for this. he plans to retire at the end of the season. now time for your juicy question of the
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one out of three of us will be getting this very soon. although.. 100- percent of us want this.
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adlib traffic adlib weather still ahead on 12 today - you may not have game like serena.. but taking a swing at tennis is a good idea. some surprising new research about the benefits.. of picking up a racquet. d pack? i'm talkng about abs here people.. how your legs can help you flatten your stomach. you're watching 12 today. still ahead on 12
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but taking a swing at tennis is a good idea. some surprising new research about the benefits.. of picking up a racquet. and do you want that rock hard 6 pack? i'm tg abs here people.. how your legs can help you flatten your stomach. you're watching 12 today.
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longer. listen to this.. researchers in australia looked at how participating in six different sports affected a person's life expectancy. topping the list, sports that required a racquet.. like tennis. they were linked to a 47-percent lower risk of death from any cause ... followed by swimming, aerobics and cycling. soccer and running ... did not reduce the risk of death. on this weight loss wednesday.. we're showing you how to burn off your thanksgiving dinner and get those abs you've always wanted. another exercise
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trainer bobby hodge from advantage training shows us how they're done. bobby :05 - :09 ad lib... still ahead on 12
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they were set up to spot dangerous animals.. but these don't look so scary. where people were having some fun.. with their local law enforcement. and dolly parton's nbc movie "a christmas of many colors" premieres tonight. team 12's ryan cody has an exclusive behind- the-scenes look at the movie with the legend herself.
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right now on 12
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attack at ohio state. what the president - elect had to say on twitter. speaks out on the attack at ohio state. what the president - elect had to say on twitter. electric cars are growing in popularity.. and soon, more will be produced right here in arizona. and how would you like unlimited ice cream..
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then wendy's has an offer for you.
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adlib traffic a murder at a popular light rail
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but new video may help police catch the killer. team 12's brandon hamiltion is live with the latest.. more big announcements are expected out of trump tower today. are expected out of trump tower today. more big announcements are expected out of trump tower today. team 12's tracie potts is in washington with the latest on the
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more big announcements are expected out of trump tower today. team 12's tracie potts is in washington with the latest on the
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today. just this morning -- president elect trump tweeted
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what's happening on capitol hill today. just this morning -- president elect trump tweeted just this morning -- president elect trump tweeted out this in response to the ohio state university stabbings... and it's already making headlines: "isis is taking credit for the terrible stabbing attack at by a somali refugee who should not have been in our country." back to the trump tweet on flag burning. still getting a lot of reaction this morning. and it appears.. it may be the one thing the president elect and arizona senator john mccan agree on. team 12's bryan west is live from the newsroom with the details.. they both agree there should be some sort of punishment when it comes to burning the american flag, calling it not only wildly unpatriotic but also offensive to those who serve the country. his message said,
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there must be consequence - perhaps loss of citizenship or a year in jail." reporters on capital hill caught up with senator john mccain - who agrees. he said "i do not approve of burning the flag... there should be some punishment, but right now, the supreme court decision is that people are free to express themselves in that way." the supreme court has ruled twice on this issue... in 1989 and 1990. even conservative justice antonin scalia voted in favor of the first amendment both times saying if he was king he wouldn't allow the burning of the flag however the right of free speech shall not be abridged. legislation has been introduced several times for the past few decades as well as constitutional amendments to overturn the decision. those have been struck down. live in the satellite center... bryan west 12 today.
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go to 12-news- dot-com-slash- your-voice.. and tell us "do you think people should be punished for burning the american flag?" we'll update you with live results throughout the show. still ahead on 12 today - what in the name of the national geographic is going on here? where a few having fun with police. and the nfl says yes.. with a catch. why players will finally be allowed top wear custom cleats on sunday without fear of being fined by the boss.
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toss morning juice toss morning
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sometimes police departments will put up motion- activated cameras to keep an eye out for dangerous animals in parks and along trails. but a department in kansas got something they n' check it out... some locals found the cameras and decided to have a little fun.. this wolf in high heel boots didn't look too scary as she pranced along the trail. police also discovered two gorillas frolicking for the camera. we're not even sure what one of the costumes is.. creepy is one word to describe it. the images gave police officials a good chuckle. on their facebook page, gardner police thanked citizens for noticing the cameras... and for their sense of
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how about all you can eat ice cream for a good cause? wendy's frosty lovers rejoice! beginning next year -- you'll be able to buy a 2 dollar frosty key tag. it every purchase you make for the entire year. and 90 cents on the dollar goes to the dave thomas foundation to help children in foster care find a forever home. t dollar goes to dave thomas foundation to help children and foster care find a forever home. you can get the tag in most stores or the foundation's website. tram, i know what i am getting you for christmas, your birthday. ef holiday. >> and thank you.
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work and over to wendy amount. >> talk about the -- wendy's. >> talk about the gift that keeps on giving. time for your juicy question and the answer in the morning. one out of three of us will get this soon. all right, this is the last hint. it could be a membership to the deli of the month club. >> what? >> fruitcake of the month? >> you know what the jelly of the month is? >> no, i am thinking a fruit cake? what is it? >> besides a frosty? >> i am excited. >> and seriously, to say a christmas bonus. >> oh. and then the jell of the month thing, i didn't understand that. >> that is a reference to christmas vacation. >> okay. >> charge thinks he's getting a big christmas bonus. that is why they're adding in the swimming pool and backyard and turns out with the jelly of the month club and kidnaps the boss and randy quaid. >> and we should show them the whole clip. >> it's classic americana right there. >> yeah. >> and which is getting the christmas bonus? >> neither? >> which one of us?
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>> it's more like one out of 10. >> yeah. >> okay. >> and outside on 12 news. >> yeah. and still ahead. >> y that going to go nut when is he hit -- they're going to go nut when is he hits the thing. >> yeah! >> oh! >> it went in! >> oh, yeah! fans are dreaming of moments like that. it's tiger time once again. still ahead on 12 today, where
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? think of your fellow man. ? ? lend him a helping hand. ? ? put a little love in your heart. ? ? take a good look around... ? ? ...and if you're lookin' down, ? ?put a little love in your heart.? ? in your heart. ? (avo) the subaru share the love event is happening now and will have given ninety million dollars
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. >> it's hard to see when it's this cold outside, huh? 43 degrees and you can which can dolly parton's christmas special, circle of love and in addition to that, the 70-year- old country music legend has a number one album and is
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anniversary this year. >> that is one station talking with the one and only deal. here's team 12s ryan codie, i believe. maybe. >> reporter: seventy years old and showing no signs of slowing down. she's dealing with a heavy heard this week, though, as the wildfires in east tennessee are dangerously close to her theme park and resort in pigeon ford. both evacuated on tuesday and she issue she's heartbroken and sending prayers. a lot to balance but she's dolly parton. >> circle of light. >> i don't ever want to retire. as long as i can continue working, i will and that is one of the reasons i stay young for my age is because i am busy. i don't have time to get old. >> reporter: father time has no grip on this country music queen who, even at 70, brings as much energy to her work as she did 50 years ago.
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accomplished. they say wisdom comes with age. if so, i ought to be getting smart about now. >> reporter: an actress, singer/songwriter and businesswoman. her theme park and resort is a huge part of her $450 million empire in tennessee. >> i met dolly when i was seven months pregnant with these two here at dollywood and i asked her if it was okay if i named one of my twin daughters d >> reporter: despite working with and caring for many children over the years, they never -- she and her husband never had kids themselves. >> if i would have children, i would not have done all i would have because i would have given all of myself this tim -- to them. everything workings out the way it's supposed to. i love being aunt, aunt dolly and i love having not that full responsibility, but i love that
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me young, too. >> reporter: speaking of children, i'll have my red carpet interview with olivia allen lynn, the 9-year-old who plays dolly in christmas of many colors. she will talk about how difficult it was to prepare to may such an iconic figure and that is tonight on 12newsant 10. ryan codie, 12 today. >> i can't imagine the pressure behind that. great cast, though and before her big movie debut, see dolly at lighting ceremony, hosted by matt laue, savannah guthrie, al roker and hoda. and there will be music by trisha yearwood, tony bennett, garth brooks and more. that starts at 6:00 on chapel 12. will be fun -- on channel 12. will be fun to watch. >> it does. and 6:50 now and light check the realtime on the road traffic with jen. >> the and that is for people like me.
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big picture traffic and start you off in the east valley and this is backed up to the yellow zone. the 101 northbound to the 202 and 60 and in the west valley, we have been there an hour from 91st past into downtown phoenix and where we are live, the 17 southbound and we getting closer to phoenix. that is taking crashes here, it's still extremely slow. and what i mentioned, at camelback, that cleared and into the left, the northbound lanes are more open here than the southbound lanes and 17 southbound at northern is going to take you some time and into phoenix. another 20 minutes or something close to that and that should clear out once you're past
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no major crashes here and all of your delays are rush hour and so, jimmy, fingers are thawed here and it was freezing. >> and temperatures are like that and pan back on some of the cars. i thought i saw my cousin rico and we have clear skies and wonderful weather and 30s to start things off and like it. 32 for maricopa and valley. and you just nudged ahead for the winner this morning. 31 degrees and below the freezing mark and we'll have clear skies here for today and tomorrow and in another area of low pressure, that is spinning down there and going down and that is for friday and may be a slight chance of a sprinkle here and with some clouds. and as usual, that is tapping into the gulf of mexico and
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couldn't ask for a better day and that is coldifer many folks and frigid for the morning, below average friday next four, five days and by friday, another re-enforcing shot of cold air across the forecast and clear skis across the west and pacific northwest, a few showers and cool in the dakotas, north and south dakota. into the south, heavy rainfall and they had severe weather and fatalities in storms this that area and sky is your average and below average on the temperatures and for today, temperatures look like this. 63 for sedona and payson, flagstaff, 37 degrees and 63 for wednesday, the seven-day forecast. it's chilly. the flights and mornings into the cool side and again on friday and the weekend is looking delightful.
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handy. at 6:53, let's get a final check of the headlines this morning. police released surveillance video from the deadly shooting on the light-rail that happened sunday night at 24th street and jefferson. this shows a man around 9:00 and policing the suspect got into an argument with two men before killing one of them and if you have information, call police. >> and notice. >> the sidewalk is mine. ge attorney's office moved to dismiss the criminal case it filed against two phoenix police officers indicted for tampering with the public record after pepper spraying a homeless woman. they said they started to give her medical attention but that is not what the gps and body cameras revealed. the case is being dismissed because there is no reasonable likelihood much a convention.
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the men will continue. both are on administrative leave. and sheriff arpaio's trial for defying orders is pushed back. and it's been moved to april after the lawyers asked for more time to prepare and this means he will no longer be in office when that trial beginning. an elderly woman is in critical condition still after she was pulled from the burning home. this happened in apache and apache trail. she was airlifted to the hospital. >> and today, honoring a 19 granite mountain hot shots who died in the yarnel hill fire will open to the public and fridgeds and family attended yesterday. visitors can walk the same trail they took on that fateful day and there are plaques dedicated to each firefighter who died. >> of the and in 10y so e a massive wildfire.
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millions of visitors every year. tennessee's governor called the fire historic, the worst one in 100 years and that fire destroyed more than 150 structures and stretched beyond dollywood. it was spared any damage. and northbound, a tornado killed three people and hurt four more in am alabama. the national weather service said the line of severe storms moved across tornados and hair were reported in louisiana and mississippi. and the remains of fidel castro are on the move this morning, the first part of a ceremonial journey from havana to the eastern city of santiago decuba where he launch heads revolution to take over the islandination in 1953 and that route traces in reveres the freedom caravan in -- reverses the freedom caravan. castro's ashes will be placed
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december 4th. and. >>. and good news this arizona. lucid motor is going to build a manufacturing plant that will begin production in 2018. and lucid said the plant will have thousand workers by 2022. and golf fans, the moment is nearly here. tiger woods is returning to competitive play this week and here's the host of the world challenge and 17 others starting tomorrow and tiger will be playing in a tournament the first time in 15 months because of health issues, which included two back procedures and best of luck. >> and good to see him on the court. >> and yes. more than 300 people voted in that and a question about whether flag burning is a punishable offense.
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said yes, it should be punishable. and thank you so much for voting online and final takeaways, i am see the first in line at wendy's for the free frost's. >> and i am there with you. >> ninety% goes to a great cause. >> o. >> and you want mine? >> yes. >> they're back from napoleon dynamite and getting tots >> and some of your tots. >> and lines are going around all morning long. >> real quick, that is the nfl customizing their cleats and auctioning them off for charity this weekend. that is cool. >> and tiger is back on the golf course. >> love it. >> and hopefully he'll be healthy and bring back excitement the. >> and 12 news is always on and the favorite social media apps. >> have a wonderful day,
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if you're told you have cancer, explore your treatment options
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every day.... at cancer treatment centers of america. learn more at good morning. breaking overnight, powerful storms sweep across the south. a string of tornados touching down in four states. at least five people killed, dozens injured. fight against those raging wildfires enters a third day. >> it was apocalyptic almost. >> this morning, a firsthand look at the damage .devastation from the worst fires there in more than a century. steak dinner, despite their rocky past, mitt romney emerges from a late night meeting with donald trump and heaps praise on the president-elect. >> enlightening and interesting and engaging. >> but is romney any closer to


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