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tv   12 News Today  NBC  December 1, 2016 6:00am-7:00am MST

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the colder it is the faster i run. >> jimy bolted out for a festival in peoria. he's bundled up. >> reporter: definitely need the sleeves on this one. the site where there's a huge festival tomorrow. it's a lot of fun. food trucks and hot chocolate and you name it, should be absolutely gorgeous. for today, i'll tell you what, you need the gloves and jackets and clear skies out there and any heat that's left overon the ground from yesterday, it's all escaping. radiation cooling very relevant this time of year. you can bundle up and you'll be
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60s. temperature of 42 degrees in peoria. very cold slipping into the 30s in just a bit. more about this festival happening this weekend and your
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a hot coffee helps to stay warm. i bought a new coat also so i'm all set. >> this isn't the kind of weather you see in phoenix. >> not usually. >> reporter: great morning to come get a warm coffee. the difference between in here and out there is the difference between phoenix and chicago about 15-20 degrees. much warmer by the machines. 0. >> we'll be talking to more people getting a drink and getting warm. how does the toasty studio feel
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my husband was going back and forth with his parents from columbus, ohio. it's unseasonably warm over there. >> i was reporting in it yesterday and had the coffee and steam going everywhere. it's cold but feels god. >> it's 45 degrees or 100 degrees, we do like to complain a little. >> highs in the 60s, come on people, this is our poll question of the morning -- which is worse -- hot or cold weather. go to 12 nd updating the results throughout the morning. looks like cold is catching up a bit. 57% of voters think hot weather is the worst. >> definitely. it drives me crazy. >> yes, i love to be able to bust out the scarves and boots and hats and everything this time of year. unfortunately we do have some bad traffic to talk about. this is the 60 westbound right at the ten. emergency crews on scene and we have a line of headlights for you to look at.
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warming up in their cars for quite some time this morning as this back up will stretch for a couple miles. emergency crews work on this one so again, 60 westbound to the ten subpoena the left lanes are blocked now. you can see this back up is right to about mc clinton and that's going to continue to grow. what you might want to do is use the 101 or 202 or take side streets southern or baseline throughout your morning commute. let's look picture traffic. slow downs on the ten heading in from the west valley. also in through scottsdale, the 60 behind this crash so throughout gilbert and mesa, if you don't need to get in phoenix it's not bad. the 202 is wide open as well. we also have a closure to mention this morning. this is on a side street, cactus and cave creek, your alternate route is green way parkway or northern. breaking news as salt river
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run him over. more details now, nicole? ? >> reporter: two suspects in custody after running over several patrons and a police officer. it all started at midnight in this parking garage. itted with a security officer noticing something was off. there was a suspicious in the garage around midnight. department. the officers try to confront the vehicle but that vehicle started to flee and in the process almost hit a couple of patrons who were walking around in the garage and a patrol car. the suspect vehicle was able to mauk it out of the garage and at that point they found and made contact with another officer, the suspect vehicle started to charge at that officer at which point the
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weapon and this is what detective al me da with the salt river police department had to say about the scene. >> as the officers approached him to make contact, the vehicle attempted to flee and struck a patrol car. the vehicle attempted to exit the parking structure nearly hitting several patrons as they were walking back and forth from vehicles. we attempted to make another stop and as the vehicle was drufing directly at an officer, he discharged his duty weapon. 0. >> reporter: that vehicle then made it out of here and got on to 101 where the car broke down near 101. the suspect trying to outrun officers but they were able to catch up with them and apprehended them and fortunately nobody in this incident was injured. for now, live from salt river community, nicole zimak, abc15
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in the line of duty. the officer sdieed after being shot several times by a suspect barricaded in a home. investigators say he was responding to a domestic disturbance at the time and at last check, that suspect is still barricaded in the house. president-elect donald trump will make his first public appearance since the election today kicking off his thank you tour for states that provooded his margin of victory in a series of rals will begin in ohio. mike pence will also make a stop in indiana. two arizonaens are now on the trump transition team. the state treasurer and arizona house spokeswoman stephanie grisham has been given a press release post. she's on leave since the legislature adjourned in may working on press matters for
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0. >> the 84th rockefeller center christmas tree officially lit there. that tree lighting ceremony happened last night at 30 rock. it will stay lit until january 7th. love that site. it's bedazzling. >> so magical. it almost doesn't look real. >> speaking of trees there's a new christmas tree debate brewing in phoenix. a group is pushing city leaders to ep camel back mountain after it was removed days ago. you probably know the tree. it's become a tradition for many people. we explain why it was taken down and how the group behind the tree isn't backing down. seems like it's a silly reason to stop people from getting together. that's when hikers take to the city.
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. >> a jewish man wants the christmas tree to go back up. it's nondenominational. . it was taken down by park rangers the next day. . >> water bottles and religious items -- if you leave don't grow on camel back. >> maybe that's why they see it as litter. we'll continue to bring trees and see what happens. >> the city budget now allowing the tree to go up this year. >> although there's not any formalized yes, we have had head wind where they haven't accepted that we have a formal meeting in 2017. >> the councilmen chiming in saying he believes it was the
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also ahead on 12 today, pet owners are ready to spoil their furry friends. we check out the . i see that. >> you need a lift?
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at t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods, we've always believed the holidays should be about joy. where days are filled with magic, not madness. it's why we have amazing prices on thoughtful gifts, everyday.
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kanye cancelled his tour before being admitted. we hope he's feeling better. >> so you need a ride? >> i got my own car. 0. >> i love those red heads. >> some texas university students may have got a little daezed and confused when they were offered a ride from matthew mccona ughey. he was volunteers ing for a
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home safe. students uploaded this picture to prove their night was all right, all right, all right. how amazing was that? can you imagine him pulling up in his golf cart? you probably had to look twice. brap 0.
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experienced that. just saying it could possibly be the answer. we're taking you back out to the 60 westbound at i-ten. still have wall to wall traffic but good news, the crash has been cleared so hopefully within the next half hour or so, this area will look a lot smoother. right now speeds are down to 10- 20 miles per hour, especially as you close in around mill. now, the 17 north end doesn't look bad at all. drive times here on your thursday morning. 101 is only going to take you 13 minutes. the northbound all the way up to north scottsdale at frank lloyd wright running 20 minutes for that part of the commute.
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now. moving to the east valley, there you go, the 202 into phoenix backing up along with the 101 northbound. let's send it out to jimmy. a cold morning and we can't say that enough. he's also getting in the holiday spirit. jimmy, i heard you singing early y, what do you have for us now? ? >> that's all you get. we're in peoria now indoors in the community center part of big festivities tomorrow night five-10 really good stuff. we have an interesting poll question going on. what do you prefer -- the heat or cold? here's your forecast for today. temperatures in the 60s and low to mid 60s starting out just
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the 60s so a light to medium jacket. earlier in the morning a good jacket and gloves. we're here in peoria talking to bill moss. starting at 5:00, where are y'all located? >> on the corner of 83rd and we'll have our 31st annual old town festival. we have 21 food trucks down here and santa and 20 tons of snow in the park. crafts for everybody and as you ginger bread contest. all these houses brought in by the public competing for prizes and expecting more tonight but it's just going to be a fun time for everybody. >> if teens want to come out there's a dance, right? >> yes, in a park and ride lot over here across from the community center, the teens have their holiday dance over there so there's all kinds of inflatables and carnival rides and arts and crafts.
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decorating. we're bringing in 3500 cookies. it's going to be a fun time. >> if you get cold you can come to the community center too? >> you know it. we're having hot chocolate. you can come in the community center and warm up and see what's going on. there's acts on our stage, community acts so it's all night, 5-10 here in peoria. >> and food trucks. >> all down 83rd avenue. >> we'rein this morning, what would you prefer? the heat or the cold. >> you know what? i'll take the cold. my wife thinks i'm nuts but i like the cold mornings. >> i i'll take the heat over the cold. absolutely. what do you say? >> heat. >> okay there you have it. a little bit of a poll -- i'll take the cold any day. >> i'm with you, i'll take the cold every day. still ahead, pets are on the
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their owners are shelling out big bucks. we check out toys that will have fido wagging his tail for
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now how's that thing supposed to convince anyone to buy a car? it's just full of hot air and doesn't say much. like the labels you see on a lot of chicken packaging. the ones that say "raised without antibiotics." that's just a trick to get you to pay more money. fact is, by federal law, all chickens must be clear of antibiotics before they leave the farm.
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though i must say, he is somewhat hypnotic. don't fall for the hype, dale. dale?
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hopefully the cold doesn't make you too crazy. i'm sure you're dreaming of the ocean now. >> a beautiful live look at downtown phoenix, it's chilly but always beautiful here. christmas shopping list include something for the family pet? you're not alone if so. >> new data shows we're being generous to our pooches this year. brian moore has the story. >> pets are on santa's nice list this year and consumers are shelling out big bucks for our furry friends this holiday season. >> the pet category is seeing a huge surge in sales, about one
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>> so what do pets have on their wish list? toys of course. online retailers are seeing a boom with specialty items for whatever holiday your pet celebrates, even topical toys like the dog-nal. >> or the gift that keeps on giving -- subscription boxes delivering items each month and what better way to treat your pets we're buying more organic and hand crafted foods for pets and high-tech gifts like pet trackers and cameras are gaining popularity. >> right now shopping for your pet the best time is this week or as soon as possible. >> companions will see six $2 two under the tree. they start seeing themselves as pet parents instead of merely owners.
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puppy and i don't mind spoiling her. they're our fur babies. >> fur babies worth spending a "fur chshgs-tune" on. millennials actually will be the group spending the most on pets this holiday. i'm not surprised by that. >> i don't have a pet so i'm spending nothing. >> you're saving money. fly, the streaming service making big changes that will help families during the holiday travel season. birds cold here in the valley this morning, life from a local coffee shoptalking to customers about the frigid temperatures. which leads us to our question, which is worse hot or cold
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jimmy is live in peoria. we're going to be going outdoors after this to experience the cold but this is a wonderful festival happening here tomorrow, 5:00 here in peoria at the community center and the park there, it's where it's held and they have been
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brian west is about and about trying to stay warm. >> we're trying to stay warm here as you can tell since you won't let me be in the live truck, i fond thing. a nice heater and it provides a warm temperature. a lot of patrons coming every morning sitting out here because they don't mind the cold weather. it's nice. teresa, you have been here for around half an hour and you like sitting outside. >> love it, the heater is great and coffee is fabulous. >> is it part of your morning routine. >> yes, every morning we come for coffee and then start the day. >> you're starting your day
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absolutely. >> hot coffee is the greatest. you like the cold. >> yes, i don't like it as cold as in indiana but the cool is fine. >> kind of a nice break, especially in the crazy summers. 0 we're on par with minneapolis and chicago and seattle. 0 miami of course blowing the 77 degrees right there. so we are seeing warm and there's a hot koof fee here we're brin drinking. it's a brisk morning here in the valley. >> too bad you're not back here. we're burning up. gt to check your twitter, it was hot in here. >> the fireplace in the kitchen was so warm and toasty. his hand was shaking like crazy. i don't know if he's nervous. >> all the above.
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degrees outside -- we still like to complain about the weather. >> tram ran from the studio to the garage this morning. 0 which is worse hot weather or cold weather? we will be updating results throughout the morning. right now 54 percent of you -- out of 100 votes -- 54% say hot weather is the worst. >> i'm with you. it drives me nuts. let's go to jen. hot or cold is the worse? >> definitely the cold. like we said earlier you can only take off so many clothes unless you want to be that guy and i don't think we want to be that guy so i'll take the cold and bundle up and sit by the fire and pop in a movie and it's fantastic. this -- not so much. i-ten eastbound at 83 avenue like a parking lot. a lot of headlights for sure. the westbound lanes are clearer this morning.
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reported at i-ten eastbound and 83rd avenue. closer to phoenix, it starts to open up a bit. there was a crash a few minutes ago at 43rd avenue that has been cleared. there are still residual affects there. taking you to the east valley, the 60 in the yellow zone. starting at gilbert, you'll notice speeds down to 30 miles per hour or so and then the ten from chandler has some stop and go off and on. it will only get worse as the morning continues. the 101 southbound where the onramp is blocked and drive times for the 17 southbound before we send it over to brandon in the yellow zone, in the next hour this will definitely turn red. it will take 40 minutes to get to the 303 from the split. >> it's that time of morning when it's busy. wild scene overnight at the talking stick resort and casino. police shoot at a driver trying to run them over.
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not only did those suspects almost run over a police officer, they also almost ran over several casino see patrons. a security officer notice aid suspicious vehicle and called salt river police. when they tried to confront the car it sped off almost hitting o another salt river police officer spotted the vehicle outside and tried to block it. that's when the suspect sped at an officer trying to ram into him with the vehicle. that officer fired at the car but that didn't stop the suspect. take a listen to what happened next. 0. >> the vehicle struck a safety patrol car and made it on to the 101. additional units were
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off the 101. the vehicle for whatever reason stalled and possibly due to mechanical problems. as the passengers attempted to flow on foot, the salt river police officers were able to take them both into custody. like you just heard there, two suspects a man and a woman are now both in custody. luckily nobody was injured in this incident. reporting live in salt river news today. donald trump taking a break today headed to the midwest on a thank you tour including a stop in indiana to fulfill a campaign promise. team 12's tracie pots has the latest they were talking about being happy because they can maintain their jobs and homes
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moving to mexico. the company credits president- elect donald trump's pro- business policies. he's headed to indiana this afternoon to talk about it. >> he's not even cht yet and he's figured out how to save 1,000 jobs. i'm hoping every,eo in america is getting that new signal from the trump administration that we're open for business here in the united states. >> behind today's victory lap millions in state incentives pence has been in washington paving the way for quick confirmations. >> we're continuing to work through december and all the way through inauguration day to make sure we're ready on day one. >> in new york we talked about the spa. >> the parade of potential nominees continues. critics call it a cabinet full of insiders but so far no word on which of four candidates will be offered secretary of
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. still ahead on 12 today, a man grabs a bucket full of gold and simply walks away. police have yet to find him. how much was in the bucket and where they think he might be now, that's coming up. we are out here live in peoria with santa clause. we have a great festivity happening tomorrow. we'll tell you about that and
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i think our lips are saled because we're speechless now by that sunrise. -- -- sealed. that's like a masterpiece there. that's why we live in the valley of the sun. the gorgeous sun rises like that. it's 6:41 on this thursday
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freezing out there. highs in the 60s today. shouldn't complain too much, right? vanessa is standing by for this morning's juice. >> big news for netflix. viewers can now watch their favorite movies and shows off line. the company says featured downloaded content is available for updated operating system. downloading th internet connection. but now you can watch an airplanes or traveling on the road and it's free for subscribers. 0. >> it happens just like that. yes, it sounds like a movie script. listen to this -- like that scene out of ground hog day,
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flakes in broad daylight. it's worth $1.6 million. you can clearly see the man grab the bucket and take off. it happened in september and the police think he might be in florida now. so if you're walking around in florida and you see a guy with lots of gold on and the bling. >> where was the security? >> when he was running away he said, "i love gold! ". >> it was e that's insane. >> oh my gosh. okay, you know, pay attention people. that's a lot of gold. time for your juicy question and answer for the morning. men are five times more likely than women to do this. married men do it often more than single women. >> my mind started churning and i started thinking. >> as a newly married man. >> but maybe men are more likely to like pass some gas?
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habits like that on the air. >> just let it fly while watching football. >> so the answer is "what did you say"? you were on it jen. >> selective hearing. >> yes, selective hearing. five years after marriage, i know. >> i got my juicy questions down. >> that's so funny. >> the second one is hold on i'll do it in a minute. and then it turns in and days and never gets done. >> i'm in a bad place here. they're both blaming me. >> take notes. still ahead, the new apps and devices that could save
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good morning, new tornados cause damage in the hard hit south while crews in tennessee deal with devastating wildfires. live across the region. also ahead, president-elect trump set to quick off his thank you tour as a new name emerges in his search for secretary of state. then a new report to keep your kids safe, the apps you can download on their phones that would monitor their activity. we kick off guide with favorite throw backs and unbeatable steals and deals when we see you this thursday
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right now our poll question of the morning is which is or very cold weather. hundreds have voted this morning and right now 55% of you say that hot weather is much worse. >> i'm with you. >> tram agrees. i like the cold. i like grabbing the hot coffee and bullet wounding up. flagstaff, i'm coming for you. i want snow. >> good morning, it's 6:48 on this thursday morning. coming up, a story on the today show is all about parents
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jeff reports on apps that can help keep your kids safe. they track your kids words, text, and exact location and you can freeze your child 's phone if you need to so they won't text and drive. that's coming up on the today show. it's that time of morning, 6:49 when traffic is stacking up. jen wall is here with your traffic. >> i know it's almost christmas and we love the red and green but we hate to see the red like th a ton of brake lights and i-10 eastbound at 83 ard v, there were a couple crashes that have cleared but that doesn't mean that it has opened up yet. vehicles still trying to mauk it through the back up that started because of the accidents. there was one at i-10 and 43rd avenue. again, clear but you add that on top of the morning rush hour, these foeks folks are barely moving and it's probably
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valley to phoenix. slow commute there. 17 southbound in the yellow and orange so not too bad. we did have a crash on the 51 southbound at mc dowel. that cleared but there's level slowing from that. the 60 looks like it's slowing all the way back to at least alma school if not further than that. we still have the onramp blocked 101 southbound in the east valley. a closure off the valley routes here are green way parkway or northern this morning. a quick drive time, the 10 westbound is taking half an hour so that's in the yellow zone and then looking ahead about an hour to 8:00, we're still in the thick of it. 101 in the north valley around 35th avenue down to 20 miles per hour. >> jen, thanks so much. we have been talking about the weather all morning long and
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live in peoria, how cold is it out there? ? >> right now we have 37 degrees out here. we're at peoria and i'll tell you, it's such a great one. we're at the park and they have a big holiday celebration tomorrow. come on out, lots of stuff for the kids. a teenager dance and food trucks. so ev you will need the gloves. we're not dealing with substantial cold like what they're dealing with in flagstaff now -- single digit numbers and very cold conditions. it's dry out here too. our forecast for today for a high reaching 65 degrees and we will have a combination of clouds and sunshine just to start things off. more clouds around for tomorrow but winds overall will be on the light side.
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satellite maps pretty good. here's what we can expect for weather headlines. cold in the mornings and on the chilly side but remember another blast of cold air coming in tomorrow. an area of low pressure, i still say there's a slight chance of a sprinkle around and for the weekend, lots of sunshine. so that will be really nice for the forecast. we'll see a chance of showers and rain if you're heading into texas and those areas. cooler temperatures with a high of 63 degrees out there for us so very warm, not bad. as far as high temperatures for today, it's still cold. struggling to try and get out
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happen for us here but we will have also just dry weather. 63 to 65 for today and conditions will be on the dry side. tomorrow a few clouds and i'm going to say a slight chance of a sprinkle back in the 60s for today's forecast. walking around the park here, it's great. we are here at johnny osuno park. festivities start? >> it's free and starts tomorrow night 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. right on the corner of peoria and 83rd avenue, 31st annual old town holiday festival. we will have 20 tons of snow in the park and 21 food trucks down 83rd avenue. we have christmas cookie decorating. take them to your kids. arts and crafts going on and a teen dance.
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carnival rides down jefferson. it's fun for everybody. >> where do people park? >> parking all around the downtown area. easiest parking at city hall is a block and a half away. >> free parking. >> excellent. >> remember there were two santas like skinny elvis and bigger elvis. young santa here as well in the back, i like this tradition. santa, you're here as well. how do you stay so thin? >> by in the boys and girls around the world. >> i like it. what type of tree is this? >> this is a christmas tree. >> absolutely. don't you guys remember the young kris kringle story? he was a young built red head and met mrs. clause. >> you just met mrs. clause? >> absolutely. love of my life. >> bundle up and it will be good. getting spoo the spirit of things on this december 1st.
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check your headlines. police in scottsdale asking for the public's health to solve a missing person's case. she was last seen at the legacy apartment complex on september 15th. they feel foul play was involved in her disappearance. her husband says he doesn't believe she ran off voluntarily leaving him behind along with their three kids. for information leading to an arrest in a phoenix fire captain was killed in an atv accident in flagstaff. he died last friday and he was with the phoenix fire department for over 20 years. he leaves behind a wife and four young daughters. the funeral will be held at christ church of the valley. this morning we're learning that phoenix is actually projected to be the top housing market in the country for 2017.
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website prices across the jal are jumping 6%. right behind phoenix, la and boston. a ton of money is going to be pumped into phoenix international raceway, nearly $180 million that will be used to upgrade the grand stands and create more rv parking and add to the experience for fans. it's over 50 years old and the renovations begin early next year. nestle says it's made a scientific break through that could reduce the level in its candy by up to 40% by using natural ingredients and the company can change the structure of structure so less can be used in chocolate. nestle says it will start using this brand new process in 2018. several classic video games are making a come back on facebook. games like pac man and space invaders will soon be available as part of facebook's instant games feature. users can play solo on their
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through the messenger app. the company says this is an effort to keep users on facebook as long as possible if we're not already on facebook long enough. >> we'll never get off now. major league baseball is reporting changeser for the game. the league that wins will no longer get home field advantage in the world series. instead it will be determined by which winner has a better re also new for 2017, the 15-day disabled list will be lowered to ten days. tiger woods makes his come back later in the bahamas. he spent the last two days getting his game in shape cht he hasn't competed since august of 2015. finally let's look at our question here, right by the fireplace, oh yeah i can female
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long, which is worse, hot weather or cold weather and a whopping 55% of you said hot. thank you to the over 230 people that voted online. >> people actually think hot weather is worse here in the hot valley of the sun. >> my take away is that matthew mccon out on a texas campus. he's all right, all right, all right, in my book. . bringing on the pop tarts, vanilla latte and mocha -- got to try those. 12 news is always on your favorite mobile apps. have a great day everybody.
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good morning. nature's fury. the death toll rises to seven in the devastating tennessee wildfires, as new tornadoes rip through the south overnight. now, more than 30 days. breaking overnight. a police officer shot called to a home in washington state. the suspect barricade inside a home for hours. victory lap. president-elect trump, kicking off his thank you tour, in indiana and ohio. as his top cabinet picks get called out for bailouts and wall street.


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