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tv   PBS News Hour  PBS  August 6, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions >> woodruff: good evening. i'm judy woodruff. the united states shed more than 130,000 jobs last month more evidence of a weak economy. >> suarez: and i'm ray suarez. on the "newshour" tonight, economist lisa lynch of brandeis university and "new york times" writer david leonhardt assess the latest numbers and the prospects for recovery. >> woodruff: then, paul solman has a report on america's long- term unemployed those out of work for more than 99 weeks. >> i try and survive. i try to find a job in an economy where there aren't jobs that is what i do for a living. >> suarez: cull up nist ruth
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>> suarez: columnists ruth marcus and michael gerson sitting in for mark shields and david brooks analyze the week's news. >> woodruff: and, betty ann bowser has the story of two, classically-trained chefs giving public school lunches a healthy makeover. >> the issue is not the kids won't eat it. the issue is the adults think the kids won't eat it. and it is almost universal that we see the kids really do eat it >> woodruff: that's all ahead on tonight's "newshour." major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by:
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and the william and flora hewlett foundation, working to solve social and environmental problems at home and around the world. and with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. and... this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> suarez: the economy struggled to gain momentum showed clearly today in the latest job numbers. thousands more workers lost their jobs and unemployment stayed stubbornly high. people are still looking for work at this job center in articleton, virginia. >> i filled out like
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probably 50 application aniff's only been called back for five of them. >> suarez: and today's labor department report underscored that it is an uphill climb. the economy showed a net loss of 131,000 jobs in july, that was largely due to the government shedding thousands of temporary census workers. employers in the private sector added a net total of 71,000 jobs in july, but it would take about twice that many each month to absorb new job-seekers entering the workforce. commissioner keith hall of the bureau of labor statistics acknowledged as much at a congressal hearing. but he also found a ray of hope. >> the private sector employment wasn't strong, but it did increase this month and it has increased now for seven months in a row. manufacturing employment once again edged up and that's been increasing now for seven months in a row as well. and that's actually quite unusual. >> suarez: overall, while earnings have been good, private firms have not
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ramped up hiring. as a result, the unemployment rate for july stayed stuck at 9.5%. and 14.6 million people reported they were looking for work. texas republican congressman kevin brady. >> unfortunately today we received more bad news for american workers and their families. the unemployment rate shows no sign of improving. at this slow pace it will take much of the decade to return to normal employment levels. >> suarez: meanwhile at that job center in virginia, many on the front lines of unemployment sounded discouraged. >> a lot of prospective employers are saying that they're getting 40, 60 resumes for one position. so it's like winning the lottery getting a job today. >> suarez: president obama counsels patience as he toured a sign factory in washington d.c. he also said again that progress needs to come faster.
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>> climbing out of any recession much less a hole as deep as this one takes some time. the road to recovery doesn't follow a straight line. some sectors bounce back faster than others. so what we need to do is keep pushing forward. we can't go backwards. >> suarez: mr. obama's own economic advisor christina romer agreed even as she gave notice she's stepping down from her job, she cited family reasons. more now about the jobs picture and deciphering what is going on behind the numbers. it comes from two guests who regularly watch these matters for us. economist lisa lynch is the dean of the heller school for social policy and management at brandeis university. she's a former chief economist for the labor department and was also a director for the federal reserve bank 6 boston. and david leonhardt-- leonhardt is an economics writer and economist for "the new york times". lisa lynch what do these latest numbers tell you about the health of the overall economy?
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>> well, ray, it was obviously a disappointing report that we had today. we were all expecting a negative employment number given that the census bureau is laying off the temporary workers it hired for the census. but the fact that the private sector only added 71,000 jobs and we saw a very large downward revision in last month's employment number of over 100,000 jobs, really shows how anemic the recovery has been in the labor market. the private sector over the last three months has averaged only 51,000 net new jobs added to the economy. and what we really need to see out of the private sector is month after month of 200,000 or more jobs added to the economy. on top of that, we saw 48,000 jobs lost in state and local government workers. and there we're seeing the consequences of states and
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local governments trying to balance their budgets. and they're starting to layoff workers as the stimulus monies that they received ware out. so we're going to start the school year with teachers being laid off. we're going to see more police and firefighters and social services workers being laid off at the state and local level. without some additional help there. there was some good news in the report today as commissioner hall pointed out, with the increase in manufacturing employment. and we also saw increases in mining and health care. and even in the retail sales sector. and that's what people are going to focus on. what is the consumer doing. are they buying as they buy will employers start hiring more workers. and will we start seeing those 200, 250,000 net new job numbers coming out from these monthly reports. >> suarez: well david leonhardt y so anemic when
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earlier this year we saw six figure gains in employment for three months in a row. how come that didn't set off a cycle, more people working, more people spending money, begatts more people working and spending money. >> there was a time in the spring where it looked like we might get a nice rapid recovery and start, start to put people back to work. no one knows for sure but the best guess is recoverys from financial crises are fragile. they're uneven. pick your metaphor. and what happened this spring was a confluence of events. we had the european debt crisis. we had the b.p. oil spill which was not a huge economic event but shook a lot of people's confidence. people weren't sure how long it was going to go on, or how much business would be interrupted. and then we have little bits of not so wonderful economic numbers coming along as well. and all these things seem to have combined to have made consumers more reticent and then in turn businesses more reticent so we've now had three months of a much slower recovery. and now you start to worry
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that we won't get that cycle that you are talking about and we're going to have a slow recovery for a long, long way to go. >> but let's look a little more at that business reticence that you talked about. we've just come through by many accounts a pretty good earnings season. it seems that companies are sitting on a mountain of cash. and yet not hiring. >> yeah. that's correct. they're sit on a mountain of cash and not hiring. that is not completely atypical though for a time like this. companies want to see their profits go up before they extend the hours of their workers. and only then will they then start to hire new people. and so as soon as your business pick up and as soon as your earnings pick up are you not going to go and immediately hire someone new and spend the money that it costs to do a job search and to pay for someone's health care so companies tend to do this with a lag. the optimistic thing is to think back to the earlier or mid 90s when we got so down about things and little did we know that we had this technology boom around the corner. i don't expect that this time. i think we are in for a long slog but it's important to
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keep in mind that you usually don't feel as if the economy is about to take off even when it is. >> suarez: lisa lynch, did we get a foreshadowing a couple of weeks ago when the consumer spending numbers came in very disappointing? is this sort of a circuit, no spending means no jobs and no jobs means no spending. >> well, you know, what we've seen is that households have been increasing the amount of money that they save. for those people who are actually in employment and have a job. actually in this report that we got today in the labor market we saw that weakly earnings went up. part of that is due to the fact that workers are working more hours just as david suggested employers would be doing is adding more hours. but also their hourly wage rate went up. but what are they doing? they are saving that money, higher fraction of that. that is a good thing because we were really spending beyond our means before this recession started. and there also getting rit
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of rid of debt and that's a good thing as well. so we're in this process of getting to a new equilibrium on the consumer side, same for businesses. so the point is that everybody is nervous and uncertain. the consumer and businesses. so what is it that is going to get everybody excited and willing to, on the business side to invest in new production and consumers to be confident that they can go out and make the purchases that they want to make. >> suarez: along, david, with the very disappointing job numbers today we got a sharp downward revision of previous months' numbers. how does that work and what does that tell us? >> so the labor department goes out and does these surveys. but as more time... and they release the data usually on the first friday of the month. so this is the first friday of august and they gave us the july numbers. but more numbers and more data come in after that and they revise each of the two prior months, in this case june and may. and so what that is telling us is it is just confirming
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this message, that the summer has been a different stage in the recovery. the spring was quite strong. the summer has been much weaker. and weaw that today both in the july numbers. but also unfortunately in the may and june numbers as well. >> suarez: but it is interesting i could see that there are people working, if there were people working out there that we didn't know about and we finally got to count them i don't know how we count the people who weren't working as working and now we realize in june they weren't working. >> one of the issues with these revisions is that the labor department has to make estimates about how many new businesses are starting and how many businesses are closing. they have a pretty shall we say mixed record of doing that at times of economic turning point. they tend to overstate growth during bad times and understatement it during good times. >> suarez: david leonhardt, lisa lynch, thank you both. >> thank you. >> woodruff: still to come on the newshour, americans out of work for more than 99 weeks. at nal sis of marcus and gerson.
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and healthier choices in school cafeterias. but first the other news of the day, here's hari sreenivasan in our newsroom. >> reporter: the jobs report sent wall street tumbling but the market managed to recovery later in the day. at one point the dow jones industrial average was down 160 point. in the end it lost 21 points to close at 10,653. the nasdaq fell 4 points to finish at 2288. for the week the dow gained nearly 2%, the nasdaq rose 1.5%. b.p. crews watched and waited today for cement to harden in that plugged well in the gulf of mexico. and while they waited, the company's chief operating officer left open the possibility of drilling again in the same area. dug suttles said it would not involve the well that caused the summer-long spill. he spoke in new orleans. >> what we've always said is we were abandoning this well . we haven't even thought about... clearly there is lots of oil & gas here and we'll have to think about what to do with that at some point. but what we've always stated
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is the original well, the well that had the blowout and the relief well was be abandoned and that's what we are doing. >> reporter: it is estimated the reservoir beneath the newly sealed well could hold nearly $4 billion worth of oil. catastrophic flooding in northwest pakistan swept south today in storms grounded relief flights. the government estimated more than 12 million people have been affected and many have received no aid. we have a report from jonathan miller of independent television news. >> reporter: they fled their mud brick homes at 7:00 a.m. last thursday morning as a wall of water came down the river. they found themselves marooned, completely surrounded by water. until this moment, they hadn't seen a single relief worker since the flood despite being a stones throw from a town and the place being accessible for several days. they have no proper shelter. and monsoon storms still threaten this region. they have no food or water except what's donated by
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other locals. we drive on down the road and even closer to the town, we find what was once the riverside village of chekasara. everything is broken there is a smell of death in the air although it is probably coming from rotting car cusss. it's a forlorn scene. a pervading sense of hopelessness. a maj shift encampment above the river floodplain. 5,000 people unfed. everywhere we've gone in the past three days we've been matched which bitter accusations that the government authorities have failed to come to the rescue. tonight the pakistani prime minister conceded they were struggling. and he appealed to the world for more help. it's not hard to see why this part of punjab has been declared a disaster zone. in the district of leha alone 300,000 people displaced and 1200 square kilometers submerged.
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most of it fertile farm land. the river now a vast lake swollen by flash floods from the north, gorged paths bursting by fresh monsoon rains and still more is forecast. the floods have now carved a 1,000 kilometer long trail of destruction from the very north of this country, and by tomorrow to the very south too. flooding also ravaged kashmir today after a cloud burst dumped torrents of rain. the downpour triggered flash floods sending rivers of water and mud down mountain side. indian troops struggled to pull survivors from the mud and rubble. in afghanistan the bodies of 8 foreigners and two afghans were found in a remote northern region. they had been shot dead next to their vehicles. there was no word on the nationalities of the foreign victims and in the east a polish soldier with nato plus 12 afghan civilians were killed in roadside bomb attacks. this was the anniversary of
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the atomic bombing of hiroshima, japan. and for the first time a u.s. representative attended the ceremonies. a peace at 8:15 in the morning. the moment the bomb was dropped 65 years ago. later white doves were released. john roos was one of many dignitaries on hand. british and french delegates also made their first official appearance at the memorial. those are some the day's major stories. to you back to judy. >> woodruff: now more on the jobs picture, focusing on the problem of long-term unemployment. the labor department reported today that 6.6 million people or 45% of the unemployed have been out of work for 27 weeks or more. newshour economics correspondent paul solman looks at those who have been jobless even longer and what they're facing. it's part of his ongoing reporting on making sense of financial news. >> i don't remember what it's like to be able to say to somebody or answer the question what do you do for a living.
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>> reporter: greg rosen lost his job as a marketing manager 31 months ago. his last unemployment insurance check came in march. >> now my answer is i try and survive. i try to find a job in an economy where there aren't jobs. that is what i do for a living. >> reporter: faith phillips lost her job as a title insurer in december of 2007. this march her checks stopped too. >> my choices are either to be homeless or to move in to my parents very small home and live on the first floor. >> the ayes are 272. the motion is adopted. >> reporter: last month the divided congress extended unemployment insurance for the record number of those out of work up to 99 weeks. but the bill offers no aid to those who have been jobless more than 99 weeks. this story is about these so-called 99ers who have already exhausted their benefits. 1.3 million americans according to the government, the 99ers themselves think
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the number is closer to 4 million. >> where i feel like i'm being condemned or being forgotten, or by the people that i voted into office to be my voice, to act on my behalf. to say we're here to help you. they were able to provide aid to haiti in three days. but to help over 4 million people, it's not brought up. >> reporter: all states offer up to 26 weeks of unemployment benefits. after that a federal subsidy may extend the he ledge ability time. as the recession has dragged on, congress has now authorized up to an unprecedented 99 weeks in states whose jobless rate tops 8.5%. liberal economist josh giveens thinks benefits should be extended further. >> we're facing a once in a generation jobs crisis. i think there are people actively looking for a job for that entire period who
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are just not finding it through no fault of their own. >> reporter: but doug lags holtz-eakin of the congressional budget office and advisor to john mccain's presidential campaign disagrees. >> our problem now is we are not creating jobs for everyone out there look. that is a macroeconomic policy question and we should be doing everything in our power to grow faster. unemployment insurance won't do that. >> the republicans are saying we have to stop-- . >> reporter: when not looking for work, gregg rosen tracks the benefits battle from his home in pennsylvania. >> we love small business, yeah, we love extending unemployment-- walk the walk, they won't do it. >> reporter: rosen once earned 6 figures and lived large enough. today he mostly stays home. going out for errands just once a week, thus saving on gas. >> i had over the past two and a half years two interviews where somebody actually called back and said we would like to talk to you. and one of those interviews was for a job that paid
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$35,000 a year which to me was like hitting the lottery. >> reporter: he was told he was overqualified. faith phillips home in central new jersey... . >> this the living room. >> reporter: is mostly empty these days. >> we did have furniture. it was a beautiful ensemble but we had to sell it all in order to survive. these are toys that my husband has collected from his childhood and up. we go to flea markets and sell the stuff to get money. >> reporter: phillips and her husband both lost their jobs in 2008. >> why is all your stuff packed up here. >> unfortunately, my house is being taken away. it is in foreclosure. we had asked for help. we said please, you know, can we save the house. they told us they will not talk to us unless we were employed. so we of course were trying to seek employment and it was a catch-22. >> reporter: her husband found work as a truck driver but since they still can't
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make the mortgage, foreclosure proceedings continue. >> we were told our best bet is to stay in the house because if there should shall squatters or if there is any kind of vandalism done to the house we're responsible. so we're stuck here until they take it. >> reporter: after that they'll move in with her folks. for now, as the bills pileup, the sell-off continues. the phillips even unloaded their refrigerator. phillips's father former policeman and security guard marvin zeichner is also a 99er, also in favor of extending unemployment. >> people need help and i definitely need help. i'm having trouble making ends meet. >> reporter: and your daughter might move in with you. >> right. added expense. >> i don't think we should rule out sympathy for these individuals. they certainly have been harmed deeply by the recession and everyone on unemployment insurance is going to feel that way. but you don't use unemployment insurance to solve all problems. >> reporter: he says past data are clear, extending
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benefits provides a perverse disincentive to not work. >> eventually it hurts you. people search less vigorously. they stay unemployed longer. their skills deteriorate. the job they ultimately take pays less well than one they would take earlier but they continue searching. employers start looking at them as warn out members of the labor force. >> we related mr. holtz-eakin position to mr. rosen. >> the national average is $300 a week for an unemployment economic. you're talking about people that are in their 40s and 50s and 60s that make up the bulk of the 99ers. we were people that were making 30, 40, 50, 60, 70,000 a year. where is the disensign difficult to go out and say i need to work. >> reporter: phillips says she spent 40 hours a week looking for several years. >> i am on the internet every day. i send resumes upon resumes upon resumes via e-mail, fax, hand deliver. i get no response.
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>> i say to all the folks, the naysayers that say the unemployed are lazy or they are not looking for work, show us where the jobs are. you will see a line like you couldn't believe. >> reporter: what about the argument that the economy would be better off, you in the long run would be better off if the money were spent on job retraining. >> how do i survive in the meantime while you are training me. what are you training us for. i'm happy to look at it, but for what? more people are losing jobs every month than are being hired. so what industry. just point me in the direction. >> it's gregg i'm back on. how are you all today. >> reporter: the emotional toll of long-term unemployment is the topic of an on-line support group rosen is a part of. >> it's kind of a numbing, mind-killing exercise in futileity for all these jobs and going nowhere. >> yourself esteem is just so shot that you don't want to face people in every day life. >> you sit and look for a job, and nothing comes up. now i guess it's just sit in your house until you die.
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>> for some record long-term unemployment is simply proved too much. >> there was a gentleman in philadelphia just yesterday who was a 99er. had a family. has no benefits. since the end of march. was refused entrance to a homeless shelter. put a gun to his head and tried to take his life. there is another gentleman that i deal with very closely whose fair was 61. felt like he was a disgrace to his family. walked into a men's room. in california. wrote a note. shot himself. >> we're dying emotionally. spiritually. and literally. >> the man in pennsylvania died wednesday. rosen keeps a self-help book on his night stand and has a scholarship at a local clinic because he can't pay for counselling to deal with his depression. >> i'm basically trying to
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put a bandage on an open wound. and all i can do is put a small dand aid on-- band dade on it. >> this is where i spend countless hours looking for jobs. >> reporter: and in a downturn that hit the whole country faith phillips says prospects are bad everywhere. >> i have searched all states and unfortunately , they're all basically in the same predictment that new jersey is in right now. we can't even afford to move. everything we own is in this room right now. we have no money to even think about going anywhere. it's so depressing. >> reporter: depressing. the word of the year for the 99ers. stranded by a job market they could never have imagined. >> suarez: still to come on the newshour, ruth marcus and michael gerson. and two chefs take on childhood obesity. but first we're taking a short break so your local
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. >> and to the analysis of marcus and ger son, that's "washington post" columnist ruth marcus and michael gerson. mark shields and david brooks are both away. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> let's talk first about these unemployment numbers today.
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130,000 jobs, michael lost this month. the late stayed the same and then we just saw that very disturbing report from paul solman about the long-term unemployed. but what is the political impact of this? >> well, the reality hear is that it makes this report makes the democrats worst problem even worse. you know, right now they're trying to change the narrative on the employee. -- economy and haven't been able to do that. this report says that job growth has been stagnant for about seven months. that's not likely to improve in the reports. the three reports between now and november although it could. and i think it's a serious problem for the democrats right now. >> ruth, in fact, just two more jobs reports before the midterm elections. >> i think it doesn't necessarily make the democrats worse problem even worse because it's already pretty bad . and because even a fantastic jobs report this month or next month wasn't really going to change the dynamic of the way people feel about the economy.
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it was a little bit, people's views are already pretty set about where they think the economy is. and this is making a little bit of lemonade out of lemons but we'll say the one, the bright, this report is not good for democrats but the one argument that i can see they have on their side is we were the guys who were pressing and pressing and pressing to extend unemployment benefits when the republicans were insisting that that was not a good idea, at least unless they were paid for. >> woodruff: can they make an issue out of that? >> well, i think the problem for democrats is even deeper here t shows an ideaological deadend. when they are faced with a stagnant jobs picture, the response of vice president biden earlier this week was to say we should have done more stimulus. the response from nancy pelosi is let's spend more on public employees. it's always spending. but this is precisely the concern of independents in america who are turning against the republican party-- against the democratic party. is this concern about dealt,
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deficits and spending. and so i think the democrats try to solve this problem with more spending is actually feeding the political challenge in november. >> woodruff: so it's kind of a double bind? >> well, it may be feeding their political challenge but as an economic matter, i think the vice president is right. more spending in the stimulus, more direct spending would have been more effective. and i know it's not a convincing argument to voters but it is true that absent the stimulus, absent tarp fundsing things would have been way, way worse. >> woodruff: let's turn to something very different and that is the ruling by the california federal judge, michael. overturning gay marriage, in effect, in the state of california. proposition 8. what is the fallout. where does this go from here from this one ruling? >> well, this is sweeping decision but it's a very early one. it's not, you know, near the supreme court yet. but i would say that there is a challenge. the gay rights movement has been one of the most successful social movements in america for the last 20
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years. they've changed attitudes towards inclusion and tolerance. but i think that if the supreme court were eventually to adopt the reasoning that's in this decision which is essentially declares every traditional argument for traditional marriage to be useless and il liberal, i think there within a serious problem. because the decision of the supreme court would not just be for california. it would be for louisiana and mississippi and south carolina. i think it could cause a significant roe v. wade like backlash in america if the supreme court were to adopt that approach. >> woodruff: and what would happen in that case? >> well, i actually don't, first of all, i am not at all confident that that is where the supreme court would come out. and one thing about this decision, i am very happy with the result. but a lot of the gay rights groups were very concerned that the unlikely duo of boys and olson who brought this were acting too early, too quickly.
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things are going well but there have been a concerted effort to keep cases out of federal court so you might not, because the supreme court may well not be ready to count to five. >> woodruff: what do you mean too quickly. >> in other words, just as the population is radically changing its views on gay rights and same-sex marriage, so too are courts. and you can see the change in the supreme court from making upholding the legality of sodomy laws to reversing itself. but sometimes we saw this in the civil rights movement. and with thurgood marshall, you have to bide your time and wait for the court to be ready to do it. so i am more worried, actually, that the court won't rule in favor of same-sex marriage than i am worried about the consequences if they do. and in part, michael, because i think that a ruling making it a constitutional right to have same-sex marriage with not be the same as roe v. wade.
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there is a legitimate and heartfelt disagreement about whether abortion is the taking of human life. i don't think people are up set about gay marriage but i don't think it's quite that visceral. >> i would say i don't think for example that conservatives in general want this argument. they're not spoiling for it i think that that is true. but i think if there were a union tear national imposed standard, it would raise not just the issue itself, but for a lot of conservatives concerns about the imperial judiciary, the role of democracy. all sorts of issues that i think would create a significant backlash in a case like this maybe not with the intensity of row but some of the same issues would be at stake. >> sure. >> and that's presuming the supreme court did thatness. >> and we're not there yet. >> republicans are not itching for this fight. i was at a breakfast this week with senator mcconnell and he kept being invited by us to make some news and decry this ruling. and he is very clear he didn't want to talk about it he wanted to talk about the
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parties economic message. and the tea party is the most active part of the party are not this is not a social conservative culture war movement. >> while we're on the supreme court elainea kagan was confirmed just yesterday yesterday by the senate. the vote was 63 to 37. michael, she was confirmed, but it was the third lowest number of confirmation votes for any justice. what does that say about this. >> it's kind of an interesting moment. i think the last four nominees that we've had, two by republican and two by democrat have not been bork like controversy. they haven't been blood feuds. i think that is largely because they haven't changed the composition of the court, just the personality of the court it might be different if we really had a change going on. but i do think that this is-- presents some warning signs for the president. first of all this is the most favorable senate he's likely to have in a while, okay. he got 63 votes. there were some surprises. people like bond and
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voinovich who voted against kagan. and i think next time around it could be a much more serious battle. >> woodruff: but we're talking about somebody who is not going to materially change the direction of the court? or i mean... replacing justice stephens. >> i think if she materially changes the direction of court it might be actually more towards the center. we'll find out. but i'm very disturbed by the increasingly just party line nature of these votes. if you look back through history, and one of the differences between the last four nominees and judge work is that they were no borques. they were really pretty close to the center mainstream of judicial legal thought within their ide ideaological home. and the notion that now we're creating a situation where justice ginsburg was confirmed something like 96 to 3. >> woodruff: overwhelmingly.
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>> justice roberts was confirmed 78 to something. now it's just everybody lines up with their side and the next thing i'm afraid we're going to see is the actual serious filibustering of a nominee. it's not a good situation. >> woodruff: while we're on matters judicial i want to binge up something that we're hearing more talk about. and that is among republicans, michael. you wrote about this this week. potentially amending the 14th amendment to the constitution. which among other things says that you are a citizen if are you bornl in this country. conversation among republicans. and you specifically wrote, targeted lindsay graham, the senator from south carolina. >> i did. and in fact harry reid quoted what i wrote about, which for a conservative is a mixed honor. but when he quotes me i agree with him a hundred percent. and the reality here is that lindsey graham has engaged in an extraordinary shift here. this is one of the main
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voices for kind of sanity and generosity in the republican party and immigration issue. den rors-- endorsing really the holy grail of immigration restrictionism which is changing the 14th amendment. it is a huge change. with hillary clinton coming out for sarah palin. it is a big deal. and i think that it's bad policy because. authors of the 14th amendment wanted to take the definition of citizenship out of politics it. they wanted to make it something firm. i think that that is a wise policy but also it's bad politics for republicans. not this election but for decades to come, alienating this group of voters i think is the most damaging thing that the tea party and pop you lace forces are doing the republican party right now. >> what is the call you can lutz behind this, ruth. >> i think there is a person calculus which is short term lindsey graham. he has gone out on a lot of limbs in south carolina and they may be waving a little precariously for imhad.
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i think in the short term , . >> woodruff: he's a conservative republican senator. >> but a maverick conservative republican senator. everybody's nervous, okay, in the republican party. and so short term it may help with the base. but once again senator mcconnell was at breakfast. he was talking about hearings but i was saying i don't really have any views abouting chaing the 14th amendment. because it's crazy. the only thing i disagree where that michael said is that it's to the about alienating hispanic voters, it's about further alienating hispanic voters and the republican party long-term at that time gee is just crazy on this. >> is that a concern? >> no, i think it's a real concern. i mean you look at the symbols and you know, politics has symbols are powerful in politics but proposition 187, you look at the immigration debate, you look at arizona law. and now you look at reconsidering the fundamental law of the country to essentially turn infants in hospitals into criminals.
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it really is, i would agree, it's not only, i think bad policy but it's political suicidal in the long-term. you can't be a national party given the american demographic trends and be perceived as an anti-immigration party. >> woodruff: you heard it here. michael gerson, ruth marcus, thank you both. >> total agreement . >> suarez: finally tonight a pro file of a pair of chefs who want to change what kids eat. there is a growing effort to tackle the problem of childhood obesity in schools. toward that end, the senate passed a four and a half billion dollar child nutrition bill yesterday that funs programs for the next ten years. and creates new standards to improve the kinds of food that are offered in school. newshour healthcor core bette-- correspondent betty ann bowser reports on two
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chefs that want to make good on that promise. it is a partnership with the robert wood johnson foundation. >> reporter: we talked about the sauces yesterday, hold an days, what does it go over. >> andrea mark knows her way around a hollandaise sauce. >> what happens is called blooming. the flavor gets bigger and bigger and bigger. >> reporter: and kate adamick knows the subtleties of spices. between the two of them chef andrea and chef kate have cooked their way through enough coq au vin and beef wellington to merit their own show on the food network. >> where does salt come from. >> but these days the two classically trained chefs from new york city have chosen a far more mundane place to showcase their talents. they're taking their culinary knowledge on the road to the public school lunchrooms of america. and the people who prepare food for the kids who eat there. and here's one of the reasons why. >> it is as that one-third to one half of our children born since the year 2000
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will acquire type ii diabetes in their lifetime because the centers for disease control says that this is the first generation in american history to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents because of diet-related illness. >> this summer adamick and martin ran a boot camp for chefs at rang shoe high school in aurora, colorado, just outside of denver. >> it was just one of a series put on around the state sponsored in part by the colorado department of health and the colorado health foundation. the goal, improve the nutrition in public school lunchrooms. the centers for disease control say the mile high state is the leanest in the country. but recent studies have shown that even here in healthy colorado, obesity is a growing problem among black and hispanic children. eric aakko is in charge of nutrition programs for the state health department. >> when are you looking at all of the data such as poverty, and lack of access
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to fresh fruits and vegetables, lack of access to outdoor recreation and parks and that sort of thing, we have rates that are just as bad as some parts of the south. >> many aurora schoolchildren come from poor families whose income is so low, they qualify for the federal free breakfast and lunch program. that means two of their meals each day are eaten at school. >> pan trying, we're talking about the fat coming halfway up the item. are these techniques that we are going to be thinking about for our schools. absolutely not. we don't do this in our schools. >> reporter: boot camp chefs are taught to stay away from deep-frying and processed foods. the emphasis here is on cooking fresh food from scratch recipes include those for yellow squash, cauliflower and lentil. >> the issue is not the kids won't eat it, the issue is the adults think the kids won't eat it it is almost uniform that we see the kids
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really do eat it. >> so are these kid goes to eat squash, cauliflower lentils? >> i think it is the idea of just basically exposing them to it. >> lisa samuel cooks for kids in an an aurora elementary school. she's big on one of the boot camps important concepts. it's called stealth health. >> we learn how to disguise some of the fruits and vegetables in the food. >> what is the best trick you learned. >> how to make a spa geti sauce and put carrots and celery and onions and zhu cchinee and blend it up and it is still fabulous red cause. >> why is it important to have the language of the kitchen? your lifes. >> the boot camp chefs also get instruction similar to what is taught in top professional cooking schools. >> we use a lot of culinary language. we move into knife skills. we give them french terms to understand what they are actually doing. we do basic cooking techniques with them.
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we put them in their chef whites well. had kids walk by the classroom the other day and they said look at all the chefs in the room so we start to give them a sense of identity. >> and a school cook for 26 years janice adams has watched with alarms her institutes waistlines have expanded. now she wants to bring a sea change to her lunchroom. >> we have to be careful about what we are putting in our bodies and what the kids are getting in their bodies. these are the kids that are going to have to take care of us some day. and if we don't watch what we are putting into them, how can they take care of us. >> what is the difference between-- . >> reporter: shanon soloman who just lost over 100 pounds is also the mother of five children. and inspired after her week at boot camp. >> i feel very empowered. i want to bring my education to the kids. that is where my heart, where my passion is i want to bring the education, five star restaurants are great. and i love the chef learning i have right now. but impacting the living of
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our children an bringing that to our school district, it's the most important thing to me right now in my life . >> graduation day. each new chef left with a framed diploma and a whole new framework for school food. and now with the real prospect of millions of new dollars coming from washington to improve nutrition, they might just have a chance to make lentils and cauliflower staples on the lunchroom menu. >> woodruff: again the major developments of the day, the economy lost 130,000 jobs last month. and the unemployment rate stayed stuck at 9.5%. and the catastrophic flooding in northwest pakistan swept south. the government estimated more than 12 million people have been affected. the newshour's always on-line, of course. hari sreenivasan in our news room previews what is there, har sni. >> on the job story read letters from americans who have been out of work for
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more than 99 weeks, on paul solman's making sense page. on newshour extra our site for teachers and institutes find a science lesson plan on cleaning up after an oil spill. on art beat watch a preview of jeffrey brown's report on the indianapolis museum of art and on the heels of hip-hop musician wyclef jean's run for the haitian presidency, a look at heads of state who harmonize. all that and more on our web site. ray? >> suarez: and that's the newshour for tonight. on monday, we'll look at the elections in rwanda. 16 years after the genocide. i'm ray suarez. >> woodruff: and i'm judy woodruff. washington week can be seen later this evening on most pbs stations. we'll see you on-line and again here monday evening. have a nice weekend. thank you and good night. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by:
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>> and by the bill and melinda gates foundation. dedicated to the idea that all people deserve the chance to live a healthy productive life. and with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. and... this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions captioned by media access group at wgbh
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