tv Mc Laughlin Group PBS December 26, 2010 3:30pm-4:00pm PST
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after all, we're metlife. for the "if" in life. it is the 29th annual mclaughlin group year-end awards 2010. part one. here is the master of ceremonies, john mclaughlin. >> biggest winner of 2010. pat? >> the tea party is america's party. the tea party is the biggest winner of 2010. >> eleanor? >> i will single out one of the beneficiaries is marco rubio, the senator elect from florida who cuban-american young attractive charismatic, likely presidential material. >> say goodbye to the tea party. >> well, it is a question of who got on whose bandwagon.
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the ole real tea party person on this panel, i can attest to the fact that yes, the tea party was the biggest winner and this year they went from just being a movement to being plain stream america and bringing america back to constitutionally limited government, fiscal responsibility, and free markets. >> thanks for clarifying all of that. >> you're welcome. >> clarence, welcome. >> i was thinking tea party but john, i chose john bohner because he is a bigger winner than the tea party because he got to be speaker and didn't have to do much work to do it because the people did most of the work for him. >> the envelope, please, monica. >> here you go. >> thank you very much. >> that jacket, i'm blind. how am i going to make it through the rest of the show? >> put it to the head, carknack. >> you think this jacket reminded ypickup there. >> the biggest winner of 2010,
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latin america. the model for continental federation was the european union, the eu. now the european currency, the euro is tanking and debt afflicts great britain and four other members so a newly regional federation leads the world, namely latin america. the economy growing at a whopping 7.5%. latin america, biggest winner of 2010. >> they're making ethanol, too. >> they're making ethanol. and brazil is it. >> so do you. >> the biggest loser is liberalism and the persona of nancy pelosi. and liberalism in america and liberalism in the west, we're in an era of austerity and down sizing of government. >> once they start down sizing, watch lishism come back. the -- watch liberalism come back. the biggest losers on the capitalism side and the three ceo candidates, meg whitman
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carly fee rea and spent the and lost each of the respective races. >> and the deficits deficits don't matter. tax cuts for the rich. and charlie rang am le was the biggest loser of the year in my opinion. he had a remarkable life to the chairman of the powerful house and weighs committee in the house, ani'm sure he can get reelected. >> the biggest loser of 2010, barack obama. george busch took six years to burn through the political capital and president barack obama did it in two years and suffered through the collapse of the majority in the house. >> best politician. >> chris christie of new jersey, shopping budgets left and right, and 50% support and wanted by republicans to come and speak for them all over america. and may be a vice presidential nominee.
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>> el floor? >> john bohner. ben in the congress since 1990 part of the gingrich revolution, slipping and sliding and he has inherited the speakership and so far he has done a pretty good job, incorporating the new red hot tea party people, with the corporate republicans. >> monica? >> i will give it to the entire republican party. which was left for dead and called a desiccated relic after the 2008 elections but they have since made like obama care to tax increases. >> i will give it to bill clinton. looking better and better for his legacy and if he was out there selling obama's programs the last year, i think obama would have done better. >> the best politician of 2010, scott brown, a republican who won the vacant senate seat led by the beloved deceased ted kennedy. and beat coakley 52-47, a 120,000 vote margin. a stunning upset for the democrats.
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okay. worst politician. pat? >> i'm sorry to say it is one of ours, john, and monica. >> wait a minute. >> sal paladino. , a republican candidate for governor of new york and told the new york post, listen, buddy, i'm going to take you out. [ laughter ] >> worst politician i'm happy to say is one of yours, martha engel who ran against harry reid, sharon engel, martha coakley, whatever. sharon engel. my bad. with two r's. and ran against harry reid and harry reid was given up for dead and she made possible for him to win his race. thank you, sharon. >> i am going to give this to the entire democratic party. because in defiance of the american people, they rammed through a number of big government, big spending, high tax, anti-growth poli >> tough competition. among several people. snapped by the jaws of victory. paladino as well. he really, every time he opened his mouth, it got worse and worse for him but he rest of us
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>> worst politician, mike castle of delaware. the ultimate sore loser. a career politician, who ran for the republican senate nomination, against a nov is, christine o'donnell. o'donnell won. get this. castle then refused to endorse o'donnell, the party's nominee. he denounced her to the press. mike castle, worst politician of 2010. okay. most defining political moment. pat? >> bp oil spill in the gulf of mexico. which became barack obama's katrina moment. and brought him down to a point, when he has never yet come back. >> eleanor? >> oh, i don't think it was anywhere near the katrina level. we got to keep moving. defining moment. the passage of health care. this year, universal health care, it is the president's biggest accomplishment, and it is also put the biggest target on his back, but it will survive. >> monica? >> the passage of obama care led to my most defining political moment, which was november 2, 2010. the midterm elections.
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which gave -- shifted the whole balance of power in washington, d.c. and gave the house of representatives in a stunning and historic way the republicans. >> it was heaven. >> i think the moment that will etch this year in my memory is obama getting a busted lip while playing basketball. i mean -- 11 stitches. >> and this is his game. and when that happened, i said oh, superfluous. >> it never hurts to get the sympathy. >> with the 12 stitches. and most defining most. mitch mcconnell in a televised speech declaring that the republican party top priority in the 2012 election two years from now is this. make obama a one-term president. 2010's most defining moment. >> are you surprised that they want to make him a one-time president? >> most defining political moment. that was the category. turncoat of the year. >> lebron james. >> good one. >> great basketball player. walks away from cleveland and turns his back on the hometown
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fans and goes to miami and does it in a big televised show. back hands his home people. >> do you think he got away from it? >> i don't think so. they are booing him all over the league. >> eleanor? >> i interpret turncoat as a positive think and lisa murkowski who left the republican party and was a write-in candidate and with the tea party, lived to tell the tale. >> what is she now? >> still a republican. >> but without a party. >> and turncoat of the year, army private first class bradley manning. that traitor went into a computer system, where he had access to top secret document, downloaded reames of these top secret documents, on to a lady gaga cd, and passed them off to wiki-leaks. >> the desecration of lady gaga, too. >> true. >> and lebron james is very good. and in that spirit though, if you have a winning team, you can make up for being a turncoat.
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and that's why my pick is barack obama's giving up on the tax breaks for the rich, and angering many democrats, but i think in the long run, it is going to be a winner for him. >> turncoat of the year. mosab yousef. the son of a founding member of hamas the notorious organization known for terrorism. despite the family ties to hamas, mosab yousef not only renounced hamas but changed his faith to christianity and then he announced he was a spy for israel. i mean clearly, the turncoat of the year. would you not say? okay. most boring person. pat? >> this is the famous greenspan lieberman trophy which is annually given to the most boring person. and i think we've got to give it this year to harry reid. he ought to get some award. he has to be one of the most boring politicians i've ever heard. >> and the winner? >> eleanor? >> and he won. >> and his opposite number, in the senate, mitch mcconnell,
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who when he said his number one priority was to defeat president obama, it is not inspirational to a country where we have significant unemployment and they're looking to the senate to do some other things besides just politicking. and he is so one-dimensional in his speech. >> it was raw plate meat for the heritage foundation. >> most boring? i will give it to president obama who was the most electrifying presence on the scene for years starting with the 2004 speech he gave at the democratic convention to the campaign to being the most boring drone in washington. >> i think rand paul is just as boring for me. the son of ron paul. incoming senator. and a guy who as far as i thought would sound like exciting ideas until i realized they were warmed over and it is interesting to see how things turn out once he hits the real world on capitol hill. >> an optometrist?
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>> yes. >> robert gibb, most boring. a total snooze. and paradoxically, also the nation's biggest ongoing news maker. most boring and most newsy. gibbs. figure it out, pat. >> most charismatic. >> i think it is marco rubio. the cuban born heart throb of the tea party. >> really? >> yes, i do. of all of the people this year, it is not a very charismatic year, as somebody said. as clarence said. and i think he tops everyone. >> he talks too fast. >> i think ms. buzz herself, sarah palin has to be the most charismatic. most charismatic new jersey governor chris christie, a tell it like it is kind of guy and single-handedly took on the state's teacher's union and got a lot of democrats to go along with him to try to get the budget under control by cutting spending, not raising taxes. >> clarence? >> all good picks. i will pick marco rubio, like pat. we're agreeing much too much today but when i heard the acceptance speech, it reminded me of obama 2004, democratic convention, and no wonder people are excited about him. >> and the most charismatic, it
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is obviously george clooney. exhibiting generosity, leadership, notably this year's globe trotting for the u.n. as a special envoy dealing with human ri okay. bummest rap. pat? >> the firing of general stanley mcchrystal, a soldier- soldier over some silly interview with comments in rolling stone. >> right on. >> eleanor? >> the islamic cultural center in new york is a terrorist threat. bum rap. >> monica? >> bummest rap, the g.o.p. is the party of no. actually they were the party of stop, stop spending, stop government intervention, stom obama care, stop tax increases which is exactly what the american people wanted. >> thank you for clarifying that. >> clarence? >> the ground zero mosque which is not at ground zero. it is not a mosque. and that whole brand just got stuck on it. and it became the political
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issue. >> bummest rap. the rap against tarp. troubled asset relief program. tarp has saved the world from global economic collapse. yet president obama, gates, get no credit, it is a bum rap not to give them credit. okay. fairest rap. >> charley rangle was censured. our old friends. a good guy. he should have known better. think it is a fair rap. >> my olive branch to the other side, their rap, president obama has not lived up to expectations. >> put that down. have it note note notarized. >> what are you working with? >> and julie assange and his massive wiki-leaks dump, did serious damage to america's national security. they are acts of war against the united states. acts of sabotage and they're endangering american and allied lives. >> and there is a lot more to be released. >> unfortunately. >> and the bummest rap is the
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g.o.p. is the party of no. after going back on some of their own ideas and programs once they had obama's name attached to them. >> fairest rap. the rap against bp oil and the deep sea drilling in the gulf that led to a plas ive oil spill killing 11 people and destroying -- massive oil spill and killing 11 people and destroying the regional economy. fairest rap. best comeback, pat? >> elliot speutsz spitzer. rising star at c-nn. >> governor jerry brown. next new governor of california, 27 years after he was the youngest governor of california. >> best comeback, president george w. bush after years of dismal poll numbers he came back with a best-selling memoir and guess what, his poll numbers are actually surpassing president obama's. >> i have a tie, john. hang on to your hat. harry reid, given up for dead, and won at the 11th hour, won re-election. and bobby jindal who was also given up for dead, and now a rising star again.
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>> best comeback. gm. two years ago, seen as a goner, ka put. and today gm is back on the new york stock exchange, gained 1% on the price and put nearly $2 billion back in the u.s. treasury and the gm chevy volt could revolutionize auto making. best comeback. pat, most original. >> and the fellow robert wiseberg has written a new book going after the entire education industry. and titled not bad school, bad students are the problem. >> elizabeth warren who came up with the idea for the consumer protection agency that she will now help create. >> monica? >> president obama and vice president biden for conjuring up had bogus concept of jobs created or saved to justify trillion dollars in failed stimulus while the unemployment rate still hovers around 10%. >> clarence? >> julian assange who i agree is dangerous and i'm not comfortable with what he is doing out there, but looking back, i think people are going to say his ideas are going to
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have tremendous impact, for good or evil, to come. >> most original thinker. rupert murdoch. the australian newspaper baron who purchased "the wall street journal," a staid by the book newspaper mostly read for the stock market data and today the number one newspaper in circulation in the united states. most original thinker. rupert. okay. most stag nant thinker. pat? >> the democratic party endlessly cater walling about no tax cuts for the rich. that's all we heard all year long. give it a rest. >> about 70% of the public are cater walling along with the democrats. senator john mccain and the opposition to repealing don't ask don't tell and even his wife and his daught daughter have parted with him on that one. >> most egypt.
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>> and clarence? >> i have rand paul or christine o'donnell. nice people, but old ideas. >> most stagnant thinker. collective award. the teachers union that staunchly opposes merit pay, charter schools and firing, and in fact, it is antiall of the reforms that society favors to better our education system. okay. best photo op. >> chilean miners. coming up in that capsule. after more than two months and really a death trap. a couple thousand feet under ground. >> the underwater video camera chronicling the oil flow in the gulf. >> mon ka? >> those were my top two picks so i will reiterate. i to greet him. >> well, it is hard to top that. except maybe with glenn >> the mistress showed up. >> the best photo op, the tsa
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body scans. full frontal. best photo op. enough already award. >> can we make this unanimous. lady gaga. >> no. i love lady gaga. >> it is not lady gaga. what does she have? long eye lashes? [ laughter ] >> the palins. the reality show. the daughter on "dancing with the stars." the whole schmeer. enough already. >> mon ka? >> blaming president bush and the republicans for driving the economic car in the ditch. the democrats have owned this economy for two years now, and blaming bush, it is enough already. >> sarah palin's alaska. it was fascinating to watch her beat the fish to death with a club. >> enough already. pouting liberals. from political journalists to columnists to media, liberals lost big, stop whining, forget about it, get over it, and let your recovery go forward. >> the worst lie. the arizona immigration law
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reminds up of nazi germany. 70% of the country aproved it. states all over the country are emulating it. a huge lie. >> eleanor? >> the worst worst lie that obama's policy did not work, the auto bailout and tarp which began under president obama all worked quite well. >> the worst lie. if you like your current health plan, you will be able to keep it. >> fox news fair and balanced. second year capitalist of the year. pat? >> steve jobs of apple. they moved i-pad, they moved him ahead of microsoft. and secondly, allen moleti of the ford motor company, he did not take a bailout and ford motor company is the number one auto company and rising in the world. >> eleanor? >> sidfully harmen who is really more philanthropist than capitalist. and i have a vested interest in this. purchasing news week. and i have been with news week virtually ply entire adult life and he has given us a new lease
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on life. let's hear it for is no dummy. >> great and butter. >> capitalist of the year, the cli choice niece come mists who managed the global recession the right way, unlike us and did a targeted stimulus and they did tax cuts. by the way the chinese come mists are right to lecture us about the dangers of deficits and inflation. >> a good pick. >> thank you. >> right now, there are more capitalist than we are. >> managing capitalism. >> when will they come out of the closet? >> i think they are. >> they are whooping everybody. >> clarence? >> anyway, mark zuckerberg, facebook. a half a billion friends out there and a hollywood movie made about himself. what is the big deal? >> what is the big point? >> he is worth $6.5 billion. >> and that is 26 years old. mark zuckerberg is the capitalist of the year. >> you hate him. >> i hate him.
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>> he founded what is it called. >> facebook. >> facebook. >> and he will give half of that to charity when -- >> giving it to clarity. >> right away? >> right away or after he is deceased? >> he is probably checking the income taxes. >> honorable mention, pat? >> it is your guy. where is yours? >> for person of the year. >> who is your business man of the year? >> mark zuckerberg. >> i agree. a lot of momentum. i got to go with john bohner, quite frankly. after sarah palin, enormous winner, speaker of the house, did a great job and he did learn from newt and i think bohner and the tea party guys could be a very powerful combination because they understand each other and their interests are co-determinant. >> nancy pelosi. who will be treated much kinder in the history books than the voters treated the democrats this time around. she has been a very effective speaker and she has still got more heavy lifting to do for the president with his tax package and she will be around and she will be making monica
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angry for the next couple of years. >> oh, good. i've got that to look forward to. >> i want to mention elizabeth edwards who passed away recently. she really was the definition of grace under pressure, not only with her illness, but with the turmoil that she went through in her personal life. she is an inspiration to many people suffering with cancer and to many people who just admire resilience in people hav tremendous cancer but a lot more needs to be done. honorable mention for person of the year, i will give it to army staff sergeant sal genta who became this year the first living recipient of the medal of honor since vietnam. >> the honorable mention for the time i have available for this is as follows. edison pena. the chilean miner, one of the survivors of the 69 days trapped at the bottom of a mine shaft. as i think it has been noted here, he runs six miles per day through the mine tunnels and one month after being rescued, pena ran the new york city marathon in five hours and 40
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minutes. >> why not five hours and 40 minutes and 51 seconds as a matter of fact. >> it took too long? >> and they had to close it down after four, right? >> well, he did it. >> he has knee problems. and john, i would like to hear about clarence's honorable mention. >> the tea party, also. and they do share the goals with john bohner but different methods and interesting to see how well they work together. >> i'm looking forward to next year declaring the tea party the biggest loser of the year. they are already losing the ban on earmarks. don't hold your breath. they're not going anywhere. and they are now really mad because of the republicans wavering on the ear mark ban. >> i think we recognize the political contribution of sarah palin but do you really think the republicans are goinis it h that are negative, that continue to be negative? >> it is in the realm of possibility that she could win the nomination. and that's why you see so many
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standard issue republicans trying to bring out her negatives now, in hopes of thwarting that. because they think she is a >> okay. here it is. person of the year. pat? >> sarah palin. not only the charisma, but the comeback of the year, the major force in the republican party, the darling of the tea party, and probably gets the poll position in the paddock for the presidential election of 2012. >> president clinton. he is the man of the moment. he was most in demand on the campaign trail. he is now strategizing with president obama on how to move forward with the divided congress. and he is a philanthropist around the world. and democrats love him. even the liberals who had their problems with him when he was in the white house. everybody loves bill clinten. >> mon ka? >> even conservatives do. >> i'm giving it to the service men and women of the united states military. they turned around iraq. they're fighting valiantly in afghanistan. and they continue to fight islamic terror around the world. >> clarence? >> people of the year.
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>> hear, hear. >> the person here doesn't have to be the best person, i will say julian assange because he is launching a debate about the nature of what is a journalist, and what is secret, and what should be secret, and it is going to go on and on. >> forget about it. >> hillary clinton. this year. she definitely worked with world leaders, aligned herself with defense secretary robert gates. remains incredibly popular. and now more than ever, she is being considered for a presidential run in 2012. you're shaking your head. >> no, assange has done real damage to hillary clinton. >> you think assange will run for president? >> no, but i agree with the man of the year. >> next week, join us for the mclaughlin group 2010 awards part two. merry christmas. bye-bye. it is the 29th annual mclaughlin vogeico, committed to providing service to its auto insurance customers for over 70 years. more information on auto insurance at
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