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tv   Mc Laughlin Group  PBS  January 23, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm PST

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captions by: caption cocolorado llc (800) 775-7838 from washington, "the mclaughlin group," the american original. for over two decades, the sharpest minds, vogeico, committed to providing service to its auto insurance customers for over 70 years. more information on auto insurance at or 1-800-947-auto any time of the day or night. somewhere in america, there's a doctor who can peer into the future. there's a nurse who can access in an instant every patient's past. and because the whole hospital's working together,
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outstanding matters of contention. >> this is our eighth meeting. together we've shown that the united states and china, when we cooperate, can receive substantial benefits. the positive, constructive, cooperative u.s./china relationship is good for the united states. >> the major disagreement is over chinese currency. the white house believes that the ren ming-be is overvalued making u.s. goods more expensive in china. some thing it is the big reason why u.s. unemployment is at 9.4%. lawmakers like new york democratic senator charles schumer insisted president obama tell president hu how frustrated americans are. >> we are fed up with your
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governments intransigents and currency manipulation. if you refuse to play by the same rules as etch else, we will force to you do so. >> the time for talk is over. the time for action is now. >> reporter: the obama/hu meeting ended with an obama call for a speedier yen flsays been movement but it's not as fast as we want. >> question, what policy options does president obama have if president hu jintao refuses to budge on china's currency? >> realisticcally, none. the united states is committed to globalization. the chinese are committed to china first. they are running an chickally nationalist policy. why should they give up a trade policy that's succeeding marvelously to them to embrace one that is failing completely for us. we've. running huge trade deficits for 20 years. it's because of globalization.
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it is also because we can't move to economic nationalism because american corporations, giant corporations have a vital interest in shifting production to where it's cheap and free access back to the american market. republicans are into free trade. not until we are about wiped out of manufacturing do i think a new political class will come in and do something about this. >> i think the president has one club, and that is that president hu could see when's happening on capitol hill and did meet with kingal leaders and could move that the president would be hard pressed not to sign. so i think the atmospherics around this summit were very positive. it was a win-win for both leaders politically. now will substantive change follow? i think the most inspired part was to have president hu meet with the american capitalists and travel to chicago and meet
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with capitalists there. they are not so much worried about the currency manipulation. they don't like the intellectual property theft. so i think hu could hear that directly, and i think for somebody as closeted as a communist leader, this was really a healthy exchange. he probably doesn't get exposed to much of this. he was even challenged on hume are rights and made a minor admission that they do need to do more which for a chinese leader is significant. >> the white house and china could levy import charges on china. >> they can. >> there are things that could be done. >> they could do tariffs but they are not going to. this president doesn't want a trade war with china. the truth is president hu jintao is a capitalist pretending to be a marxist. one of the things they are concerned about is the value of their holdings as u.s. assets. they were looking for an answer
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from president obama that u.s. debt is a relatively safe place for them to be. the president to his credit did speak sternly to them behind closed doors, as it should be, about their currency being undervalued, about the big state subsidies that go to chinese state industries and also the theft of intellectual property, all of which give chinese goods and products a very unfair advantage over american ones. will things change? probably not immediately, but the benefit of this is having the american president air these things very publicly while the president of china is standing in the east room with hold on, mort. okay. let's make a deal. >> we want to sell you all kinds of stuff [ laughter ] we want to sell you planes. we want to sell you cars. we want to sell you software. >> reporter: presidents hu and obama agreed on a deal by which the u.s. will export billions in goods to china. how much in billions?
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$45 billion. more than 200,000 jobs will probably be preserved as a result of the deal. on top of that, the ceos and chairman representing 18 companies in both nations assembled on wednesday at the white house executive office. the 14-member u.s. business group, microsoft, goldman sacks, motorola, westinghouse, general electric, coca-cola, dupont, dow, boeing, intel, carlisle group, hsbc and cargill. china's business group, lenovo, group and hire. question, china's raid surplus with the u.s. was $275 billion. so how significant, mort, is this bundle of deals yielding $45 billion? >> well it's still $45 billion, which as we see, that ain't change. it's a significant amount, but the real advantage that we are gonna have to build on is not low-cost manufacturing because we're never going to be able to
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compete not only with china but a whole series of companies to compete with us because they have much lower costs. we have to find a way to keep the people who have the great technological skills in our graduate schools who get to be m.a.s and ph.ds in this country. instead, we are allowing very few of them to stay. we're forcing them to go abroad, even those who want to stay. they now compete with us. in the computer industry, which was an american industry born and bred, we have 160,000 people who work here in the computer industry and 1.5 million work in asia manufacturing the goods. this is the problem that we have. we cannot compete on a price basis. >> what about the manipulation of currency. >> that is a part. >> wait a minute. can the wto intervene and make a rule binding the members. wto not to manipulate? >> they're not manipulating,
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john. >> you're saying it floats? >> no, it's tied directly to the united states. when ours goes down, theirs goes down with it. they tied it in 1994. we want them to cut it loose and rise. >> right, we want it to float. >> all right. but they're abiding by the old breton woods rules. >> what about that? >> listen, it is absolutely true what pat is saying. it doesn't mean that this is the way currencies are managed today. these are the old breton wood rules. what we want is to play bayh by the game. >> why should they? >> there is no world power that says no manipulation of currency. >> they're not manipulating. >> we have the strength and comparative advantage. >> that is an extremely narrow reading. >> let me tell you, john, they am economic nationalists. they are doing to us what we did to the british in the 1970s. we put tariffs on, kempt their goods out and invaded their markets. president hu on china's human rights.
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perhaps the biggest thing of the meeting came from president hu on china's human rights record. >> and the last deal needs to be done in china in terms of human rights. we'll continue our efforts to promote democracy law in our c >> "the washington post" foreign service reports that the bbc television report of that, that we shut saw on the screen, was airing a clip from president's obama/hu news conference at the white house on the touchy topic of human rights. "a lot still needs to be done, ..., hu jintao started to say and then the television report went black." in favorness to china, all foreign media were not blacked. the blog sites with are not blocked, but the state-owned or the state-controlled forp media were blacked out. what do you think of that? >> look, the chinese had a
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single party state. they believe in it. we have a democracy, we can't control our borders, win our wars or balance our budget or run an economy. they are succeeding with their system, why should they adopt ours? >> let monika in. >> when hu jintao claimed that he wasn't getting the translation, i thought, what a perfect metaphor for this. president engine to you deaf to human rights. they made a big mistake when hillary clinton directly dismissed human rights as a paramount concern of the united states in dealing with china. chinese took that as a direct signal that they could go to town with impunity and they did because over the last two years, there's been an escalation of jailings, of detentions, of torture, of killings of democracy advocates, ethnic minorities and catholics in particular. to their credit, they backed away electric that. the secretary gave a good speech on this a couple of
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weeks ago. it was very important for the american president to air american concerns about this in public. [ all talking at once ] >> wait a minute, at first she says we're not gonna treat human rights -- we're going to put the economic considerations to move both countries forward, right? >> right. >> did she reverse herself on that? >> a kim of weeks ago she gave a tough speech about the importance of human recentsp. >> what is that all about? >> it was a reversal and setting the stage for this visit. >> ah. >> the president raised it privately and publicly, and i'm sure those words will flow on a lot of deaf ears in china. more importantly, this is a society that has moved the equivalent of the entire u.s. population out of poverty in recent years. they still have 700 million more people in poverty. they are terrified about unrest. they have a young population that is dominantly male. they worry about jobs. you've got to look at what they're doing from their own
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perspective. nations act out of their self- interest. >> what about the nobel peace prize disappearance from the screen? he is locked up. >> he's locked up or under house arrest? >> he's locked up. [ all talking at once ] >> at the press conference with obama, there was no mention of him. >> why are we talking -- look, the chinese are the toughest people on earth. they are the most successful country in the world. >> what is this, more power to the chinese? >> no, what i'm saying is get real. >> it's reality. >> talking about hillary clinton's speech? for heaven's sakes. that's nonsense. [ all talking at once ] >> they've had an author tearen government for 5,000 years. they are comfortable with it. we may not be, they are. >> why break up. >> that doesn't moon they don't have a long what i to go. [ all talking at once ] >> the planet's two most powerful powers are the united states and china, correct? >> which one's rising and which one's falling? >> you think we're in decline?
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>> you don't think we're this decline? >> back to that scale of yours? [ all talking at once ] >> they are at 10% a year growing right now. >> we're going down, they're going up? [ all talking at once ] >> no, no, one is moving down, the other is up. [ all talking at once ] >> china has doubled its share of the world's gross national product. >> we worry about itbelieve the [ all talking at once ] >> the u.s. economy is still three times the size of china and our military is vastly greater. so let's calm down a little. >> i know that -- [ all talking at once ] >> and he did a very good job. george w. bush would only have lunch with the chinese president, and that was seen as a snub. this country really rolled out the red carpet for the chinese, and let's hope that leads to a cooperative relationt pat here -- [ all talking at once ] >> i'm a realist. >> the best treatment i've seen of this china/u.s. equation on the financial
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repeal and replace. >> obama care as we know is the crown jewel of socialism. >> the gop-led house of representatives this week passed hr-2, the repeal of obama care. 245 lawmakers voted for repeal including all 242 republicans. three democrats crossed party lines to vote with the republicans. the law is president obama's ten-year, $1 trillion health insurance reform law. after the vote, democrats sent a message to their republican counterparts. the message? we are willing to deal with you to reform obamacare. the chief democrat who delivered the olive branch was
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nancy pelosi. >> this is not theology, it's a problem-solving for the american people. people have ideas about how to help solve those problems in a better way, then we're open to it. >> reporter: here's the deal. president obama's health insurance law is seen to involve these elements. one, pre-existing conditions. they would no longer be a reason to deny coverage. two, parents' coverage up up to 26 years of age through parents' existing coverage, yes. three, malpractice claims. better protection for doctors from phony malpractice lawsuits. four, electronic medical records to reduce errors, increase efficiency and to share with other medical authorities if patients approve of the exchange. five, less irs tax paper for businesses. eliminate excessive paperwork for business expenses of $600
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and up. six, individual mandate out. individuals will not face a fine if they do not purchase health insurance. seven, employer mandate out. employers will not face a fine insurance. john boehner gave a press conference this week and outlined 13 principles the gop will follow in crafting new health care legislation. is that fundamentally reducible to that that you just saw? >> i think that's right. the republicans got the votes in the house to get an awful route of that in the house. the problem is the senate and the democrats have a terrible problem. they are unwilling to vote on repeal of the health care entire thing because they don't want their 21 senators to go on the line saying we favor the existing law because they're terrified of it. the democrats lack the courage of their convictions. they are cowards on this issue and the republicans are going to drive them to the wall on it but nothing's going to get done. >> who's going to win? >> obama will win.
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obama's got a veto of everything. >> will he use the veto? >> sure. >> and make the democrats the party of no? >> you might get some of those reforms through both houses, but the senate -- >> the political risks of that? people like the stuff you just saw on the screen. >> yeah, but democrats did. >> and they don't want to repeal obamacare completely, they want to repair it. >> the democrats don't even want to vote on it. >> i can tell by the smile on pat's face i just live the mischief making. what the republicans are doing is political sideshow. he. >> are you talking about the repeal vote? >> the repeal of health care and the notion they have something to replace it with. when they were this charge, they came one no ideas. john boehner who was the minority leader when obamacare was going through offered a plan which would expand health insurance to 3 million more people. there are 50 million people without health insurance. this is an opportunity for the
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democrats to show case what they have already passed and the positive elements that have already come into play for people, several of which are on the list. >> you happen to see the plan for doctors? >> yes, which most of the republican politicians embraced over the last two years. the republicans actually did have a coherent plan to match what the democrats were offering. >> you mean, they were shut out before the -- >> yes, of course. i mean, the republicans -- >> right up until this -- >> of course the republicans had no power whatsoever when this debate was taking place. the republicans faulked about having insurance companies be able to sell insurance across state lines, increase competition and lower prices. they talked about portability so that it wasn't employer based. you could buy your own health insurance and carry it from job to job. tort reform lower the malpractice costs and so on. they can h. great patient and market-based ideas that the democrats just completely blew off. the problem now for the democrats is it's still
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incredibly unpopular. the clear majority of americans want the thing replaced completely. they want it repealed. you not only have this political assault, you have a legal assault on it now. 26 states have joined the lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of it. >> what do you think? >> there's no doubt this is just politics. the real problem for the democrats, if i may say so is the country wanted to find a way to get health care costs under control. instead, what the administration focused on was expanding the coverage. now we under a situation where health care costs are going up across the board. i've spoken to any number of hospitals and doctors and they are upset about it because they see what's happening to health care costs. that's going to hit the american public. you cannot add 30 or 40 million people and not expect costs to go up. this is going to be a major issue and an issue that will be a plus for the republican and negative for the democrats. >> you mean, if there's no legislation emergent this year, obama will take a big hit,
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he'll take a big hit next year? >> i believe he will, without question. >> i disagree. >> not on the business of stalling it -- >> no, no, no, they are. >> by their own what? >> they -- [ all talking at once ] >> the country came out very unhappy about the health care bill. the republicans said we're gonna repeal it. as far as they're concerned, we're living up to our promise. >> the country -- >> just a minute. it doesn't mean they think it's gonna get passed. it's not gonna get passed. >> the country is divided on. if you look at the people who think issue three, sargent shriver. >> we only have one war. we have a war for the freedom of people and for opportunity for all people regardless of race, color or creed. >> ambassador sargent shriver died on tuesday at the age of 95. this ended a long life of public service. sargent shriver was married to
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eunice shriver, the sister of jfk, john f. kennedy, the 35th president of the united states from 1961 until 1963, when he was assassinated by lee harvey oswald. this month is the 50th anniversary of jfk's inauguration. the '60s was a decade of idealism. >> and so my fellow americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. >> shi'veer served in jfk's administration as a director of the peace corps. jfk created the peace corps in 1961 to send young americans to poorer countries. the peace corps at that time was the fastest growing peacetime agency in u.s. history. after president kennedy was assassinated in 1963, shriver stayed on to serve in lyndon johnson's administration.
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johnson asked shriver to head up his declared war on poverty. shriver resisted at first but johnson was insistent. >> i am gonna make it clear to diminish poverty at home and abroad it ought to be. i don't care who you have on the peace corps, if you can run it, awesome. >> i can't get anybody, the only guy that could possibly do it, mr. president, is bill. >> you can write your ticket on anything you want to do there. i want to get rid of poverty, though. >> questio>> i think so, too, p that was 1963 or '64 and moyers was very close to johnson. he came back after the assassination. >> if that is the era of idealism, a decade of idealism, the '60s, how far removed or how far connected are we to
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that same night geist if that's the right word. >> there are different issues now. it's wonderful to hear linden john subpoena get rid of poverty. johnson was focused on poverty. today, people are focused on education. you have someone like wendy cobb in teach for america. there are over 1 million kids who are educated who are teaching below grade school. that is a wonderful thing to see in this country. i hope that youthful idealism. >> this is previetnam, john. there was idealism in 1961, '62, '63. the assassination, the murder of john f. kennedy put a pall over this country. by '66, we were divided as we've ever been. >> what is it today,it cynicism? is it skeptic nix. >> i look at the millennial generation, volunteers are not take together streets like their elder idealists did.
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i think people are working to make lives better in smaller ways. i think sargent shriver was not only an idealist, he was a hard-hitting businessman as well. he really regretted the lack of resources which is why the war on profit could not be concluded, if you will, because the resources went to war basically. >> i also think -- [ all talking at once ] >> whahe's through. >> what does that have to do -- >> let me tell you about new york. there are 12,000 institutions in new york covering every civic, cultural, education and medical interest. there is the most public spirited community in new york at every level. i wouldn't look at new york in terms of how it's done financially or the snowstorms and what have you. you have public spirit -- >> what kind of era are we living in? would you dire describe it? >> i think you have both older folks -- >> is it materialistic? >> i don't believe it is. i think it's
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obama was 40% in the polls, now he's in 50%. where will it level off, pat? >> there's a ceiling of 55, it doesn't go any higher. >> 53, the percentage of the vote he got in '08. >> 53 he's capping out. >> everything will depend on the economy in the second year from now and it's going did shall. >> where? >> stay around 53 to 55 and then vogeico, committed to providing service to its auto insurance customers for over 70 years. more information on auto insurance at or 1-800-947-auto any time of the day or night. if. for such a small if i live to a hundred.
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