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tv   BBC World News  PBS  March 31, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> and now bbc world news. >> ts is bbc world news eric reporting from washinon. i mattfrye. rebels a govnment forc continue to ght out in liby e engame in the oryoast, thincuent present to give itp. virgin galactic rocket ship will soon be rdy t make iteal. we have an insideook. we have six passengers sitting free on each side of the vicle. the wi be able to looknto the blacess space.
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>> welme. akes asaddi's d army game, his polical ales flee roueffolusa abandoned his job, fled his coury, and began to sll theeans he is now being trumpeted in the west as a gn tt gdaf's gimes comg from within pinnock we will see. from within. wilsee. >> he was trusted lieutenant often seen at his de. but the libyan forgn mister moussa koua has derted his
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formeraster been he fw in ndon yeerday and is no in a safe location, where h is bng debrfedy btish officials. >> his resignati sho tt th deduct the regime, which has already seen significant defections -- that the gadha's regi, whh has already seen significant dsectiondefections,s crbling from whin. >so who isoussa kssa? he wento wk for lib's inteigen service, becoming the hd in 199 in 29, he wasppointed foreign minier. he is a man wh a past and kns libya's secret. the bombing of pan am 103 over ckerbie w the deadlie example of libya eaust --
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lib's involveme in rrorism and the goverent insists wil not be ofred muni fromusti. they wanto ta to him via >. >> anye from the byan governme wil be of terest us. >> h is responsibl for te deat o two huned 7 innocent civilians, as well as thousands of his own people as part of the give up the regime. no matter what he says no he hato be heldaccountable for my brother' deathnd the death ofhousands of others. >>when tyblaimet colonel gaddafi,oussa kouss was in th background. clandeine contacts may be why heame britain.
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>>e is an olman. he has serious heah problems. his bodcoul not take th pssure we uerstd that. weive himermissionto live -- to leave libya. >> wn he was first here earsago, he was an agitator for the good door rine. nohe has returned crying-- r thgaddafi rege. now has returned. >> of the skies o libya, nato is taking le command - ave the ies of lib, nato i takingo coand of them. today, theebel libyaas suffered ather setba. after kingignificant gns over t wkendit is forced to retreat firing continues to mizrat
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>> tryi toecover lost ground, the rebelset off again could they know th ene is lyg in wait. they leaed tha the har w. so, ts time, the approach was more caious, snninfor hien trapsnd standing -- a sendin prols into the desert to prott e evidence. within mines, eyere firing rockets. but gaddafi sporters were hitting hard with mortars. this unequal battlwas er fast once ain ce of the rebels e having make a hasty retreat they did getery far forward. st aad, ere wereit with incoming fire. now have had to push back once ain. soonthe casualti wer coming
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out. doctors say the rebels have st 4men here in e past two eks. >> w have madeistakes, said abdallah. we are figing for freedom there's no control, no plan. we'reust ting. these latest ptures show an airsike by a belgi-16. but nato hasuled out sending arms to the rebs. that will a bl to a n like this who has been fighting r cnge r the past month. >> we want democracy a goo govement, he ys. and weo no wan libya to be in the third world. this is a rich country. we wa to vance. >> but the new libya is not cong as fasts theebel hoped. and thmoodow is subdued. e freedom fighters hav had a uisi few days. ey dranthe sweing into
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tripoli. ut it is now looking like -- ey damt of sweepingnto tripoli. but it is now okinlike a ch longer fight. >>hepposition and needs a much as anythingome training, me cmand-and-control,nd some organatio it ipretty much a pickup bal game at thisoint i got a queion yesrdayne of tse befings. they trucesin providing aining and assistance, frankly, therere man countries that c dohat. th is not aniqu ability f the united stes. as far as i'm ccern, somedy else should do that >> seed power immediately,
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that is wha -- eseize power immediately, th washe messe. thevoryoast. pporters o the internationally recogned winner intended to rce him out of office. >> have ery firing across rgelempty streets. oke cou be seen rising, too. theforces we now at the gas of the cit they were taking the coa rt of san pedro overnigh frch troops we among those based in iry coast and on patrol. a u.n. helicopter flie overhead. handhe pme minister says it
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could be or in a matteof hours. ouattara has bee protted in a hot. the army chief h sought refuge in theesidence of the soh african amssad. onocal tv, he said that, t all of thosef yowho are stil hesitating, whether kennels, offics anmore soiers rd join hall wfulness. the is stl time tooin your broers. >> a sce like th hased to
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fes andore violent showdown least 470eopl have readied linked to novembe' dispud election. the red crossaid today that ousas of civilianere trped theonflt and it wa particulay conceed b theprospect of all-t confntatns between suorters of . ouattar and mr. gbagbo. here areoldis in training. france hassked gbagboo leave. ba kimoon h ao and asked to not seek revee for past attac. >> in japan, it has been nearly three weeks sincehe devastatin earthque an
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tsuni. buthe race to contain th nuclear csis is farrom over. the sea wter radiation around the damaged fushi pnt is now more than fr taliban -- 4000 timeshe lal lim. more international experts a bein called in. but e cotry could have been better prepared. >> the people here 0 the lives to the s walthat protected their town -- the people here ow the liv to theea wl thatroteed their town. today, the sea is tranquil and the wall is unscathe thisan was retrieving his rpeny stock been his businesso the sea w destroyed. but he gotff lightly.
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witut the wall, e tsunami would hav swt deer inland. >> weost electricy when the earthquake h,uthe police anfire brigade managed t close the floodgates. if it were not for that,it woul have bn a real disasr here. >> the couryas se of thmost advanced seaefens in t world. bu in somelaces, the walls were not high enough. in othe, the were none a all. across japan, th tsumi has made officis asd if t nation iprotted enough. >> the peoen this area, if ey possibly can should me to higher ground. butt cos mey to buy ld and houses. i ca come i would like to
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build bigger andstroer walls toeep them safe. >> tre lies a warning along the coast. th60-yr-old wal were no match for thsea. e sea will be its stan as a lonely tomorrow for a town at may have bn deroyed forever. >> thworld tde organization has ruled thatheircrt naked byrd h recved illal subsies om the u.s. government, ging it and done thr advantage over europe's airbus. t is only now that the formion has been made public. microftas led a complaint the european union regator againstgoogle. they claimhat it usedts
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domint pition to restrict miosoft services. whe is the look oftherish when themosteed it? now wn the fiscal crisis is deepening,fouradditional banks will need andditnal $4 biion -- $40 billion in cash. his comes after a sers of stress tests, makg the hop of a quickly -- a quick recory even more eluve. >> when a property bubbl burst ree ars o, irish ban were left pose much of the money theyent, th could not get back. but ly n is the full scal of their lses coming car. a detail exanationf irh nks vealed they urgently need more fun -- 24 billion ros.
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the main underlying reason for suca lae increases the need to restore market nfidence. it is a prerequise fo markets returning -- for banks returning to nmal vels. the extra4 biion eur is thquivalentf 21 billion pounds. it brings 27 billion far neededo bailout buyers banks. ireld's economy isuffering d some are many of itseopl -nd so areany its peop. folkare battling to keep up with ymen. hi wages as a hoteport have en cut he is struggng t support his five children. >> can people survive at th
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stage? can they pay their morages can theyay t electricity bill g bills -- is a tough situion aeared >> economic recovery will be - situation. >> economic recory will be painfully slow. the sult from today's ress test sho th it will n chan anyime soon. the tra money for the bks will come om the intertion bailou fund negotted last year. ireland has a new vernment and chance for newtart. t theount's financial problems run deeper than ma people thoug. >> you areatching bbc world news america appeared sti to come otonit's proam, getting ady for blastof we have rare aess to virn galaic, which, for the right price, is pparing to carry you, probably not , itnto spe.
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now to oureek-long series. we have bee issuing new sries about how millions of immigrants have bn atactive. toght,e turn to the world of literature. discussed t depiction with a tdito ofthe w york times"ook review. so the american dream, iit a tired political clic or is a compelling human ama? o th? >> in literaerms, it is obably the single grt american sry. aoung nion,hat is even now thiing of itlf as yng, has a vastystere that images it can cree a eater ss fortsel is, there is areatoment to that -- yes,here is a greater component to tt.
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great gatsby, "the man from minnesota who comes fm bac east and wintheweetheart he t when he wain the army he buis a hug msion in long island and tn th to be as gangster. there a dark secret under current to te american dam whene lo at it in literary rms erre >> how has tha chand? >> the dailsave changed. if we ok at novists like john updike, the detai of life is familiar to us. e ides ar still prey mh the me. meonho mes from humbl or provincialbegiings can se to somhing higher. this is n entirely anmerican them >> i was going to sa-- >> i is the human condition. it h become the greatyth americ the great thrilng
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line ge becomes totandfor america selfdivided between power -- gatsby comes to stand for americ itself, divide betweenowernd drea. "freom" captures it wit t most detail and cplexy. he shows an airin family, yuppies, who ces from the 1980's. they travel eas again folling a familiar trajecty of amecan fiction on they see their world, rt in the georgbush years, on their ideasbout the ecomy, about politicsabouthe envinment, and the family itself. they fraent and the pressure of those years its a contemporaneously loo
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at the mh ofhe american eam. >> thank you ry muc >> my pleasu. make sure to jo us tomorrow when the american drm sees concdes. we wil see how i has tvele south d i now thriving in brazil. thistory is for anye who has dream of asting into ace and has money to burn. for a merewo hundred thousand cows, burgeon gactic will gi u a de to sce -- r a mere twhundred thousand dollars, virgialacc will giveou a ride to outer spa. weave en givenare cess fothiseport. 4year ago, only if you ve the right stu to blast into spac nas'shuttle program took over, but it was the pserv of
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profession astnauts. that could all chae because of this. its no quite aiant leap. but this spaceship cld be a small step to makg spe trav affdable. it is my fst time inside a spaceshi it is the fit ti that any jonalist has been alled in here. it is nofinished at the moment, but the pilot will sit here and thereille six passengers sitting free along each side of thspac ship. ere will be abl ste out ofhe wiows d see thelue sks ofhe turn purple and then into the blackness of space. the rocket motor behind them ll disappear. the rush of the atmosphere outside the scesh wil vanish. and when they hear the sence that is left and see t black as outside, they will owhat they are in space. they will then get arod fi nutes floang ithe cabin. his is the view ey wl see.
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thastronauts will begin their joney here. it is the world's first purpose- filled cmerclpacort. it is under cstruction in the new mexico dest. there will get thredaysf traing bore heading to space. the tripomes in two parts. first, thilane carries the spaceship up to 50,000 feet, higher tn aormalplan before droppi itn mid-air. thspace ship then fires its rocket could in lesshan a minute, it will be traveling at two 0.5 -- 2,50mileper hour. each spaceship in a pilo >> it is nothe actual flyin of t vehle. it iantipating what cld g wrongecau of one-of-a-kind airplane. >> the wi be ler carbon emissions per psenger an a transatltic ight. >> 5 years, ere s been clos to 500eople who go to
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ace. in the first year or o of this ogram, it may be thousands of people going to space. it is game changer. everybody will know sebodwho ha been to space in the next0 years. tickets e not cheap. a seat in hewill cost you 125,000 pounds. but more than 400 peoplhave already booked. the wo goi on in this but doesn't warehse is likely t lead -- in thi desert wahous is liky toead to competing ventures. we are here to talk with richard live inalifornia's mojave desert. the listf people whoan blow toundred thousand dollaron five minut of weightlessness isrettyhort >> i tnk wcan surmise that the typef cuomers who paid are those with plty ospare sh aund.
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yohave to have thaknocking arnd and be prepared to ow itn what is, i total, two hour trip. about 415 to a 420 peopl ve already boed. th have a refundable depot of $20,000. someave paid aepos. someave paidhe etire money up front. guess theare very,ery ke. they may be on the very firs flig for theaying public. >> rhard when aronas go in space, they have years of traing. what abo these people? >> there will bebout three da of training. th are waiting for regulator approval. the that -- a lot of it wl b mentalathethanhysil. ey dnot think that the ysical demands will b
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at great. tronts have an awful lotf ry expensive training normally. in thi yo're subjected to no quite as stringent foes. th are positioning te ses toelpou. for example, on entr coming bk toarth, you are lying flat. braking force going back int the atmosphere is distruted acss your eire dy. henou up in thfirs ple, theeak acceleration will only lastor aew secos. then it will die off. th think that most people will pass the test. >> ok. we have to lve ithere. thk you vyuch. th iit f tonit g in touch with mand e restf the bbc wor newteam on twitter. that is it for this ogra cou.
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>> hello and wcome >> seehe news unfold. the top storiefromroundhe world. and quk-toplayideoeports. expeence t pert reporting of bbc world ns onne. >> funding was maossible by the frean foundation of new yor swe, vt. and honolulu. newman's n foundation, t john dand therine t. macahur foundation, anunio bank. ♪ >>union bankas put its glol expertise for a wi ran of companie. what c we for you?
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>> bbc world news america was presented by kcet s angeles.
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