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tv   BBC World News  PBS  April 1, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> this ipen bbc world news america reporting from washington. am kty kay piods -- and kattkay. rebels vanc invoryoast. t ef the launt gbagbo a and the beginnin of civil war. and these gravestones sill a ttlenown tale of people pursuing the amecan dream a theay tbrazil. welcomeo our viewers on pbs in america and als around the
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globe. andutrageous act ledy an obscure anti-islami preach has produced a terrible resu. what may prove to bthe deadliest attack eve u.n rsonl iafghanistan. st suer, rry jones esideds the musm hol book e kon was burn at s ti chuh. video has pduced any reaction. humphrey of sle repts on the deadly outbrk ofiolence. -- humrey hawsley. it beg afr fray praye, protesters angrybout the burning of the iran marched on the u.n. headquarrs. theyhanteddeath to the.s. and death to iael. fowhile,t welately
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peaceful. th vionce broke o afgha police fired into t air, but that did n stop things. it is thoughto bthe wor assaults on n. iafghanistan. afghan police said twof the victims we be headedby t attacks. >> the ficewere badly damad anour colleags -- it is a difficult suati for us. our rstriority i to secure the fety of our colleagues wh are still there and toook after the bies d thought th the families of tho who we los >> we had a peaceful ptest we wen t t u.n. coound to disarmhe guards by taking eiruns ay stood there
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would be no vience, but they still firedn us and woued our peopleevenilling some. >> this had been one the safest cities in afghanist, escang the worst of the insurgency. this level of brutality h shown antwestern sentiment. bc ns. >> our north american editor markarde joins me in the studio to discuss the breakp. ma, th incident o the ran burningotal passed me by. this isometngha went noticed. >> i think it pass evebody bynd ihink that is partf the point. this wld,he amerin mea anbritish media didot pick up ont. thlast time this was an news, when it was connted to the run-up to the annirsarof 91andthe ilding of the islamic cmunity center ve
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near te site of 91. thathad vast media attention on it. itnded wit the career annot being burned, ptly cause the amican authoriti were so rried about. robe gat actually paded with ter jones, the past, not to do this, because it would be pting american lives at risk >> he did preside over the rning. we are not showing the video it is vy inflammatory. we s no ason tohow i you he to ask the question -- why on earth? what were they thinkg? i think they tnk it prov their point. deedterry jones issued a statement sayg it proves that islam is a relign of violence. iave heard inrvie with him, the n wh actually did rnett, andhey are sying ey want t prove islamoes eactn this way and it is aboututting the karan on trial. an argument th t karan is
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not just -- witth koran is that it says us is not the son of god, and that is their fundamental objeion it hink they reveln the blicy. >> this ha been picked up in other countries asell >> y, there have been demonstrations th have not, as fa as i know, turnediolent there we demonstrationin pakistan. pele can see thisn youtube. th is how it went around the world. >> what is the reacti today? >> psident obama has issued a carefully-worded satement. he cdemn this and ithe stronges ssible terms. he sen his condolences to th relatives. and he ress the importance of call -- calm and urges all parts to resolve dferees peacully. he ds no mention the kan
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buing such, and he does not go down that ph. i think - they obviouslyant this to e down and not to be noticed. but it iout ere now. >> , ma mardell. thank y very much. in ivory coast, there are fes gunbattle tonighand internatnal lls for the incumbent presidt laent gbag to cedepowe sinc st november, e disputed esidtial ecti, laurent gbagboasefus to allow the iernationally- recognized winner, alaane ottara,o take powe now the standoff h beme a deadly military e. we have theates >> across ivor coa, th shooti haseen incessant for a night in the day. redentsay ty are terried.
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it looks andound incrsing like the final showdown between manho has fuseto cede power sin november's presidentl poll and the man theorld says was rightfully elected to take or. apparent wit onlyis most yal rces left to protect m now, launt gbagbo stl apprs t be holding out french troops from port statiod iivor coast have been patrolling the stets. around 500oreiers are said to have soughtefug in a french military camp it is thviolt conclusion of the standoff tha ban fr mont agohen alassane attara was widy recogzed ashe winner of the pridenal election. urent gbagbolaimedhat maive fraud had takenlace in the north and refused to step down. thheadn various attempts to negotiate a solion and a transfer of power, but they have all failed. >>he situation changed wn
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the rcesupporting alassane ouattara lauhed swift offensive that sth word to ve mitary pressure to laurent gbagbo instead. there were fears that ivo coas the world's biggest cocoa proder, cou see second civi war in a deca. as the fightingcontued day, the powe struggle was ting rather diffent turn with some of launt gbao's top mitary officers are grant. one hiseadi aides sd he wa ready to enter io a dialog >> i ink will see alassane atta in power,erha eve in days. the question is at comes next? alassaneuatta is no ang. at the internation comnity thinks ty caput all the pes for ivory coa andne man, thi they are sly mistaken. >> it is potentially the start of the new faith for t underlying tsion i ivory
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coast. governments in the region know thatheir urgent aealsor laurt gbbo to step down an for civilia to rotted manot eugh. bbc news. >> confusingime there in ivo coast. in libya, rebelorcen the ground say they will aepta cease-fire is colol gaddafi withdraws. it beganp thgovernment has declined, but it h sent an envoy to london to talk with brish ficials. ty did make it clear that gaddafi must go. yet our diplomatic correspdent has all the details. >>olol gaddafind h regime haveeen under bombdmenfor twoeeksow. the libyaneade has bn wkene but not defeated. some ns o h aides lkin to t brish governnt raises more queionshan answers.
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the reigoffice will n say what was discued, cept that britain has stressedadda must g >> pele serving i the skies ovibya -- >> andhe prime minister speaking in wales stressed what d be achved b briin's armed forces. >> i think we should make it clear that by aing rapidly with ourlliewe prevented and massiveacrifice and benazi ofnnoct people -- in benghazi of innont pple. >> it is two week since britain joined the btle for libya. so of the most advanced eapoy in the west was dropd fromhe air. theesul--etween0% and 25% o gaddafi's forces destroyed. it seemed toto the ballo and in favor othe bels. -- it seemed to p thealance
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fav of the rebel the americ asssment -- adopng troops ill ve 10 mes e rebel-- gaddi troo still tt caot be rebel fire power. thunit ates is unable to commit to an unending war. in whingn, the msage tt amera nes to draw bk from what many see as europe's fight. >> the last thi this country needs is another eerpre and nation-building, and beg, this is an area where one o the asons we reacted was because of the urgency that our allies felt. e brish, e frenchthe itians >> th uted nations hed diplacy cou break the violent stalete iliby e u.n. speal envoy bengha is ere to meet rebel leads. there are talks -- there are tas in tripoliith lonel
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ddaf's reme. the implications a cle -- a ceasefire andecive polical chge. buteliving thalook increangly difficult. bc ns. >> as forces loyal to colonel gaddafi batt to ld grnd th have won back from the rebels, no reports in air sike may have kled seven civilians, including children n brown has been tking to the lyan doctor who treate the injured. >> theebels at been in retre all week. they tried toegroupnd d vance ce more again colel gaddafi's forces and the to of bga. the rebelnow ey are outgunne buthey are determined to rein a the territory lost in theast w days there have bee more no air strikes. so f in e cflict, a coalion pils have flown hundds of ssio. commders sy they see no
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evidence that therare a civian deas as a result. we are tol tt as many as ven were killed in an r stri the day before yterd, threof tm gir from the same family. it is opposed it haenednd a villageea brega. the doctor told me tt the gaddafi milita convoy was in the village when itasit fm the r. there was a trailer laden with munition. >> there w too much munition. so, [untelligible] itas deployed everywhere. around5 civians out and kill. >> t last coue of day there haseen heavyfighting in e area abounds brega, and we uldnot reach the village still verified ther.'s claims.
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nato has novidee to ubsttiate it. the rebels wantoreoalition ai strik lik thene that destyed this nk. they say en if there are cilian casualties, tt is a price worth paying. bbcewsand libya. >> and other developments throughout the region, more signs of the popularprotts that continue to ragehroughout tharab world. >> heavy gunfi and in syria today after a demonsttionn damaus. at least three peoe rported killy security frces, while hundreds fled during a day o masse protests. today's vlence brings the death toll to me tn 60 since the protes beg two weeks ago. and in yemen, hundreds of thounds of people packed the square in the capitol and marched thrghout the cntry demanding esidt seh
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stepped down. it is but to bea the lgest- is thoughto be the largest demotratn in a month. forced many mosqueso sh down. ruggling to cope with thousands -- silvioerluoni has a proposal iss vis. there's an issue having hp italy withhe msivenflux of grants. intsive search h beg in north eastern japan fothe millionsf peleissifter the tsuni that struck tee eks ago today the united states elpingn the larges deploymt of japan for help defen fors as the seco world war. stdardnd poor's rating agency h downgradedreland after stressests revealed that the country nds another 24 billion euro bailout.
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a furtherowngrade ofrish credit, iicat,as unlikely. not to the amican economy where present ama said tay ther were sig of rl strength after the unemploymt figus droed again for the month of marc no at 88%, the figure has gon down a ful percente pot i four mths. despitehe promising years wages did n grow andome worry abt thquality of those bs being created. fromew york, we havehis. >> at last, what aricans have wanted to hear. >> we do he go news to report. >> the unemplment dropped to its lowest level in two yrs, anemplers continue to create jo. the n in charge of counting amica's joble tld lawmakers e unployment situation may have turd thorne >> we'vead prey steady job growth for morthanonth it haseen around 13500 a
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nth,nd it looks like we y get accelerationin j grow. ich would be a good si. >> the u.s. ecomy is gring faster than oth cotrie lik the uned kgdom. butost of that growth is still n part-timeork d lor- aying jobs and is t working r my americans. a shamp and massage. carolyns an assistant at a hair salon. it is a farry from her old job as a deay at any york radio statio she lost her jobn 2008. afr ni months searching for wo, she decided t retra as a irdrser. buthe tnsitn has not been easy. >> there are days when yosit there an thi, i used to manage thetockp 20. i used to produce radio shows. anyou sit there a you kow thathere is a much mre y could doing. >> jane works wth executives to
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help them find tir next job. and her 11 years experience, she is struck the cnge. >> i think people usuallywitc jobsnly r more money. now people take a job for even less money. tha is a dramatic difrenc >> rolyconsiders herself lucky. she has a b anno debt. but she rks as haras she did before the finanal crisi for less thahalfhe money. michel flurry, bbc news. >> stillo co on tonight's program -- the royal wedding thour weeks ago. prince wilam shares what he i lookg foard to abouthe baghdad. now to our ek-lg sers about themerin dream. we've shownyouave been drivg principle of millionsf immigrants -- t america is not
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lited tohe u.s., and neitr is dreamin nigh weet trazi where e americadrea ishriving in a unique way. >> gradesp like this are often found ithe united states, but this ione of the fewlace you wi find them here, in the southern hemisphe. ts amicancemery is ana small towness an two hours aw -- theest pserved phical evidence of the imgratn of almost 100 families from the american out after th u.s. civil war. many namesave bn lt in braz's the melting p, but somef the dreams they brought with them fromorth america persist. >> the american dream boss i brazil -- for us in azil also
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iso understd thfuture. to work for the better this and in youlifend for your untry. in 1866, the pioneers came to brazil led by conel william morris,ithhe town's- where american tns we born. e last few years,hey have survived. the has been chinese competition, proving fabri r spial applications. this belongs to a traditional brazilian company. >> my great grandparentcome from thenitestates wh a drm to gw cotto andhey uild a windmill. anlater the family but this ctor wch has been he for 40 yearsow. ware keeping t dream a l.
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>> the textileindustry started here by the american immigrts and in the9th ntury a.d. bas for e growth thi area, e ofhe most delop regionsf bril. it i the prfecground for the development o the 21st cenry brazian dustry. >> and this technogy company is engineer fm th america community wos ha towards his vion of e dream. is plning to ge mried later th yea , after avinhis job, he goes to check on the plot of land he has bout ia new develoent,o build their house andhe fily. >> i have established my als. atudy i worked hd. now i conquering many thing and thatis tnks to my own efrts. >>he south american d noh american dream do t se to be very different aer a.
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bbc newameran brazil. >> and to find morof the eric dreameries, due go to our website. amg thstories you fin could it u.s. immration polic beillinghe ideals sellany ha to rive for it? th at bbcom/news. every room is at least of bit neous,ight? but if you are goingo be maied live television watched byundreds of millions, that can pduce a world-class case of jitters. prce william spokebout what mas him nervous about varng in ectly fr weeks. he saidthe wholethin" hemade the concession ter showing his gndmother the queen around te airportr he istatied. just a warng - there is flas
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photography. >> it wa bster unsurprisinglyprin wilam was tasked wit showing his grdparts around for the visit. he n give them annsig int his wo. is job he ys h made him feeimmensely pro and prileg. it has al giv hi a relatively normalife by royal standards. >> you worked hd. [unintelligible] >> he he is,ust flight lt. wales. royal titles. >>my ees started yelling, tapping quite hostly its very excitg.
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>> the was als a tch of smugnessbouthe secret ceremony >>itas and military operation. my brother and dire vy proud -- my brother and ireery proud of that e. >>since engagement, the teasing has bn iness. >> when er hwashes up, --e he the eroided pillow we put on hisbed, in it is light- hearted banter. and he loves it. it is great. >> the name -- a next major faly get togher will of urse be the wedding. despite the mocke, prince william ha invited those h works with to westminster aby, anit all planned to be there. bbc news. >> prince william'the ading
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pret normal life. that will change on april9. we will have complete covage to the bldupfhe ral weddg. to me sure to get to the website. he will find an interactive map showing the route of wilam a kate wl trel onhe big day. is all there at bbc.coroyaedding. brieupdate on our top sto. a crow attked a compou in ghantan when a demstraon gain the burnif the kan and a chur in hospitaurned olen -- a sor in- a church and flida rn violent. several foreigstafrs were killed in coat. even fin that sto on our webse. from all of us here,hankou for tchi.
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>>ello and welcome. >>ee the news unfold, ge the top sties om around the globe and click--pla video reports. go to bbc.m/ne to perience the in-depth,xper reportg ofbbc world news" online. >> fundingas me possible by the freemafountion of new yorkstowe, vermont, and nolulu. newm's own foundation the john dand therine t. macarthur foundaon. and union bank. >> uon bk has put its global pertise to work for a wide rae of companies. what can we do for you
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>> "bbc worlnews was presented kcelos angeles.
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