tv PBS News Hour PBS December 14, 2011 3:00pm-4:00pm PST
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captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions >> woodruff: president obama marked the end of the iraq war today by paying tribute to u.s. troops who fought and died there. good evening, i'm judy woodruff. >> ifill: and i'm gwen ifill. on the "newshour" tonight, we look at the cost of bringing the forces and their equipment home. >> woodruff: then, jim lehrer interviews secretary of state hillary clinton about the connections between jobs and innovation and u.s. foreign policy. >> i think we are always better off being on the side of democracy. but we have to keep our eyes wide open. >> ifill: health correspondent betty ann boswer reports on a new army effort to help soldiers
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deal with the stresses and trauma of war. >> the real goal of this program is to give everybody in the army certainly and to include families and civilian it is opportunity to become as psychologically strong as they can. >> woodruff: we look at new voter registration laws in a dozen states. do they prevent fraud or curb legitimate access to the polls? >> ifill: and ray suarez talks with global post's charles sennott about the second round of parliamentary voting now underway in egypt. >> woodruff: that's all ahead on tonight's "newshour." major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: ♪ ♪
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moving our economy for 160 years. bnsf, the engine that connects us. and by the alfred p. sloan foundation. supporting science, technology, and improved economic performance and financial literacy in the 21st century. and with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. and... this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> woodruff: the president today welcomed the end of the war in iraq with all u.s. troops due to leave before the month is out.
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he also acknowledged the costs of the long conflict. >> on behalf of a grateful nation, i'm proud to finally say these two words, and i know your families agree: welcome home, welcome home. ( cheers and applause ) >> woodruff: it was a homecoming-- complete with the commander in chief-- for the latest detachments of troops arriving back at fort bragg, north carolina. president obama praised the efforts of one and a half million americans who've served in iraq since 2003. >> we're building a new partnership between our nations and we are ending a war not with a final battle but with a final march towards home. this is an extraordinary achievement nearly nine years in the making. and today we remember everything that you did to make it possible. >> woodruff: that effort came at
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a high price in blood and treasure. the president said the united states spent more than $1 trillion on the war, although many war critics contend the real figure is far higher. and there is the human cost of years of fighting with nearly 4,500 american dead, and the president said the toll on thousands of military families. >> so there've been missed birthday parties and graduations, there are bills to pay and jobs that have to be juggled while picking up the kids. for every soldier that goes on patrol there are the husbands, the wives, the fathers, the sons, the daughters praying that they come back. >> woodruff: but as the iraq conflict finally comes to a close, the fighting goes on in afghanistan. defense secretary leon panetta was there today telling troops near the pakistan border that they've made important gains.
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>> i really thing that for all the sacrifice that you're doing, the reality is that it's paying off. and that we're moving in the right direction and we're winning this very tough conflict here in afghanistan. >> woodruff: u.s. forces have already begun withdrawing from afghanistan, but there, too, the costs continue to climb, with more than 1,800 americans killed since 2001. as combat forces leave iraq, one major challenge remains: what to do with all of the equipment, military vehicles and bases left behind. we look at what's involved with that lesser-known aspect of the war operations with retired army lieutenant general gus pagonis. he was in charge of bringing home u.s. troops and gear after the first gulf war. he's now vice chairman of genco a.t.c., a logistics and supply chain company with operations in the region. and elizabeth dwoskin.
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she co-wrote an article about all this for the new issue of "bloomberg business week." and we thank you both for being with us. elizabeth dwoskin, i'll start with you, how much material did the u.s. have in iraq to be brought home? >> well, millions and millions of pieces of equipment. probably over four or five mlg. but when they started the drawdown and ended the combat mission the major general in charge started with a list of two... just over two million pieces of equipment that he was in charge of finding new homes for. >> woodruff: and at a huge value cost. >> we don't know the total cost of the equipment but we can imagine it is from some of the breakdowns that we've seen. >> woodruff: general pagonis, just from your perspective of having to do something like this give us the sense of a magnitude of an operation like this. >> everything has to be brought back and we've been there almost
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over nine years. equipment, that that's easy to bring back. but you have to bring back the clothing. you don't want army uniforms getting into the hands of terrorists or parties that could use it against us in afghanistan or elsewhere. but there will be computers, desks, just like... it's been build-up for nine years. it has to be cleaned and process. it will go through kuwait. some of the stuff we send to afghanistan for the war effort there, other things will be washed and sent back to the united states and other items will be thrown away as salvage because they've been used for nine years. >> woodruff: so most of it coming back to the united states? >> it looks like the bulk of the equipment is going to go back through the united states and go through the army again. it gets a huge scrubdown in kuwait. it's being truck there had in thousands of truckloads. u.s. customs has to look through it. much of it comes to the states
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but some will go to afghanistan as well and other places like bahrain, where there are marines so will lots of places around the world. >> woodruff: general, you touched on this. why is it so important this material be gotten out? >> well, first of all, you don't want to leave hit in the hands of any kind of force that can be used against you. uniforms, for example, don't seem like a big deal but the the enemy two get ahold of them they could wear them and pose as american soldiers. negotiation that, all kind of other materials, satellite equipment, computers needs to be brought back. we are running a facility in kuwait where we're storing items that will be reissued. >> woodruff: is this just a smooth operation? they get a bunch of trucks and
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ships and bring it back? how complicated is it do they tell you? >> through the interviews we did it seems as layperson enormously complicated. it seems like a feat of logistics logics. every night major general richardson who is the chief of logistics there in iraq has a conference call with the generals that are still on the bases and he asks them to check in. okay how many soldiers turned in what today? how many pieces do you have? how many latrines? how many ready-made spaghetti meals. they have everything down to the most minute level. >> woodruff: and we heard what general pagonis said about what shouldn't be left behind. but what have they said about what is all right to leave behind there? >> we're leaving over 500 military bases to the iraqis, both to iraqi security forces and also to the government. in my story we have an example
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of a base that's going to be used by the iraqi ministry of youth and sports so you can imagine iraqi children using that base for jim class or the ministry of education could use the base for classrooms. so those... we'll leave our physical footprint in iraq for a long time to come. >> woodruff: and we know some of the material we've mentioned is going to afghanistan but only a limited portion it sounds like. >> reporter: only those items you need. you don't want to keep building up the force and the supplies and when we leave afghanistan you have to bring that stuff back. so they'll try to send what is needed now to save the shiping from the united states it will be shipped out of kuwait. but it's a very difficult process as she mentioned. in the first gulf war, they sent me 6,000 troops and we were given two years to bring everything back we got it done because the motto was as soon as this stuff is out of here you get to go home.
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so it's a very difficult process. everything has to be accounted for. and remember the same people have not been there for nine years so you've had a different crew, a different set of leaders, a different set of individuals but there's great people, army, air force, and navy, to pull this off and do a great job. >> reporter: what about the question of sfwhaes inevitably there has to be some waste. things that either weren't fully used or a lot of things were destroyed. >> most civilian corporations would write anything off after three of four years. they have to recoup it and redo the auditing. there will be some things that just aren't worth it to bring back. the big thing is to account for everyone. by the way, this didn't start yesterday. once the president announced the withdrawal was going to take place, the logisticianss started putting in an operational plan together and they started executing as much as possible to be able to meet the deadline because once the troops leave
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your labor force is gone. >> woodruff: elizabeth, you also write in this story mayors, cities, up tos, local officials in the united states who were interested in getting their hands on this material at a reduced cost. how much of that is going on? >> sure. well, as the general said, sometimes it's too cumbersome to bring a lot of this equipment back to the u.s. so a lot is left on bases. but that has been frustrating for some american states and towns that have petitioned the pentagon for the position. so there's an association called the national association of state agencies for surplus properties. and they petition the army for this equipment. so we have a town in alabama that receives band equipment which they will use in school districts that came from a base in iraq. there's a county in oklahoma which received a caterpillar
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earth mover and they're going to use that to clear public parks. so they've been receiving equipment all year. all told, it comes out to $10 to $11 million worth of equipment so a fraction of what's going to the iraqis and clearly what's staying. >> woodruff: as we wrap this up, general, as you look at how the operation seems to be going in iraq and remembering what happened after the first gulf war, how should americans feel about this? i mean, clearly most of the emotion connection is with lives the many, many men and women who went over there, some didn't come back. what should americans know about war fighting at a time like this? >> well, first of all, the american public supported the armed forces throughout this nine year conflict, which is terrific. it wasn't like the vietnam conflict where the american public were not behind the forces when they returned. these are great young men and women. drug free, mobile, well educated
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that need to be assimilated back into the work force and there's going to be virs programs to do this. many national guard and reservists were called up and people forget. that it was an integration of the three activities. it's great. many will get home before christmas, some will get home right after christmas but it's good to bring this part of our history to a closure and now we need to concentrate on afghanistan and get it wrapped up. >> it's good for all of us to be reminded what a complicated operation this is right to the last day that the united states is there. general gus pagonis and elizabeth dwoskin, thank you both. >> you're welcome. >> ifill: still to come on the "newshour": secretary of state clinton; new training to cope with war trauma; who gets to vote and how and an egyptian elections update. but first, with the other news of the day. here's hari sreenivasan. >> sreenivasan: the stalemate in congress over extending the payroll tax cut continued.
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senate democrats made clear they will reject a house republican bill. it would extend the tax cut, but would also mandate that work begin on a canada-to-texas oil pipeline. democrats strongly opposed that provision, and senate majority leader harry reid said he wants to dispense with the bill quickly. >> let's get this vote over with. then we can begin serious negotiations on how to prevent a $1,000 tax hike on american families. the sooner we put this useless partisan charade behind us, the sooner we can negotiate a true, bipartisan solution that protects middle class workers. >> sreenivasan: senate minority leader mitch mcconnell blocked a quick vote on the payroll tax cut. he insisted the top priority should be to pass a trillion dollar spending bill that funds government operations through next september. >> there's agreement on the funding bill but no agreement and no plan at all on how we're going to pass the payroll tax cut extension in the senate. so we ought to finish our most immediate concern first. instead, we've wasted week after week after week.
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one senseless show vote after another. >> sreenivasan: if there's no action on the spending bill, the government will run out of funds and have to shut down on saturday. but democrats said if congress does pass the spending bill first, republicans will have no incentive to compromise on the payroll tax cut extension. the house approved a defense spending bill today, worth more than $660 billion. one closely watched provision orders the military to take custody of terror suspects linked to al-qaida-- even those arrested inside u.s. borders. they would be denied a trial and be subject to indefinite detention. that sparked a renewed debate over security concerns versus civil liberties. >> here we are today trying to return to an era of arbitrary justice, witch hunts and fear mongering. while this measure includes an exemption for u.s. citizens it
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does not protect them from indefinite detention. >> sreenivasan: white house officials had said the detainee provision would hinder the president's ability to fight terror and they threatened a veto. but today, a spokesman said last-minute changes to the bill addressed those concerns. wall street was down for a third day, amid persistent worries over europe's debt troubles. the dow jones industrial average lost 131 points to close at 11,823. the nasdaq fell nearly 40 points to close at 2,539.
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striking new findings emerged today on sexual violence and teen drug abuse in the u.s. in a major study for the centers for disease control, nearly one in five women surveyed reported they have been victims of rape or attempted rape. one in four said they had suffered severe physical abuse by a sexual partner and one in six reported being stalked. a separate survey found cigarette and alcohol use are at historic lows among high school seniors, but marijuana use is on the rise. the national institute on drug abuse said only 19% of 12th graders report using tobacco recently-- the lowest since the survey began in 1975. 64% said they've taken a drink in the last year also down from previous years. marijuana use, however, increased. more than a third of 12th graders said they used it in the past year. those are some of the day's major stories. now, back to gwen. >> ifill: next tonight, jim lehrer's talk with secretary of state hillary clinton about the challenges of a tumultuous world
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where revolutions are rooted in the political, the military and the economic. >> lehrer: let's start with russia. putin has accused you of inciting unrest in his country and of making his situation and the situation for the people of russia worse. now does that kind of thing walk on the desire to improve all these economic things that the eyes also wants to do with russia? >> well, that's the balancing act we do literally everyday. i think one of our strongest values is our protection and advocacy for human rights and, in particular, our support for democracy and the recognition that election are not the any definition of democracy,er that condition that would be... that has to be satisfied to go forward. and so we're always looking at how we can communicate clearly
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what the united states stands for, in this case what the russian people deserve. i mean, this was not about the united states, this was about the people of russia. independent observers reached the conclusion that there was a lot of interference, manipulation of the election. i think the evidence proves and we certainly believe that middle-class people, societies that have upward mobility, the opportunity for entrepreneurs to start businesses, grow those businesses, create jobs and wealth, all of that is in america's interest. and when the government is either heavy handed or largely the economy of a country is driven through state-owned enterprises that disadvantages our businesses and by extension our workers, our investors, our people. or if you have oligarchs that control so much of the wealth
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that it's difficult for beam a good idea in their own country to break through to start that business, that doesn't add to the intellectual property of the entire world or create additional opportunities for our investments both for political freedom and economic freedom which are the best roots to social and economic success. more openness, more responsiveness. more accountability and transparency whether it's in elections or being able to start a business are in the calculation of benefit to us as well as people who are experiencing it. >> lehrer: we are an idea society and china's stealing it, people say. it comes under the term intellectual property. what are you doing about that?
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>> that's right. question sides raising cane which we do regularly on behalf of our companies as well as our sbi economy we are looking for leverage points. these new rules of the road to protect intellectual property to tighten up our own controls so that we don't see the leakage or theft of intellectual property. but, again, this is... on the scale that it's occurring, it's quite large but not a new problem. >> well, it will be one thing if you were competing against another business doing that but you basically have the whole chain knees trade and governmental apparatus that you deal with. so we have to come to the defense of and champion our businesses in fighting this out on a case-by-case basis but we also have to begin to move china along with others to accept new
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global rules about how we're going to protect global intellectual property. >> lehrer: and how do you make that argument? how do you do that? >> well, we see it at the highest levels of the chinese government and our constant interactions with... you can imagine the ambivalent because they look at what they've accomplished in 30 years and they see still the lack of development in many parts of the country side, the problems they think they might run into, unemployment as their wages naturally rise and chinese businesses look elsewhere for cheaper labor. they're trying to manage a galloping horse, so to speak. and we come in and say you are influencing what is going on and you need to be more thoughtful about that.
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and you need engage in a more responsible leadership role. >> lehrer: move to another part of the world. the arab spring. what have been the economic consequences for the united states from that? >> well, first, jim, i think it's important to remember that the arab spring really started in tunisia because of the total frustration of a young tunisian vegetable vendor to make a good living for himself and his family and in much of the work we are now doing in supporting the democratic transitions it is as much about the economy as it is about political freedom, democracy building, etc. and you can understand why because if you look at any of the last decade's worth of u.n. reports on arab development other than the elite, the
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oil-producing countries that were able to spend very broadly with lots of already a jest. there wasn't a lot of trade and innovation. the governments were incredibly hostile and cumbersome to deal with if you wanted to start a business and on and on. so our emphasis has been how do we support their democratic aspirations and how do we ensure that their economic aspirations are married to that? because we know that if we can't bring some economic progress than we're not going to see the kind of institutional foundations for changes we want. >> but in general good for america, right? >> look, i think we are always better off being on the side of democracy. but we have to keep our eyes wide open. there is no guarantee that this will be an easy road for the people themselves or, frankly, for us.
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and, you know, it wasn't so long ago in our history when we were engaged in the cold war that when countries had democratic elections sometimes if they elected people we didn't like we took some actions on that which didn't always turn out as well as it should have. well now in the 21st century with interconnectivity and information so broadly available i think number one we are for democracy but we're for democracy that actually meets the definition that is more appropriate than just saying okay, have an election one time whoever wins good for you, you're now in charge. you have to embed the habits of the heart that detoqueville wrote about so that you have a free press, you have an independent judiciary, you protect minority rights. i mean, that's one of our biggest concerns now, women.
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are women who were in the squares in tunis or cairo or supporting the fighters in libya, are they going to be given a chance to fulfill their own pop ten shl? so there are a lot of unanswered question to say nothing of the kind of geopolitical implications for israel and for our interests and so much else. but supporting democratic transformation and economic transformation is in america's interest. >> lehrer: speaking of israel was what newt gingrich said about the intervention of... the invented people of palestine helpful? >> no. no. (laughter) and i think he realized it. i think he realized that was one of those innovative moments that happen in politics. >> lehrer: madam secretary, thank you very much. >> thank you, jim. >> ifill: the conference on
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innovation, trade and jobs was co-sponsored by the aspen institute, the pbs newshour and intel corporation. >> woodruff: even as u.s. troops leave iraq this month and in three years will depart afghanistan. the psychological wounds of war will last for some time. the "newshour's" health correspondent, betty ann bowser, reports on a new army program to help soldiers and families cope and the questions surrounding it. >> reporter: here at ft. bragg north carolina, the army has always trained its soldiers to hit the bull's eye. and it's always taught the importance of staying fit. now, the army is trying to teach its soldiers new skills to fight a war in unchartered territory in the human mind. >> every thing begins with a thought. everybody say that, everything begins with a thought. everything begins with a thought. >> reporter: staff sergeant
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gabriel price is a trainer in the largest psychological program in the army's history. called comprehensive soldier fitness it is being given to virtually all 1.1 million people in uniform. the long years of fighting in iraq and afghanistan have produced alarming increases in post traumatic stress disorder known as p.t.s.d., depression and suicide... so the army is betting $140 million taxpayers dollars that it can do something about those problems, by changing the way soldiers think about bad experiences. but officially leaders say there's another reason. brigadier general rhonda cornum is the senior commanding officer of comprehensive soldier fitness. >> the real goal of this program is to make, to give everybody in the army certainly and to include families and civilians
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the opportunity to become as psychologically strong as they can. >> reporter: the army approach features ten days of intensive training in philadelphia which emphasizes communication skills. >> what is the message that it sends when you are communicating aggressively, to you know, your family members, to your colleagues, to your troops? >> reporter: and they teach how to have more control. >> you can be emotional when you are talking to someone assertively. but you are composed. you are expressing your emotion, you are in control of the emotion you want to express. >> reporter: the trainers then go back and train the troops. psychologist karen reivich is the lead trainer. what is the connection between all of this and producing more
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resilient soldiers, soldiers that are less likely to develop p.t.s.d., are less likely to be depressed and less likely to commit suicide? >> we teach these soldiers how even when they are stressed how they can keep their thinking in line, in check so that they stay positive and composed and ready to tackle whatever the task is at hand. >> reporter: this psychological training was developed by psychologist martin seligman at the university of pennsylvania. the army gave his school a $34 million no bid contract to develop and run the program. he is known as the father of positive psychology, which says that people can lead happier lives by learning how to better process negative thoughts. his theories are the basis of the army program. >> what psychology and medicine and psychiatry have been about has been taking people after
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they've suffered bad events and trying to undo illness. so this is an attempt to turn medicine and psychology on its head and say let's arm people who are going to be put in harms way beforehand and see if it doesn't have a noticeable effect on saving lives and lowering depression on lowering anxiety. >> reporter: 17 research studies have shown children and adolescents improve when the principles of positive psychology are applied and seligman sees no reason why that won't also work in the army. >> it's a training program based on the best evidence that science has about the prevention of anxiety and depression. so it seems to me quite reasonable thing for the army to be doing it. if i had to look around the entire literature on anxiety and depression and the prevention of it this is the best documented hypothesis.
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>> reporter: but critics complain that hypothesis was never tested in a military setting before it was rolled out. is there any science based research the army can point to that shows that this will work on troops? >> no, there is not. >> reporter: bryant welch is a san francisco psychotherapist who's treated hundreds of trauma survivors. he says the studies of seligman's work aren't enough to justify the army's program. >> they had school children each night write down positive things about themselves. and they noticed in a follow up study that those children felt better about themselves. but to go from that to saying that we can have a soldier who says positive things about himself and follows the precepts of this program is going to
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watch his buddy blown to smithereens and spend four tours of duty in iraq and afghanistan and come out feeling better about himself. there is a shallowness about this assessment that in my vant- - from my vantage point, i find abhorrent. >> reporter: dr. bessel van der kolk agrees. he's one of the country's leading experts on trauma and teaches at the boston university school of medicine. >> it doesn't make sense from a neuroscience point of view because having all of our research shows is that trauma affects cognition. and the piece that says you need to think clearly and to be optimistic gets severely impacted by being traumatized. so traumatized people cannot think straight because their brains are sort of locked in horror and terror. >> reporter: and van der kolk says there are times when happy thoughts don't help people recover from trauma. >> there's times to not feel cheerful.
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there's times to feel a deep sense of guilt, of regret, of sorrow, of terror because we have all these emotions, because we need all of them. and we should not prefer one over the other. and the treatment of traumatic stress consists of people tolerating every single emotion including the bad ones. >> reporter: master sergeant jennifer laredo knows a thing or two about keeping her thinking in line. two years ago, while on a mission in iraq her husband eddie stepped on a bomb and was killed. they were newlyweds and today she's raising their four year old son and teenage daugther from her previous marriage, alone. >> we fell in love and got married and just started a life together. >> reporter: in her home in suburban fayetteville north carolina loredo keeps vigil over her husband's memory in a small
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room adjacent to the master bedroom. after the tragedy laredo went through comprehensive soldier fitness training. and today she believes it has made a her more resilient. so of all these very sets of skills that you learned, what was the most useful after eddie died? >> hunting the good stuff and recognizing and identifying positive things that happen every single day. because everyday there's something positive that happens and then taking that and figuring out, is there a way that i can ensure that that happens tomorrow and next week and next month. >> resilience training is really just teaching people how to bounce back from adversity. >> reporter: general cornum agrees. >> you can train people to put things in perspective and to decrease the amount of rumination they do. we call them skills.
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and i think they're learnable and teachable. if you see some horrific thing you are very likely to be grieving if it was your friends, i think what we do teach is that don't take responsibility upon yourself to feel guilt because you are not responsible. >> reporter: recently the army released an evaluation of the program which said in part, "there is now sound scientific evidence that comprehensive soldier fitness improves the resilience and psychological health of soldiers." but there is disagreement about that statement in psychology circles from doctors and ph.ds who say the evaluation is flawed and doesn't prove anything. meanwhile, the air force is in the process of implementing its own version of the program.
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>> woodruff: psychotherapist bryant welch and officials from the army will answer your questions about the comprehensive soldier fitness program online. submit your questions to our website at >> ifill: now, the obama justice department weighs in on the debate over new voting laws. we begin with some background. millions of potential voters may not be able to cast votes in 2012, after a dozen states put new restrictions in place this year. six states passed laws that limit early voting. and eight states will now require voters to present state- issued photo identification cards in order to cast a ballot. previously, only indiana and georgia had strict photo i.d. requirements. the obama justice department is now objecting to the new laws. attorney general eric holder spoke last night in austin,
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texas at the presidential library of lyndon b. johnson who signed the voting rights act in 1965. >> we need election systems that are free from fraud, discrimination, and partisan influence and that are more, not less, accessible to the citizens of this country. >> ifill: republicans who control the state houses where many of the changes became law say they are designed to prevent fraud. supporters protested last night outside holder's texas speech. >> we're not here to suppress anybody's vote. we just want to make sure that the people who are voting are legitimate voters. they're not dead people that are voting, that they're not mickey mouse voting. >> reporter: wisconsin's law has already been challenged in court by the american civil liberties union and the justice department is reviewing whether the new laws in texas and south carolina violate civil rights provisions of the voting rights act. we get two different views now,
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on the impact the new laws could have on the upcoming presidential campaign. keesha gaskins is senior counsel for the democracy program at the brennan center for justice at new york university law school. and hans von spakovsky is manager of the civil justice reform initiative at the heritage foundation. he served in the justice department during the george w. bush administration. keesha gaskins, how extensive is the evidence that there is actually voter suppression going on through these new laws? >> there's plenty of evidence that there's voter suppression going on. we know that there are millions of voters in this country who lack government-issued photo i.d.s and we know that's at least 3.2 million voters in states across this country that have imposed these new photo i.e.d. laws. that's negotiation the over one million voters who will be impacted by the changes to early voting and absentee voting rules and the other
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500,000 voters who are impacted by changes to citizen registration drives and other similar laws. we know that... we know because of voting patterns in 2008. we know because of dozens of studies that reflect these statistics and we know that ultimately up to five million americans may be potentially restricted from voting for making it more difficult for them to access the polls. >> ifill: hans von spakovsky, part of the reasoning is that there's voter fraud that needs to be protected against. what evidence to we have to support that? >> well, look, there's been several books written, i've done case studies on specific incidents of voter fraud. mississippi where the voteers overwhelmingly just approved a voer the i.d. referendum, in 2007 the judgment won a lawsuit there, blatant voter discrimination by local officials and there was evidence in the case about the defendant
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in the case telling a young woman to go into the polling place and vote under any name because nobody would question it. a local county member of the n.a.a.c.p. in april in mississippi was sentenced to five years in prison for voter fraud. there's enough of it to make a difference in close elections, that's why the u.s. supreme court upheld indiana's photo i.d. law. >> ifill: you're talking about anecdotal evidence and keesha gaskins is talksing about numbers. are they equivalent? the allegations of... >> the brennan center keeps touting these numbers. they basically made them up out of thin air. they have no evidence of that. in fact, they've been making these claims and predictions since 2006. we can see actual results. these photo i.d. laws have been in place in georgia and indiana for five years. they've had two federal
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elections. they've had local elections also turnout in those states, pla ily in african americans went up, increased significantly. and in the lawsuits that were filed, in both states against those laws the very same claims were made that hundreds of thousands of people would be unable to vote because of photo i.d. one of the reasons those cases were dismissed was the supreme court second specifically the plaintiffs were unable to produce a single witness, anyone who would be unable to vote because of these photo i.d. laws. >> ifill: keesha gaskins, i'll give you the opportunity to defend your work and i also want to ask the question of what's wrong with asking someone to prove who they are who they are when they go to the voting booth. i have to pull out an i.d. when i do most anything these days. >> sure. there's a couple... there's so many points i want to make right now. first we know that most people have photo i.d. but we also know that 10% of the country doesn't have i.d. laws
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in place. we know that people are going to be impacted by these laws and when you look at something like saying... getting on an airplane i don't have a constitution right to fly to kabul for vacation, i do have a constitutional right to vote. and these laws are putting barriers between american citizens and their right to vote and the ability to access the polls. >> ifill: what about your ability to defend the numbers that mr. von spakovsky was just questioning. >> the numbers that we have are fully defensible. they have been supported not only by our own studies but dozens of other studies, including studies by former secretary of state baker, by former president jimmy carter. there's no question that we have... our studies have been defended, we've defended our studies specifically against the claims made by mr. von spakovsky the fact is, the numbers are real and these numbers represent real people. they represent real voters.
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certainly you can always pull out anecdotal evidence and we certainly don't believe that voter fraud should ever be tolerated. but in terms of order of magnitude and what we're really talking about here, we're really talking about laws that really don't implicate or change or affect any of the examples even given by mr. spakovsky here or in most other cases. and these laws aren't going to solve the problem. >> ifill: mr. von spakovsky, i do want to ask you about some of the solution which is have been presented. the attorney general has talked about automatic voter registration. some states have said we should roll back early voting and take that out of the because that is creating a bigger problem. one of these things you favor, one you don't. why? >> well, you know, the attorney general said we ought to have automatic registration and he said we should do it from existing databases. well, the problem is w that is no one's ironed out quite yet
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how the do that without registering ineligible people and i'll give you a quick example. one of the things that have been said is to register anybody who's got a driver's license to register people. the problem with that is if you're in the united states legally you can get a driver's license in all 50 states. so if you automatically register everyone on d.m.v., you're going to be automatically registering tens of thousands of people who are not united states citizens. and no one quite has figured out you resolve that particular problem. >> ifill: so you're saying the state-issued voter i.d. would be beyond a driver's license? >> well, i was talking about what the attorney general was saying that people should be automatically registered and not have to go through the registration process. >> ifill: i understand that. but in the states which are rolling back these... are toughening these voter i.d. requirements, you're asking for
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more than a driver's lie sfens you say the driver's licenses are a problem? >> no, no. the states have provided things like driver's licenses and other government issued i.d.s that they say are sufficient. and i think those statutes are fine. every state that has passed one of these laws has also provided for a free photo i.d. and that's why, for example, congressman arthur davis, he's a democrat, former member of the congressional black caucus, he recently came out with an editorial saying that photo i.d. is a good idea, that it's needed based on the elections he had to run in alabama and the fraud that he saw when he was there and that's why, for example, in rhode island... >> ifill: okay. >> ...the democrat ace approved the photo i.d. law there. >> ifill: i want to get keesha gaskins back in this. to what degree is this a problem which can be fixed by changing the way the laws exist now.
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>> i think when we talk about changing the... when we look at the laws the way they're written, they're not fine, right? these laws are written in a very partisan way to carve out very specific voters. when we look at texas, for example. texas photo i.d. laws do not permit an individual to use their veterans i.d. to vote. does not permit an individual to use a student i.d. to vote. but it does permit individuals with concealed carry gun licenses to vote. in fact, these laws are not these uniform, neutral laws as are suggested. they are written in a very specific way to exclude specific populations having access to the polls and that's what makes them suppressive. >> i'm sorry, but that is simply not true. the reason that texas does not include a student i.d. is for the simple reason something that came up in the presidential race because colleges in texas not only allow illegal aliens to attend school, they provide them with in-state tuition. in georgia they allow a student i.d. to be used and that's because they don't have that
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same provision. >> ifill: we're going to have to continue this conversation at about time. mr. hans von spakovsky from the heritage foundation, keesha gaskin from the brennan center. thank you both very much. >> thank you. >> woodruff: next, egypt continues its experiment with voting and democracy. ray suarez has that story. >> suarez: in three separate waves across the country, egyptians will chose a new parliament, which in turn will write a new constitution. all this comes nearly ten months after after a revolution that ended in hosni mubarak's ouster. citizens in cairo and alexandria already have voted. today it was the turn for voters outside the capital. charles sennott of our partner global post, the international website, is covering the voting. charles, thank you for joining us. charles, thanks for joining us, stroub the places where voting is under way? are people happening with electing a new government? showing up in large numbers to vote? >> we were out in the polling
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districts in giza today. i was in a neighborhood that's largely islamist and we were also in a more wealthy neighborhood. there was definitely evidence that this was heavy turnout as there was in the first stage of this election. and everyone we spoke with seemed to be pleased with the way it was going. we did not see any major problems. we saw minor violations like people handing out leaflets. you're not supposed to be campaigning within 48 hours of the vote. we saw campaign posters that were too close to the entrances of the polls. but these were scenes like minor infractions compared to the elections past in egypt where you had serious violence and a sense that those votes were rigged. that those elections were fraudulent. and this time what we heard at least anecdotally up and down the different polling districting was a sense that for the first time many many people's lives they feel like they are casting a vote.
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>> what's different socially, culturally, economically? are these different places likely to produce a different result from the first round? >> that's really hard to say right now because what you're seeing in this day of elections, these next two days is really we are going to see all of egypt represented. you're going to see rural areas, urban areas, factory towns. you really have a mix of urban and rural, wealthy and poor, working class and agrarian. it's really hard to say exactly where this is going to break down but i think what we're hearing from people who studied these districts is we can expect a vote similar to the last one which was 40% for the muslim brotherhood and somewhere over 20% for the more puritanical
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islamist group that's emerged surprisingly powerful in this election. >> suarez: did the remnants of the old regime have a political party and is it running well? sounds like it's condemned to third place at best. >> it's a great question. they have a phrase for the remnants which is fasul, and it means the remnant. and the regime is trying to emerge through different parties through independent and can da sis and the web site is dedicated to exposing the remnant of the national democratic party which was mubarak's party. so there's an attempt by old guard candidates to rebrand themselves in a post-revolution egypt whether they're going to succeed, we'll see. in the first round they didn't have great success. one of the things that was very
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interesting is how the liberal forces had to restrategize they were beat soundly so they had to rethink how to do it. >> is there any evidence that the army which just within the last couple of weeks has been the target of the rage of demonstrators has made attempt to influence the outcome of the balloting or expressed its own preference for an outcome? >> >> we didn't see that nor have we heard that. the military has from all observations we've had-- and we've been in many of the different polling places-- is a military that's flanked out there to protect the polls but we didn't see any interference. we did see them helping elderly people into the polls. they seemed to be trying to play to that role as the protectors but there was a flare of violence. people became alienated from the military and the big question looms ahead. once the particle system formed
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then the parliament has to take shape and the particle system going to have to challenge the military to give up its power and allow civilian rule forward. so in many ways the military challenge is yet to come. it will come once the parliament is in place and the assembly is formed that will write and implement a new constitution. that's when the big challenge of the role of the military will come to the fore. that's when the big challenge of the role of religion will come to the fore. so in a lot of ways this election is important because of the people who will be elected and the powers they will bring to giving shape to a new government. >> suarez: charles sennott of global post in cairo, thanks for joining us. >> thanks, ray. >> ifill: again, the major developments of the day: president obama marked the end of the iraq war by paying tribute to u.s. troops who fought and died there. and persistent worries about europe's debt troubles weighed on wall street again.
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the dow industrials fell more than 130 points. and to hari sreenivasan for what's on the "newshour" online. hari? >> sreenivasan: we have the full transcript of our interview with secretary clinton, plus highlighted excerpts, on our world page. get daily updates on the gop presidential nomination fight, more political news, subscribe to the morning line on our politics page. all that and more is on our web site: judy? >> woodruff: and that's the "newshour" for tonight. on thursday, we'll have the latest news from capitol hill as a partisan congress looks for agreement on a payroll tax cut and government spending. i'm judy woodruff >> ifill: and i'm gwen ifill. we'll see you online and again here tomorrow evening. thank you and good night. major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: and by the alfred p. sloan foundation. supporting science, technology, and improved economic
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