tv Charlie Rose PBS December 23, 2011 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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>> rose: welcome to our program. tonight we begin with angelina jolie, writer and director of "in the land of blood and honey." >> and you're watching all these human beings and human beings you can relate to, i hope. and you watch what happens to them or the course of these years and how decent, relateable people become people you cannot understand and so primal and so violent and so... and neighbors kill each other and people are forever damaged and how does that happen? and so i would hope it would bring out the responsibility to remember bosnia,earn from i, and understand the importance of intervention. >> rose: we continue with angelina jolie joined by actors zana marjanovic and rade serbedzija. >> i love angelina as an
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actress. >> i know. >> but it was script. she's sending me this, i really fell in love with this beautiful story. i think she reached... i like to say she reached some depth of greek tragedy with this story. >> we never thought it could happen to us and it did. so it can happen any time and anywhere. and which is why it's so important that things like this film are made. that it keeps reminding us so that hopefully it won't happen again. >> rose: we conclude with the son of former israeli prime minister ariel sharon. >> the world knows that my father is an historical leader and i bring the less known side of him, the warm and loving family man. >> rose: director angelina jolie and actors from her film "in the land of blood and honey" and the son of ariel sharon, gilad
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captioning sponsored by rose communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie se. >> rose: angelina jolie isere. she's an actress, director, ther, and humanitarian with looks that made clint eastwood call her "the most gorgeous face on the planet." she could whatever she wants. she has chosen to help others and focus on family. she's written a film for the first time called "in the land
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>> i am not what you make me into be. >> then we'll have nothing to fear. >> rose: i am pleased to have angelina jolieack at this table. welcome. >> thank you. >> rose: good to see you. >> good to be back. >> rose: you said here... this is the cover of "vanity fair." you talk about "i've never felt so exposed." how does directing make you feel so exposed? >> well, it's the writing as well. i've spent my whole life with somebody else's words in my mouth when it comes to film and these are my words and i can't blame anything on the director or the final edit and it's all me and i feel very, very responsible. it's also my... it's not my politics but... it's not a political movie but it does have politics in it and it's a side
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of politics and the world that i focus on, that i care about so it's very much me. it's the project that is the most me and where my heart is: >> and why is that? why is it the thing that's closest to you in your heart when you look at the world today? >> well, i've hadhe good fortune of being allowed to travel the last 10 years a to work with people in the feel and to go to many different places and i've had an education that has shape my life from the first time to cambodia to my firswar zone in sierra leone and i'veeen allowed topend me and really, really get to know people in post-conflict siations and conflict situations andomething tt i don't get to do as an actress and i feel very lucky that they allowed me and trust med to enter this world. >> rose: it does give you a sense to see... to understand what the rest of the world's like and that there are people who are involved in circumstances not of their own
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making that have brought a huge amount of suffering. >> and it's the majority of the world suffers. >> rose: but there's something that put you on that track of being curious and wanting to know and go for yourself and see what was happening? >> yes, well, when i started to travel, i started to quickly realize how much i didn't know. when i went to cambodia i was shocked at how much i didn't know and then when i started to research and... you open your mind and you realize how much there is that is... that you are sheltered from, especially growing up in america. you have... there are wonderful news programs like your own and there's so much but there's a lot that's... and bosnia is a perfect example of it. we went through years of this war really not being told what was going on. no matter how strongly the reporters were fighting to get the informationut we... we did not... we were not pushed and
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inspired in a way. the american people did not understand the full gravity of what was actually happening. >> rose: and what was at stake. >> and what was at stake. rose: and the consequences of not acting. >> that's right. >> rose: whole sense that was said, you know, history will judge bad if we do no.. if we look the other way. >> but we did. >> rose: but we did. until we finally came to the realization that we had to change. this film. soou set about to go there and to write it and to write a story. what was the story you wanted to write? because you have a love story here, but you also have a broader story about a place and a time and all those emotions that are part of that. >> i didn't intend on making a movie. i didn't intend on ever directing. i just sat down as kind of a meditation. i'd written journals or on edz and thought well, i work in film maybe this is a way of
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expressing a narrative. i was very frustrated with lack of intervention. i was very frustrated to try to understand so many people i met i thought oh,f we could just have gotten there sooner this wouldn't have happened. if we could have just... what can we do? so i wanted to write a story that would showeople that as you're watching it you're sitting there hoping for something to stop this and you're watching all these different people's sisters, mothers, fathers and sons, children and you're watching all these human beings and human beings you can relate to, i hope. and you watch what happens to them over the course of these years and how decent, relateable people become people you cannot understand and so primal and so violent and so... and neighbors kill each other and people are forever damaged and how does that happen? and so i would hope it would bring t the responsibility to
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remember bosnia, learn from it, and understand the importance of intervention. >> rose: tell me the story. >> the storyline is... it starts with sisters and this couple and it starts with bosnia before the war. and we tried to show in a very tight period of time but we tried to show the life of this part of the world, the former yugoslavia is such an extraordinarily special part of the world. the artistry, the music, the life. so we wanted to show that. and then in a moment the war starts. and then months later and as the... well, not even months later, immediately it escalated and very quickly it started... two people started to get pulled apart and it was i thinkhat people will see in it is that the serbian army was very... it wasn't a haphazard kind of... it was a very organized army and
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they... it was very quickly... people were quickly divided and there was... >> rose: genocide. >> and there was nocide and it happened. it happened systematically and quickly. and then during the course of the war all ses took part. there are 161 people in the i.c.q.y. and they're not all serbian, they're mostly serbian. there are people from all sides. people... what happened to these people, these people that lived... these people that intermarried, these people that loved each other and were neighbors, what happened and was what does war do to people. so it's universal. it's happening today. it's happening today around the world. >> rose: do you have some sense of what the power of film might be? >> i hope with this film that it isn't just a reminder of this time in history. but i hope also... i hope people
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get to know this part of the world and they get to know people from this part of the world and they relate to them and they feel a kinship to them because i feel that's important and i think film can do that. we could send strong messages. but this film in particular i wanted people to relate and feel... and care and connect and i think these actors are extraordinary they deal that. >> rose: many actors from the region? >> all actors are from the region and that was part of the thought behind it. i wrote to script and sent it to actors from serbia, from belgrade, serbia, croatia, bosnian serbs, bosnian muslims and i thought if i can get all of them to agree on one story and we can all agree to do this together than that in itself will be something and they did and came together as a family and that's so symbolic of what we all hope for the future of that region. >> rose: since you have done this and because this is such a
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powerful subject and because people understand all the pain that has been suffer there, what was your confirming or ratifying person who said when you were out there and you're swimming alone and you're in the deep end trying torite a script for the first time and... who said to you this is goo, keep going, keep going. >> i didn't show it to anybody for a long me. >> rose: notad, no one? >> i eventually showed it to brad because it was sitting on my desk and it was a funny project that nobody saw. so i sent it with him. he had to do two days of press in japan and he wrote me an e-mail and said "i read your script and finished it and it's pretty good, honey." >> rose: you should be prou >> he said it was... he was very supportive. but i don't think it crossed either one of our minds that it was then still going to become an actual film. it's still training for me...
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it's still strange that it's a film. >> rose: why? >> i never said i want to be a film maker. >> rose: you had a story you wanted to tell. >> and i had this great excuse in making a movie was my chance to learn about a region and be friend freedom the area and have this experience. so it was my great life lesson that i could have this education have this time and i loved the experience of it and i love this cast and i learned so much. and in the process it became a film but i'm still very shy about being a film a.k.-47er. that wasn't the intention. >> rose: d you at any point say "my god, i made a mistake, i'm over my head"? >> i did. >> rose: and how do you get up and say, no, i'm going to do another day? >> because the cast, as i said... >> rose: because they wanted to see it? >> because they wanted to see it happen because they said it was important and because they lived so if i felt the tension i...
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they take this movie back to their own country and stand by it and they have to feel... so they're brave enough to try for something then who am i not to stand with them and they always... and i felt that they were always guiding this. i said i'm worried are we lancing this right? knew had to ask that question everyday and everyday i was worried and everyday i would make sure we were trying to find the balance and i was never sure we did. but i knew always that my intention was in the right place. and the cast said... you know, even when we had complications and you know this region so well they said welcome to the region. >> rose: exactly. >> there's no way you can skate through this without controversy and a lot of pressure and sensitivity. this is a complicated, deeply passionate part of the world and it's going to be heavy. >> rose: but you feel like that about several parts of the
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world. you feel that way about cambodia. you feel that way certainly about parts of africa. you feel that way about the united states. the you have represented and i guess your u.n. affiliation is part of that is in a sense becoming a citizen of the world. becoming someone who understands that we are, in fact, one. >> we are. yes. >> rose: what is that in you that in this sense of always... this... as long as i've known you when you first sat at this table years ago and the respect that we've had, there is a sense that you... there's somehow... something about you that is prepared to find out on ur own wi what some experience is out. you want to know for yourself what it's like i do. i think... i think we all do. i've been so fortunate that as i
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said i was able to... i had a mother that told me, you know, she loved me and encouraged me to try anything. and i've had a chance to travel the world and i've been allowed in and people who work on these issues in the field... i was very shy. i didn't want to get anybody's way. doctors without borders, u.n. workers, i didn't want to get in anybody's way. i didn't know what to do. >> rose: and you didn't want to seem like some movie star dropping in. >> and i didn't want to put a negative spin on their work. i didn't wanthem tobe attached to somebody that made their work seeess serious but they always educated me. i'm so grateful. whether it be u.n. officials or refugees or people like yourself who were willing to talk to me and give me that education and talk to me straight and talk to me as an adult and not... and
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allow to learn and so i continue to try to learn. >> i also believe-- this is me being a psychologist. i always believe that who you... or the sense of adventure that you had and the sense of you would let no one define who you were in your public or private conduct, that that's been an engine for you that's served you well and continues to serve you well. >> well, thank you. >> rose: do you agree with that? >> yeah, i do. i do. >> rose: it's a wildness, an adventure, a sense of this is who i am and i'll channel this in lots of different ways. >> and maybe it's that little punk in me that's like you can all come against me but i'm ing to fight for what i believe is right even if we're going to get into it. >> others ask about you and you've heard this before, how does she do it all? how does she, an actress,
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international celebrity, humanitarian and now filmmaker and most importantly a companion and a mother. how do you do all that? what's the... >> well, i have a great partner in brad. >> rose: right. >> and we talked a long time ago about how to balan this life and knowing the dange of working in this field and this business and just the stresses of normal life anyway. bu we made a decision that we would always take turns working. that we would always travel with each other. that we would never separate for months while one of us is having an adventure being away from the children and the other is sitting home with the children. we decided the only way we're going to be able to do this with this many children and we have the good fortune to be able to make this choice in our career is that we stay together and we experience life together and we raise this together so we're in new york together with the children. >> rose: people are here celebrating as well.
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>> when i shot this film he was... i was with him when he schotz "moneyball" then it was over and we moved together to shoot "in the land of blood and honey" and he would bring the kids to set and just... so i don't do it all all the time. i do some things part of the time and the other part of the time i'm just at home being a m and then for six months or however many months i go to work but i've got a grea man who lps me and supports me and the children are part of my work. >> re: are your ambitions changing at small >> my ambition has always been to be of use and to feel like i'm doing rit things with my life. i don't want to be more success i don't wantore money. i want my kids to be healthy and i have great family and i want them to be great people. that's my ambition.
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and along the way if i can be a part of things in life that i think are important and subject matters i think are important or even be a part sometimes of the solution for these big issues that concern me than that's wonderful and that makes me feel of value. bufirst i want to make sure i've got... i'm raising children right. >> rose: do you think that this is the first step in becoming what everybody calls a filmmaker that you will find something in this process that you want to be able to-- as the aforementioned clint eastwood is and sevel other people-- have been uniquely able to master this in a way that they can tell their own stories. is that they can become truly a film maker in every sense of the board? are you heading in that direction or is it too early to tell? >> you know, i'm sth even call myself a filmmaker now.
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i did this because i loved the subject matter and i felt compelled to do it. not as a filmmaker but i ended up as a filmmaker because of it. so ion't know if i'll end up feeling that compell to tell a story in that way and i'll meet some of them... the cast, this is such an unusual situation for me. i met these actors and this family and they lived through the war and some of them were soldiers during the war, some were children during the war, they were wounded during the war and they taught me and they led me through this and we did this together. so it's a family that made this film. it's not me. >> >> rose: we continue our discussion of "in the land of
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blood and honey" with director angelina joliend two members of the cast, zana marjanovic and rade serbedzija. i'm pleased to have them here at this table to join this conversation. let me... first of all, tell me about the characters that play. >>h, me tell their characters? >> madam director. >> can you tell their character well, they are... they are at opposites in the film. they're... she i a bosnian muslim woman who's an artist who is involved with a man before the war starts who is a bosnian se. how am i doing? >> rose: good so far. >> and they have lo for each other and the war breaks out and the politics of the war affect their relationship and their family's relationships and directly affects... is affected by most of all the father of the man, danijel, who is the lover
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of her character and the son of his character. >> he's serbian. he's one of the leaders in the serbian army. he's... well i'd say very traditional authoritarian person obsessed with history, with mythology and path and he is the one i knew and met in my country. some of them were my friends and i never thought they would finish in the war like leaders, like soldiers, like... >> rose: i'm going go back and north this conversation between this film and your own experience. how did the war affect you? what was your connection to the
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war? you. >> this war? at the time i was born serbian from croatia but at that time i moved from zagreb just a year before the war started to belgrade. i fell in love with my wife. and when war started i was i can say one of the very well-known actors in my country and i tried to join people who wanted to stop the war who were fighting against nationalists both sides in the former yugoslavia. in the end, i'm the person who was supporting one great guy, mark vich, who was the last premier of yugoslavia. and he wanted to organize this party and to help somehow to stop the war.
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and because of the fact that i didn't want to take sides, any side in this war, i became an enemy for manyf nationalists all the people divided in this war and i had to leave my country. >> rose: and you? >> i was eight when rade was in front of the parliament and trying to stop the war and get as many people as possible to fight against the beginning of the war. and interestingly enough, we included a song by e.k.v., which is probably the most known
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serbian band at the time and it's by them the song... the first song in the film is made by the band and that particular song was sung at concert which was a con srt stop the war in bosnia which is so interesting because it was a serbian band that sang in sarajevo at the beginning of the war trying to stop the war. and rade in front of the parliament and it was just so... already such an important way and we tried to fight it through that and herwe are sitting again trying to do a similar thing. >> rose: and the fact that this film has been made meant what to you? the story by this... that angelina came with a script and came to direct a film that involved you. what does it mea what was the sense of your feeling abouthe opportunity? >> well, i think it's so
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important it was untilal first of all, the script. and as objective as i can be i think the film as well. and i just think it's very... it's something that passes even the film itself as a form. it's something that will exclaim, that will tell people that don't know really what happened in sarajevo because i grew up here and when i was 18 i had this crazy idea that my senior year, in the middle of it, so not even finishi the semester, i decided to move back to bosnia. and let me tell you i had an accent in bosnian like with a bit of american vowels and everyone was going kind of like "what are you doing?" and my teacher wrote the reason for moving... leaving the school was-- and i still have the paper-- moving to syria.
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because i said i was moving back to sarajevo. so i think it's very, very important that the film was made and important also for us because i feel this is maybe even the first time that the bosnian people have been given the opportunity to let the world know what really happened at the same time keeping their dignity which we did have during the war. >> someone from my country... before that, i must tell you i had a fewoffers to play in films, american films about bosnian war. i never... >> rose: so what was it about this one? was it her or was it the script or was it... >> of course script. i loved angelina as an actress. >> rose: yes, i know. >> but it was script. when she's sending me this i really fell in love with this
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beautiful story i think she reached... i like to say she reached some depth of greek tragedy with this story and it's amazing. but somehow i was only one who didn't see till... see the film until yesterday. rose: you s that right? you hadn't seen it? >> and i must say i was really impressed. i loved it so much. >> as effective as you can be. (laughter) >> rose: and emotional yesterday i must say that angelina did really fantastic modern film. great film. without pedantic... pathetic things. >> i see, yes. and what do you expect to be the reaction? beyond the fact that a good movie, but what will be the reaction? >> i don't know but actually i don't care. (laughs)
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probably there were absolutely there will be some nationalist who will not love this. who already started to write bad things about this prect. >> well, there are people that deny it even happened. there were people that deny the holocaust, they deny the war. >> i'm sure a lot of people will understand this film and will love this film as we noted yesterday. >> and there are woerful serbian actors from belgrade, serbia, in this film who are known and loved in their country and there's, i think, a lot of the people of their country will know that... a have faith in them that they wouldn't be a part osomething that they didn't feel was balanced. >> rose: did you get the same kind of response from all the actors yousought out that when they read the script that we just got heard from him? >> yeah, we didn't have... >> rose: they wanted to be part of this project?
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>> they did want to be part of this project, yes. >> rose: tell me about why you think that's important. they want to be part of this project. other than the fact that it's a good film directed by an acclaimed professional? >> well, because it tells the truth. isn't that what art is about? >> rose: i hope so, yes. >> and since we haven't learned much from history, obviously, hopefully we will through art and it will start maybe some dialogue that we haven't had a chance to begin and the same way that we all joined and we all worked for the same idea. maybe there is a good chance that it will happen on a much bigger level in ex-yugoslavia. >> this is a scene from the film. this is where you are playing general... the character?
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>> rose: there is a relationship between the father and the son in the sense of what this war is all about. >> yes. as i told you, he is... he wants to make revenge, actually. because during the second world war what we have in this film a lot of his family got killed by nazis in the second world war. and so now they, you know, when th war started again he just feels that now it's hi time. his way to make revenge and he doesn't believe... and it's something... some trauma from his childhood and it's something with the fact that... with which
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this man has lived all his life and somehow i'm sad because of him. is you can imagine 60 years with these stories. >> rose: and i think that's very important thing we tried to say. this isn't... it's not black and white and i think people would love to see sometimes people that are... would love to see black and white. these the good guys, these the bad guys and the bad guys have no humanity and make no sense. he has rationale whether it makes sense or not. his mind has been formed by his family, by his history. by his country and he believes thisnd he also loves his son d he's a human being and somehow he is making sense of this violence for himself and that is important because it is
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the reality. it's not just that there are good guys and bad guys. it's much more complicated. >> i also think it's important to say about this, he said when his son asked him "what about americans? americans will negotiate with us." and he said "yes, they will." >> and they did. >> rose: but they were waiting four years that they do something and four years of these peopleere in the war killing each other. >> because what he says is they're not going to fight us. >> rose: take a look at this. this is a conversation between the two of you. roll tape.
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>> rose: tell me what the theme of is is. in other wordsif someone came to you and said "i hear you, i'm listening, i know what you've done." what are you saying in this film?" or do you just simply want people to understand and experience what took place. >> i do want people to remember this time in history and understand it and get to know the people from the region and learn about it.
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but it's universal. the themes of it are universal and what the film was intended to be was a study in han beings and how war takes its toll on human beings and what it does to humanity and how it warps people and changes people and this is why when we talk about intervention or what to do when there's something going on right now in the world, the longer we wait so the idea was as you're watching this movie you're watching it and you should be sitting in your seat thinking... will somebody please stop this. please don't go any further. oh, don't do that. stop it, stop it. because that what... that should hel people to understand and connect to when we talk about intervention and we talk abt... it's human beings, people, famies and to kind of put a human face on it to understand the importance of it because this film is really just about many people and how they
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are in the beginning of the film and how the war changes them. >> yeah, i really liked what you said today about how it's a love... it's almost about like a love story that never happened. that couldn't happen and i think it's something that everyone and anyone from anywhere can relate to for different reasons. and especially for us it's so important because our lives were forever changed. and we were all living normal lives and i was playing tennis and my mother trying to teach me how to draw. architt's daughter is not able to... just problems that are everyday small, minor, beautiful things and then suddenly it's all gone. you don't have a home. you don't have your house. you don't have your loved ones
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or you're terrified everyday that you may lose them and this is something that for me has changed my life completely and for every bosnian. no matter if you're in there, in sarajevo or outside it's the safety that we'll never feel agn. >> rose: the saty you will never feel again >> the safety. beuse we never thought it could happen to us. and it did. so it can happen. any time and anywhere. and which is why it's so important that things like this film are made that it keeps reminding us so that hopefully it won't happen again. >> rose: but the's also... the story here is that there are places in which there's... think that's not two ses and genocide is an example of where there's not two sides.
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sand where there is the imperative of meone saying "we cannot stand for this." that's also part of what you want to say. >> absolutely. we were very... we talk often about srebrenica and zana does a project everyyear on srebrenica and it's important to... it's what finally compelled internatnal intervention, it s the turning point. and did it have to go that far? do we have to wait for when the rape numbers are at 5,000 and when it's notabeled genocide. this is what frustrates me ant... we sit on darfur and say "is it genocide? is it... what are crimes of aggression? is it ethnic cleansing yet? let's talk for another seven months and figure out how to label it. >> rose: while people are dying. >> that's right. that's right. >> rose: so tell me what's next in your lives
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>> professional? >> rose: yes, or personal, whatever you'd like to tell me. >> well, i'm shooting a film taken to... with liam nissan in istanbul. that's a film. "taken." >> the film that liam made, he made a film called "taken". >> yes, now it's "taken 2." >> rose: you play a bad guy. >> i usually play bad guy in american films. >> but at home you're "king lear." >> right, right. and then i'm going to a prier and my son has a film in los angeles. i play a bit part. so it's a creation candidate for best foreign film. and that's enough. and i have christmas evening to make good bakala.
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>> rose: up do you make good bakala? >> i do. >> rose: where will you spend christmas? >> at home. >> rose: and what now? where where do you go from here? >> first go to l.a. >> rose: yes, i know. and then? >> well, hopefully to very many places but first i'm going to sarajevo. we... i co-founded an n.g.o. with my friends which is called the warehouse cabaret because we like to think we have so many ideas. and we do have a lot of ideas, we're just trying to get them all out. so i co-founded this n.g.o. and we're trying to put on different shows and bringing different types of interactive art that is... that was quite rare in bosnia. >> rose: there is also which i wanted to bring up before we go the centrality of women to this story. this is a story about women as well. >> and i suppose i couldn't write it any other way than
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through the eyes of a woman. >> rose: women in war. >> yes, yes. it... the violence against women. this war was particular for that as well. rape was used as a crime against women intentionally and it changed the laws and it's built some of the strongest cases so that is very much a part of... >> rose: but as we sit at this table in new york rape is being used >> in congress and in america. everywhere. >> ros having done this. is it the film that you wanted to make? >> it i when we call all came together and i feel that we together feel it's what we wanted to make. alone when i was sitting in the editing room and i finished i didn't... i set out to do... you set out to make a film that causes a discussion but you want
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to do rightby people that have fah in you and put their trust in you and it's their country. so i could never be the final one to say that this was right but when we all came together and the cast said this is right then i felt at peace with it, yes. >> rose: do you know what project you're doing next? >> no. i'm unemployed. (laughs) >> rose: thank you. >> thank you very much. >> rose: pleasure. thank you very much. good luck to all of you. gilad sharon is here, his father is ariel sharon, the former prime minister of israel. gilad writes about his father in a new book called "sharon, the life of a leader." i'm pleased to have him here at this table. welcome. >> thank you, i'm excited to be here. >> you wanted the world to know what about your father? >> the world knows that my father is a historical leader and i bring the less-known side of him. the warm and loving family man. being his closest confidante i
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enjoyed his trust. i witnessed many of the events described in the book and i had my father tell me many times about events that took place before i was born. and i bring the stories behind the stories, you can say. >> rose: he started with a jewish underground military movement. >> yeah at the age of 15 he started as a youngster and at the age of 1 he was fully he served. he went to a squad commanders' course and less than 30 years later my parents bought our farm and that's where we live today. >> rose: he foughting in 1948. >> my father was a young platoon xlander. and he was the one that was chosen to lead an attack, the aim was to open the way to jerusalem cut off by aaron forces. the tack failed.
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my father was badly wounded. he's out of... out of his 35 platoon members only four survived that day intact, the rest were killed or wounded. the story of my father's survival, how he managed to get out from there is a miracle, no less than that. and i... of course iel that in the book. but after being... after he suived he set the rule that became a value to the entire israeli army, the idea of we do not leave our men behind. and that was that awful day, may 26, 1948, a hot day, that he was left alone on the battlefield that made him set that. >> he was in the film awardn '73. ... in the '67 war.
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>> '67 he was division commander in the sinai. he was the one that broke the main egyptian stronghold and opened the way to the sinai. the battle is well known and they teach this batt in every known military academy. my father never took the officer course because during the war he was just underfire and became an officer so he would always say just don't tell that to anyone because they just might send me back now. but after that victory of the first day of the war he was driving in his military vehicle on the side of the road he saw an israeli soldier treat badly an egyptian prisoner of war.
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my father stopped immediately in the car and went down and sentenced the israeli soldier to jail because he said ght a war you have to fight, that's the nature of it. but when a man is your prisoner you have to act like a human being." and that's what he did. this is my father. >> rose: how did he look back at lebanon? >> events in the camps was a heavy crime and a trage but we must remember those were christian arabs o murdered muslim arabs and everybody blamed the israelis for that. i remember on february, 1983 "time" magazine published an article suggesting my father, iel sharon, encouraged t christians to take revge on the palestinians after the murder of the lebanese
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christians is was elected. when my father heard that he decided immediately to sue. i was here in new york on the first day and the days after on the trial against "me" magazine and eventually both courts in the u.s. and in israel found that this was false, defamatory and that people in the magazine acted carelessly. >> rose: then there was a... he formed the a new party having been a member of likud. the kadima party. >> my father's first act in his public career was founding the likud party and by that he gave a new meaning to the israeli democracy because before that the labour party ruled the country for decades so he took five small opposition parties and made one big party which
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replaced the label labour party. >> rose: menachem begin. >> yes, th was h contribution to democracy. for the first time change in power was possible. now my father always believed that we can have peace with palestinians and it migh surprise you. he was talking to menachem begin about the possibility of palestinian state in the late 1970s. demilitarized state on part of thland. but he spoke about i because we don't want a one-state solution. we want a jewish state. >> rose: he feared a one-state solution." >> this is something that might endanger israel's future. but let me tell you that when
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the palestinians approach now the u.n. and ask for a state from the u.n. instead of negotiating it from israel, o of the arguments is resolution 181 which is the partition resolution from november 29, 1947. we must remember the jews accepted it. the arabsejected it. if the palestinians would accept that resolution then they would have a state. there would not be a single palestinian refugee. >> rose: one last question, how is your dad today? >> my father is strong. we visit him each and every day. we haven't missed once. it's almost six years now. my brother, my wife, myself, we lo him. he's a strong man. i rember inthe intensive care ter one of his brain operations i asked onef the
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doctorshat a the chances of my father? those days i was interested in medicine and they said i can tell you no one survives such a thing. but now his condition is defined as minimal consciousness. d that means that when he is asleep, so he's asleep, he's big and strong self-assured. looks like a sleeping lord of the manor. he hasn't lost a pound. he gained a few and no one understands that as well. but when he's awake he looks at me, he moves fingers when i ask him to and for me it's a big deal. >> rose: you think he can hear you? >> yeah, i think so, yeah. >> rose: has prime minister netanyahu been to see him? >> no. >> rose: has anyone else? you don't allow? why is that? i know they've asked. >> i think what he would like...
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i mean, i don't think he would like... he always was very happy and strong. he wouldn't like to have them see him lying in the bed. >> rose: so no israeli leaders are allowed to see him. >> no. >> rose: thank you again. >> thank you so much, it was a pleasure thank you. captioning sponsored by rose communications captioned by media access group at wgbh
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