tv Tavis Smiley PBS December 11, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm PST
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stewart coming up right now. >> there is a saying that dr. king had that said there is always the right time to do the right thing. i just try to live my life every day by doing the right thing. we know that we are only halfway to completely eliminate hunger, and we have a lot of work to do. walmart committed $2 billion to fighting hunger in the u.s. as we work together, we can stamp hunger out. yourd by contributions to pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. tavis: please welcome kristin stewart to the story. -- to this program.
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and the latest edition to the "twilight" saga is in theaters. you can catch her next project, "on the road," starring viggo mortensen. >> i don't care. you're just going to leave me anyway. >> when are you going back to denver? >> i don't know. i do not know what i am going to do. i could go back to my fiancee. -- fiance. >> fiance? >> he has been away while. he is nice. >> that is good. >> i wish dean was not so crazy.
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>> you could wish that the rest of your life. >> i just want to have a baby. something normal. i really do want that. >> i just had a great idea. you guys are going to love it. tavis: the best part is whispering to the star while the clip was playing and what they thought about this scene. kristin says, "i love this part." >> i met my favorite part of sitting on a talk show is sitting in front of a big picture. tavis: i am sorry. you mean the best part of being on the show with the big screen behind you. >> life forever. >tavis: i got it.
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tell me about this scene since i put my foot in my mouth. >> this is when things are winding down for my character. shias a little less road to travel -- she house all less road to travel than the boys do. that is when things catch up and to start questioning the situation but not fully. just them. she was sort of a person who was able to compartmentalize her life and live fully different aspects of it and she is free to walk away from this one. tavis: you first read this novel when? high-school? >> freshmen. >>tavis: did it hit you? did it impact you when you first read? >> yeah. i was always good in school and good at reading. this was the first one that got me. this was my first favorite book. i got my license and put it, dashboard and that sounds
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incredibly t c. -- put it on my dashboard and that sounds incredibly cheesy. it opened a lot of doors. tavis: what resonated with you personally? >> it is that point. there are not very many defined years for everyone. it is not the same for everyone. when you look up and go, i can choose my surroundings, i can choose the people that i surround myself with. i am not substantially in this place. some people are comfortable being uncomfortable. some people want to question five people that poll -- and find people that pull. need to find need to fin people like that. people who are sort of comfortable. people who revel in going crazy and fallen to lines that are not expected or conventional
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ones. a wide to discover america. it sounds incredibly cheesy but it is true. tavis: i read this book in high school. you signed up to play this when you're 17 and this book called "twilight"it's in the way. making records and set records and i come back to this project. what do you make of the way that -- it is kind of like "on the road." how did this thing work out? >> looking back on that i am incredibly happy i was able to grab a couple of years before i did this movie. i did one of those irresponsible things, you sign up to a movie
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you do not think it can do. i was not old enough to play the part. i would have done any job on the crew just to be around. so i think those few years were a sort of pre-production, it really long rehearsal -- a really long reversib rehearsal. you need to validate yourself so we had a lot of time to feel like we were privy to a lot of information through walter that normal actors would not allow you to know. and i got through -- to do "twilight"which is something i am close to as well.
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tavis: are you happy that "twilight"is done? happy, relieved? you tell me what the right word is. >> i am happy that the story has been told. to have something like that when i knew for five years -- as an actor that is not normal. this is a condensed and exhilarated. the last thing we did on that movie, i literally never felt lighter in my life. at the same time, we got to live in the world for so long, i have no problem. after five weeks it is hard to leave a character but after five years, it is like, i am finished. tavis: you suggested earlier that you signed up for "on the road"when you are not ready to play it. you have enough life to get a better handle on the character. because you grew in the
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intervening years but how do you grow when you are stuck in this "twilight" zone, for lack of a better phrase. >> totally. the character i played gets older as well. there was so -- a really long movie. reading something for the first time, getting this feeling. the material progress on some level and the movie is defining and figuring out why you felt certain things and i could not finish that it would have been pretty painful. it would have been a bummer. it took a long time but i did not feel stuck at all. tavis: what kind of liberties
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did they take with the book? how close to the book is the film? >> i have done adaptations done before, stories based on real people. going beyond that personal responsibility to the material, have been in existence in the real world. -- having it in existence in the real world. and with "twilight,"the religiously faithful to detail. some way to do something right is something that walter had s -- a strong feeling about, how he wanted to do it. everything, you have a different experience with the book each time you read it. the nature of how it is written and also the spirit of it, it needs to be stumbled upon and picked up and dusted off. every scene sort of had really clear intentions but we were --
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a clear reading is one that was forgotten of the line and found again in your own words. it needed to be spontaneous and we were able to do that. i think that is the truest way to do the book. i think it is incredibly close. watching the film as well, there were a hundred different avenues you could go down depending on what would your ion. tavis: i do not want to put you in position of being professorial. what is the message you think to the young people today that comes out of being able to see a film like this? this is what makes the book a classic. it is relevant so many years later is still relevant. what is the relevancy of this day?
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>> every young person, i get asked constantly. what do people wyck about this today? things have changed so much and conventions are not necessarily the same. things that were shocking are not so shocking now and it is a great time to make the movie version because it will not be available of those things that were extreme. the sex and drugs are not absolutely disarming force any more. it can see what the story, the book is about. the spirit of it. mainly it would be -- you look up and get for the first time that you can find your lines in life and you can swallow --foll. they differ from other peoples,
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if you find commonality with other people, you can love and hate more together. do you know where i mean? i think basically also that for me, i was nostalgic for time i had never lived in. a lot of people say you cannot sig road trip. there are power lines everywhere. if you deny those leaders are still there, if you take the back road, maybe -- it made me more curious and hungry for experience. on a really fundamental level. it was just very vital and made me realize i wanted to not be so comfy all the time. i wanted to push myself and get comfortable with that. tavis: i want to say lost innocence but the issues that you raise in this movie, is
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there -- when you fell in love with the book in high school, were you ready for the book at that age? i am trying to figure out base, you said the audience that sees this film today, you're right. there used to the stuff that they see in the film now that it does not -- it is no big deal. i am wondering what that says about a lost innocence of this generation. that might be putting too much on it, i do not know. you tell me. >> everyone is different, everyone is raised differently. i was never really sheltered from the world. i found this book on a freshman in high school book list. i grew up in l.a. so that has something to do that. in a state where that happens. i think -- people will
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definitely seek out what they're interested in. even if it is being hidden from them. i think that people grew up at different rates, i would say. it is not my place to tell people how old they should be when they watch this movie. tavis: i will get personal for a second. how did your parents to your point of growing up in l.a. -- i should mention that your father is a pretty well known by around this town. -- guy around this town. did you grow on a stage? if you have any of -- any choice but to be in this business given how you were raised? >> i consent a lot of fast service as a child.
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the idea of being the center of attention especially as a kid was not my thing. i wanted the adults to talk to me. i did grow up on a set. my mom is a scripted pfizer, she did films. i just really thought what they did was so cool in the would come home with these different smells on them. where have you been to buy your jacket is wet. i was always just into the movies. you cannot become anything but an actor on a set. tavis: where your parents cool about that? >> they were shocked that i wanted to do it. not stage parents, not to buckle stage parents. really nice to drive me around to additions.
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they are still shocked now. they're sort of like it trips about. tavis: they should get used to it. this "twilight" series is different than anything like "on the road." is there a longing or aching to do something that is more indie after the blockbuster? how's that for you? every actor has a different way of making those decisions. totally. i have never been able to sort out -- step outside my own career and look at it as a whole. and start tactically shaping it. i am -- i do not know what is going to move me in one year's time. i do not know what i want to do until it is in front of me. if i know -- wanted to know what
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story i wanted to tell i would be directing it. i would be like a hired hand. i do not know. i do not have drastically different experiences on small to large movies. i was lucky and got to break up "twilight" with different kinds -- i got to mix it up and not feel that anything got stagnant. that is the reason i did not feel stuck in five years. tavis: i take your point about not be able to step outside yourself and make tactical, strategic decisions about your career. i get that. there's a certain beauty in that because you are following your instincts about what makes sense. >> what does everyone else will me to do? tavis: without taking that approach, how do you know what makes you comfortable in knowing
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that years from now when you look back on your career, it will have taken the kind of form that you wanted it to take? does it make sense? >> yeah, i have definite hopes for a higher opinion. honestly, i think the only way to not regret anything is to come from an honest place. i think i will be all right. i am not to worry about it. i already look back and i am so proud of everyone that i have worked with, part to be, really proud to be in those groups because every movie is a different equation. i am good. i'm pretty happy about it. tavis: this happens every now and again. show nowbeen on this chennau for 10 years.
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almost as long as you have been acting. since you started to get your career made. every now and then somebody shows up and we have to put security on high alert because photographers are running around everywhere. you said your parents are still trying to figure, wow, this actually happened for our baby. how're you managing all the madness with comes along with trying to pursue your craft? >> is another one of those things, do not step outside a life and look at it from an outside -- i am sorry, they are annoying, if they're here if they are. i -- the most clear answer is a non-answer. i do not have much of that idea. tavis: it has to make you feel infringed upon in your life and
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your movement and activity. with -- you ignore it. how you walk out amongst all that nonsense and ignore it? >> i do not. tavis: you do not ignore it or you do not walk outside? >> imad the first part. -- i meant the first part. this is cheesy. tavis: i like cheese. >> i really like what i do. as long as it does not keep me from doing that. it is a different lens to look down, definitely a different perspective. as an actor and just as a strange person, i want to be able to steer people. i do not want them staring at me. if you want to take people in and first impressions are different thing now, they do not exist for me. that is, but no less interesting
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than it would be to not have that, i guess. again, i am good. tavis: i hate being stared at. i am not a personality anywhere near you. i can feel it when someone across the restaurant or the airport is staring. if you want to speak, come speak. i will wave, do not scare me all the time. i know that feeling is disconcerting. >> it is your attitude, your perspective. sometimes i have to kick myself and say, they're not laughing at you prayed you look around and it is like your back in school. -- not laughing at you. you look around and it is like you are back in school. it is kind of like laughter. everyone is laughing at me. it is -- i feel like i am in
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third grader something. tavis: i want to go back to something you said. you still surprised me but you said, i love what i do. what do you love about it? know.on't cheesy. what began -- movies can be really important. they do not have to be just fun. that is important, too. i am glad that i started when i was 9 or 10. i would not able to do something like that now. that would not be something -- i do not think that would have had that. if i had started acting when i was older, that would not have happened. it was good that i started young. you can channel something, you can channel and energy that
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sometimes is only stirred up by some material for some story that you are exposed to. it is that process of walking in those shoes. you read a good book, it changes your life. imagine going out and living it. it is like -- i love being the part of a group that love something together. you have something to hold up. it is a good pressure. tavis: "twilight" is out. it is breaking records everywhere. life is good for kristin stewart. "on the road" is on release. are you good? that is good. thanks for watching and as always, keep the faith.
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>> she is the one that everyone wants. >> victoria? >> i was trying to protect you. >> you. why haven't you called the back? -- me back? >> i had nothing to say. >> i have tons. hold on. >> it's him i don't trust. ride.e's one for the >> hold on tight. >> for more information on today's show, visit tavis smiley at
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tavis: hi, i'm tavis smiley. join me next time for a conversation with matt damon on his latest film and work with that is next time. >> there is a saying that dr. king had that said there is always the right time to do the right thing. i just try to live my life every day by doing the right thing. we know that we are only halfway to completely eliminate hunger, and we have a lot of work to do. walmart committed $2 billion to fighting hunger in the u.s. as we work together, we can stamp hunger out. yourd by contributions to pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. and
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captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions >> woodruff: one of the places most identified with the organized labor movement, michigan, has approved legislation vastly limiting the power of unions in the state. good evening. i'm judy woodruff. >> suarez: and i'm ray suarez. on the newshour tonight, we get the latest on the passage of the right to work laws and the angry demonstrations inside and outside the state capital building. >> woodruff: then, we turn to
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