tv Charlie Rose PBS July 23, 2013 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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welcome to the program, we begin with this, the british royal family has welcomed its newest member at 424 policy local time on a very hot london afternoon, the duchess of cambridge gave birth to a son. the baby boy is eight pounds, six ounces, although he has a title, the prince of cambridge as of this taping the boy has yet to be named. he will be third in line to the throne with behind his father prince will jammed and his grandfather prince charles, britain's future king and his mother reportedly both in great help. health, the queen was the first to receive the news by an encrypted telephone call, it dictates the royal births are announced to public on an easel in front of buckingham palace but first it was. >> and appropriate reminder that royal baby has been born into the modern world. 2013. >> we continue now with a look at the detroit bankruptcy with
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steve rattner,. >> here is the important point, you can get ahead of the curve on this stuff if you start to take steps, if you start to say okay for people who are hired now, the retirement benefits eventually are going to be lower, for people who are higher now, retiring healthcare will eventually be different, the rob with detroit is they were like, literally like the cartoon you are running along and suddenly you lack down and nothing below you and you just collapse and that is really what happens there. >> we continue with peter king, all things nfl at the beginning of the training examples. >> who is the best quarterback going into the new season? >> i would say right now, today, it would be aaron rodgers. >> rose: would you really? >> with i think peyton manning and tom brady, 1-b, and 1 c. manning especially because he is a year removed from, you know, having four neck surgeries in two years and i think, i am hearing very good reports about the strength of his arm, he has got a great deep threat to demare use thomas, i think he is
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going to have a great career but aaron rodgers to me, think because of his mobility and because of his improvisational ability on the move, with the pass rushers being so fast, a lot of them are basically sprinters, you know, you are not going to be able to get away as well if you are manning or brady, aaron rodgers can get away. >> rose: we conclude with tull situate gabbard the youngest would in congress. >> this is a lot we can do, and this is where i feel there is opportunity, yes, there is great frustration right now, both in congress and in our communities across the country at the lack of action, the lack of really having people who understand that we are americans first, putting the partisan politics to the side, and not leaving idealism and principles at the door but having respectful and sincere conversations and saying how can we best serve our country, and that is where i think there is opportunity to be able to affect some of these changes. >> rose: rattner, king and gabbard when we continue.
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from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. >> rose: we want to talk about a great american city that is declaring bankruptcy, last week detroit filed for bankruptcy, making it the largest american city in history to do that, detroit is said to be at least $18 billion in debt, its quick rise during the first half of the 20th century was ignited by the birth of the auto industry, its fall in recent decades has been equally dramatic, a slew of looming liabilities that include overwhelming healthcare and pension costs and emergency manager is in charge of the city to help resolve its problems but the process could take months or years to resolve. we want to talk about what happened to detroit with steve rattner. he earned the title car czar when he led president obama's efforts to restructure the leading auto makes, all the based in detroit, in full disclosure he is a supporter of this program. i am pleased to have him back at this table.
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welcome. >> thank you, charlie. >> rose: let's just start with the obvious, how is this different from the auto bankruptcy? >> it is different in that it is a city, it is not a set of companies. so they don't make profits. >> rose: right. >> they don't sell cars, they collect tax revenues so it is a different kind of financial problem, it is a different kind of mismanagement, but the fundamental idea that you are bankrupt, you are insolvent and don't have enough money to pay your bills, you have overwhelming liabilities, those are similar factors. >> and a chapter 11 versus chapter 9, i think. >> technical matter you file under different parts of the bankruptcy code, chapter 9 from municipalities chapter 11 for companies. >> rose: and the biggest debt is for healthcare and pensions? >> so that is one of the differences here from the auto companies, the auto companies had some pension issues, they had some healthcare issues, but their biggest issue is just plain old a fashioned debt, detroit's biggest issue more than half of that $18 billion is just a little more than half of that $18 billion is healthcare for retirees for future retirees
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and then a shortfall in the pension fund and that is a very different kind of problem and that makes detroit in many ways a much tougher problem because you can't haircut, there aren't that many people to haircut except for these workers and these retirees. >> rose: and so when you look at detroit as a municipality, are we looking at detroit as an example of what might very well happen to other american cities? >> or does it stand-alone as a unique situation? >> a little bit of both. detroit is certainly a unique situation in america, at least to my knowledge, i don't know another city that has fallen so far, so fast, certainly of any size with these kinds of liabilities, the other municipal bankruptcies that have occurred in the u.s. are mostly special situations, bad bond issue, the california limitation on taxes, things like that. detroit is a very unusual situation, but it is a little bit of a canary in the mind shaft in terms of the fact many of these pension funds are not fully funded, many of the
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promises that were made to retirees about healthcare are not funded at all, actually, and we are going to have to deal with that at some point. >> rose: and how do we deal with that at some point? >> there is only a limited number of ways to deal with that, you can reduce benefits by some amount, you can raise taxes by some amount. those are -- you don't have a lot of leverage. >> rose: you can get some type of bailout to some amount? >> you can to a point, the federal government can help and you can't solve all of these problems, politically in appetite there is no appetite to solve any of these issues and spend money on these problems here is the important point you get ahead of the curve on these points if you start to take steps and start to say okay for people hired now, the retirement benefits eventually are going to be lower, for people who were hired now, the retiree healthcare is eventually going to be different, the problem with detroit is, they were like literally like the cartoon you are running along and suddenly you look down and there is nothing below you and just collapse and that is really what happened there. >> you said in fact in writing it was always a question of when, not whether it was going to happen or not. >> well, i learned a lesson from
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the auto companies that you -- that restructuring these kind of huge problems with these massive liabilities without the help of the bankruptcy court was impossible, that's why i thought it was inevitable, there are too many actor and literally tens or huh dreads of thousand of people involved with this, whether retirees or bondholders, whatever and without the use of the bankruptcy code you can't get them all to the table. >> rose: what is the role of the federal government? >> as you know, i have written about this. >> rose: yes. >> and i do believe and i understand the arguments on both sides and we can have that discussion, but on balance, i come out that i do believe, probably the state first and maybe to a lesser degree the federal government have some responsibility, maybe not responsibility, but they should feel some desire to help here, because, yes, the voters of detroit elected bad governments for a long time, yes there has been mismanagement there for a long time, yes the unions didn't help the situation in terms of some of the demands they made in better times, but right now you have 700,000 people in detroit
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suffering through this, not really being their fault, you have 21,000 retirees, i don't think it is really their fault, and they are being asked to take an amount of pain i don't believe anyone else has taken in a bankruptcy whether it be private sector or public sector. >> rose: and so the solution is to share the pain? >> well, the solution i there i have to help, americans are about helping and we help people when hurricane sandy comes with he help people when katrina comes you help people with when we have devastation from crop failures we help people that is what america is, i don't mean to get maudlin on it. >> rose: and -- >> and every year the state of new york, citizens of new york pay billions of dollars more in value taxes than we get back, that money goes to alabama, mississippi and poor states that is what this country is about, and so there is another part of this problem, by the way which is detroit just getting rid of these liabilities doesn't solve the problem, detroit has to now rebuild itself, it has to reinvest. >> rose: some kind of economic engine. >> well, first it has to deliver services as you know it is 60
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minutes average response time for a police call in detroit today, 11 minutes national average you know all of these figures so we, it has to rebuild its services and economy and all of that takes moneys and i think there are ways the state and the federal government can help that are consistent with our mission. >> rose: is this kind of stimulus money? >> you can think of it as stimulus money, i prefer to call it investment money you can provide. we have a whole department of housing and urban groment in washington that spends billions of dollars every year helping municipalities invest and build, i am sure there is money that can come from there, you can have guarantee programs, ther te are a lot of ways the government can help if they choose to. >> rose: what is the attitude of the governor of michigan. >> he is in a rather -- he is in a rather odd position because he is a conservative republican, he said that detroit was not going to go bankrupt and now it has gone bankrupt so he is having to explain that away, he has a republican controlled legislature, so-so far his position has been no direct help, we are helping in quote
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other ways. i think that before this is over, the state of michigan is going to have to help, because the numbers just don't work, i can't make the numbers work without some kind of help from outside. >> rose: and say, the state of michigan can do that? it has the resources to do that? >> yes, we are not talking about a huge amount of money here, all of their liabilities are 18 billion it is not a small amount but a few billion dollars would make a big difference. so what is the object lesson here? be careful with the kind of commitments you make? if you have a declining economic base? >> i think there are a series of lessons, first there is the lesson that economic -- the economic engines have to be constantly maintained and reinvigorated, the famous phrase of our -- detroit, as you pointed out the automobile created detroit and also destroyed detroit in a lot of ways so that is sort of one lesson, you have to stay focused on economic development you look at pittsburgh that lost the steel industry but today is doing quite well as a city because they found other things to do, the second lesson you
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have to learn is integrity in government, detroit had a series, the current mayor is a good guy but they had a series of corrupt. >> rose: the previous one went to jail. >> went to jail, mayors and the citizenry didn't really do anything about that and thirdly we have to be careful about the promises we make, and there is no question that detroit made promises to its workers, borrowed money for other projects that it just simply never could have responsibly repaid. >> rose: and the way, in a way this is kind of a reflection of america, because of its manufacturing base is being eroded? >> the as reflection of america because already so many -- >> rose: the rust belt as they say. >> there are so many aspects of this that resemble america, as i said in an enlarged way, in a way that is disprortion that to the rest of the problem but they lost 90 percent of their manufacturing jobs inside the city of detroit, so that is part of the problem. yes, they made a series of promises well beyond their means, but we have done the same thing with medicare, to a lesser degree with oash social, many other states and cities have done the same thing, you have a lack of political
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accountability, a lack of citizenry rising up and saying these are bad guys and we want to get some good guys, you see that happening in a lot of parts of america so i think there are a lot of lessons from detroit that we should all take to heart in terms of how we go about our business. >> rose: when you headed up the effort to save the auto industry, rescue the auto industry did the president say we have saved detroit? >> the president said during the campaign i made a decision not to let detroit go bankrupt, that that sound bite has been on the air a lot the last few days, what he meant by that, i don't think he was thinking at all about the city of detroit at that moment, he meant the auto companies, he meant the detroit 3, he never really spoke about the city of detroit, we did make a conscious decision during the auto rescue to ask general motors to keep its headquarters in detroit even when they were thinking of moving it outside but beyond that we did nothing for detroit as part of the auto rescue. >> if someone can come up, write a check for $18 billion, that is not enough because you have to build a base to move forward in the future? what kind of economic base can they build?
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>> well, the current mayor has proposed emergency mayor has proposed a one and a quarter billion dollars spending program over ten years that would give you more design to get services up to par. >> rose: to create a service economy to match whatever the manufacturing economy is from the autos. >> really to get to the point detroit can deliver basic municipal services here is a statistic, the state of michigan, including detroit has more engineers than the other 49 states and can kaput together. there are a, there is a lot of talent in detroit and the environs a lot of people who were trained as engineers and to do useful things, and one of the things that does happen is you have kind of an automatic economic adjustment in the sense that housing is now very cheap in detroit. dan gilbert who owns quicken loans he has been buying downtown detroit buildings partly as a civic gesture and part because it was cheap and could save his money in and cheaper than out in the suburbs, i think if detroit can deliver basic services and give
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businessmen confidence the city will function i think you will see people take advantage of the low cost of being there. >> rose: so this is paul krugman writing in "the new york times", so detroit just uniquely irresponsible? again, no detroit does seem to have especially bad government but for the most part the city was just an innocent victim of market forces. what, market forces have victims? of course they do, sometimes it loses from economic change or individuals whose skills have become redundant and sometimes there are companies serving a market niche that no longer exists and sometimes there are whole cities that lose their place in the economic ecosystem. decline happens so by all means let's have a serious discussion about how cities can best manage the transition when their traditional source of competitive advantage go away. the important thing is not to let the discussion get hijacked greek style, we know, obviously, he is talking about the euro zone. >> let's separate that into two points and let's talk about sort of the personal standpoint. my father owned and ran a small paint manufacturing company in
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queens, that was our livelihood when i was growing up, manufacturing companies all over long island city and queens, every one of them is gone today, long island city went through a long period of basically being asleep and now if grew over there, you see big apartment towers, you see restaurants, you see nightlife and being reinvented, new york city was the manufacturing capital of america during the industrial revolution, we had chemical plants and all kinds of things and we -- and we have reinvented ourselves so i agree with paul krugman about that, cities can reinvent themselves where i don't completely agree with him he is also trying say that the pension issues in detroit are really -- or in the country actually are really small po at es, he said they are a trillion-dollar i have, i haven't audited the numbers, trillion dollars is a fair amount of money even if that is the right number, i suspect the right number could be higher i think we have to be cognizant of the promises we make all across the country. >> rose: how long will this take again? this will take at least a year.
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hopefully not too much longer, the terms of the city manager ends in about 14 months so something has to happen within that time frame. but the problem is, i can't -- as said earlier, i can't get the numbers to add up. the amount of pain being inflicted on the retirees i don't think is going to be sustainable. you have a group of bondholders who are being asked to give up also 90 percent of what they have, who are fighting that in court and claiming they don't have to do that. the pension funds are claiming under the michigan state constitution they can't be haircut at all, so this is -- and so even if everybody took the pain it is not clear to me detroit has enough money, if you start giving stuff back -- the numbers are hard to add up without some sort of help from outside. >> rose: thank you, steve. >> my pleasure. >> rose: we will talk to peter king about the nfl season begins soon. >> rose: peter king is here for the past 30 years, he is reported everything you need to know about the nfl, his online column for sports illustrated monday morning quarterback has
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been a weekly test nation for millions of enthusiasts since it began in 1987, today it takes on a new look and feel the mmqb, the upcoming nfl season is also beginning to take shape with training camp in full swing for all 32 teams i am pleased to have peter king back at the table, welcome. >> thanks, charlie. >> rose: baseball just for a moment. >> okay. >> rose: how good was last night for you red sox fans? >> oh, well, you know, mike napoli doubles the first baseman on my fantasy team and he has been killing me for the last two months, but he made up for it in one night, i will just say this, if anybody had told me that the red sox would be 60 and 40 after 100 games. >> rose: after last year? >> i would be -- i would be stunned, and but there, they are still a fun team if i have to go to vegas right now and pick a team i would pick tampa to win that division. >> rose: you like them. >> i like them and i like baltimore it is amazing how food that division is but imagine if one of those three wins the other two are wild cars cards
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how would a bought more boston wilwildcard series be? >> how did they get turned around. >> they got healthy, john lackey that everybody had given up for dead came back, basically so motivated to prove he wasn't the bum early on in his boston days, and they got healthy, but, you know, they still have some injuries, buchholz and they are in trouble little there a little bit. joe may math told me he actually doesn't regret getting his knee injured in college because that really hurt his development and made it -- he wasn't as good nfl quarterback and he said, why? i would have ended up in vietnam. >> rose: ah, because of the knee. >> and because of the knee he had three physicals, and there was a lot of pressure on these doctors, may we can't pass namath, you know, or we can't let -- we can't give namath a pass i should say but the doctors all three of them said, there is no way in the world this guy has to carry somebody's body, you know, half a mile in
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tse san he can't make so it so he got out of going to vietnam. >> and it made him the quarterback he is. >> gunslinger staying in the pocket. >> he is a alabama kind of guy. >> he told me about the day that john f. kennedy died, was assassinated and had football practice and he went to football practice and bear bryant just really downcast said no football practice today, man. go think about our president. >> rose: bear bryant said that. >> bear bryant said that to him and all kind of interesting things when you talk to joe namath about his history. how about this, george wallace used to come to practice, because he loved the football team of alabama, and he was a nice guy, he said i wasn't a political guy so i didn't know all of the stuff that was going on, but -- >> rose: let me tell you this, have you ever heard this, george wallace once asked him, the only reason i am governor is because bear bryant doesn't want to be. >> well, he is right there.
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that's a good -- >> rose: let's turn to this thing you have now, monday morning quarterback web site what is different? it is now going to be a separate web site still owned by smi. >> still under the smi umbrella and over the few years i told this to a few people going around the country, the nfl has this thick called the scouting combine, every february and it is where they do scouting reports and everything and look at workouts of the best college players in the country, well, in 2000 there are about 15 or so reporters at that, this year there were 841. >> rose: wow. >> the world has changed. football has exploded, especially the nfl, and i am sitting there thinking, how can we do something different? how can we be a little bit more compelling, and you know what i thought? the thing that i really love to do is i love to take people where they can't go. >> rose: right. >> you know, i am sitting in a team meeting at the arizona cardinals in june and i am
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listening to bruce aryan lecture his rookies on how to handle the two minute drill. this is what we do around here. this is how we handle the ball here. in this. and after it i said you are like a sixth grade teacher teaching our kids grammar. you know, this exactly how to do it. and so i wanted more of that, and that's what i he this site is going to be, both video, social media, pod casts, we are going to try to deliver it in a way that today's consumer wants it. >> rose: so what are you going to be saying about hernandez in the case will? >> well, i don't know what there is to say, other than we are doing something very long term about behavior of nfl players, because i -- >> rose: we means nfl? >> no, we as the -- our web site, we will do something, but it is in the formative stages, and i think one of the things that i want to find out is i want to find out if really the nfl is different than society.
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because i truly don't know the answer. if you lack at fti statistics of the year 2010, 4.9 percent of the american males over the age of 21 in the united states were arrested for something in that year, 4.9 percent, and in the nfl if you include guys who are only on a team's final roster last year like in the last 12 months, it is 1.1 percent of the players. so -- and again maybe that is apples and oranges, i am sure it is, my only point is, let's see exactly if -- it seems like a lot of guys are getting arrested and it seems there are some heinous crimes but how different is that really from society? the aaron hernandez story the one thing i wonder about right now, over the years you talk to scouts, you talk to general managers and the word you hear more and more from them now? >> rose: no. >> gangs. >> rose: really? >> they are worried about players bringing gang tentacles
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into the nfl,. >> rose: wow. >> and i am very curious to see when all of the aaron hernandez story .. comes through, i don't know the answer to this, and, you know, so it is not reportable, all it is is whispers. i am just curious to see how deep his involvement beyond just this case, this sordid case in north attleboro massachusetts, whether there is anything else to it, i don't know whether there is. but i really want to see the depth of what the prosecution can find out about this guy. >> rose: do you believe that nfl owners look the other way? >> many times they do. i mean, it is clearly, it is on record, the new england patriots last year select add corner back in the seventh round from nebraska, probably a second or third round talent, who was charged with assault in lincoln, nebraska, and he was ended up put on probation and now this -- there is some debate now whether a couple of weeks ago he was
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involved in the dui, and so if he is, the patriots are probably going to have to cut him. but we are still finding out what all is there. but the nfl for years has looked the other way. if a guy is play they may not take aaron hernandez, like aaron hernandez totally clean in the year 2010 would have been the 30th pick in the draft, as it was he was the 113th pick in graft so my feeling is if you look at a guy like aaron hernandez he got graded down three round because of his people really questioned his character, and he tested positive for marijuana in college. that kind of stuff really doesn't bother me unless it is habitual repeat offenses because a lot of kids do that in college but i think people were worried about his character and that obviously was born out. >> rose: but should the teams do more investigations of these i mean, they are not stupid, i mean -- >> and you knowed what, charlie. >> rose: and they have their own -- >> i will tell you, i have covered a few teams over the
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years that -- where before the draft, they will send, if there is a questionable guy who they are very interested in, we don't find out about these things, but they send private investigators to the hometown, to the college found, to ask all kinds of questions about this guy, he ask bartender, i know one guy who was once draft bid the cowboys, jimmy johnston had a full-blown private investigating situation where the guy went everywhere for about three weeks and investigated every thing about this guy's life and they decided to pick him. and my feeling always was that i think more teams should do that, and then if you know everything, then you can decide if he is worth the risk. and honestly, i don't necessarily fault the patriots for tank aaron hernandez with 113th pick in the draft because basically they looked at the overall risk and they said, actually, you know, he might
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washout at some point in the nfl but as it turns out, and i realize i am being a little bit, talking out of both sides of my mouth saying this, but if you would have been told with amid fourth-round pick for three-year period you were going to get one of the best five best tight end in football if you were told for three years you get this level of performance would you take it? there are 32 in halfful in coaches who would take that. >> rose: who would say yes. >> but the problem is, 35 is a part d to that and then if he is arrested for murder how would you feel well even the patriots wouldn't want that, i don't think any team would take that. >> rose: of course not. >> but i think teams work hard and i think they are going to redouble their efforts. >> rose: is the goodell and the owners working on all of these fronts in terms of this kind of thing? >> i think they are worried? in terms of concussion cushions and a lot of things that seem to be getting a lot of attention. >> this is no question roger goodell and the owners are concerned about the concussion issue and certainly about the crime issue because they realize
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that every time they open the paper 35 is a black guy in the paper that is bad for their sport, it is going to turn people off to the game, that affects tv ratings and may eventually affect attendance and as far as the concussion issue, we will see with this concussion lawsuit where there are 50 rts, 3500 former players or estates of players, you know, basically suing the nfl saying they looked the other way for so many years, charlie my feeling is that right now, you know, what may be ground zero a year ago, two years ago that the nfl realizes that they are going to be the subject of unending lawsuits so they are doing everything in their power, because if they don't, the game will die. >> rose: and what about this whole violence thing in terms of hits on players to take them out of the game? >> well, i think that is one of the reasons buy and, you know, people in new orleans will be forever bitter about it, but it is one of the reasons why roger good dell came down so hard on
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bounty gate, because when he heard that there were some players who, and i think goodell is still convinced to this day jonathan industrial ma offered money to a teammate to knock player, knock brett favre out of the nfc championship game, whether it is true or not, will be open to debate for a long time, but i think good dell to this day is convinced it happened and if something like that happens he is going to come down with both feet not only on the players and the coaches, because i think he feels that the hearn public has to trust that the game they are seeing is on the level and isn't professional wrestling. >> rose:. >> let's turn to the new season who is the best quarterback going into the new season? >> i would say right now, today, it would be aaron roers where. >> rose: would you really? >> with i think .. peyton manning and tom brady 1-b and 1 c, manning especially because he is a year removed from, you know, having four neck surgeries in two years and i think i am hearing very good reports about the strength of his arm.
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he has got a great deep threat in demare use thomas, i think he is going to have a great year fj but aaron roers to me, i think because of his mobility and because of his improvisational ability on the move with the pass rushers being so fast, a lot of them are basically sprinters, you know, you are not going to be able to get away as well if you are manning or brady, aaron rodgers can get away. >> rose: tom brady, a great one by any standards certainly when you look at championships won. >> but look what happened to him. >> eight seasons in a row they haven't won a super bowl. >> rose: yes. >> but it is funny i asked him that question for our web site, and one of the things he said is, he said and he must have said it four times and i don't know how many of them i used but he said it is hard to win a super bowl and he said to me that, he said, listen, the last three years we have been like 14 and two, get to the super bowl,
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get to the afc championship game, he said we just haven't fallen off a cliff, he said we just made some mistakes at the wrong time, i think of brady right now, this is going to be the kind of season that to me , if he plays great in the patriots, and the patriots play great i think you will have to consider tom brady as the greatest quarterback of all-time, considering in the discussion for it for a very simple reason, he has wills lost -- robert gronkowski will not play probably early in the season so in essence his top five weapons from last year as receivers are all gone, so he has got to remake this team, he has got the gigantic disdisrak shun of no hernandez, a weak secondary i think so he is going to have to get into some shoot-outs if he does that with all of these new guys, hats off to him. >> rose: and what factor do you add because belichick is his coach? >> i think belichick and josh mcdan wrestle the offensive coordinator, i mean, that to me
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is like the perfect thing for tom brady, for this reason. brady has to play for a guy who he thinks is really smart, and who he thinks is going to help him win, if he is playing for a guy he doesn't respect and rolls his eyes as what he says it is not going to be good for brady because brady could be the coach so bill belichick still helps tom brady win, josh mcdaniels helps tom brady win and that is why those are both huge aids to him in a year that the slate is scrubbed clean. >> rose: and what about at the bow? >> tim tebow -- not as in a great quarterback but an addition to the patriots? >> do you remember florida games, where tim tebow and i am not a huge college football watcher but i thought one of the coolest players in college football was tim tebow would take a shotgun snap and make he would be at like the four-yard line and take a shotgun snap and put the ball underneath his arm
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or, you know, put it in the crook of his arm, run three steps forward and everybody collapses on him and there is a tight end just standing all alone in the end zone and stop, touchdown, lost in the trashing of tim tebow the quarterback by the yield over the last year, with some justification, but lost in that is the fact that tim tebow is a football player, and i believe that what bill belichick is going to try to do with him in training camp is find two or three rolls, maybe a, he will play a few snaps at tight end and maybe come in as a goal line quarterback, spread offense play, some of the same stuff he did at florida, maybe he won't make the team. but all i know is that bill belichick is the kind of guy he could care less if football america thinks tim tebow is the worst quarterback in history, he doesn't care, he is going to find a way for him to win. i don't know if he is going to make the team but, you know,. >> he cares about what he can
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add to the patriots. >> right. >> rose: could he make a difference and win a game? our gb 3. >> robert griffin the third, i was on the side lines at washington camp first week of june, and the field, the practice field during their mini camp obviously, you know what a field looks like, you know, it is a big rectangle so robert griffin the in other words is running -- he is not playing, but he is training, he is running around. >> rose: you say doctors have given him -- >> yes, yes, that's right, they have given him the ability, they passed him to practice. >> rose: right. >> here is what i will tell you. this is five months after surgery that h he had, he is running around the field so fast and cutting so well that you would have thought that not only was it, wasn't he rehabbing that knee but he was a wide receiver out running sprints to try to imfrom es the coaches. he looked fantastic. and i just -- i said, i don't care what might be says about oh
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we are going to take it easy with him and that kind of stuff he will be on the center on september 9th when the philadelphia eagles come to fed ex field and he will play like robert griffin the third. >> rose: as good as he has ever played. >> who knows -- i think he will not be limited is what i am saying. >> rose: why doesn't flacco get the credit he deserves? >> he should. >> rose: he is the highest paid quarterback? >> yes, yes like by 100,000 a year. >> rose: because a guy wanted nted to keep him in baltimore. >> yes, hey, i did a couple of things last year which i really admire, he put all his cards on the table and said, hey, 17 million a year that is a nice salary but by the end of this yearly prove i deserve to be the highest paid quarterback in football, we all laughed, everybody laughed that is ridiculous, you are not as good as peyton manning, drew brees, and prime time in the playoffs, i am standing in the end zone, in denver, it is six degrees below zero windchill, these guys have been out there for four
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hours, and farc. o are in the huddle, this is it two plays in the season and he goes back there and he throws a ball a mile and it is right into the hands of his receiver, you know, they end up scoring, they win the game and all of that stuff, and that is the kind of the quarterback you want quarterbacking your team, eli manning, joe flacco, they are impervious to all of the stuff we would say holy cow didn't you feel pressure? >> how about a per nick? >> to me he is about the most he is about the most interesting guy i spent a day with him in may .. and he is the most compelling single person right now in the nfl because of his background. >> rose: he, the host compelling person. >> in the nfl. >> rose: not -- >> because he is different from all of the other quarterbacks and he wants to be different. he doesn't want to be peyton manning he had great admiration for peyton and manning, think of him, adopted at five or six weeks, born to a white mother
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and a black father, not only doesn't he want to know the black -- the birth mother, you know, he makes some strong comments on our site this week further distancing himself from his mother, birth mother. and plus 70 percent of his upper torso is covered with tattoos, he is just a fascinating guy, and can i tell you one very quick -- >> rose:. >> kaepernick i am with him and a police detail around him at an event in california, boy these cops get to be around kaepernick and 49ers fan, hey how does it feel to replace montana and one of them said to him, colin i want to ask you about that tattoo you just got this year, fou42-year-old sergeant i have t my life story tattooed on my left arm. and so the world is changing, we are witnessing it. >> rose: yes, indeed. >> but is his very situate one of the best selling jerseys. >> number one best selling jersey in my opinion because kids around the country look at
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colin kaepernick and saying. >> rose: that is a characterer the. >> that could be a skateboarding buddy of mine. >> rose: that's what they do. >> yeah i think. >> rose: who is in the super bowl in 2000 -- >> don't do it, don't do it. >> rose: tell me. >> i knew you were going to ask me the question, and so -- but i don't -- i can't be held to this. >> rose: okay, you are not held. >> becausely probably make a different decision. i am going to take san francisco in the mfc. >> rose: again. >> and in the afc i will take the denver broncos. >> rose: really. >> you think peyton is back. >> i think peyton is back. >> they have to find some way to rush the pass search the biggest problem right now. >> rose:. >> i will take san francisco and denver and believe me a month from how when they appear in print, i will change my mind. >> rose: thank you, peter. >> okay, charlie, thank you you. >> rose: back in a moment, stay with us. >> rose: tulsi gabbard is here, he is a democrat from hawaii, one of the youngest members of congress, legislated
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ected to the state legislature in hawaii and served two tours in iraq and sits on the house committee of affairs and homeland security, people at home don't care whether you have got a d or an r in front of your name she has said, they want you to get things done, one of the main items on her agenda, sexual assault in the military, introduced a military justice improvement act in the house earlier this year, i am pleased to have her here at this table for the first time, welcome. >> thank you so much, charlie for having me. >> let's talk biography for a second, you grew up in samoa, born in america samoa and grew up in hawaii. >> >> rose: grew up in hawaii and entered politics at 21. when did the iraq experience come? >> i deployed, i volunteered to deploy to iraq with the army national guard in 2004, i was 23, 24 years old, around that time. and what was that experience? how did it shape you as i have asked you before? >> , you know,, it made an incredible impact on my entire
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life, you know, when i first ran for office i wanted to do good things for my community, i was 21 years old and saw a lot of opportunity there. enlisted in the national toward and as i was closing my first term there, our partial guard unit was deployed -- activated for deployment, i was one of the few who was not, but knew that there was no way that i could stay in my nice little office in paradise and watch close to 3,000 of my brothers and sisters deploy to a desert that a lot of people really hadn't thought about. >> rose: so you appealed to the military authorities or the governor. >> i talked to my commander and stayed i want to deploy and he said no, that's not what i want to hear, i want to deploy and eventually worked it out, i was trained in a different job, deployed as a medical unit to iraq on the first time, military police unit to kuwait the second time, but through both of those experiences, really saw firsthand the true cost of war, in a way that i had never even begun to understand before.
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that it is not just -- the human cost that occurs when you are deployed, every single day for example part of my job was making sure that the 3,000 hawaii troops that we had there were taken care of, if they were injured in the line of duty, as they were going on patrol or some of those who were killed in action, making sure that those who were injured received the care that they needed whether it was in country or getting them to germany or back to hawaii, eventually, to their families and seeing every day a list by name of each casualty, all across the country there. and understanding at a very personal level that behind each one of those names were parents and siblings, children. >> rose: and were there missions you could not go on? >> yes, there were. >> and they would say, sorry, no. >> yes. >> and you would say please? >> sometimes they said sorry and sometimes they didn't. >> rose: and how did they define those missions that you could go on and missions you
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couldn't go on? >> well, you know, some of them were patrol missions. some of tell were convoy security missions, some of them were training missions. a variety of different missions where the commander felt and it was his prerogative to say this is something that i will only allow my male solders where to go on. >> rose: and how -- did they define that by their own defense of make it on an ad hoc judgment. >> if they felt, how they felt they could best accomplish the mission or the impact that it might have on the community or the impact it might have within the soldiers, our soldiers themselves, how they came to all the decisions i don't know. but being on the receiving end of that, you know, it was scooping, personally, i felt i had trained hard and i was good at what i was trained to do, and also gave me that added impetus later on, coming back, one among many reasons to run for congress and to be able to bring a lot of these issues whether it is
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sexual assault in the military, whether it is women being able to serve in any role, that they are capable in serving, to the national conversation to try to effect some change. >> and what do you believe you can accomplish? >> there is a lot that we can do, and this is where i feel there is opportunity. yes, there is great frustration right now, both in congress and in our communities across the country at the lack of action, at the lack of really having people who understand that we are americans first, putting the partisan politics to the side and not leaving idealism and principles at the door but having respectful and sincere conversations and saying how can we best serve our country. and that is write i think there is opportunity to be able to effect some of these changes, i will give you one example, the first bill i introduced is called the helping heroes flay act and it was a bill that was introduced to answer some concerns that i and my colleagues had heard from
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wounded warriors who are trying to get home, severely disabled, sometimes double amputees and they were facing some pretty disrespectful and shaleful treatment going through security just trying to get home, and this bill made it so they would have clear and expedited pathway to get from the hospital back to their home. >> rose: i don't understand, i mean, when you tell me that i know it is true, obviously and yet at the same time, how could that be you ask yourself. >> that's exactly what i asked myself. >> rose: and how can did be the procrastination in terms of benefits that people who have made the kind of sacrifice that military men and women have made? that allows that to happen? >> there is sometimes a -- there is a bureaucracy that has to be managed and led, and we sometimes have to fight through in order to make sure that people at every level always remember that it is about who we are serving, and when you call yourself public search stranlts or civil servants the key word there is servant, and that you
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are there to provide that service. the bill that i mentioned the helping heroes flight act, we passed this in less than 60 days with the uh than spouse vote of support on the house floor which is incredible, but shows what can be accomplished when you have people who recognize this is a huge community of people who deserve our honoring them and making sure that they are take taken care of and we have to take that spirit and apply it to reforms that have to be made within the va, the reforms that need to be made to be sure we have inter operatability of records between the veterans and veterans affairs. >> rose: give me a primer on 6 jiewlt sexual assault in the military. >> as the largely misunderstood problem that is even deeper and more far reaching than many people realize, even those serving within the military. >> rose: what don't we know? >> over half, 53 percent of the 26,000 incidents of unwanted sexual contact in 2012 alone
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occurred on appeal victims. >> rose: so this is of the 26,000 that were reported. >> no, this is the 26,000 that were pound through a survey of that 26,000, only 3600 or so were actually reported. it speaks to a bigger problem. >> rose: exactly so there is a bias against reporting. >> exactly. >> rose: why is that? >> exactly. i think there is a cultural problem that exists where there is a lack of trust that the system will work for victims, and there is lack of trust that justice will actually be served. >> rose: and that that, there will be repercussions programs? >> absolutely, absolutely. >> rose: were you stun bed at this number of cases in which we see, where people supposedly in charge, in fact, have some history of sexual harass n their own background? >> it is, and this is at the crux of the legislation we are trying to move through congress now, where we are saying, through the military justice improvement act, that dealing with these violent sexual crimes, this must be taken out of the jurisdiction of the chain
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of manned. >> rose: right. >> itself. we have heard a lot of military leaders speak against this, as a former company commander myself, i recognize their concerns of saying they don't want to erode a commander's authority, and ability to lead their troops. i couldn't agree more. however, when we are seeing numbers put out by the department of defense saying that 20 if percent of women who are sexually assaulted in 2012, 27 percent of men, their, their perpetrators occurred within their own chain of command so when you look at that disturbing statistic and you look at the culture of a lack of trust, a fear of retaliation, that also exists throughout the military, i think it makes such a strong argument for taking out of the chain of command and putting it into the hand of trained investigators, trained prosecutors, people who can actually bring about justice. >> rose: what is the difference in your bill that you are getting sponsors for in the house and joseph gillibrand's bill in the senate.
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>> as the companion bill and we are working together completely, the senator gillibrand has done a tremendous job of building support within the senate, we saw recently senators ted cruz, who i am thinking of,. >> rose: from texas. a republican from texas. >> exactly is one of the cosponsors who signed on. >> rose: a party member in good standing. >> absolutely. >> and it shows this is an issue that right is above the partisan politics and it is about national security. it is about serving our troops, and making sure that we have a strong team, a solid team, with great confidence and integrity. >> rose: you have shown some frustration that what happens in the agenda in congress and with all of that, what is at the core of your own disappointment about the noise of the house? >> unfortunately, i think, a lot of conversations devolve into blaming, one side or the other, and focusing more on the partisan battles that exist
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through the election cycles and through the day to day arguments on different measures, rather than looking truly and saying how can we come up with the best possible legislation to serve our farmers, to serve our kids, when we are talkin talking abour defense bill, every single one of these bills we have an opportunity to come out with a more perfect -- >> rose: what could change the dynamic of the fact that it seems that nothing can get accomplished? i mean we listened to over the weekend the speaker say, he is really trying to undo legislation rather than go legislation. >> and sometimes there is a role for that. i mean if you have outdated laws that are on the books or laws -- >> rose: he is saying things like healthcare reform. >> and that's a conversation in and of itself. there is a time and place for that, but to say that that is the only way that we can so-called be productive i think is not the case. at all. i think that there are a larger
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number of both democrats and republicans, many who have been elected just in this last cycle who are as frustrated as their con stitch wren situate they represent and they can see above the need to -- they understand that it is about results, and are impatient and we want to be able to get things done. >> you are the youngest woman member of the house. >> yes. >> and when you came to the house, were your expectations to do what? what were your expectations and how do they differ are the reality? >> a lot of huge and important issues that i wanted to jump on and tackle but i knew immediately coming in that front door that the most important thing that i would have to do first before i could even go down that road was to build relationships, and talking earlier of how do you overcome the gridlock? how do you breakthrough that? and for me i looked back to some of our predecessors in hawaii, senator enoy, fantastic hero, not just
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for hawaii but for the country. >> rose: military hero, lost his -- >> medal of honor recipient, just a larger than life personality, and the friendship that he built with senator stevens from alaska, and how. >> rocross the aisle. >> exactly and over how my entire life we saw as the partisan winds blew one way or the other, they had that strong partnership that allowed them to serve their constituents and work on different issues together. and those relationships is what we need to bring back. >> rose: obviously the president had a long beernls in hawaii. >> yes. >> is it different? i mean does it have a different shaping influence on a crowning person, do you think? >> without a doubt. >> rose: because it is what? >> hawaii is not just a beautiful place because we have amazing beaches and a nice weather year-round. hawaii is a special place because of the culture that we have there and the people and what is more commonly known as the aloha spirit. >> rose: what is the aloha spirit? >> the aloha spirit is
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recognizing that you respect and see people for who they are, setting aside the external differences whether it may be race or religion, ethnicity, nationality, whatever it pay and recognizing that we are one people and we have -- >> rose: also it is a reflection of diversity of cultures too, is it not. >> people from all over the world. >> rose: all over the world. >> all over the world, all across asia, i come from a polynesian and caucasian ancestry, the president is mixed race and you walk down the street in hawaii and you ask someone what is your ethnic background po i am chinese portuguese philippino, that is the essence of the families and difficult verse at this in hawaii. >> rose: are both of your parents hindu. >> my mom, yes. my academy is cath rick, my mom is practicing. >> how many members of the hindu faith are in congress? >> just myself. >> rose: just you? >> yes. >> rose: do you expect to be or hope to see, if you look at
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iraq, especially iraq and afghanistan, as well, it was and we have seen this time after time, a remarkable experience for people, for service for understanding leadership, for developing qualities of leadership and accomplishment, and at the same time a great sense of service to the country. and you would hope that those people in their efforts, and their efforts in being able to come back and find a way into society and the, in the private and public sector where they can take those qualities and apply them to the task at hand. >> yes. >> yet at the same time a large number of them are unemployed. >> this is an important message. >> rose: right. >> that has to be heard, both by employers but by our country as a whole, and that is you have got a huge community of veterans like you said that not only have served honorably but had some of the best experience possible in the sense of they know how to
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work as a member of a team, they know what it means to butt the mission first, make decisions under some of the most stressful, high pressure environments possible, and to he, most importantly these are people who embody servant leadership of putting themselves second, putting the country first, putting others first and whether it be in government or in business or in education or the nonprofit world, these are people who em body all of the qualities that will make for a successful effort or organization, and it helps veterans as well, because they are looking for a way to continue to serve, to continue that mission, when they come home. >> rose: any member of congress from hawaii does it mean you don't go home as much as most members do? >> unfortunately, i get home as often as possible. but sometimes if it is a very. >> rose: not every weekend. >> if it is a short weekend, yes, i don't always make it back. >> rose: how long of a trip is it. >> it is about ten and a half hour flight to hawaii from washington, d.c. nonstop which,
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you know, other people say, oh, i don't think how you do it, but really, it is just a commute,. >> rose: a commute to work. >> home and a chance to work and read and catch up on things and every time you get off the plane you are landing in hawaii, and, you know, you step off the plane and it is never far away you have the ocean breezes blowing through the airport and it is special always to get home. >> rose: thank you for coming. great to have you. >> thank you. aloha. >> rose: aloha. thank you for joining us. see you next time.
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