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tv   KQED Newsroom  PBS  November 23, 2013 2:00am-2:31am PST

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. let's mick surey?teu we set hotline that will help consumers tlar having that change, have a place to call to figure out, is there another health plan that would be better for them? a better plan design? this is part of the biggest change since medicare. and it's not just bigger because it's changing the health care system for everyone so that in the future years, even those people that this year, might see a price bump are going to be in
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a new health insurance world where they can never be turned down again. they can never be -- go ahead. >> the decision -- >> they leads me to belief you're not real thrilled with where things are? >> we're not thrilled. the affordable care act is a good law to provide huge changes in health insurance system but for some people, people that make more than 400% of poverty so if you're like a 60-year-old that makes $60,000, you don't get federal health to lower the cost of your health insurance. health insurance can still be expensive and i think this is one of the things that congress should look at. how tim prove the law to everyone has health care that's affordable. this was a piece that there were not great only options force us. californians that are losing old policies get the less new policy for them. >> let's look at the data of the
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team that signed up there was a lot of concern about the young people, the youpg invincibles would sign up. what did the data tell us about that? >> it's good data. here in california, you heard a lot about national websites not working et cetera. coverage is working great. we're signing up 10,000 people every single day. some of them going to medical and those people, about 21% of them are between the ages of 18 and 34. these are young people. those are the people that will be being part of our insurance pool, will make sure that in 2015, the rates for everyone stay as low as possible. >> another important demographic, latinos, something like 60% of the unsured in california are latino and i think, 3% of those enrolled so far in covered california are primarily spanish sneaking. what does that tell you? >> a couple things. in the first 7ñmonth, this the data about month one of the six-month enrollment period.
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what ten rollment will be in the next month between now and actually, not until now and december 23rd, our board also extended the enrollment period for coverage to start january 31st until the 23rd of december, we'll see a lot of enrollment in communities. we have thousands of licensed insurance agents and what we call certified enrollment counselors, trained certified individuals and a bunch of them, 60% of the enrollment counselors and 1% of the licensed agents that speak spanish. we think enrollment of the latino community and also, of the people that mandarin and korean, will be in communities across california. >> fair to say things are better in california than they are nationally. to what extent can california succeed if obama care nationally in some way fails or falls short? >> well, california, i think, is actually doing a really good job. we're showing other states what it means when a state comes together to say, let's not play politics with our citizens. let's enroll them and covered in
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health care. there's a 16 other states that are also state-based exchanges like us. new york, washington, connecticut. they're doing a good job. but in air year or two welcome people in states like texas or florida want what california has, insured people getting good coverage that's affordable. >> quickly, if the national website did you want get fixed in a timely way, can -- i mean, we're dependent on that, aren't we? >> absolutely not. for people that need to enroll in coverage in california, we're not using the federal website at all. instead, we actually do a checkup against the irs, the federal hub. so covered california at covered, we do not use were link or depend on a different website. we do, though, ping against the irs and this is an example of what the federal government works really well. three seconds we confirm paem's
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income against the irs system and that's working every day. >> i'm sure people are happy to hear the irs is working well. executive director of covered california, thanks so much. >> thanks, scott. thanks for having me with you. and now, recent confrontations between police and suspects captured on camera have raised questions about the impact of video on policing. a warning, some of these images are graphic. this video was taken with a cell phone by an onlooker and has led showing the arrest of dj williams for riding his bike on the sidewalk near a housing complex in san francisco's mission district. several fights also broke out between officers and other residents at the complex. demonstrators on tuesday, accused the police of brutality. the clashes one in a series of recent law enforcement incidents sparking debate about police practices and c7u relations wi communities of color.
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joining me now for analysis are -- chuck media, san francisco chronicle columnist and judge coko cordell, the independent police auditor for san jose. frank williams, dj's stepfather did an exclusive television interview with me and shared his reaction. >> son on doing thinking wrong. for him of the been beaten the way he was beaten where you have flesh off your face and the other young men who had flesh off their heads and scars on their bodies, it's just -- it's just doesn't make any sense. the first thing he said to me when we picked him up at quarter to 5:00 in the morning, dad, why did this happen to me? i don't understand this. i'm confused. you know? i said don't worry about it. i just -- he said i don't care about it. all i want to know is why did this happen?
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it's injustice has got to stop. to stop. >> now, chuck, i know you've been covering this story. your reaction to mr. williams' statement? >> i think it's a textbook example of why we need video came cameras. everybody is asking for answers and stories vary wide wildly. the police say they reached for him and he bit them. if we had video of that that might put things into context. when you see someone leaving the scene with bloodstreaming down their face, the police look teenage terrible. they may have made a mistake. thrice incidents on the video that look way i way out of hand but the point is we didn't see it from the beginning. if we had a video camera we could see it. >> the san francisco police department in two weeks is starting a pilot program using cameras giving them to plain clothed officer who is go out in the community and serve warrants and such. judge cordell, you're a former
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judge and now you oversee and audit complaints for police misconduct in san jose. how have cameras -- there are so many of them out there now, how have cameras changed police practices? >> well, cell phones have changed policing forever. all across this country and around the world. anybody with a cell phone can videotape police. so it is absolutely appropriate, timely and in fact, long overdue that police officers should be required to wear body-worn cameras so any interactions 2007 officers and the members of the public are recorded. so it's critical, though, i know the san francisco's going to do a pilot as you said and have 50 cameras. but it doesn't mean a thing unless there's a protocol in place right now, before they buy the first camera, that says, here's how when the cameras is to be turned on. here's when it's to be turned off. here's who has access to the data. here's how long the data will be stored. all of those issues should be flashed out and made rules and
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made public. the public should know. >> here's the problem with cell phone cameras is that the police say nobody takes their cell phone out until punches start to fly. so what they're saying is what greg said the other day, this video. >> from the police. >> he said this video that you're seeing now started at halftime. after the things really got going and that's typical. who would video something if there was no action going on? >> the advantage of a video with the police is a body video is it starts when the contact starts. >> so if these cameras can provide that kind of objective context, why don't police departments have them? is there resistance from the offices? are they too expensive? >> all systems resist change. they resist change because we want things that are predictable so when you introduce something new you get resistance but i'll tell you that resistance is melting away quickly. i think you've -- you'd agree there are police officers that are buying their own cameras because they want to have the
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protection it affords them and it aaffords accountability as well. so i think young officers, older officers and everybody is saying, get me a camera. i really think it's very, very important. times have changed. >> the irony is that five years ago we were doing crime camerasy san francisco. we spent a million dollars to mount cameras in crime areas and there were so many concerns about privacy they reduced the cameras and they made them immobile and you couldn't look at them and they were virtually useless and technology has gone so fast past all of those things, store fronts have cameras. and now cameras are so small they can be mounted on the bill of a cab and now we have to deal with this. so in five years we've had a big change in how we use video. >> do the cameras make a difference in how the officers, behave and the people and the public? >> absolutely. the cameras do serve things. they hold officers accountable and members of the public accountable and protect officers from bogus complaints and people do that.
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and they also protect the public so when they make77áe complaint and it's valid and captured on camera you won't have a city say we're going to trial. you'll settle these complaints that there are claims that are made they'll settle them and they'll save money. it's a win-win. >> do they help to de-escalate situations? you say, i'm wearing a camera, a potential suspect, does it help? >> the cameras are an people get no a confrontation and tensions rise. i taked to a b.a.r.t. policeman. >> they have cameras at b.a.r.t.? >> all b.a.r.t. patrolmen have cameras and they use the same system san francisco does and it was a policewoman and she said she's had opportunities where she said to people, you realize i'm recording this. and the level of aggression went way down. >> and, in fact, there was a study done in the city of realto ind)ñ san bernardino county ande numbers are telling.
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one half of the officers wearing the cameras over a period of a year, the department had an 88% decline in complaints filed against officers. and officers used force in nearly 60% less often. what i wanted to pose to you, judge, is what does this case, the oscar grant case. the b.a.r.t. officer shooting there, the lopez case in santa rosa. the kid who was shot dead while holding a fake rifle. what do all of these cases tell us about community relations between law enforcement and the public? and does the public have a responsibility in how they engage? >> these two parts. one is what does it say, the general statement that the police are out of control? my answer is, no. you have to look city by city and relations between community and police in different cities are different. so i don't think you can make a generalization. but you raise a good point about what are the responsibilities of members of the public? so when i talk to people about
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that, i always say and it's very easy to remember. don't be a rat. r.a.t. don't run from a police officer. that's a crime evading. don't argue, it can only get worse. and never touch a police officer because that's a crime. it could be assault, it could be resisting. it could be obstruction. so we have responsibilities as members of the public and i looked at that video, i don't know how many of those people who were getting into it with the police knew those were police officers but if they did there were problems on their part as well. >> and frank williams, d.j. williams' stepfather told me he feels that san francisco has a good police department. he just feels there's some bad apples and that needs to be investigated. he did meet with attorneyen. >> burr john burriss and i thin there maybe a lawsuit. thank you both. as thanksgiving approaches a bay you're engine of innovation
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is tackling the topic of food from farm to stage. the repertoire theater challenges what we eat and why. the recipe for an appealing play, it begins with research in the field. >> her grandfather and generations before him were farmers but he's never tilled soil for harvested crop. he's a play wright from san francisco and he's come to a small farm to do research. >> i wanted to write a story about a farmer who's in despair at the failure of his crops. i came to this farm to interview one of;ikz its founders. i was intrigued with the struggles he's had over the last 15 years. >> alexis invested her life savings in these 54 acres to raise chickens in an environmentally-friendly fashion. >> we have a chicken and epg
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business existed for seven years. at any given time during our normal products we would have 10,000 chickens on this farm. >> at the height of her operation she had poultry and eggs to top bay area restaurants but like many farmers her family-run enterprise was vulnerable. >> i wanted to know why the chicken business part of your farm was shut down. >> the big reason we shut down the farm was because of the drought in the midwest. we were paying 14 to $15,000 a month in chicken feed. grain prices were going to escalate. >> she said the farm commanded top prices at $8 for a dozen eggs and $25 to $30 for a whole chicken. >> i knew if i raised our prices we were going to lose a lot of customers so without raising our prices, there was no way to cover those increased costs in feed. >> she had to give up her chicken business. she's now looking for another way to keep her farm afloat.
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>> it's very crushing and suggests to me this is an example of how failure the be really total for some farmers who feel so alone. in their battles with business and nature at the same time. i'm always intrigued with the stories of darkness and despair and distress. and it also taps into my own fears. >> so he's one of 18 writers commissioned by the berkeley repertoire theater to explore the theme of food. they're holding a workshop on this day and their artistic director envisions a series of short plays performed over several days. >> food is connected to memory, desire, what we love and hate about ourselves. and it's a deep topic. and it's a personal topic and we thought, this feels like a different way to approach issues. you know? when you approach topics politically, they easily become
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didactic or deductive around you turn people off. that berkeley rat. political theater, boring, horrible! i'm not -- not my responsibility. i'm not guilty. >> the play wrights are carving out their individual styles and approach and the different plays grapple with a range of ideas from fad diets to the experience of migrant farmer weekers. >> obviously, you kb÷ the pieces of art are meant to entertain. they're also meant to educate and inform and inspire but certainly, as artists, we engage in this project because we want to learn something. >> ready to bake a cake? >> i'm ready. >> the research of another san francisco playwright lauren gunnederson is sweetened with family history. she's working with her sister, a pastry chef to learn how to make coconut cake, a recipe used by three generations. first by her grandmother and now by her sister. >> if butter and sugar, that's the best part. >> the hero ofy-zñ the play is
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really, examining the assumed position of women in the kitchen. what does that cake mean? do we pour in our hope into it? our sorrows? our issues? our familialial issues? i envision one element staying the same throughout time. and i thought, something that seems very feminine is a nicely decorated cake. and so if the cake stays and the women change and the time changes, what does that say dramatically about where women are and where we were and what we retain of ourselves and we progress? >> her grandmother grew up in a time when store-bought cakes were a luxury. like it or not she had to bake. gunnederson's mere worked a full-time job that left little time for baking. >> i feel a lot differently about baking that you know our mother and grandmother. i think it was a stressful thing for them but necessary for
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celebrations. i don't know. i just love it. i love the science to it and the creativity to it. that's really what this play is. very significant moments in mother and daughter relationships through four generations of one family. >> just as the play is woven with family history, salis' research doesn't feed just his writing. he's learning to inform another more perch endeavor, he and his wife want to start a farm on land they bought in oregon. >> i wanted to tell a story about someone who's like me, who's never farmed before who tries it and fails and fails again and fails again. i don't know what it is that i want my audience to get from the play just yet because the play is still in the fetal form, if you will. but what i want the audience to get from the entire event is a greater understanding that the things they're putting in their mouth are laiden with the labors
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of so many people. >>. every play we do we try to accept responsibility for creating a dialogue with our audience so that we discover something, even if it's something private. something entirely emotional. but there's some relationship to the topic that you have that's taking you on a journey. >> like the play wright, the journey plb hands on for audiences as well. the final event will feature not just plays but also, meals and audience participation. and the berkeley rep is looking at fall of next year as a possible premiere date. time now to check in with scott schafer for more of this week's news and also, what's coming up ahead. hello. >> hi there. >> so it seems like let's go back to peter lee and your interview regarding covered california pchl it seems like their decision lives some people out in the cold? >> it does. it was a tough call like peter lee. it was the best of the bad
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options. there's like 900,000 californians that got cancellations and half of them will get better coverage so that's not bad and another 300,000 or so who will pay more and get roughly the same coverage and that's not a great deal. what they did do to help them is push back the deadline so that the money won't be due until january 5th so they get one more paycheck to help pay that. no we, there's some losers in this. >> and california is now one of seven states that have said to president obama, thanks but no thanks, we're not going to extend the cancelled policies. are you seeing any kind of pattern as to how states are making these zegs? >> absolutely. the states like california that said, no thanks, are the states that support the affordable care act primarily with democratic governors and they feel that they have their own exchanges that are going well. it's the states like florida. other states where they're opposing obama care and there's maybe a sense that they want to created a little more confusion and have more people in the marketplace in those states that don't have insurance and don't
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know where to turn in the hopes, perhaps, of undermining the whole law so california is not in that situation but there are other states that are. >> let's take a look now at a local issue affecting a lot of people. the whole b.a.r.t. situation is so confusing because b.a.r.t.'s board approved a contract but not the whole thing. >> not the whole thing. they don't want the pay for this six weeks of paid family leave and so they said we'll athe contract except for that part and the union says, you can't do that. that's not legal. they're considering their options. they may sue but it's not a good situation. b.a.r.t. doesn't look good and management doesn't look good and i think anybody wants a strike so i don't think we'll see that but how it plays out we'll follow but no one knows. >> something that does look good, the state budget. a surplus? >> a surplus of several billion dollars. there's pressure on the governor to spend more money but he's being very cautious. he's saying, you know what? we have to -- these are one-time funds for things like money from
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income tax on shares of like facebook stock and google stock. we don't want to spend that on ongoing things. we want to use it for one-time things like roads and buildings. and so we'll see. governor davis before him got a lot of pressure during the dot com boom but it didn't work out well so i think governor jerry brown is going to avoid may. >> and president obama in town now? >> he'll be in town next week and he'll be in china town. he'll be there talkingbility immigration reform and we'll be following that as well. >> lots to cover. thank you very much, scott. >> you bet 123450 for all of our news coverage, go to kqed >> send your comments and story ideas to our newsroom at i'm scott schafer. thanks for joining us. we'll be off next week for thanksgiving and we want to wish all of you a happy holiday. from all of us here, good night.
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the following kqed production was produced in high definition. ♪ calories, calories, calories! >> wow, it rocked my world! >> it just kind of reminded me of boot camp. >> i don't know what you had, but this is great! >> it almost felt like sort of country club food to me. >> don't touch it. it's hot! >> i gotta tell you, you people are getting me all excited with all these dishe


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