tv BBC World News PBS March 11, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> this is "bbc world news." >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newman's own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, charles schwab, and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship managers work hard to know your business, offering specialized solutions and capital to help you meet your growth objectives. we offer expertise and tailored
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solutions for small businesses and major corporations. what can we do for you? >> and now, "bbc world news." >> this is bbc world news america, reporting from washington. the mystery surrounding malaysia airlines flight 370 deepens -- four days after going missing, there is evidence the plane changed course. the young victims of the syrian crisis -- a new report warns millions of children could be come part of a left generation. catwalk to computer coding -- this model is breaking down stereotypes by proving programming can be chic.
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>> welcome to our viewers on public television in america and around the globe. reports ofere are the malaysia airlines flight that went missing for days ago veered hundreds of miles off it original course. the last contact with the plane between malaysia and vietnam, planelitary says the started to turn around that may have flown across the malay peninsula. are trying to piece together what happened and find any wreckage. in a moment, we will have the assessment of a former pilot, but first out we have this report from kuala lumpur. >> dozens of planes and maps. but no wreckage. they have been scanning the seas for four days. now they are being forced to consider an extra great possibility -- that the airline
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deviated hundreds of miles off course without being detected. the search area has been doubled. -- mystery has been solved the identities of the two men traveling on stolen passports, boast of them in radiance, have been disclosed. any links to terrorism have been dismissed. >> in the last 24 hours, you see the story changing as the belief that thesee certain individuals were probably not terrorists. >> mohamed is a young iranian living in kuala lumpur. he has asked to keep his identity hidden. one of the men, and old school friend, came to stay with him. they were heading to europe to seek asylum. he helped them print out their tickets. >> we printed the ticket and after that, i see that ticket and i say this is not your name. i have another passport.
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after that, i did not want to continue, i just said ok. >> so if there was anything in his mind, he did not have anything to do it play and disappearance. >> he was looking for freedom. he was looking for a better life. he wanted to live in freedom. >> so all of those fears of the stolen passport that could have perhaps been used by terrorism ordinaryd here, in an kuala lumpur suburb and with a simple tale of young men from a troubled country in search of something better. >> for more on the search for the missing flight, i spoke with a retired pilot who flew with american airlines for nearly three decades. i asked him what he made of
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reports that the plane had turned well of course. >> we have gotten so many conflicting reports. if you remember, until this afternoon, we were talking about an airline that fell off the radar just before it entered vietnamese airspace. it turns out they did not just fall off the radar, the transponders fell off the radar and the aircraft continued to fly for another hour in another direction. i am concerned about the veracity of the information we are getting. are we getting the straight skinny? if we are, there are a lot of conflicts in why we are being told so little, so late and so inaccurate he -- in accurately. >> would you ever personally turn off the transponder that enables a plane to be tracked? >> absolutely not. measure soafety people on the ground know exactly what you're plane is doing and the herd and details those transponders would give
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you. i would not voluntarily turn off a transponder. andf the plane did a u-turn headed west, would it surprise you that air traffic controllers were not going crazy and radar eight and -- radioing the plane and raising the alarm? >> that's a very good question and something that has been troubling me since they said that. air traffic controllers keep tabs on the airplanes from minute to minute, from one point to the next point. if they are not unable -- if they are unable to communicate with the airplane and it does not have transponder information, they have to be going crazy on the ground try to use whatever techniques they can to correspond with the airplane itself. i have not heard anything from air traffic controllers, no complaints that have come through. granted, for whatever reason, we are dealing with whatever sketchy information they are willing to share with us, and i am not pleased with the fact we are not getting enough of it. >> let's say there was a mechanical failure and you are flying this plane headed north
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anl stop would there be opportunity to land somewhere between turning back, flying into malaysia and then going into the water? >> if that happened, and i think that is remote as a possibility, i would want to backtrack on the route i used to get to where i was an flight back to the airport. but i would have been on the radio, trying to reach someone and let them know what was going on. total electrical failure would suggest all of your radios are god. but there is one radio that is same electrical sources. it has a smaller range but it could be used to radio the ground. i just feel like we have so little definite information we can go to the bank on that we are shooting at all kinds of things and coming up with all kinds of theories and not enough concrete information to pass on
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to the public. so much for joining us. a retired american airlines pilot. the search for the missing plane continues. in syria, five point 5 million children have been affected by the country's civil war. according to a unicef report, at least 10,000 children have been killed in the conflict. the u.n. children's fund wants an immediate end to the fighting. a whole generation could be lost. hundreds of thousands of syrian children are growing up in refugee camps. here in lebanon, there is a permanent refugee population. a generation spending childhood in squalor and deprivation. refugees are just one aspect. a series ofts holler -- a series of horrifying statistics. a million children are refugees and foreign countries and 3
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million have lost their homes within syria home a some 3 million have had their educations disrupted. another million children are cut off, under siege, unable to get humanitarian aid and there are oforts of 2 million encountering a psychological trauma. the unicef school is a taste of the normal life they have lost. young children work to support their families. get nine-year-old used to potatoes -- four dollars for a days work. it is tiring, she says, she would like to go home to syria. for the past year and a half has been this tent shared with 13 brothers and sisters. the father says he had to send his children out to work. forbody had to bring bread the family. it is a tragedy. children grow up too
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fast. she was married off at age 13 because her parents were destitute. she was badly beaten and returned home. she once dreamed of becoming a lawyer. have no more dreams, she says, no more ambitions. my life has changed. nothing will ever be the same. inside syria, conditions are often far worse than in the refugee camps. the civil is entering its fourth year. unicef says children cannot afford another year ike the one just past. >> still no end in sight to the fighting in syria and the plight of syria's children. the members one of of the senate said she had grave concerns about recent actions by the central intelligence agency.
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senator dianne feinstein accused the cia of spying on congress. she said the agency searched a computer being used by congressional staff members for a report on the cia's detention program. it's a move that would violate federal law. a short time later, a member of the cia said senate computers were not hacked. now tooing to speak intelligence correspondent from the "wall street journal." why is this being played out in public when it is a war about secret intelligence? >> that's a very good question. we started to see hints of this over the last couple of months in questions from lawmakers from the senate intelligence committees at public hearings. they started hinting at these kinds of things and the fact has kind of dribbled out over the last week or so in media reports it andre still dribbling
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it's a murky picture but we are starting to get a better sense of it today. >> what happens next? >> i think what we need to figure out is the charges over the searches of the computers, a central question is who owns the computers being searched and what is the nature of this search? senator feinstein says these are committee computers and the cia was searching the computers themselves. theye cia side, they say are cia computers and it was just audit logs being searched. we have conflicting accounts that will need to be resolved somehow and the justice department is looking at arguments through parallel inquiries. at some point, it will get resolved, but it's not clear how quickly. this not lead to one branch of government suing
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another? >> not suing, so much, but essentially the conflicts we are seeing now is a proxy battle of this larger war going on between the committee and the cia over this on commercial report. the senate feels its account is cia feels thehe account has a lot of inaccuracies. as we have gotten closer to an account of the report getting declassified, we're starting to see it with some legacy issues with the cia. >> if they are worried about the reach of their intelligence services, it's not very reassuring, is it? it is hard to get your arms of the spyingure
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because this was an expensive search. for its own use, it's private use, so to speak. was another account, it audit log with detailed usage after it was asked -- after was suspected some documents were taken off the network. you're going to have to see how the justice department mediates these. like thank you so much for joining us. japan, they are marking the third anniversary of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that triggered the nuclear incident at fukushima. rupert wingfield-hayes has extensively covered the aftermath will stop tonight, she has this report from fukushima.
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>> this is the dead zone. in the little towns around the fukushima nuclear plant, time stand still. lies unrepaired, but what happened to the people who once lived here? forced to flee the radiation, forced to abandon all they own. >> three years after the disaster, there are some very serious questions about the aftermath that need to be answered. first, has the threat of radiation been overstated? by the media and anti-nuclear campaigners? second, is the fear of radiation actually turning out to be much more lethal than the radiation itself? clinic, a boy is having his high roi gland examined. his mother is scared.
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children were diagnosed many years after the disaster. children may be fine now, but if there is any risk, i want to find out as soon as possible. >> experts say fukushima cannot be compared to chernobyl. the cases discovered so far are not connected to the nuclear disaster. >> the radiation released from fukushima was much less than chernobyl. children here got a much smaller dose. but once you start using sensitive equipment to check for thyroid cancer, you will find were cases. that's why we are seeing an increase, not because of the disaster. >> they've fukushima disaster is taking light. she's come to pray at her
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father's grave. he was forced to abandon his farm and animals. within two years, he was dead. power companies for their death. they took his dreams and hopes, they took his land and scattered his family far from home. nothing will ever bring those back. >> no one has died from radiation and fukushima. unable to return home and rebuild their lives, a growing number of evacuations are dying. -- evan vacuum ease are dying. from suicide and losing the will to leave -- losing the will to live. >> you are watching "bbc world news america." still to come, economic uncertainty rising in argentina and store the demonstrations. it now means former supporters are part of the protest.
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spain has been marking the 10th anniversary of the madrid train bombing. the worst terror attack in spanish history. our correspondent is in the capital with this report. it felt like the normal daily commute. but this morning was not. 10 years ago was a day in madrid like no other. placed on packed commuter trains during the morning rush hour. one hundred 91 people died. more than 1800 were injured. today, at the scene of one of the attacks, they remembered. flowers, and a balloon for each person killed. this woman lost her 34-year-old son.
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they had taken their lives and destroyed us forever. was ay respects, today show of unity in spain, a moment of common grief. but in the days following the attacks, the country was let. the government insisted for three days that the vast militant group that so was responsible and there is strong evidence to suggest islamic extremists were to blame. surrounded by police, the seven alledge and al qaeda regulators blew themselves up in a flat three weeks later. on, it was not the time to debate.
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>> in argentina, inflation is running up 40%. a series of strikes and demonstrations are planned. >> to them, he's -- she is the mother of the nation. the working class love her popular rhetoric, but that country is facing more economic uncertainty. the president is under pressure. she's promising more social spending and a bigger role for a state that has nationalized airlines and oil companies. iswe have shown the state more efficient or just as efficient as the private sector or her when it comes to managing the economy. >> be on the city, there is another argentina.
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in the pampa, they are increasingly at odds with the president and lena saris. >> there has been a national conflict with the state taking more and more of what we make says this man. this government woman now regards us as the emmy. -- as the enemy. reservestting foreign means the government relies heavily on taxing farms and property. with inflation rising, ministers accuse producers of holding onto stock and driving up rises. controls, currency and ugly street protests. it is a a jurist domino effect. is being assailed from all sides. these people would normally be
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her supporters, working-class oculus from outside latest areas. but they are fed up with rocketing electricity prices and the high rate of inflation decimating their meager salaries. >> giving into these demands would be a mistake. government, what it is trying to do is basically have the salaries increase less than inflation. we are going to have a time of social tension. >> the president is popular among the growing urban poor, but she supports many programs al stop this is the latest in succession of argentine governments overseeing the decline of a once great nation. >> let's face it -- if someone told you they dreamt in computer
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code, you would be surprised if that was also a victoria's secret model. here is her story. >> i'm a model some actress and computer programmer. i worked with product to medici, louis we times and the victoria's secret show. it is a type of acting, definitely. i like to travel and go on set and have fun. i have been programming longer than i have been modeling. a couple of years ago, i started making apps and until -- i had a couple of apps in the app store. the matchmaker app. the main part is when you turn on the matchmaker, it will let me know when there is someone nearby who is compatible. walk down the street and you could be passing by the perfect person and would never know. with this app, it will let me know.
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a good place to get out of my apartment. when i'm doing it, i zone out. up really late working on coding and sometimes i dream in code. coding experiences were in middle school. i realized i could make games on my graphing calculator. i was probably the only one doing it. maybe some boys were doing it. growing up, i was not considered beautiful and i was not popular at all. it brings me flashbacks. i think people put too much stock in beauty and there are some people who may be programming and other things that are not getting the attention they deserve because they are not a victoria's secret model.
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[inaudible] programmer be a customer why can't a girl like me be a programmer? why can't everybody learn how to code? why if i'm a programmer does that mean i'm a geek? people don't believe someone like me could use lower-level languages or make robots or do the other things i've done in my programming. it's strange because i'm around pretty girls all the time and a lot of them are intelligent young ladies. if i start talking, i'm like let's get back to work. >> the model and app designer,
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mindy scott. abring today's program to close. thank you for watching and please tune in tomorrow. >> make sense of international news at >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newman's own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, and union bank. >> for nearly 150 years, we have believed that the commercial bank owes its clients strength, stability, security. we believe in keeping lending
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captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions >> ifill: there were reports today a missing malaysian jetliner might have veered far off course at the time it disappeared, adding to confusion over what became of the plane, and the 239 people on board. good evening, i'm gwen ifill. >> woodruff: and i'm judy woodruff. also ahead this tuesday, crimea took further steps today to plot out its break-up with ukraine, while parts of eastern europe, wary of moscow's next moves, showed off their military ties to the u.s. >> ifill: plus, the brutally cold winter hit the midwest especially hard. we venture out to witness a rare sight: the great lakes encased
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